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Best fight ever!Follow

#1 Sep 29 2008 at 8:34 PM Rating: Excellent
I really hate running into pallies in BGs, especially when they've got all of their CDs up and know how to use them - dear god they can be worse then rogues sometimes!


My long neglected pally is the last toon I've got to level before the expansion so as noted on another thread, I've been taking my time and enjoying the process, so that includes doing the BGs for some solid gear to launch her into the expansion.

So I'm heading down the road that leads from stab to farm along the top of the cliff when I run into an enemy pally - I'm 56, he's 59 so technically he's got the edge, however, having had leveling issues I ultimately picked up goblin engineering, so her DPS capabilities are a tad higher then those of a ret pally of that level.

I think I can honestly say that the fight between us lasted at least five minutes - we both burned every CD in the book and then some, we both used pots, I managed to pop all of my trinkets and dropped several grenaids - it was great!

Amazingly enough, no one came by and interfered to boot - just two toons with a near infinite supply of health, mana and second chances going at each other fullbore, non-stop - for once it wasn't an excercise in frustration due to the fact that we both had the same outs.

I prevailed in the end - I'm pretty sure that this guy was also a ret pally, but he was extremely defensive - if he'd of judged or consecrated a few more times instead of healing himself and I didn't have the extra dps from the engineering, he'd of definately won.

None-the-less, it was still the longest and most fun instance of single combat I've ever experienced!
#2 Sep 30 2008 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Awesome story!
#3 Sep 30 2008 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Rate up. Those kinds of duels in a battleground are a rare and beautiful thing. (I mean where both combatants just kind of happen upon one another. As opposed to, y'know, chasing someone headed for your ramp in WSG, judging justice and seeing how long it takes them to realise they aren't going *nowhere*)
#4 Sep 30 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Great fight.

I got into a fight with a Hunter that sorta went like that. He didn't have his pet out, he trapped me, we went at it for a while (I'm tank) it was fun.

Same thing with a Druid who followed me over the side of HF Ramps. Just beat the crap out of each other... Those are the most fun.
#5 Sep 30 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
My best fights usually happen in world PvP rather than BG's, but I don't BG a lot. This was not an epic fight by any means, but it WAS super fun... I was done running a guildy (61 Warr) through Ramps, and from where I was you could see outside to where the summoning stone was. I am a level 70 prot Paladin in pretty decent gear (not great or anything, but decent).

I saw from inside of Ramps that all hell was breaking loose at the stone, and there was a 68 BE Pally and several other lower level horde causing mass warfare at the stone. I ran to the place in Ramps where you can jump down and be right at the instance entrance, ran out, and promptly handed a level 61 horde rogue and the 68 BE pally their heads on a plate.

I got a lot of /applause from the lower level allies at the stone :)

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 12:55pm by jeromesimina
#6 Sep 30 2008 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
Grats on the win. Apart from world pvp you really dont see many battles like that in wow anymore unless your duelling someone.

If you want a laugh spec holy and duel another holy paladin. I'll guarantee the fight should last anywhere between 10-20mins.
#7 Sep 30 2008 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Meh, that's nothing. I had a duel with another Prot Paladin that last 1 hour. Yea you heard me, 1 hour!

I was doing some world PvP over in Draenieland (I forget it's name right off hand), as were some other 70s, and there was a lull. This other Paly challenged me to a duel while we waited for the Horde to come back. Horde never showed back up =/

I regret to say that in the end I lost :( It wouldn't have gone on so long though except every time the other Paly stunned me he'd run around a house, leave combat, and drink a bit. Cheating as far as I'm concerned :P
#8 Oct 01 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
Yeah - those are the best fights ever.

I had a ridiculously long fight (~10 minutes) on my holy pally against a resto druid. No-one ended up winning, we just decided to stop and go our separate ways as we were both pretty close to full health and mana.
#9 Oct 01 2008 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Holy pally vers Resto Shaman, ~15 mins before the duel was called off because we were riding out for Kara.

As a note, the range for a duel before you get too far away is farther than the tether for the Fire elemental. :)
#10 Oct 02 2008 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
I am a level 70 prot Paladin in pretty decent gear (not great or anything, but decent).

I saw from inside of Ramps that all hell was breaking loose at the stone, and there was a 68 BE Pally and several other lower level horde causing mass warfare at the stone. I ran to the place in Ramps where you can jump down and be right at the instance entrance, ran out, and promptly handed a level 61 horde rogue and the 68 BE pally their heads on a plate.

And? Not to **** in your cereal, but the story would have alot more merit if it was actually an accomplishment. Anyone can sit near an instance and gank lowbies. How about 3v1'n some 70s, or rushing an alliance stronghold with just two horde. **** like that is impressive, your story is just typical 70 ganking lowbies cause you suck to much to fight a real char.
#11 Oct 02 2008 at 2:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Look, a troll!

*poke, poke*

Can we keep him, huh huh, can we!?
#12 Oct 02 2008 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
BlazntheChron wrote:
I am a level 70 prot Paladin in pretty decent gear (not great or anything, but decent).

I saw from inside of Ramps that all hell was breaking loose at the stone, and there was a 68 BE Pally and several other lower level horde causing mass warfare at the stone. I ran to the place in Ramps where you can jump down and be right at the instance entrance, ran out, and promptly handed a level 61 horde rogue and the 68 BE pally their heads on a plate.

And? Not to sh*t in your cereal, but the story would have alot more merit if it was actually an accomplishment. Anyone can sit near an instance and gank lowbies. How about 3v1'n some 70s, or rushing an alliance stronghold with just two horde. sh*t like that is impressive, your story is just typical 70 ganking lowbies cause you suck to much to fight a real char.

1. Prot Pallies are known to suck at PvP and couldn't 1v3 3 other 70s regardless of the spec/gear the 3 70s had. Learn to understand other people's spec/class.

2. It wasn't an "accomplishment" as such, it was saving my fellow alliance (all lower level than I am) from horde causing $hit at the summoning stone (especially the 68 Ret Pally), which is the way a Noble Alliance Prot should behave. Learn some lore.

3. I wasn't sitting near the instance and doing the ganking, the horde were... lern 2 reed.
#13 Oct 02 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default

That's all I read. I know what a Prot Pally is, and I know what it's capable of. Any 70 class can easily kill a 61, and pally vs pally is no accomplishment at all. Just because everyone else might like to sing your praise because they themselfs are gimp and do the same tactics, doesn't mean someone with experience and skill, such as myself, is just going to smile and nod at your "accomplishment". This threads supposed to be about fights that were actually worthwhile, and theres not a damn thing worthwhile about ganking lowbies. Rate down all day, cause kharma on allah doesn't mean sh*t except that you struck a nerve w/ someone.

Edit: lol "lore", I forgot that some of you tards actually play this for the RPG aspect. I'm the knight in shining armor, defending the lowbies, wooh...If there was as many low level horde at the stone as you claim, I dont see how they could be ganking so many alliance. A 61 rogue and 68 pally? Any competent duo could take them on. CC the pally, and kill the rogue, holy crap that's hard. Sounds to me like some gimp alliance were getting ganked, so some gimp 70 had to help them out. Then ya post it here to sound like a hero, when really, it comes down to one word. Gimp.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2008 1:19pm by BlazntheChron
#14 Oct 02 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
BlazntheChron wrote:

That's all I read. I know what a Prot Pally is, and I know what it's capable of. Any 70 class can easily kill a 61, and pally vs pally is no accomplishment at all. Just because everyone else might like to sing your praise because they themselfs are gimp and do the same tactics, doesn't mean someone with experience and skill, such as myself, is just going to smile and nod at your "accomplishment". This threads supposed to be about fights that were actually worthwhile, and theres not a damn thing worthwhile about ganking lowbies. Rate down all day, cause kharma on allah doesn't mean sh*t except that you struck a nerve w/ someone.

Edit: lol "lore", I forgot that some of you tards actually play this for the RPG aspect. I'm the knight in shining armor, defending the lowbies, wooh...If there was as many low level horde at the stone as you claim, I dont see how they could be ganking so many alliance. A 61 rogue and 68 pally? Any competent duo could take them on. CC the pally, and kill the rogue, holy crap that's hard. Sounds to me like some gimp alliance were getting ganked, so some gimp 70 had to help them out. Then ya post it here to sound like a hero, when really, it comes down to one word. Gimp.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2008 1:19pm by BlazntheChron

Sounds like you were the 68 Horde Pally that I killed...

I hope so :)
#15 Oct 02 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
BlazntheChron wrote:

Rate down all day, cause kharma on allah doesn't mean sh*t except that you struck a nerve w/ someone.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2008 1:19pm by BlazntheChron

Why bother rating you down? It is more fun to leave your post where everyone can read it!

Obviously you are one of those people that think that cause you have 9 BG/Arena purples you are l33t and someone who prefers the PvE portion of the game and likes to quest/instance and help guildies/other allies is a scrub.

That is fine, some people love BGs and Arenas... I just don't happen to be one of those people. I would rather spend 4 hours in Kara than 5 minutes in Arena, that is just me.

I also said at the beginning of my original post that my feat wasn't really an accomplishment, just a fun story.

As far as the gimp comment, w/e... I suspect if you ever saw Moroes you would wet yourself, even though you probably top the DPS charts in BGs.

Me personally, I have only been playing since April 2008, and in spite of a case of Altitus, I have a 70 Prot Pally that can do Kara and Heroics and can hopefully progress a bit further in raids before the expansion hits, because that is what _I_ like to do. I must not be a complete gimp, because when I PUG dungeons and heroics, people I don't even know are telling me that I am a good tank and they would be happy to come along for more stuff in the future, so that is enough validation for me.

Either you are simply a fail troll is fail, or you are seeking some sort of validation which I cannot (nor do I desire to) provide.... I certainly didn't see any epic fight story from you so far!

Also, the Karma system on Alla does actually mean something... If your posts get high ratings and you become a Scholar, Sage, or Guru, it generally means that people find your posts one or more of the things listed below:

1. Informative
2. Worthwhile
3. Entertaining
4. Humorous
5. Enligthening
6. Helpful

That is what gets you one of the Alla poster titles and the little stars by your name. I do see that at least for now you do have a star....

Edited, Oct 2nd 2008 3:37pm by jeromesimina
#16 Oct 02 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
I agree jerom , telling a story or two doesn`t make someone leet, but neither does bashing them down for trying tell and entertaining story. And it does sound fun, I haven`t been able to play in a while, so I`m diein to play. Oh and yes 1, 70 can kick the **** of 3 others, I have done it. usually means you get the drop on them, or they just suck.

Oh and let this guy have his fun with out trying to sh*t in his cornflakes, if he wants to tell a story, I say all the power to him, I will want to read it, if you don`t thats fine, but don`t flame them for sharing.
#17 Oct 02 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Ergh, 1v3 is next to impossible. I've watched a few pvp videos where it's been done (not the pvp videos where it has been STAGED), and it tends to take the form of ganking the group of three when they are already fighting or low on health or out of CDs, so the first goes down very quickly then controlling one while quickly killing the other. You'll definately need to pot, and engineering is probably a help. I think certain classes would find it impossible. A rogue could sap and blind and gouge his way through the fight. Rogues are basically designed for the task, since they can restealth after the first two kills to avoid the third enemy to wait for cooldowns.

A warlock could conceivably use a succy and fear. A shaman would find it trickier to take on 3 people at once i think, as would a paladin. Repentence is good, but as any half-decent arena player knows, stuns do not equal CC.
#18 Oct 02 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
Also, the Karma system on Alla does actually mean something

You've never been to the FFXI allah forums then I guess.
#19 Oct 03 2008 at 4:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
BlazntheChron wrote:
Also, the Karma system on Alla does actually mean something

You've never been to the FFXI allah forums then I guess.

I ventured over there once just because someone who was a new convert to WoW from FFXI was saying how horrible people were on the Alla FFXI forum. I never played FFXI, and from seeing what some of the posters on that forum post, I am glad that I never played it. There are definitely some a$$hats over there on that forum.
#20 Oct 03 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
I had pretty much the same experience. Granted, I wasn't playing on my Pally, but fought one. My Pally is lvl 57 prot. I leveled him ret to 55, so I know a bit about how they play.

In this instance, I was on my Tauren feral Druid. I play on a normal server, and I was level 45 or so at the time. I was in Tanaris questing, and came upon a same level human Pally flagged. I'm guessing we were both doing the same quest, as he was killing the mobs I needed as well.

He came up to me and challenged me to a duel, which I accepted. Of course, I go to cat form and stealth. He consecrates. I try to wait for an opportunity to attack that never came. So... The battle commences. I used every trick in the book against him. Cat, bear, heals, pots... You name it. I know he burned a lot of his cooldowns as well, and I think he even used Lay on Hands during the fight, although I can't remember for sure. The point is... I won. It was a long, hard, good fight, that lasted a good while. The kind that tests your skills and knowledge of your class, and I wish would happen more often.

This was a duel. Duels end when you are not quite dead, but just about. Well... When this duel ended, I was mashing buttons trying to finish him off, because I was at low health as well. I was in cat form, and in my excitement I didn't just beat him... I killed him... He was flagged and had pretty much no health left. One more attack was all it took to take him out. I honestly didn't mean to. It all happened so fast. Although, I'm not complaining... At the time, I thought it was pretty funny...

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 3:23pm by Maulurom
#21 Oct 06 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
I ventured over there once just because someone who was a new convert to WoW from FFXI was saying how horrible people were on the Alla FFXI forum. I never played FFXI, and from seeing what some of the posters on that forum post, I am glad that I never played it. There are definitely some a$$hats over there on that forum.

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