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New and Improved Improved Leader of the PackFollow

#1 Sep 18 2008 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
New talents changes released via mmo-champion for next beta patch.
patch notes
talent tree



* Barkskin is now usable in all forms.


* Earth and Moon (Tier 10) changed so your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon effect. It now also increases your spell damage by 1/2/3/4/5%. (Previously had a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon Effect)
* Eclipse (Tier 9) changed so when you critically hit with Starfire, you have a 33/66/100% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 10%. (Previously 20/40/60% chance)
* Improved moonkin Aura (Tier 7) gives 3% spell haste for all ranks and now you gain 5/10/15% of your spirit as additional spell damage.
* Improved Faerie Fire (Tier 7) increases your critical strike chance against targets afflicted with Faerie Fire by 1/2/3%.
* Nature's Splendor (Tier 3) changed to - When you cast Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rejuvenation, Regrowth or Lifebloom you have a 33/66/100% chance to increase it's duration by 3 sec.

Feral Combat

* Shred - Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Shred damage.
* Maul - Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Maul damage.
* Bash now interrupts spell casts for 3 sec.


* Berserk (Tier 11) no longer causes your Mangle (Bear) and Maul attacks to hit up to 3 targets
* Predatory Instincts (Tier 8 ) reduces the damage taken by area of effect attacks by 3/6/9/12/15%. (Previously increased your chance to avoid them)
* Protector of the Pack (Tier 8 ) damage reduction is now at 3% for each party member across all ranks.
* Improved Leader of the Pack (Tier 7) - In addition, you gain 4% of your maximum mana when you benefit from Improved Leader of the Pack heal.
* Feral Charge (Cat) (Tier 5) - Causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 sec. 30 second cooldown.
* Faerie Fire (Feral) (Tier 3) now deals damage and causes extra threat while in bear form.
* Brutal Impact (Tier 2) now reduces the cooldown of bash by 15/30 sec in addition to its previous effect.


* Gift of the Wild now affects the whole raid.
* Lifebloom healing reduced. Mana cost increased. (Check Skill list for details)


* Flourish renamed Wild Growth.
* Wild Growth (Tier 11) - Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target for 350 over 7 sec. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Wild Growth reaches its full duration.\
* Gift of the Earthmother (Tier 10) changed to reduce the base global cooldown of your Rejuvenation and Lifebloom spells by 4/8/12/16/20%.
* Tree of Life (Tier 9) increases healing received by 6%. (Previously 3%).
* Improved Tree of Life (Tier 9) now increases your healing spell power by 5/10/15% of your spirit while in Tree of Life Form. (Previously reduced the mana cost by 5/10/15%)


* Glyph of Swipe has been removed.
* Glyph of Maul has been added - Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target.

I like the mana regen aspect of ILotP now that we have less int on our gear.

The silence aspect of Bash is well... about time this was needed for tanks.

The added damage and threat to FFF will make pulling easier with over zealous DPS. Plus nice for use in pulls, debuff + threat == win.

The Shred and Maul changes are nice as well. They work well with Mangle.

Predatory Instincts change... I don't know how to feel about it to be honest.

Beserk needs work, still.

I want Primal Precision but think will have enough expertise on gear and Brutal Impact is worth it now. Feral pulling together a bit more. Thoughts?

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 6:28am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Sep 18 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
Seems like they've set aside the notion of druids being more functional with multi-target threat. Boo.
#3 Sep 18 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
Beserk needs work, still.

Just came across an interesting GhostCrawler post on the subject.

Linky : MMO Champion Blue Tracker

What is your Intention for Berserk?

Etheros wrote:
I'm going to try and keep this civil, I don't like QQ posts. I just don't understand what your intention is with berserk currently.

Frankly, it seems extremely lack luster. So much so that I'm actually considering skipping it in favor of Natures Swiftness.

Now I can see how it has some good pve applications, but CC kills most of it's pvp applications.

Also, why was the ability to hit multiple targets removed in bear form? Why was there no cooldown adjustment to compensate?

I would really like to hear more feedback on this ability, when you compare it to some of the other 51 point talents like metamorphosis, it seems weak.

GhostCrawler wrote:
Nah, you'll get an answer this time, but it will be vague.

We came up with a plan for making Berserk more fun for bears without giving up the oh snap functionality. You'll hear more soon, probably from Koraa.
#4 Sep 18 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The Lifebloom nerfs also confuse me. From reading the beta boards it seems trees use Regrowth and Nourish to heal primarily now.

We are no longer the HoT healers it seems.

Balance I am not as familiar with so I really can't say much.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Sep 18 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I see some form of logic in nerfing lifeblooms healing power... But increasing the cost of it? What is that all about?

I want to see how much it's been increased. 171 mana in tree form isn't terrible by any means but if this goes up by about 200% I'll be flat out pissed off at blizzard.
#6 Sep 18 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
trees have an outrageous amount of mana recovery available to them via hots. when you can sit outside the 5SR so frequently, not to mention having innervate and replenish available... paladins need their ultra-cheap flash of light because, frankly, their mana regen blows. they give up a lot to be capable of such HPS. treeform gives us a 20% discount on hots on top of our regeneration. i'm not worried about a small increase in mana cost of lifebloom. especially since they're doing such incredible things for regrowth. remember, until BC came out, there was no lifebloom. we used to actually cast spells to heal =P
#7 Sep 18 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
I read somewhere that the devs weren't happy with mana usage at this stage. Healers weren't having to manage their mana at all in Naxx. What happens when you gear up even further and get more mana regen then?

As long as by playing smart, potting when needed, and sorting out group buffs to help with mana regen, we can make it to the end of the fight then it doesn't matter what the heals cost. If mana regen isn't an issue then healing will become more and more boring.

#8 Sep 18 2008 at 9:04 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
yeah, all healers have pretty insane mana regen, with the exception of paladins (who just have an insane 51-pt talent). lifebloom, as cool as it is, really took a lot of skill out of druidic healing imo. having one skill obsolesce three others in pretty much all content is beyond wrong, so im glad with the direction druid healing is going. once they bring mana regen in line (which i think will happen during the "numbers pass") i think druid healing will again be the most dynamic of all healing styles.

and to me, thats where the fun of being a resto druid really came from.
#9 Sep 19 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,260 posts
couple more changes incoming to feral as well:

Okay, I guess Koraa didn't get a chance to post it today.

1) Feral Faerie Fire becomes a core ability.
2) Brutal Impact increases duration and lowers cooldown of Bash. It swaps with Savage Fury, mostly to keep it out of the paws of anyone but Ferals.
3) Feral Faerie Fire replaced with the old Last Stand component of Berserk. But it's usable in both cat and bear forms.
4) Cat Berserk does not change. Bear Berserk goes back to Mangle hitting 3 targets, and since that isn't so useful on single targets, it also removes the 6 sec (untalented) cooldown of Mangle during the 15 sec duraton for some nice bear burst or threat generation. The Fear immunity is still intact.

Awesome big tweaks?


Looks like feral is finally starting to come together.
#10 Sep 19 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
LaFey wrote:
trees have an outrageous amount of mana recovery available to them via hots. when you can sit outside the 5SR so frequently, not to mention having innervate and replenish available... paladins need their ultra-cheap flash of light because, frankly, their mana regen blows. they give up a lot to be capable of such HPS. treeform gives us a 20% discount on hots on top of our regeneration. i'm not worried about a small increase in mana cost of lifebloom. especially since they're doing such incredible things for regrowth. remember, until BC came out, there was no lifebloom. we used to actually cast spells to heal =P

From my experiance on the PTR the 5sr no longer applies. Your mana constantly regains instead of ticks. Think old FF7 regen where it constantly goes up. Faster when not casting but since old druid healing was all instant cast you basically have your full mana regen all the time.

This is just from me healing some heroics on the ptr and never dropping below 95% mana. To be fair though I out gear all the heroics.
#11 Sep 19 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Ghostcrawler wrote:
Yes, Bash will now work as an interrupt even if the boss is stun immune.

That is pretty darn sweet.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#12 Sep 19 2008 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
The 5SR still applies, what you're seeing is the effect of mp/5 from gear ant talents, and talents/abilities/spells that allow partial spirit regen inside the 5SR.
#13 Sep 19 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
SirJac wrote:
Bear Berserk goes back to Mangle hitting 3 targets, and since that isn't so useful on single targets, it also removes the 6 sec (untalented) cooldown of Mangle during the 15 sec duraton for some nice bear burst or threat generation. The Fear immunity is still intact.

Hmmm...15 rage/Mangle.

15 seconds with Mangle reduced to GCD only, and hitting up to three targets.

Extra rage every time you dodge...

Rage @ 100%, pop avoidance trinket(s), spam 3-target mangle?

#14 Sep 19 2008 at 7:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
Another new build came up tonight, it was though to be some hotfixes but ...


* Dash cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.
* Faerie Fire (Feral) isn't a talent anymore and is now a baseline skill


* Earth and Moon Rank 1 damage increase changed from "1 to 6%" to 3%.
* Improved Moonkin Form now causes affected targets to gain 1/2% haste (down from 3/3%)
* Improved Faerie Fire now only increases the critical strike chance of your damage spells on targets afflicted by Faerie Fire. (Old - Increased critical chance of all attacks)
* Nature's Grace changed from 1 to 3 points and now has a 33/66/100% proc rate. (Old - 100%)
* Nature's Splendor changed from 3 to 1 point. Now Increases the duration of your Moonfire, Insect Swarm, and Rejuvenation spells by 3 sec, your Regrowth spell by 6 sec, and your Lifebloom spell by 3 sec.


* Berserk doesn't heal you anymore in bear form but causes your Mangle (Bear) ability to hit up to 3 targets and have no cooldown instead.
* Rend and Tear now increases damage done by Maul and Shred on bleeding targets by 4/8/12/16/20%. (up from 2/4/6/8/10%)
* Mangle doesn't increase the damage of Maul and Shred anymore
* Protector of the Pack now increases your attack power in Bear and Dire Bear form by 2/4/6%. (Old - increased the bonus attack power by 20/40/60%)
* Predatory Instincts changed from 5 to 3 points, now While in Cat Form, Bear Form, or Dire Bear Form, increases your damage from melee critical strikes by 3/7/10% (Old - 2/4/6/8/10%) and reduces the damage taken from area of effect attacks by 5/10/15%. (Old - 3/6/9/12/15%)
* Savage Fury has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 2
* Brutal Impact moved from Tier 2 to Tier 5
* *New Talent* Survival Instincts (Tier 3) - When activated, this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 sec while in Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form. After the effect expires, the health is lost. Instant, 5 min cooldown


* Gift of the Earthmother now also affects Wild Growth

#15 Sep 19 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
GS wrote:
Berserk doesn't heal you anymore in bear form but causes your Mangle (Bear) ability to hit up to 3 targets and have no cooldown instead.

*New Talent* Survival Instincts (Tier 3) - When activated, this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 sec while in Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form. After the effect expires, the health is lost. Instant, 5 min cooldown

I like these changes. Berserk was to busy before and these abilities should be seperate.

GS wrote:
Rend and Tear now increases damage done by Maul and Shred on bleeding targets by 4/8/12/16/20%. (up from 2/4/6/8/10%)

Mangle doesn't increase the damage of Maul and Shred anymore

Rend and Tear is definitely more of a DPS thing as now feral DPS wants it for the increased Rip damage. The Mangle change reduces synergy between Feral tanks and DPS, which I don't like but will force people to take Rend and Tear for DPS, sneaky Blizz, real sneaky. Still not going to take for tanking as don't use Maul enough for it to be worth it I think.

GS wrote:
Protector of the Pack now increases your attack power in Bear and Dire Bear form by 2/4/6%. (Old - increased the bonus attack power by 20/40/60%)

I like this, will mesh nicely with the rogue leather we will wear. Which will have more AP then just our bonus AP from being in bear form.

GS wrote:
Predatory Instincts changed from 5 to 3 points, now While in Cat Form, Bear Form, or Dire Bear Form, increases your damage from melee critical strikes by 3/7/10% (Old - 2/4/6/8/10%) and reduces the damage taken from area of effect attacks by 5/10/15%. (Old - 3/6/9/12/15%)

Savage Fury has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 2

This help free up some points for Brutal Impact. Good change.

GS wrote:
Brutal Impact moved from Tier 2 to Tier 5

Definitely done as a PvP thing to prevent Resto druids from getting it. Would have been OP otherwise.

My tank spec. Have 1 point left I am not sure where to put it. Could do RnT, Intensity, PT, or FA. The 1 point hanging with no obvious place is weird feeling somehow.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#16 Sep 20 2008 at 2:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
They didn't change Mangle not working with Shred, they changed the language on the talent. Maul, rank 1 and Shred, rank 1. Maul and Shred both benefit from anything that increases bleed damage now, not just Mangle. This gives us more synergy with Arms Warriors (2/2 Trauma, +30% bleed damage after a crit for 15 sec), and, uhm... well, I can't find anything else that affects bleed damage.
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