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WotLK - PVP EraseFollow

#1 Sep 29 2008 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts

Regarding the honor/PVP erase, I've been hearing tons of lies on my server, so this should clear it up for those asking:

For PVP, all honor AND marks for BG's will be erased in the new expansion.


Yes, Marks will be reset too...


Again, this is for the Expansion, not the patch. For the patch, new items will be put in (see top link) for those that wanna get something decent before the actual expansion comes out.

Arena Teams:
Once you hit lvl 71, you lose all honor and your team setup.

So, if you're grinding, better do something with those marks and honor or you lose it.

Edit... link mistake

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 9:35pm by Stillpist

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 9:36pm by Stillpist

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 9:37pm by Stillpist
#2 Sep 29 2008 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
For human rogues, the new battle master trinket is worth picking up to replace the old pvp trinket. Since our racial shares a cd with a pvp trinket.
#3 Sep 30 2008 at 5:38 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Only reply I can give to that is '*ssholes'. Why the marks too? Is it THAT bad to have a small advantage for actually being smart enough to pool some stuff?
#4 Sep 30 2008 at 6:23 AM Rating: Default
29 posts
I agree. For those of us that play somewhat regularly, we should not be penalized for being smart enough to hord badges for the expansion. C'mon Blizz, give us a break here...
#5 Sep 30 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
I would really like to stop seeing these QQ threads popup in every forum I read.

Hording honor to 80 gives you an unfair advantage over other players. What makes you so special you feel you deserve a nice set of welfare epics on the day that you hit 80 while the rest of the players who don't PvP or do it as regularly as you have to raid/grind out gear from the start? Is your epeen really that much bigger because you can purchase a full set of gear on day one and go beat up on undergeared scrubs?

And before the crying about the people hording money by doing dailies while you were doing BGs, mats for crafting are going to be expensive for a long time until there becomes a steady supply. The only guilds doing heavy raiding on day one are going to be the ones already in BT/SWP. It will be a couple months before raiders get comparable gear to the PvP gear, and thats about how long it will take you to get your honor back up and start buying the stuff.

The truth of the matter is that it is going to be reset, retarded monkeys with half a brain saw it coming, and posting on an internet forum about how much you think it is unfair isn't going to change it.

Awaiting rate down to sub-default...

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 10:45am by AtrophyGFour
#6 Sep 30 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
1,030 posts
AtrophyGFour wrote:
I would really like to stop seeing these QQ threads popup in every forum I read.

Hording honor to 80 gives you an unfair advantage over other players. What makes you so special you feel you deserve a nice set of welfare epics on the day that you hit 80 while the rest of the players who don't PvP or do it as regularly as you have to raid/grind out gear from the start? Is your epeen really that much bigger because you can purchase a full set of gear on day one and go beat up on undergeared scrubs?

And before the crying about the people hording money by doing dailies while you were doing BGs, mats for crafting are going to be expensive for a long time until there becomes a steady supply. The only guilds doing heavy raiding on day one are going to be the ones already in BT/SWP. It will be a couple months before raiders get comparable gear to the PvP gear, and thats about how long it will take you to get your honor back up and start buying the stuff.

The truth of the matter is that it is going to be reset, retarded monkeys with half a brain saw it coming, and posting on an internet forum about how much you think it is unfair isn't going to change it.

Awaiting rate down to sub-default...

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 10:45am by AtrophyGFour

Sub-D? Nah. I hit the nice green button (pushed the post to Excellent, instead) 'cause I agree with you. And you put it half-way politely. Smiley: grin

That, and I've already had similar discussions with a particular whiner/crybaby in my guild.
#7 Sep 30 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
704 posts
Shamandin the Eccentric wrote:
AtrophyGFour wrote:
I would really like to stop seeing these QQ threads popup in every forum I read.

Hording honor to 80 gives you an unfair advantage over other players. What makes you so special you feel you deserve a nice set of welfare epics on the day that you hit 80 while the rest of the players who don't PvP or do it as regularly as you have to raid/grind out gear from the start? Is your epeen really that much bigger because you can purchase a full set of gear on day one and go beat up on undergeared scrubs?

And before the crying about the people hording money by doing dailies while you were doing BGs, mats for crafting are going to be expensive for a long time until there becomes a steady supply. The only guilds doing heavy raiding on day one are going to be the ones already in BT/SWP. It will be a couple months before raiders get comparable gear to the PvP gear, and thats about how long it will take you to get your honor back up and start buying the stuff.

The truth of the matter is that it is going to be reset, retarded monkeys with half a brain saw it coming, and posting on an internet forum about how much you think it is unfair isn't going to change it.

Awaiting rate down to sub-default...

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 10:45am by AtrophyGFour

Sub-D? Nah. I hit the nice green button (pushed the post to Excellent, instead) 'cause I agree with you. And you put it half-way politely. Smiley: grin

That, and I've already had similar discussions with a particular whiner/crybaby in my guild.

LoL. TY.

And to the OP, I am not targetting you with my QQ comment, but rather the inevitable tirade of banter that will be basically a copy and paste of the three page thread in General.

It just amazes me how hard it is for some people the grasp the thought of balance.
#8 Sep 30 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
it needs to be done, and im personally glad it is being done

just need a way to stop honor farming and bam, itll be money.... cuz av premade pugs are completely ********

suiciding at 400 honor a game or w/e, **** that

what would be nice is if all that bonus honor was more from performance then anything else

like 1-10 in healing gets a bonus 100->10, 1-10 in KBs, 1-10 in damage done, you know stuff like that

still a bonus from winning, but make suicide honor farming be so unappealing... cuz no one would suicide premade at 100 honor a game
#9 Sep 30 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I feel adressed Athrophy, let me retort.

Hording honor to 80 gives you an unfair advantage over other players.

First of all, how big an advantage? Having 2 or 3 of your set items earlier than other people on your server? If you don't level to 80 as fast as the real hardcore's out there you are going to end up retrieving your PvP gear at the same time as the real hardcores. It's not like hording some honor is absolutely game breaking. Aside from that, it only gives me an advantage because I took the time to create one for myself. It's like saying raiders have an unfair advantage over non-raiders because they actually take the time to raid.

What makes you so special you feel you deserve a nice set of welfare epics on the day that you hit 80 while the rest of the players who don't PvP or do it as regularly as you have to raid/grind out gear from the start?

That entire statement is nonsense. You're insinuating I don't have to grind up all my honor. Hell yes I had to, I just did it at a different time. Actually, my 'time spent' on pooling honor will be larger than somebody who does it at 80 (since higher level BG's grant more honor).

Is your epeen really that much bigger because you can purchase a full set of gear on day one and go beat up on undergeared scrubs?

It's not my e-peen that's bigger, it's my time management that's different. I realize I might be having less time to play once WOTLK comes out, so pooling honor now seems like an idea.

It will be a couple months before raiders get comparable gear to the PvP gear, and thats about how long it will take you to get your honor back up and start buying the stuff.

That might be the only valid reason to reset honor. But even then, there is no need to reset EVERYTHING, including even my marks. Heck, The real hardcore raiders will have the advantage that they are currently wearing such good gear that they won't replace it until some time into WOTLK. Please replace their gear with S2 then?

The truth of the matter is that it is going to be reset, retarded monkeys with half a brain saw it coming, and posting on an internet forum about how much you think it is unfair isn't going to change it.

No, but you can vent out frustration or anger about it. That's in fact the whole idea of an internet forum, to give opinions on stuff that happens and to discuss them. I actually figured it might've been coming some time ago, so I saved up a bit of honor and waited for official word on the matter before spending it all on epics I no longer really need. Regardless, I was fairly content with the fact that I had 100 marks for 3 out of 4 of the BG's, knowing they wouldn't be much of a problem. But nooo, let's remove those too - for no reason! This basically means there is NO MORE USE AT ALL for me to PvP.

Awaiting rate down to sub-default...

I can't rate, nor do I care about rating. But if you're worth Scholar I expect a challenging reply to this ;)

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 8:07pm by Mozared
#10 Sep 30 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
Honestly, it's got nothing to do with PvPers and everything to do with PvEers.

It gives you an unfair advantage in PvP? Well, okay. But it also means that anyone remotely serious about PvE needs to grind out 80k honor between now and 3.0 in order to snag a full set of the L80 blue stuff when you get there. If you don't, you'll be pretty far behind.

Except now it doesn't matter, so yippee.
#11 Sep 30 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Blah blah blah I'm whining because honor and marks get erased so people that are less geared have a chance to obtain honor at 80.

Oh, wait, no I'm not because I have thought that this was coming since S3.

Edit: and Atrophy, you can thank me later, because I just rated you up and got you Sage. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 11:12am by Theophany
#12 Sep 30 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm not whining, I'm throwing up some arguments, you ought to be familiar with those. In fact, I don't really care about losing my honor. It's annoying, but losing it is as much game breaking as keeping it is. I'm just annoyed they're removing my marks without any sane reason now as well. We're ~2 months from WOTLK, way to go at giving me reason to keep doing basically the only thing I was still doing in WoW.
#13 Sep 30 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
1 of each mark = honor bonus, or did we forget that?

deleting honor without deleting marks is 'tarded people

and the argument of 'im spending my time now to better later' is stupid

that would like if you could farm the new form of BoJ before expansion dropped.... pve doesnt get the advantage of stocking for freebies later on, pvp shouldnt either

the reason t6 can last into expansion is because those raids are hard enough to deserve that kind of gear

sw is hard, afking av isnt, dont act like they deserve the same bonus
#14 Sep 30 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Blah blah blah I'm whining because honor and marks get erased so people that are less geared have a chance to obtain honor at 80.

Oh, wait, no I'm not because I have thought that this was coming since S3.

Edit: and Atrophy, you can thank me later, because I just rated you up and got you Sage. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 11:12am by Theophany

You shouldn't say things like that, because then I go look for other posts I can rate down so the color changes back.

It's amusing to me.

And yep, back down.
#15 Sep 30 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,550 posts
Meh...the most I ever PvP'd was to get my trinket for Rage and then my S2 off-hand sword.

At least now I don't have to PvP now so I can have a headstart on getting the PvP swords at 80. I can wait and be lazy.
#16 Sep 30 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
I'm not whining, I'm throwing up some arguments, you ought to be familiar with those. In fact, I don't really care about losing my honor. It's annoying, but losing it is as much game breaking as keeping it is. I'm just annoyed they're removing my marks without any sane reason now as well. We're ~2 months from WOTLK, way to go at giving me reason to keep doing basically the only thing I was still doing in WoW.

Yeah, PvPing to get better gear before an expansion is retarded!

RPZip wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Blah blah blah I'm whining because honor and marks get erased so people that are less geared have a chance to obtain honor at 80.

Oh, wait, no I'm not because I have thought that this was coming since S3.

Edit: and Atrophy, you can thank me later, because I just rated you up and got you Sage. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 11:12am by Theophany

You shouldn't say things like that, because then I go look for other posts I can rate down so the color changes back.

It's amusing to me.

And yep, back down.

You're an *******. Smiley: frown
#17 Sep 30 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
You're an @#%^. Smiley: frown

Hi! Have we met?
#18 Sep 30 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
RPZip wrote:
You're an @#%^. Smiley: frown

Hi! Have we met?

I don't think so...

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 12:29pm by Theophany
#19 Sep 30 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
RPZip wrote:
You're an @#%^. Smiley: frown

Hi! Have we met?

I don't think so...

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 12:29pm by Theophany

I guess not.

I'm RPZip. I'm kind of an ***.
#20 Sep 30 2008 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
1 of each mark = honor bonus, or did we forget that?

Alright, there's something clear. It's not that that really occured to me, but it's at least somewhat of a reason.

and the argument of 'im spending my time now to better later' is stupid

that would like if you could farm the new form of BoJ before expansion dropped.... pve doesnt get the advantage of stocking for freebies later on, pvp shouldnt either

the reason t6 can last into expansion is because those raids are hard enough to deserve that kind of gear

sw is hard, afking av isnt, dont act like they deserve the same bonus

I can't say being able to buy 2/3 items upon reaching 80 is that much of a headstart on everybody else. But alright, point taken, it is a headstart.
#21 Sep 30 2008 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
704 posts
Mozared wrote:
Stuff I said, stuff you said.

As not to make this thread scroll more than needed, cliff notes quoted above.

Advantage - any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired end

So, starting with 2 or 3 pieces of gear the minute you hit 80 because you had nothing better to do at 70 while waiting for the expansion was sit in BGs and rack up honor is pretty much the very definition of the word "advantage". I applaud your effort in your chosen side of the game, but at the same time, I don't think you have any right to level 80 gear that you earned honor for at level 70. Be a man, buy the level 70 stuff they provide before the release and get to 80 and grind it out again.

Yes, you ground up honor. You got your grind on all through level 70. In order to get level 70 gear. That does not give you the right to go and get a set of gear (or even a couple pieces) at level 80.

"Time management" is a cop out. You thought you were being slick by getting a big pool of honor to save till 80 to get yourself some 1337 purplz. You thought you could beat the system, but the system won.

And yes, a internet forum is a great place to vent your frustrations, but do we need to vent the same frustration in General, Alliance, Horde, and every class forum?

Overlord Theophany wrote:
Edit: and Atrophy, you can thank me later, because I just rated you up and got you Sage. Smiley: tongue

LoL...thanks Theo...I feel special. =)
#22 Sep 30 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Mostly true that, even though I didn't exactly ground and pooled honor (I know I've given that impression)... It's rather that I stopped spending any for a bit. The result of that is that I had ~20Kish left at one point, along with a big *** number of marks. Once we got official word on it being reset I spend it all (and my arena points which I had also put 'on hold') on gear.

The only thing that's stuck in the back of my mind is can you still call it an advantage if everybody can do it with exactly the same effort? Hmm, I suppose so, or I'd be stuck defending the argument that fire mages shouldn't whine about rogues since they can level and gear a retardin with exactly the same effort as it cost the rogue to do so.
#23 Sep 30 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
704 posts
The bottom line is you get level 70 gear for killing level 70 things. No one is getting anything that is going to make them steamroll any content and instantly get phat lewtz.

In a battle ground you are killing level 70 players.'s some honor points and tokens to go spend on some level 70 gear. It might help you when you get to 80.

In a raid you are killing level 70(+) NPCs.'s some gold and some badges to spend on some level 70 gear. It might help you when you get to 80.

Notice the PvPers who aren't upset about this are the ones like Theo, who are actually good enough to have a mix of S4 gear that might actually be worth a damn in level 80 PvP, and even if its not then they are good enough to pool the honor back quick enough to get the stuff that is.

Edit: L2italics

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 7:00pm by AtrophyGFour
#24 Sep 30 2008 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Posted by RP in the General forums thread:

We had hoped that the introduction of some new Honor rewards in the upcoming patch would give players a great opportunity to spend any of their remaining Honor. However, many players would still be surprised by an Honor and token reset as it isn’t something we’ve done in the past. As such, we've decided to not reset Honor or tokens upon the release of Wrath of the Lich King. Players who save their Honor will be able to spend it on level 80 rewards, although those rewards will be significantly more expensive than their level 70 counterparts.

So, because of people whining the level 80 rewards are going to cost even more.

I was pissed about having to PvP in the first place. PvPing for sword to PvE with is annoying. But now I'm going to have to spend even longer doing it?

**** you whiners.
#25 Sep 30 2008 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
134 posts
Back to the BG's, guess we will see more afkers again now they have something to afk for
#26 Sep 30 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
72 posts
And to the OP, I am not targetting you with my QQ comment, but rather the inevitable tirade of banter that will be basically a copy and paste of the three page thread in General.

No worries... I just posted this for everyone who keeps saying crap about it. In the end, you're right, this will cause more whining than anything, but at least those whiners can't act surprised when their honor disappears.

I'm slightly annoyed by this, but I realize that it's necessary and must be done.

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