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Ambush RoguesFollow

#1 Sep 17 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know of any good ambush builds? I can't seem to find any for the life of me.
#2 Sep 17 2008 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
There might be a reason why you can't. Think long and hard.
#3 Sep 17 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
4,639 posts
Ambush builds are crappy for anything you can do, but they're a lot of fun in uneven PVP. Alliance AV in the 51-60 bracket is always 10-20 alliance to 40 horde. I don't think alliance has won one match all week. I've got 55 AV marks and 52 of those have come from losses.

Anyway, Ambush helps you rack up honor. Ambush some mage, priest, or warlock and kamikaze off the bridge in AV. Good stuff. I was hitting 2.7k ambushes on clothies which is typically enough to kill them.

But really, ambush sucks. Everytime I try it out I realize it more and more.
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#4 Sep 17 2008 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Assuming you mean at 70:

For Raiding you'll want to run as Combat Swords (or Combat Fists with the badge weapons). At least until the 3.0 patch hits when Muti may be viable (and I can't stress the word "may" more). There just isn't anything better right now then deep Combat. Period. See Elitist Jerks for more info.

For general PvE (dailies, non-heroic instances, etc) you can use any of the regular builds (Mutilate, Combat, Tri-Spec Hemololz or Deep Sub) really depending on your gear. Personally I really love deep sub (aka Shadow Step) for grinding dailies, but rarely respec back and forth (I raid). If you have no other distractions (i.e. raiding or arena), I say try 'em all for a week or two and see what you like.

For PvP start here. I'm not anywhere good enough to know what to suggest other than to say Shadow Step is not a dagger build and Mutilate will be better when 3.0 hits. Also check out ArenaJunkies if you're really into arena.

Basically, be prepared to be hear - over and over - that Ambush sucks. And compared to the other tools we have available, it does.

If you were looking for a leveling build, check the sticky. There's a fine example of learnin' there for ya.

#5 Sep 17 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
hehe, let me explain. I've extensive experience with the game, being up to archimonde on my shammy. My rogue was my first toon and frankly, I've gotten bored with the game. My guild broke up and I have no home or guild to run with. The ambush build i'm looking for is strictly for bg pvp so that i can step/ambush/evis some clothie as they are tied up or already injured. Its all bout the fun and thats the only reason i'm doing it. Normally I'm sub/*** mace builds that run rampant in arena.
#6 Sep 17 2008 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
ShS daggers isn't viable even in BGs until 3.0.2.
#7 Sep 17 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
920 posts
Soljourner wrote:
Anyone know of any good ambush builds? I can't seem to find any for the life of me.

Like everyone here has stated. Ambush is not viable at the moment. If your looking for a decent spec and want something to go off of. I guess you can go to and pause the 25k ambush crit video to see how Akrios is specced.

Now, If your capable of reading then you will know that they took alot of time to get the 25k crit so don't think it is something that is easy to do. I personally agree with those that have posted before me, but if you must play a garbage spec then you can watch that video and see how it was done.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#8 Sep 17 2008 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
you all still dont get it. I dont need to be competitive. this is strictly for fun. something most others seem to have forgotten. the whole purpose of playing a rogue is for the hunt. the thrill of sneaking up and watching a clothie engaged and then wait to see if they are 60% health then one shotting them. its for fun. i'm not asking for oppinions, i'm asking for builds that supply the ambush trait. if i wanted to be a serious player, i'd drop on my 1500 dps shammy and grind raids for days on end.
#9 Sep 17 2008 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts

Huge Ambush crit ShS spec I just made up.

Over your gear, and the +15% agility, Ambush has +50% crit chance. After a kill for honor or XP, that chance goes up another 40%. Absolutely guaranteed Ambush crit.

And then a bunch of talents to increase its damage, allow to to get away and back into stealth, and even moving faster while stealthed. And of course you want +20% damage on low HP enemies. That seems to be your entire point.

Edited, Sep 17th 2008 10:43pm by Ehcks
#10 Sep 17 2008 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Soljourner wrote:
you all still dont get it. I dont need to be competitive. this is strictly for fun. something most others seem to have forgotten. the whole purpose of playing a rogue is for the hunt. the thrill of sneaking up and watching a clothie engaged and then wait to see if they are 60% health then one shotting them. its for fun. i'm not asking for oppinions, i'm asking for builds that supply the ambush trait. if i wanted to be a serious player, i'd drop on my 1500 dps shammy and grind raids for days on end.


Wow. You're a ******* idiot.

I don't have fun dying. I have fun killing people.
#11 Sep 17 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
i'm not asking for oppinions

Yes you are, and you got them. Why do people post things like this everytime when they get answers and those answers don't conform to some unknowable criteria that was never stated? Honestly, for a player who's raided seriously... well I find it hard to believe that you can't figure out which build would focus on pure Ambush burst. It's not that hard. L2post more clearly.

Here:5-minute build, be warned, I'm a PvP idiot. But if it will kill this thread....

... priceless.
#12 Sep 17 2008 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Soljourner wrote:
you all still dont get it. I dont need to be competitive. this is strictly for fun. something most others seem to have forgotten. the whole purpose of playing a rogue is for the hunt. the thrill of sneaking up and watching a clothie engaged and then wait to see if they are 60% health then one shotting them. its for fun. i'm not asking for oppinions, i'm asking for builds that supply the ambush trait. if i wanted to be a serious player, i'd drop on my 1500 dps shammy and grind raids for days on end.


Wow. You're a @#%^ing idiot.

I don't have fun dying. I have fun killing people.

Then how about you go do what's fun for you, and he'll do what he finds fun, and we can pretend like you didn't just insinuate that your idea of fun is the only one that matters mmmmkay?
#13 Sep 17 2008 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Soljourner wrote:
you all still dont get it. I dont need to be competitive. this is strictly for fun. something most others seem to have forgotten. the whole purpose of playing a rogue is for the hunt. the thrill of sneaking up and watching a clothie engaged and then wait to see if they are 60% health then one shotting them. its for fun. i'm not asking for oppinions, i'm asking for builds that supply the ambush trait. if i wanted to be a serious player, i'd drop on my 1500 dps shammy and grind raids for days on end.


Wow. You're a @#%^ing idiot.

I don't have fun dying. I have fun killing people.

Then how about you go do what's fun for you, and he'll do what he finds fun, and we can pretend like you didn't just insinuate that your idea of fun is the only one that matters mmmmkay?

Uh, did you read the thread?

He asked if anyone knew any good Ambush builds, we said, "no, most of us don't like using an ability that sucks."

Then he went on his rant-a-thon up there, making zero sense at all, insinuating that I don't play this game for fun (which I do, and I enjoy being good at it).

So, to sum up: both you and the OP are idiots.

1) He asked for opinions.

2) He got opinions and when he didn't like them, he attempted to flame myself and others.

3) I insinuated that he had a distinct absence of a large portion of his brain and that he was drooling on his keyboard while posting while defending my position.

4) You attempted to flame me for "flaming" him, when really I was defending myself and my position. Note please, the underlined section in my last post (I put it in the quotes above).

.'. QED
#14 Sep 17 2008 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Oh, and also, if you want an example of a build that you can't seem to find, ask for one.

Not like this:

Soljourner wrote:
Anyone know of any good ambush builds? I can't seem to find any for the life of me.

Like this:

"Hey, I've wanted to go to a dagger Ambush spec for a while. I know it's not optimal--otherwise it would be in the sticky--but I'd like to just mess around and have fun with it. Anyone mind helping me out?"

And you'd get favorable responses; not only is the English good, but the question is worded the proper way.

Because when any of the regular posters here see the words "Ambush" and "good" in a sentence together, there had better be a "not" in there, or we'll start laughing.
#15 Sep 17 2008 at 11:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
"no, most of us don't like using an ability that sucks."

Rated up for being the best one-liner all week (outside the "CIA plays WoW" thread, of course).
#16 Sep 17 2008 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
"no, most of us don't like using an ability that sucks."

Rated up for being the best one-liner all week (outside the "CIA plays WoW" thread, of course).

I didn't even think it was that funny, I was just trying to get our point across.

I mean yeah, people use Ambush and BS still, but it's just for ***** and giggles and it's certainly not "good".

Maybe good if you're used to "terrible, abysmal, and awful" I guess.

It was just poor wording in the OP's post and I'm trying to get across to the readers of at least this forum that WORDING MATTERS.
#17 Sep 18 2008 at 12:28 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Made me laugh, and that's all that counts.

Side note: Can't sleep so I went to run some dailies real quick with my shiny new dagger and to skill up a bit for 3.0 Muti (can't believe my daggers skill is only at 325, I am terribad).

Anyway, it's official: Ambush sucks. Even if I talented for it, it would suck only slightly less.

#18 Sep 18 2008 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
Made me laugh, and that's all that counts.

Side note: Can't sleep so I went to run some dailies real quick with my shiny new dagger and to skill up a bit for 3.0 Muti (can't believe my daggers skill is only at 325, I am terribad).

Anyway, it's official: Ambush sucks. Even if I talented for it, it would suck only slightly less.


O.o ... thanks for reminding me ... I think my dagger skill sucks as well

Oh no, wait ... I had a 1.3 speed dagger from 66 to 70 ... I should be ok (btw, does anyone have any idea how much Combat potency procs with a 1.3 speed weapon ... it's orgasmic ;->)
#19 Sep 18 2008 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent

Heres a link to a build i had for the 61-69 bracket for pvp. I had alot of fun with it, If ambush didnt crit or kill then a followed up backstab would do the trick mostly. But now that its lvl 70, anything geared may take a little more.

#20 Sep 18 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
EziNewDream wrote:

Heres a link to a build i had for the 61-69 bracket for pvp. I had alot of fun with it, If ambush didnt crit or kill then a followed up backstab would do the trick mostly. But now that its lvl 70, anything geared may take a little more.

I used something close to that. No points in backstab and I grabbed hemo and cheat death. When I get bored I still switch back to something similar just to play around on the Isle or in WSG if I'm really bored. I use outfitter to switch to daggers when I went into stealth then back to my fists after the ambush. Kinda fun sneaking up around the main fight and dropping their healers on them. :)

That's about all Ambush is good for anymore is just playing around and annoying people with it. ShS a clothie ambush them and vanish then sap them and leave. (Do this on the isle for fun :))
#21 Sep 18 2008 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I love the Rogue forums.

And Therion, I've done something similar...except it was a green caster dagger that dropped so I went around spamming Ambush and Backstab tt do dailies. Wow they took a while that day, but at least it cut out any urge to go daggers for me(until I heard Muti might be viable).
#22 Sep 18 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
*edit: nevermind

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 11:09am by TherionSaysWhat
#23 Sep 18 2008 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Ambush really needs a big overhaul. Having tried it with Shadowdance and the -15 energy, it still sucks. Just a tiny form of CC or even snare means you'll lose 1 or 2 ambushes from the 3 you could potentially get. I think I now fully understand what Theo meant when he said that CC will > Shadowdance. I for one would pick Cold Blood over it as it is right now.
#24 Sep 18 2008 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
Ambush really needs a big overhaul. Having tried it with Shadowdance and the -15 energy, it still sucks. Just a tiny form of CC or even snare means you'll lose 1 or 2 ambushes from the 3 you could potentially get. I think I now fully understand what Theo meant when he said that CC will > Shadowdance. I for one would pick Cold Blood over it as it is right now.

Yeah, it wasn't that bad in the old form (check out the Zyz WotLK video in the PvP forum for what the old version was like), but the new form just keeps you out in the open and ready for CC.

At this point, yeah, I agree; I'd rather have CB than ShD.
#25 Sep 18 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Aside from that, it doesn't even give me my stealth bar back or such, at the PTR's I've made my second bar one specialized completely for Shadowdance. I've never felt a real need for hotbar mods, but if one talent would require me to start using them; no thanks.
#26 Sep 18 2008 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Then Theo, let me reiterate this for you so you can get off the tit. By oppinion I meant for people to stop saying that skill sucks. Thats completely oppinion based. I never asked for that. I asked for any known ambush builds that people may have seen or known about that gives the largest crit % possible, the best synergy with any other skill and the highest 1-shot damage output. Thats facts, not oppinions. The ones that posted builds are facts, the ones that said "There might be a reason why you can't. Think long and hard." "Ambush builds are crappy for anything you can do" And then the infamous "YES IVE FORGOTTEN WHAT FUN IS WHICH IS WHY I PLAY ONLINE GAMES

Wow. You're a @#%^ing idiot.

I don't have fun dying. I have fun killing people." are purely oppinions. I never asked what would you all think of this build. I know for a fact that ambush is sub-par. I've done it multiple times in the last year and a half I've played wow. So, I'm not trying to insult anyone, other than the first sentence, but when someone throws an insult out because they think they are superior to others, I feel obligated to return the favor. I'm looking for facts, ideas, theories. Not opps. For the rest, thanks for the info. I'll try any ambush build and let you know which ones I feel are more fun to have. Cause god knows you dont need any skill for bgs, so you never need to take em to seriously. At least, not on the couple servers I've been on.
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