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Impale in a Prot build at 80?Follow

#1 Oct 06 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
422 posts
So out of all of my toons, I think I'm most excited to play my Prot warrior in WotLK. Almost all of my complaints have been addressed, and the buffs to our damage just sound too good to be true. Seeing as how we're going to be rolling with some halfway decent crit rates on our core tanking abilities, and how threat is going to be largely determined by the damage we do as opposed to the current "high threat" abilities, I was thinking that Impale might actually fit in pretty well to a build like this.

Keep in mind that I'm not in the beta, so I could be totally missing the mark. What do you guys think? Feel free to comment/flame away.

#2 Oct 06 2008 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I could see your build possibly working, but from the talents, my natural inclination was to get more block value with the talents Gag order giving 10% more damage to shield slam, Shield Mastery giving you 30% more block value, Critical Block increasing the amount you block and the critical strike chance of shield slam, Damage shield hurting based on your block value, and sword and board giving you a free use of shield slam.

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 5:27pm by Moeisha
#3 Oct 06 2008 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
That's nice, but with our (prot warrior) low damage output/crit rating (Especially since you're at 4/5 on cruelity)... I'd prolly pass on that. Just IMO... I'm NO number cruncher, but just looking at the 1st tier of Fury looks hot!!!

Armed to the Teeth.3 attack per 180 armor value you have. Since Tanks should have the best armor value (and a talent to boost it more) I think that'd boil down to more dps'ing in the long run.

Imp Revenge?? That talent is basically useless before and after WotLK lol. Unless the new raid bosses are not immune to stun... even then you may be rage starved (like pre-WotLK). I tested that talent out... mid instance I hearthed and respec'd... lack of rage on trash mobs was killing me.

Imp charge? The last time I really used charge was in ST lol. Sure in ZA you charge the scout, but you don't use it often enough to merit 2 points IMO

Here's what I came up with, did not really go into detail with it, but I think it pretty good.
talent tree

-Again Armed to the teeth: Tanks = high armor value = most benifited from this IMO

-Damage shield: High block value = more DPS'ing

Those just caught my eye lol.

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 5:33pm by GYFFORD
#4 Oct 06 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Deep Wounds is actually rediculous, and Armored to the Teeth is amazing for Prot Warriors.

My current L80 Prot build looks more like this. Deep Wounds is effectively ~50% weapon damage on a crit. Deep Wounds is currently stacking like Ignite does, so if you crit once it'll tick for (say) 100/tick, and then if you crit again it'll start ticking for 200/tick until six seconds after the first one, where it'll revert to 100/tick.
#5 Oct 06 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
RP you'd give up the 1% dodge from anticipation for a little extra bleed damage off a your (1 hand) weapons average damage??? Deep Wounds looks like the same talent I have on my Arms Warrior that uses a 2H weapon (higher average damage) and honestly the output is not that great lol, I'd hate to see the return off a 1 hander, I'm thinking in the ballpark of Romulo's trinket poison effect lol. 1% dodge don't sound like a lot, but I think you'd miss it lol.

Again, no number cruncher, but that don't sit well with me. =D

*edit* oops did not see you said it stacks. Still 1 hand weapon damage. Not sure. Have to see the spreadsheet on it lol

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 5:54pm by GYFFORD
#6 Oct 06 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
To put it into perspective, each time I crit Deep Wounds deals ~600 extra damage without any raid buffs, using a fast weapon (more if I used a slow one). Add in Trauma (+30%) and AP boosts and it's considerably more, plus with Feral Druids, MotW, BoK, horn of Winter/Totems and HotC or similar you gain 11% crit fully raid-buffed.

It's well worth taking. If I was going to drop my damage down (not unreasonable, given that Prot TPS is off the wall) I'd reconsider it, but I'd probably just drop the points out of AttT instead, good as it is. Deep Wounds is just ridiculous.
#7 Oct 06 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Ah thanks RP for clearing that up. Like I said I have not really looked to far into our talents for WotLK. I can only go by our current Deep Wounds that I'm using... it's nice, but not very effective even with a 2h weapon, keeping it on the mob almost throughout the fight. It does sound very nice.... might bump the tanks from the spot above the healers to top of the dps charts XD We can hope.

For Trauma... don't you need to be a bit more down the Arms tree to get that? The description looks like it's not a universal melee buff on the mob (unlike Blood Frenzy is), just a individual buff for the one with the Talent?

Yes, I'm Arms atm, but I'm thinking about going back to tanking after WotLK comes out. ;)

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 7:16pm by GYFFORD
#8 Oct 07 2008 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Thanks RP. I had considered taking Deep Wounds, but I didn't realized that it would stack and I felt I had to give up some pretty nice stuff in prot to get it. And I don't know how to explain the brain fart I had in not picking up AttT. The build you posted is definitely tempting. I can't wait to try it out.

#9 Oct 07 2008 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Imp Revenge?? That talent is basically useless before and after WotLK lol. Unless the new raid bosses are not immune to stun... even then you may be rage starved (like pre-WotLK). I tested that talent out... mid instance I hearthed and respec'd... lack of rage on trash mobs was killing me.

Revenge Damage is sky high right now. I've been getting 2.5k crits with it. Imp revenge is more than just stun, it's 20% more damage too. Put on DPS gear instead of raid gear.

The changes to prot wars is phenomenal, with prot doing actual DPS numbers while tanking. I'm totally stoked about leveling my war in wotlk.
#10 Oct 07 2008 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
devioususer wrote:
Imp Revenge?? That talent is basically useless before and after WotLK lol. Unless the new raid bosses are not immune to stun... even then you may be rage starved (like pre-WotLK). I tested that talent out... mid instance I hearthed and respec'd... lack of rage on trash mobs was killing me.

Revenge Damage is sky high right now. I've been getting 2.5k crits with it. Imp revenge is more than just stun, it's 20% more damage too. Put on DPS gear instead of raid gear.

The changes to prot wars is phenomenal, with prot doing actual DPS numbers while tanking. I'm totally stoked about leveling my war in wotlk.

Hmmm, with shield block proc'ing Revenge, the extra damage would be hot. I'm just thinking in terms of that stun :/ Great for PvP, but horrible for PvE.... unless they did something with the rage mechanics in WotLK?!?! /pray. Which I doubt =(

Now keep in mind my example was me taking a regular heroic, we had full CC. In heroics I always played it safe instead of just running thru it. I was stunning my rage giver 80% of the fight lol, my rage was in the negitive numbers O.~
#11 Oct 07 2008 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
Rage when tanking really isn't much of an issue anymore, and the damage boost on Imp. Revenge makes it well worth picking up.
#12 Oct 12 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Imp. Revenge only improves base damage, so it doesn't really scale. It's a waste of points imo.
#13 Oct 13 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Imp. Revenge only improves base damage, so it doesn't really scale. It's a waste of points imo.


20% more damage.


Do you mean that Revenge doesn't scale? Go here and see that AP affects Revenge damage. AP * 0.207.

So, given two different scenario's, one the AP difference, two the Imp revenge difference.

1500 AP. That's (310 + ~950) * 1.2 (Imp revenge) * 0.9 (defensive stance) * 1.1 (imp defensive stance) = 1497 base damage.
600 AP. That's (124 + ~950) * 1.2 * 0.9 * 1.1 (1.188 total modifier) = 1253 damage

1500 AP. (310 + ~950) * 0.9 * 1.1 = 1247 damage
600 AP. (124 + ~950) * 0.9 * 1.1 (0.99 modifier) = 1063 damage

You'll see that it does scale. 1497 - 1247 = 250 increase in damage with the talent for 1500 ap, and 1253 - 1063 = 190 increase to damage in the 600 ap range.

AP and Imp revenge scale your revenge damage. Think of Imp Revenge as Impale for Revenge, that works even when you don't crit.

Edited, Oct 13th 2008 10:47am by devioususer
#14 Oct 13 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
His statement implies that the Improved Revenge talent only functions on the base (855-1045) and not the scaled (0.207*AP) portion of Revenge damage.

As an example:
Math Sidebar 
Scenario (A) shows Revenge at low AP, and (B) at relatively high AP. 
(A1) and (B1) show the effect of Improved Revenge if the 20% dmg affects across the board. 
(A2) and (B2) show the effect of Improved Revenge if the 20% dmg only affects "base damage." 
Revenge does [855 + AP * 0.207] to [1045 + AP * 0.207] damage at Rank 8. 
I used 950 as base dmg, because it's the mean of the range [855-1045]. 
Untalented Revenge 
(A) 950 + (0.207 * 300) = 1012 damage 
(B) 950 + (0.207 * 2000) = 1364 damage 
Improved Revenge #1 (assuming it scales with AP) 
(A1) 1.2 * [950 + (0.207 * 300)] = 1215 damage (+203 dmg) 
(B1) 1.2 * [950 + (0.207 * 2000)] = 1637 damage (+273 dmg) 
Improved Revenge #2 (assuming it "only affects the base damage") 
(A2) (1.2 * 950) + (0.207 * 300) = 1202 damage (+190 dmg) 
(B2) (1.2 * 950) + (0.207 * 2000) = 1554 damage (+190 dmg)

If MyNameisNicky is right, then it would mean that Improved Revenge wouldn't scale with improved gear, instead adding a flat 171-209 damage at any AP level. Either way, it's a pretty good increase in damage and threat per rage for Revenge.

That being said, the Improved Revenge tooltip says "Increases the damage of your Revenge ability by 20% and gives a 50% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds." It doesn't say anything about base damage. So what was your source, Nicky?
#15REDACTED, Posted: Oct 16 2008 at 2:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ehm...
#16 Oct 16 2008 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
geotank wrote:
Why impale ? Whats so special about it? If and when you get a critter you ll add a bonus damage... not so cool
I would probably take that talent in case the criters had a chance of 20+ % to accur. But since I m 95% of my time to defensive stance I ll probably wont have so many critters.

I m not saying that the ability is crap or anything since I ll too experiment on the talents myself but in order to get the talent you ll have to sucrifice at least 10 points to see the effect of the impale..

Um, what are you talking about?

Impale is 20% more crit damage when you crit, which means more threat for you. Since we now have talents in prot to increase the crit chance of Shield Slam, Devastate , Thunder Clap, Heroic Strike, and Cleave, Impale can mean lots more threat.

geotank wrote:
I m most definitelly going to spend those (Not protection) points in armored to the teeth talent if i want a steady increase in threat..

At 80 you can get AttT too, as shown in the build that RPZip originally linked.

geotank wrote:
Keep in mind that warriors are not dps class and will not be one being in protection tree...
Keep in mind that the real reason we see a slight increase in dps is beacuse all other dps classes have increased their dps..(much more than warr)

Well that's not accurate. Tanks have increased their DPS considerably in 3.0 (in the 2x+ range). My AP in my tank gear doubled as a result of the patch. A lot more of their threat is based off of DPS that they do instead of abilities that were previously classified as "High Threat" abilities. Yes we still get a modifier in defensive stance, but we're making up for the lack of Blessing of Salvation by doing more damage, which causes more threat.
#17 Oct 16 2008 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Its very viable. The prot tree got buffed so much I now consider us a hybrid class. Tank and dps. I did a heroic ramps yesterday, and I was also number one in dps and overall dmg done. (Did bout 850dps, and my tank gear is from kara cept for 1 badge piece, full badge would be alot higher) The pty was a newer 70 group, but the dps I could do was amazing. Also elitist jerks have been runnin some tests, and at lv 80 we have a fair amount of crit also. They came down to if you have 25% crit, get impale, the dps/threat went up. If only about 20% crit, get cruelty. will be my build come lv 80. Imp charge, cause now it is usable in combat, I use it alot. Imp revenge because Im doing 2k crits with it, and I spam revenge w/e its up because a glyph gives me a free heroic strike right after. Thats free threat and dps there. I dont care about the stun on revenge, its the 20% damage bonus.

Have to go with damage shield also, thats our consecrate. Excellent for aoe control, but they have to be infront of you from what I noticed to proc, but you want them infront of you anyways for shockwave. Im not going for spell dmg reduction, or the taunt reset or better intervene because our tps is amazing now. For pulling I shoot the mob, run back, when its where I want to tank it I charge in, while using bloodrage, thunderclap, shield slam him, then shockwave, soon as shockwave wears I put up shield block. Tons of threat, and very low dmg taken. (stunned for 4 sec from shockwave then shield block is 115% block for 10secs).

Also made a few macros, when I charge i also use bloodrage at same time (not on same cooldown) and the 2nd is /cast revenge /cast heroic strike, because my glyph gives me a free HS when revenge is used as I said earlier.

Imp defensive stance is nice cause of the guaranteed 10% dmg bonus after you dodge block or parry, so its constantly up, and I cant say no to more threat and dps. Also mitigation from spells.

I thought prot warr was great before patch, and I heard with this patch it was great, didnt think it would be this good though! Could do peak 1k tps b4 patch, now 2k easily, and my gf is a lock, she able to dot multiple mobs and seed of corruption anytime she wants without pulling hate now.

And from all the crits we get, seems shield slam crits everytime I use it, and is constantly refreshed from devastate and revenge. Crits are doing 2k dmg (and my SBV is very low), doin another 400+ dmg with it is alot of threat.

But my ramblings done, please feel free to discuss my build, and if you see anything that should be switched out let me know, but Im gonna give it a shot at lv 80.

(Just realized older thread got nercro'd, so doesnt really apply anymore since patch went live)
#18 Oct 16 2008 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default

Well if those criters pop really fast then impale and deep wounds seem very-very nice talents (for prot) to have.. almost as must have talents...

Warriors being 1st in dps??? (faint death- i need a glass of watter... so dizzy)are you jerking us ??? I m gonna cry if this is true... So used to be 4rth in damage done right before the healer...

I so- so want to try the warr talents ,last night my realm was down :)))
#19 Oct 16 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
Small question for people who have Tanks and Other Alts-dps:

geotank wrote:
Keep in mind that warriors are not dps class and will not be one being in protection tree...
Keep in mind that the real reason we see a slight increase in dps is beacuse all other dps classes have increased their dps..(much more than warr)

Well that's not accurate. Tanks have increased their DPS considerably in 3.0 (in the 2x+ range). My AP in my tank gear doubled as a result of the patch. A lot more of their threat is based off of DPS that they do instead of abilities that were previously classified as "High Threat" abilities. Yes we still get a modifier in defensive stance, but we're making up for the lack of Blessing of Salvation by doing more damage, which causes more threat.

ehm... Its protection that has ..lets say doubled its dps only or all other classes doubled their dps too??

The logic is simple: If im poor and all people ,including me, get double their salary then i ll still be poor...
But If I compare my new salary to the old one.. im rich!!! Is this how it goes ?

Is our dps (of a prot)equivalent to a mage... i dont buy it....

I ll have to see with my eyes to belive... I might be terrible wrong....

#20 Oct 16 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
The DPS classes have not doubled their DPS. Some have made some nice increases, but not near the scale that prot has. I'm not saying that our DPS is equivalent to a DPS class, but I've gone from like 275 DPS while tanking to the 500-600 DPS range depending on the number of mobs that I'm tanking. That's a HUGE improvement. With our newfound DPS and the threat modifier from defensive stance, we more than make up for the lack of salvation and any DPS increases the DPS classes have gotten.
#21 Oct 16 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
improved revenge supposedly only effects revenge BASE DAMAGE and not the ap modifier part of it.
that makes it not worth it IMO
#22 Oct 16 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
No i was not kidding when I said 1st in dps in heroic ramps (and overall dmg). Mind you I also said it was a lesser geared group, some purples, but some blues in there also. But yes, 850 dps. A warr in full badge gear would be considerably higher cause of the str an SBV.

Also no CC, which helps considerably when my thunderclap crits 4-6 mobs for 1k (some crits some not) and shockwave doing the same. Surprisingly my SS was not my top dps move, it was heroic strike. Everytime I use revenge I get a rage free heroic strike to follow (from glyph), and it also crits alot. Theres also a minor glyph that when HS crits you get 10 rage, so free HS and rage, from using revenge that has a dmg bonus. Nothing wrong there imo.

So your saying imp revenge isnt worth it because its base is only modified? 2k revenge isnt nothing to scoff at imo, may not be so good at 80 (even then trainer bumps the base dmg up), but right now its great.
And there was a mage in that ramps group (like I said not the best geared, but well enough to do heroics)

Basically take your warr now, double your threat per second, and do 4x the dps. (before patch i was bout 1k tps when rage allowed, and did about 200dps) Course not the same for everyone, just my findings. Also theres ALOT less rage starvation, specially if you Charge+Bloodrage at the same time.

Ill do a few more dungeons tonight, Ill take screenshots.
#23 Oct 16 2008 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
improved revenge supposedly only effects revenge BASE DAMAGE and not the ap modifier part of it.
that makes it not worth it IMO

Please give me your source for that information...
#24 Oct 16 2008 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent

Warriors RULE

Yeap... we definitely do a lot more damage , tested it last night...

SS crits very often , HS crits too very very often. Indeed our DPS has increased...

I got the 3rd place in damage done after the end of a heroic slave pens testing. ( Was the instance nerfed? or...)

Group composition was 1 full epic and all others struggling to be (about 30% epic-70% blues)... The group had 2 cc but I forbit them to use it as I could tank all most of times (Ymark-macro god i owe ya)

It was the 1st time ever i passed a druid in dps!!! About the moves I did... cause of mouse over (macro) habit/boredom/need I used devastate and SS 99% of the time. No thunderclaps (I might did 2 hm...),no HS ,no revenge (i might have used it once,by accident),no wipes (Ruler of aggro/threat)... (hehe) ,no shockwave, no GLyphs used ...

The talents tested were these :

Note : this is just testing - the next one is going to be on impale... and ehm.. something else...( haha)
#25 Oct 23 2008 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent

Now !!2nd!!! place in DPS...(SP-Underbog Heroics)

This keeps getting better and better :))

Note :

Moves used Shield slam-shield bass---->Revenge On Skull (whenever cooldowns permited)
Devastes (using mouseover macro)to all other mobs
Heroic Strike ( used it 2 times???)
Thunderclap ( on every pull at least 1nce)
Almost no cc was used ( I forbit it-lol)
Shockwave (whenever I was going to loose aggro-)

Values: Block Rating--> 37 (U SUCK!!)
Strength------>287 (U SUCK!!)

Talents tested:

Group composition : 2 healers (Priest-Shammy) ,2 Rogues
The Shammy did DPS only
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