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Have you thought about your new build?Follow

#1 Oct 03 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
I was looking through the talents and such and debating what spec I wanted to do for the 70-80 grind. I See they are redoing the branches so I have to assume we will be issues a respec sometime soon. I think I have a pure feral build ready to go for 70, then migrate some points to resto up to 80 as there don't seem to be much in balance I would use.

I've looked around and can't find any info, but does anyone know if they will issue the respec before the expansion release or will it be something that comes with the release?

Here are our skills. Some look fun (80 GotW look very nice! and revive is just sweet - about time I say!)

#2 Oct 03 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
edit: failure at links leads to a double post

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 3:09pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Oct 03 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
You have to click on the link on the page above the class icons to get the URL to link your build. :)

This would be my bare bones tank spec. Still have 8 points to place. Could go NS-MS for 5 points, ILotP is 2 points that could be helpful, IW or RnT at 3 and 5 points are options also. Intensity seems like a loser due to lack of points now, I will miss the rage. Primal Precision is a question as I believe our rogue gear will have the hit and expertise needed making the talent kind of meh.

Will have to play around with some specs once the patch drops to decide for sure.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Oct 03 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
These are my 2 feral builds that I'll be trying out:

And here is my Boomkin build. It's still under construction, because I just realized that the Subtlety only affects resto now.

Things are still changing around, so nothing is set in stone for me yet.
Oh, and to clarify why I put just 1 pt in improved mangle: I just like the idea of being able to do mangle>shred>rip and have a 4-pt rip going if I get lucky and crit twice. there are probably better ways to spend the point. Improved Mangle kind of sucks for dps compared to the other talents :(

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 4:01pm by jeffoncom
#5 Oct 03 2008 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
No OoC or +30% Swipe damage for your tank? Other wise looks good.

Not sure about Primal Precision as our gear should have enough expertise and hit to just about hit the cap. The refund on finishing moves might make it more worth it for a DPS feral.

The 5 point investment for 4% damage via NS-MS for a tank build almost doesn't seem worth it to me. For a more DPS based build it is more sensible as they are more likely to change forms for whatever reason during combat.

Shredding Attacks has less utility than before as we are now designed to be main tanks not off tanks so the reduced Shred is not as useful and the reduction on Lacerate is minor.

I would go 2/2 BI as the spell interrupt is great and I want it to be available more often.

The 1 point in IW, I think I end up doing that on several different tank specs I have looked at :).

Any other opinions?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 Oct 03 2008 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
this is my resto spec. Nothing plus/minus. I have played with those talent points until I got to this FINAL least for me.
#7 Oct 04 2008 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
No OoC or +30% Swipe damage for your tank? Other wise looks good.

OoC is free rage for tanking, but I'm usually not doing too bad on rage even with around 45% dodge, so I opted to leave it off for now.
As far as swipes, this is probably something I will pick up after I play around with my build a little bit. I'm thinking I might take the point out of bash, and possibly even a couple out of improved Mangle. 2 Points is only worth 1 second off of a 6 second cooldown. I'd much rather have the extra 20% swipe damage than the slightly quicker mangles. Not sure yet though.

Not sure about Primal Precision as our gear should have enough expertise and hit to just about hit the cap. The refund on finishing moves might make it more worth it for a DPS feral.

Huh? What gear have you been using? My tank gear has almost no hit/expertise on it. :(
Also, it's important to note the difference between hit and expertise. Even if you're at hit cap, you still benefit from expertise.
#8 Oct 04 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
jeffoncom wrote:
And here is my Boomkin build. It's still under construction, because I just realized that the Subtlety only affects resto now.

I would personally use this for my boomkin build.

The one you have doesn't have intensity which I still feel is entirely way too important to be lost out on. More mana regen obviously is a very important thing.

Another thing is Imp Insect Swarm. I don't feel that the 8 or 10 seconds, depending on talents, of 3% crit is going to be worthwhile vs a constant 3% haste you receive from having Celestial Focus 3/3, even with raiding or solo pve in mind. I would rather have haste and a chance to stun a target than having it rush me and beat me senseless.

I don't think that Eclipse is really all that worthwhile. Most of the time in solo pve I'm killing stuff long before they're even coming near me, and when it comes to a 5 man or raiding I have very rarely ever used wrath. It's too mana intensive for the damage done. Plus with the 30 second cooldown on Eclipse it doesn't seem all that good imo.

The main idea behind my build is for raiding, it reflects in my build as well. Trying to be most mana sensitive while outputting the most amount of power. I feel that having ooc is also imperative, knowing that you can get a clearcasting buff and something will cost you no mana whatsoever is just awesome.

I personally feel that you need to have as much as I do in resto, because you increase your damage straight up rather than having to rely on procs and critting.

Of course, with all of this you're still sitting around on 10 points to toss out as you feel (I just noticed this... I'm tired and at work)

Thats my .02

PS: If you understand my ramblings on very little sleep and no caffiene, you win.

Edit: I did a little work on a 70 boomkin build and I came up with this. It's about as far into Earth and Moon as you can get w/o sacrificing your ever important mana regen.

Feel free to comment on my builds :D

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 11:32am by ArexLovesPie
#9 Oct 04 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
I've come up withThis which will likely be my resto build at least within the context of not having access to beta.

I've picked up what I consider to be essential healing talents, including: GotEM, Improved ToL, Living Seed, and Tranquil Spirit. I'm left with 3 talent points, which I may put in either Wild Growth, Natural Perfection, Nature's Grace, or Improved Tranquility.

I find the combo of Improved Regrowth and Living Seed especially appealing. With a 60+% crit rate I can see the possibility of stacking Living Seed on multiple targets. Given that players have record Living Seed heals of 3000+, the Living Seed/ I. Regrowth combo seems extremely imba.

Also, I've added in both Tranquil Spirit and Empowered Touch to increase both the potency and efficiency of my Healing Touch. Given the nerf to the healing coeffecient to Lifebloom and the increase of Lifebloom cycles to 10s over the original 7s, I think that Healing Touch will find more use given a) the increase in available cooldowns and b) the lesser healing power of Lifebloom requiring the use of more direct heals.

At this point I'm not sure what to think about Wild Growth. The mana cost to the spell has decreased by about 30 percent and the spell coefficient has increased, but given the random nature of its target selection, I don't think WG will be anymore than situationally useful.

Edit: Incorrect Link
Edited, Oct 4th 2008 1:20pm by Treehands

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 1:21pm by Treehands

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 1:25pm by Treehands
#10 Oct 04 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Interesting build. I like that you've delved that far into balance for added mana regen.

This is what I came up for a resto build.

I took up WG because I have yet to try it, test it and see how it really works. So until I can make a formal opinion about it by way of testing it, I don't want to rule it out.

I think having Imp ToL giving that extra 15% spirit on top of the 15% spirit you already recieve by talents is too good to give up. It's more healing and mana regen. So possibly it may override talenting to get 3/3 Dreamstate.

Also on the topic of mana regen, depending on the proc rate of OOC and the 30% more spirit it seems tossing a crit regrowth for Living Seed on top of an ooc proc for HT would be very useful, but also dependant entirely luck. About the only thing I see myself really having to use HT would still be for huge spike damage. So if I can't mitigate it with a regrowth/living seed combo or a Rejuv/SM I could use HT.

There is just too much stuff I haven't been able to test, so I'll just resort to speculation and heresay until 11/13/08 comes around.

#11 Oct 04 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
Interesting build. I like that you've delved that far into balance for added mana regen.

I think that the build you were refering too was my previous attempt at a Dreamstate build, which I incorrectly linked to my post. The correct build has only 11 points invested in Balance.

I don't think that a Dreamstate build is a viable option. At 70 the Dreamstate talent would give me about 60 mp5. I couldn't justify that with losing Living Seed, GotEM, and not maxing out Imp. ToL.

One thing that I find odd with your build ( and for that matter, many resto builds I've seen) is the combination of Replenish and Wild Growth. Those two talents seem to be mutually exclusive. Replenish seems to make Rejuvination spamming the primary means of healing to increase the overall mana, rage, ect returned. Wild Growth seems to go directly against that by putting a HoT effect on a random selection of players around you, thus making the rejuvination spam a waste of mana, at least within that selection of players.

#12 Oct 04 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
Huh? What gear have you been using? My tank gear has almost no hit/expertise on it. :(
Also, it's important to note the difference between hit and expertise. Even if you're at hit cap, you still benefit from expertise.

I guess you havent read much on the expasion besides the tallent trees or tallents or you would know that they are planing on use useing rogue gear for bear and kitty. unless maybe you are thinking horse is talking about his gear now and the e-pac tallents wich he aint. they are also trying to do the same with pally warrior and i belive DK's. i know pally and warrior.

they are trying to normalize the gear more but i dont see how they can do it with bear and boomkin. unless they are comeing out with lots of leather caster stuff i know i wont be going back to boomkin cause tired of people crying that i take the 5000 cloth dps items that are out there. think i'm gonna stick with feral and maybe tap into resto sme.
#13 Oct 04 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Ya I was thinking WotLK. We do use rogue gear which does have a good amount of hit and expertise. Our Naxx 10 set has expertise. Our non tank slots will be rogue leather also having some hit and expertise.

OoC is too good to pass up. Free attacks are a huge threat boost. Imp Mangle allows for a way higher threat rotation so I feel all the points are need as a partial GCD reduction isn't as good until you have the haste to support it, then I could see less points.

The increased Swipe damage is also just pure threat. And a good allocation of 3 points.

The Brutal Impact points are not needed but I would rather have a spell interrupt more readily available.

Still not sure about Rend and Tear or Infected Wounds. Reading up over on the elitistjerks forums about them for tanking.

Either way I am excited for the upcoming expansion and can't wait to mess around with various builds.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Oct 04 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Looking at This as my leveling Balance build, might move a point here and there if I like Typhoon and Starfall. The point in subtly is there because I've always been able to heal in raids and 5 mans if necessary, so 10% less threat should be good while leveling.

Probably going to go with this for raids pre-wrath, again , might add Starfall in there.

Looking at this for Level 80. Might take that point from Imp FF if Typhoon is any good.

Any comments would be appreciated.
#15 Oct 05 2008 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
I came up with about the same build for 80 there micros. the only thing i did diff i think was max moon and earth instead of haveing 1 point into eclipes. just for fact i dont wanna watch for a 33% chance off of a crit i think it is to change my spell rotation. i would rather keep same rotation just getting an extra 3% damage with that 1 point. i'm not sure how much i like eclipes even maxed due to fact you have to change rotations to max out the damage and you do. i'm a big fan of K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid. so thats what i try to do lol. i dont know though once i get 80 i'm sure i'll try switching it around and who knows by then it may change alot.
#16 Oct 06 2008 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
In my original post I hadn't posted a link to my build it was just a link to stir activity.

This would likely be my respec build when bliz gives us one with the expansion. This would be feral to level... I would like OOC but the higher feral talents seem to be better imo.

Then at 80 it would be this if I was feral, if I go back to resto at 80, which I expect I will, I would go with something like AlexLovesPie's build. that looks like a nice build there!

One feral skill I am not real sure about is Primal Precision - Expertise has little to offer (unless I have missed something, perhaps with the exspansion, but as I recall when we are shapeshifted epxertise matters 0 to us) and while the refund of missed finishing moves would be nice, I think the points could better go to OOC at 80 or even into feral aggression for f-bite or predatory instincts. And if I get back into PvP as feral, Tenacity is a must...

Would those of you that tank use enrage? I never used it, and rarely used Tiger's fury... am I missing out on something?

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 9:39am by SumDuud
#17 Oct 06 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
SumDuud wrote:

One feral skill I am not real sure about is Primal Precision - Expertise has little to offer (unless I have missed something, perhaps with the exspansion, but as I recall when we are shapeshifted epxertise matters 0 to us) and while the refund of missed finishing moves would be nice, I think the points could better go to OOC at 80 or even into feral aggression for f-bite or predatory instincts. And if I get back into PvP as feral, Tenacity is a must...

Would those of you that tank use enrage? I never used it, and rarely used Tiger's fury... am I missing out on something?

Expertise should still be useful; it lowers the chance of an enemy to parry or dodge. Hit only affects miss rates and has no effect on those figures. I think the question will be how much expertise rating we get from gear... especially if expertise rating takes a hit as levels increase. Right now I believe an expertise of 10 would get you 2.5% decreased dodge/parry rating. (Note: There is a difference between expertise and expertise rating. Expertise, as per talents, gives .25% reduced dodge/parry per point. Expertise rating, mostly from items, currently needs 3.92 expertise rating to get the effect of one expertise point; this will likely increase in the expansion, but may be countered by increased expertise rating availability on items). There should be a lot more expertise rating on items come the expansion, so this talent may not be as needed; but until then, it's a basic +5% dps increase as a tank. Not sure how that'll factor in to the differences between other abilities.

And I personally never use enrage as a tank right now, and I'm not sure if that would change come WotLK. I would only take King of the Jungle is I was dpsing in cat form, because that's where the talent really shines, imo.
#18 Oct 06 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Does anyone know what our defence cap will need to be(currently 415) to remain an uncritable bear while still at lvl 70? Since [survival of the fittest] talents will be buffed to 6% up from 3%. I was just kinda wondering since the patch will come out before the X-pac, and our guild will be still raiding. I don't wanna be at 415 def if I only need 380 or whatever.
#19 Oct 06 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
We are crit immune with just SotF. So as soon as the next patch hits, we no longer need any resilience or defence on our gear.

#20 Oct 07 2008 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
punkspider, ****** Superhero wrote:
just for fact i dont wanna watch for a 33% chance off of a crit i think it is to change my spell rotation.

I agree, but during raiding I'll usually just throw a random wrath or two out during boss fights. With a point in eclipse it gives me a bonus for doing so.
#21 Oct 07 2008 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent

I agree, but during raiding I'll usually just throw a random wrath or two out during boss fights. With a point in eclipse it gives me a bonus for doing so.

yes but only if eclipse procs. and if your only gonna toss them out once in awhile i think it would be better to have the extra damage all the time if your not going to watch for the proc and make sure you use it to it's fullest. i dont know, it's gonna be alot of trials and errors and relearning crap i think.
#22 Oct 07 2008 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
punkspider, ****** Superhero wrote:

I agree, but during raiding I'll usually just throw a random wrath or two out during boss fights. With a point in eclipse it gives me a bonus for doing so.

yes but only if eclipse procs. and if your only gonna toss them out once in awhile i think it would be better to have the extra damage all the time if your not going to watch for the proc and make sure you use it to it's fullest.

I'd be waiting for the Procs before doing so. On the other hand, I might not and see if I can get the +30% Starfire crit buff. (Yep, it's been buffed)
#23 Oct 09 2008 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
I'm thinking that as tank I would start with this.
#24 Oct 09 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
This is what I am going to spec into on Tuesday.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#25 Oct 09 2008 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
i'm thinking of just going dps and going with

the raids i can make are normaly already tank heavy or have an extra feral or two and i have a feeling they plan on going tank since some of them just suck at dps. not to mention i may try to do some arenas as feral like i've been doing and wanna see how well that snare works out.
#26 Oct 10 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
This will be my 80 Moonkin build. 55/0/16
It features what I think are the crucial points (dreamstate and Intensity) and leaves off the talents that only affect one spell or so such as Improoved Moonfire and improoved insect swarm. Not sure about how Improoved Moonkin form will change things as I have been stacking Crit, Int, Stam and spirit in behind these others which will likely have to change.
since I haven't played with Beta yet things may change but so far so good in my opinion.
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