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#27 Oct 04 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
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Physical damage is a one-roll system. Hit doesn't do anything to crit until your crit is so high that it pushes hit off the attack table.

Edit: Spells are a two-roll system, where first there's the check to see if the spell hits or is partially or fully resisted, then another for a crit.

A crit is +100% damage. 5/5 Mortal Shots makes a crit do +130% damage. Relentless Earthstorm Diamond is another 3%, and so.. umm.. +133.9%, actually.

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 4:42pm by Ehcks
#28 Oct 04 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Hunters use a 2 roll system.
That's been confirmed a while ago by Cheeky, Lactose and the rest of the TKA/EJ gang.
#29 Oct 05 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Has anyone tried to toss Steady Shot out the window, go for max haste and crit with a high speed weapon?

If you can get your autos in under a second (guessing max will be down around .75-ish, but just a WAG there) wouldn't firing two autos with their crit chance be better than a steady plus an auto? Plus that gives your chance of speed increase in BM to go up?

A mana dump of instants could be kept up in 3 cycle GCD on 2 cycle Autos. Basically, no room for steady.

Just a thought to toss in there, trying to think out of the box here. Or at least out of my mind... ^_^
#30 Oct 05 2008 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
There's always room for steady...

Arcane is on a 6 second CD, multi is on a 10. Auto shot doesn't matter any more since clipping can't occur, but what else are you planning on doing with those 5 and change GCDs between arcane and multi?
#31 Oct 06 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
sloshot wrote:
Has anyone tried to toss Steady Shot out the window, go for max haste and crit with a high speed weapon?

If you can get your autos in under a second (guessing max will be down around .75-ish, but just a WAG there) wouldn't firing two autos with their crit chance be better than a steady plus an auto? Plus that gives your chance of speed increase in BM to go up?

A mana dump of instants could be kept up in 3 cycle GCD on 2 cycle Autos. Basically, no room for steady.

Just a thought to toss in there, trying to think out of the box here. Or at least out of my mind... ^_^

I can kind of see your reasoning, and that technically works now, but won't in the patch. I'm not saying that it's a good idea to try to do this. It's just something to keep in mind when your shaman hits Heroism while you're doing Rapid Fire and Quick Shots happens to proc.

but in the patch, Auto Shot is no longer linked with Steady Shot, there is no point to drop it. You can still fire auto shots every .75 seconds while casting steady shot. The reason that everyone is against haste is that after you get your Steady Shot cast faster than the GCD, it only effects about 45% of your DPS. It wouldn't be so bad, but haste already effects DPS less than any other stat- even before you hit the casting time threshold.
#32 Oct 06 2008 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
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It's actually worse then that. Haste doesn't affect your pet, so it's only a % of your personal dps.

Hit however, at least on the current beta build, appears to affect pet hit, so that's one more reason to get hit first and foremost. Hit also has a lower conversion rate then anything else for the same item budget so it really is the best way to boost your dps. I really hope the pet hit thing goes live.
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#33 Oct 07 2008 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
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Okay, I think I get it. So, since the unlink we are really concerned about the 'specials' rotation, using steady as a 'special' in this context.

I guess I truely won't be able to wrap my brain around it until I work with it myself. I was thinking haste had a role, but apparenly not. My thoughts for mini-maxing priorities were:

1. Hit%
2. Crit%
3. Agil/AP (whichever ends up more critical)

So haste become irrelevant and has no place in there. That just feels odd to me...
#34 Oct 07 2008 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
797 posts
I'm not on the PTR and haven't been following the upcoming release much yet. I've been spending time leveling alts.

Is kill command still there under WotLK? If so, I can see keeping a macro for that.
#35 Oct 07 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Kill Command is still there... kinda.

It's a 30 second cooldown and increases the damage of your pets next 3 special attacks by 60%/40%/20%

I haven't tried to put it into a macro yet, but I'm not sure if the same line that we currently use would work. It'll come up with a "ability is not ready yet" error until the cooldown is up.

But there is marginal use for the 3:2 macro in its current form. If you're in a fight where you have to move a lot, having the macro

/cast !Auto Shot
/cast Steady Shot

might help you squeeze out a tiny bit more damage, since if you start casting steady shot from nothing, the first auto shot won't fire until after the steady shot is done. With that macro, it'll start Autoshot and Steady shot at the same time, potentially getting in 1-2 extra autos.

However, if you're bad at keeping up a sting 100% of the time, a cast sequence macro could help with that:

/castsequence Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot

(adjusting the amount of steadies for your haste and duration of the sting)

I just tried it out on the PTR. I don't have enough time to figure out how many steadies are perfect for me, but it was keeping my sting up 99% of the time without having to worry about it. I think if I just took 2 off, it would be up 100% of the time.
#36 Oct 07 2008 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
If you're currently in combat with a mob when you stop moving you'll start firing autoshots again. This has nothing to do with what macros you press or anything else. So no, the 3:2 macro isn't good.

In addition, the ! in !auto shot involves problems with toggling autoshots that they were trying to resolve. This is not good to use in the new system, as you want auto shots to be going off automatically. Just accept the fact that shot macros are not useful and move on. honestly. Not that the sting doesn't work, it's just seems like a really bad habit to get into, what with any interruptions/movement/whatever totally destroying it.

Edited, Oct 7th 2008 11:58pm by Xsarus
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#37 Oct 10 2008 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
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Okay. Well, maybe there is something that I am really missing...

But I accepted that we only had to spam steady shot, and did hours and hours worth of testing with just spamming the skill alone- no macro. I was averaging about 780 personal (~1280 w/ pet) DPS. As soon as I used the /Cast Auto Shot /cast Steady Shot macro, that shot up to around 900 (1400 w/ pet) DPS. I was also seeing much less time in Viper, and my Steady/Auto percentages went from 65%/30% to 50%/42%.

There was even a visible difference between how many shots I was firing.

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 7:38pm by ProjectMidnight
#38 Oct 10 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
I remember seeing something on EJ a while back about there being a bug that was causing autos not to fire during steady. If I recall correctly it had something to do with which shot you fired first. I'll go pew pew at something and see what I can come up with, but I know I was having any issues with auto not going off properly.


Edited, Oct 10th 2008 10:17pm by Ieatrocks
#39 Oct 10 2008 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Simply hitting steady shot I had 100 steady's and 73 auto's which is actually above the theoretical number of auto's (68) based on a steady shot every 1.5 seconds and a 2.2 shot timer for auto. This is due to lag and makes sense.

When I used the macro I got 100 steady's and 71 auto's, which is the exact same result with very small deviation due to lag.

So I have no idea what you were doing differently, what kinds of tests were you doing? My tests were simply standing and spamming the macro or steady. I sat in viper so that I wouldn't have to deal with hawk, which is important btw. a lucky streak in hawk procs will significantly increase the number of auto's compared to the number of steady's. What is your weapon speed? What is the expected percentage?

I've been using quartz and recount to track all this and to be honest the values are really really close to the theoretical values. Theoretically the macro should do nothing whatsoever, and as far as I can tell that is the case. It could be that there is a bug and that the ptr is behind the beta. We do get a ton of patches, perhaps that's the difference here.
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#40 Oct 10 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
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I did several more tests for each case. It was actually almost exactly consistent. Another interesting point is that in every single test when I just ignored auto, the amount of time I was in combat divided by my shot speed was exactly the number of auto shots fired, while with the macro there were consistently a few less auto's then there should have been. This is consistent with lag. What is happening is when you are not letting auto run itself you have to send commands to the server and so lag can affect you and slow you down.

Do you have any data logs from the event? You said you noticed that there were more arrows, do you actually know how many there were? If I had to hazard a guess I'd think that you ran into some RNG involving hawk.

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 9:53pm by Xsarus
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#41 Oct 10 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
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Lag isn't exactly an issue to me. I consistently get about a 10ms latency. Perhaps that's my issue. I can rarely actually use the 3:2 macro on the live server because I end up stringing Steady Shot.

I took a combat log from my test, but I have no idea what to do with it, since WWS doesn't like it.

Here are some screen shots that I took of my 5-minute tests with Viper on, and no pet. The sting got there because I had it bound to mousewheel up, and I must have accidentally hit it while I was resetting my finger.

Without Macro
With Macro

and on seperate tests that stopped when I got to 100 steadies, I saw 100 steadies/53 Autos without the macro, and 78 Autos with the macro.

Edit: Ieatrocks, you're probably right. When I did the same 100-steadies test without a macro, but firing an Autoshot first I came up with 100/68 that way. It's better, but the macro is still what works best for me.

Edited, Oct 11th 2008 1:52am by ProjectMidnight
#42 Oct 11 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
So there is definitely something weird going on here.

With Macro

Spamming Steady

Stranger still is DPS was noticeably higher in the test without the macro despite the fact it had ~30 fewer auto shots

Both tests performed in viper the whole time with the chicken xbow.

Edit: Silly Alla word filter didn't like my image names.

Edited, Oct 11th 2008 8:59am by Ieatrocks
#43 Oct 11 2008 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
I have also been doing extensive testing and i still am at least 150 dps higher when i use a shot macro.
#44 Oct 11 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
I actually saw a pretty significant DPS drop with the macro despite gaining a significant number of autos. It was running a pure 1:1 ratio the whole time, and the only reason it's showing 99 autos is because I had already queued FD up before the steady finished.
#45 Oct 11 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Guys. We're testing timing on shots. Here is what you need to get.

1) What was the total time
2) how many steady's
3) how many auto's
4) what is your shot speed after haste.

Do them all in viper.

Combat logs are also helpful.

Ieatrocks, you can just post your combat log here directly if you want, link to a file or something.

I actually saw a pretty significant DPS drop with the macro despite gaining a significant number of autos. It was running a pure 1:1 ratio the whole time, and the only reason it's showing 99 autos is because I had already queued FD up before the steady finished.

How are you getting a 1:1 ratio ever? That pretty much guarantees you're ******** something up, unless your auto-shot speed is exactly 1.5 the /cast !auto shot macro should not be giving you this cycle. What a 1:1 means is that you are delaying your steady shots and slowing them down to the same rate as your auto shots, which will result in lower dps.

Stranger still is DPS was noticeably higher in the test without the macro despite the fact it had ~30 fewer auto shots

Dps has nothing to do with the number of shots. You weren't delaying your steady's and so you did damage a lot faster. I should reiterate, even if something is broken and the /cast !auto seems to help (although not on the beta) a cast sequence macro is not useful anymore.

Edited, Oct 11th 2008 11:17am by Xsarus
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#46 Oct 11 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
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Do them all in viper.

I'm sure it is some simple answer, but why? Is it to avoid the proc from imp hawk? Is it because 50% acts as a better control? I'm totally confused.
#47 Oct 11 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
All we're testing is shot timing. As such, the damage of the shots don't matter.

Under normal circumstances your steady shot will be below the GCD so you can predict very accurately the number of steady's and auto's. Hawk messes this up by adding haste to the mixture. It will throw off your ratio, as well as throwing off the measurement of whether auto is going off properly due to the RNG involved in hawk. Yes we want to avoid the proc from imp hawk. This also lets us do longer tests without losing GCD's to hawk or viper switching.

Edited, Oct 11th 2008 2:24pm by Xsarus
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#48 Oct 11 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
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Okay, thanks for the clarification.
#49 Oct 11 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
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Okay. I did 3 sets of tests- 5 tests each. With the Macro, Without the macro (casting Steady First), and Without the macro (Auto First) since Ieatrocks mentioned that EJ is saying that that could make a difference.

I used the same gear as in my armory with this build. My shot speed is 2.00, and my latency is 10ms. My tests were done on the PTR.

Steady/Auto - Time - DPS

With Macro:
100/79 - 2:47 - 510
100/77 - 2:45 - 490
100/79 - 2:46 - 523
100/77 - 2:41 - 525
100/77 - 2:43 - 502

The exact Macro I used is
/cast !Auto Shot
/cast Steady Shot

No Macro, Steady Shot first
100/52 - 2:43 - 437
100/53 - 2:46 - 453
100/52 - 2:45 - 455
100/54 - 2:42 - 475
100/52 - 2:43 - 436

No Macro, Auto shot first
100/55 - 2:42 - 455
100/54 - 2:45 - 470
100/58 - 2:46 - 459
100/55 - 2:43 - 460
100/60 - 2:41 - 454

I'm starting to believe that these numbers have to do with my latency. 10ms is extremely low, and I rarely run into anyone else with that kind of latency. Maybe I'll go in and undo the latency hack to see if I can push myself back up to 80ms.

Edited, Oct 11th 2008 6:29pm by ProjectMidnight
#50 Oct 11 2008 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Your latency meters are lying to you. This is the very simple test. If your test lasts 2:47, that is approximately 111 steady shots and 83 auto shots. As you're clearly not getting this you're losing a lot of shots to something weird. To be honest I'd be really really surprised if you're getting a 10ms ping on anything ever, even just sending ping packets to a server.

I have been absolutely unable to recreate this on the beta servers, and so I'd have to go with the theory that there was some weird bug, that has been fixed on the beta but not on the PTR.

I'll see if I can copy over my 70 hunter so that I can recreate your test slightly more faithfully. Try it out with a slightly slower weapon and see if that has any effect, I'll do the reverse on the beta.

Something is certainly very broken with your results as you're only getting an auto every 2.6 seconds without the macro. What happens if you just let auto run without using any specials? does it perform as you'd expect? Also go look in your settings and make sure automatic auto shot is turned on. with the !auto addition I think it was turned off by default, but it is back on for the beta. Perhaps it isn't for the ptr and is causing some weird error.

Edited, Oct 11th 2008 8:13pm by Xsarus
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#51 Oct 11 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
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I've got the chicken xbow 2.03 weapon speed. Serpent's Swiftness and Quiver the only forms of haste. This build, no pet. I realized what was up with the earlier test with the macro and the what was wonky should have been immediately apparent to everybody. :P I had copied a castsequence macro from the sticky. That'll teach me to do something like this when I first wake up. Anyway, got a real 3:2 macro and hit the dummies in SW.

Test 1: Hit steady, and just kept mashing it.
100 seconds.
60 Steadies
38 Autos

Test 2: Used the following macro:
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast !Auto shot
/cast [target=pettarget, exists] Kill command
/cast Steady shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

99 Seconds
60 Steadies
46 Autos

Test 3: Took the Macro, flipped auto and steady

99 Seconds
59 Steadies
44 Autos

Test 4: Fired Auto first manually, and then began spamming steady.

101 Seconds
61 Steadies
38 Autos

Test 5: By request, Auto shot firing in a vacuum.

97 Seconds
47 Autos

Not conclusive, but it certainly seems to support the notion that there is something strange going on on the PTR.

"Sir Xsarus" wrote:
Ieatrocks, you can just post your combat log here directly if you want, link to a file or something.

I R newb. How you do this?

Regarding the bug I mentioned from EJ. That has been some time ago and I didn't pay it much attention at the time. If there wasn't at least some small evidence (namely both Midnight's tests and my own seemed to favor firing auto first) I would dismiss it entirely. Since there does seem to be some evidence of it still being around I'll see if I can dig it up on EJ sometime later today.

Edited, Oct 12th 2008 1:51am by Ieatrocks
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