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#1 Sep 25 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
Any other hunters out here on the PTR? I finally got my hunter over there but have not had time to extensivly test him out. I will say that we got a major buff in our dps. I am not sure if it is due to the new steady shot or if the new talents are that good. I do see autos firing through my steady timer though, and steadys still make up the majority of my dps. I copied the 3:2 over to ptr and it is working great!

So far I have done BT and Gruuls. Did both as BM/MM

What i have seen so far i am very happy with and i hope most of these changes make it to live. In gruuls i averaged 1675 dps throughout. On gruul himself i was at 1983. In BT for the 1st 3 bosses i averaged 1689 and hit 1964 on Naj. Live i am usually about 1100 in BT and such, peaking to about 1350-1500 on bosses.

Any of you hunters tried a variation of specs? I have not had the chance to sample SV or Deep MM yet.

Also with Pets, i have found that even BM pets are very focus starved now. I know that GftT will help a ton! Even so, my little raptor hit 543 in Gruuls, and 512 in BT.

I am just curious to see what others have noticed. I will post on SV and MM when i get a chance to raid with them.

*edit* spelling

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 3:59pm by rinkkel
#2 Sep 25 2008 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
Haven't done any testing probably over a week, but the last time I did I couldn't get great numbers from the trials. I was testing on the mobs in the blasted lands, but was missing. A lot. Assuming all those misses converted to hits I'd have seen a smallish increase over live against the same mobs. The best being that I could keep it up infinitely (at one point I went through an entire quiver just because I could).

That's the spec I was using at the time.

On that note, has anybody else noticed a strange number of misses (for instance, the fact that you ARE missing) on the PTR.

I couldn't figure out what the hell had happened the first couple of times I saw an arrow whiz off to the side.
#3 Sep 25 2008 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
...Holy Sh...

Maybe I'll see over 2k DPS more frequently.

I think this weekend, I'll copy my hunter over and play around a bit. I haven't decided on my spec or pet yet (since Wind Serpents are still useless). But It would be nice to be ready and knowledgeable for when it hits live.
#4 Sep 26 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
Did some testing today, There are level 70 test dummies in Org now. So I went through about 2 quivers of arrows. Not fun, however I got some interesting results.

As BM with the same build i linked earlier. Swapping to viper to regen mana, no trinkets, no BW, no Rapid fire, Just macro spamming:
-1213 dps
-pet 376 dps
-lackluster mana efficiency. it would take about 6-10 secs in viper to get back to full mana.

As MM doing the same thing, no trinkets only hawk/viper and trueshot on.
-1559 dps
-pet 285 dps
-mana seemed to last longer for this spec. I used the 3:2 Macro weaving in Serpent sting and Chimera shots when they were up.

As SV Same thing here. 3:2 weaving in Explosive, serpents. Hawk/Viper
-1043 dps
-pet 188 dps
-Interesting tree, has potential with 10 more talents to use in BM and MM. Pet is severely weak though due to no extra focus regen. Exlposive trap was also nerfed all to hell with the latest ptr patch.

I wish i had the numbers or just my hunter. The figures i gave accounted for hunter and pet dps. I hope this sheds some light on what we have to look forward to. I do feel that once you can get the remaining 10 talent points from being level 80, i do see BM making a big DPS jump.

*edit* spelling

Edited, Sep 26th 2008 7:12pm by rinkkel
#5 Sep 26 2008 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
If the PTR has unlinked steady and auto then you don't need a shot cycle macro. I've been playing on the beta and it's fantastic.
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#6 Sep 27 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
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I just set up my hunter to transfer to the PvE test realm (really don't want to deal with horde while I'm testing PvE prowess). I just need to download the client. Hopefully, I'll be on the test realm tonight.

I'll be testing wether or not to use a macro. Technically, the 3:2 macro should still work beautifully, since on the live servers, it works nicely, but clips Autos. If it's not clipping the Autos anymore, then keeping it on an easily-spammable button (mouse wheel) should work great. It would give me back a finger while I'm timing other shots.

I also want to get in a few pets. I'm so curious as to how ****-poor my Wind Serpent is now, and how Cats, Corehounds and Devilsaurs stack up.
#7 Sep 28 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
The macro will be completely useless actually. auto's will fire every time their CD is up, so you can completely ignore them. What you do want to focus on is what shots have the best dpm, or burst depending on what you're doing, and choosing them appropriately. Let go of the macro's they are dead.
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#8 Sep 29 2008 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
Hmmm, macros dead? Makes sense.

So you keep your specials up by situation. Couldn't we use a macro 'specials' rotation to do that? Maybe 3-4 situational macro buttons?

1. Steadyshot macro/keybinding (just spams steadyshot) (autos fire automatically whenever they are up, steadys on their ROF)
2. CC Aware (Steady, Arcane) (just adds the arcane special into it)
3. CC Clear (Steady, Arcane, Multi) (mana burner light)
4. Oh Crap! (Steady + all instant damage specials) (Mana? We don't need no stinking mana! Dump it!)

Now, the above thoughts are just based on the idea that the GCD can take place while Steady is ramping up to fire. The macro would then automatically weave specials in between the steady's whenever the GCD and CD was up for the given special(s). The actual look of it will vary on what your current speed is, so 'mapping' a shot timeline would be speed dependent due to fixed GCD and CD for the various specials. If the GCD delays Steady from starting, obviously, you'd have to use specials only in given instances and that basically takes the idea of specials and putting them into macros and flushes it. I don't know how it will be once LK goes live.

So, I could see no more 'shot rotation' macro but maybe the macro idea isn't totally dead, it may just become a specials rotation set of macros you use in a given situation.

I think my trapping pull assist macro will still be useful but I agree, the shot rotation macros as they are will be history.

I'm still curious about the impact of haste and overall weapon speed. Will we be trying to emulate a sub-machine gun, the big slow elephant gun, or something in between?

Anyone have any real experience with weapon speed and haste? I'm worried that if we all go to fast firing we are all going to burn through ammo at a hideous rate.
#9 Sep 29 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Has anyone been able to test whether The Beast Within is broken on the PTR? I've been blowing BW every cooldown on the test dummies, but the Beast Within buff isn't showing up for me, and if I pop it without Bloodlust, I don't get all big and red. To me, that says it's either broken, or it just doesn't tell you that you're under the effects anymore... which I really wouldn't agree with. I LIKE knowing when BW is over without having to look at my pet's buffs.
#10 Sep 29 2008 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Sloshot being clever
I suppose you could do

/castrandom arcane
/castrandom multi
/castrandom steady shot
(and variations)
That would cast the first one in the list that was off it's CD, but you'd need at least 3 different buttons anyway, at which point it's probably easier just to hit the buttons.

I totally am not saying that macros generally are dead. I use macros for lots of stuff, and they're awesome, I just don't think it really makes sense to use them for shooting. at anyrate for BM you're only going to be hitting steady and maybe serpent, so a macro is no good.

Haste doesn't affect the GCD for us, so for the most part all it effects is white damage. The reason haste was so huge before was because of rotations, which are dead. As BM you're under 1.5 steady's without any buffs and MM and SV get there, or very close at least, with raid buffs. That's one of the reasons the raid gear is worrying. There's a lot of haste on it. in TBC you wanted to be slightly under 1.5 just for that extra gap room, in wrath there is no gain. This also means that heroisms, rapid fire, drums etc sort of aren't that good anymore. too bad.

The unlinking of steady and auto increased ammo consumption. Sorry. Slower weapons will probably be better as they will generate more mana per hit in viper. This is of course normalized for the white damage, but specials aren't affected in frequency by weapon speed so they'll return more mana faster. Of course you'll use slightly less ammo as well.

@TBW it's broken on beta atm, so I wouldn't be surprised.

On a OMGBROKEN note, cats have been hitting 2k raid dps. lol

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 7:31pm by Xsarus
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#11 Sep 29 2008 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
On a OMGBROKEN note, cats have been hitting 2k raid dps. lol

Screenshot or it didnt happen! i have been meaning to check this out honestly. I have seen where cats just using rakea re doing insane DPS. I plan to check this tomarrow.
#12 Sep 29 2008 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Screenshots can be found on the elitistjerks forums-


Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
#13 Sep 30 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
I did do some cat testing though. I ran through a Cat and the raptor i have been using on the dummies. Using the same BM spec in my first post and just having the pets attack.

Raptor: 264.5 dps over about 10 minutes

Cat: 319.4 dps over about 10 minutes.

I tried the cat with just rake, i heard this was really high, it wasnt. Best results where rake and claw on.

I am going to try to level my devilsaur up to 70 so i can throw him in the testing as well. His special would seem to be the most beneficial to pets overall DPS.

As i have said though, once a BM hunter is able to get 2 points into GftT i really do see pet dps numbers climbing.
#14 Sep 30 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
I'm probably going to be going pretty far off cookie cutter for a bit.

Just wanna try something new really, and while leveling and doing 5 mans, what difference does it make?

Tried PAY NO ATTENTION TO THIS(I think, points might have been a little different) the other day on the PTR. The dps wasn't magnificent, though it was better than I expected, but the crits were fun.

Edit: Gah, Wowhead updated to the new build apparently within the past few hours, but it made my talent tree look... not so good.

This would be my new version on the current build one: This

Edited, Oct 1st 2008 4:17pm by Ieatrocks
#15 Oct 01 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
830 posts
I think it will be a while until a new 'cookie cutter' comes out. Someone will do something clever and net a few more points of dps that wasn't obvious, or Blizz will nerf something that they sniff as OP, etc.

It might be a good idea for us all to try something 'new' out and work out ideas and post them here. If we can collaborate actual game experience with the theory discussions, we might arrive at the 'cookie cutter' specs sooner. Considering the amount of variation we will have with the pets, we might end up with several 'baseline' cookie cutter specs and a bunch of 'variants' for different purposes of them. Kinda like we have now but maybe double or more of the amount.

Maybe we can start tossing together a list of ideas for cookie cutter 'purposes' so we can all examine possible configurations of them using the preliminary stuff we have now and the beta, then we can all work them when LK comes out. Yes/No? We've already seen tentative builds, but I haven't seen a serious list of what kinds of builds to shoot for.
#16 Oct 01 2008 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Rinkkel, I can't WAIT until I can have Beast Mastery, Kindred Spirits and GFtT. I did a bunch of testing in The Exodar (about the only place I could get a dummy to myself), and I found that my Cat did almost identical DPS with 46/15/0 as it did with 51/10/0, which really says to me that GftT is an extra 20% DPS increase for the pet.

I played around with Beast Mastery a little bit, but I found that the extra point into Mortal Shots is a higher return to DPS than my pet getting Rabid if you're using a Cat. Maybe it'll be worth it to take BM with a Devilsaur, but I haven't had time to level mine up to 70.

Edited, Oct 1st 2008 5:37pm by ProjectMidnight
#17 Oct 01 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
Yea, really fun stuff. Come live i will be leveling my Gorilla and Devilsaur. I am also very excited about 2 more talent points to get GftT. Lots of fun and new stuff around the corner.
#18 Oct 01 2008 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
I just noticed that surefooted doesn't give hit anymore. :(
#19 Oct 01 2008 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
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Just to make you all mad: It's awesome playing in the beta Smiley: tongue
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#20 Oct 02 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
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Meh. I have fun telling all the idiots on the PTR to go F*ck themselves when they ask "How do I get to Northrend?!"

"How do I make a DK?"
"Where's the barber?"
"What are these for?" (Testing dummies)
"lol, What is everyone doing?" (Testing dummies)

eh... Who am I kidding? I resent everyone who got a Beta key and left me on the PTR to test with the morons. Although, there is probably a pretty big idiot convention on the Beta servers. Blizzard doesn't seem to have taken anything into account when passing the keys out. A guy I know, who botted his first character 1-70, got banned, came back a few month later and did it all over again got a beta key.
#21 Oct 03 2008 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
807 posts
Is anyone else worried about some of the Survival spec changes? We seem to have lost the hit bonus with surefooted, expose weakness is self only now, readiness moved to MM tree. Sure we have some new toys, like the group mana benefits etc, but I'm still a tad worried.
#22 Oct 04 2008 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I'm not worried in the least. Have you seen the amount of haste on T7 gear? In full T7, SV hunters may out-DPS BM hunters. Yes, I know that we can stack a ton of haste and not have to worry about "wasting" it because of auto-shot clipping, but after a small amount of haste, BM hunters get the cast time of Steady Shot under the 1.5 second GCD, and then haste only effects about 40% of our DPS, so it becomes less desirable. It takes a lot more haste for SV hunters to get to that point, so they can fully benefit from all the haste in WoTLK.
#23 Oct 04 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
The 3% hit from surefooted was moved to the steady shot pushback resist talent in T1 MM. There's nothing especially useful in SV to put those three points in, so it's a waste of three points there, and then a waste of three more points MM-side.

And about the 2.0 -> 1.5 second SS cast time.. Quiver + Serpent's Swiftness, or Quiver + Windfury Totem, will get you to under 1.5 seconds. Additional haste gives you nothing but faster auto shots, because of how our GCD can't go below 1.5.

Haste is far less useful for us than most stats, and it's in massive amounts on all our 80 gear. Someone at Blizz forgot to do some math..

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 10:26am by Ehcks
#24 Oct 04 2008 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
ProjectMidnight wrote:
I'm not worried in the least. Have you seen the amount of haste on T7 gear? In full T7, SV hunters may out-DPS BM hunters. Yes, I know that we can stack a ton of haste and not have to worry about "wasting" it because of auto-shot clipping, but after a small amount of haste, BM hunters get the cast time of Steady Shot under the 1.5 second GCD, and then haste only effects about 40% of our DPS, so it becomes less desirable. It takes a lot more haste for SV hunters to get to that point, so they can fully benefit from all the haste in WoTLK.
BM hunters are already there with just quiver and SS.
SV and MM hunters need 17.4% haste to close the gap. (assuming quiver haste stays at 15%)
So if you can count on 1 shaman in your raid, you dont need haste anymore.

a.k.a. any hunter with a decent raiding guild will try to avoid haste as much as possible.
#25 Oct 04 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
a.k.a. any hunter with a decent raiding guild will try to avoid haste as much as possible.

That'll certainly be hard, though. All 5 pieces of hunter-specific gear in naxx has haste. 6.86% total just on 5 pieces.

Seriously, Blizzard.. Math.. A hunter already has Steady Shot at less than 1.5 before any gear haste. Every point after that goes only to white damage, which is around 40% of our total damage.

1% haste gives .4% dps.
1% hit gives 1% dps.
1% crit gives up to 1.39% 1.339% dps.

Yes. Crit is 3.5 TIMES better than haste, by percent. On a point-for-point ratio, crit is still up to 2.3 times better than haste.

And they just stack it on everything.

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 4:36pm by Ehcks
#26 Oct 04 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Hit actually affects crit due to our rolling system, so always always get hit first. Also, where did you get 1.39?
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