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Solo/PVE Build SuggestionsFollow

#1 Oct 03 2008 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
I've just started a shiny new Draenei Shaman and will more than likely be soloing most of the way to 70, just wanted something to do when none of my friends were online lol (Already got a 70 Healadin and Hunter).

Seems to me that enhancement would be the way to go since one you cast a spell or two the mob is up in your face beating the tar out of you. I've been looking for a good solo/PVE/grinding spec but there are so many to choose from and my brain is beginning to hurt /cry. It's highly unlikely that I will be doing any PVP (eew), just lil' old me questing and killing stuff.

Any suggestions would be super helpful!

#2 Oct 03 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts

Level 10-14: 5/5 Ancestral Knowledge
15-19: 5/5 Thundering Strikes
20: 1/1 Shamanistic Focus
21-22: 2/2 Imp. Ghost Wolf
23-24: 2/2 Enhancing Totems
25-29: 5/5 Flurry
30: 1/1 Spirit Weapons
31-33: 3/3 Elemental Weapons
34: 1/3 Imp Lightning Shield, or anything else (worthless point)
35-39: 5/5 Weapon Mastery
40: Dual-Wield!!!
41: 1/1 Stormstrike
42-44: 3/3 Dual-wield spec
45-47: 3/3 Mental Quickness
48-49: 2/5 Unleashed Rage
50: Shamanistic Rage
51-53: 5/5 Unleashed Rage

Then change to either Elemental (personal DPS) or Resto (PvP and group utility).

Edit: Some of these talents can be done earlier/later (Unleashed Rage, Weapon Mastery, Mental Quickness). Come the next patch you'll have a much easier time leveling; agility will give AP, and you'll get water shield almost the entire way up. There is NO reason to use Lightning Shield solo if you have Water Shield; Water Shield and Shamanistic Rage mean you'll never run out of mana.

Elemental is tougher to level at low levels due to bad itemization. In Outland you get a ton of good gear with spell damage, and I hear its better.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 5:52pm by LockeColeMA
#3 Oct 03 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Though come 3.0, Water Shield is available at MUCH lower levels making Elemental more sustainable than it currently is. Resto will never be about fast kills, but it definitely provides safety if you pull too many etc.

But yeah, most consider enhancement the fastest way to level especially due to gear itemization from Azeroth.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 6:40pm by Jiade
#4 Oct 07 2008 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks so much for the build Locke but I do have a question or two.

You mention water shield and getting it earlier (is that after the patch? expansion?). Do you think that might make Elemental more viable as a solo spec? I do like to blow things up!

Also. what's up with improved ghost wolf? I've seen it on other peoples build's but I don't get it. It just makes the casting of it faster, not the actual wolf form, right? Can you cast it in combat and use it to run away like Druid Cheetah form? If not, why bother? or is it a useless point just to get you to the next row down in the talent spec?
#5 Oct 07 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
Quote...Can you cast it in combat and use it to run away like Druid Cheetah form? is instant cast with the 2 talent points, and I find it very usefull to run out of trouble as a solo player.
#6 Oct 09 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Instant Ghost Wolf is handy while you're leveling. Instead of a 2 second cast, 2 points in Improved Ghost Wolf makes it an instant cast travel form (like Druids, only 10% faster) which is useable in combat.
Follow the build that Locke put up, and you'll have little to no problem leveling.

Here is my armory link. It may or may not help you. My build is for end-game raiding, but I find it extremely usefull for solo play. If I were strictly solo, I would probably put my resto points into the elemental tree for increased shock damage and such.
#7 Nov 01 2008 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone. Recently started a shammy because my guild needs shaman's bad. I had been leveling a warrior and noticed in guild roster that there were more warriors and hunters then just about any other class. Not good. SO i've decided to level a shammy. I'm going enhancement tell probably outlands then resto seeing as we need healers.

I'm going to use the build up above. Only thing is. What stats. Str + Stam then AP when i get to outlands. Thanks for any replies. Hope shammans are as fun as people tell me they are. I'm not much on classes that have to use a mana bar. All new to me. Well besides my hunter but with AOTV i don't really worry about mana.
#8 Nov 01 2008 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
I would actually place my points a little differently for a levelling spec, the main reason being enhancing totems. I do not consider this a necessary leveling talent, in all honestly I would probably only put it in an endgame raid build.

I would go:

10-14: 5/5 Ancestral Knowledge
15-19: 5/5 Thundering Strikes
20: 1/1 Shamanistic Focus
21-22: 2/2 Imp. Ghost Wolf
23-24: 2/3 Elemental Weapons (you could finish filling this out now but it's not that vital till you get WF at 30)
25-29: 5/5 Flurry
30: 1/1 Spirit Weapons
31-33: 3/3 Mental Dexterity
34: Last point in Elemental Weapons unless you filled it out earlier.
35-39: 5/5 Weapon Mastery
40: 1/1 Dual Wield
41: 1/1 Stormstrike
42-44: 3/3 Dual Wield Spec
45: 1/1 Lava Lash
46-48: 3/3 Mental Quickness
49: 1/5 Unleashed Rage - we'll finish filling this out right after...
50: 1/1 Shamanistic Rage
51-54: 2-5/5 Unleashed Rage
55-59: 5/5 Maelstrom Weapon
60: 1/1 Feral Spirit

After this you have a choice of going Resto or Elemental. Pre 3.0 Resto was far and away the better option but with all the new synergies I would have to say the extra burst from Elemental is really very appealing. I'll leave this up to you as it really depends on whether you are a PvE or PvPer and also on your personal playstyle within that. By the time you're 60 levels in I'm sure you'll be able to decide for yourself where you want the rest of your points.

As a general guideline though for PvP you'll probably run down Ele for Concussion and Elemental Devastation and for Raiding you'll want to sink more points in Enh for Enhancing Totems and Imp WF Totem (you may want to take these anyway but other stuff is more important while leveling).

Have fun.

@ Kyanne, I answered your other questions in your other thread. :-)
#9 Nov 02 2008 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
As a general guideline though for PvP you'll probably run down Ele for Concussion and Elemental Devastation and for Raiding you'll want to sink more points in Enh for Enhancing Totems and Imp WF Totem (you may want to take these anyway but other stuff is more important while leveling).

Actually, there are quite a few things I'd change. There is A LOT of synergy with elemental tree now for PVE too. I'd say this build is probably the best PVE build (except maybe swapping the 2 points in Imp Ghost Wolf for Ancestral Knowledge). PVE Build with Instant Ghost Wolf

The reason is that a good chunk of your damage is coming from spells (shocks, maelstrom weapon spells]. Everyone has shown Static Shock is a TERRIBLE DPS increase per point moreover you can't use water shield to get the dps increase (thus you increase your chance of going oom). Taking the 2 points from imp ghost wolf and putting them in Anc. Knowledge is a dps increase since INT = AP = 0.33 SP; however, a lot of people like the utility of instant travel form.

With all the spell casting enhancement shamans do and with crit being generic (both spell and melee) it is VERY VERY worthwhile to get Elemental Devastation for PVE since you will be casting spells often enough to get the buff and will have a high enough spell crit chance for it to be considered.

The talents that are left out of my build are either pvp talents are minimal dps increases.
#10 Nov 02 2008 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
TBH Jiade you didn't change much at all :-).

I must say though that I think the Imp SS is kinda a waste. More charges with less cooldown seems superfluous IMO those 2 points would be much better spent in Ancestral Knowledge. I also think the points in ghost wolf are unnecessary in an endgame PvE build (though very nice in a PvP build and simply awesome for leveling).

As far as ED for PvE I am inclined to agree but didn't really go into endgame builds in my previous post as the OP was asking about leveling. It is important to be clear though that Enhancing Totems and Imp WF Totem are more important for endgame PvE as they will buff the whole raid not just the shammy.
#11 Nov 03 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I'd say imp WF totem is among the best 2 points spent for dps increase. Each point is almost a 2% dps increase. If all dps could be increased with haste it would be a direct 2% dps increase per point. Though, again that only matters if you lay it down while leveling.

But yeah.... lol I agreed with most of it. I still think most of the points in elemental are probably more worthwhile than many of the ones in enhancement for leveling since you are gonna run around smacking crap and pushing shocks no matter what and getting maelstrom weapon stacks. The other stuff will be helpful for instances on the way up etc.

PS: Static Shock is still the silliest talent ever.
#12 Nov 03 2008 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Jiade wrote:
PS: Static Shock is still the silliest talent ever.

If for no other reason than that all Shaman are going to be running with Water Shield 100% of the time in parties/raids. Static Shock is a PvP talent, pure and simple.
#13 Nov 03 2008 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
But it's crap for PvP too. For it to be decent it either needs a much higher proc chance or LS needs to do a heap more damage per orb.
#14 Nov 03 2008 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
I have a question. Whats better to use. Rockbiter or Flametongue o.O? looked at both and I seem to like flametongue better. That + the shield. Its niiiiiiice. Got my first fire totem. Havn't used it yet. About to. Was just reading up on the end game stuff. Getting an idea. Don't know what i'm going to do. Seen elemental in action. Pure awsomeness.
#15 Nov 03 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
It used to be Rockbiter all the way, but with FT now giving spellpower as well as the extra DPH it's definitely the better option IMO.
#16 Nov 03 2008 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
Wanted you all to check my shammy. Level 13 only but...i think i'm lookin tough. Getting settup to run sfk at level 15 so I got to look spiffy. Can't believe I got attacked by that blood elf bandit. Oh well reaped the mask and free exp. Here's my link all:

See what you all think? At level 15 I'm going to get those pauldron's from sfk, hopefully fenris's hide. Any other suggestions on lowbie gear to make this little shammies life easier. Anything in dm besides BDA(Blackened Defias Armor)?
#17 Nov 03 2008 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Not bad mate. As far as gear you simply MUST get the reward chestpiece from killing VC, tunic of westfall from memory (you need to do the whole defias brotherhood chain in westfall to get this), and some of the Fang gear from Wailing Caverns is pretty great as well as the shoulders that drop there and maybe even the mace.
The ring that drops in SFK is nice too, it has str on it but as said before str is not redundant now, it's just not as good as agi. Either way it's better than that horrible spirit ring you've got lol.
#18 Nov 04 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Is it me. Did we just get buffed up from the patch. All I have to say is poor poor paladins >< Any changes I should know about. OH! My main question is. What glyphs should I look for while leveling. :D thanks
#19 Nov 04 2008 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Paladins are fine, don't let the QQ fool you (I play one too).

As far as glyphs, Earth Shock and Windfury for majors (once you get WF that is) and if you can afford them get water breathing and water walking for minors as this will free up to bag spaces which is very useful while leveling, though ghost wolf is nice too.

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 2:39am by SunSoarer
#20 Nov 06 2008 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
Wanted your take on this before I do anything stupid. What is the better soloist. Shaman, Rogue or Druid? Shaman is doing good. I was just wondering. :D
#21 Nov 06 2008 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Souliken wrote:
Wanted your take on this before I do anything stupid. What is the better soloist. Shaman, Rogue or Druid? Shaman is doing good. I was just wondering. :D

They are all pretty good for solo...all three can put out some heavy damage. Shaman might pull ahead due to more armor (after lvl 40) combined with healing spells for decreased downtime.

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#22 Nov 07 2008 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Druid after 50 levels faster than just about anything.
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