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Totem ProtectionFollow

#27 Sep 18 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
When a mage specs frost they loose quite a bit of damage, but in exchange they have much better survivability.

>.> Not really. The reason frost mage has never worked well in PVE is because you couldn't shatter on bosses since they couldn't be snared. The other reason is Fire had Molten Fury (bonus damage below 20% enemy health). The combination of those two pushed fire far ahead of frost. In terms of PVP, shatter works and the amount of time an enemy is below 20% health is negligible in comparison to a raid boss.

I'd argue frost can do MUCH more damage in PVP than Fire (at least on live). So not only does a frost mage gain more survivability, a pet (essentially making a 2v2 ... a 3v2), but they also gain more burst damage.

PS: A third reason fire has been the #1 in raiding is 5 stack of scorch which YOU WOULDN'T do in pvp.. unless you are killing someone with scorch spam.

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 11:56am by Jiade
#28 Sep 18 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
A shaman can't survive w/out totems in small-scale PvP. And totems can't survive in PvP. The only reason I proposed making protection a low-tier talent is that I think our totems are fine in PvE. A bit of a PITA during mobile fights, but otherwise fine. So only serious PvP shamans really need them. I think enabling shamans to keep their totems down for a 2-minute stretch makes them quite powerful, so I'm open to the idea of making it a talent that takes a little sacrifice. I like Gaudion's dispel resistance and scaling as alternatives, but feel those perhaps should be talents as well for the reason stated above. On the other hand, what do I know, I'm no designer. But it seems we (almost) all agree here. I'll just await the blue post saying they're taking one of these ideas.
#29 Sep 18 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,121 posts
One of the biggest problem with pigeonholing totem protection with a single spec for shaman is that while many have opinions on which specs fit better in particular areas of wow, the shaman class has no real establishment between the specs to pigeonhole what is intended for each spec.

All of our talent trees are sloppily thrown together with cluttered with both PvP and PvE talents if Blizzard wants elemental to be our PvP spec using survivability and damage from a distance then get rid of our PvE talents with the changes in gear we can jump between restoration and just heal in PvE or for nothing else be a buffing spot healer in 25 man raiding environment. If enhancement is intended to be our PvE DPS spec for leveling and raiding then push it further in that direction and make it a glass cannon. The only spec that I can see being ment for both PvE and PvP is restoration because you always need healers so bad for either situation, and survivability is always what healers are good at.

At the moment we have 2 dps trees cluttered with both PvP and PvE talents and it seems rather then putting there foot down and basicaly establishing each spec they are trying to allow shaman to have a choice, I want to be a PvE elemental shaman, I want to be a PvP elemental shaman, I want to be a PvE enhancement shaman, I want to be a PvP enhancement shaman. Now we have a half working class with 2 half working specs and Blizzard is so scared in trying to balance the spec and making a mistake that they would rather keep it underpowered.

If I knew X tree was ment for PvP and then they got a talent for protecting totems while my Spec y didn't, based on how the trees are now your damn sure I would be pissed because every tree is basically set up to PvP and if X can protect there totems I want to protect my totems as well.

Also assuming doesn't work in competitive PvP like arenas, if I see another shaman in arena I look at his mana bar and his and his teammates buffs, I figure out if he is a caster or a melee and from that point if I see Earthen Shield on anyone I know if he is restoration or elemental. Every Arena team does this with every class and spec and yes there is a lot of assuming done but If I knew it took a restoration shaman to make stunning totems I am gonna want to know what spec he is even more because I want to kill his totems just like everyone does to me because I know how affective this tactic is against shaman.

I kind of wish Blizzard would man up and really establish the specs already that would be a good move in the right direction for shaman in all areas of the game.
#30 Sep 18 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
While I like the arguments Gaudion and Jiade have brought up to counter my words, have you ever played another class against a shaman? I'm not saying killing totems is the hardest thing to do, but you are really making it look way to simple.

Why yes, I hadn't thought of that. There's such a long wait between Rogue attacks, it must feel like you have to wait an eternity before you destroy that totem. And you're right, it's impossible to do without hitting a macro. Right-clicking is so yesterday. Plus those long cooldowns on Gouge and Kidney Shot... I guess you're really better off just leaving the totems alone.

Please. We both know that's not true.

Actually, you'd be amazed how much time it takes us to take down the totems. I've had kidney shots that lost 2/3th of their effect (4 out of 6 seconds) because of it . Which makes sense, really. It's easy. With a 1.80 speed main-hand you will need at least 2 X 1.80= 3.60 seconds to whack 3 totems. And that's assuming everything went perfect; (way) More than often a rogue will have just hit you as he de-targets you, making him wait a while longer before whacking totem #1. And, that's also assuming MH hit 1 kills totem #1, OH hit 1 kills totem #2, and MH hit 2 kills totem #3 - again more than often you will lag a bit, causing OH hit 1 to land on totem #1 as well. In reality, killing 3 totems takes at the very least 4 seconds, and that's assuming you've taken the time to create and hotkeyed a macro specifically for this job.

So basically; yes, sometimes it does feel like I have to wait an eternity before I finally hit the stupid thing as I notice my kidney shot seconds ticking away. And as for the sarcastic comment on gouge and kidney shot; kidney shot actually has a 20 second cooldown, we can't really spam it. Not to mention there's a good chance our stuns will be on DR.

What exactly is too long of a "brief" opportunity? A second? 1.5 seconds? It can't be any more than 1.8 seconds tops since that's the speed of your off-hand along with assumption that your main-hand is synched with it and can't cut some time off of that. So a Resto Shaman might get one Lesser Healing Wave off assuming you don't KS, Gouge, Blind, or have MN poison on them.

One Lesser Healing wave really isn't too bad considering all you did was push a button to create time for it. And if the rogue blinds the shaman just to get rid of his totems, he's a moron. Blind is worth a free restealth. If the rogue uses Mind-numbing over Wounding, he's a moron as well. Not to mention the fact that there's a good chance a poison dispel totem will have gotten rid of the Mind-numbing poison.

And that they're willing to waste mana on totems they know you're going to destroy.

Do you ever ask a 'lock if he's willing to waste mana on DOTs he knows we're going to cloak out of?

Once again, I'm not saying destroying totems is the hardest thing ever. Just don't go around comparing it to a 1 button click dispel, since we lose a lot more on destroying a totem than a priest dispelling a (de)buff does. You aren't 'wasting' mana; at the very least you're using it to force us to switch targets and ruin anywhere from 300 to 1000 potential damage.

Oh, and this is *Rogues* we're talking about. Probably the best class there is for destroying totems. On my priest, I'm forced to waste SW:D on one of those totems or sit there as my wand takes ages to take them all down.
#31 Sep 18 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Moz, the worst totem destroying I've seen comes from Pet classes. While that lock is standing still, burning his cast bar and chain-fearing you, his felpup is crunching the totems. Ditto the hunter and his cat. Or a mage kiting you while icelancing the totems. It's a GCD for GCD tradeoff most of the time but particularly irritating if it's a pet class (where there's no tradeoff because the player gets simultaneous GCDs) or you're being kited, so all you can do with your GCDs is drop totems and watch them get zapped the moment you drop em. Since we're purgebots we're all familiar with the tradeoffs of dispelling buffs and we know how easy it is for some classes to axe ours. Others, true, not so easy (priest seems like a pain to kill totems, or pally).

Rogues really only need to kill the Poison cleansing, then they can go back to stunlocking us to death.
#32 Sep 18 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
Actually, you'd be amazed how much time it takes us to take down the totems. I've had kidney shots that lost 2/3th of their effect (4 out of 6 seconds) because of it . Which makes sense, really. It's easy. With a 1.80 speed main-hand you will need at least 2 X 1.80= 3.60 seconds to whack 3 totems. And that's assuming everything went perfect; (way) More than often a rogue will have just hit you as he de-targets you, making him wait a while longer before whacking totem #1. And, that's also assuming MH hit 1 kills totem #1, OH hit 1 kills totem #2, and MH hit 2 kills totem #3 - again more than often you will lag a bit, causing OH hit 1 to land on totem #1 as well. In reality, killing 3 totems takes at the very least 4 seconds, and that's assuming you've taken the time to create and hotkeyed a macro specifically for this job.

This of course assumes that you wait for the Shaman to have three or four totems down before you even start destroying them. Don't forget that Shaman are charged a 1.00 second GCD for every totem they lay which cuts into the time they have to do anything while/if you're preoccupied.

And as for the sarcastic comment on gouge and kidney shot; kidney shot actually has a 20 second cooldown, we can't really spam it.

Wow... 20 whole seconds? Good thing you don't have anything else to stagger it with, huh? Oh... wait...

One Lesser Healing wave really isn't too bad considering all you did was push a button to create time for it.

And wasted X amount of mana and time/GCD's. We're basically spending time and mana in order to spend more time and mana. It's not a good system.

If the rogue uses Mind-numbing over Wounding, he's a moron as well. Not to mention the fact that there's a good chance a poison dispel totem will have gotten rid of the Mind-numbing poison.

Have you ever played a Shaman and had MN poison placed on you? It's nothing short of a death sentence if you can't get rid of it, and PCT is not a "good chance" of that happening. PCT is a lottery. You can't rely on it to remove the specific Rogue poison you want in much the same way that you can't rely on it to remove Viper Sting. Most (good) PvP Rogues have the talent for dispel resistance on their poisons and stack additional poisons on the Shaman like they're their own scorpid.

Once again, I'm not saying destroying totems is the hardest thing ever. Just don't go around comparing it to a 1 button click dispel, since we lose a lot more on destroying a totem than a priest dispelling a (de)buff does. You aren't 'wasting' mana; at the very least you're using it to force us to switch targets and ruin anywhere from 300 to 1000 potential damage.

I'll continue to do exactly that. Because anything you have to deal with on totems is something other classes have to deal with on dispelling. Switching targets, wasted time, wasted GCD's, having to divide attention from something else... all of those are components that dispellers must deal with on a constant basis no different from anyone dispelling totems. They only difference being, of course, that not everyone can dispel magic buffs, dispels actually have a chance to fail, and you often must wade through trash buffs, none of which are issues totem killers have to deal with.

The two are at least comparable if not heavily favoring the magic buff.

EDIT: I never actually got around to answering your question. As I've always played on an open PvP server and I've leveled very nearly every class in the game to 50-ish, I've had the chance to play against Shaman as pretty much every class except Mage (which I have no interest in) and Priest (of which I am leveling my first now) up to that point. At 70, I've faced off (in PvP gear) against Shaman (in PvP gear) as a Warlock, Warrior, and a Rogue, not to mention as an Enhancement and an Elemental Shaman. Of those five options, the only one of which I actually felt inconvenienced by having to destroy totems was as an Elemental Shaman. We really don't have an option for it other than meleeing or blowing a Shock cooldown (which is stupid).

What about you? Have you ever played a Resto Shaman seriously in PvP? Any Shaman seriously in PvP?

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 2:11am by Gaudion
#33 Sep 18 2008 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
One Lesser Healing wave really isn't too bad considering all you did was push a button to create time for it. And if the rogue blinds the shaman just to get rid of his totems, he's a moron. Blind is worth a free restealth. If the rogue uses Mind-numbing over Wounding, he's a moron as well. Not to mention the fact that there's a good chance a poison dispel totem will have gotten rid of the Mind-numbing poison.

>.> Can't you blind, kill a totem or two... AND restealth? lol (assuming the other partner is preoccupied... because blind isn't going to do much to let you restealth if the other partner is focused on you anyways).... unless you vasnih.

Don't get me wrong, unless the rogue is WAY amazing, he's gonna have a hard time killing me just because of armor etc. But usually... the shaman is going to be focus fired. Mage + Rogue... and a shaman has ZERO chance of living through kidney shot.

The HUGE issue isn't so much with rogues but with warlocks and hunters. They lose no cast time, no gcd, no anything and destroy our totems. Usually the only totems people destroy REGULARLY are windfury, earthbind, and poison cleansing. Warlocks also destroy tremor totem. Only one that really concerns rogues is poison cleansing. /target poison and it is dead with almost no time lost on dps.
#34 Sep 19 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
This of course assumes that you wait for the Shaman to have three or four totems down before you even start destroying them. Don't forget that Shaman are charged a 1.00 second GCD for every totem they lay which cuts into the time they have to do anything while/if you're preoccupied.

To answer to that and the post above yours; technically, the only thing absolutely vital to destroy the poison dispel totem. But searing gets us out of stealth and earthbind ensures that once something messes up you'll get a fair chance to kite us. I generally take the mana restore totem down as well to prevent a resto shaman from outlasting my (sometimes) healing paladin partner. Just this points out exactly what I'm trying to say; you aren't just 'wasting' mana, since you actually get something in return for it - you create a hassle for us, we lose DPS and generally you also get a chance to get out of our range.

And wasted X amount of mana and time/GCD's. We're basically spending time and mana in order to spend more time and mana. It's not a good system.

Isn't that how the whole game works? A warlock fears an enemy to be able to get off spells. That's spending time and mana in order to spend more time and mana. A healing priest fears to get heals off. A paladin stuns for the same purpose. Etc.

I'll continue to do exactly that. Because anything you have to deal with on totems is something other classes have to deal with on dispelling. Switching targets, wasted time, wasted GCD's, having to divide attention from something else... all of those are components that dispellers must deal with on a constant basis no different from anyone dispelling totems. They only difference being, of course, that not everyone can dispel magic buffs, dispels actually have a chance to fail, and you often must wade through trash buffs, none of which are issues totem killers have to deal with.

The two are at least comparable if not heavily favoring the magic buff.

Sure, they're comparable, and a normal buff is obviously preferable to a destroyable totem (duh). But that doesn't mean a totem that must be physically destroyed doesn't have it's pro's.

I never actually got around to answering your question. As I've always played on an open PvP server and I've leveled very nearly every class in the game to 50-ish, I've had the chance to play against Shaman as pretty much every class except Mage (which I have no interest in) and Priest (of which I am leveling my first now) up to that point. At 70, I've faced off (in PvP gear) against Shaman (in PvP gear) as a Warlock, Warrior, and a Rogue, not to mention as an Enhancement and an Elemental Shaman. Of those five options, the only one of which I actually felt inconvenienced by having to destroy totems was as an Elemental Shaman. We really don't have an option for it other than meleeing or blowing a Shock cooldown (which is stupid).

So tell me what other options rogue have aside from meleeing or blowing a cooldown? In fact, gouge, kidney shot and blind CD's are all longer than the 6 sec on shocks. I have to agree to the bit about other classes (and Tuskerdu's post) though; pet classes are a load better at killing totems - that's my bad.

What about you? Have you ever played a Resto Shaman seriously in PvP? Any Shaman seriously in PvP?

I have to admit, not a shaman, no. Did do rogue, druid, priest (even holy) and a flair of mage. That's not the point I'm trying to make, though. Like I've said earlier, I do realize totems in their current form are a bit underbalanced and could use a buff. It's just that you are acting like it's a cakewalk for us to destroy them without us losing anything in the process of doing so, when it Ãs actually causing us a hassle.

>.> Can't you blind, kill a totem or two... AND restealth? lol (assuming the other partner is preoccupied... because blind isn't going to do much to let you restealth if the other partner is focused on you anyways)....

No, I can't. If I blind you and instantly after destroy one or two totems, blind will generally be over before I can restealth.

The HUGE issue isn't so much with rogues but with warlocks and hunters. They lose no cast time, no gcd, no anything and destroy our totems. Usually the only totems people destroy REGULARLY are windfury, earthbind, and poison cleansing. Warlocks also destroy tremor totem.

I'll have to agree here, yes. Pets are just insanely helpful against totems.

Only one that really concerns rogues is poison cleansing. /target poison and it is dead with almost no time lost on dps.

Well yes. If I only destroy poison cleansing the DPS lost and 'break' for you will be a lot smaller. But the mana spent and total global CD time lost will also be a lot smaller

Edit: I discussed this problem and discussion with a pall of mine, and he came up with a very simple but actually pretty good solution. Give totems a 'cheap' version of cheat death. Effectively that would mean you'd need 2 hits to take one down. I reckon that gives a pretty fair window of opportunity for the Shaman, and force a class like the rogue to *always* actually click the thing and then spend 2-3 seconds next to it before getting rid of it. It's just the pet classes for which this buff would be too weak. Maybe make totems immune to pet attacks. Or what about giving them a high (30/40/50%) 'dodge' chance? Something that simply forces the enemy player to waste some (or rather, 'more') time into destroying totems.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 4:25pm by Mozared
#35 Sep 19 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
And wasted X amount of mana and time/GCD's. We're basically spending time and mana in order to spend more time and mana. It's not a good system.

Isn't that how the whole game works? A warlock fears an enemy to be able to get off spells. That's spending time and mana in order to spend more time and mana. A healing priest fears to get heals off. A paladin stuns for the same purpose. Etc.

You can not possibly compare laying a totem to casting Fear and expect people to take your argument seriously. If you can't see how many more uses Fear has than just buying you 1.0-1.5 seconds of not getting your face raped by a Rogue, then I just don't know what's to be done.

So tell me what other options rogue have aside from meleeing or blowing a cooldown?

First, you tell me what other options Rogues need aside from meleeing a totem.

In fact, gouge, kidney shot and blind CD's are all longer than the 6 sec on shocks.

... But don't cost you your interrupt, only reliable snare, or only worthwhile instant-cast damage spell/DoT.

What about you? Have you ever played a Resto Shaman seriously in PvP? Any Shaman seriously in PvP?

I have to admit, not a shaman, no. Did do rogue, druid, priest (even holy) and a flair of mage. That's not the point I'm trying to make, though.

Well then, exactly what point were you trying to make here? Sounded like you were just fishing for a reason to discredit my stance on the matter, but I could be wrong.

... when it Ãs actually causing us a hassle.

A hassle. Not a problem, not a threat, but a hassle. Yes, that's... that's just horrible, that's what that is.

Or what about giving them a high (30/40/50%) 'dodge' chance? Something that simply forces the enemy player to waste some (or rather, 'more') time into destroying totems.

That's pretty much identicle to my dispel suggestion.
#36 Sep 19 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,079 posts
To answer to that and the post above yours; technically, the only thing absolutely vital to destroy the poison dispel totem. But searing gets us out of stealth and earthbind ensures that once something messes up you'll get a fair chance to kite us. I generally take the mana restore totem down as well to prevent a resto shaman from outlasting my (sometimes) healing paladin partner. Just this points out exactly what I'm trying to say; you aren't just 'wasting' mana, since you actually get something in return for it - you create a hassle for us, we lose DPS and generally you also get a chance to get out of our range.

I'm starting to seriously doubt your credibility.

#1. Poison Cleansing and Mana totems are the same "school" (water) so you wouldn't have to destroy both at once. That's still 1/4 totems.

#2. Searing totem won't break stealth. Ever. Never ever. The only time it MAY is on travel-time of the little fireball WHILE you vanish. Even then, I'm not sure. I do know if you are stealthed it WILL NOT attack you.

#3. Earthbind is easily easily easily countered by a rogue. If a shaman is running he's usually in trouble anyways (because they can't cast). Deadly Throw, Shadowstep, Sprint, or walk all of 10 yards out of earthbind lol..... oh and the shaman is probably snared with crippling poison and has a stack of other poisons on so that he/she has to wade through a myriad of poisons before being able to move normally. Snare vs Snare = even footing.

#4. If a shaman is moving, you don't HAVE to destroy totems. lol.... they don't have infinite range. :X Offensive totems have the worst range. Defensive totems are only 30 yards.

#5. Do you realize how much of a "hassle" rogues are to shamans? BTW, Kick is BASICALLY a VERY VERY VERY VERY long stun to a casting shaman. There's NOTHING they can do when kicked but stand there and watch EVERY SINGLE SPELL cooldown. Then you also have gouge, kidney shot, blind, vanish-kidney shot, etc.... all while having the power to destroy our totems too (which probably can't even get laid because we're locked out of casting AND/OR we're stunned).

#6. A shaman will NOT outlast a Paladin in Arena. Shamans have to waste a lot of mana on totems because they are destroyed all the time. Shamans have much less MP5 on PVP gear. Paladins and Shamans both get much more crit, well... paladins get mana back FROM spell crits and shamans do not. Blessing of Freedom, Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection... we have um, earth shield? rofl

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 1:31pm by Jiade
#37 Sep 19 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You can not possibly compare laying a totem to casting Fear and expect people to take your argument seriously. If you can't see how many more uses Fear has than just buying you 1.0-1.5 seconds of not getting your face raped by a Rogue, then I just don't know what's to be done.

Actually, you can compare the two in a really simple way. They're both a form of CC. Or if you can't live with that wording, both of them make sure your enemy is being 'annoyed' due to the fact that they are being forced into do something they'd rather not (; they'd rather focus on the target at hand). Granted, totems that need to be destroyed are probably the ********* form of 'CC' ever, but they do help. Which is exactly what I'm stating.

First, you tell me what other options Rogues need aside from meleeing a totem.

If you want an option that doesn't inconvenience you at áll, we'll need a clickable button that immediately destroys all totems in the vinicity and doesn't trigger global CD. But the fact that we don't need other options to destroy totems doesn't say that our current options work flawless 100% of the time without influencing whatever we're currently doing.

... But don't cost you your interrupt, only reliable snare, or only worthwhile instant-cast damage spell/DoT.

No, they cost me a CC cooldown. I never said our loss was as great as a shaman's on this point (which is what you're insinuating), I'm stating there Ãs loss.

Well then, exactly what point were you trying to make here? Sounded like you were just fishing for a reason to discredit my stance on the matter, but I could be wrong.

If you think that's what it sounds like, keep thinking, that's your choice. I don't feel the need or urge to defend myself here.

A hassle. Not a problem, not a threat, but a hassle. Yes, that's... that's just horrible, that's what that is.

No, it isn't. But it's just the thing I've been stating from my first post; you'd be surprised how much of a hassle it is, seeing as your first post strongly gave me the feeling you were underestimating a totem's effect on other classes, or more specifically, the rogue.

That's pretty much identicle to my dispel suggestion.

Now that you mention it.

I'm starting to seriously doubt your credibility.

I never asked you to give your opinion on my vision and experiences. Doubt away, no hard feelings.

#1. Poison Cleansing and Mana totems are the same "school" (water) so you wouldn't have to destroy both at once. That's still 1/4 totems.

#2. Searing totem won't break stealth. Ever. Never ever. The only time it MAY is on travel-time of the little fireball WHILE you vanish. Even then, I'm not sure. I do know if you are stealthed it WILL NOT attack you.

Unless you get close? This is a point I've never been certain over, I just never took chances. I did say I haven't seriously played a Shaman. Odds are large I'll mix stuff up; I'm looking at this from a rogues perspective, and I do know there's a couple of totems I'll destroy whenever I see them. Same thing with the blind+kill totems theory, really; technically spoken it should be possible to kill... 2 totems and restealth before blind ends, following the wowwiki rules about out of combat, diminishing returns and blind. It's just that I've never done or seen that happen; reality proves different than what 'mathematical' logics would say.

On a side-note; if searing doesn't break stealth, why the hell does every shaman I see drop it? Is that really the best the fire tree has to offer?

#3. Earthbind is easily easily easily countered by a rogue. If a shaman is running he's usually in trouble anyways (because they can't cast). Deadly Throw, Shadowstep, Sprint, or walk all of 10 yards out of earthbind lol..... oh and the shaman is probably snared with crippling poison and has a stack of other poisons on so that he/she has to wade through a myriad of poisons before being able to move normally. Snare vs Snare = even footing.

First things first; If a shaman is running he's usually in trouble anyways? That's nonsense, you're insinuating a shaman who isn't in trouble just stands there. I've only seen awful shamans do such things, all avarage to good shamans have been trying to kite and/or LOS me untill they actually needed to heal. Second, I was specifically referring to the situation where the poison dispelling totem (or even partner) dispells crippling before we get rid of it, and the shaman wolves out of our range while we're stuck in earthbind. Yes, Deadly Throw is a nice counter, one I use a lot. No, my current spec doesn't have shadowstep. Yes, I'm hesitant to use sprint; it increases my speed by 70% while earthbind slows it by 50%. With a 20% speed increase it still takes some time to catch up with a running shaman.

In the end, yes, ofcourse Earthbind is fairly easily countered by a rogue. If I REALLY wanted to I could pop cloak and sprint. The thing is, once again, you're causing a nuisance for us.

#4. If a shaman is moving, you don't HAVE to destroy totems. lol.... they don't have infinite range. :X Offensive totems have the worst range. Defensive totems are only 30 yards.

Yes, but if I leave for example an earthbind totem intact, the shaman will backtrack to it lateron. And what about the poison cleansing totem we're on about so much?

#5. Do you realize how much of a "hassle" rogues are to shamans? BTW, Kick is BASICALLY a VERY VERY VERY VERY long stun to a casting shaman. There's NOTHING they can do when kicked but stand there and watch EVERY SINGLE SPELL cooldown. Then you also have gouge, kidney shot, blind, vanish-kidney shot, etc.... all while having the power to destroy our totems too (which probably can't even get laid because we're locked out of casting AND/OR we're stunned).

That's got nothing to do with the discussion though. Ofcourse rogues are a 'hassle' to shamans, we're pretty much made to be anti-caster. But here's another nice true thing that doesn't counter the fact that totems create a hassle for us. Basically, you could say PvP between shaman and rogue is a bit unbalanced. Specifically the totem bit, because rogues can destroy them with fair ease rather than having to put serious effort in it. So totems would indeed need some kind of buff. Which is exactly what I've been saying from post one.

#6. A shaman will NOT outlast a Paladin in Arena. Shamans have to waste a lot of mana on totems because they are destroyed all the time. Shamans have much less MP5 on PVP gear. Paladins and Shamans both get much more crit, well... paladins get mana back FROM spell crits and shamans do not. Blessing of Freedom, Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection... we have um, earth shield? rofl

My partner is usually specced and geared shockadin, though. Shamans with mana have a number of spells and abilities at their disposal that can turn the tide of battle. This is a more personal problem, but since I don't play with a epixxed out cookie cutter healer at my side, I like to play it safe.
#38 Sep 19 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
You can not possibly compare laying a totem to casting Fear and expect people to take your argument seriously. If you can't see how many more uses Fear has than just buying you 1.0-1.5 seconds of not getting your face raped by a Rogue, then I just don't know what's to be done.

Actually, you can compare the two in a really simple way. They're both a form of CC. Or if you can't live with that wording, both of them make sure your enemy is being 'annoyed' due to the fact that they are being forced into do something they'd rather not (; they'd rather focus on the target at hand). Granted, totems that need to be destroyed are probably the sh*ttiest form of 'CC' ever, but they do help. Which is exactly what I'm stating.


The working definition of CC is "any effect which causes a complete loss of control of your character". Explain to me how that applies to totems. No, don't bother, I'll save us all the time and trouble: it doesn't. Totems do not cause any loss of character control whatsoever any more than they force you to focus on and destroy them. That's the difference between CC and totems. You can choose to ignore totems if they're no detriment to you; I can't opt out of a Blind.

But the fact that we don't need other options to destroy totems doesn't say that our current options work flawless 100% of the time without influencing whatever we're currently doing.

Let's not try to blur the issue in your favor. Your current options do work flawlessly 100% of the time. However, yes, they do also influence what you do.

... But don't cost you your interrupt, only reliable snare, or only worthwhile instant-cast damage spell/DoT.

Well then, exactly what point were you trying to make here? Sounded like you were just fishing for a reason to discredit my stance on the matter, but I could be wrong.

If you think that's what it sounds like, keep thinking, that's your choice. I don't feel the need or urge to defend myself here.

The fact that you're not going to provide me with an alternative really leaves me little choice. It's not like this is a phrase any of us haven't seen a hojillion different times on any given forum. "Well have you actually done X?" It's fishing for leverage. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt with "... but I could be wrong," but... Well, it is what it is, I guess.
#39 Sep 19 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts

The working definition of CC is "any effect which causes a complete loss of control of your character". Explain to me how that applies to totems. No, don't bother, I'll save us all the time and trouble: it doesn't. Totems do not cause any loss of character control whatsoever any more than they force you to focus on and destroy them. That's the difference between CC and totems. You can choose to ignore totems if they're no detriment to you; I can't opt out of a Blind.

That's a wrong definition if you ask me. Wowwiki goes with
Crowd Control refers to spells and abilities which limit an opponent's ability to fight, and is abbreviated CC.

Which is more logical anyway. The words say 'crowd CONTROL'. Slowing somebody is a form of control, if you ask me. And yes, you can choose to ignore totems if they're no detriment to you. But as a rogue we simply can't afford to let a poison cleansing totem live, to name one. A warlock can't afford to leave a tremor totem standing, to name another example.

Edit: Before you are going to tell me that that way you could even call buffs CC; No, I never actually call totems CC. I'm just using the term here to draw a comparison.

Let's not try to blur the issue in your favor. Your current options do work flawlessly 100% of the time. However, yes, they do also influence what you do.

Alright, you got me here, I can't deny the fact that meleeing a totem will kill it 100% of the time. It's a bad choice of wording, I mean to say my current options aren't always ideal. It's that second sentence I've been on about though, as I've pointed out a couple of times.

The fact that you're not going to provide me with an alternative really leaves me little choice. It's not like this is a phrase any of us haven't seen a hojillion different times on any given forum. "Well have you actually done X?" It's fishing for leverage. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt with "... but I could be wrong," but... Well, it is what it is, I guess.

Ahh, you were on about that one. The reason I included that sentence in my post is because your view of rogues killing totems didn't seem to be correct, you were overestimating rogues. I was (and am, without knowing a reason why it didn't work for you) convinced that if you had played a rogue against a shaman you would have in no time noticed that killing shaman totems isn't the cakewalk you took it for.

I have no intention of discrediting you, nor do I have a reason to. I had hoped you would have realized that wasn't what I was after. When you asked me about it, I couldn't think of a reason for you to think like you did. You just provided me with one, though. Looks like we both misunderstood eachother.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 9:04pm by Mozared
#40 Sep 19 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
QUE.. why cant we be friends
#41 Sep 19 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I think we're actually edging towards that =P Like I just mentioned it seems both me and Gaudion misunderstood eachother... I just like the discussion, there's no personal feelings involved.
#42 Sep 19 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
This is honestly the most intelligent game discussion i've ever witnessed. Both are making valid points and get me thinking with each additional post. So.. bravo sirs... BRAVO.
#43 Sep 19 2008 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
to be honest i would be perfectly happy if each totem had a 50% chance to stun the target for 2sec when it was hit, and could be improved through a talent, 2pts... first point would add 12% then the sec 25% this would give us an edge we need in pvp...

that 2 sec could be life or death for us.... enough time to get in a heal.... run fromt he fight...

to balance this increase the cost of totems, by like 15-20%.... i mean totems are cheap mana wise compared to other buffs...

this would also give us a half assed cc.... if combined with stoneclaw... 100% stun chance to stun the attacker...
#44 Sep 19 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Moz, fyi searing totem does not unstealth a rogue. Magma, our pulsing aoe, does. Shamans usually drop searing rather than magma because even rank 1 magma has a relatively high mana cost for certain specs (enhance) that makes it tricky to spam, and searing will keep a rogue in combat or pushback casters who stand outside of the small aoe of magma.

#45 Sep 19 2008 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
That basically means I can stealth right into a shaman as any other target while he's surrounded by totems. Charming. Seems a bit horrible about the totem though... Compared to the relatively huge buffs some other totems give, an irritating pushback totem seems really weak.
#46 Sep 19 2008 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
We don't have much for fire buffing totems.

On a elemental shaman you would be surprised the little turret can put out some decent damage if ignored (I think mine can crit for about 450). As a matter of fact since you rogues like ignoring my searing totem in BGs that is my main tactic in killing rogues I pop lightning shield drop searing totem and rotate frost shock and flame shock kiting as much as possible and healing as often as possible. Sadly rogues never let me do this in arena's and if they do they probably have a druid healer anyway, aside from that my hunter bud really hates searing totem and flame shock they have lost our fair share of matches dew to uncoordinated DPS/CC lol.
#47 Sep 20 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
On a side-note; if searing doesn't break stealth, why the hell does every shaman I see drop it? Is that really the best the fire tree has to offer?

Spell Pushback on healers + Small Damage. >.> That's why I use it.

That's got nothing to do with the discussion though. Ofcourse rogues are a 'hassle' to shamans, we're pretty much made to be anti-caster. But here's another nice true thing that doesn't counter the fact that totems create a hassle for us. Basically, you could say PvP between shaman and rogue is a bit unbalanced. Specifically the totem bit, because rogues can destroy them with fair ease rather than having to put serious effort in it. So totems would indeed need some kind of buff. Which is exactly what I've been saying from post one.

Not even close to the same hassle. Rogues are IN CONTROL of the fight. Shamans are lucky to have 50% of the fight to even push a button to TRY to react to what a rogue has done. Imagine if a resto shaman could stun you AND disarm you (and you have no hand to hand skill). I doubt you'd consider that fair. But it's PRETTY DAMN CLOSE to what a rogue does to a casting shaman. Stun (poisons are stacking), more stun (still getting killed), start to cast... kick.... if I'm lucky I might have faked you out, but I probably CAN'T right now because I'm getting low at this point, and now a rogue can restart the battle ALL OVER again if he wants and start the stun cycle over.

Shamans with mana have a number of spells and abilities at their disposal that can turn the tide of battle. This is a more personal problem, but since I don't play with a epixxed out cookie cutter healer at my side, I like to play it safe.

What are these awesome abilities? Aside from the buffs we give other people, shamans really wouldn't have a place in arena. Who WANTS shamans in their arena teams? *hint* the answer is warriors and retadins for windfury *end hint* You know how many non warrios/retadins have asked me to arena? ZERO. But I get asked every other day by warriors and retadins for arena teams to be a windfury/heroism bot. A shaman has to hope HIS BUFFS stay on and are enough for the other team member(s) to carry him to a victory. If it comes down to Shaman vs Other class, other class just won 90% of the time.

Also, honestly on live. You can ignore a poison cleansing totem most of the time. It removes ONE poison every 5s (and it can resist -.-). At the rate a rogue puts poisons on me... I have a full stack before my totem pulses twice. So if you have 2 poisons (1 is 5 stack, 1 is 1 stack).... that means every 5 seconds I'll have 5 poisons on me instead of 6, then you hit me and I have 6 again. Unless I'm spamming poison cleansing on myself WITH a poison cleansing totem, I have no way of keeping up with how fast poisons are put on me. If I'm cleansing poisons, I can't cast heals. If I can't cast heals, I can't counter your dps (or your partners). So, remove poisons or heal myself?

This is why Shaman is a game of burst damage. We go in and pray the game is over in 30s. The longer the game, the less likely a shaman is to win. We're the least mobile healer. Our buffs don't move. No instant heals. No instant Hots. No fear (priests). No snare/root breaking (druids shifting, pally BoF, priest dispel). All we have is high armor, EASILY dispellable earth shield, easily destroyed non-mobile totems that aren't very effective defensively, and nature's guardian. Without Nature's Guardian NO RESTO SHAMAN would exist above 1800, I'm pretty sure.
#48 Sep 21 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Not even close to the same hassle. Rogues are IN CONTROL of the fight. Shamans are lucky to have 50% of the fight to even push a button to TRY to react to what a rogue has done. Imagine if a resto shaman could stun you AND disarm you (and you have no hand to hand skill). I doubt you'd consider that fair. But it's PRETTY DAMN CLOSE to what a rogue does to a casting shaman. Stun (poisons are stacking), more stun (still getting killed), start to cast... kick.... if I'm lucky I might have faked you out, but I probably CAN'T right now because I'm getting low at this point, and now a rogue can restart the battle ALL OVER again if he wants and start the stun cycle over.

That's got nothing to do with the discussion though. Ofcourse rogues are a 'hassle' to shamans, we're pretty much made to be anti-caster.

Have you ever seen a rogue fight a mage? Or for the best results, a fire mage? We're an anti-caster class, unless you've got a big amount of hit points, resilience and anti-CC tricks to suck it up your chance of winning against us is already lessened. Not every class has a completely fair fight against every other class. As another example, ever seen a mage vs a disc priest? The game is and never was balanced around 1vs1 PvP. But like I just quoted myself; that hasn't got anything to do with the discussion about totems creating a hassle for rogues. Ofcourse totems aren't enough hassle for rogues to even the fight out, but I don't think that was ever the intention. I think you're misunderstanding me; I'm not whining about totems making the fight so unfair that shamans actually have a good chance against me. I'm stating totems cause a hassle for rogues.

What are these awesome abilities? Aside from the buffs we give other people, shamans really wouldn't have a place in arena.

Actually, I was thinking good old Earth Shock. If it turns into an outlasting match, one well-timed earthshock can lock down my partner's entire hotkey bar for a bit, which can be enough for you and your partner to kill me.

Who WANTS shamans in their arena teams? *hint* the answer is warriors and retadins for windfury *end hint* You know how many non warrios/retadins have asked me to arena? ZERO. But I get asked every other day by warriors and retadins for arena teams to be a windfury/heroism bot. A shaman has to hope HIS BUFFS stay on and are enough for the other team member(s) to carry him to a victory. If it comes down to Shaman vs Other class, other class just won 90% of the time.

Also, honestly on live. You can ignore a poison cleansing totem most of the time. It removes ONE poison every 5s (and it can resist -.-). At the rate a rogue puts poisons on me... I have a full stack before my totem pulses twice. So if you have 2 poisons (1 is 5 stack, 1 is 1 stack).... that means every 5 seconds I'll have 5 poisons on me instead of 6, then you hit me and I have 6 again. Unless I'm spamming poison cleansing on myself WITH a poison cleansing totem, I have no way of keeping up with how fast poisons are put on me. If I'm cleansing poisons, I can't cast heals. If I can't cast heals, I can't counter your dps (or your partners). So, remove poisons or heal myself?

While I don't entirely agree with this, it's completely off the point. Reread my bit of text up there starting with "Have you ever..." if you're not sure what I mean. On a side-note, wound poison will no longer be 5 stacks as of next patch.

This is why Shaman is a game of burst damage. We go in and pray the game is over in 30s. The longer the game, the less likely a shaman is to win. We're the least mobile healer. Our buffs don't move. No instant heals. No instant Hots. No fear (priests). No snare/root breaking (druids shifting, pally BoF, priest dispel). All we have is high armor, EASILY dispellable earth shield, easily destroyed non-mobile totems that aren't very effective defensively, and nature's guardian. Without Nature's Guardian NO RESTO SHAMAN would exist above 1800, I'm pretty sure.

Same thing sort of applies here, but I wanted to give a reaction; Even as PvP isn't balanced around 1vs1 combat, keep in mind you face different team set-ups. There's a good chance you and your (for example) rogue partner end up against a double mage team. LOS and it'll indeed BE over within 30s. It's what I've been saying all along this and the previous post, basically; While many would disagree, PvP still is a form of rock-paper-scissors.
#49 Sep 22 2008 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
While I don't entirely agree with this, it's completely off the point. Reread my bit of text up there starting with "Have you ever..." if you're not sure what I mean. On a side-note, wound poison will no longer be 5 stacks as of next patch

I was just making the point that healers are invited for specific reasons. Shamans: windfury/heroism (pray you get lucky procs and destroy the other team). Disc Priest: Fear/Mana Burn/Healing/Kill yourself on their shield. Paladins: Blessing of Protection/Divine Shield/Fast Crit mana efficient healing/removes cc's. Druids... where to start, bash, feral charge, roots, cyclone, lifebloom (instant heal on dispel), rejuv/swiftmend combo.

On live, Shaman as a healer brings a lot less to a group than the other healers simply because our "attraction" and reason for being there.... is our totems. Our Totems are destroyed so incredibly fast in arena I sometimes stop casting them. I just cast windfury every 10s since that's how long the buff lasts... and I know it is destroyed as soon as I cast it. Earth Shield is gone before it can proc twice (sometimes before it procs once).

But I think that's why shaman is getting quite a bit of changes going into PTR (and WotLK) to try to make us more viable for pvp. Riptide (instant small heal/hot). Hex. Stoneclaw will protect our totems.... though I also feel this is the WRONG way to improve pvp viability since the two totems I USUALLY want protected are earthbind or tremor totem (ie both are earth.. so you can't use stoneclaw too). Hopefully they figure it out one day. lol
#50 Sep 22 2008 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I was just making the point that healers are invited for specific reasons. Shamans: windfury/heroism (pray you get lucky procs and destroy the other team). Disc Priest: Fear/Mana Burn/Healing/Kill yourself on their shield. Paladins: Blessing of Protection/Divine Shield/Fast Crit mana efficient healing/removes cc's. Druids... where to start, bash, feral charge, roots, cyclone, lifebloom (instant heal on dispel), rejuv/swiftmend combo.

On live, Shaman as a healer brings a lot less to a group than the other healers simply because our "attraction" and reason for being there.... is our totems. Our Totems are destroyed so incredibly fast in arena I sometimes stop casting them. I just cast windfury every 10s since that's how long the buff lasts... and I know it is destroyed as soon as I cast it. Earth Shield is gone before it can proc twice (sometimes before it procs once).

That all differs per server and bracket though. On my server, you rarely see a disc priest in 2v2, whereas they're quite popular in 5v5. For 2v2, everybody always wants a druid. That said, ever tried finding a raiding guild as a rogue? All classes are wanted and shunned in different types of content. As a Shaman, I'd be glad I could actually spec 3 different ways and still be fine in the arena's, rather than on my rogue where one hás to spec cookie cutter to be of use and wanted.

But I think that's why shaman is getting quite a bit of changes going into PTR (and WotLK) to try to make us more viable for pvp. Riptide (instant small heal/hot). Hex. Stoneclaw will protect our totems.... though I also feel this is the WRONG way to improve pvp viability since the two totems I USUALLY want protected are earthbind or tremor totem (ie both are earth.. so you can't use stoneclaw too). Hopefully they figure it out one day. lol

Hmm, I say I'd have to see stuff in action before judging. Enh Shamans get free extra interruption-causing DPS, Ele Shamans become unkillable while stunned or feared and resto Shamans will get an easier time with Hex and a 3-in-1 dispel that will become the bane of Rogues, Warlocks and Death Knights. All that is nothing to scoff at.
#51 Sep 22 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
and a 3-in-1 dispel that will become the bane of Rogues, Warlocks and Death Knights

Did you just genuinely suggest that a GCD-absorbing Dispel will be the 'Bane of Rogues'?? Right now Shamans can dispel Rogue poisons in precisely the same way, in fact the only added advantage is against Warlocks and they are in as bad shape as Shamans. If this new cleanse is so deadly against Rogues then the current poison cleanse must be just as powerful. And it isnt.

Rogues can stack poisons faster than any Shaman ability can purge them without just standing there whacking Cure while your HP disappears. Come on mate, that's ridiculous.

Seriously, Shamans are gimp in the expansion. The meters prove it, the beta testers say it, the PTR testers (including myself) say it, and just pure common sense says it. You might not think so, but thats only because it isnt terribly important if you're right or not. You say you want to see it in action, I have, many have, trust us it's really not as nice as your Rogue thinks.

Anyhoo, my personal idea for totem protection is to have a stacking hit debuff. Every time one of your totems gets destroyed, the Shaman gains a 15 second buff, I dont care what its name is; basically, it confers to all other totems a 25% resistance to all attacks. Every time a totem dies from hostile fire, the buff stacks up again, maximum of four stacks.

In PvE it's irrelevant, in PvP it means people will have to think really carefully about which totems the destroy as they will eventually become immune to harm. It has a 15sec 'timer' on it so a clever opponent can just wait for your buff to run out, but that's ok. 15secs of bufftime is adequate for PvP and allows you to lay down more totems.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2008 9:52am by Sinstralis
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