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Hemo (two parts)Follow

#1 Oct 04 2008 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
438 posts
So I've recently been playing my rogue, and because combat was getting boring, I decided to level Subtlety.

I'd heard somewhere that Hemo wasn't really worthwhile, but after having some trouble with mobs around 3 and 4 levels above me (couldn't kill them) I adjusted a bit, got serrated blades and hemo, and life got a lot easier.

Glancing over the forums, I noticed general derision of Hemo as a spec, and I'm wondering if someone could tell me why, since it seems to be great for grinding - very little downtime, and excellent combo point generation.

The other part is WotLK - it looks like Ambush will be even more essential to sub rogues, which makes hemo problematic since THAT works well with a sword in the main hand. Hemo daggers seems to be rather inefficient, but I don't like giving up ambush and backstab, so my question is this:

Since you can equip and unequip weapons in combat, is there a macro that would swap a dagger for a sword and back so that you could, say, ambush, swap for hemo, kidney shot, swap for backstab, etc. OR so you could ambush, swap, go into shadow dance and swap again for ambush.

Swapping weapons doesn't cost any cooldowns, or energy, or reset anything, then only problem with it that I know of is that it takes time to move them.

Keep in mind this is my first rogue, and I haven't searched the forums very thoroughly. This is mostly out of my own personal experience.

Thanks in advance for any useful replies :)

Edited, Oct 5th 2008 3:27am by concolor
#2 Oct 04 2008 at 11:59 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts

Glancing over the forums, I noticed general derision of Hemo as a spec, and I'm wondering if someone could tell me why, since it seems to be great for grinding - very little downtime, and excellent combo point generation.

It is great for grinding I'm sure.

The hate on Hemo is that for everything outside of PvP, Combat is better. That is a proven fact.

PvP of course Subtlety is the best, though Assassination at times can be better depending on what comp you run.

The other part is WotLK - it looks like Ambush will be even more essential to sub rogues, which makes hemo problematic since THAT works well with a sword in the main hand. Hemo daggers seems to be rather inefficient, but I don't like giving up ambush and backstab, so my question is this:

Ambush sucks.

In PvE Raiding its an opener, and you open with Ambush than the boss/mob is going to turn around and gank your ***.

In PvP Resilience killed Ambush.

Solo PvE I mean I guess you could but it seems like a waste of time.

And by the way, Ambush sucks. It REALLY sucks.

Since you can equip and unequip weapons in combat, is there a macro that would swap a dagger for a sword and back so that you could, say, ambush, swap for hemo, kidney shot, swap for backstab, etc. OR so you could ambush, swap, go into shadow dance and swap again for ambush.

In theory I think you can, not that in-depth but there is definitely a weapon swap macro floating around, people use it alot in Arena for switching OH weapons for diff poisons I think.(Don't quote me on that)

The other thing is it is just inefficient. Since Ambush/Backstab really aren't that good compared to SS/Hemo/Muti it doesn't really make sense to add another button click when you could still be using your rotation.

Hope that helped!
#3 Oct 05 2008 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
concolor wrote:
So I've recently been playing my rogue, and because combat was getting boring, I decided to level Subtlety.

I'd heard somewhere that Hemo wasn't really worthwhile, but after having some trouble with mobs around 3 and 4 levels above me (couldn't kill them) I adjusted a bit, got serrated blades and hemo, and life got a lot easier.

Glancing over the forums, I noticed general derision of Hemo as a spec, and I'm wondering if someone could tell me why, since it seems to be great for grinding - very little downtime, and excellent combo point generation.

Rogues are good for grinding generally. There's nothing bad about leveling sub the way that leveling holy is bad. It's just that combat is much, much, better. If you're bored with combat then sub is just as boring until you get shs, which is fun for playing around with but from a grinding point of view totally, totally useless.

The other part is WotLK - it looks like Ambush will be even more essential to sub rogues, which makes hemo problematic since THAT works well with a sword in the main hand. Hemo daggers seems to be rather inefficient, but I don't like giving up ambush and backstab, so my question is this:




That's all I have to offer. Have a good day :P
#4 Oct 05 2008 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
438 posts
makes sense, overall, I was only looking into ambush cause of the attack speed/movement speed buffs in wrath, and because it might be nice to have ambush during the whole shadow dance thing

thanks for the quick replies :)

Edit :went to
  • the obvious place
  • and found all the macros I could want, but I'm still interested in people's input :)

    Edited, Oct 5th 2008 5:23am by concolor

    Edited, Oct 5th 2008 5:24am by concolor
    #5 Oct 05 2008 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
    2,680 posts
    Leveling Sub is just fine. Just about any spec is just fine after you get access to Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot, those are what make grinding smooth. I run my dailies as 20/0/41 often and it works just fine (and yes, ShS is buckets of fun). Technically, combat swords out performs deep sub in all PvE applications. But when grinding, the difference is extremely difficult to see. Mobs just die to fast for you to notice the difference.

    It's not that people hate Hemo, it's that in most situations there are better things to be spamming. Or you might also be confusing criticism of Hemo with mocking of Tri-Spec Hemo: a build that should have died long ago. /shrug

    To say "Ambush will be even more essential" is misleading: Ambush isn't essential to anything but very low level rogues. And then only because it's all ya have. The damage scaling utterly fails compared to other available openers for either damage (Garrote) or utility (Cheap Shot). I would be willing to bet that even SS would be a better opener to be honest, and the positional requirement is slightly problematic if not just annoying.

    I used a weapon swap macro using /equipslot and never had an issue with it. The sample on that wowwiki page is pretty solid, great way to start.

    Honestly, the beta isn't over so it's still a bit early to be worrying too much about how we'll be spec'ing.... omg-mutimutimutimuti :D
    #6 Oct 05 2008 at 2:47 AM Rating: Excellent
    608 posts
    *before I start, this relates purely to solo grinding mobs of the same level ... not instancing / raiding*

    It's interesting you bring this up ... I've been pretty bored recently, I've really got nothing to do (game wise) while waiting for the patch and xpac.

    I, too tried a full sub spec (leaving off things like stealth detection and cheat death, which are more PvP oriented) ... just to see how it compared to my tried and tested (and favourite) combat spec. I thought I noticed it being more efficient .. so I check here to see what people in the past said ... combat > sub ... I checked on other sites ... combat > sub ... I googled it ... combat > sub.

    Theo even said he'd done the math, and ... combat > sub ...

    So, what did I do;

      The spreadsheet

    I drew up a spreadsheet ... a little different to the standard ones out there, in that this one concentrates purely on a 15 second fight (a touch longer than your typical mob fight)

    I encorporated energy ticks at 2 sec intervals, combat potency ticks (using a rng @ 20%) to determine when 15 energy would be refunded ... I catered for +10% damage in the first 6 seconds from a sub point of view ... I even factored in that your first attack (assuming you shadowstepped) would.

    I RNG'd crits, hit rating, and everything else that has an RNG component ... this is instead of saying .. 10000 damage was done, and 10% misses, therefore only 9000 damage was done.

    Why did I use an RNG, because in a 10-15 second fight ... averages are a waste of time .. it's quite conceivable that you would hit 100% of the time, and get zero crits ... in which case an average calculation would not reflect a "real life" scenario.

    Heck, I even factored in sword spec, and had a 5% RNG calculate the possibility of an extra attack.

    What I didn't take into consideration ... 1) armour mitigation.. which would skew the numbers slightly in favour of combat, but not much imo (if you consider my end results). 2) .. I ignored all talents in Assass you would pick up .. simply because they would apply in both scenarios, essentially negating them for the purposes of the comparison.

    I would then run re-calcing of the spreadsheet for the RNG's to determine crits, misses, combat potency procs, sword spec procs. I can do this over and over, and after each run, I would flag which spec did the most damage, and keep a rolling counter every time I re-calced.

      The results

    87% of the time, combat does more damage over the 15 second time period.

    I was surprised to say the least, but there it is ... every time I zero out the numbers and run several interations (until the % which represents the differential stabilised) .. the numbers settle on 85-87% in favour of combat.

    Most of the time when Hemo won, it was because of 1 of 2 or 3 things.

    1) Combat potency procs being low ... if there were no proc ... it's generally a guarenteed Hemo win
    2) Lucky string of crits on Hemo's side (50-75% crits ensured a win)
    3) Unlucky string of misses in combat ensured a Hemo win.

    So why did I get the impression hemo was faster .. well, I put it down to a big burst up front ... hemo hits harder that SS, I have around 2k ap when full sub spec, which results in about 5-7% extra hemo damage per hit. add 10% to that (within 6 seconds of breaking stealth), and the numbers look big if you crit ... this gives the overall impression that you're taking things down faster (which you may be doing occasionally, but not as a rule).

    And this is the reason people seem to like Ambush so much ... the feeling of getting that initial burst overshadows the fact that you don't have very much after that.

      Pros and cons

      Pros - Sub

    Sub allows easier mobility (well, it is THE PvP spec ;>) .. you can stealth past mobs easier with Master of Deception, and you can move faster while stealthed with Camouflage. ShS allows the last jump to a mob for a quick opener, and provides a nice damage boost with your first strike.

    Your damage from your main special (hemo) is higher, and a lucky string of crits in the first 6 seconds can finish the fight before stunlock is finished.

    You have vanish available more often.

      cons - Sub

    You may find yourseld waiting for energy ticks more that you might feel comfortable.

    You do less damage overall ...

      Pros - Combat

    You do significantly more damage than sub(hemo)

    You have blade flurry (omg .. ******) .. and no - that was not factored into the spreadsheet, and after I got the initial numbers, I didn't see factoring it in as being necessary any more.

    You have adrenaline rush (omg ... double ******) .. wtb dropping 4 - 5 mobs at a time with Blade Flurry/Adrenaline Rush/Evasion available.

    You can have evasion available more often

    You can sprint out of nasty situations.

      cons - combat

    You move slower in stealth, and need to be a lot more careful when stealthing in and around mobs.

    You can only vanish every 5 mins ;-D

      Bottom line

    They both work just as well as each other ... combat is just more efficient, does more damage, and keeps you alive longer when things go wrong.

    Some grammar mistakes I picked up upon reading.

    Edited, Oct 5th 2008 6:00pm by robertlofthouse
    #7 Oct 05 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
    438 posts
    Fair enough :)

    I knew combat had more survivability, since the only things keeping sub alive are ghostly strike and stunlock, and I knew that combad does more damage, but it's great to see numbers from someone who's thought it through carefully.

    I went Sub for the same reason I levelled my hunter SV for a while, and my warrior Prot - I like doing things different and Sub seemed like more of a challenge, and that it required more, well, subtlety. It doesn't really, but it's a slightly more entertaining playstyle (for me).

    It does occur to me to wonder how Hemo scales at 70 as a damage buff for physical DPS in raids, but I'm ready and willing to believe that sub is generally useless in raids, since the armor debuff is out and that leaves you popping rupture more often than is efficient, plus shadowstep is kinda useless for that.

    I do appreciate the answers I've gotten here though - the forum posts I did come across before I asked my question hada lot of flames, and I was worried I wouldn't get a good answer. Rate up to everyone if I could :)

    Edit: removed first edit

    Edited, Oct 5th 2008 12:29pm by concolor

    Edited, Oct 5th 2008 1:08pm by concolor
    #8 Oct 05 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
    4,684 posts
    What they said, basically. I'm a dagger freak and even I only use Ambush when A) I'm 100% sure ambush will kill my target right away (I'm not going to Cheap Shot a mage on 10% hp when I'm not sure what his druid buddy is doing) or B) It can replace Backstab. And B is only when I'm using Shadowdance. Which will probably be never.

    The only place I can somewhat see Ambush working is in a rogue/rogue comp, when one launches a cheap shot+kidney shot and the other goes shadowdance and wastes all his energy on Ambushing. But that's highly situational and prone to failure. Aside from the fact that a Shadowdance rogue will be out of energy too soon.

    A rogue pall of mine intends to go shadowdance daggers in WOTLK... I suppose I'll see how well it works for him, but I don't have too much hope for Ambush to be useable for more situations than what I'm currently using it for.
    #9 Oct 05 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,680 posts
    I'm ready and willing to believe that sub is generally useless in raids

    It is. Start believing, click here.
    #10 Oct 06 2008 at 1:45 AM Rating: Excellent
    608 posts
    Just an extention to my previous post (I figured if I edited it, this would get lost ;->)

    I fiddled with a few things to see how the numbers changed.

    First set of fiddling:

    Over 15 secs of fighting:

    Standard Combat vs Hemo builds : Combat ahead 87% of the time.
    Combat vs Hemo w/o taking Combat Potency procs into account : combat ahead 70% of the time.
    Combat vs Hemo w/ Combat Potency and w/o DW spec : combat ahead 60% of the time.
    Combat vs Hemo w/o Combat Potency and DW spec : combat ahead 55% of the time.

    Conclusion ... one of the driving factors for combat appears to be DW spec, and when combined with COmbat Potency, it makes for a ... uuuh ... potent combat build ;-) (terrible pun intended)

    Second set of fiddling:

    Full combat build (w/ CP and DW) vs full hemo build:

    15 Second fight : combat ahead 87% of the time
    10 second fight (full stunlock cycle with CS and 5pt KS) : combat ahead 60% of the time
    6 second fight (period of time where Hemo shines the most) : combat ahead 70% of the time

    Note that the 10 second cycle did not include a KS as a second finisher, I merely used the 10 second mark because it COULD be used as a stunlock cycle ... and 10 seconds sounds like a normal length fight to measure against.

    The 6 second fight was measured because of Master of Subtely (increased damage for 6 seconds after breaking stealth).

    What really interested me was the performance of Hemo over 6 seconds ... it should be streets ahead, but isn't. Then I realised why ... 1) no energy to do more specials, and 2) DW spec allows white damage under combat to more than make up for the increased damage from the Sub build within those first few seconds.

    If it were possible to get another Hemo in within 6 seconds, then the hemo build would shine in that scenario ... but there just isn't enough energy available. Opportunity from Assass would probably provide more energy for this to happen, but then that means more energy to perform a SS as well, which would probably even things out again to round about the numbers shown.

    Another thing to take away from this is that from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, Combat pulls ahead by about 30% ... which means the longer the fight goes on, the more combat will perform. I'd say that by about 30 seconds (maybe even less), combat will win out 100% of the time ... this answers the question as to whether Hemo will perform as well in raids as combat (ofc, not that that particular matter needed to be confirmed, but there it is anyway).

    Thanks for listening / reading ... as I said, I was bored of playing the game, but not necessarily bored of the game itself. This was the ideal way to keep myself in the game, without actually playing.

    Edited, Oct 6th 2008 11:43am by robertlofthouse
    #11 Oct 07 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
    438 posts
    I'm enjoying your replies :) the green was well earned imo.

    I'm still subtlety, but it's not because I think it's more DPS, I'm just having more fun. I have noticed that I'm energy starved though <:(. Premeditation helps with that some, but it's often on cooldown. I suppose there's also a small amount of roleplayer in me somewhere that likes the idea of a subtlety rogue and wants it to work, which it does well enough. I got from 27 to 42 in seven days, including kara runs and a few heroics and some farming, so I'm ok with that :).

    Kinda wish subtlety had an energy booster though. thank god for arcane torrent and thistle tea >.<
    #12 Oct 07 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
    438 posts
    heh, relentless strikes - 20% chance per combo point of gaining 25 energy on a finishing move.

    now to see how well that works :P
    #13 Oct 07 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
    608 posts
    concolor wrote:
    heh, relentless strikes - 20% chance per combo point of gaining 25 energy on a finishing move.

    now to see how well that works :P

    Yes, relentless strikes is an absolute must in pretty much an build imo. Evidence of how highly regarded it is can be seen in any post 3.0 build you look at. It's now 5 points instead of only one, and it's been moved to the sub tree, and yet every build makes a point of ensuring it's included. That speaks volumes.

    I'm working on building RS into my spreadsheet, will let you know if it makes any difference. I doubt it though, as both the standard 20/41/0 combat and 20/0/41 Sub builds have it in, so the gains would apply to both. It's just a touch trickier modeling it in my spreadsheet, which is why I've left it till last.
    #14 Oct 08 2008 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
    3,909 posts
    concolor wrote:
    heh, relentless strikes - 20% chance per combo point of gaining 25 energy on a finishing move.

    now to see how well that works :P

    I don't think you understand; that's basically a large chance that your finishing is essentially or mostly free, since the cost is immediately refunded.

    That's pretty awesome.

    Edited, Oct 8th 2008 4:53am by zepoodle
    #15 Oct 08 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
    438 posts
    sorry, I guess I wasn't clear - what I meant by that was that I'd missed that sub WAS getting a energy booster.

    I'm very aware of how good it is and I'm looking forward to it :)
    #16 Oct 08 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
    608 posts
    concolor wrote:
    sorry, I guess I wasn't clear - what I meant by that was that I'd missed that sub WAS getting a energy booster.

    I'm very aware of how good it is and I'm looking forward to it :)

    It's actually being moved from it's current spot in Assassination, where it's a one point talent, to it's new spot in Sub, where it's a 5 point talent. Yes, that's a nerf, but will still be taken in all it's 5 point glory, specifically for how good it is.
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