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#77 Sep 26 2008 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I thought 'ghost wolf removes snares' was too much like the druid's iconic abilities and was axed?

I think that's a really bad decision, both gameplay and lore-wise. The idea of the ghost wolf is shapeshifting, just like a druid's... shapeshifting. If you ask me, combining some of the effects would only make it seem more as if it was one 'school of casting'.

Damn, that's horrible wording from my side, I hope you get what I'm onto.

Yes, that's gone now, and replaced with a crap-tastic totemic-based substitute over in Enhancement.

Earthen Power? But that talent actually seems pretty interesting to me... Or wait; it's that far up in the Enhancement tree. Never mind then.

As for Riptide and Hex, the full extent of the effect they have on Shaman PvP has yet to be seen. I think it goes without saying that Shaman will be better across the board, but the issue at hand is still whether or not they'll be worth building into teams in place of another substitute class. Will Elemental be worth taking over another nuker? Will Enhancement be worth taking over the other melee grinders? Will Hex and the added mobility that Riptide provides be enough to make Resto Shaman sufficiently survivable and worth taking over a Resto Druid, a Disc Priest, or even a Holy Pally?

I have my own opinions and predictions on the matter, but it'll probably take a full season of arena PvP at 80 before we finally see some hard lines drawn.

I think we all have our own opinions and predictions, but you're right, we'll never know 'till it's sure. I'm going to stay tuned, however.
#78 Sep 26 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I'm not sure in what amount Riptide, Hex and the possible 'ghost wolf removes snares' will influence that. Since those 3 abilities seem to be exactly the answers to a Shaman's problems.

Riptide heals for crap and has a 6s cooldown. Hex has a FORTY FIVE second cooldown and you are in control of your character AND you can trinket out of it. The Ghost Wolf thing was removed because it was too much like "druid." -.- Nothing will be better for shaman. lol Just more excuses for people to say "l2play"
#79 Sep 26 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Jiade wrote:
I'm not sure in what amount Riptide, Hex and the possible 'ghost wolf removes snares' will influence that. Since those 3 abilities seem to be exactly the answers to a Shaman's problems.

Riptide heals for crap and has a 6s cooldown. Hex has a FORTY FIVE second cooldown and you are in control of your character AND you can trinket out of it. The Ghost Wolf thing was removed because it was too much like "druid." -.- Nothing will be better for shaman. lol Just more excuses for people to say "l2play"

Oh, come now, Jiade. I love my Shaman-doom-and-gloom as much as the next guy, but let's make sure we keep things in perspective. Things are getting better. However poor Hex may or may not be, I'd much rather have it than not. It's something, at least, and if nothing else at least you can try to force a trinket which is a hell of a lot more than any Shaman can say right now.

Riptide has the unfortunate status of being comparable to Renew and Rejuve, both of which are base abilities, but again, I'd much rather have the option of an instant heal/Hot in Riptide than to not have anything.

I don't think anyone reasonably can or should argue that Shaman aren't getting better. The issue is, as I said, whether or not they're going to be good enough. Will our new tools fix or at least alleviate the problems we currently have? Will we now be worth taking along for whatever reason when everyone else who's already better than us are getting more powerful as well?

I'm sure my thoughts on the matter are no secret to anyone by now. No, I don't believe they will. Which is why I finally re-rolled a Priest to replace my Shaman as my main healer. Still, I'm willing to see what a season of PvP at 80 will show us.
#80 Sep 27 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
The issue I have is that they have changed the game so fundamentally that you have to DIRECTLY compare classes in order to justify a spot. Shamans bring almost NOTHING unique. The only buff that shamans have that no one else does is Heroism in PTR/WotLK.

Moonkins can provide spell haste (albeit not as much as a shaman I think).
Death Knights and Hunters can provide melee/ranged haste.
Death Knights can provide STR/AGI.
Everyone is a mana battery virtually.
Moonkins provide spell crit AND hit (we no longer provide spell hit).

The only buff I'm blanking on is Flametongue Totem (old wrath of air) which I think may be provided by a warlock buff, but I can't honestly remember.

Now, I'm all for the philosophy that it is ridiculous to bring a class just for the buffs they give and that every class deserves a fair chance at a spot in a raid; HOWEVER, you have to make classes able to perform equally. I don't think Shaman can at the moment. We definitely can't in pvp. And we are definitely behind the other healers in pve overall. MP5 isn't scaling to 80 the way spirit does. Spirit also scales with other buffs like Kings, MP5 doesn't. Paladins are the only other non-spirit healer, but illumination is so vastly superior to imp. water shield and their single target heals are already more efficient than ours that we are in no way a threat to their "single target" healing superiority.

I want to justify my place in a raid via my abilities as a healer, not have my place gone in a raid because MP5 can't keep up with spirit. The other situation is being invited JUST for heroism. Talk about feeling like dead weight.
#81 Sep 27 2008 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
If we're on about PvE, I really don't see a shaman's problems. When resto they're hands down the best raid healers, drop a mana totem and can dish out Earth Shield. As Ele they bring a fair load of ranged DPS along with a spell crit chance buff, and as Enh they add a fair load of DPS to the melee group thanks to Windfury, Unleashed Rage and Bloodlust.

Sure, you can argue that there are other classes who have the same or alike buffs. But then you can also argue that théy might be the classes dropped off a raid so you can take that spot.
#82 Sep 27 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
Demonic Pact is a proc effect based on pet crits (similar to Ferocious Inspiration), but Flametongue is a static buff.
It requires two death knights to overcome the buffs an enhancement shaman brings with WF/SoE.
Mana Spring is not a buff like all the mana battery buffs (and in fact stacks with them).
Moonkin haste is a proc effect based on a caster's crits, not static like Wrath of Air.

Trust me, at this point, shamans are bringing more to the table than warlocks are (Commanding Shout > Blood Pact, Divine Spirit/Arcane Intellect > Fel Intelligence).

Shamans do provide a lot of static buffs by way of totems that all other classes will end up providing by way of procs (exceptions being Moonkin/Pally auras).

Currently, problems lie with shamans in all three trees (DPS is subpar in a raid environment for both elemental and enhancement, because scaling has become a problem, and healing is an issue because of mp5).
#83 Sep 27 2008 at 10:29 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
If we're on about PvE, I really don't see a shaman's problems. When resto they're hands down the best raid healers, drop a mana totem and can dish out Earth Shield. As Ele they bring a fair load of ranged DPS along with a spell crit chance buff, and as Enh they add a fair load of DPS to the melee group thanks to Windfury, Unleashed Rage and Bloodlust.

That's the case now. In WotLK (if PTR/Beta trends continue), Shaman will be substandard in all 3 trees and not really bring any unique buffs.

Demonic Pact is a proc effect based on pet crits (similar to Ferocious Inspiration), but Flametongue is a static buff.
It requires two death knights to overcome the buffs an enhancement shaman brings with WF/SoE.
Mana Spring is not a buff like all the mana battery buffs (and in fact stacks with them).
Moonkin haste is a proc effect based on a caster's crits, not static like Wrath of Air.

Trust me, at this point, shamans are bringing more to the table than warlocks are (Commanding Shout > Blood Pact, Divine Spirit/Arcane Intellect > Fel Intelligence).

If Deathknights do more dps, you'll see 2 in a raid anyways. Mana Spring is only "group" buff, so it kinda sucks and doesn't even scale as well as B.o.Wisdom. Moonkin haste is actually a talent and not based off of a "proc." 3% haste on their moonkin aura if it's improved (which it will be). Fel Intelligence replaces Arcane Intelligence (I have a mage and have seen it happen).

There are very few shaman unique buffs. My point is if they offer substandard DPS and HPS/HPM... will those buffs be enough to justify a slot in a raid? Especially if they didn't have heroism? -.- A lot of people are saying the answer is no.
#84 Sep 28 2008 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
There might be less reason for you to worry though, Jiade. I'm not sure if you've read the news about it, but last I heard blizzard is completely redefining raid buffs and debuffs. If I recall correctly they idea was to make a 'class' for each sort of debuff.

For example, they'd make a 'class' named "Light armor reduction", under which the abilities Sunder Armor and Placeholder #1 (can't think of a similar ability at the moment) are counted. In that category, Sunder and the Placeholder abilities would overwrite eachother. Then there is the 'class' named 'Heavy armor reduction', where Expose Armor en Placeholder #2 find their place. As of such, it would be impossible to have Sunder Armor and Placeholder #1 on the target, but it would be possible to have Sunder Armor and Expose Armor on the target.

The idea is that every class gets a few debuffs in a couple of those categories, with the result that at the very least one of those debuffs would be safely usable in a raids. While I could've understood your concern about Shamans considering the old system, I see absolutely no reason why Blizzard would simply 'forget' shamans out of the 10 classes and give them less (de)buffs than the other classes. They've been stressing about giving raid leaders a reason to take each class/spec along on a raid, and I don't think they'll leave shamans out in the cold on that.

Ofcourse complete viability isn't all that achievable as is the case with rogues; there will always be one spec 'best' for raw DPS and that will be the cookie cutter for raids. On the other hand, it would seem Blizzard is at least attempting to make 2 specs equal as good for raiding. But I think we'll have a looooong way to go before we ever see a subtlety raiding spec.
#85 Sep 28 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
If Deathknights do more dps, you'll see 2 in a raid anyways. Mana Spring is only "group" buff, so it kinda sucks and doesn't even scale as well as B.o.Wisdom.

Err, mana spring totem is raidwide. And given that it stacks with BoW and all replenishment buffs, it's worth it anyway (though, a resto shaman will be more likely to be dropping healing stream).

Moonkin haste is actually a talent and not based off of a "proc." 3% haste on their moonkin aura if it's improved (which it will be).

I missed that. In any case, it's 3% haste. WoA is 5%. The proc from Moonkin Aura on spell crits will override WoA temporarily.

Fel Intelligence replaces Arcane Intelligence (I have a mage and have seen it happen). vs.

60 from AI is better than 58 from Imp. Felhunter. AI will override the int bonus from the Felhunter at 80.

There are very few shaman unique buffs. My point is if they offer substandard DPS and HPS/HPM... will those buffs be enough to justify a slot in a raid? Especially if they didn't have heroism? -.- A lot of people are saying the answer is no.

My guess is that there is going to be a resto shaman. Elemental and Enhancement are far and away being left in the dust, which is unfair (currently, we see very few elemental shamans past Brutallus, as well).
#86 Sep 28 2008 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Err, mana spring totem is raidwide. And given that it stacks with BoW and all replenishment buffs, it's worth it anyway (though, a resto shaman will be more likely to be dropping healing stream).

It isn't. LOL I'm on PTR. Healing Stream and Mana Spring are group only. It's hard to test because neither give a "buff" icon anymore. The easy way to test is with healing stream in a raid fight. It won't heal people outside of your group. Healing Stream and Mana Spring both have the exact same wording for who it affects compared to the other totems that ARE raid-wide. Mana Spring and healing Stream both say "group members" while every other totem says "party members." I don't know why party members = your group + raid whereas group members is more limiting, but whatever. It's blizzard.

My guess is that there is going to be a resto shaman. Elemental and Enhancement are far and away being left in the dust, which is unfair (currently, we see very few elemental shamans past Brutallus, as well).

Why would there be a resto shaman? Our buffs are actually INFERIOR to Enhancement AND Elemental shamans. Enhancement has better SoE and Windfury totems. Elemental has Totem of Wrath for casters which is better than Flametongue totem. If priests are better raid healers and don't have the mana issues that shamans are having, why would there be resto shamans? It's sad that all 3 trees are so terrible at the moment, that a raid would be picking the "least" bad spec/player just so they could get heroisms. -.-

One of the reasons you see few elemental shamans past brutallus is because you need resto shamans so much. lol Felmyst you usually have 3+. Eredar Twins... well you need every healer you can find almost.

Edited, Sep 29th 2008 2:32am by Jiade
#87 Sep 29 2008 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Why wouldn't resto shamans be brought to raids Chain heal should still be the ****.

Also wouldn't flame tongue totem stack with totem of wrath?

as far as 25 mans I still think resto shaman will be welcomed plenty.

I am not afraid of shaman of any spec losing any room in 25 mans, I think 2 resto, 1 elemental, and 1 enhancement would be almost a must. That right there offers healing stream and mana stream, flame tongue, totem of wrath, strength of earth, stone skin, windfury, wrath of air, unleash rage, elemental oath, and bloodlust for 4 out of 5 of your groups. If healing stream totem still stacks could have up to 3 of them, and for aoe fire nova can put out some decent damage from any spec.

Even if our damage is not as good as the other classes with all the buffs we can provide shaman will be a must while raiding.

but lets try to get back on to the main topic shaman are (and should stay) fine in pve we are still weak in pvp with the way totems are setup.
#88 Sep 29 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
EDIT: Removed. Again.

Edited, Oct 1st 2008 5:39pm by Gaudion
#89REDACTED, Posted: Sep 29 2008 at 11:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hi Allakhazam, long time reader first time poster. (Could not watch this guy cry any longer)
#90 Sep 29 2008 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
I agree with mudo all the whining has to stop. The posts are pointless. Does blizzard actually read this? Will Gaudion make a difference. No just a loser. Shamans are worthless anyways like GAUD awful.
#91 Sep 29 2008 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
Shamans are worthless anyways like GAUD awful.
Not to continue the hair splitting but.... i believe the correct spelling is GAWD awful. > = )

Shamans are not awful, they're the most versital and fun toon to play.

crazy damage + crazy heals = crazy good
#92 Sep 29 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
I'm also going to be the first to say that there is no way that Healing Stream will be allowed to stack now that it affects the entire raid. If it does start out that way it will be an oversight on Blizzard's part and they will fix that because it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see the ridiculous potential there.

It isn't raid-wide. Neither is Mana Spring.

Shaman is still "ok." The thing is if the other 3 healers are all more efficient and can raid heal as well (or better), would you bring a shaman? That's the case of Shaman right now on PTR and Beta. Dev's JUST NOW acknowledged the fact that shamans are have mana issues (even though there have been about 100+ posts saying as much). If you read the Beta forums, you'd be pessimistic too.

crazy damage + crazy heals = crazy good

This just shows you haven't done end-game. Shamans excel as healers in fights where people are grouped up, there is heavy raid damage, and the healers don't have to move much. Shaman dps very rarely will pass a pure dps class end-game. They justify their spot on live by their ability to boost the pure dps classes even more while doing respectable dps.

Also wouldn't flame tongue totem stack with totem of wrath?

Yes, but enhancement can drop it too. You can get every essential buff (and better than resto) by having an elemental shaman + enhancement shaman. Also, more than two shamans in a raid is a waste because you can't cast heroism more than once every 5 min (10 min cooldown, therefore 2 shamans is best).

Elemental Shaman uses: Wrath of Air, Totem of Wrath, Mana Spring, Stoneskin Totem (interchangeable)
Enhancement Shaman uses: Windfury Totem, Flametongue Totem, Mana Spring (they aren't raid wide), Strength of Earth

There are no other "big" buffs that are lacking from shamans now. There are guardian totems such as cleansing totems, tremor totems, and resistance totems etc. but they aren't going to really improve the performance of the raid significantly.

I agree with mudo all the whining has to stop. The posts are pointless. Does blizzard actually read this? Will Gaudion make a difference. No just a loser. Shamans are worthless anyways like GAUD awful.

QQing about QQing doesn't accomplish any more either.
#93 Sep 30 2008 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Hey lets calm down people I have a feeling Gaudion has been playing this game quite a while and has every right to be dissappionted if shaman changes don't suit him sheesh if we are gonna just troll the blizzard forums may be better for you.

If you where a real long time reader you would also know Gaudion has given much useful information to the readers here. Anyhow I have not been keeping up to date with the patch notes take a long break from WoW at the moment and it may be permanent (no not because I am disappointing with shaman IO just needed a break after i typed /played lol).
#94 Sep 30 2008 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Mudo and Bluto; I'd love to respect your opinions, but you'd have to come with something better than that. So far Gaudion has made about 60 times as much sense as you two put together. If you really think it's that way, I'm willing to believe you - just provide some arguments and don't make a /qq post.
#95 Sep 30 2008 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Gaudion is a fountain of knowledge. Its just the arrogance I hate to ignore. I myself don't play as a shaman. I'm a mage and I hope the shamans do get protection as the killing of totems is unfair to a semi-weak class as the shaman. I definately am not a fan of the elemental state idea as it would make them far too powerful. Unbalencing is not how you make a good game great...
#96 Sep 30 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Aye, but when does balancing become unbalancing? What I'm missing is counter arguments. Basically, Gaudion (and Jiade, iirc) has so far said "Shamans lack CC, instant heals and survivaling abilities to compete in the arena. For raids, shamans lack nothing at the moment, though will end up lacking unique buffs come 3.0 and/or WOTLK". I find myself disagreeing with the latter, though the first does make sense. If you reckon shamans are 'severely and grossly OP', give us some arguments? What imba spells win their team arenas? What kick-*** techniques makes them own everything?
#97 Sep 30 2008 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
It isn't. LOL I'm on PTR. Healing Stream and Mana Spring are group only. It's hard to test because neither give a "buff" icon anymore. The easy way to test is with healing stream in a raid fight. It won't heal people outside of your group. Healing Stream and Mana Spring both have the exact same wording for who it affects compared to the other totems that ARE raid-wide. Mana Spring and healing Stream both say "group members" while every other totem says "party members." I don't know why party members = your group + raid whereas group members is more limiting, but whatever. It's blizzard.

I suppose, then, that's been changed a few times (just like everything else on the PTR/Bets). I just have to wonder why those two totems are not going raidwide, what with the insistence (both from Blizzard and players) that they ought to be. If the argument is made about "unique" buffs, then you are very shortsighted to not realize that they are trying to do away with that. You want to know what unique buff/debuff I can think of in Wrath? Detect Invisibility. And even then, you don't need a warlock for that.

Why would there be a resto shaman? Our buffs are actually INFERIOR to Enhancement AND Elemental shamans. Enhancement has better SoE and Windfury totems. Elemental has Totem of Wrath for casters which is better than Flametongue totem. If priests are better raid healers and don't have the mana issues that shamans are having, why would there be resto shamans? It's sad that all 3 trees are so terrible at the moment, that a raid would be picking the "least" bad spec/player just so they could get heroisms. -.-

One of the reasons you see few elemental shamans past brutallus is because you need resto shamans so much. lol Felmyst you usually have 3+. Eredar Twins... well you need every healer you can find almost.

Because raids like their healers, in short. I would not be surprised to see the Resto/Enhance setup we have going today because Elemental is falling behind, or Resto/Elemental because Enhance is falling short. As for elemental buffs, the same argument could be made now; where DPS races are king, why wouldn't you want your casters to stack as much dmg/crit/haste as possible, and drop 3-4% hit in its stead (depending on your shaman being draenei)? Besides that, Moonkin Aura overrides the crit from ToW, and the +dmg (thanks to the way caster dmg scales) isn't altogether that much at the end of the day. As far as picking the "least" bad spec/player, I suppose it also comes down to the guild composition; right now my lock's guild is lucky to have more than two paladins on at once, or to have even one shaman.

You also keep making the claim that priests are better raid healers. How? They have two AoE heals, one of which has a cooldown, the other of which has a significant mana cost and only affects group members. If priests are better raid healers (which, by the way, we can't yet be sure of), then yeah, they'd be better off in the spot. However, if they are not, then shamans will be. But for all we know, druids could be taking over both spots (and trust me - priests ain't happy about the changes they're getting, either).

Oh, and you don't see elemental as much at endgame because destro locks/rogues/hunters are doing that much more DPS than elemental shamans (yes, the scaling for ele shamans is that terribad). Many guilds even progress through Brutallus without an ele shaman, and that is already a min/max dps race. It's not a matter of "needing" resto shamans so much as whether another class is going to pull the weight of the ele shaman and then some.

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 9:16am by wingsofscion
#98 Sep 30 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Ignore what this post was, please. Apparently some co-workers at one of my old jobs found a computer were I was still logged in. As it is I'm going to be discarding this name and making a new account within the next few days.

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 3:39pm by Gaudion
#99 Sep 30 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
(and trust me - priests ain't happy about the changes they're getting, either).

Hang on a second. Says who? My second main is a priest, I'm happy? Unless you're referring to the changes druids are getting, but I haven't looked at them intensively yet and compared them to what I have to offer.
#100 Sep 30 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Hang on a second. Says who? My second main is a priest, I'm happy? Unless you're referring to the changes druids are getting, but I haven't looked at them intensively yet and compared them to what I have to offer.

There's been a lot of debate over the Disc tree (yes, the whole thing) and the Shadow 51-point talent. It's generally agreed that Dispersion is a bad thing, and the Disc tree is somewhat lacking in terms of general flow and overall usefulness. But, that's a discussion for the priest forums. The Holy tree I can't speak for, but I've literally never looked at it much past SoL/SoR (I'm a smite advocate).

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 12:35pm by wingsofscion
#101 Sep 30 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I've heard about the Dispersion and Disc problems... I can't speak for Dispersion... I'd say spriests need it (as they are the only class I kill easier than mages on my rogue), but I've never played shadow. As for disc, who knows, everything seems to be still up there.

It's holy that's on my mind though. I'm not sure what the latest change is to our 51-pointer, but as far as I can recall we get an instant cast that saves the tank from a killing hit. Castable Cheat Death, if you will. I'm fairly happy with that. And then I'm not even mentioning protection to overhealing and a wicked sick clearcasting. No, I can't really see druids or any other healers pushing us off the PvE scene at the moment.

If it's really that bad on Shamans, their group healing qualities ought to be improved. Make them completely specialized in that I'd say, as shamans don't have the luxury priests have to spec for a specific kind of healing.
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