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@Jenova + any other theorycraftersFollow

#27 Sep 23 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
Technically, the multiplier there could be 32, depending on how you look at it. >.>

Either way, I'm not gonna keep going with this. You're right, I'm wrong. I continued to ask about the multiplier all throughout the thread.
#28 Sep 25 2008 at 3:51 AM Rating: Default
648 posts
I understand what you're saying, just it doesn't make sense. the 2nd and 3rd set of ticks don't have a 2x or 3x multiplier, they just simply tick for more damage. the 'multiplier' is just blizzards way of making it slightly easier for them (and us) to do the maths on the spell. if they wanted they could of applied an exponential growth to the original tick instead. end result would still be a skewered dot, just the maths would be a lot tougher

The multiplier definition is true or false depending on the way you choose to look at the way CoA does damage, so I would never be as bold as to criticise someone who chose to use that terminology without first ensuring I was completely sure I understood the context in which they were using it.

Of the 12 CoA ticks - the 1st 4 do 1/6th of the total damage, the 2nd 4 ticks do 2/6ths of the total damage, and the final 4 ticks do 3/6ths of the total damage. In this view it is acceptable to claim there is a multiplier - with respect to the initial tick. It's simply down to which frame of reference you choose to use.

I personally wouldn't describe it like that - but as usual the undergeared and overconfident Jenovamega is as contrary as ever.

Now of course, I get to come in here and do some nitpicking of my own. I would never describe CoA as having skewered damage. I think that's an example of poorly placed of terminology. I would simply describe it as ascending or incremental damage.

the 'multiplier' is just blizzards way of making it slightly easier for them (and us) to do the maths on the spell

I don't know who your contact is in Blizzard who told you this, but I doubt very much that this was blizzards motivation behind "making math easy". Blizzard choose the mechanics of the spell and a piece of code works out the numbers. Blizzard don't choose to make things easier or hard. It is just so.

#29 Sep 25 2008 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
kbd, 1. i don't know how you can say I'm undergeared. I'm 4/8 T6, raiding sunwell up to felmyst (and soon jumping ship to stature of the gods so as to see the end of SWP). yeah maybe I don't have as insane gear as you, but I still push 2.3k-2.6k dps on brutalus (depending on if i get my statistical crit chance or not) so i'm hardly undergeared.

secondly, how can you say that CoA isn't skewered.. less damage at start, more damage at end. that's kinda the definition of skewered. also the "1st 4 do 1/6th of the total damage, the 2nd 4 ticks do 2/6ths of the total damage" is only true for 0+dmg, once you gain +dmg, these ratios change as I showed above plenty of times. so you're simply just wrong kbd, as always.

also my comment about blizzard, you ever looked at the actual maths of well.. pretty much every ability in the game? the mechanics are VERY easy, and since way before tbc they've been making them easier and easier with each large expansion change so the whole idea of them wanting 'simple' maths isn't as rediculous as you'd think. they could of given CoA an X^2 or X^3 growth, an exponential growth or any other type of growth that would of worked better for "dealing damage slowly at first, and builds up as the curse reaches its full duration" but no, instead they went for a simple multiplier (or ratio as you put it).

also ever thought of it this way... their servers have to cope with a massive amount of data, keeping the formula's as simple as possible all helps with lowering the server load. (prime examples being debuff/buff slot limits, instance slot limits, maximum damage limits (2^27 i think...) etc...
#30 Sep 25 2008 at 5:12 AM Rating: Default
648 posts
kbd, 1. i don't know how you can say I'm undergeared. I'm 4/8 T6, raiding sunwell up to felmyst (and soon jumping ship to stature of the gods so as to see the end of SWP)

it's my opinion - I'm allowed it, and I'm in a respectable enough position to give it ;)
Just for your information - just about every other guild is on felmyst at the moment. It's not as much an achievment as you think it is.

secondly, how can you say that CoA isn't skewered.. less damage at start, more damage at end. that's kinda the definition of skewered. also the "1st 4 do 1/6th of the total damage, the 2nd 4 ticks do 2/6ths of the total damage" is only true for 0+dmg, once you gain +dmg, these ratios change as I showed above plenty of times. so you're simply just wrong kbd, as always.

No I am not, I didn't say anything different from the above.

(and soon jumping ship to stature of the gods so as to see the end of SWP)

Take it from me, you'll have more self-respect for making you're way to KJ the hard way.

I'm usually quiet on these board these days, but occasionally I see you throwing your weight around and I'll always be here to read you the riot act.
#31 Sep 25 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Jenova. I think you're still missing the point of what I originally meant by multiplier. And because of that, you're dragging it out into this big, long argument that really has no place here.

But, since you don't seem to get it, I will explain one more time.

The first set of ticks is multiplied by one; at any amount of spellpower, it is a multiplier of one, in relation to itself.

The second set of ticks is multiplied by another number in relation to spellpower; at zero spellpower, it is a multiplier of two, in relation to the first set of ticks.

The third set of ticks is multiplied by yet another number in relation to spellpower; at zero spellpower, it is a multiplier of three, in relation to the first set of ticks.

Do you now understand what I meant by multiplier? If not, I cannot make it any more simple.

Also, I don't know how the word "skewered" is used where you are, but over here where I'm from, it generally is in reference to kabobs. However, in your defense, I know what you meant. Kbd obviously knew what you meant. What's the sense in arguing over semantics?

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 7:15am by wingsofscion
#32 Sep 25 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
skewed (sorry, my mistake, misspelt it as skewered everytime) is also a mathmatical term used to describe something that isn't evenly balanced. usually it's used in normal distribution graphs to demonstrate how the graph looks.

and wings, I haven't been missing the point of the multiplier. I've been saying exactly what you just said about it being a multiplier of 2 for 2nd ticks(200%) or 3 for 3rd ticks(300%) at 0+SP in relation to the first tick, but that the multiplier decreases as you increase your +SP, so making the multiplier pretty much useless for working out anything. the fact that there's a real definate multiplier (or ratio as kbd put it) for 0+SP is pretty much useless for every warlock in the game due to the multiplier varying as you increase your +SP (and every lock has over 0 +SP now). hence why I keep on trying to point out how useless the multiplier is other than for determining what the base ticks of CoA are

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 9:28am by Jenovaomega
#33 Sep 25 2008 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not arguing that that particular value is useless for calculating out the value of CoA, regardless of spellpower. I even said as much, but you've been insistent that that is exactly what I've meant this entire time. In fact, it hasn't been.

Edit - @kbd - if you wanna call someone undergeared, you can call me undergeared. -.- I'm not ashamed of it either. But then again, so goes having been a BC player instead of having begun in Vanilla.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 7:28am by wingsofscion
#34 Sep 25 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
then it's either an error in your way of typing, or my way of reading. but regardless one of us screwed up in either interpretation or our expecations of how we presume others to interprete our words.
#35 Sep 25 2008 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
I wrote:

Not sure how that's in any way able to be misinterpreted.

Edited for clarity.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 7:38am by wingsofscion
#36 Sep 25 2008 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
you didn't say that until alot later on, after which point I accepted that you had finally seen things my way. beyond that point we've been on the same page. just because you're ignoring everything you and I said before that point doesn't suddenly mean that I was having troubles interpretting you
#37 Sep 25 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
This, two posts before that:

I understand how it works and that a multiplier value is unnecessary in calculating CoA.

You kept bringing it up. A bit hard to misunderstand that, too. In the same respect, you also kept bringing up that Vux's math was wrong, even though I clearly stated multiple times that he knew that and worked out the 120% coefficient of CoA.

So, really, I'm not sure if you're misinterpreting what I'm saying, or you just HAVE to prove that you're right.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 7:55am by wingsofscion
#38 Sep 25 2008 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
i just HAVE to prove that i'm right (though if someone crushes my idea and proves that I'm wrong, I will admit so). the fact is that if someone brings up something that's irrelevant, even if they say they know it's irrelevant, the simple fact that they're bringing it up shows that they believe it still has SOME relevance. so I see it as my duty to crush that idea. granted you should feel honoured by this. I usually won't argue or even talk with someone unless I feel they're interesting enough for it to be worthwhile for me to waste my time on them. (i'm not trying to make it sound like i think i'm a god or anything, it's just that most people are normal and boring, so i generally try to keep away from interacting with them)

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 10:08am by Jenovaomega
#39 Sep 25 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Honored? Honored!? Are you bloody serious? I think I ought to be offended by that.

In any case, the only reason I showed any interest in the multiplier that I was referring to (meaning, then 1x-2x-3x of base CoA) after knowing that it wasn't necessary in calculating CoA's total damage, was to see how it changed based on the amount of spellpower. I understood after having seen some math that made sense to me (sorry yours didn't at first) how it changed and why it changed. So in that regard, there is nothing to prove right or wrong; I just wanted to see how it worked out, and why it changed in relation to the original formula of Curse of Agony.
#40 Sep 25 2008 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
what's not good about being told "you're different in an interesting way to rest of the sheep"? (not trying to prove myself right, just simply curious) and I understood that you were after a way of comparing the 'multiplier' from 0+SP to the one of say... 1000+SP.. but as I've said, the rate of change isn't a nice one to work out.
#41 Sep 25 2008 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
It isn't a nice one to work out - but that doesn't change I wanted to know anyway.

What's not good about it is the attitude you come off with - arrogant and elitist. I shouldn't feel "honored" by being involved in a discussion with someone I don't know or know of outside of a web forum.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 8:46am by wingsofscion
#42 Sep 25 2008 at 6:58 AM Rating: Default
648 posts
What's not good about it is the attitude you come off with - arrogant and elitist. I shouldn't feel "honored" by being involved in a discussion with someone I don't know or know of outside of a web forum.

I agree, it's why I hardly visit this forum anymore. I can't stand to see a medicore warlock nitpicking such trivial issues. It really does no good at all. What I always noticed about Jenova is that he is probably an angry young man who reads posts very quickly and either (a) misses vital information (b) assumes things that have been omitted (c) doesn't try to comprehend what people may have stated inaccurately.

It leads situations like the classic example above, where he accused me of misunderstanding the CoA mechanics because I had stated the basic damage split of the spell. He then responded by saying I was in the wrong because the (1/6 2/6 3/6) split is inaccurate after spell damage is taken into account.

He launched into an accusation before even clarifying whether I had been intending to highlight the base part of the spell or not. He just assumed he knew the point I was making when I hadn't even clarified it.

Jenova is just an angry young man, probably held back in many areas of his life both by forces outside and some inside his control. I've seen the profile, and I can guess what some of those forces outside his control are. I can also guess - from his posts - what some of those forces inside his control are. I would advise him to take a much more concilatory approach, and to read all posts twice and read what has been said - and more importantly - what hasn't been said.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 11:01am by kbd
#43 Sep 25 2008 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
nothing wrong with being arrogant if you're right, and elitism imo is just the 'average joes' term for someone who desires to achieve something amazing, rather than mediocure. but hey, it's your opinion on a philosophical matter, so all beliefs are right.

if I get the time to, I may bother to actually work out the rate of change of the multiplier, but simply put time is scarce for me currently.
#44 Sep 25 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Arrogant, adjective: making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud

There is everything wrong with being arrogant.

Elitsm, noun: The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

Another category you seem to be fitting in quite well.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 9:07am by wingsofscion
#45 Sep 25 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
is just the 'average joes' term for someone who desires to achieve something amazing

Something amazing is working your way up to, and killing Kil'Jaden with a team of people who consider you an equal and a peer.

What's the term for someone who is prepared to part company with his comrades, and to join a group of guys who already downed KJ ?

It's like a 4th div. footballer transfering to Manchester United after they won the premiership. You don't get any right to lift the cup - far from it.
#46 Sep 25 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
actually, my guild has stopped raiding until wotlk, also I've been asked to join sotg's for the past 4 months because they consider me an equal in ability and desire but i've said no every time due to wanting to stick to my mates in NH and wanting to experience progress first hand. but simply put because NH have stopped raiding, the only way for me to progress is to jump ship. nothing wrong with doing that at all seeing as my primary intention was to see the end of SWP. If i'm in a different guild it also doesn't stop my mates from the previous guild being mates, just stops me from raiding with them.
you're trying to make me seem like a heartless b.astard, also that '4th div. footballer' would only be allowed into man.U if he was skilled enough, and so deserving to also lift that cup (maybe not lift it this season, but come next season, due to being considered an equal even before joining them, lifting the next cup with them and being deserving is more than possible.

also about the arrogance/elitism

"Arrogant, adjective: making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud

There is everything wrong with being arrogant.

Elitsm, noun: The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources. "

going by these definitions, I'm not arrogant. I don't claim to be of superior importance, overbearingly assuming or insolently proud as my claims come with evidence to prove their truth. I've proved plenty of times since I started posting on here that I do possess a superior knowledge of the game and class than most people and that I do spend more time in a useful manor to advance both my knowledge and the knowledge of others on here.

about elitism, what's wrong with believing (or imo, knowing) that certain people are more deserving. people aren't equal in terms of intellect or achievements. I do though agree that elitism is wrong when based on social status, race, gender or other facts that don't affect their ability to achieve their best in the topic at hand (WoW). now, for example, if we were talking about people living the longest then intellect and achievements are irrelevant.. but race and gender become relevant. simply put elitism, if based on relevant aspects, it nothing to be ashamed of.
#47 Sep 25 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
648 posts
footballer' would only be allowed into man.U if he was skilled enough

You're aware the football season is done and the important games have been played. The key contracts were scouted and signed at the start of the season.

My main point still stands you say "doing something amazing" - but I don't see any evidence for it.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 12:22pm by kbd
#48 Sep 25 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
going by these definitions, I'm not arrogant. I don't claim to be of superior importance, overbearingly assuming or insolently proud as my claims come with evidence to prove their truth.

Claiming that I should be "honored" to be engaged in discussion with you is also in the same right that you are of superior importance or quality in comparison to myself and others. Therefore, arrogant. Every discussion I've had with you has been loaded with things of an argumentative nature. I'm not opposed to debate or the like, but I do not wish to engage in discussion where the assumption is going to be that I'm wrong from the get-go. If the discussion is a matter of opinion, there is no right or wrong to begin with (example, I dislike Koraa - you are not going to sway me of this opinion, and it is neither right nor wrong to dislike Koraa), and you shouldn't take a stance to try and prove my opinion one way or the other; I don't seek your approval.

I've proved plenty of times since I started posting on here that I do possess a superior knowledge of the game and class than most people and that I do spend more time in a useful manor to advance both my knowledge and the knowledge of others on here.

Which is all fine and well, but doing it in a manner that is either degrading to others or assumes an air of condescension is not the way to go about it. Instead, if you wish to teach others of the way that they could improve their knowledge, you should do it in a way that not only people understand, but also in a way that shows you are willing to do so, instead of coming off like you are rubbing your nose at them like they should know better.

about elitism, what's wrong with believing (or imo, knowing) that certain people are more deserving. people aren't equal in terms of intellect or achievements. I do though agree that elitism is wrong when based on social status, race, gender or other facts that don't affect their ability to achieve their best in the topic at hand (WoW). now, for example, if we were talking about people living the longest then intellect and achievements are irrelevant.. but race and gender become relevant. simply put elitism, if based on relevant aspects, it nothing to be ashamed of.

The fact that it's a game is reason enough for me. Being an elitist over a damned game is the most retarded thing ever. Moreso when we're talking math and/or PvE content. Arena ... okay, I can understand to a point. But overall, arena isn't a good example because there are too many factors that can make or break an arena game.

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 10:37am by wingsofscion
#49 Sep 25 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
yeah, but the new guy will still beable to play next season, like I said. plus we're talking about WoW, not football. next 'season' in wow starts November 13th. any ways as I said, I just want to see the end of SWP, I would of preferred to get there with my current guild... and we would of if we hadn't stopped raiding... but seeing as they have my only option is to join a guild that has.
oh and another flaw with the football analogy, in football you only do the final match once per season. in wow you do it once per week. the fact of the matter is that I still would of seen to the end of SWP, and I still know more about the class than you from looking at your gemming... 2 crit gems in your legs and 2x12 dmg in gloves... over the use of 4 5haste +6dmg gems instead. also 1 point imp.imm? you do realise that 1/5 emberstorm is a larger damage increase to immolate (whenever you'd use it, which i presume is almost never) than 1/5 imp.imm.

so though you obviously know more than I do about football.. that is in the end, irrelevant here. I know more than you about WoW.
#50 Sep 25 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I never said that you should be honoured to be in a conversation with me. I said you should be honoured that I consider you interesting, and not because it's from me, but because you are interesting (or at least your online persona if you want to look at it that way). granted I do believe that my knowledge of WoW (don't know you in rl so no idea about rl) is superior to yours, and almost everyone on here. the idea of "not wanting to enter into a topic with the knowledge that you're wrong from the get-go" is simply your own fault. you were wrong from the get go and simply put you have 1 of two choices.. 1. handle it as you are currently.. or 2. learn from your mistakes, and come to the next topic with actually having researched the topic, which'll lead to one of two things. either you'll help me with my discussion if I'm right, or you'll beat me down if I'm wrong.

I agree with the 'matter of opinion' thing, heck I even said it in one of my previous messages that opinion can't be argued against (granted if your matter of opinion was on a technical issue, then if it is wrong the topic would change from a matter of opinion topic to a technical one, but the same can be said for if I had an incorrect opinion on a technical issue).

about my 'style' of teaching. simply put everyone is different. the way I type is the way I am in real life too, I'm ridiculously blunt and harsh, I love to argue (debate), though I'll generally try and keep it to constructive conversations. and I am ruthless, I see no reason to hold back (I consider it a form of lieing..and with the execption of 1 situation, I will either not lie or simply not answer the question if I believe the answer is to harsh for the person listening... which in itself is still harsh).

so yeah, this is how I teach, i push people to confront me and push them to want to prove me wrong, because there's very few things in this world as sweet as revenge that also drives you to achieve your goal (quoting.. god knows how many films there.. lol).

nothing wrong with being elitist over a hobby. people do it every day in physical or mental hobbies (football/tennis/chess etc...) online games are very quickly being accepted into the realms of hobbies that you can take to seriously without it being considered a waste of time. about the arena part. I never stated "had to win", never stated even that you'd be fighting.. just simply stated it as an example of one of the times when you get to many outside effects onto the equation of CoA for you to rely on the multiplier between ticks.
#51 Sep 25 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
I should be honored that you consider me interesting. You only converse with those you find interesting. Transitively, I should be honored to be in a conversation with you. Secondly, this topic was not started from a perspective of my (or in this case, Vux's) being right or wrong, but the specifics of the math of a particular spell in WoW which has an odd mechanic when compared to the rest of the abilities in the game, none of which share the mechanic. So, to go into a topic with a "you are wrong" mindset is completely offbase, when the subject has nothing to do with being right or wrong, but simply the math of the subject. I posted the topic with discussion in mind. You obviously did not read the entire thread when you made your post, or you would have realized (as I pointed out no less than four times in this thread) that Vux came to the conclusion that his original maths were wrong.

As for your "style" of teaching, I am not opposed to an abrasive attitude. What I am opposed to is the way you are condescending toward others. You can be abrasive without having a "mightier than thou" attitude about it. Instead of pushing people to prove you wrong, you should prove yourself correct. This is the way of debate - it's called burden of proof. You made the initial claim, and you now have the burden upon yourself to prove that stance correct, especially when the proof comes by way of specific maths. All I did in this particular thread was (1) ask some questions about CoA's mechanics, and after having learned them (2) show a different way to come about the same results.

Now, I didn't come into this thread with anything to prove - all I had was hard data from tests I performed, and questions. So going from this:

2. learn from your mistakes, and come to the next topic with actually having researched the topic, which'll lead to one of two things. either you'll help me with my discussion if I'm right, or you'll beat me down if I'm wrong.

You quite obviously did not research the topic I presented, meaning three pages of discussion. Instead, you took the first post or so, pointed out how Vux's math was wrong (which, by the time I even posted this thread, he had already realized he'd computed them incorrectly). If you had indeed looked at all three pages of the thread, you would have known this, and had no reason to bring up his incorrect math multiple times.

As for why I directed this thread at you, it is indeed because you are knowledgeable about how the game works. There are those that I know are more knowledgeable about it than you are. But again, when teaching others about it, you shouldn't throw your nose in the air like they should know better, or act as if you are better than they are. After all, we're all human.
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