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Ready for Kara?Follow

#1 Sep 29 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I am a hunter that has recently hit 70 and am looking for some advice on which direction to move in. I am almost done with all of my main PvP Merciless gear. I lack the helm and the melee weapon (2h decapitator?). I am in a guild that has already started Kara runs and seem to be doing quite well.

My question is should I continue to work on my PvP gear (full time) or once I get the last few "main" pieces can I start raiding Kara with my guild? If I started raiding I would still be working on the secondary items when I am not raiding.

Another side of this question is, Should I bother raiding Kara when WOtLK is soon on it's way? Will people be running Kara after the new expansion? I don't know. I haven't paid too much attention to the details as they relate to hunter.

Is the PvP gear good enough to start raiding in if most of my guild that raids already has much of the items from Kara they need and I would be first in line for the Hunter drops?

I appreciate any advice you can give. I few bits of info that may help. I am BM specced, standard 41/20/0. I have looked at the pre-aid sticky but it doesn't really answer my question in that "Can I skip the gear they suggest for pre-raid and get on with the raiding to get better gear?

I thought I would ask here before I asked the guild if I can come and they tell me not until I get <x>, <x> and <x>.

#2 Sep 29 2008 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
S2 will work fine for a hunter. Kara won't be run in WotLK, unless it is a "legacy" raid like some people do now, except with pre-bc raids. If your guild is telling you to get specific gear pieces, and you're good enough to start, tell them to **** off. Maybe link your armory and I can help more. Its really hard trying to say whether or not you're ready without seeing your gear and stats.
#3 Sep 29 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Thanks for the feedback. My guild (the few I have talked to about this) have said I could swing by once I got my S2 set. They aren't telling me I have to have <x> piece, I was more so curious if there was a piece other than the S2 that I really needed to have before I try to run it. Most of my gear is what I had from running Shadowmoon Valley and Nagrand before I hit 70.

So if, as I had guessed, Kara won't be run after WOtLK comes out, should I stick with getting the PvP gear (for lvling to 80)or would I be better off trying to get some Kara drops before the expansion comes out? I know that the S2 gear is not meant for PvE but it seems that there is a good chance the Kara gear will get replaced by world drops, or better instances.

I don't mind working on getting Kara gear, I am more so trying to find out if it would be worth it to try and run Kara before WOtLK or spend my time getting PvP gear and then waiting until the expansion comes out to replace that gear with PvE.

Here is my Armory link. My gear sucks, I know. I was primarily solo hunter so I used what I could get by on.
#4 Sep 29 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
The gear itself will probably be replaced rather quickly, but if you have all of the gear that you can get from honour, why not get Kara drops? It will help leveling a bit, and give you raid experience. If anything, its part of the game, and if you want to experience it, go right ahead.

Edit: I am going to say that you are not even close to ready for Kara. The hit cap is 142, and is the most important stat, and the one which you should gem/gear for. On the gem note, make sure that all of your gear has hit gems, and after that agility gems. Get the ap to bracers and agility to gloves enchant, and if you are having mana issues spec for efficiency instead of imp. mark. Don't ever gem specifically for the socket bonuses in your gear.

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 6:14pm by Yuppley
#5 Sep 29 2008 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
What kind of server do you play on? If it's a PvP server, then having PvP gear will work out just fine. The two starting zones of Northrend are designed to be a challenge to level 68 green machines, and on the easier side for level 70s in blues. If you're in full PvP epics, then the first zone or two should be a cake walk- unless you're on a PvP server, and leveling alone o_O;

If you do Kara now, it'll be to see the content- not to get ready for Wrath.

I guess it's similar to the position that I'm in. I'm going to snooze my way through the first 5 levels of Northrend because I have BT/Hyjal gear. I won't start replacing pieces until maybe level 77-78 (ignoring my crappy trinkets), and possibly even hold on to a few of my better pieces until I hit Naxx. I don't need to raid any more in TBC for gear, but I want to see the content. I have a few names left on my "Must die" list.
#6 Sep 29 2008 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
How do you suggest I get Kara ready other than with respect to gems? Is there armor I can be getting that would help me get a better hit rating? I am on a PvE server if that makes a difference. The only reason I am even doing BG for the merciless PvP set is because that is what everyone else I know has done. All my hunter friends, who are off running GL, Mag, and ZA, ran PvP to "bridge the gap" between what you get up to lvl 70 and what you will get when you start raiding. If there is a better way tell me. My primary concern at this point is being ready equipment wise to start lvling when the expansion comes out. If the PvP gear will do that, fine. If not, what can I do to get ready? I would love to run Kara for better PvE equipment but I am not wanting to run it with a wishlist of items I have to get before November 13.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 8:15pm by MaxFischer

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 8:25pm by MaxFischer
#7 Sep 29 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
The pre-raid sticky has all of that gear, and just combine it with a few pieces of S2.
#8 Sep 29 2008 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
thanks for the advice. I was actually trying to avoid having to run the instances to get the gear that would let me be 100% Kara ready but if that is what I need then I will suck it up and start running these instances. My guild runs these all the time now so I should be able to get a group together pretty easy. Thanks for the help.
#9 Sep 30 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
You are not ready for Kara. Low on everything. By your rep you have run few outland instances, so you can't by the decent rep gear either.

Having said that you should try to go.

You have not really grinded honor yet. Get your S2 helm, that should have been first honor purchase, vind bracers are good too, belt and boots ect. Gem it in accordance with sticky (this is for all gear/enchants too)

Alot of the items in the pre-raid sticky are from QUESTS. Go there and find the ones with hit on them (you can get 33 hit just with delicate green pancho and 2 quest rings while still increasing your agi and ap). Terrokar tablet of precision = +20 hit, core of arkelos is better than one of your current trinkets.

Go the the AH - buy a crystalforged axe, put +35 AGI on it.

Go to steam vaults until you get enough rep to get the head enchant it is huge.

Brewfest = 41 badge trinket for free, run it all the time until you have it.

Have someone make the fel leather boots and skip honor ones (for the hit).

Honestly there are a million options out there to get near the sticky mins in about a week if you put in the time. Island quests = money and rep. You could also get the swords or daggers from SSO and dual wield you would get some hit there. I could go on and on....reg Magisters Terrace is easy and drops a great chest....

Good luck, hope I helped.

#10 Sep 30 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
MaxFischer wrote:
thanks for the advice. I was actually trying to avoid having to run the instances to get the gear that would let me be 100% Kara ready but if that is what I need then I will suck it up and start running these instances. My guild runs these all the time now so I should be able to get a group together pretty easy. Thanks for the help.

not only does running 5 mans help you gear, but also gives you practice learning your class in a pve environment something running around in BGs does not
#11 Sep 30 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Thanks for the feedback. That helps a lot. You are right that I haven't run many outland instances. Until recently my guild had very few hunters (and only one or two good ones) so I didn't have anyone to really help me figure out what I needed to be doing on the way to 70. My understanding was to get to 70 and grind out the S2 gear and then start replacing it with better gear in Heroics. The first I heard of getting keys to run heroics (or rep gear) was at lvl 69 and I certainly wasn't going to take a few days out of lvling to 70 to run instances (I realize that I could have lvled in instances but I hated LFG for an hour to run one dungeon) when I could quest to get better gear.

I also had an erratic schedule that made it difficult to get much guild support at such short notice.

Excuses aside, I appreciate the advice. I am making notes of things to work on to get me Kara ready. I had no clue I needed the S2 helm first or I would have gotten it first. I have just been replacing pieces from weakest to strongest thus far (getting merciless set before working on secondary items).
#12 Sep 30 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
At this point, it's entirely up to you whether you want to raid Kara or not. Many people are in near shut-down mode waiting for WotLK, but there are still people doing things. If you want to continue to progress and/or see content until xpac release, then go for it.

Just echoing what other have said...

You are definitely under-geared for Kara. Unless you guild is well-geared and willing to carry you along, you just aren't ready. If your guild can and is willing to carry you, then it won't really matter too much how you're geared. But, general rule of thumb would be to get rid of all/most of your greens and then you're ready. There are always exceptions, but the level 70 dungeon blues are there for a reason. So, go run some 5-man instances...check the pre-raid sticky and see which drops will benefit you most and focus on them.

Also, look out for crafted gear. Two examples...the Felstalker bracers and belt would be big improvements for you and give you more gem slots (for much needed +hit). There are also a couple quest reward upgrades you could get without too much trouble...check the pre-raid sticky.

Something general to keep in mind: PvP gear is one way to go, but don't get too wedded to it if you want to raid. There are some pieces that are certainly passable. But, the problem with PvP gear in the long run is that, in general, it gives you Resilience and Stamina at the expense of Attack Power, Hit Rating, and other stats that are more useful in PvE setting.

Good luck and enjoy Kara while you still can.
#13 Sep 30 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
but the level 70 dungeon blues are there for a reason. So, go run some 5-man instances

The problem is that it's hard to find people to do instances with these days. LFG for 5-mans is usually pretty empty.

Some of it is because WotLK is coming up soon, but also because there are relatively few people who are truly new 70s any more. Most people upon hitting 70 would rather PVP for 'free' epics or get their T5+ friends/guild to let them leech kara/badge stuff rather than run 5-mans or do annoying group quests for blues.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#14 Sep 30 2008 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I would have run 5-Mans if I had known that would benefit me more. I just had nobody telling me that I didn't need to run BG to get the PvP gear (or at least spend a month getting all the PvP gear and instead just get a few pieces). Thankfully my guild is going to run some 5-mans (and eventually Heroics) to help me gear up before the release of WOtLK. Steamvaults first so I can get the glyph of ferocity and then on to the others I need. After that I think I will work on some pieces in BG but focus more on making some money (and picking up rep) with the dailies. It can't hurt to have some deep pockets when the expansion comes out.

Edit: I realized as I was looking at suggestions from above and in the sticky that I think I replaced the Green Poncho and the Terrokar Tablet of ..... before I ever hit 70. I did both of the quests and (yeah I am an idiot) vendored both pieces when I got "better" items because I had no clue what +Hit Rating had to do with anything. I feel like a moron but that's what happens when you are one of the only Hunters in your guild. Thankfully now there are more, better, hunters in the guild.

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 9:24pm by MaxFischer
#15 Oct 02 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
there's this site that might give you some help on what you're ready for :

there's a lot of opinions on this one going on, i don't even want to debate if its good or not / each his own opinion, i find it just ok and it does show you what high lvl instances you can visit. + it does give suggestions on gear (they aren't always good).

Basically it will give you a more generic idea of what/where you should and shouldn't go, just don't trust it word for word.
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