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Question about ExpansionFollow

#1 Sep 25 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
I just dinged level 70 last night and I'm trying to priorize what i want to do before the expansion goes live. First I will work on my LW. I want to make the Stength of Clefthoof set for my Tanking gear. I have the patterns just need to level up high enough to make them.

What I would like to know, from all you WoW veterans is what will happen when the expansion goes live? Will people stop doing the BC raids totally? Should I concern myself with getting the best gear without raiding? I doubt I'll have the gear in the next couple of weeks to run raids although I'll try and maybe my guild will be nice and take pity on me, but probably not. :) I'm also thinking of trying out the Arena just to see how I like it. I'll have to find someone who doesn't care about their rating though.

Any advice as to how I should play from now until the expansion would be appreciated.

#2 Sep 25 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
as i tell everyone in game. "there is no reason to not improve your self now. haveing better gear will last longer into the expansion before you NEED to upgrade." so yes better your self now if not for the expansion but just for playing now to see more stuff. i doubt they will stop doing the totaly but you will see alot of cut back on raids people will be out lvling as fast as they can or just site seeing alot of stuff and learning all diff areas.

I doubt I'll have the gear in the next couple of weeks to run raids although I'll try and maybe my guild will be nice and take pity on me, but probably not. :

think it took me about 3 weeks to get my druid kara ready. on a av weekend farm the honor get helm and shoulder s2. i also tossed sso rep enchant on head and got the neck from them so that is easy once you get the rep. those will make you uncritable then just work on all the other tanking stats.

all in all play how you want untill the expansion play to have fun cause if you aint haveing fun theres no point in playing the game unless you lvl and sell accounts lol.
#3 Sep 25 2008 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
In preparation for the upcoming expansion I am going to finally start doing dailies to get my epic flight.

My leather working is close enough to the cap and I think it will be cheaper to level it in Northrend.

Other wise I have been farming brewfest for the kodo mount and trying to see as much content as possible before it becomes abandoned and out of date.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Sep 25 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
I know agree with Lastar to certain point. I have found that super up gear take a little while to get (month of hard work)and for most part it's not that much fun to obtain. I believe unless having fun it may not be worth it just to get gear which only last maybe to more level to more. I know that during last expansion a lot of elite gear was junk by time was 62
#5 Sep 25 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Blizz has stated the gear reset will not be as intense this time around. T6 lasts into Naxx. tBC caused everything to be replaced in a level or two.

So getting better gear now will help you cruise through the early 70's faster. Don't break your back trying to get insane gear but if you are going to be questing still for money you should be able to replace some of your greens.

Realistically, you should focus on getting gear that will help you level faster to 80. Assembling a sweet tank set might take the whole time till the expansion, just getting better gear to level faster should be easier.

Or you could just stop playing this toon and try and get your alts up to level 70.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 Sep 26 2008 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
Or you could just stop playing this toon and try and get your alts up to level 70.

There is what I started doing partly when I started worrying that my precious resto shaman will not be my healer anymore at wotlk. I got some enhance gear for him so I can start leveling as dps.

Then I headed back to my druid and now I'm leveling him to maybe replace one of my toons totally. Fact is that druids get so much more love from Dev's than shammys and locks.

You will be seeing me more in druid forums from now on =)
#7 Sep 26 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
Or you could just stop playing this toon and try and get your alts up to level 70.

That's what I am doing atm :)

I have 59 more levels to go in 48 days so the clock is ticking (that's for a 70 of each class). My Warrior is 41, Warlock is 50 & Rogues is 60.
#8 Sep 26 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Excellent
If it's an upgrade for you now, get it now. You might not see much TBC raiding, but level 69/70 tanking blues will serve you into the expansion as well. In terms of professions, pushing one to 375 has you squared away to continue leveling it to 450 with the expansion, and the Heavy Clefthoof set isn't really all that material intensive (farming the mats will likely take you at least a couple of hours, but meh...they're good pieces that will last you a while).

My druid will be heading into the expansion in mostly T5 epics. My guild has decided to focus on getting people their Champion of the Naaru titles between now and the patch, and we just brought in a bunch of new folks who need gear so progression raids are pretty much a thing of the past. I don't anticipate that I'll be seeing many upgrades...for tanking or dps...until at least the 75-77 range, but that suits me just fine. Sub-par quest rewards will be vendor fodder and it will be nice to show up to the first Northrend dungeons powerfully overgeared.

Most importantly, do what's fun for you. That holds as sound advice whether there's an expansion around the corner or not, but there's not a lot of time between now and the xpac...there's no point grinding something you don't enjoy to get ready for something that you won't have a lot of time to immerse yourself in.

As far as what I expect from the expansion, my druid is in a very good guild that consists entirely of 70s with a variety of raiding experience (ranging from Kara to BT). I anticipate that the first month will be leveling insanity and lots and lots of Northrend dungeons (if for nothing other than rep) When we get enough people to 80, I would anticipate we'll start getting into Naxx 10 mans, then 25 mans when the roster fills out to support it. TBC raids will be the *****-and-giggles break from the monotony of leveling, or they won't be a part of the picture at all. I wouldn't be surprised to see some MH/BT/Sunwell action at some point in the future, but it won't be would be more re-visiting the content we didn't have time to fully explore before WotLK.

The realm my 70s are on went live after TBC. We're months behind in terms of progression relative to realms that had established level 60 raiding guilds when TBC went live. That will definitely change come WotLK. It's exciting and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm looking forward, not back. TBC raids might be cool to see, but the challenge just won't be there at level 80. I'm sure learning the fights would still be something that would take some time, but you're 7 levels above the bosses with the stats to match...just not the same.
#9 Sep 29 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
I imagine that TBC raids will become as dead as Azeroth end-game content is nowadays. If you want, gear up for Kara and dive in before the xpac makes it even more of a ghost town. You've got time for that. Heck, I got in Gruul and Mag Pugs this weekend and my guild doesnt even raid. (Of course they both fell apart but, hey, I got to see Gruul and Mag.)

Clefthoof + SSO neck + PvP Helm, Shoulders + Umberhowl's Collar + Manimal's Cinch + Verdant Gloves (or PvP or even PvP Blue gloves) = perfectly acceptable tanking set. You can get the honor for the head and shoulders in one weekend of (intense) grinding. The neck may take a while unless you can get in some MgT runs; use Necklace of the Deep instead if you want. The other stuff are easy quest rewards. So I'd say by mid-October you should be ready for Kara at least.

Or don't sweat the gear, cruise around and have fun. Or level alts to 70 as others suggested. The most pragmatic thing is to get everyone to 70 and all skills to 375. Personally, having gotten two of my three toons to 70 in the past few months, I'm trying to do more Kara with them to see the sights while power-leveling my mage (now 65).

One last thing: Get enough gold for epic flight. I imagine that when you hit Northrend (and are allowed to fly) you will want to zoom at epic speeds instead of toddling at the miserable 60% pace. And I bet it'll be easier to get Heroic Sethekk groups while there are still badges to be had there.
#10 Sep 29 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Excellent
tuskerdu wrote:
I imagine that TBC raids will become as dead as Azeroth end-game content is nowadays. If you want, gear up for Kara and dive in before the xpac makes it even more of a ghost town. You've got time for that. Heck, I got in Gruul and Mag Pugs this weekend and my guild doesnt even raid. (Of course they both fell apart but, hey, I got to see Gruul and Mag.)

People not currently raiding in TBC might have a hard time seeing TBC raids. People who are currently raiding may still get some mileage out of TBC raid content. One of the main reasons Azeroth raids died with TBC is because Outland entry-level quest greens were better upgrades for people than most pre-TBC raid epics. The Northrend itemization curve won't be nearly so steep with speculation that T6 gear will take you into Naxx, guild currently running T5 content have incentive to continue exploring TBC raid content once or twice/week until they have enough folks at 80 to start doing WotLK raids.
#11 Sep 29 2008 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
I keep hearing how T6 will take you into NAxx. Everybody doesn't get into guilds that raid T6 content you know and not everybody has full sets of S4. Unless your really hardcore it will be hard to grind any type of arena points out at this point.

I am at the point I am sick of IOQ dailies and I don't see any reason to grind any more BG's thanks to the wipe blizzard has issued. I have what I feel to be enough to get me into the expansion. My mage has 9200ish HP unbuffed and 724 spell damage. Yea I know yours is better then mine but big deal. I have 1 piece of kara gear, S2 armor minus hands/legs. Have the pvp belt and a pvp ring. Other ring is the blue one from the kara rep quest. Neck is the shattered sun exalted rep epic. Leggings and gloves are the outland rep ones that are a tad below S2 standards. Have the s2 2h staff.

MY day on WOW usually consists of the quick and easy IOQ Dailies(ones that don't involve fighting with dozens of people to get) and leveling alts. As a horde toon I don't see too many invites to run heroics, what few I have gotten have resulted in nothing but repair bills so I quit bothering with them. Guild I am in raids Kara every other night but they usualyl run out of room on the days I am actually on to do it. MY exp in Kara PUG has been once again high repair bills. Thus the life of a casual horde player.

So I mainly play my alts.
#12 Sep 29 2008 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
256 posts
From my experience blizz tend to add new crafting receipes to make it easier for people to skill up past the old cap. So if you don't really need 375 LW right now i suggest you save up the mats for when xpac goes live and then lvl it up on the much cheaper new receipes.
#13 Sep 30 2008 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
My main interest in leveling LW was so I could make the Clefthoof set. I am now at 356 and have made the boots. Once I get the mats I'll make the legs, and level to 360 to make the chest.

I ran reg Slab last night for the first time with my new guild and afterwards mentioned an interest running Kara. I got the feeling it will happen. Before it does I want better stats. Currently I'm looking at 9.9k Health, 14k Armor self buffed. Getting the other two pieces of the Strength of Clefthoof will help. I need to review my list to find which items are worth spending time to get prior to the expansion.

#14 Sep 30 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
If you link to your toon the wise minds here may be able to recommend quick upgrades.

Edit: Shame on me for being lazy. I see you gave your server in your sig. I think you may be in dps gear, so forgive me if you already have some of these.

In addition to Clefthoof, here's what you could do in the next week to get ready:

Buy necklace of the deep at the AH and slap two solid stars of elune in the sockets (don't sweat the bonus). Buy a delicate eternium ring at AH. Do the questline in SMV for Umberhowl's Collar (wrist) and Manimal's Cinch (waist). If you have the honor, buy the S2 head and shoulders; if not get the blue rep PvP gear. Ditto gloves (the verdant gloves take too long imo but you could also quest for them, will require an Arc run and then another 5-man).

Farm Mechanar for Thoriumweave Cloak and slap +dodge enchant on it. Enchant your staff with +35 agi. Farm Durn for the tanking ring that drops off Drake. Do the brewfest boss all week for one of the +45 sta trinkets (the ap one isn't that useful for tanking). Put any other enchants on that you can afford, thread up your clefthoof pants. You should be good to go.

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 4:21pm by tuskerdu
#15 Sep 30 2008 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
Had a good day today. Made the Legs for the Strength of Clefthoof set and was able to buy the Necklace of the Deep. Gemed with four +12 Stamina blues and a +8 def yellow I'm now looking at 15.8k armor, 11.6k health, 378 defense, and 23.24% dodge. I definitely think I'm ready to tank some heroics. I was also able to do the Ring of Blood quest string and got the Staff of Beasts for my DPS set. As I said a productive day

#16 Sep 30 2008 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Lastar wrote:
I'm now looking at 15.8k armor, 11.6k health, 378 defense, and 23.24% dodge. I definitely think I'm ready to tank some heroics.

Congrats on the good day, but you're not nearly ready for heroics in my opinion. Others can correct me if I'm wrong but I think you'll get annihilated with those stats, with all that green and blue gear. Kara/Heroics are about epic gear, with even blues the exception not the rule. (somewhat less so for us bear tanks with the many blue pieces that get us heroic ready, but you don't even have those.) Your healer would never be able to keep you alive with all that green armor, and you don't have nearly the attack power to hold aggro against heroic-level DPS. The barely debated recommendation for even starting to tank Kara/Heroics is the ballpark of 20k armor, 13k health, 27% dodge, and you definitely have to be totally uncrittable which means 415 defense or a lesser defense rating balanced out by resilience which you have none of.

Sorry to be a spoilsport, but I can't imagine anybody being willing to enter a heroic with a tank with your stats. No offense, nothing personal, but I know I sure wouldn't.
#17 Oct 01 2008 at 4:10 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Yes, you are definitely too low on all your stats to be walking into even the lowest of heroics.

The stats Jee put up are decent, but there is no reason you shouldn't be at 22-24k armor, 27% dodge and 13k hp before you walk into a heroic. Everything you need is either crafted, quest items or on the AH.

Stylin' Purple Hat or s2 headpiece (SSO or KoT glyph)
Necklace of the Deep
s2 shoulders (Aldor or Scryer Glyph
Thoriumweave cloak (+12 agil)
Heavy Clefthoof Vest (+6 stats)
Umberhowl's Collar (+ agil)
Verdant Gloves (+ agil)
Manimal's Cinch
Clefthoof Legs (+agil/stam)
Clefthoof boots (+ stam)

Rings you should be going for agil and stam until you can get any of the multitude of rings that has armor on it.

Trinkets, the dodge trinket from initial quests in hellfire is ok to start, so is a dps trinket to get your threat up, but you'll be looking to replace with Badge of Tenacity and/or a high stam trinket. I'd recommend the def trinket from regular Shadow Labs or the initial Hellfire quests if you took it to keep your def rating high enough that you don't have to gem for it.

You should never, ever gem for anything but agility or stamina. Def rating should always be on your gear. Heavy clefthoof should take care of most of it and the s2 pieces will help with the resil.

Braxxis Staff of Slumber (+35 agil)

Uncrittable isn't an option, it's a requirement for heroics/kara. If you aren't uncrittable, you just simply can't do them. 2 crits from a boss (sometimes one with that hp pool) and you'll be toast.

Make sure to get the glyphs for head and shoulders and the enchantments (stam or agil) for all your gear as well, it's not that expensive and will be a huge help to your hp pool and dodge %.

With this gear you should be hitting 22-24k armor, 13.5-14k hp, 26-28% dodge and Uncrittable.
You have to have 2.6% resistance to critting (with 3/3 Survival of the Fittest)between your defense and your resil. You can see this by mousing over your def rating number and your resil number. add up the % from each and it should be 2.6 or more.

Edited, Oct 1st 2008 8:05am by Galenmoon
#18 Oct 01 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
I've been using the List from Emmerald to gear up and see that what was list in the previous post are on the list. I have the Clefthoof boots and legs and will make the vest when I get the mats. Picked up the Necklace of the Deep last night. I also have the staff. I'm trying to decide if its worth putting the time into the long quest string for the waist and the wrist because of the expansion coming out in Nov.

When I mentioned heroics I was thinking along the lines of Ramps and BF not the higher up ones. But from whats been said here I guess I'll have to think again. Posting this here probably saved me from a frustrating experience.
#19 Oct 01 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Epic gear to start heroics is the exception, not the rule. Off hand, you can get S2 epics, a crafted belt, crafted BoP boots if you're a LW, and Earthwarden before you start heroics. Beyond that, you should be in all 68+ blues (possible exception being Manimal's Cinch, a green quest reward from SMV.) You should have well over 20k armor (I think 25k is about right, but that might be a little high), be immune to crits from Resilience/Defense, and have 12k-ish health with MotW in bear form. All your gear should be enchanted, and all your sockets should have good bear gems in them. Bear gems are defense to cap, Stam, and Agi.
#20 Oct 01 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
861 posts
Ramps and BF actually can be among the tougher Heroics (BF especially). The difficulty in heroics isn't related to the order of instances when you come to OL. You'd better have 14k health, 20k armor and 25% dodge before even stepping into the easiest ones (which are SP and Mech, you should start with those two).

That SMV questline can be done in an afternoon. You can get the wrist and waist pretty easily. It's worth the investment, even with the xpac in 6 weeks. Run heroics four or five times and you get the badges for the Idol of Terror, which will be useful to take to Northrend for either tanking or dpsing.

Also: Do yourself a favor, go out tonight and buy, and (Apologies for the non-Alla links.) These are all massive upgrades for both dps and tanking from what you've got. The resilience alone may well make you uncrittable. It's fairly easy to get that faction rep, esp for Lower City and Sha'tar (just do your scryer or aldor quests and then kill one mob in Mech to get he Sha'tar to honored).

Edited, Oct 1st 2008 12:22pm by tuskerdu
#21 Oct 01 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Epic gear to start heroics is the exception, not the rule. Off hand, you can get S2 epics, a crafted belt, crafted BoP boots if you're a LW, and Earthwarden before you start heroics. Beyond that, you should be in all 68+ blues (possible exception being Manimal's Cinch, a green quest reward from SMV.)

Fair enough. I think I overreacted to the fact that most of his gear is high 60s greens, and even the blues weren't the "right" blues.

It should be noted that the crafted belt and boots that you mention each cost well over 1,000 gold in mats. Personally, if I didn't have them yet I wouldn't spend the gold on them. I'd rather save up, go into WotLK kinda weak, and replace what I had with free low 70s quest rewards and drops via the AH. People have said the ugprade curve of WotLK isn't as sharp so those with some level of decent gear won't find everything replaced by level 71, but I think this druid Hakana is going to see upgrades falling from the sky.
#22 Oct 01 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
The suggestions being offered here are the reason I posted in the first place. So thanks. With regards to the DragonHide gear, I'm already Honored with Lower City so I can buy the helm tonight. I am more then helf way to Honored with The Sha'tar so I'll try and get a run through reg Mech (haven't done that one yet) to reach honored there and but the spaulders. As for the Keeper of Time rep I have almost none so I'll probably pass on the gloves. I should be able to get some guild mates to help with the run(s) through Mech.

If the questline for the belt and bracers can be done as quickly as mentioned I'll make a run for those too. My main thinking with this post was I don't want to spend a ton of time to get something and replace it before reaching lvl 74 or 75.

Again thanks to all of you for the great advice.

#23 Oct 01 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
On KoT rep, it comes pretty quick. A run of Durn and two to three of BM (which is very, very quick) should net you enough to get those gloves.
#24 Oct 01 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Unless you're rocking T4/badge or higher, you're going to replace pretty much all of it by 74 or 75 for the most part, but getting the stuff now will give you the opportunity to get in and tank some heroics prior to the x-pac so you can have that experience under your belt.

As far as Keepers of time rep, you really only need to run Durnholde once or twice, then Black Morass once or twice, all on normal to get to revered, so hitting honored should be very easy. Just have to get out there with a group and you can actually hit honored in 2-3 hours. :P

The Quest chain for the bracers/belt is pretty easy, just a little traveling involved within zone.

Just for reference, here is my armory : Galenmoon

I've been 70 on my druid (70 shammy and hunter as well to split my time between), switching back and forth between feral and resto for about 5 months now. Will have 100 badge Tameless Breaches tonight and the s2 shoulders as well.

Don't forget to pick up resto and dps pieces as you tank. You'll be stunned at how quickly you suddenly have offsets.

EDIT: I meant + stam on bracers, not + agil :P

Edited, Oct 1st 2008 2:41pm by Galenmoon
#25 Oct 02 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
Was working on the long quest string to get Umberhowls Collar mentioned above and got a invite from my guild to raid Gruul and Mag as a DPS. It was great to run in my first raid. Better yet I won a roll and got my first T4 piece.

Didn't finish Mag though. We wiped twice and then people started leaving. Great experience, and I only died a couple of times LOL. I tanked once in Gruul on one of the adds around the High King. My guild mates said they were surprised I survived as long as I did :) I also was able to contribute with battle rez a couple of times.

All and all I think I did ok for my first raid, especially under geared like I am.

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