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#1 Oct 04 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts

I have been looking around and have seen a lot of interesting builds, on here, but most of them have been speculative.

Has anyone managed to find "tried and tested" builds, from beta testers or people who have been on the Public Test Realms (for the new patch)?

It would be nice to see what has proved successful.

With the various Beast Master options, that being my current build, I would like to see some of those.

BigRedKitty is an obvious player of that build, but I cannot see his expansion talents anywhere.

Otherwise, anything off the folks from elitistjerks would be great. They seem to be theorycrafting (as they do), without anyone posting "reliable" builds.

I can spend ages on their site, provided it's the first site I come to. On this search, for builds, it was one of the last and my brain had already been baked.

We can't truly know what will work, until the patch goes live, but some good builds must be up.
#2 Oct 04 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
They screwed up the SV build I had that did 1700 DPS in heroic SH.

Yes, 1700, in the same gear that I usually hit 1000 in with the same type of group..

DPS number went nuts.
#3 Oct 04 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
BM 51/15/5 Looks good to me.
Possibly switching 1-3 points from Imp. Tracking to Focused Aim depending on your +hit.

SV 0/20/51 might be pretty neat too with Hunting party and the whole interaction with serpent sting.

MM 0/53/18 Is what I'd do with marks, I just dont think they'll be able to keep up mana wise and thus ruining their dps through AotV.

I cant see much possible hybrids, although maybe a build with 31 in marks for TSA and the rest in SV is an option.
Although I doubt that AP will be better than the mana return from hunting party with the changes to consumables.
#4 Oct 04 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
BM 51/15/5 Looks good to me.
Possibly switching 1-3 points from Imp. Tracking to Focused Aim depending on your +hit.

I like this except the 2 changes I'd make would be drop at least 1 from invigoration and 1 from frenzy and put those 2 (or 3 if you drop both from invig.) and throw them in Longetivity. Having at least 20% cooldown on my TBW and having Intimidation on a shorter CD might make it easier for single mob threat for your pet.

Speaking of intimidation, would thunderstomp count as a melee skill, or just a special?
Cause AoE intimidation + threat would rock.
#5 Oct 04 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
I am looking at this for BM if they do not change anything.
#6 Oct 04 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
626 posts
Alverian wrote:
I am looking at this for BM if they do not change anything.

1 point in GftT = phail

And I wouldn't take Aimed Shot and Rapid Killing, I'd put those points in Improved Tracking
#7 Oct 04 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Thundil wrote:

1 point in GftT = phail

Not necessarily. As a BM hunter, I have 32% unbuffed crit rating, and anywhere between 33 and 39% during a raid depending on whether I have a feral druid. This number will go up after the patch because of many party-wide buffs becoming raid-wide. I was watching my pet's focus on the PTR with both 1 and 2 points into GFTT and unbuffed crit rating. With 1 point, my cat was rarely starved for focus. She stayed between 20% and 50% focus for the most part. When I had 2points into it, she had a pretty big surplus, and would only dip below 50% focus if I was unlucky with crits.

You also have to keep in mind that the mechanics behind focus regen have changed. Instead of regening 25 every 4 seconds, it will regenerate .6 focus every .1 second, so you don't have to wait that extra 3 seconds to use a special skill if you're 1-2 focus points away from using it.

So it is probably a good idea to take both points into GFTT if you have a lower crit rating. But once you start getting upwards of 35%, it may be acceptable to only take 1 point.
#8 Oct 04 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,235 posts
ProjectMidnight wrote:
You also have to keep in mind that the mechanics behind focus regen have changed. Instead of regening 25 every 4 seconds, it will regenerate .6 focus every .1 second, so you don't have to wait that extra 3 seconds to use a special skill if you're 1-2 focus points away from using it.

So, they're changing pet focus regain like they did for rogue energy? Good to know...
#9 Oct 04 2008 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent Will be my DPS build at level 70. This build has netted over 1400 DPS against the dummies in org. And over 2200 fully raid buffed. By far the most I and 2 other good hunters i have met have discovered. Once it comes time to level i will be changing some things around, but for high damage output, this is the best i have seen.

ps. get a cat.
#10 Oct 04 2008 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent'

total BM.. 71/0/0 ... everything buy aspects of the monkey, because you shouldn't need to use it at higher levels (i never do).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#11 Oct 05 2008 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
Rinkkel wrote:
ps. get a cat.

Im glad i went out and tamed a ghost saber recently Smiley: grin.
#12 Oct 05 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts

From what I have seen on this and other forums, it seems that the 51/15/5 build is looking popular. Some move a few points from the 51 to the 15, but that looks like the general balance.

What would everyone have, at lv 70, to start off with?

How about pets? The wasp looks good, but where would everyone put their points, re pet talents?

If you are actually on the PTRs or Beta, could you mention that? It would be nice to know if your numbers are theoretical or "actual" / game-based.

#13 Oct 05 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
What would everyone have, at lv 70, to start off with

How about pets
Get a Cat for DPS and a Gorilla for ginding.

If you are actually on the PTRs or Beta, could you mention that? It would be nice to know if your numbers are theoretical or "actual" / game-based

Did you not read my effin post? here it is again.
Quote: Will be my DPS build at level 70. This build has netted over 1400 DPS against the dummies in org. And over 2200 fully raid buffed. By far the most I and 2 other good hunters i have met have discovered. Once it comes time to level i will be changing some things around, but for high damage output, this is the best i have seen.

#14 Oct 05 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
enigmachine wrote:

If you are actually on the PTRs or Beta, could you mention that? It would be nice to know if your numbers are theoretical or "actual" / game-based.

You must not understand what the PTR is and what the point of it is. Anyone can download and transfer a character to the PTR at It's not a secret or special thing. It's there specifically so they can get extra opinions on patch 3.0.2 without Northrend, and Deathknights. Even if you don't want to submit feedback (which many people don't), it's still a good way to try out all your builds without spending a ton of money on the live servers.

As for the Beta, the very early "friends and family" beta had restrictions on it, and people would be kicked off (and possibly fined) if they talked about it. There were contracts that they had to sign, and everyone was monitored very closely. All that was lifted a while back, and now there are Wikis and whole websites dedicated to what is on the Beta server. I think at this point, Blizzard encourages people to talk about their experiences on the beta as a form of free advertisement.

Edit: Rinkkel, that link for the talent build isn't working right anymore. I think wowhead strips away set talents if anything is changed.

Edited, Oct 5th 2008 5:29pm by ProjectMidnight
#15 Oct 05 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts
@ rinkkel, ****** Superhero

"Get a Cat for DPS"

So the cats will rise above serpents, as far as dps goes? No worries there. I'll unstable mine. Where did you put the talent points, for your cat?

@ ProjectMidnight

"You must not understand what the PTR is and what the point of it is."

It's precisely because I do understand that I made the request. It would be nice to know who has the experience of possible conditions in the upcoming patch and who has not.

Thanks anyway.

If you have any lv 80 build ideas, as you seem to be quite considerate of numbers, it would be good to see them.
#16 Oct 05 2008 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
1,519 posts
I haven't worried about level 80 builds just yet, since I can't test them myself. I would imagine that the 51/15/5 will be just fine. I don't see anything obvious that would outdo it.

What I have tested for hours on end are level 70 builds. I use a level 70 cat with this build. Going with a Rabid build would likely yield higher solo'ing DPS, but I since I'm very raid-oriented, I decided to go with Call of the Wild. It syncs up nicely with Rapid Fire and is a party buff.

My highest DPSing build is 50/11/0. Some hunters may find that a 49/12 build might be better for them. I just test higher with 1 point into GFtT because I have a really high crit rating (31.7% unbuffed), and 25 focus per crit is enough for me to keep my pet's focus up.

Edit: and I'll give some insight into the question that you asked Rinkkel, too. Are you asking about Wind Serpents? Well... In either case, cats will do a lot more DPS than either kind of Serpents. All the snakes are being put into the Cunning category. It makes me really sad. I love my Wind Serpent and the fact that he eats manna biscuits.

Wasps could also be a good choice for raiding pets. Their Sting is identical to Faeri Fire, and could be arguably better than Curse of Recklesness (since it doesn't increase AP). You just have to convince your druids and Warlocks of that, since Stings doesn't stack with either of those. It does, however, stack with Sunder Armor and a rogue's Expose Armor.

Plus, they look incredibly cool and eat bread.

Actually, taking another look at the pet list and their abilities, most of the Ferocity pets are really raid viable, and could work really well if you can agree with the other hunters in your groups to take pets with different debuffs.

Edited, Oct 5th 2008 8:01pm by ProjectMidnight
#17 Oct 05 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
As for the pets, i keep forgetting to try a wasp. However, cats are really sick in terms of dps numbers now. Which is why for my level 70 raid dps build i went for maxing pet focus. i think i swapped a few things around from the first build i linked. This will be my raiding build until the actual xpac comes out. Myself and 2 other hunters have gotten together for a few hours and tested builds, this one did the most sustained dps.

My raid pet will be a cat, with this build

I am intrigued about a wasp now though. And having one on a raid may be a very beneficial addition. I will have to check that out.

Once wrath goes live i will be leveling with this (or a slight variation) and a gorilla with this The extra pet points from the 51 BM talent are very nice for a level grind. I do not plan on doing too much in the way of instancing with my hunter. I just want to get to 80. So i am not to concerned about taking a hit in my dps.
#18 Oct 05 2008 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Why do you people care about lvl 70 builds?

Really.. that's only going to last for 4 weeks tops.
#19 Oct 05 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Why do you people care about lvl 70 builds?

Really.. that's only going to last for 4 weeks tops.
Because during those four weeks, we'll still need speccs. Four weeks means a minimum of four Black Temple runs. It means grinding and farming. It means getting a feel for the new talents, for those who aren't doing PTR or Beta.
#20 Oct 06 2008 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Why do you people care about lvl 70 builds?

Really.. that's only going to last for 4 weeks tops.

Because during those 4 weeks I will be raiding, and those last 10 points won't be available to me. I could technically take a 41/15/5 build, which is well on its way to becoming a 51/15/5, but it's not going to do the most damage at level 70.

I'm planning the most reasonable path to a level 80 build as possible, and in order to do that I have to start with a level 70 build.

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 7:00am by ProjectMidnight
#21 Oct 06 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts
rinkkel, ****** Superhero

Both of those posts were laden with WoW goodness and so had to be uprated.

I ought to add that I like to do a lot of solo and so am looking at cranking my solo dps as high as possible, raid viability an afterthought only.


"I use a level 70 cat with this build"
"a Rabid build would likely yield higher solo'ing DPS"

Solo DPS is my primary aim, but I am not a math head.

I was about to ask why the rabid build would yield more dps (feel free to tell, anyway) and then I noticed that Call of the Wild, otherwise uber, has a 5 minute cool-down. That must be what gimps it, as far as personal dps goes. So... a rabid cat looks like the best route *shiver*.

In both of those links, I see "Required level: 68" and "Points left: 3". Looking down, I noticed the same with rinkkel's pet build (I must be missing something). Is that an error in the link? Otherwise, where would the points go? "Bloodthirsty" and "Heart of the Phoenix" don't look too shabby.

"I just test higher with 1 point into GFtT because I have a really high crit rating (31.7% unbuffed)"
I am the same, mine being 33% (though it would lower a bit, if/when I lean back toward +hit), so I'll probably look at that 50/11 for starters.

I guess the next consideration is points progression. Will Improved Tracking, which does look amazing, be important at the start or will we need our MM talents boosted first?

"Are you asking about Wind Serpents?"
Yes, I did mean Wind Serpents. I have just started looking at Petopia again and see what you mean. Shame. Still, I always preferred having a kitty.

"Wasps could also be a good choice for raiding pets"
Their stuff not stacking (as you mentioned) could be what counts out the wasps, from a lot of non-solo action. I do pug/instance a fair bit, so might have to keep cat.

rinkkel, ****** Superhero

"Which is why for my level 70 raid dps build i went for maxing pet focus"
I looked at Midnight's 50/11/0 build and I like it, but itch that I wouldn't start with my 15 MM points - which are in yours. You have oriented yours for raiding, rather than personal, results - right?

Which did you find produced the most personal dps?

The only target dummies I know are those in Theramore, unless someone makes one. I have never used dummies to test, but I'd like to try a few. Are there other, more convenient (ie major city) locations?

"My raid pet will be a cat, with this build"
I am guessing that you'd have that for raiding. Would you also go for a rabid, if you were looking for personal numbers?

Thanks, both, again. Those were two of the most informative posts, I have read in a while.
#22 Oct 06 2008 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
"Which is why for my level 70 raid dps build i went for maxing pet focus"
I looked at Midnight's 50/11/0 build and I like it, but itch that I wouldn't start with my 15 MM points - which are in yours. You have oriented yours for raiding, rather than personal, results - right?

Which did you find produced the most personal dps?

The only target dummies I know are those in Theramore, unless someone makes one. I have never used dummies to test, but I'd like to try a few. Are there other, more convenient (ie major city) locations?

"My raid pet will be a cat, with this build"
I am guessing that you'd have that for raiding. Would you also go for a rabid, if you were looking for personal numbers?

Thanks, both, again. Those were two of the most informative posts, I have read in a while.

I raid with my hunter, at my gear level the difference in soloing and grinding is nonexistant. There is nothing normal i cant solo or farm with my build. The build i linked is the build i am going to use for raiding/farming/goofing off before WotLK comes out. I have tested a lot of builds and it nets the most dps, period.

In the PTR and once it goes live there will be test dummies in major cities you can use to test your skills out on. Those are what i used.

I linked my cats build in the post. It is a toss up between rabid and Phoenix. both are nice and both are handy. However raiding as much as i have i have learned how to keep my pet alive fairly well so i went with rabid.

*edit* spelling

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 2:55pm by rinkkel
#23 Oct 06 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
enigmachine wrote:

In both of those links, I see "Required level: 68" and "Points left: 3". Looking down, I noticed the same with rinkkel's pet build (I must be missing something). Is that an error in the link? Otherwise, where would the points go? "Bloodthirsty" and "Heart of the Phoenix" don't look too shabby.

Oh, that's because pets only get a new talent point every 4 levels. If you add another point, it'll say "Required level: 72, 76, 80." You can also give yourself the 4 extra points if you decide to take Beast Mastery.

I think some time between level 70 and 80, I'll take Beast Mastery, and my final build for a cat (or whatever high-DPS exotic I choose) might look something like this. But I think I would just have to feel that one out. At 80, it's possible to get both Rabid and Call of the Wild without the extra points. The 4 extra for me would go into Heart of the Phoenix, Stamina and maybe some Resistances, and none of those increase DPS (unless you count the 4-6 seconds it takes to res a pet mid-fight).

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 6:15pm by ProjectMidnight
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