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Ret the new two handed fury - and some other notesFollow

#1 Sep 15 2008 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
LOL. I had to post once it dawned on me. If it was posted elsewhere please forgive this post. At any rate, now thats out of the way, I have been testing out some of the new talents at 70 on the PTR. Specifically ret, had to see what all the fuss was about. Tell you what, I mostly tank in BC when I get the chance, so my ret gear is pretty crap some AH greens mixed in with an oathkeeper and still a good amount of tank gear. (Luckily alot is str and stam for tanking - warrior gear). Well I noticed that they were adding alot of warrior mechanics and even druid mechanics, ie swipe and shield bash, to the pally and it seems like they really did that with ret.

Crusader strike - still the same, but weapon damage (changed in a patch sometime ago) is alot like bloodthirst (I have a warrior leveling as fury)

Divine storm - hmmm, feels ALOT like whirlwind

Hammer of Wrath - was pretty craptastic before, but now it reminds me so much of execute - instant and with talents it pretty much finishes off the enemy

two minute seals? erm sounds like shout

New mana system - feels like rage/energy except its always full - kind of like the fury and combat talents

Of course, its not exact copies, thank Goodness, but the amount of damage I have seen fury warriors put out, and alot of QQing about ret pallies out there from other classes, I think this is a good change. Aside from the terrible terrible lag, constant crashes, and such....I may actually level my old main and first toon that always held a special place in my heart and still does(replaced by my mage when he hit 70 as my raiding toon).

Couple of side notes on the PTR - the talents for Spellpower kick ***, im healing with FoL for almost 1500 at times, taletns also boost crit on the spells too, which include holy! With art of war, may be a glitch, but my FoLs are becoming instant, helly my holy light is criting for almost 4000 (around 3700, 3800 or so).

LOVE the ret aura, with all its melee AND spell haste goodness, knocks down the Fol and even Holy light quite a bit

Also, aoe as a ret is tons of fun, in fact for a challenge and the added bonus to consecrate, the whirlwind, erm I mean divine storm, judgments returning mana (replenishment returns .5% mana each time you judge regardless of which judge you use) imagine combining this with seal of wis or seal of light? Worked great when I soloed tuskar that elite elek (remember my craptastic gear now lol) as powerful as vengeance, crusader strike and divine storm seems to be, getting healed from ret aura and other talents, healed from divine storm, hell I don't really need the seal of light/wisdom combo.

As for numbers, all those people QQing, well, again, im not in some arena gear, or even good gear, and my numbers are about what I would expect from an equally geared fury warrior.

I gotta say though, one reason I enjoyed fury was that it was fun, ret not so much, but then again I do enjoy tanking, so I was fine with that, I have other toons I can dps with, but if this is any indication, 80 here we come! Fun stuff.

Disclaimer - please ignore the spelling, late and tired

as for those wondering about spec, I didn't really see too much to grab in prot or even holy, as the talents at the bottom of ret were all just too damn good - for 70 that is as I can see that its going to be tough for the last bits of points as I can see going into prot for 5 in strength and POSSIBLY 5 in anticipation - for a 10/61 build, or even 5 in seal of the pure, I don't see intellect as mana is a non issue. The only ones in ret I did NOT take were mostly the pvp ones, vindication, eye for an eye, and divine purpose. I supposed I could have taken parry, but that was one I did not.

Now that I think about it with mana not being an issue, benediction may not even be needed, and parry taken instead, gotta take 5 somewhere lol. Ten percent may not be that much and the mana cost, at least on my instant casts spells are about 138 for judgments (been judging once for the effect and some damage they die too quick with crusader strike and divine storm then a hammerStruck Text - each of which takes about 240-350 mana with the maxed talent)

Anyway, went on a little more than I meant too, for that I apologize, I am curious how myc damage I can do as prot since they boosted that, but without our shield slam yet, - only able to test 70 lvl - as well as the holy for snitz and giggles, I do have some a craptastic holy gear too lol.

Heres a talent calculator for what I have on my 70 now

I am now thinking looking at some of the talents that a couple may not be needed, and steering away a little from teh old school thinking. In all honesty with crusader strike and divine storm doing alot of damage, the inherent talents adding much more white AND yellow damage as well as a ton of critical strike damages a 2 second CD on imp judgements may not be needed. I will have to get recount set up on my PTR but I am not feeling much of a difference with SoC and SoV, hell even seal of light, eachtime I judge they all do about the same damage, and again, it is not like the old ret, SoC judge, crusader striek SoC judge, CS and so on.....definitelly will have to check that out, so there are a few points that might be put into str and anticipation with the remaining 10 pts and three in seal of the pure in holy, pursuit is nice and a luxury so there is one point to fill out seal of the pure and even keep one in pursuit - it is down to 2 pts and increases mount speed as well. Myabe something like this

Honestly, anticipation may not even need to be filled - 4 points and still keep SoC or a point in pursuit
#2 Sep 15 2008 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Ok, enabled recount and took a couple screen shots. The one thing about SoV on such a short fight, I usually do the initial judge for whatever I need, ie heal or mana usually to start the fight. Problem I see on that is that the stacks done have time to get up to full before Hammer of Justice is up, or even CS or DS. It was an awkward rotation. However, the numbers ultimately SEEEM to favor SoC; however, that may not be the case on long fights. ALso this was in Nagrand, so they were a couple levels lower, almost want to try out a Dr. Boom test, but never did that with melee and dont know if its possible without being blown up lol...

anyway here are the two shots.


Edited, Sep 16th 2008 1:27am by spicyoctopusroll

The test was basically fighting during the duration of One cycle of each seal - or two minutes a piece on the rock elementals in Nagrand

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 1:28am by spicyoctopusroll

LATEST EDIT - one thing I want to say, as a comparison of old ret to new, in my same crappy gear at 70, I had recount up when I was doing some dailies and wanted to give ret a shot for grinding, same gear as in these threads, and I was hitting MAYBE 330 you can see from the above the one test was doing over 600 dps and the other just shy of 500dps

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 2:15am by spicyoctopusroll
#3 Sep 15 2008 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
How hard does Divine Storm seem to hit compared to Crusader Strike?
#4 Sep 15 2008 at 9:46 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Seems to hit harder, but I have not done enough testing to be sure. Mostly just hitting what is up off the CD. Frankly I get in one judge, some white damage, with a CS and one DS then they are at 35% when I hit the hammer. So dont base the numbers off of the pic I posted, that was more of a Seal comparison. But I do believe it hits harder, reminds me, like I said, of a whirlwind/bloothirst combo, which I used each whenever I had the rage and whichever was on CD.

Also, DS heals you and party members, so there is the added benefit. Ill have to go back in and do a rotation just using each and post those for you.

EDIT - ok did a comparison for you. BEar in mind CS has a CD of 6 secs whereas DS has a 10 sec one, additionally DS costs a little more mana - about 100 give or take, think a little less, I closed it so cant see.

For this test I only had Blessing of Might up, no aura, no seals so as not to skew the numbers and looks like DS does win out by a good margin, which I imagine with the aura up increasing haste and such as well as any seals would boost the damage. Of course this is the level 70 version and gear, again, pretty crappy.

Here are my stats with only BoM and the side by side of CS and DS. I just did white damage and those when they were off CD going from one elemental to another. I actually ran out of mana on the last elemental doing the DS test, or the DS probably would have been a tad more. I OOMd only because I wasnt playing with the judgements which give you mana through replenishment, for those wondering...

So you can see DS was doing considerably more damage even without the typical buffs, CS works off weapon damage and DS off spellpower - mine was about 400/500 spell power with the talents (remember alot of tank and warrior gear)

Side note, I did a holy light heal during this test and healed for almost 6k! goodness!

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 2:08am by spicyoctopusroll
#5 Sep 16 2008 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
actually, divine storm would hit for less on a single mob with 0 armor. DS will do a little more on your normal mobs. CS does physical damage which is mitigated by armor. DS deals holy damage which isn't. CS does 110% weapon damage to just one mob. DS deals 100% normalized weapon damage to several mobs. if you're aoe'ing DS will do more overall damage either way.
#6 Sep 16 2008 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
Does DS do 100% weapon damage split between the several mobs or 100% damage to EACH of the mobs?

Eg: If a normalised hit is (say) 1k and there are 4 mobs about, do you hit 4 for 250 each (total of 1k) or do you hit all 4 for 1k each (total of 4k)?
#7 Sep 16 2008 at 4:51 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
it does full damage to each. and each hit can crit... in aoe situations this will be awesome dps and on a 10sec CD. also it will proc your seal on each hit.... so that along with it being holy damage means its awesome for DPS, especially on 2 or more mobs.
#8 Sep 16 2008 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
My therory is that one should go deep enough into prot to max out hammer of justice cooldown reduction. Imp BoK and divine strength will both be very good for ret, as you now really don't need to keep BoW up while soloing thanks to JoW and other mana-returning talents. With repentance and hammer on fast cooldown, ret becomes viable CC crossed with fury war like damage ability.
#9REDACTED, Posted: Sep 16 2008 at 6:31 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Unfortunately, upon stating this fact everything you have said thereafter is considered null and void. unless you have raided or pvped ret a significant amount, i'm afraid you really ought not to be putting up your opinions. Sorry if is eem harsh but i do lurk around here alot and i do tend to see alot of pretty lousy players try and pretend they've got knowledge of mechanics.
#10 Sep 16 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Excellent
170 posts
Tell you what, I mostly tank in BC when I get the chance, so my ret gear is pretty crap some AH greens mixed in with an oathkeeper and still a good amount of tank gear.

Unfortunately, upon stating this fact everything you have said thereafter is considered null and void. unless you have raided or pvped ret a significant amount, i'm afraid you really ought not to be putting up your opinions. Sorry if is eem harsh but i do lurk around here alot and i do tend to see alot of pretty lousy players try and pretend they've got knowledge of mechanics.

Case in point, when the wotlk beta was out everyone was so hyped about sheathe of light, with all and sundry going on about how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Coem on you've all been screaming for another heal for years, and now that blizz offered it to you in the form of beacon of light everyone suddenly decided they wanted to go back to good ol' 2 button mash and hope that when that next big cleave comes in, you've got a sheathe of light proc up. Predictably they've moved sheathe down tot he bottom of ret so the retards would have no choice but to get beacon of light - as intended.

I think that it is too harsh, he was letting us know about how some abilities compare and took the time out to explain it here and provide screenshots.

It takes time to get a good set of ret gear and the OP may be a tank pretty much all the time, maybe his pally is a second main or something so that he does not need/want to get awesome damage gear. He fully explained that he does not have good ret gear.

I don't think that your comments added any value to the post as you just had a go for no reason, you also pointed out, in your own post, that it was his OPINION, I dont like root beer (its f*cking awful!) that is my opinion. Other people have different OPINIONS.

His gear does not make any difference to the information he (kindly)provided, it is still useful and it will obviousley improve with good gear.

Your post was just a way to have a go at the OP and to drivvel on about other irrelevant things. I'm all up for flaming someone if they deserve it but the OP does not deserve any of the rubbish you typed.

In future please think about what you are going to post, make it relevant to the topic and think twice before you flame or attempt to flame someone. People will think better of you and not flame you.


#11 Sep 16 2008 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
Oh, and while the new hammer of wrath is certainly awesome, i always liked hammer in PvP for is Schadenfreude value. Pound someone down, they start running, and JUST about when they think they're safe---WHAM dead :)
#12 Sep 16 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
Unfortunately, upon stating this fact everything you have said thereafter is considered null and void. unless you have raided or pvped ret a significant amount, i'm afraid you really ought not to be putting up your opinions. Sorry if is eem harsh but i do lurk around here alot and i do tend to see alot of pretty lousy players try and pretend they've got knowledge of mechanics.

...and I see a lot of passive-aggressive jackasses trying to pretend they're part of some imaginary EJ-style in-crowd who do little but criticise other people for posting some informative opinion. If you disagree with his points then fine, make your case, but don't tell him not to post at all right off the bat. I've told some people in other forums I don't agree with them in no uncertain terms, but I don't tell them they can't post their opinions when they are presented clearly, as this person's post is, as their own opinion and backed up with a bit of data and screenshotting.

For your information this is a discussion forum, telling someone they shouldnt be putting their opinions on it is the absolute height of churlish arrogance, particularly as in so doing you are stating your own opinion. Unless you're a sock puppet for a major site advertiser I'd contend you don't have much right telling people categorically to essentially 'stfu'. Saying 'sorry if this sounds harsh' rings just a tad hollow, just because he's mostly a tank doesnt mean he's lacking in a brain or that he doesnt know anything about PvP. If I spoke to my guild's MT like that I'd be quickly finding myself raidless.

The information he posted is actually pretty useful and backed up by some Recount graphs, and is actually more useful than a lot of other PTR stuff as his gear is of a more ordinary standard and not full Vengeful/Brutal gear like a lot of the graphs my guildies are producing.

Case in point, when the wotlk beta was out everyone was so hyped about sheathe of light, with all and sundry going on about how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Coem on you've all been screaming for another heal for years, and now that blizz offered it to you in the form of beacon of light everyone suddenly decided they wanted to go back to good ol' 2 button mash and hope that when that next big cleave comes in, you've got a sheathe of light proc up. Predictably they've moved sheathe down tot he bottom of ret so the retards would have no choice but to get beacon of light - as intended.

I have no idea what your point is here. The whole reason for the SoL hype was that a 2-button mash would be alleviated because a Sheath proc means you heal less, the tank will live without continuous mind-numbing direct-intervention healing. Beacon of Light, if you would care to check your goddamn information, is NOT an 'extra heal', it is not a new mechanic for us, it just gives you two heals for the price of one, but you still have to mash those same two buttons to proc the effect. Sheath was a splendid talent for any healer, so much so that Id rather spec Ret and subspec Holy and heal that way because deep Holy is so goddamn weak and boring, and at least then I can solo and PvP too. And why would you even think for a minute that Blizzard 'intend' to force 'retards' to take only one spec in order to heal? That's been against their repeatedly stated design philosophy for the expansion, they want more talent variety not less. Your post boggles the mind, it really does.


To the OP, thanks for the info. I was wondering what Ret would be like from a casual perspective, and I'm glad DS seems to have a solid place in a solo rotation despite the mana cost. I have a feeling Judgement will only return 10 or 15% mana on release, but that kind of heavy charge is what's needed to keep Ret fun. I'm also glad to hear that every hit can crit for full damage, I was worried they'd make it a caster-like AoE when I saw the graphics for it; triple-critting flagballs in EotS is gonna be a LOT of fun I think >:)

My concern is that PvP will continue to suffer without an effective Spell interrupt, and the vulnerability to kiting remains a bit annoying. Subspeccing into Prot for Stoicism and Toughness ought to help a lot, but then that takes away a lot of your self-healing utility you're presumably trying to get from SoL.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 11:54am by Sinstralis
#13 Sep 16 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

unless you have raided or pvped ret a significant amount, i'm afraid you really ought not to be putting up your opinions

If someone has a post they want to share with the community, by all means they should be allowed to say it. They shouldn't have to pull punches, or think twice because of some imaginary game status line that means "Yes, you can post here" or "No, you can't" simply because he hasn't seen some content, or hasn't played some content. By that argument, no one but the athletes themselves would be able to talk about Sports. This extends to almost all fields of learning. Just because you haven't experienced something first hand does not mean that you can't have an opinion on it. True, experience adds to a deeper understanding of things having experienced it first hand, however it is not the only way to understand.

There are more than enough people on these boards who play Retribution who can look over his post and understand where he's coming from. If his post was outlandish, rediculous, or just downright wrong (which he wasn't), he would have been corrected by several people on here.

I'm glad you are having a blast with the expansion so far. I'm really looking forward to playing it, especially with reviews like this one and some other videos I've seen on Youtube. Paladins are finally getting some decent damage output, great utility, and incredible survivability. Also I have a feeling that FoL may have been instant or near instant because of your spell haste.

#14 Sep 16 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Divine storm seems like it's very powerful. My crusader strike crits from about 1500 (on a warrior) to on occasions over 4k (on a poor mage), so having an AoE version that ignores armor and heals me is something i'm really looking foward to.
#15 Sep 16 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
Tsarducci wrote:
My therory is that one should go deep enough into prot to max out hammer of justice cooldown reduction. Imp BoK and divine strength will both be very good for ret, as you now really don't need to keep BoW up while soloing thanks to JoW and other mana-returning talents. With repentance and hammer on fast cooldown, ret becomes viable CC crossed with fury war like damage ability.

repentance by itself gives us viable CC since it lasts a minute now. speccing into imp HoJ just means we have potentially 2 ways to CC mobs instead of one. we actually might well be among the best CC in the game come the xpac, at least in PVE. pvp repentance is limited to 10 seconds, so imp HoJ will make a bigger difference.

and at ice, the OP had valid points and said nothing to make his lack of experience blatantly obious. he admitted his gear wasn't ther, but went on to make intelligent comparisons and evaluations, despite his lack of experience on live. if he'd have been wrong we'd have corrected him. i commented on DS vs CS only so he'd know why DS seemed to be better (which it is in most situations). if you must be negative towards people at least model yourself after bodhi who attacks arguements inteligently using counter arguements relevant to the point. i rarely agreed with him, but i knew that he had some good WoW knowledge and mostly knew what he was talking about. (i'm referring to the Great Ret Bashing of 07 as Ruen puts it lol...

speaking of him, he's calmed down a lot. i was gone for a couple months and now in the last several months since i've been posting again i haven't really seen him flame anyone at all. just been posting mostly positive, helpful posts. kinda worries me ;)

um, and CapJack, i think the tooltip for Art of War is wrong. i'm prett sure its intended to be instant cast after a crit from judgement, CS and DS. .75/1 seconds would be very odd increments for Bliz to use. they tend to make each talent point an even amount as best they can. i'm pretty sure it's supposed to read .75/1.5 seconds. this is incredibly useful for ret pallies.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 1:56pm by toolofjesus
#16 Sep 16 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
we actually might well be among the best CC in the game come the xpac

Whoa, steady on there pilgrim... :)

Repentance is admittedly an awesome CC (in-combat Sap is ownage) but it will only last 12sec in PvP like everything else, and since it breaks on damage it still requires the rest of a pack to be pulled away from the target in PvE. It's nice, but still doesnt come close to Sap; hitting a mob with a Repentence puts the rest of the pack on your *** and in combat, Sap doesnt. It makes Ret competetive and useful, but not pre-eminent.

As for the troll, he has now been subdefaulted so let's hope he gets the message and let's move on.

As for the Bodhis comment, I agree that he at least attacked the point in question with relative precision. I'd still take helpful commentary over flaming though, particularly when sometimes it gets a bit style-over-substance.
#17 Sep 16 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Sinstralis wrote:
since it breaks on damage it still requires the rest of a pack to be pulled away from the target in PvE. It's nice, but still doesnt come close to Sap; hitting a mob with a Repentence puts the rest of the pack on your *** and in combat, Sap doesnt. It makes Ret competetive and useful, but not pre-eminent.

So we do like mages do and hit Repent after the pull, the only major disadvantage I see for Repent being a good CC is the long cooldown. If it gets resisted, then that means... no more cc for another minute from the Ret Paly, except for a 6 second HoJ every so often.
#18 Sep 16 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
As ret my holy lights crit for 6.8-7k, that's a bit OP and i'll even say it. The new ret dmg however is NOT op. People were QQing hardcore yesterday, now that peopled have played against them a bit and are learning that we still can be killed, there's much less QQing going on today.

Also, I didn't know that DS procced seals. thats damn awesome.
#19 Sep 16 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
So we do like mages do and hit Repent after the pull

At the risk of derailing this one, the major disadvantage as I see it is the 20yd range. It's a lot trickier to get in position for that, particularly with patrols. Long cooldowns certainly suck (ask Hunters) but I'd be a very great deal more worried about pulling the mobs early with the limited range, and it cuts down your post-pull window.

Of course it's instant, which one might argue counteracts this disadvantage.

I also concur with the Ret DPS evaluations, they are not OP at all in terms of raid damage, they are simply competetive. Having played around on the PTR I think what is making people so angry is the burst damage potential, it now exceeds that of Shamans and Death Knights on the beta. Being able to time an autoswing (maybe SoC proc), Divine Storm, Crusader Strike and then Judge all in 3sec is overwhelming some classes more accustomed to more slow-n-steady Ret DPS, Rogues being a good example. Also since we (I'm saying 'we' because I play my Paladin as a main these days... not being presumptious) now have three viable instant-attack mechanisms (hugely nice Judge crits, DS, CS, and HoW if you get lucky) we can DPS almost as well from inside the Bubble... 12 seconds chasing people around with CS/DS/Judge rotations is actually more DPS than a Retadin does right now on Live with the same gear un-bubbled. A Retadin now plays in a strangely similar way to Enhance Shamans back in the Arcanite Reaper days.

Unless the opponent has serious resilience to cut down the newly expanded crit damage, a crit off any one of those abilities knocks the average non-Arena geared player down to 30-40% health on one rotation. I have, for the first time since vanilla WoW and the Windfury nerf, insta-killed a Mage with a melee class.

It felt goood.

However, Arena gear mitigates this considerably, as well it should, so I don't see Arena filling up with Rets two-shotting the entire opposing team like the o-boards would have you believe.
#20 Sep 16 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I yet have to see it in action thorougly. I think I saw a retadin in greenies/blues (with me in mostly S3) 3 shot me earlier, and face it, that WOULD simply be overpowered. I'll save my judgement (no pun intended) for now though; there were more allies around and I'm sure a mage did one or two blows on me as well.

I don't have a problem with retadins dealing fury warrior damage (aside maybe from the fact that it's a bit lame that there's one class who can do everything in the game well, as I'm stuck with a class who can only fill one role), but I'm going to QQ if I have retadins 3-shotting me. Especially if I massively outgear them.
#21 Sep 16 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Lets not forget the crazy synergy we will be getting with the new Sacred Shield spell as well. I'll put up the description here:

Each time the target takes damage they gain a Sacred Shield, absorbing 500 damage and increasing the paladin's chance to critically hit with Flash of Light by 50% for up to 6 sec. They cannot gain this effect more than once every 6 sec. Lasts 30 sec.
12% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant cast

So at 80, (it's a lvl 80 spell) you can throw this up on yourself, and if you crit you can throw up an (allegedly) instant FoL with a pretty damn good chance of critting for 30 seconds. With our current mana regen ability, this is what I believe will just add to our already immense survivability as Ret. Hell, you might even be able to tank 5-mans at 80 as Ret by helping the healer out while dishing out the damage. Especially with Divine Storm being holy damage. That is a TON of threat you can throw out with RF up. Working in a rotation where you heal yourself after every crit or two crits depending on the need might just work out. With a healer on you, you will be able to keep your mana up even better as well AND provide CC for the group.
#22 Sep 16 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
While we're sort of on the subject, this is my expected lvl 80 build:

Tho i might pull some points from mana rgen talents and put them into pure damage id i move on to raiding.

This is approximately what I'm running as lvl 70 in the beta:
#23 Sep 16 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Thanks to you who defended the post, much appreciated, you guys know exactly what its intent was. The intent of the post was merely an observation that dawned on me when I was playing on the PTR last night, and since there was a response while I was still typing, I felt the urge to do a little extra work for that poster.

AN observation of how that are changing the class to give it a warrior type playstyle. Fury can put out some mean DPS and alot of QQers are complaining that Ret is now pretty much doing the same, and it should be. The numbers passes are not complete, but from what Ive seen, the numbers are true across the board on all of my toons on the PTR - Mage, Rogue, Pally and Lock.

That was all. And to throw in some observations. It actually ended up going on and on and on, as more thoughts popped into my head, which they tend to do sometimes lol.

Like I said, my pally got shelved for my mage, so I have seen the content, been there done that, just not on my pally as much (although he has tanked some) and again, the ret gear was some crap stuff I picked up to do a bit of farming prior to all this beta stuff. :D

Like CAP said, something about looking forward to having fun with it, well, thats the point! Its a blast, and I can even see prot, and even, gasp, holy being the same....

Side note - I PVE, dont really give a crap for PvP, so arena gear, while its great gear no doubt, Ill stick with the PvE gear and PvP for a wep if needed lol

EDIT another side note - think I mentioned it, but either its a bug or the tooltip is wrong, but FoL WAS instant cast everytime it was up haste only had it down to about 1.46 cast time or so I believe. Also someone eluded to the mana cost of DS, with the new mana regen, its not really an issue.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 4:09pm by spicyoctopusroll

EDIT2 - hell I even posted a screenshot of my gear just to show the crap gear I was using, so there was no confusion.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 4:18pm by spicyoctopusroll

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 4:30pm by spicyoctopusroll
#24 Sep 16 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
CapJack of the Seven Seas wrote:
Lets not forget the crazy synergy we will be getting with the new Sacred Shield spell as well. I'll put up the description here:

Each time the target takes damage they gain a Sacred Shield, absorbing 500 damage and increasing the paladin's chance to critically hit with Flash of Light by 50% for up to 6 sec. They cannot gain this effect more than once every 6 sec. Lasts 30 sec.
12% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant cast

So at 80, (it's a lvl 80 spell) you can throw this up on yourself, and if you crit you can throw up an (allegedly) instant FoL with a pretty damn good chance of critting for 30 seconds. With our current mana regen ability, this is what I believe will just add to our already immense survivability as Ret. Hell, you might even be able to tank 5-mans at 80 as Ret by helping the healer out while dishing out the damage. Especially with Divine Storm being holy damage. That is a TON of threat you can throw out with RF up. Working in a rotation where you heal yourself after every crit or two crits depending on the need might just work out. With a healer on you, you will be able to keep your mana up even better as well AND provide CC for the group.

i think i need to change my pants. . . .

whats even better is that we would still have tons of AoE damage to hold threat off the healer durring trash. with DS and our beefy Consicrate now. it may even be enough to let aoe classes dps as such, maybe. i wouldnt mind trying to Tank as a Ret actually.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 2:42pm by RuenBahamut
#25 Sep 16 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
Consecrate, Imp. Ret Aura doing a pretty good amount of damage by itself, the fact that RF is now 90% for everyone. Could definitely hold hate with that. Sacred Shield plus your own heals can help mitigate/deal with the damage.

The ramifications of what I am saying have dire consequences I think.
#26 Sep 16 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Consecrate, Imp. Ret Aura doing a pretty good amount of damage by itself, the fact that RF is now 90% for everyone. Could definitely hold hate with that. Sacred Shield plus your own heals can help mitigate/deal with the damage.

The ramifications of what I am saying have dire consequences I think.

Lol. Indeed. See? Just like a furywarrior can OT pretty effectively. They can be pretty awesome OH as mentioned as well.

What I am seeing with the pally is what druids seemed to be in BC a pretty outstanding hybrid for every spec.

At any rate, all around, I am so very excited for my first toon, my initial main, that aside from trying out the DK, the pally goodness may be oozing from my pores come Lich :O Probably focus on sets for all three specs as well. This is very exciting and I for one am looking forward to it. Hell, might even start arena/BG and getting sets for that too.
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