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I reach lvl 70, and now ?Follow

#1 Sep 24 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
HI, i'm new in this forum, i reach lvl 70 in the last weakend, and which my honnor points buy a merciless gladiator chestpiece, buy a 2 parts of savage set, and i don't know what i do, i keep in BG until have all parts? make some quests? its hard to a arms warrior whith green set be invited to a 10man raid or heroic, what i do plz, Nick Matança server Shadowmmon, if u whant look at armory to check my set... thxxx
#2 Sep 24 2008 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
PvP, DPS or tank?

If you want to PvP you need PvP gear. PvP gear comes from honor/pvp rewards. PvP gear gives rather decent DPS but doing PvP doesn't train you much on the tactics for PvE DPSing.

DPS gear and tank gear you can find a few parts in the AH that you can easily get doing dailies.

For PvE gear you can do non heroic instances for the drops and the rep. And with the rep you get from dailies in Isle of Quel Danas you can get a few more items.
#3 Sep 25 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
BG/Arena for tanking gear is a nay. I have seen some good tanks with the Arena shield tho... so maybe not all the items are just for dps lol.

BG epics will be ok, until you can replace them with better PvE items. PvP gear tends to lack the +hit needed in PvE, but has excess in +crit lol. I believe if you're going DW Fury build the lack of +hit won't effect you much. If you're 2H MS Arms build (like I currently am), the lack of +hit will kill you.

Two routes to go IMO:
1) Respec to Prot, and just tank every instance just about. Get rep that way, and pick up epics slowly but surely. After so long, you'll be heroics ready. Getting into heroics as a DPS Warrior is very very rough. Having you, that's one less sheeper, banish, etc.

2)Continue up the BG path. Then hit Arenas. For a DPS Warrior there are VERY nice things in there. Yes, still kindda lack the +hit, but in T5 content I'm using the helm, and gloves (until I get better gloves anyway).

Oh you can check out wow armory and look for upgrades, or check MaxDPS site. It'll give you a little check list on what to look forward to.

Good luck.

*Edit* just noticed you said you're Arms. In greens I don't blame them for not wanting you lol. No offense, but Arms is more demanding than Fury. Our hit cap is 142, Fury is what? 43? Something crazy low. Arms also does not get super dps'ing until T6 content (from what I read). In raids I'm more used for the 4% to all melee attackers debuff on the mob, then I am for DPS'ing lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm up around 6 or 7th on the WWS charts... but no where near the top...yet.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 12:40pm by GYFFORD
#4 Sep 25 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
BG/Arena for tanking gear is a nay. I have seen some good tanks with the Arena shield tho... so maybe not all the items are just for dps lol.

BG epics will be ok, until you can replace them with better PvE items. PvP gear tends to lack the +hit needed in PvE, but has excess in +crit lol. I believe if you're going DW Fury build the lack of +hit won't effect you much. If you're 2H MS Arms build (like I currently am), the lack of +hit will kill you.

Two routes to go IMO:
1) Respec to Prot, and just tank every instance just about. Get rep that way, and pick up epics slowly but surely. After so long, you'll be heroics ready. Getting into heroics as a DPS Warrior is very very rough. Having you, that's one less sheeper, banish, etc.

2)Continue up the BG path. Then hit Arenas. For a DPS Warrior there are VERY nice things in there. Yes, still kindda lack the +hit, but in T5 content I'm using the helm, and gloves (until I get better gloves anyway).

Oh you can check out wow armory and look for upgrades, or check MaxDPS site. It'll give you a little check list on what to look forward to.

Good luck.

*Edit* just noticed you said you're Arms. In greens I don't blame them for not wanting you lol. No offense, but Arms is more demanding than Fury. Our hit cap is 142, Fury is what? 43? Something crazy low. Arms also does not get super dps'ing until T6 content (from what I read). In raids I'm more used for the 4% to all melee attackers debuff on the mob, then I am for DPS'ing lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm up around 6 or 7th on the WWS charts... but no where near the top...yet.

I am by no means an expert when it comes to WoW and theory craft, but I do beleive this information is wrong. I'm pretty sure that the DW hit cap is MUCH higher then the Arms hit cap. I beleive Arms is in the area of around 90 hit, and DW is 150+. However, I know these numbers can be skewed depending on where you are getting your info from, but I do know that the Arms cap is MUCH lower than DW.

That said, it is definatley possible to take your PvP gear into Kara. Like GYFFORD said, it lacks hit, but you can gem +hit, you can use +hit consumables, etc. I would recomend against using PvP epics for tanking as you will never be able to reach your required tanking stats with PvP gear (490 defense being the most important).

A point that GYFFORD made that I do whole heartedly agree with is that the areana gear is great. You can easily aquire a couple select peices and mix and match them into your PvE gear.

The best advice I can give you is try and put together a set of gear for PvP, and a set for PvE. Obviously your PvP stuff will come from honor and areana, and your PvE will come from instancing, quest rewards, craftable items, etc. Do your dailies and spend that gold!
#5 Sep 25 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah I'm far from a theorycrafter... never claim to be, but I can resite information that I've read lol

Alla DPS sticky wrote:
Hit Rating
You will want to have at least 95, or 143 hit rating. Depending on spec.
95 Hit rating is the cap with 3/3 precision for two handed or one handed weapons.
95 Hit rating is the cap with 3/3 precision for skill miss chance negation.
143 Hit rating is the cap for two handed or one handed weapons.
143 Hit rating is the cap for skill miss chance negation.
395 Hit rating is the cap for dual wield with 3/3 precision.
443 Hit rating is the cap for dual wield.

Special note regarding 2h
You will want to cap your to hit rating. Since you depend on your white damage for rage gen. The secondary effect of this is your skills do not miss either.

Special note concerning D/w;
You do not need to cap out your to hit rating to be effective dps. Extra to hit after your minimum for your spec, increases overall damage less than crit or AP will. 9% to hit should be your minimum to hit. This is 95 hit rating with precision 3/3.

So w/o looking for the actual factual number for the hit needed with DW'ing (thanks to being at work...) I was off, but it is lower than Arms. I was thinking in terms of necessity for DPS numbers/rage gen. As said in sticky, if DW don't cap it's fine... they won't be rage starved like a Arms (the OP and myself) would be by missing white attacks.

*edit* Here's a few links from actual theorycrafters lol... I should write in my sig to take my posts with a grain of salt. However, if I'm wrong on resiting the info, the OP that I'm quoting is wrong too MUHAHAHAHA =D

Alla's DPS sticky
ElitestJerks (very detailed in numbercrafting)
Character Auditor (See roughly where you fit in the raiding tiers)

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 2:17pm by GYFFORD
#6 Sep 29 2008 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent

Its not long ago since I ve been in the 70 level so I can say that i feel your agony about gear :)
First of all I think that there is no Level 70!!!!
There are people that reach 70 and keep on gearing... for loooong time .Can you say a full epic player, that he s level 70, whose being playing for months ,run every heroic and done tons of Kara and other raids...same level as you? NO. I d say that he s 74 -75 level. So what happends when a raid time comes and you dont get invited? Its because your 70 while they are 70++!!

So a good pointer to you is gearing up. But since the next expansion is coming to surface soon I would not worry about that.... As soon as we go to the new lands/instances the level 70 items will progresivelly lose their value. Every body will be the same... (hm...)

I think the best thing for a player that can do right now is :

Get some cash. Allways essential. Do you have flying mount? It costs 975 g... (Will this baby fly in new lands? hm...)
Get honor through pvp for the next sets of items for 80 level.
Level up your profession , get ready to be able to mine/craft the new items.
Dont buy staff at AH, its a bad investment. It seems that level 70 items from AH are loosing their value...... as Wrath of Leech K aproaches...Blizzard is throwing to us good purple items through the BF quest. I have to admit nice trinkets...
Dont try heroics...
Raids:You can go to Kara (asap)as DPS if your team is strong enough to support your inafficient gear. You also can go there as an Offtank(only if your specced to Prot) but you have do to spesific quests/instances to get spesific items... to give you stamina +Defence rating. See post Kara Gear Check...

#7 Sep 29 2008 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
Oups... ( honor point will be set to Zero with new expansion.

What about flying mounts...? (hm...)
Badges of Justice..?
#8 Sep 29 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
GYFFORD wrote:
Yeah I'm far from a theorycrafter... never claim to be, but I can resite information that I've read lol

Alla DPS sticky wrote:
Hit Rating
You will want to have at least 95, or 143 hit rating. Depending on spec.
95 Hit rating is the cap with 3/3 precision for two handed or one handed weapons.
95 Hit rating is the cap with 3/3 precision for skill miss chance negation.
143 Hit rating is the cap for two handed or one handed weapons.
143 Hit rating is the cap for skill miss chance negation.
395 Hit rating is the cap for dual wield with 3/3 precision.
443 Hit rating is the cap for dual wield.

Special note regarding 2h
You will want to cap your to hit rating. Since you depend on your white damage for rage gen. The secondary effect of this is your skills do not miss either.

Special note concerning D/w;
You do not need to cap out your to hit rating to be effective dps. Extra to hit after your minimum for your spec, increases overall damage less than crit or AP will. 9% to hit should be your minimum to hit. This is 95 hit rating with precision 3/3.

So w/o looking for the actual factual number for the hit needed with DW'ing (thanks to being at work...) I was off, but it is lower than Arms. I was thinking in terms of necessity for DPS numbers/rage gen. As said in sticky, if DW don't cap it's fine... they won't be rage starved like a Arms (the OP and myself) would be by missing white attacks.

*edit* Here's a few links from actual theorycrafters lol... I should write in my sig to take my posts with a grain of salt. However, if I'm wrong on resiting the info, the OP that I'm quoting is wrong too MUHAHAHAHA =D

Alla's DPS sticky
ElitestJerks (very detailed in numbercrafting)
Character Auditor (See roughly where you fit in the raiding tiers)

The minimal hit requirement is ~9% ... this is so that you don't miss with specials (it just so happens that your white damage miss rate for 2 handers is the same as specials, so when you cap specials, you cap everything). That equates to the 143 Hit rating mentioned ... and applies where you are Fury or Arms ... BUT ... you can talent for 3% hit in fury, which brings the GEAR hit cap down to 95..

It's pretty nicely laid out in the table quoted here ... I just thought I'd add a slight explanation.

btw, extra hit after you've been hit capped for 2 handers is a complete and utter waste ... it adds absolutely nothing. Extra hit after you've been special attack capped for Dual Wield (8.6%) is a bonus, as it minimises your chance to miss with white attacks ... BUT ... this hit benefits you least of all if you compare it to other stats.

You should never actively seek out more hit than your 8.6% (ie, don't gem for hit), as you will be adding less benefit than if you gemmed for, say, strength.
#9 Oct 01 2008 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
PVP gear (within reason) is just fine for tanking at the heroics/Kara level.

Show me tanking shoulders you can get shortly after hitting 70 that are better tanking shoulders than S2.
Show me the shield you can get shortly after hitting 70 that is better than S2.

If you are relying exclusively on PVP gear for tank gear you will be out of balance, but honor gear can plug some nice holes in entry level tanking gear.

And for reaching the uncrittable level of def it only takes 472 def to be uncrittable if you have the S2 shield equipped (due to resilience).
You do lose out on avoidance/mitigation inherent in defense rating, but on the plus side the PVP pieces are stacked with stamina and armor.

Now are the PVP pieces superior/equal to same-tier PVE tank pieces? No.
But remember the S2 shield, for example, is T5 equivalent. Far superior to anything an entry level tank can get for the same effort required to grind the honor.

In fact, gearing your new tank now is quite easy compared to what was available in early TBC. Get the gear soon...the race to new gear at 80 starts soon:)

I currently have the S1 Shoulders, S2 Shield, and S3 Chest in my tank set. And am quite happy with those slots.

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