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Does rogue have an upper hand against frost mage?Follow

#1 Sep 29 2008 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
I've been playing some BGs lately on my frost mage, and rogues give me a hard time. Let me give an example of a fight and hopefully I can get some advice.

1. rogue: starts with garrote followed by shiv
mage: silenced and crippled
2. rogue: uses hemorrhage
mage: out of silence but already took about 2k dmg minimum
3. rogue: frost bite procs, frozen, but uses CoS to get free
mage: uses escape artist to rid of cripple (rogue is still within melee range)
4. mage: frost nova, uses water elemental
rogue: frozen, uses sprint to get free
5. mage: starts to cast frostbolt and uses pet's frost nova (assume rogue is not within melee range, best case scenario)
rogue: frozen, but uses deadly throw to interrupt mage
6. mage: fireblast and starts to gain distance
rogue: vanish
7. mage: aoe and finds the rogue
rogue: shivs the mage and applying cripple poison
8. mage: with rogue in melee range and crippled, uses blink to gain distance
rogue: shadowsteps and in melee range again
9. mage: iceblock
rogue: waits and takes hit from water elemental
10. mage: iceblock is over, uses frost nova and gains distance from rogue, casts ice lance repeatedly (cannot use frostbolt because rogue will deadly throw)
rogue: uses blind
11. rogue: shivs mage
mage: crippled, uses blink
12. rogue: uses preparation, shadowsteps, and kidney shot
mage: no action
13. mage: uses pet's frost nova
rogue: sprints, catches up to mage
14. mage: uses cold snap and frost nova, summons new pet
rogue: vanish
15. mage: finds rogue and uses new pet's frost nova
rogue: no action
16. from this point on mage may win if: rogue's ruthlessness did no proc and CoS didn't have a chance to come off of cooldown.

I usually do not survive this long though, would have died before I even get a chance to use cold snap to any effect. Any advice would help on how to beat a rogue.
#2 Sep 29 2008 at 4:57 AM Rating: Good
Sounds about normal. You have to get the first hit on a rogue or hope that they are bad. If it is one-on-one it is going to be a steep uphill battle.
#3 Sep 29 2008 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
What Anobix said. Just pray for a muti rogue, they don't have ShS and will be about 10 times easier to kill for you.
#4 Sep 29 2008 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
There are two strategies I've found to work really well in BGs as a mage vs a rogue.

1)Be Human. Develop ESP. Pop perception at the right time. Ice Lance him before he gets an opening. Profit.

2)Never fight a rogue alone. Always travel with friends. BGs are not a solo duel game. Stick together and you'll stand a much better chance than traveling alone.
#5 Sep 29 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I never had any problems with rogues till I hit the 70 BG's. Of course its hard to win when I have s2/kara/exalted vendor epics and they have 15khp and god only knows what tier of gear (alliance have the upper hand on raiding seems like).

Same with Warriors now I get so sick of the chain dash and stun BS. I mean Come on isn't there a 1 or 2 min cooldown on that crap? Within a 1 minute time I had one do it to me 3 times. Not anything I know of can be done to stop it as a mage. I mean you can snare and freeze them but they break right out of it. Warriors were simple kills before 70.

The Hunter still remains the most overpowered against mages. You have the damn pet attacking you with haste while he does 1k+ instance casts that you can't do anything about. Try to attack him and you can't get a shot off between him pelting you with arrows and the pet. Hunters are overpowered anyways IMO (this coming from somebody who has been leveling one).

Seriously at lvl 32 wearing lvl 20ish leather armor I was able to solo a red elite with an add attacking me. I Wasn't even full health! MY mage could take that elite till it was lower lvl then I was. Been several other situtations where my hunter has had way more then he should be able to handle and yet as survived. And that was before ever getting the mail armor which they don't need.
#6 Sep 29 2008 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
If you are jumped and don't know it's coming. Dead Mage 99/100.

Really need to be ready - full mana, no bandage debuff, no pot debuff, no gem debuff, Elemental is ready, CS not on cooldown - that sorta think can so quickly kill you in world PVP.

#7 Sep 29 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
LOL, Yeah, that's about how it goes, but I will also AE AE AE AE if it looks like I'm gonna die, and have mana to spare. That's especially helpful if others around, so they can finish him off, otherwise, not so much, but hell, getting his hp down makes me happy in lieu of killin the *******. :) Pold is right, though, it helps to be hyper aware and it's always good to be as prepared as you can possibly be at all times.
#8 Sep 29 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
I'm fire, I'm not 70, but two other thoughts here:

1) Rank 1 frostbolt. With that cast time, you can zap him, he could sprint and you could zap him again. Yes, he has many ways out of it but it helps blow his cds. If he keeps blowing his combo points on deadly throw, thats not the end of the world.

2) Sheep, especially if he already blew CoS. Bandage/evocate, hope the poison has worn off and try again, except now you know where he is.

Obviously, rogues have the upper hand and can counter these, but they're useful tactics.
#9 Sep 29 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
will definitely try the rank 1 frostbolt, forgot about the good old days when they fired so fast.
#10 Sep 30 2008 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Do that. At the moment it might be the mages best option of a snare, and yet I see one out of 100 mages actually use it. Not to mention the staggering 25 mana costing spell can proc frostbite and other talents like winter's chill.
#11 Sep 30 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
Do that. At the moment it might be the mages best option of a snare, and yet I see one out of 100 mages actually use it. Not to mention the staggering 25 mana costing spell can proc frostbite and other talents like winter's chill.

unfortunately come 3.0 it will cost about the same as rank 13.
#12 Sep 30 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Aye... Thinking about it, the removed downranking actually doesn't effect me at all. If anything, it's good for me, since I play a rogue and rank 1 AOE's will be gone. But I still hate it. Even if unintended, downranking was a pretty nifty new tactic. Especially for mages because of the lowered cast time on some spells.

Now all we need is some kind of "Remember remember"-like poem to describe the loss of downranking.
#13 Sep 30 2008 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Remember Remember the 13th of November where downranking was lost to all.

The healers whined, the mages cried,

As they went out of mana, the melee laughed, followed by a hefty lawl.

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 10:04am by Anobix
#14 Sep 30 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
I'm not thrilled about downranking, but rank 1 FB will still have that sexy 1.5 sec cast. If Blizz is to be believed, the new mana regen makes it easier to cast max rank stuff. Maybe someone on the ptrs can enlighten us?
#15 Sep 30 2008 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm not sure if it's just the EU PTR's, but they're bugged right now. At least, I hope they are, since they have turned into Unreal Tournament. The weakest class currently on the PTR is the feral druid, followed up by the rogue. The reason for this is that they can only 3-shot cloth/leather/mail wearers and can't take down plate wearers. Classes with magic damage can 3-shot anything in the game.

Also, I'd love to try a mage, but the pre-made character copies have been locked ever since the PTR's opened and I don't have a 70 mage of my own.

Oh, and I'm not exaggerating... I literally killed a 13K sl/sl warlock by just doing cheap shot, mutilate, cold blood eviscerate.
#16 Sep 30 2008 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Mozared wrote:
I'm not sure if it's just the EU PTR's, but they're bugged right now. At least, I hope they are, since they have turned into Unreal Tournament. The weakest class currently on the PTR is the feral druid, followed up by the rogue. The reason for this is that they can only 3-shot cloth/leather/mail wearers and can't take down plate wearers. Classes with magic damage can 3-shot anything in the game.

Also, I'd love to try a mage, but the pre-made character copies have been locked ever since the PTR's opened and I don't have a 70 mage of my own.

Oh, and I'm not exaggerating... I literally killed a 13K sl/sl warlock by just doing cheap shot, mutilate, cold blood eviscerate.

That's basically how things were from December before TBC until TBC actually came out. I was able to basically 2 shot anything as a frost mage. Granted, this was before resilience. While I doubt it's a bug, perhaps it's resilience that is bugged if anything?

Anywho, as I was saying, the new talents are too powerful for balance at 70 with people in their high quality arena gear and raid gear. It'll likely be like this on live from the time the patch rolls out until November when people start getting WotLK gear.
#17 Sep 30 2008 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
Am I a bad person because I will enjoy that period of time? :)
#18 Sep 30 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Trilliandent wrote:
Am I a bad person because I will enjoy that period of time? :)

There's just something magely about two-three shotting everything while everything two-three shots you. It'd be painful to deal with all the time, but small pockets of it here and there are joyous reminders of our real power.
#19 Oct 01 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
That's basically how things were from December before TBC until TBC actually came out. I was able to basically 2 shot anything as a frost mage. Granted, this was before resilience. While I doubt it's a bug, perhaps it's resilience that is bugged if anything?

That's exactly what my thought has been; it seems as if the resilience mechanic has simply stopped working. The Unreal Tournament-like gameplay isn't the only thing though; Retardins are even now ridiculously overpowered. I entered an arena with my shockadin pall against a warlock/retardin. I 3-shot the lock and restealthed. The retardin just stood there until I opened up on him. He 3-shot me and proceded to 4-shot my partner. And then I'm not even mentioning the ~2 minute long fight against a retardin who enter and left the fight on 100% mana without drinking.

I sure hope this is a bug, anyway. They can't seriously intent to let this go live; healing in PvP would be dead (since the avarage 2,5 sec heal takes too long to cast, most classes die in 2,5 seconds after taking damage) and warriors/paladins would reign supreme on every occasion.

Anywho, as I was saying, the new talents are too powerful for balance at 70 with people in their high quality arena gear and raid gear. It'll likely be like this on live from the time the patch rolls out until November when people start getting WotLK gear.

Maybe. You might well be right, but I don't think this can entirely be blamed on the new talent trees. All I did was spec mutilate instead of shadowstep. My spec might include 2 new talents.

In the end, this is kind of fun to play around with. It just shouldn't make live. Me and some of my palls have wished for a nerf on PvP healing for a long time, since we hate the TBC kind of long endurance matches where you whack somebody to 10% and he gets an instant full heal. But this is exactly the opposite, it's worse than it used to be pre-TBC.
#20 Oct 02 2008 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
No rogue with ShS has improved sprint
Rogues have trinket, ShS, CoS, Blind, and sprint (when not snared) to make up the ground between them and the mage.
A good rogue will vanish when you ice block so don't ice block unless it will finish your Blink CD while in there.
Try avoid putting the elemental near you or the rogue as some rogues will burn right though it.

If in arena you will have ice barrier up without question and the initial freeze on a rogue should be a gimme and you shouldn't have taken any damage by the time you Blink away. He blows a CD on the freeze without question:

If CoS then keep running away as far as you can. This will force him to
Burn a 2nd valuable CD most likely sprint to get to you, at which point its a waiting game for CoS to fade and for frost nova to happen. As soon as he's frost nova'd get elemental out and nuke as much as you can. Don't run near your elemental as if he follows you and gets frozen in mele range of him then its bye bye elemental in 2 or 3 hits. Remember he will have combo points on you so if you cast then Deadly Throw will follow and you will be slowed and silenced from that school. So have a rank 1 fireball keybinded and cast it and hope he burns his valuable combo points on that, at which point hit him with a rank 1 frost bolt to make the movement imparing effects all square. Now assuming he doesn't DT your Rank 1 FB he will be moving onto you fast and you just stood still for about .5s if not more so he is close. So i would Ice Block leaving the elemental to attack. Now he has another choice. Vanish or run and kill elemental. Vanish is the most probable choice. So he has vanished (CD) and used CoS from before (CD). Stay in IB until your Blink CD is almost up. What does he have left.....well everything since he has preparation (finishes a lot of CD's but NOT CoS). Now rank 1 AoE spam to find him get ice barrier back up. When it all begins again he will most likely trinket out of the first freeze snare. Sprint will be on CD so its time for Cold Snap and a new elemental with more ice lance spam. He will ShS next to you after the trinket so pray for a 2nd freeze. He will kidney shot you and then if its a 4 or 5 combo point KS your in trouble as thats 5 - 6 seconds of sitting getting nailed and most likely the end of the fight. If he gets snared then its ice lance spam again with ure elemental buddy. Then when he gains ground a new ice block which will force him to vanish again. (truthfully at this stage one of you will be dead) Then its the same old routine.

The problem with this "duel" if you like is there is an endless list of possible combinations of the use of CD's and what they do and how they affect you. Advice is to keep distance blink sooner rather than later. Trinket the crippling poison. Learn the CD's on rogues or get an Addon to do it for you. Forcing him to play how you want. Eg. If he vanishes early (when you haven't IB'd) then force him to vanish again by using your IB with the elemental out therefor using preparation. That will **** him over greatly. Draw the use of his deadly throw by casting a fire spell. Understanding how many combo points they have on you is helpful. To tired to type more as this is a great duel and ATM Rogues (especially gnomes) have the upper hand in this. Come 3.0 it will be massively more balanced and i favor mages to kill rogues more often

#21 Oct 02 2008 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you for that post, it was quite helpful and I'll read it way more than once. :)
#22 Oct 03 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
All it comes down to is you making him blow his CDs quickly and without taking much damage.

You should have ice barrier up to start. If you can pull him out of stealth then great, if not you barrier should absorb alot of his opening damage. If frostbite procs while he opens then trink n run. If it doesn't then you'll have to blow a nova before you trink n run.

Now you have some distance and he's slow. Now he's ether going to 1 of 3 things. 1)ShS to you 2)Hit cloak of noob and sprint 3)Hit cloak of noob and deadly throw. If he does 1 then your golden. Just blink and force him to use 2 or 3. If he does 2 then brink out your ele and IB when he gets to you. Have your eles nova up and over him incase he hits vanish before you come out of IB. Same goes for 3.

Now it's time to kite n kill. A few things to remember though. If he's close and you nova him don't toss a ice lance in right away. Get some distance before you do so you don't break it. Distance 1st, dmg 2nd.

This is all just a simple guide line of what to do in certian situations. You need to think fast and have a out for anything a rogue does. You also have to have pretty good gear. A rogue in crappy gear is much harder then a mage in same lvl crappy gear. But once you both get up to S3/S4 range then rogue really aren't a problem (atleast compared to some other classes, and with the cheat death nerf). Just do whatever it takes to turn them into a leather wearing warrior without intercept.
#23 Oct 21 2008 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
I actually rarely have a problem with Rogues. The thing to keep in mind is that they will always be starting the fight, SAVE THAT DAMN MANA, don't go around spamming arcane blast, dont go spamming Blizzard, and dont come out the arena doors with your elemental already summoned. A clever Rogue will sit back, light a smoke get comfortable and allow you to waste all your Valuable mana and waste one water elemental.

This will be your most vital tool fighting a rogue. But like any thing in this world it must be used right, dont use it when you have 5% health left and are gonna die in one hit, by that time it is way too late to change the outcome of a fight, instead use it to mitigate DPS. What i mean is for example.........

Duel starts...... You get stunned, dont Ice Block as soon as you are stunned, most Rogues will use this opertunity to let you waste one and will instead only engage while hyperthermia is active and you cannot re-block.Instead waite out the stun, if the Rogue appears behind you and starts to do DPS THEN AND ONLY THEN ICE BLOCK, what i like to do is, Trinket followed by summon water elemental followed by Ice Block.I find the Rogue chases after me allowing the elemental to start to DPS till i Ice Block, I then use my Elemental's frost nova to Pin down the Rogue. NOW is my time to shine.

If the Rogue just stands outside the Ice Block waiting for it to end, let your Elemental contiue to DPS for the full Block duration, if however he tries to run and vanish either use the pets nova or CANCEL YOUR ICE BLOCK and nova yourself...... Basically once he pops out stealth don't let him go back
in it.

Now is your chance, Keep refreshing Ice Barrier as it comes available, or like i like to do since patch 3.0.2 is allow the shield to end and have the (nova effect) then re-apply, this used right is basically a free frost nova. DONT STAND STILL, yes m afraid this means you will only be using instant casts. This is made easy for me as a frost mage with the new proc's from Fingers of Frost and Brain Freeze, this allows me to contiue Blinking around and running while casting serious DPS. Since both easily proc with just a Ice Lance SPAM.

If things go terribly wrong, dont be afraid to Polymorph, go invisible and bandage and eat up a little somewhere safe, i have won fights against Rogues with nothing more than this strategy. But there will be times when you will fight a good Rogue who can think faster than you can , and will anticipate your moves and kill you, but i also find that a good mage, will make a rogue think twice about popping out of stealth !
#24 Oct 21 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The funny thing for a rogue is that anticipating what your enemy is going to do only plays a very small role against mages, though.

The thing is, rogue vs frostmage is a cooldown race. Whoever holds their cooldowns longest is going to win the battle. A rogue has more cooldowns than a mage, and usually the mage eventually dies to the fact that he runs out of cooldowns while the rogue catches up with him and begins whacking away.

For rogues, fights against frost mages are based on reaction rather than prediction. The mage ice blocks? You are going to need to restealth. The mage blinks a stun? You are going to need to Shadowstep and start another stunlock. The mage somehow manages to catch you in a situation where ShS is on CD and he has distance? Now is the time to pop cloak.

Because of this, what can be gamebreaking for frost mages is doing unexpected stuff. You ice block and the rogue vanishes? End it 2 seconds before early and AOE; chances are the rogue is standing behind you watching his CC-meter tick down those last 2 seconds.
#25 Oct 21 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
408 posts
As both a rogue and mage I can say that as long as the rogue has the fist shot, along with a trinket to get out of the snare the rogue will win.

If the mage sees you coming you will get kited around and laughed at.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 7:46pm by Minoran
#26 Oct 23 2008 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Yep, I agree with Minoran, I have 70 rogue & 70 mages, that truth mage only can manage rogue if he gets drop on him and that don't happen alot.
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