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@Jenova + any other theorycraftersFollow

#1 Sep 20 2008 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
Check out this thread:

Specifically, the latter half of the second page, and the third page. I'm posting in the thread as Kuranis (my shaman).
#2 Sep 20 2008 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
the problem with the guys maths was that he was presuming that the original tick x 24 would work if he had +dmg equiped. sadly it doesn't as even though CoA's dot damage is skewered, the way the +dmg is applied isn't, it's an equal amount to each tick, hence why as you get better and better gear, the % difference between each tick decreases.

now I've no idea how the coefficients have changed with spell power and stuff, but for a simple example:

with his idea and maths... for a +SP of 1376, the first tick goes up to 242 from 56.5, he also added the multipliers on a bit wierd. presuming imp.CoA still works as it always has, it's added before +SP, but all the rest are added afterwards. in which case:

first tick of 242 is up from an original 62.15 with imp.CoA. also the 242 is actually 210.43 when you take the multipliers out of the equation. this means that he's gaining 148.28 +SP on each tick which puts the +SP coefficient at 1.3 in theory.

anyways, moving back to the idea that presuming the original tick is enough for maths...
first 4 ticks are same at 242
next 4 ticks are ((113*1.1)+148.28)*1.15 = 313.467
last 4 ticks are ((169.5*1.1)+148.28)1.15 = 384.9395

with this, total damage comes to 3761.626. now I can have similar +dmg to 1376 myself without any issues and I know for a fact that my CoA will do very similar damage to what I've just worked out, not the "5808 damage" that this guy came out with by using original tick*24 (which ONLY applys for CoA with no +dmg).

now the arguement of CoA or CoD... in pure figures, CoA does come up trumps on CoD in total damage delt in 60 seconds.. BUT CoA will have something like 2.5 GCDs, so about 3.75 seconds of GCD compared to the 1.5 seconds from CoD, presuming you have some haste (which most locks do now, and will come WotLK) the gap of 2.25 seconds can easily be equated to 1 SB, and CoD+ 1SB damage is > 2.5 CoA's, so CoD still 'generally' > CoA. (but if you're a fire dest lock, due to molton core talent, CoA > CoD)

Now if you check this link:
you'll see that CoA has a +dmg coefficient cap of 120%, so where I got the 1.29 coefficient from, not really sure.. obviously I'm wrong about how the multipliers are added to the spell overall, the most likely one being that imp.CoA actually being fixed and affecting after +dmg, in which case you just do 1.3-0.1 and you're at the correct multiplier of 1.2

so ummm yeah... can you copy paste this into the 'geniuses' topic before other idiots start to think he's right... lol


fixed some numbers to how blizzard rounds, not how I round... lol

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 8:01am by Jenovaomega
#3 Sep 20 2008 at 3:52 AM Rating: Default
Read the second page, then; he went back and reworked it from Fallenman's suggestions and it yielded at 120% coefficient. All of my personal testing is on the 3rd page (with a variety of modifiers).

Right now I've been up for a very long time, and everything's starting to blur at the moment. Math has kinda fried me for the moment.

Also, can you explain where some of those numbers come from? I'm confused. X_x;

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 5:48am by wingsofscion
#4 Sep 20 2008 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
umm... list some numbers and I'll say where they come from :P

also tell that Vux that he's an idiot and that the CoA ticks are working as intended. +dmg is spread evenly even though the ticks are skewered, it's why he screwed up his maths really bad :P

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 7:56am by Jenovaomega
#5 Sep 20 2008 at 4:06 AM Rating: Default
next 4 ticks are ((113*1.1)+148.28)*1.15 = 313.467
last 4 ticks are ((169.5*1.1)+148.28)1.15 = 384.9395

everything but what comes after the =. >.>

And I believe I've said this before, but I tend to take what Vux says with a grain of salt. But, he is trying to figure things out, so I'm willing to go test things on the PTR as long as my account is active - and that, sadly, leaves me only 3 days at the moment where I CAN go test on the PTR, then off WoW for a week. Stupid money.

In any case, I have a lot of values on the third page where I tested CoA both untalented and talented. What kind of conclusions can be drawn from that?
#6 Sep 20 2008 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
kk, here we go:

CoA has 12 ticks, first 4 are at 56.5 damage, next 4 are at 113 damage, last 4 are at 169.5 damage. this is because as it says in the tooltip, it deals more damage as it gets closer to the end.

the 1.1 is the imp.CoA multiplier, which I should actually move to the end and add it to the 1.15 as it turns out they've fixed imp.CoA to affect +dmg too (the end numbers don't change much, and are still alot lower than vux's)
the 148.28 is the +damage (SP) given to each tick. this figure doesn't change as +dmg(sp) is spread equally across dots

the 1.15 is the multiplier from SM and contagnation, though as I said earlier (and made some edits to my original post) it should actually be 1.25 as imp.CoA now affects +dmg(sp) as well.

your figures simply strengthen what I was saying, that vux was wrong and that he didn't understand how the +dmg is spread across the spell
#7 Sep 20 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Default
The WoWWiki link explains how damage is dealt in detail (well, by going to the actual CoA page anyway), but it is still confusing as to the mechanics of how the spell damage bonus is applied across CoA as a whole. Then again, I think that's because CoA is literally the only DoT of its type (where damage increases as time goes on). What confuses me is why the percentage modifiers get smaller and smaller with the more spellpower you have.

As I said, he did come to the 120% coefficient where CoA is capped on the second page, after reworking his math, so that is understood now. I think what is being done at this point is trying to figure out the mechanics of CoA and spellpower beyond the coefficient itself.

In any case, really going to bed now. 630 in the morning my time and I've been up since about noon yesterday. I's tired.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 6:34am by wingsofscion
#8 Sep 20 2008 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
ALL dots spread the +damage across themselves evenly, so it's easy to work out. 12 dots = spell damage/12 per tick. the reason why the % differences goes down is because of this:

currently, 56.5, 113, 169.5, 113 is 200% of 56.5 and 169.5 is 300% of 56.5

now using my earlier figures (rounded up)
242, 314, 385. 314 is 130% of 242 and 385 is 159% of 242. as you can see the later ticks are a much smaller % increase on the original tick compared to the values when you have 0 +dmg
#9 Sep 20 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
Right, I understand spell damage is applied evenly across the DoT. However, going from one multiplier to another doesn't make sense as to why it changes.

You show the math on the original CoA with 0 spellpower, then the math with 1376 spellpower, but I'm still not seeing any reasoning as to why those multipliers should change.
#10 Sep 20 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
the multiplier (and by multiplier, i presume you mean spell damage coefficient) doesn't change. it's 130% regardless, but with 0 spell damage the coefficient obviously has no effect (0 *1.3 = 0). at all levels of +dmg inbetween and above, the coefficient is still 1.3. simply put vux was an idiot when doing the calculations, hence why he got his figures changing constantly


if you mean the actual 'damage multiplier' as in imp.CoA, SM, contagnation etc... they don't change either

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 3:12pm by Jenovaomega
#11 Sep 20 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
No, the multiplier I'm referring to is this:

56.5 -> 113 -> 169.5

1x multiplier in the first set of ticks, 2x multiplier in the second set, and 3x in the last set
#12 Sep 20 2008 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
Ok, so someone replied to the thread with some maths - for some reason I just wasn't getting what yours were saying, but it is actually the same thing, in slightly simplified terms:

Ok Kuranis, thanks for the data.

The way CoA works with spellpower is incredibly simple. CoA is 24 with ticks every 2s making a total of 12 ticks. It simply takes your spellpower multiplies it by 1.2 for th 120% and divides it by 12 for the number of ticks and adds it to the base damage of each tick.

1350 spell power
1350 x 120% = 1620
1620/12 = 135
So this is how it ends up ticking:
56+135 = 191 (first 4 ticks)
113 + 135 = 248 (second 4 ticks)
170 + 135 = 305 (third 4 ticks)

And the talents works by simply multiplying each tick by the coefficient, 10% = 1.1, 5% = 1.05, or in your case 25% = 1.25 for all 3 talents.

191 * 1.25 = 240
248 * 1.25 = 310
305 * 1.25 = 387.5

This matches your data.

However, what I'm curious about now, is to see how - or even if - the second and third sets of ticks can be approximated with only using the first one or two ticks of Curse of Agony. I'm sure it's simpler than I'm probably thinking, but it's still just a wee bit much for me to comprehend atm.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:56pm by wingsofscion
#13 Sep 20 2008 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
that's not a multiplier. it's the way CoA ticks

CoA ticks 56.5 x4, 113 x4, 169.5 x4

I say never said they're 'multipliers' I just simply pointed out how blizzard worked out their numbers for the "skewered damage" of CoA, and as I said, first is 56.5, 2nd is 113 (which is 2x 56.5) and 3rd is 169.5 (3x 56.5)

so the percentage differences (not multipliers) is 100%, 200%, 300%. then as you add +dmg to these, due to the +dmg being added evenly, the % differences between each decreases (which is why vux is wrong)
#14 Sep 20 2008 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying when I put multiplier.

the second set of ticks gets a 2x multiplier to the first set of ticks, and the third set a 3x multiplier. I'm not referring to spellpower when I say multiplier.

And like I said, Vux knows he calculated wrong, and said as much on the second page of the thread.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 7:42pm by wingsofscion
#15 Sep 20 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I understand what you're saying, just it doesn't make sense. the 2nd and 3rd set of ticks don't have a 2x or 3x multiplier, they just simply tick for more damage. the 'multiplier' is just blizzards way of making it slightly easier for them (and us) to do the maths on the spell. if they wanted they could of applied an exponential growth to the original tick instead. end result would still be a skewered dot, just the maths would be a lot tougher. end result, this 'multiplier' you're referring to has zero effect on the maths for the spell. you completely ignore it and simply just use the base figures for each tick because using it simply makes the entire formula a lot more complex than it's needed.
#16 Sep 21 2008 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
Well, no, after spellpower, the multiplier is smaller - but the result is still the same that the first set of ticks can be multiplied by some number to get the value of the second set of ticks, and same with the third set of ticks.

And as I said, I just didn't understand the way you'd worked out your math, is all. I understand how it works and that a multiplier value is unnecessary in calculating CoA.

What I am curious about, however, is how the second and third sets of ticks for CoA can be gotten with just using the first tick or two. My assumption would be that it would require knowing the exact spellpower value at the time CoA was cast.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 3:47am by wingsofscion
#17 Sep 21 2008 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
and I only wanted to show this because this is why vux was wrong, why most other locks who posted on there was wrong and because this is why you CAN'T purely take the first tick and start doing maths with it to work out the rest of the damage delt by the dot.

(/kicks my self for what i'm about to say) just to let you know, you 'can' work out the rate at which the percentage difference between the ticks decreases, it'll most likely be some overly complicated quadratic equation and it's not needed to be known because it'll simply make the end formula more complicated than it currently is.

I worked out the multiplier AFTER working out the 2nd and 3rd set of ticks. I worked them out because I know how CoA ticks and I simply took each set of ticks SEPARATELY WITH ZERO CONNECTION TO EACH OTHER and worked out their damage. you can't get the 2nd or 3rd sets with just the first tick without requiring a very complicated formula (and no offence, but maths obviously isn't your strong point).

look simply put, ignore the ******* I N G 'multiplier' it's NOT a multiplier, it's NOT needed in working out the damage of CoA and it's whole purpose in this topic was to try to help explain WHY vux was massively wrong. sorry for getting angry at you, but simply put to me, this feels like trying to teach college maths to primary school kids. they don't understand what you say but they're annoying enough to argue with you that they're right even though they're wrong just because they think they understand...
#18 Sep 21 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Ok now you're just being a tool.




Again, read this, very carefully:

What I am curious about, however, is how the second and third sets of ticks for CoA can be gotten with just using the first tick or two. My assumption would be that it would require knowing the exact spellpower value at the time CoA was cast.

Though, it may not be necessary. Instead, you will have to know the talents that are boosts to CoA.

Thinking on it, and how to get CoA's ticks from the first tick (or at least an approximation), using 300 as an example first tick, assuming the multiplicative values from SM, Contagion and iCoA:

300/1.25 = 240
240-56.5 = 183.5

From here we can determine the rest of the ticks.

113 + 183.5 = 296.5
169.5 + 183.5 = 353

296.5 * 1.25 = 331.875
353 * 1.25 = 441.25
#19 Sep 21 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
as I said... the 2nd and third ticks can't be gotten from the first tick without a very compicated quadratic (or worse) equation. so AS I SAID.... YOU SUCK AT MATHS AND HAVEN'T READ WHAT I'VE SAID, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE READ WHAT YOU SAID AAAANNNNDDD ANSWERED IT PLENTY OF TIMES... BUT SUCKING AT MATHS DOESN'T HELP WITH UNDERSTANDING STUFF WHICH IS HEAVY MATHS BASED.

post edit

as I said... it's like talking to a primary school kid (younger than 12 kid) about college level maths... they're stubborn enough to think they understand.. they'll argue and constantly ask the same question in different ways... but regardless of how many times you answer the question, they'll keep on asking it....


in your 'maths' all you've done is gone and taken a very overly complicated and unrequired way of getting to the 2nd and 3rd ticks... just stick to what I done. a lot simpler, less convoluted and overall... easier for everyone to understand. you're way means you take the 'tick' and then work out the +dmg... which is pointless as you already have the +dmg figure (just look at your character sheet....). your way is simply not required and imo, just someone trying to make themselves look smarter than they are by over-complicating a simple thing... heck you didn't even do what you said. you said about working out the 2nd/3rd ticks from the first tick. all you've done in your maths is use an overly complicated way of working out the +dmg added per tick and then added that to the base damage of the 2nd and 3rd tick. if you wanted an ACTUAL way of working out the 2nd/3rd tick from the first, you'd need, as I've said, some overly complex quadratic type equation to work out the mutliplier based on the current +dmg levels and then multiply the original tick by that amount... which simply put is more effort than just doing it the normal way I've been doing....

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 8:26pm by Jenovaomega
#20 Sep 21 2008 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
these are all the figures you need

56.5 (first 4 ticks)
113 (2nd 4 ticks)
169.5 (last 4 ticks)

1.2 (multiplier, being 120%)

X (current spell damage)

spell damage per tick (Y) = (X*1.2)/12
first set of ticks = 56.5+Y
2nd set of ticks = 113+Y
last set of ticks = 169.5+Y

total damage before modifiers from talents (Z) = (1st set of ticks*4)+(2nd set of ticks*4)+(last set of ticks*4)

total damage after modifiers from talents = Z*(1.1+1.1+1.05) = Z*1.25 (this is imp.CoA+SM+contagnation)

then there's raid modifiers... but I'm not going to go into them now...

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 8:33pm by Jenovaomega
#21 Sep 21 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Dude. Chill out. I've said multiple times Vux admitted he was wrong. You, however, keep bringing it up like that didn't happen - when it, in fact, did. I also said that I understand no multipliers are needed. Yet you feel it's necessary to keep bringing this up. Why? Because you need to feel better about yourself, or soemthing? I have tried being civil with you and now you are going on to insult me over stuff I know is unnecessary or things that have nothing to do with the question I originally asked, which was whether you could determine the rest of the ticks of CoA from just the first one.

And actually, it's not that complicated if you don't have their spellpower. However, you need to know if they have SM, Contagion, and/or iCoA in order to determine what multiplicative value to divide against (1.25 having all three).

If you DON'T know the spellpower (this is assuming you are seeing numbers from other people, not yourself - an example would be getting hit with CoA in a battleground and working with those numbers later - in this case, you can't guarantee finding out the spellpower of the person casting CoA), this is the most efficient way to figure out how much CoA ticks for. In fact, you don't even need to know the coefficient of CoA!

You need to know:

1- 56.5, 113, and 169.5 are original ticks of CoA
2- The first tick of CoA (C)
3- In this equation, N is the bonus applied by spellpower (not how much spellpower the character has)
4- Talent application is a plus, but realy, you can work it out with different values to allow for different builds.
5- D and E are the second set and third set of ticks from CoA

( C / 1.25 ) - 56.5 = N

( 113 + N ) * 1.25 = D
( 169.5 + N ) * 1.25 = E

I really don't see how that is at all complicated. If you ask me, in my opinion, contrary to what you believe, this is simpler than what you have done. You may disagree, but that's your opinion. I'm not going to flame you over it - but do understand that there are multiple ways of working this out. Also, your equation doesn't work UNLESS you have the spellpower value - mine doesn't.
#22 Sep 21 2008 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
ever heard of inspecting? armoury? it's not hard to find out their spell power (especially seeing as to find out their talents you'll need to inspect/armoury them anyways, so making your whole route pointless) and no, I wasn't bringing up the vux part as if I was ignoring that you were saying it, I was bringing it up because you kept on asking questions about a multiplier that is pretty much not needed, so I had to keep on saying why you didn't need to talk about it and explain why I brought it up. and you eventually stopped asking about the multiplier... after like 3 or 4 posts basically rewording what you were saying to simply ask if there is a way to work out the 2nd and 3rd ticks from the 1st...

I never said it was 'that complicated' I said it was 'overly complicated' which means more complicated than it needs to be (which doesn't mean it is complicated, just that it is in comparison)

oh, even your 'formula' there is still overly complicated. you don't need all that to work out their total damage,
all you'd need would be (with your letters)

1356+((((C / 1.25 ) -56.5 )*12)*1.2)

which simply works out their total +dmg, takes into account the coefficient and adds the damage to the total base of CoA

also your example of 'in a BG' is very flawed, you're forgetting about resilience, partial resists, damage decreasing buffs and all the other factors that come into play which'll skewer the damage downwards.

finally... it's more complicated because regardless of how much you think it's easy to work it out from the first tick... you'll end up having to inspect them or check their armory... in which case you'll be looking at their talents and gear, their +dmg and well... everything else you'd really need
#23 Sep 22 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, I understand all that. THat forumla is, in essence, easier to work out. However, the armory's not always right. And besides, who cares? This was something I wanted to know.

and you eventually stopped asking about the multiplier... after like 3 or 4 posts basically rewording what you were saying to simply ask if there is a way to work out the 2nd and 3rd ticks from the 1st...

No, you brought up the multipler thing. The post where I said this:

No, the multiplier I'm referring to is this:

56.5 -> 113 -> 169.5

1x multiplier in the first set of ticks, 2x multiplier in the second set, and 3x in the last set

was actually where I understood that no multiplier was necessary. You, however, felt the need to draw out that I somehow thought it was necessary. You asked about the multiplier, I told you what I meant by it. So, no, I didn't keep asking about it. Read the thread again.
#24 Sep 23 2008 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
that kinda shows that you were refering to it as a multiplier... it wasn't until a few posts later that you actually finally said you understood
#25 Sep 23 2008 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Comic timing demands that I now ask

"What's a multiplier?"
#26 Sep 23 2008 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
to quote

"Mathematics: The number by which another number is multiplied. In 8 × 32, the multiplier is 8."

hope this helps sins :)
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