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The consensus on the US forums...Follow

#1 Sep 19 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
The consensus is, lately, that shamans and warlocks are the most nerfed and underpowered classes of WotLK. People from varying classes have come into the lock and shaman forums both and have said as much as well, ranging from mages and priests to druids and warriors.

Shamans, priests and warlocks also agree that Koraa is a blowhard.

I do hope this changes. Or that, at the very least, Ghostcrawler takes a look at the classes that Koraa is ruining.
#2 Sep 19 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
Blarghy, that bites.

My three level 70's are a shammy, priest and a lock I've recently taken to level 70 in hopes of making him my main for WOTLK.

Hopefully they'll keep tweaking those 3 classes upwards.
#3 Sep 19 2008 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
the way I see it is that the class is as powerful as the player, and most players are nubs. hehe :)
#4 Sep 19 2008 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
Generally, Jenova, I'd agree with that statement.

Then we have this thread, posted on the US lock forums:

And then this thread, posted on the EU shaman forums:;jsessionid=F41AA1CE5D247F2D7AE38A46F768C0D1.app06_07?topicId=5901771580&sid=1

Suffice to say, neither of the two classes are at all (in general) happy with the changes to either class.

PvP lock Maso has considered dropping WoW at this point. Socio says PvP locks are having troubles staying alive versus even one person.

Fallenman (PvE) and Bibdy (also PvE) are rocking hard on Malakai's (sp?) post on the Beta forums in terms of Destro raiding damage.

I think Clearly and Tyrashi both haven't gotten Beta keys at this point, but also are prominent on the US forums in terms of their opinions for raiding.

Take a look at this thread, posted by Octo on the Beta forum:

Also note the complete lack of Blue posts on the lock Beta forums. Koraa's post in the above thread was the last Blue post on the forum (unless GC has posted again in the Meta discussion). Even if you look at the Hunter forums, it's got SEVERAL blue posts, and Ghostcrawler is communicating with the customers.

Priests and Shamans have one blue post apiece on their front page on Beta forums.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 7:15pm by wingsofscion
#5 Sep 20 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I generally ignore whine threads until I can try stuff myself. usually people just have trouble swapping tactics and play styles when big changes come. hey I may be wrong, but imo.. heavy afliction or heavy demo now look like they could rock for pvp (afliction being my prefered choice)
#6 Sep 20 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Normally, I'm inclined to ignore them as well. However, one can't ignore that the class design of warlocks, priests and shamans is very quickly turning out to be not up to par with the other six classes that Ghostcrawler is working with - and that is a problem.

From what I understand, Affliction is doing terribly in PvP due to lack of burst (especially given the Haunt and Amp Curse nerfs), and Demo and Destro are doing okay, but not really at the same level as other classes.
#7 Sep 20 2008 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
well afliction has never been about burst (and i've never played it that way personnaly), it's about 'steady damage / out-lasting'. demo is more of an 'outlasting / semi-burst' and then destruction is purely about 'burst, more burst and a bit more burst to finish'. each tree simply doesn't have access to anything else, and beyond refitting the entire abilities AND talents (something that will never happen), this is what each tree is always about. the reason SL/SL is so good is because it's the combination of 'out-lasting abilities/talents' from two trees with that option, and come wotlk, demo becomes more about 'out-lasting' and afliction more about 'steady damage', so yeah.. the old "out-live everyone" concept of us locks is being pushed away. personally I think an afliction/demo combo with 5/5 bane will work wonders, not to mention plenty of other specs I've been looking at :)
#8 Sep 20 2008 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
That's just it, though; Affliction isn't outliving anything. There's no outlast scenarios anymore, just see how quickly you can kill stuff dead. That is a huge problem for affliction locks, to not be able to put out damage on par with other classes (not just specs of warlock, but other classes) and live long enough for it to do any significant amount of damage (read: getting dispelled, opponents eating though it, CloS, etc.).
#9 Sep 20 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
that;s not different to current in terms of dispels/CloLOL etc... but afliction is still an out-lasting spec, and if played right it can do so. looking at the new talents I don't doubt at all that it can still out-last most other specs if played well while dealing powerful steady damage.
#10 Sep 21 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
but afliction is still an out-lasting spec, and if played right it can do so. looking at the new talents I don't doubt at all that it can still out-last most other specs if played well while dealing powerful steady damage.

I'm sorry Jenova but I really hate this line of reasoning. It has come up time and time again when a class starts to fall behind, I've seen it with Shamans, Hunters and now Locks. Just because something is possible doesnt make it balanced. In reality the "If played correctly" is simply an exceedingly polite way to say "L2P", which is only an effective argument against geriatrics or 12 year olds.

I'll say this for myself, I'm a pretty damn good PvPer. Not massively experienced (I have a whole life to lead, I cant spend it in Arena just so people will listen to me on the internet) but I have been able to maintain a good ratio against most opponents. Now, I have a Ret Paladin, an Enhance Shaman, and a Warlock up on the PTR and I can say the lock is grossly broken in terms of class mechanics. The expansion has completely changed the way I play my Paladin and my Shaman, and although the Shaman is cack for PvP I can at least have some serious fun swinging hammers and shocking and striking. The Retadin is currently a tad overtuned I admit, but the overall mechanic is fluid and fun.

The Warlock 'mechanic' is dull as sh*t.

DoT. Run away. Slowly watch lifebar tick down. Worry about dispels and DoT timers. DoT again.

Affliction is not an 'outlasting' spec Jenova because it has no effective mechanisms that allow it to do that. Haunt was a step in the right direction but it requires you to stop moving to cast the *****; that means against other casters you get silenced (or worse, locked) and against melee they're back in your face. It doesnt heal enough anymore to make it worth the tactical disadvantage of casting it. In essence, it always costs you more than you get back in PvP, unless you're just standing at the back of AB hoping nobody sees you, which has always been a great lock strategy but not a fun game to play. With the current thinking behind Warlocks, apparently we could just keep adding cast-time DoTs every expansion til I'm speccing "Syphillitic Affliction" at 71pts, and locks will be 'imba'. For PvE maybe, but in PvP the whole concept sucks nut.

Now if Haunt, while active, caused all DoTs to heal the Warlock for a reasonable dmg % AND returned health from its' own damage at the end, I'd say it was worth it. It would synergise properly in a PvP situation with your existing DoTs, the same way Death Knight ones do, and the same way Druid HoTs now do with Flourish. Bear in mind I'm just talking about the Affliction tree, I havent even approached the hilarity of the Destro tree which is basically a game of "36 Yards to Go!" vs melee. If you can frontload enough damage you win, if not you're going to get seriously reamed. That is NOT FUN. It works in a mystical theorycraft chocolateland, but knowing that if <xxx> doesnt crit I might as well go home is demoralising. The new Chaos Bolt is an improvement now it actually does damage worth having, but again it's a silly cast time and totally boring in conceptual terms.

Let's forget about numbers and review some key 'fun-ness' changes shall we?
Warriors: Leap through the air like Batman, heal self, can DW Frostmourne and Ashbringer just for lulz
Paladins: Frontload more burst than Shamans ever could, heal self while kicking ***, never run out of mana, instant ranged Execute
Druids: Fear immunity in Feral, yet another instant HoT (I admit Druids need work)
Hunters: Can tame CORE HOUNDS and TYRANNOSAURS (need survivability though)
Mages: Where to start... can blow up AV packs and send them flying, solid ranged Stun, more survivability, AoE now obscenely strong
Rogues: Love it or hate it, Shadow Dance is FUN

Now we get to the classes that are in dire need:
Shamans: Elemental aside (20yd knockback coming back to Thunderstrike), bugger all. Literally. Fun to play in PvE but PvP corpses.
Priests: Seriously, exactly the same mechanics. Dispersion is fun I guess but banishing yourself while your Arena buddies die sucks.
Warlocks: Pet scaling fixed but mechanics the same and talent requirements HUGE, DoT mechanics same, brief glimpse of light with Pandemic (crits at last...), Demon Form fun but never available, Chaos Bolt extremely situational and opens you to spell-locks, Destro plays essentially identically. Oh but Nether Protection and Soul Link, our TWO defensive talents, nerfed into the deep earth. Nice.

My point, dear friends, is that the top classes play differently than before, more fluidly and organically, they really do feel more like you are in control of something that has power to cause other people misery if you can just restrain that power. When I play my Warlock I feel like a sack full of weaknesses waiting to be exploited, that I have to work hard to compensate for, when I am victorious it never feels like my victory, just that my opponent didnt splatter me quite right so now I get honour. Whoop.

Apart from those glorious Destro crit-trains which have always been around, I see no fun in the mechanics. It's like being Pinnochio surrounded by Real Boys, you look similar and perform similar tasks but are fundamentally jealous of those around you. Here's the thing though, I am not a Warlock, I'm a human being, so all I do is switch class and adopt a new toon with a cleverer name.

Like everyone else.

EDIT: PS don't forget the difference between the guys pulling the strings. Ghost is a friendly, intelligent-sounding and quite jocular personality with what appears to be genuine enthusiasm for his/her work. Koraa comes across as annoyed, belligerent, diminutive of his customer base and in many cases basically inattentive and slow. Look at the class list above, it's NOT coincidence.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 4:47am by Sinstralis
#11 Sep 21 2008 at 2:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Bravo Sinstralis. You pretty much said everything I'd been thinking but hadn't been able to put into words.

Regarding Ret paladins, though, the thing to remember is that ret skills don't get ranks, and they essentially have their level 80 stuff available to them right away. Also, none of the ret gear at level 80 has intellect (which is why they currently have the infinite mana that everyone complains locks have - and do not).

As far as dealing steady damage? There's no damage done when your DoTs are dispelled/removed. There's no "steady" anything if you're dead.

The reason I don't play my lock in PvP anymore (and even have my lock on the PvE server for that reason, with my resto shaman in crap gear on the PvP server) is because I'm an offensive player. And I also hate Demonology. You can't survive in PvP as affliction or destruction because there are either zero escape tactics or the ones that are half decent, get trinketed out of. I'm referring to iHoT and Shadowfury, specifically, because DC is such a clutch escape and really doesn't get you anywhere versus some classes.

Here's another thing to consider about Koraa and both warlocks and shamans:

1- They removed Enhancement's only real escape tactic to change it to an additional mechanic on Earthbind totem, when most shamans have out Tremor totem in PvP, claiming that Spectral Transformation was too much like an "iconic class ability."
2- 51-point resto talent got changed twice, then removed for an ability that is like a dumbed down Regrowth. See #1 for the sheer retardedness of this.
3- The only coefficient scaling elemental has had for Lightning Bolt got removed completely.
4- 51-point affliction talent has changed multiple times, sometimes on a daily basis
5- Same goes for destruction's 51-point talent

It was originally said that warlocks are not for beginners. But they shouldn't be as obscene a challenge as they are turning out to be.

In regards to the Soul Link nerf - I'm okay with this for the fact that it got a reduction of 20 talent points worth. More so that it is no longer a necessary PvE spell for raiding Demo locks (though they'll probably have it anyway because it has some decent benefit while soloing).

There have been several people testing on the US lock forums, and they all come to the same conclusion - Destro is the only worthwhile spec. Affliction does abysmally because of the string of Haunt nerfs and the serious amount of bloat in the lower half of the tree. Demonology is pointless because other things override the one buff that Demo does bring to the raid.

Avoidance has become available for pets, but pets STILL do not scale in a PvP environment. Instead, they get a base amount of hp/armor added to them. And this one is actually because of Kalgan (he stated himself at the WWI that pets already scale "too much").
#12 Sep 21 2008 at 5:03 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
afliction has loads of mechanics that allow it to outlast. it can kite, instant aoe CC, dot for a large amount, drain for an even more rediculous amount, debuff each class with the worst possible debuff for them (attack speed/casting speed/movement speed reductions). the fact that with glyphs, you'll have an 8% chance for nightfall each tick of corruption is imba, mixed in with a 10% chance for 20% haste at the same time can lead to some nice fast CC/damage/drains. the abilities and talents are all built to beable to 'counter' everything. now yeah, we may have not gotten as many imba buffs as alot of the other classes, but from what I've looked at, I still see it to be a powerful spec. maybe boring in your eyes "running dotting, watching them die", but the fact is, that's the tactic. I think spamming SB is boring as hell, sadly it's the current pve tactic. you use what you're given and you make it work as best as possible
#13 Sep 21 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Imp. Fear and CoEx are 30% snares - the slowest in the game. Hamstring, Crippling Poison, Concussive Shot, Wing Clip, Frostbolt, etc., are all better than CoEx and will allow someone to catch up to you easily. It's not as easy as you make it sound to kite. We don't have an attack speed reduction debuff - we did, but they took it away. 8% Nightfall is imba? That's a pretty outrageous claim there, and I'd like to see how it's imbalance or overpowered given Arcane Barrage, Mirror Immage and the like. 20% haste doesn't do you any good if you're getting bursted to death. You are quick to use the word "imba" - but really, it's not "imba" it's just not what you have in mind for balanced. Maybe the DoT and run tactic is how it works now - but maybe what some of us are asking is that it shouldn't be a DoT and run tactic.

Now, I ask you to try to show me where there is ANY burst survivability? That 20% haste is based upon your health/your enemy's health. Nightfall? Already unpredictable as it is.

I'm failing to understand why tactics shouldn't change, when they already have for 6 other classes.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 1:15pm by wingsofscion
#14 Sep 21 2008 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Ok holy panic stations batman. I only just fully checked the warlock talents and read everyone...even the ones which aren't new or i thought weren't unchanged.

1) Making corruption have a cast time even with talents sucks a lot and is imo the biggest nerf.
2) Amplify curse, wtf is the point in this talent other than to get to CoEx
3) Shadow Emrace is now pretty cool but should be triggered by Drain Life ticks also
4) Nether Protection nerf is a big one also as this could turn the game against a SP or fire mage or fellow lock

Possible Changes (some will be overpowered as i am a lock and biased)

1) Haunt cast tiem increase to 2.5s but for every affliction effect on the target the cast time is reduced by .5s (potential instant cast)
2) Amplify curses and CoEx swap places and Amplify curse no allows the warlock to have 2 curses on the same target (possible OP)
3) Pandemic triggered by siphon life as well (therefore able to heal yourself for 100% more if it procs from SL)
4) Grim Reach changed to 15% / 30% distance changes since with multiple casts we need to be far away
5) Soul leech changed to say "Gives your destruction spells....
6) Reduce CD of Chaos Bolt to 10 seconds (possibly included in Bane talent)
7) Master Conjuror increased to 25% / 50% increase and reduce CD on spellstone use
8) Demonic Pact increases raid / party members haste rating by 5% stacks up to 2x
9) Demonic Empowerment, change CD to 30s and change felhunters ability to an AoE shriek that silences all nearby enemies for 2s at the cost of 10% of its HP. Change the felguards ability to a whirwind with each successive hit causing 50% more damage lasts for 3 seconds (1 hit per second)

Possible changes not sure what you will think but as it stands yes we seem screwed

#15 Sep 21 2008 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
afliction has loads of mechanics that allow it to outlast

*cracks knuckles*

it can kite

No it cant. As previously mentioned, CoEx is the weakest snare, dispellable, requires a precious GCD (unlike say Crippling Poison), does no damage (unlike Icy Touch/Frost Shock/Frostbolt the list is endless), but this is to ignore the main problem. Kiting has been indirectly nerfed again and again as a combat tactic because it's cheap and lazy even when it works. Most classes (again, not Shamans) that need to close distance can do so snares or not, Intercept/Feral Charge/Shadowstep/Sprint/Death Grip you name it. Making your opponent slow is also MUCH less fun than personally being fast and agile, like a Mage or a Rogue blinking and porting everywhere. Demonic Teleport is also the most poorly conceived escape spell in the world. None of the classes it's supposed to help against (Rogue/War/Druid) will have any trouble catching you again since you can't do the Mage thing and Iceblock/Frost Nova. Again, Destro could cause some pain with that burst window but that's all.

instant aoe CC

Like Warriors and Priests, and it doesnt save them either. Fear is now the weakest CC with the possible exception of Polymorph.

dot for a large amount

Also untrue. If you check your comhat logs on PTR, Pandemic is nerfed by Resilience in a big way. DoT damage is reduced natively by Resilience, AND spellcrit is nerfed too by the same stat. Against real PvP targets, Pandemic does bugger all.

drain for an even more rediculous amount

It's not ridiculous, and opens you overwhelmingly to spell-locking, as well as giving everyone a big green line to follow to the clothie. I can't remember the last time (outside of 2v2) that my Drain Life ticked more than three times in Arena, I always get Shadow-locked by someone. If Drain Life was un-lockable I'd be right with you.

debuff each class with the worst possible debuff for them (attack speed/casting speed/movement speed reductions)

ATK speed is gone, it triggered Rogue and Druid whining on a level not seen since the first CoW nerf. 'Worst Possible'? I agree Curse of Tongues is powerful but our casting buddies (Ele Sham/Moonkin/Mage/SP) all generally rely on instants that cause rather nice damage/stuns from talents. Locks have ONE instant DD spell (Shadowburn) that costs a Shard, has a stupid cooldown, and is barely improved by talents.

Jenova, I know why you think the way you do, it is the same deal as Enhance Shamans in PvP. It makes sense when you say it in words, if you were writing a book nobody would throw it to the ground in disgust, but in the actual game environment it blows. Trust me, I played a lock from RFC to SWP for two years, I hate it just the same, but I can't deny the truth and to be honest, neither should you.

1- They removed Enhancement's only real escape tactic to change it to an additional mechanic on Earthbind totem, when most shamans have out Tremor totem in PvP, claiming that Spectral Transformation was too much like an "iconic class ability."

2- 51-point resto talent got changed twice, then removed for an ability that is like a dumbed down Regrowth. See #1 for the sheer retardedness of this.

I feel bad pointing it out, but Koraa's main is and always has been a resto Druid to my knowledge. I have never heard this 'iconic class ability' crap from anyone before. If he wants to fix Shamans spamming GW to break snares all he has to do is put a 6sec cooldown on Ghost Wolf so it has a viable counter (dispel) in Arena but in 2v2 and duels it remains strong. Clearly he didnt like Shamans treading in his garden.

The 'change' to the 51pt Resto is another example of a chronic lack of imagination, it's basically instant Regrowth. Now while it does fill a hole in the class mechanics and I'd sooner take that than Spirit Link (the talent description was starting to read like an insurance contract...) and its' various broken components, it doesnt change anything in terms of that forgotten word, gameplay. When you forget all about this silly "xomg OP, nurf nurf lol" number-crunching and Elitist Jerks spreadsheet threads that read like quarterly finance reports, the game is supposed to be innately good fun. The change is neither fun nor interesting, it's turning a WotLK Resto Shaman into a pre-TBC Resto Druid. With totemz!

Bottom line, my guild contains people like Ghost and people like Koraa, and I know which I'd rather have designing my class. Jaded, avoidant, childishly defensive passive-aggressive nerds I can really do without.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 11:19pm by Sinstralis

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 11:23pm by Sinstralis
#16 Sep 21 2008 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
947 posts
Double Post, sorry.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 11:21pm by Sinstralis
#17 Sep 21 2008 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
well when I made my post, I was still under the assumption that CoEx was at the buffed 50% passive state (was at some point) and that CoW had the attack speed reduction.

8% nightfall NOT imba?!!?/, do the maths. you've got a 48% chance to proc per corruption, which is pretty damn good, and with a mix of everlasting afliction and some good use of UA, that dot will never come off.

I'll agree that without the attack speed reduction or 50% CoEx, kiting becomes alot tougher to manage and melee's are no where near as screwed versus us, but still with the amount of dot damage increase, even with resiliance cap it's still a massive damage increase in comparison to the dot damage we can currently push us in pvp and currently, a UA lock in pvp can do some pretty sick damage so I don't doubt for a second that, when the content patch hits, going full afliction will kick **** in pvp.
#18 Sep 22 2008 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Ok Jenova, fair enough. I really do hope you are proven right. As a guy in T6 gear on the PTR right now, I am not confident.

If the talents remain 'as-is' then Affliction locks will succeed most convincingly in BGs, where multi-dotting for Nightfall procs is possible. However, with an 8% chance to proc you will almost certainly see a hidden cooldown creeping in there, so it's not going to be all candy and fizzy drinks. As I have said, PvE is currently solid, they basically just increased the numbers for us, that's fine.

Most people's concern stems from PvP, and in that arena, RIGHT NOW on the PTR, it isnt looking so hot because of the vastly enhanced burst most other classes got. The upgrade to Shadow's Embrace to reduce HoT efficiency was a giant leap in the right direction but 15% still isnt that great. Again, I am with you that Affliction can do reasonable damage, but as I've said it simply lacks the survivability even with the now-mandatory Soul Link.

Now you can listen to me or ignore me on that point, my advice is to gin up and get on the PTR yourself. If there were even some minor defensive utility added to Afflic I'd be right with you, just something other than hoping their bar goes down faster than yours. I'd take almost anything from increased self-healing (cast-time independent, thank you), short-term self-banish (while the DoTs tick), increased runspeed if more DoTs are going, anything.

But, listen to me please, if the talents go live as they are you will need to significantly outgear or outplay your opponents to achieve any kind of victory, even as Afflic.
#19 Sep 22 2008 at 1:57 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
remember, most the current pvp testing is being done by level 70s using powerful abilities aimed for lvl.80. obviously currently things will be a bit skewered towards burst specs/classes, heck just look at when the tbc talents came out.

I'm also a guy in T6, but sadly the damn ptr queue is always full... and the shadow embrace is a 30% decrease to periodic healing (remember it stacks twice).

pvp, as you've said, it all about arena. and arena is all about group play. healers have had massive bonuses too and personnaly I can't wait for going full afliction with my pally mate. heck it works now, just my pvp gear is kinda lacking alot so I simply take to much damage and deal to little.
the change to spell pushback reduction also means draining becomes a whole lot more viable, as does casted spells in general, so pallies will have it easier, as will we.

maybe in the current state at lvl.70 we simply don't have enough spell damage/stamina on our gear. but by lvl.80, presuming blizzard do what they done with tbc, we'll get the stats we need to balance it all out. also what's wrong with simply making their bar go down faster than ours? you play the tactic that works best and if that's the best tactic, then use it. heck spamming 1 button works in raids, and spamming drain mana works in pvp. you go with what works and heck... the current love of SL/SL is all about sitting there and slowely chipping away at their health and mana until they /afk out or die.
#20 Sep 22 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
8% nightfall NOT imba?!!?/, do the maths. you've got a 48% chance to proc per corruption,

I was under the impression each tick was counted as a separate 8% chance - like flipping a coin is always 50%, regardless of how many times you've flipped it.

if the chances are instead additive (IE: based on whether or not it procced before), then I'll agree it's a bit much. If it's a solid 8% per tick, with no "memory", I can't see that as imbalanced. True, you'd have 6 separate rolls for that 8% chance, but each roll is still 8%? Right?
#21 Sep 22 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
true they are seperate which does mean i did take a short-cut with the maths and shouldn't of added them together, but doing the maths is long-winded and the end result is always very close to that of the additive amount (within 2-5% variation, depending on sample size) simply due to statistical chance. so a 48% chance to get a proc per 6 ticks of corruption is a fairly accurate assumption.
#22 Sep 22 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
but by lvl.80, presuming blizzard do what they done with tbc, we'll get the stats we need to balance it all out.

Unfortunately, from what I understand, the level 80 blues (which is all that are available) don't do much to increase survivability. Destruction still has serious problems in arena because of the long cast times. The only instants Destruction has are Shadowburn, Conflag and Shadowfury - only one of which is available to all specs.

Read this thread:
#23 Sep 22 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent

I feel bad pointing it out, but Koraa's main is and always has been a resto Druid to my knowledge. I have never heard this 'iconic class ability' crap from anyone before. If he wants to fix Shamans spamming GW to break snares all he has to do is put a 6sec cooldown on Ghost Wolf so it has a viable counter (dispel) in Arena but in 2v2 and duels it remains strong. Clearly he didnt like Shamans treading in his garden. Here is where Koraa said about the iconic class ability. I don't play enhancement, nor do I care to (I've had issues with the tree since it became dual wield), but tying the only snare break to Earthbind Totem is completely retarded, especially seeing as Earth Totems are way more useful with Tremor and occasionally Stoneskin or SoE. Bad enough the Ghost Wolf itself can be dispelled anyhow and isn't immune to polymorph.

The 'change' to the 51pt Resto is another example of a chronic lack of imagination, it's basically instant Regrowth. Now while it does fill a hole in the class mechanics and I'd sooner take that than Spirit Link (the talent description was starting to read like an insurance contract...) and its' various broken components, it doesnt change anything in terms of that forgotten word, gameplay. When you forget all about this silly "xomg OP, nurf nurf lol" number-crunching and Elitist Jerks spreadsheet threads that read like quarterly finance reports, the game is supposed to be innately good fun. The change is neither fun nor interesting, it's turning a WotLK Resto Shaman into a pre-TBC Resto Druid. With totemz!

I don't know. I think I'd rather have Spirit Link. I'd rather have something useful in multiple situations - albeit rather situational - than this knockoff of Regrowth. I don't intend to spec anything other than Resto currently, so the new talents in that tree were ultimately appealing to me in that regard. Well, most of them anyway (I still don't see how Imp. WShield is at all useful). Now, I'm thinking about leveling other toons to take the place of my warlock and shaman - namely a smite priest (for bgs) and a hunter, as well as my warrior (I actually kinda enjoy tanking). I love healing on a shaman, as it's the most fun I've had with a healer (have a holy priest at 45, a resto druid at 35, and I can't level a pally if my life depended on it) at all levels of play. This is not a good thing.
#24 Sep 23 2008 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I don't know. I think I'd rather have Spirit Link. I'd rather have something useful in multiple situations - albeit rather situational - than this knockoff of Regrowth.

I'd growl at you along the lines of "situational" and "in many situations" are actually antithetical statements but I've had my coffee today so you're safe :)

I would also prefer Spirit Link as it was intended simply because it's a new mechanic instead of a hashed-up old one, but there are serious technical restrictions on that spell. Basically the WoW engine just can't handle it. The devs actually said it can't be done, particularly there is a problem refreshing it on a target that already has one, and Koraa's dream of having it break on CC to nerf its PvP utility (into nothing basically, nice one Koraa you maleficent little C*NT...) was technologically impossible.

As an amateur coder I can imagine the extra server overhead it takes to make such an ability work, and it's not pretty. Considering all the extra conditionals like health%, targetting and so forth, it absorbed so much dev time that they just abandoned it. Hence, Koraa has no more devtime left for his class, so he tacked on a silly Regrowth ability which, since it is trainable like a skill and not a talent, is clearly a copy-past from the Druid database with the coefficients tweaked. Lazy, stupid.

Basically I'd prefer the stable, reliable Regrowth knockoff to the inevitably broken, frustrating Spirit Link malarkey, but that's no excuse for Koraa being a douche.

This is not a good thing.

I guarantee you that a statistically improbable proportion of Death Knights will be broken-hearted Enhance Shaman rerolls. Skipping 55 levels and actually having fun with a melee class is better than sitting on your Shaman waiting, as John Mayer puts it, on the world to change.

EDIT: To be honest this probably belongs on the Shaman forums.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2008 8:29am by Sinstralis
#25 Sep 23 2008 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
I'd growl at you along the lines of "situational" and "in many situations" are actually antithetical statements but I've had my coffee today so you're safe :)

I was/am still sick. :P I'm allowed, lol. What I'd meant to say is useful in multiple situations, but not something useful in EVERY situation. Earth Shield works in the same way. It's useful on tanks in many situations, but there are times when it may not be. Or multiple shamans have Earth Shield, and it can be cast on other players outside of tanks.

As for nerfing its PvP utility by making it break cc - that was the biggest boon of Spirit Link if anything. And yes, there were problems of recasting it on people who already had it. But, given the way that Chain Heal, the new Circle of Healing, and Ancestral Awakening work ("smart" heals), I dunno, at least in regards to percentages. (Btw, CoH was one of the actual good things to happen for Priests, imo.)

EDIT: To be honest this probably belongs on the Shaman forums.

Yes and no. Partially yes, because of the fact that it deal with shamans. Partially no, because warlocks still have to deal with Koraa. But, Enh. Shamans rerolling DK's... well, it's been asked a lot "Which spec are you leveling as in Wrath?" in all three forums, and people tend to reply with, "Unholy. Oh, wait, you mean shaman/priest/warlock? Hahaha no."

Oh, and just a note - Ghostcrawler said that, in comparison to Hunter and Warlock pets, Unholy DK pets do too much damage. Hunter pets are scaling well in terms of raiding (especially now that pets scale with +hit), but from the math I've seen, the Imp needs its damage tripled to be on par (where the pet does 30% of the master's damage), and the Felguard's damage needs to be doubled. Haven't seen anything real conclusive on the Felhunter for affliction.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2008 9:21am by wingsofscion
#26 Sep 23 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
As for nerfing its PvP utility by making it break cc - that was the biggest boon of Spirit Link if anything.

I'm sorry if I wasnt clear; his attempted nerf was to cause Spirit Link to break ON CC; ie, you cast Spirit Link when you see the Rogue go stealth and then as soon as he stuns you you lose your 51pter. That was his dream, and it's quite clear why if you stop thinking of Koraa as a balanced individual and imagine yourself as someone who really, really loves his Druid. Every change he makes I can see so clearly from a Druid's perspective; Improved Fear nerf (Druids can break snares but not Fear... voila) Cripple gone (Druids cant break that one), any attempt to make Resto Shaman PvP viable is nerfed away immediately (no other PvP healarz! I sez!).

I really try to see people's point of view when they tell me these people are professionals, but looking at he raw results it just looks like the work of a man who doesnt really care much about Shamans or Locks and almost resents having to play around with them to keep the whiners happy. Only recently has he begun to communicate about changes in a civil manner, probably because of Ghost becoming so popular, and even then only to defend his balls-up of Priests.

Alas, what can you do.

Oh wait, reroll. Yeah.
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