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How do YOU defeat a...........Follow

#1 Oct 01 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
After spending half the afternoon chasing a Mage around while slowly being melted, I decided to come to the pro's..:) This thread is not limited to Mages though. I'd like to know, as a Warrior, what do you do to defeat a ..................

Druid ?
Warlock?................Did I forget anyone..............Oh yes......Congress?

PS: I'm hoping this thread can be a vauable tool for future Warriors.
#2 Oct 01 2008 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
id like some insight on the mage one also, on my rogue destroy them but on my warrior im lucky if i get a few hits in
#3 Oct 01 2008 at 11:19 PM Rating: Excellent
150 posts
Depends on if its a frost mage, fire or arcane. I find that frost mages are the hardest. If you can, charge them. pop a hamsting. Here they will usually blink or frost nova. If the blink use intercept and dps as much as you can. Keep hamstring up. If they nova, trinket out or int shout them(fear). If you have plenty of rage and have tactical mastery equip sword and board. The mage will usually try to use a high damage spell when you are novaed. Spellreflect FTW. after that, just keep the same routine. If he iceblocks, bandage, but beware of dots.

Fighting a lock, you should keep Deathwish up for fear. Also zerker rage when deathwish fades. Intercept, MS and hamstring. Pummel lifedrains. If destro, try to pummel or intercept shadowbolts.

Droods(feral) usually bearform fighting a warrior. Keep up sunder and demo shout. Intercept when he shifts to heal. If he does, this is your chance to kill him. Boomkins are different. I usually never trinket out of cyclones since you are immune to damage. Just accept them as temprary set back. However, try to trinket out of roots. other than that keep up hamstring and dps them.

rogues you must demoshout and fight in battlestance to overpower. hamstring. Intercept when possible. You can also disarm. Trinket out of stuns. You can also use berserker rage to pop out of saps. usefull when capping flags. Have tricked many rogues that way ^^

Priest and pally I'd love some tips on myself.

shaman and hunters a pretty straight forward. Intercept/charge. Keep up hamstring and burn them down. watch out for hunter traps and shaman heals. BM hunters are more tricky sice they are immune to hamsting and fears. either you can try to dps them down, or go defstance and play defensive trying to get out of their LoS.

Please comment and add tips and tricks

#4 Oct 02 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah i should have thrown BM hunter in there too.

BM Hunter and Frost Mage are my biggest problems as Warrior for me.
#5 Oct 02 2008 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Paladins would be interesting to read up on. My friend plays a shockadin, and I usually let him solo double warrior teams we meet in 2v2. He just bursts one down, shields and heals up, and bursts the other down... Only when there's a major gear difference can they actually take him down.
#6 Oct 02 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
149 posts
Ok this might not be the best way to do it but I have a Warrior lvl 63 and a Mage 70 my main. I have done every different kind of spec on my Mage. I find the easiest way to kill a Warrior is frost spec.

A mage's first move is usually something to slow you down to keep your distance. We are very squishy. You need to get hamstring up as fast as possible. Yes they will blink but you will get to them again with intercept. If he pops out his elemental HIDE! Seriously LoS him for 45 seconds if you can.

The elemental is the money maker for frost mages. they have a frost nova that they can put anywhere. Your best bet in the case of not being able to LoS is to try and kill the mage not the pet, assuming the mage is still close. You MUST keep hamstring up on a mage. The mages pet only casts frostbolt unless we tell it to frost nova.

They will Iceblock at some point guaranteed. As soon as it goes away HAMSTRING again. Iceblock removes all debuffs. You can not play the mana game against a mage they will win. We have a few different ways to get mana back. You have to powerhouse through them. I understand they will keep their distance this is the only way a mage will win against about anything. If we are to close and you hit us well there goes half our health.

A good frost mage will always beat a warrior. ANY fire mage will try to nuke the living be-jesus out of you right off the bat. survive the first 3 hits and you got them.

POM + PYRO mages first thing to do GET YOUR SHIELD OUT they will pom pyro you. My pom pyro hits for about 7k reflect that on me and I will lay down and die gracefully. Fire Mages are easy they have burst damage kill them between the bursts and it is over for them.

Back to frost again...charge, hamstring, hit as much as possible before blink, intercept hit as much as you can before Iceblock...when they iceblock bandage, then intercept again hamstring kill trust me I have been handed my butt on a platter by a few warriors with this method. Try and stay out of LoS until you are in range to get charge or intercept off. And lastly try to interrupt spell casts using charge and intercept. You can defeat them. It will take some time find a frost mage to duel a few times and you will see what I mean.

Good luck and remember don't let them get to far away from you. If they do you just gave them all the time in the world to cast big hits on you. If you are in their face they will focus on getting away and you have them at that point.

Hope this helps a little.
#7 Oct 04 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I'm afraid it's an outside Alla link, but try:

This has guides (of variable quality) to killing each other class.
#8 Oct 08 2008 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Another important thing versus a rogue is to try to find out his spec. If he is dagger spec (tiny little pointers) make sure you are always with your belly towards the rogue. Same counts for feral (cat) druids. They deal way less damage that way.

Another important thing to use versus any melee class is thunderclap and demo shout.

Mages are not really that hard once you follow the most imporant rule
most imporant rule: do NOT intercept if the mage has his blink off cooldown. In my opinion if you want to win any fight you, as a melee class, should make sure you are as agressive as you can. This means making sure to stand next to your target the whole time.

Versus locks and priests this indeed does mean using your serker rage and deathwish at the right time. For rogues this means pressing demo shout immideately when he vanishes closeby, for mages this means wait with intercept till it blinked away, for hunters this means that it would be wise to not walk in a straight line to his position.

Another thing I tend to do when I'm facing a lesser armored class and I have enough rage; is to start stacking sunder armor. Especially if you are chasing a druid a mortal strike crits like a maniac when it's full sundered and he just morphed into normal form.
#9 Oct 10 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
You have to wait for a frost mage to get the jump on someone else, then get them. If it's one on one vs a frost mage it give a solid effort a few times, but after failing I tend to stear clear of them. Fire and Arcane I've never really had a problem with, even with Pom Pyro's. I just trinket the sheep, intercept and smash them. Never been against a mage that used slow, so I'm not sure how that goes.

BM hunters fun. Beastial Wrath sux, but if you can save your intercept for when they use, it should be game over. Sure you have the occasional good hunter that will wing clip or have the pet stun you or w/e, then they just kite you. You just have to learn when to use trinkets and intercepts. After using Intercept make sure to keep moving forward because incase you haven't noticed you kinda just stop, but they don't cuz they're Immune to the stun. So ya gotta keep goin. If you can't stay with them...just run from them when they turn Red until it wears off.

Feral druids; they'll always shift to bear form when you whack em a few times in kitty form and they realize they're gonna lose. If they do that, sunder, demo shout and keep your distance. Let them feral charge you, it triggers Second Wind, and the helps. Sure, intercept and pummel when needed as well as fearing.

Boomkins can eat my ***.

Priests; ugh, I hate them and their shields. It's tough against Spriests when their dots are almost instant, but pummel, fear, sunder and MS. Don't forget to intercept. Once you get through the shield (if it doesn't take too long) you should do ok. I normally don't have a problem with these guys when I'm Fury though...dunno why.

Warlocks; they tend to do the same freakin thing, and this makes them all terribad. Most will deathcoil you first (i'm merely speaking of BG locks) which is unknownst to me why they do that. While in the middle of DC they'll try to cast fear, easy mode after that, just zerker or trink out of it, intercept and melt face. If they're Soul Linked and have decent gear, good luck, it takes forever to get through that crap.

Paladins; just hope they're worse than you or just avoid them. The bubble boys will bubble and heal or hearth, so there's no sense in trying IMO.

Rogues; if you haven't figured this one out, you deserve to have ur @ss handed to you.

Shaman; Resto is a pain, Elemental is ok if you get the jump on them, if not, the burst damage will hurt you. Certain Enh shaman are tough due to the WF crits and shock spells. Demo shout, T-Clap and fear if need be on enh shaman. Pummel, MS and pray for Mace stuns on Elemental and Resto.

For casters, Spell Reflect is win, unless they spell steal it (mages).

This is just a basic run down that will or will not help you. There are not alot of classes I have problems with because most of todays BGers are complete crap. There are some exceptions outside arenas, but they're few and far between.
#10 Oct 12 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
188 posts
Feral Druid - debuff as much as possible. Demo shout, 5 sunders and keep Bshout up on your self. There will be a point where the Druid is getting low and he is forced to switch out. Either he will, feral charge --> cyclone, or most likely bash cyclone. The idea here is to catch him in caster form, so when he charges/bashes and starts to cast cyclone immediately use PvP trinket and intercept and rage dump, rinse and repeat. You're trying to prevent any cyclones, if necessary spell reflect and/or fear.

Resto Druid - it's the same deal. But now you have to apply a lot of pressure and make sure you catch them in caster, spell reflect while in nature's grasp etc.

Hunter - If the hunter isn't retarded, he will position his pet away from him in the start of the duel. If he is retarded, charge and immediately, and challenging shout the pet. The hunter will either drop a freezing trap, which the pet will break, or a frost trap (if he's good). If he puts down a freezing trap and the pet breaks it, the duel is already over. If he puts down a frost trap, it starts to get hard. You have to be on top of the hunter at all times, eventually you will start to trail off behind him considering wingclip > hamstring. Keep the hunter slowed as much as possible, if you are feeling a scatter shot, go defensive and taunt pet. If you see the hunter put down a trap, SPELL REFLECT. Yes, you can spell reflect traps. The trap will not be reflected onto the hunter, but it will just break.

BM Hunter - BM hunters kite you with a frost trap, once again, try to reflect the trap. He will use BW when he's gotten a good distance from you and he feels as if you're going to intercept. When he turns red, intercept and go defensive and put on a shield immediately. The idea here is to live through BW and start pummeling on him again. Hide behind a wall and stay out of the hunter's line of sight. When the BW wears off, put your 2h back on, go zerker, and intercept. Reflect trap if he puts it down.

Frost mage - No way in hell you can ever beat a good frost mage. The bad ones? Maybe. Charge, he will frost nova. PvP trinket, he will frost nova with pet. Fear pet, if mage isn't in proximity of fear, immediately get spell reflect up. DO NOT intercept, unless the mage blinks. All you can do here is spell reflect as much as you can, and save intercept for crucial moments. When you aren't in range of hamstring, piercing howl. The chilling effect will eventually wear off and you can get a couple hits on him. When mage ice blocks, and you have enough rage, Spell reflect and start to bandage.

Fire mage - Time spell reflects, and make sure to pummel whatever you can. Fear and bandage when possible. Keep hamstring up, piercing howl if unable to hamstring. If you can spell reflect a fireball and hopefully get a fireblast in at the same time..GG! Fire mages are very squishy.

Disc/Holy Priest - 5 Sunders, pummel all heals and stay in zerker. If unable to pummel, fear/intercept/sreflect. You can usually run a disc priest oom(out of mana) with 5 sunders.

Shadow Priest - A very tough fight considering the high damage output, decent damage mitigation and healing/bubble. I rarely win any duels against a good spriest. But run circles around the priest pummeling any shadow spell, and reflect mind blasts. Intercept whenever it is up and fear bandage when possible.

Ret Paladin - Stay in zerker at all times, demo shout and disarm immediately, and save PvP trinket for hammer of justice. If he bubbles, run away and bandage. If he bubbles and keeps attacking you, go defensive stance and get up spell reflect. When his bubble wears off, fear/bandage, disarm if up. Obviously save zerker rage for Repentance.

Holy Paldin - God damn pain in the ***. There are some holy paladins who try to output as much damage as they can as fast as they can, and there are some who play the long way. Whichever way it is, pummel heals immediately, if pummel isn't off CD fear, and/or intercept.

Prot Pally - It's extremely hard to beat them considering they have a sh*t load of mitigation along with decent damage, and bubble! Good luck?

SHS Rogue - Rogues used to be easy to duel when combat was the common spec, but now Shs makes it really hard to beat them. A good rogue will garrote, 5 point rupture vanish --> Cheapshot, stun lock. The bleed ticks for enormous amounts of damage as well as being hemo'd. This is almost impossible to counter. But if you would like to give it a chance... Save PvP trinket for blind, stay in battle stance for the opener. Wait for rogue to open immediately attack and hope he dodges, if you are able to prevent the vanish rupture you have a much better chance. Go berserker and stay in it unless you get overpower up. If he blinds, trinket and intercept AND DISARM WHILE ROGUE IS INTERCEPTED. This is very important considering you are unable to dodge when stunned. Also, if you are mace spec, whenever you stun him try to disarm. When deep wounds is not on the rogue, fear/bandage. When cheat death procs, most warriors don't know what to do and continue to MS and such. Spam hamstring until it wears off and execute.

Resto Shaman - Give it all you got, but save pummel/fear/intercept for any healing. Make sure you have extra rage at all times to stop healing. Not much else you can do here.

Enhancement Shaman - Demo shout and disarm. Pummel heals, intercept whenever considering you will have enough rage from incoming damage to fear/pummel when he is healing. Should be a simple fight unless Shaman gets lucky with chain crits.

Elemental Shaman - These bastards have great potential for burst damage. Do not let them cast ANYTHING. Run circles around them, pummel anything, intercept and fear. Make sure they don't cast one thing. If you pummel a heal, the shaman is unable to cast any damage abilities as well considering they are in the same tree. If you can time spell reflects well, reflect chain lightning. Another good method in this duel is to put up spell reflect and immediately start to bandage. If he casts anything it will be reflected still allowing the bandage to get off. The Shaman usually does not react quick enough to mellee attack and break it.

SL/Sl Warlock - Just beat them down as much as you can. Pummel drain life, save trinket for death coil. Cause as much damage as you can while keeping drain life pummeled.

Destruction Warlock - Depending on the type of destruction lock, pummel whatever his mastered school is. Fire, pummel immolate and incinerate. Make sure to pummel immolate considering that allows him to Conflag. Once again, if pummel is on CD, intercept/fear/spell reflect.

MS Warrior - This is entirely based on chance/gear. It's all about parrying/dodging. In general, keep demo shout, and tclap up. Disarming in Warrior vs Warrior duels is silly because that ultimately leads to you being disarmed. Some warriors make the mistake of PvP trinket --> Intercept, but I personally wait for the Warrior to do so, and trinket intercept back. He has no trinket now to break it, and he is stunned for full duration. Whenever hamstring is off, back up intercept. Pray for mace stuns and parries.

Dueling really isn't a Warrior's forte considering we suck at 1 v 1! We were built for group efforts.

Generally, you have to be VERY quick in duels. Bind everything, make sure your PvP trinket is binded, and use macros for necessary skills, such as Spell reflect.

I'm not sure if Zip has included that macro in his guide, but if he hasn't here it is.

#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3] Defensive Stance
/stopmacro [equipped: Shields]
/equip YOUR 1H

And this is a charge/intercept macro very useful for PvP. When you are in combat it keeps you in battle stance and charges, if you are in combat it puts you in zerk and intercepts. VERY useful for stance dancing.

#show [combat] Intercept; Charge
/cast [stance:1/2,combat] Berserker Stance; [stance:3,combat] Intercept; [stance:2/3,nocombat] Battle Stance; [stance:1,nocombat] Charge

Good luck.

Edited, Oct 13th 2008 12:44am by mechpriest

Edited, Oct 13th 2008 12:47am by mechpriest

Edited, Oct 13th 2008 12:53am by mechpriest

Edited, Oct 13th 2008 12:54am by mechpriest
#11 Oct 21 2008 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
Nice and useful , ty
#12 Oct 21 2008 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
This stuff should be on top of forum somewhere, for people to see it at all times??
If thats not an option then I ll post something stupid to this post to keep it on top of other posts...

I can kill all my friends in Duel ( If I pay them) heheheheh

#13 Oct 21 2008 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
So, now you should spec prot...ok not really, but it works against enhancement shaman really well and some locks. Haven't really played around with it too mcuh, but it's really hawt with the stuns and damage you can do now, given you have some decent gear.
#14 Oct 22 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
I play with prot in bg, it works great again rogues I love the stuns. decents damage output as long as have nice weapon.
#15 Oct 22 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Got a question regarding Prot PvP. If I ought to play PvP as prot, what gear would I be aiming for? PvP gear or PvE gear? And what stats?

I play with prot in bg, it works great again rogues I love the stuns. decents damage output as long as have nice weapon.

What would certify as "nice weapon"? Would Horseman's Blade fall under that category?

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 3:16pm by Sesseth
#16 Oct 23 2008 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Yes the Horseman's Blade will work, I'm using Gladiator Cleaver myself. I would says can go w/pve or pvp gear, I like pvp gear because of the resil on it so have even less crits against you but that just my opinion because pve gear will work too.
#17 Oct 30 2008 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
well? so much words about how to defeat.... but i didn't saw any post about warrior build vs each of classes...
if u are fury how can u debuf for example feral druid???? or if u are def war how can u dps mage's???
I'll try to answer on th main question in this topic...
Airreign u need to practice and fint nice build for warrior... nwm u are def, fury or arms-war. U can kill anything like rogues but it'll be more difficult, so not ppl from internet will help u to kill mages but ur hands... well i gues i answered
P.S: if u can play any class perfectly u can win without problems need only strait hands :p
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