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Muti Weapons in 3.0Follow

#1 Oct 03 2008 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
After lightly browsing some EJ forums at work I'm a bit confused about muti, post 3.0. Would it not make sense to get two slow daggers anymore?
#2 Oct 03 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
From what I'm seeing not really. So far my best results were with slow/fast (in build 9014), but I haven't done a comparison between slow/slow and fast/fast yet, just versus a combat build. I'd guess slow/fast will work out to be tops but won't know for sure until this weekend.

I'd expect another build (or two) before beta goes live. My best advice is to wait it out, don't spend any honor or badges just yet and loot all the daggers you come across.
#3 Oct 03 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Yeah that's the main reason I ask - I've begun farming honor for the S2 daggers and we're talking about a decent investment of points. Anyway, thanks Therion - I look forward to seeing those results.
#4 Oct 03 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
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Focused Attacks.
#5 Oct 03 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Oh I see. More hits = More crits = More energy = More dps.
#6 Oct 03 2008 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
Badge weapons are tits if you can float the badges.

I'm almost halfway to muh Mutilator!
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#7 Oct 03 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
MYteddy wrote:
Badge weapons are tits if you can float the badges.

I'm almost halfway to muh Mutilator!

What kind of ****** gets a mutilator!
#8 Oct 03 2008 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
A ****** with higher ratings than you at the end of season!
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#9 Oct 04 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
MYteddy wrote:
Badge weapons are tits if you can float the badges.

I'm almost halfway to muh Mutilator!

Great, now I need to figure ouot how to get 108 badges on my rogue before LK comes out.

And that's 108 badges without doing any Kara, while also leveling my DK in the beta...

I'm so screwewd...
#10 Oct 04 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
What's wrong with the Mutilator?
#11 Oct 04 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
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EonSprinter wrote:
What's wrong with the Mutilator?

Nothing for PVP.

PVE its to slow
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#12 Oct 04 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
It's odd really.

You spec mutilate and "The Mutilator" ends up being a sucky weapon for you.
#13 Oct 04 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
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Mozared wrote:
It's odd really.

You spec mutilate and "The Mutilator" ends up being a sucky weapon for you.

If you can find a way to drop the spead of it by about .4-.8, through haste effects or what have you it would be fine.

but unless you are at that gear level... yea... it does end up sucking for pve.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#14 Oct 04 2008 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
MYteddy wrote:
Mozared wrote:
It's odd really.

You spec mutilate and "The Mutilator" ends up being a sucky weapon for you.

If you can find a way to drop the spead of it by about .4-.8, through haste effects or what have you it would be fine.

but unless you are at that gear level... yea... it does end up sucking for pve.

But by the same thought, the equivalent shiv will always be better in PvE.

I don't think it makes a big enough difference in PvP to notice, but I didn't play mut for very long before switching to HARP.
#15 Oct 04 2008 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
MYteddy wrote:
Mozared wrote:
It's odd really.

You spec mutilate and "The Mutilator" ends up being a sucky weapon for you.

If you can find a way to drop the spead of it by about .4-.8, through haste effects or what have you it would be fine.

but unless you are at that gear level... yea... it does end up sucking for pve.

But by the same thought, the equivalent shiv will always be better in PvE.

I don't think it makes a big enough difference in PvP to notice, but I didn't play mut for very long before switching to HARP.

Well, that's why I put it to .8 as I believe weapon speeds bottom out at 1.0 Correct me if I am wrong.

So if you can find a way to drop it to 1.0 then your choice is moot.

And in pvp, the only thing you are going to notice is bigger Mut hits and crits.

You aren't really using shiv much as Mut.

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 7:10pm by MYteddy
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#16 Oct 06 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,101 posts
I'm going Muti in 3.0, I already have Emerald Ripper from Moroes.

I have about 69 Badges in the bank and was planning on picking up Venir's Left Fist of Savagery. The new spreadsheet covering the talent changes for the next patch has it as a higher DPS than the Swift Blade of Uncertainty. Due to the +haste on the fists.

But is there any reason not to get the fist off-hand? Is there a reason I should go with the dagger/dagger over dagger/fist, that the spreadsheet and I are not seeing?
#17 Oct 06 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
I'm going Muti in 3.0, I already have Emerald Ripper from Moroes.

I have about 69 Badges in the bank and was planning on picking up Venir's Left Fist of Savagery. The new spreadsheet covering the talent changes for the next patch has it as a higher DPS than the Swift Blade of Uncertainty. Due to the +haste on the fists.

But is there any reason not to get the fist off-hand? Is there a reason I should go with the dagger/dagger over dagger/fist, that the spreadsheet and I are not seeing?

...what the ****? Dagger/fist?

No, it's fist/dagger. MH/OH, not OH/MH.

If you're going mut in 3.0, why would you be getting a fist anyway? We're like a week away at this point.
#18 Oct 06 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
SynnTastic wrote:
I'm going Muti in 3.0, I already have Emerald Ripper from Moroes.

I have about 69 Badges in the bank and was planning on picking up Venir's Left Fist of Savagery. The new spreadsheet covering the talent changes for the next patch has it as a higher DPS than the Swift Blade of Uncertainty. Due to the +haste on the fists.

But is there any reason not to get the fist off-hand? Is there a reason I should go with the dagger/dagger over dagger/fist, that the spreadsheet and I are not seeing?

...what the @#%^? Dagger/fist?

No, it's fist/dagger. MH/OH, not OH/MH.

If you're going mut in 3.0, why would you be getting a fist anyway? We're like a week away at this point.

That's what I'm talking about in a week when the patch hits.

It's really just to have apropriate weapons. My only "true" options between patch and the expansion are to get badge weapons. So that means my choices are those two off-hand weapons and the emeral ripper as the main hand. I could use the emerald ripper as the off-hand, but it seems like it would be to slow as an off-hand.

Edit: And I did MH/OH that's why I said dagger/fist, the weapons linked are offhand only weapons.

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 4:12pm by SynnTastic
#19 Oct 06 2008 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
SynnTastic wrote:
I'm going Muti in 3.0, I already have Emerald Ripper from Moroes.

I have about 69 Badges in the bank and was planning on picking up Venir's Left Fist of Savagery. The new spreadsheet covering the talent changes for the next patch has it as a higher DPS than the Swift Blade of Uncertainty. Due to the +haste on the fists.

But is there any reason not to get the fist off-hand? Is there a reason I should go with the dagger/dagger over dagger/fist, that the spreadsheet and I are not seeing?

...what the @#%^? Dagger/fist?

No, it's fist/dagger. MH/OH, not OH/MH.

If you're going mut in 3.0, why would you be getting a fist anyway? We're like a week away at this point.

That's what I'm talking about in a week when the patch hits.

It's really just to have apropriate weapons. My only "true" options between patch and the expansion are to get badge weapons. So that means my choices are those two off-hand weapons and the emeral ripper as the main hand. I could use the emerald ripper as the off-hand, but it seems like it would be to slow as an off-hand.

Edit: And I did MH/OH that's why I said dagger/fist, the weapons linked are offhand only weapons.

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 4:12pm by SynnTastic

Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was wondering why on earth you'd get a fist offhand when the only good spec with a dagger MH is mutilate.

Cuz, y'know, mutilate kinda takes two daggers.

Maybe I'm missing the point, but the only reason to get the fist OH is if you're going combat fists.

Edit: and Blade of Serration/ER will be higher DPS than ER/SBoU.

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 1:20pm by Theophany
#20 Oct 06 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Mutilate requires you to have 2 daggers equipped. So if you're going Muti in 3.0 and you have badges to spend, looks like your answer is obvious, no?

I would seriously wait for a couple of days after 3.0 lands before you spend anything though. Right now there is some "curiosity" in the way the numbers are working out for daggers of different speeds for Muti in 3.0. From what I've see, fast/fast is preferred at the moment, but that could very easily change at launch or in the first patch.
#21 Oct 06 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
Mutilate requires you to have 2 daggers equipped. So if you're going Muti in 3.0 and you have badges to spend, looks like your answer is obvious, no?

I would seriously wait for a couple of days after 3.0 lands before you spend anything though. Right now there is some "curiosity" in the way the numbers are working out for daggers of different speeds for Muti in 3.0. From what I've see, fast/fast is preferred at the moment, but that could very easily change at launch or in the first patch.

Not really much choice in the way of fast daggers for your MH. It's almost always going to be a 1.80 speed in your MH until 80.
#22 Oct 06 2008 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
Mutilate requires you to have 2 daggers equipped. So if you're going Muti in 3.0 and you have badges to spend, looks like your answer is obvious, no?

I would seriously wait for a couple of days after 3.0 lands before you spend anything though. Right now there is some "curiosity" in the way the numbers are working out for daggers of different speeds for Muti in 3.0. From what I've see, fast/fast is preferred at the moment, but that could very easily change at launch or in the first patch.

I'm slow, read the mutilate spell a few times over and each time missed the "requires daggers" part... so disregard above question the Swift Blade it is.

As for waiting, it's not really a choice, or a big deal to be honest. I don't have many options as far as getting a new weapon besides the badge ones. I'm pretty much only going to be going to Kara on a weekly basis with the guild. Any other time will be spent leveling my alts to 70. So I won't be running heroics for more badges.
#23 Oct 06 2008 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Not really much choice in the way of fast daggers for your MH.

Tell me about it. I keep looking up the LK dagger lists hoping to see some 1.4s or 1.5s added to the loot tables. This is the main reason why I'm thinking they'll "fix" the dagger speed thing before launch: Very poor itemization for fast MHs so far. I'm guessing they'll alter the mechanics a bit to push 1.8s ahead, but it's yet to be seen.

I do have a Trackers Blade in the bank, just in case ;)
#24 Oct 06 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
Not really much choice in the way of fast daggers for your MH.

Tell me about it. I keep looking up the LK dagger lists hoping to see some 1.4s or 1.5s added to the loot tables. This is the main reason why I'm thinking they'll "fix" the dagger speed thing before launch: Very poor itemization for fast MHs so far. I'm guessing they'll alter the mechanics a bit to push 1.8s ahead, but it's yet to be seen.

I do have a Trackers Blade in the bank, just in case ;)

If I were Blizzard I'd implement energy regeneration based on weapon speed from Focused Attacks. 1.40 gets 2e, 1.80 gets 3-4e. That would balance it in favor of 1.80.
#25 Oct 06 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Hmm... making it like Shiv in reverse? Good idea. I was a bit worried that they might normalize AP scaling for Mutilate or something convoluted and annoying. Here's to hoping simple wins!
#26 Oct 06 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
But in that respect Theo, you could get a 2.6 speed sword as assassination and get 8 energy per crit making a very capable spec as 40/0/31 or something along those lines, they would have to alter to only include daggers otherwise I believe that spec would be very strong...
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