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Spectral Wolf AxedFollow

#1 Sep 10 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Koraa wrote:
Just an FYI - We're going to be dumping Spectral Transformation. We decided we weren't cool with the Shaman's Ghost Wolf being too close to a core Druid iconic ability. What will replace it is a deep Enhancement Talent that will cause your Earthbind totem to clear all snares each time it pulses on you and all nearby friendly targets.

Translation: It is in our vision for the game design that Shaman always be vastly inferior to Druids, the other nature-based three-role hybrid.

There are already plenty of classes in the game with talents and core abilities that mimic other class' talents and/or core abilities, but apparently the Shaman class having a damn good and much needed one just isn't in the cards as far as Blizzard is concerned. Instead, we're back to totems again, which is awesome because we can still get feared and then have our Tremor Totem destroyed before it pulses. Now Enhancement Shaman get to double their pleasure.

Note: I am really, really hoping that the "clear all snares" description from Koraa was an absent-minded one and that s/he really meant to say "clear all movement impairing effects". Otherwise Enhancements are right back to the root-fest that was TBC in addition to their now un-relieved and re-agitated issue with snares.

Further notes: I lost the post and couldn't find it again, but apparently initial testing is showing Enhancement and Resto Shaman DPS/HPS being vastly inferior not only in comparison to other classes in beta, but to current performance on live as well. Elemental is apparently still stacking up well despite a problem with Thunderstorm, though any dreams of a rotation involving Lightning spells and Flame Shock/Lava Burst have turned out to be a pipe dream, as I suspected it would. LB spam is still ruling all, from what I hear.

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 12:42pm by Gaudion
#2 Sep 10 2008 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
I was torn about this, also playing a feral druid and a mage. The only reason a mage stands a prayer against a feral is the animals have little burst. An unsnareable enhancer would down a mage in 3 secs flat. A hunter may take 4. And it did seem wrong to have shammies basically duplicate a druid's shapeshifting.

The totem cleanse is creative, but....but....maybe a talent or inscription to make destroying a totem not an automatic win for our opponent (something like glyph of stoneclaw: gives all totems for 10 secs the ability to stun anyone who hits them, 3 min cd)? If they want to base our outs around totems that's all well and good, but something to make them harder to essentially dispel? Most buff classes get dispel resistance (or immunity for retadins).
#3 Sep 10 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I was torn about this, also playing a feral druid and a mage. The only reason a mage stands a prayer against a feral is the animals have little burst. An unsnareable enhancer would down a mage in 3 secs flat. A hunter may take 4.

I can agree with downing a mage and a hunter, our burst potential is great, but ok so earthbind pulses now and removes snare, and i hope all movement impairing effects. But buff the totem, have it recieve a bonous from our stamina or max health.

Otherwise Enhancements are right back to the root-fest that was TBC in addition to their now un-relieved and re-agitated issue with snares

why not put a balance on Ghost Wolf, like have it be immune for the first 5 sec to snares/movement impairing effects... i dont know but it pisses me off that once again they get our hopes up of all the improvements, and now they start to remove the better ones... Its better now than the first patch after release, because i would completly pissed if i got to use the new talents for 2 weeks and then have raped from me...

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 4:17pm by NomaakEarthshaker
#4 Sep 10 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
120 posts
This is dam BS! Druids can mimic rogue abilities (the iconic stealth) and Warrior abilities (the iconic Intercept and Rend)!!! But Shamans can NOT mimic an "iconic" Druid ability?! What frickin BS! It's not like we didn't have to deep into the enhancement tree to get it, because we sure did.
If they are going to tie it to the Tremor Totem, then they need to increase the totems radius and increase how often it pulses. Like Guadion said too, I hope it clears ALL movement impairing effects. Sorry about the rant.
#5 Sep 10 2008 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
The developers probably forgot about the rule against making shaman viable in pvp. It was probably intended as one of those April Fools jokes, but got put into the wrong pile and mistakenly added to the Beta. This is just the resulting PR cover-up.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#6 Sep 10 2008 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Kellindross wrote:
This is dam BS! Druids can mimic rogue abilities (the iconic stealth) and Warrior abilities (the iconic Intercept and Rend)!!! But Shamans can NOT mimic an "iconic" Druid ability?! What frickin BS! It's not like we didn't have to deep into the enhancement tree to get it, because we sure did.
If they are going to tie it to the Tremor Totem, then they need to increase the totems radius and increase how often it pulses. Like Guadion said too, I hope it clears ALL movement impairing effects. Sorry about the rant.

No need to apologize. You're mad for the same reason I am. What part of Feral Charge is not a carbon-copy of Intercept? And yet it's ok for a Druid to have an ability that "mimics an iconic core ability" of another class, but Shaman can't.

I'm not even Enhancement and this kind of stuff still just pisses me off to the highest degree of pisstivity. Add that to the initial reports of any non-Elemental Shaman being just awful in beta right now, and I'm hemorrhaging equal parts faith and hope. I played Shaman through the majority of the duration of TBC, and I am not going to put up with another year and a half of the experiences I had therein. I'm leveling a Druid right now with some friends brand new to the game, and if I don't at least hear something encouraging before WotLK goes live, I'll take her to 80 and replace my Shaman, cherished though she is, as my healing class.
#7 Sep 10 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
While not being a great expert in PvP myself (OK, I usually stay away from it) I still think some things said here are not 100% true/in place.

Gaudion wrote:

Koraa wrote:
Just an FYI - We're going to be dumping Spectral Transformation. We decided we weren't cool with the Shaman's Ghost Wolf being too close to a core Druid iconic ability. What will replace it is a deep Enhancement Talent that will cause your Earthbind totem to clear all snares each time it pulses on you and all nearby friendly targets.

Translation: It is in our vision for the game design that Shaman always be vastly inferior to Druids, the other nature-based three-role hybrid.

OK, this is very (VERY!) picky, but Druids can spec into one role more than Shamans (tanking). That's really not important, but as a Druid player it really caught my eye. And still, your comparison is in place.

Gaudion wrote:
Further notes: I lost the post and couldn't find it again, but apparently initial testing is showing Enhancement and Resto Shaman DPS/HPS being vastly inferior not only in comparison to other classes in beta, but to current performance on live as well. Elemental is apparently still stacking up well despite a problem with Thunderstorm, though any dreams of a rotation involving Lightning spells and Flame Shock/Lava Burst have turned out to be a pipe dream, as I suspected it would. LB spam is still ruling all, from what I hear.

Before WotlK is launched, it's hard to say Blizzard "decided" to ***** any one class or the other, numbers are being twinked all over the place, bugs are still very common etc. Things as "elementary" as numbers tend to change quite fast IMO, so it's too early to sweat about it yet.

About the other concern of yours, Shamans being inferior in live in DPS/HPS, can you try to direct me where to look for it? It really interests me. Thanks in advance.

What about adding a "death effect" to Earthbind Totem? Meaning it would pulse one last time when destroyed.
Would you think this will balance it?

One last thing, you seem to be quite pissed the ENHANCEMENT is not viable in PvP, but from what I heard (reminder, I hardly PvP :)) Elemental does quite OK which means Shamans have a talent tree that is quite successful in PvP (please correct me if I am wrong here), and well, isn't it common? Druids do badly in Feral, Warriors only succeed in Arms, Rogues are quite weak at Assassination... (PvP-wise)
My point is, many classes have talent trees that are more suitable for PvP than others, don't they?

Have a nice day and try to be calm,
#8 Sep 10 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
What about adding a "death effect" to Earthbind Totem? Meaning it would pulse one last time when destroyed.
Would you think this will balance it?

lol, it would be a nice reprieve to the punishments we endured through tbc.

but that is niether here nor there, the whole point is that if a druid, can have iconic abilites of other classes, why cant a shaman?

My point is, many classes have talent trees that are more suitable for PvP than others, don't they?

but if they see that so many complaints are being made, why cant we get buffs for pvp, when paladins have ret, becoming more and more viable each patch...

as i said before, shamans are one of the most if not the most nerfed class in the game... that earthbind, wont do sh*t for us as it looks right now... like gaudion said, if this sh*t keeps up, im dropping my shaman...

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 8:04pm by NomaakEarthshaker
#9 Sep 10 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
YuvalR wrote:
OK, this is very (VERY!) picky, but Druids can spec into one role more than Shamans (tanking). That's really not important, but as a Druid player it really caught my eye. And still, your comparison is in place.

You're quite right. Druids can choose from four roles, the only class that can do this.

Before WotlK is launched, it's hard to say Blizzard "decided" to ***** any one class or the other, numbers are being twinked all over the place, bugs are still very common etc. Things as "elementary" as numbers tend to change quite fast IMO, so it's too early to sweat about it yet.

Welcome to the forum.

If it were only all about WotLK then our lives would be much easier. But it isn't. Shaman got the shaft from the second TBC launched, and we have had to endure having said shaft firmly lodged in our orifaces for the entire duration of TBC. "It'll get better," we told ourselves. "Blizzard will bring us up to par with the other classes eventually," we said. And now here we are over a year and a half into TBC and looking towards the next expansion wondering not how much better we'll be, but how worse or less worse we'll be compared to other classes.

About the other concern of yours, Shamans being inferior in live in DPS/HPS, can you try to direct me where to look for it? It really interests me. Thanks in advance.

As I said, I couldn't find the link again when I tried, though I admittedly didn't try that hard. It's on the official beta forums somewhere. In any case, it's not terrible important compared to the fact that you misunderstood me. Shaman aren't horribly inferior on live currently when comparing DPS/HPS to other classes. With the large-scale, widespread changes Blizzard is making to the game in WotLK, Shaman are actually performing worse in the beta than they are currently on live with the exception of Elemental Shaman.

One last thing, you seem to be quite pissed the ENHANCEMENT is not viable in PvP, but from what I heard (reminder, I hardly PvP :)) Elemental does quite OK which means Shamans have a talent tree that is quite successful in PvP (please correct me if I am wrong here), and well, isn't it common? Druids do badly in Feral, Warriors only succeed in Arms, Rogues are quite weak at Assassination... (PvP-wise)
My point is, many classes have talent trees that are more suitable for PvP than others, don't they?

And now we come to the fact that, as you've repeatedly stated, you have pretty much no valid experience upon which to base an objective opinion of PvP.

First of all, you can't really compare Shaman to "pure" classes like Warriors and Rogues, because all three of their trees serve a different roll. You could compare, say, an Elemental Shaman to Mages and Warlocks, or an Enhancement Shaman to Warriors and Rogues, but not both. It's apples and oranges.

Because those "pure" classes only have one role, it's only natural that eventually they were going to arrive at the "best" way to accomplish that role and spec accordingly. Now, I'm not saying that's optimal. In a perfect world, I would love to see any class be able to emphasize any tree and still succeed. But those classes, regardless of what they spec, do succeed.

Shaman, as a whole, do not. It is the exception and not the rule that any given spec of Shaman succeeds in any given bracket of the arena, and they are pigeonholed into extremely limited team choices due to their overbearing weaknesses. Shaman have to play to the fullest of their strengths to stay even remotely competitive. Even doing that, they're still overly reliant on their partners to achieve any amount of success. And even doing that, any role they serve can still be served far better by some other classes. (I.E. Resto Druids always > Resto Shaman, Warriors/Rogues always > Enhancement, Mage/Warlock always > Elemental.) The only thing Shaman can do in the arena right now that another class can't is be taken into 5v5 to be used as a Bloodlust/Heroism bot.

Right now, Shaman are Blizzard's whipping boy. We have been Blizzard's whipping boy for the past year and a half since TBC released, and quite frankly, I, at least, am tired of it. I'm not going to go through another two-year expansion the same way I went through TBC.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 11:43am by Gaudion
#10 Sep 10 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
861 posts
The reason druids can have iconic abilities of other classes is that they are explicitly designed as hybrids who can shift between gimped versions of warriors, rogues and priests. It's the concept behind the class. The distinctive advantage they get from being unable to use the abilities simultaneously (or having abilities of equal power to the parent class) is that the act of switching from one class to the next frees them from snares.

Shamans don't mimic other classes -- no one has our totems and shocks -- unless you believe we mimic priests because we also heal, or mages because we cast damaging spells, etc. So I agree that we shouldn't mimic druids. Buff our totems, not our odd, throwaway shapeshift ability.
#11 Sep 10 2008 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
Shamans don't mimic other classes -- no one has our totems and shocks -- unless you believe we mimic priests because we also heal, or mages because we cast damaging spells, etc. So I agree that we shouldn't mimic druids. Buff our totems, not our odd, throwaway shapeshift ability.

There are layers of meaning here just waiting to be disected.

The issue isn't that Shaman mimic other classes or Druids mimic other classes or that any class mimics any other class. All classes mimic other classes. As time goes on, the buffs, debuffs, enrages, snares, roots, CC's, not to mention primary roles, and anything and everything else I could possibly name trend towards homoginization. (Consider the copy/past of Mortal Strike from Warriors to Hunters as an example.) Blizzard has even used the term "homogenize" when talking about their recent rebalancing of raids relative to what classes provide.

The issue here is that Blizzard is, inexplicably, going out of their way to resist homogenization in the Shaman class in this particular instance. (There is the whole issue that they seem to frequently single out the Shaman class alone to resist homogenization overall, but that's a whole other issue. Let's stick to the one at hand.) While that in itself is bearable, the fact that they're replacing said ability (which was arguable the single biggest PvP buff incoming to Enhancement Shaman) with a vastly inferior one inflames the issue immeasurably. Make no mistake: it is a severe nerf. And their only justification, which is an exception to their own rule, is not an acceptable excuse.

Now, something I found particularly interesting in your reply:

Buff our totems, not our odd, throwaway shapeshift ability.

Why is our shapeshifting ability throw-away? Because it's the only one we have? Plenty of classes have singular abilities, and they're no less valid. The spell was given to us. It's meant to serve a purpose and no less a valid aspect of the Shaman class than the Druids' shapeshifts. So I ask again, why is it throw-away?

You know the answer as well as I do. Because it sucks. All abilities that suck get thrown away. They don't suck because they lack a purpose, they lack a purpose because they suck. If our shapeshift broke snares like Druids shapeshifts did, then the ability is no longer throw-away. It's useful, it's important. What you and Blizzard are saying here is that, basically, Druid shifts deserve to be useful and worthwhile but a Shaman's shift deserve to suck wind and get shuffled off the cast bar.

How is that fair? And don't tell me it's because Druids are shifting into "Warrior Form" or "Rogue Form". They frequently shift into Travel Form, which is the exact equivalent of a Shaman shifting into Ghost Wolf.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 11:46am by Gaudion
#12 Sep 10 2008 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
30 posts

you hsould become a lawyer

great points

great speech

all in all great way to own blizzard in general with

You know the answer as well as I do. Because it sucks. All abilities that suck get thrown away. They don't suck because they lack a purpose, they lack a purpose because they suck. If our shapeshift broke snares like Druids shapeshifts did, then the ability is no longer throw-away. It's useful, it's important. What you and Blizzard are saying here is that, basically, Druid shifts deserve to be useful and worthwhile but a Shaman's shift deserve to suck wind and get shuffled off the cast bar.

How is that fair? And don't tell me it's because Druids are shifting into "Warrior Form" or "Rogue Form". They frequently shift into Travel Form, which is the exact equivalent of a Shaman shifting into Ghost Wolf.
#13 Sep 10 2008 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
861 posts
Yeah, all classes' abilities get blended together, mortal shot and the new feral TBW being the best examples, which imo is too bad. But druids are different. When they shift into bear they get a rage bar. Into cat, energy and combo pts. In their most basic design, the forms (esp bear and kitty) are supposed to be mimics of established classes. This is my point -- complaining druids get core abilities of other classes is like complaining hunters get pets. It's part of what the class IS.

To me, and I think to blizz and most people, a shaman is a totem-dropping killing machine/healer. Ghost wolf is a marginal ability, it doesnt seem as central to the class as totems. Just like barkskin and hibernate are marginal abilities to druids, levitate to priests.... That's not to say it's not useful, just that it's not part of the core of what the class is. (As opposed to druid shapeshifts, which are the core of the class....a lock's demon form will also be marginal to what locks are, though obviously pretty handy and, yes, superior to our own marginal shapeshift.)

I thought Blizz's attempt to buff hunters with aimed shot (and the dispel on arcane) was laughable, because it made no sense. It was a random bonus they pasted on an ability just to try to level the playing field. Now camoflauge, that makes sense for a hunter (though I shudder to fight one who uses it). I'm happy with that in concept. I'm saying I think shamans should get something similar.

PS, I agree with you and many posters on this forum that Blizz has given the class the short end of the stick in PvP, and I am disappointed they are not replacing spectral wolf with something stronger. However, if and when they fix us I want it to be something that makes sense. And I don't want to frame it as "no fair, druids can do it, why can't we?" I want something we can do that druids can't. Maybe that's just because I play a druid and a shaman and want them to remain different. But I also think that framing the debate as how unfair it is we don't have the outs or control of other classes is a losing argument.
#14 Sep 10 2008 at 7:40 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
... But druids are different. When they shift into bear they get a rage bar. Into cat, energy and combo pts. In their most basic design, the forms (esp bear and kitty) are supposed to be mimics of established classes. This is my point -- complaining druids get core abilities of other classes is like complaining hunters get pets. It's part of what the class IS.

The bolded part of your argument there is the entire problem because it's a view I believe the devs share. Druids are not different. They are not special. They are not unique and beautiful snowflakes. They are one of nine classes in this game. Period. That they alone should be allowed to copy/paste from other classes all to their benefit while another class that is already worse off than they are has to take a nerf for no reason other than the fact that a talent made one of their own core iconic abilities similiar to a Druids' core iconic ability is a blatently favoritist argument.

To me, and I think to blizz and most people, a shaman is a totem-dropping killing machine/healer. Ghost wolf is a marginal ability, it doesnt seem as central to the class as totems. Just like barkskin and hibernate are marginal abilities to druids, levitate to priests.... That's not to say it's not useful, just that it's not part of the core of what the class is. (As opposed to druid shapeshifts, which are the core of the class....a lock's demon form will also be marginal to what locks are, though obviously pretty handy and, yes, superior to our own marginal shapeshift.)

Well, that's just great. You let me know how much your aesthetic sense or lore knowledge boosts your arena ratings in the face of raw effectiveness.

I thought Blizz's attempt to buff hunters with aimed shot (and the dispel on arcane) was laughable, because it made no sense. It was a random bonus they pasted on an ability just to try to level the playing field.

Regardless of whatever you thought, they did it, and it worked. Hunters saw an immediate and drastic improvement in their performance, and even the ones that complained, like you, that the changes made little "sense" shut up pretty quickly when they saw the results. In case you hadn't noticed, there weren't any Shaman complaining about Spectral Transformation. Very few of us have any pride left after a year and a half of TBC kicking us in our collective taints.

But I also think that framing the debate as how unfair it is we don't have the outs or control of other classes is a losing argument.

Then you're content that Shaman continue to remain an inherently incapable class. Based on that I would assume you probably invest yourself more in your Druid. For those of us that are highly invested in the Shaman class, we want the outs and control of other classes because we get to watch what the other classes do with them, and usually notice far more accutely when they're using them on us. We don't necessarily need to do it the same way other classes do it, but we need to get it done regardless because it's what's keeping us from being able to reasonably compete with those classes.

In this case, as I said, the outrage is not necessarily due to the fact that they changed Spectral Transformation to fit the Shaman mechanic, the totem. It's that they changed the talent to something vastly inferior to what it was, largely because the Shaman totem mechanic persists in being an unduly cumbersome and, ultimately, weak mechanic in PvP, and they did so for no other reason than to keep Shaman different from Druids. And that's not even mentioning the fact that they even further nerfed the change beyond the mechanic by changing "movement impairing" to "snares" and saw zero problem with it (though I'm still hoping this was an oversight in the description).

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 11:40pm by Gaudion
#15 Sep 10 2008 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
The bolded part of your argument there is the entire problem because it's a view I believe the devs share. Druids are not different. They are not special. They are not unique and beautiful snowflakes. They are one of nine classes in this game. Period. That they alone should be allowed to copy/paste from other classes all to their benefit while another class that is already worse off than they are has to take a nerf for no reason other than the fact that a talent made one of their own core iconic abilities similiar to a Druids' core iconic ability is a blatently favoritist argument.

but druids *are* unique snowflakes. every class is. druids are unique in the sense that they can dip into aspects of each class at a cost; they sacrifice the raw ability to do things not inherent to that class (and, of course, the mana cost of shifting forms).

no matter how many points you spend in enh, no matter how much straight melee DPS gear you stack an enh shammy can still heal and nuke. a druid in bear or cat form can do neither, and they have to (in the case of bear) literally take off their armor in order to heal. every shaman is still in mail when they heal, just like every pally is in plate (and hence, part of the logic behind the switching of sanc. seals with sheath of light, the other part being ridonkulus spell damage bonus for prot pallies).

as you mentioned, the "iconic" ability of shaman is not ghost wolf, but totems. working thru that medium to give the shaman class an ability is better than trying to half-*** it with an upgraded knockoff of a druid ability (and it *was* an upgrade over druid shapeshifting, and if you cant tell why, then ill be happy to explain it).

I thought Blizz's attempt to buff hunters with aimed shot (and the dispel on arcane) was laughable, because it made no sense. It was a random bonus they pasted on an ability just to try to level the playing field.

Regardless of whatever you thought, they did it, and it worked. Hunters saw an immediate and drastic improvement in their performance, and even the ones that complained, like you, that the changes made little "sense" shut up pretty quickly when they saw the results.

given that theyve rolled the dispel mechanic into tranq shot, thus removing it from arcane shot, i think we can agree that the changes did not, in fact, "work". that, and hunters did not see an immediate and/or drastic improvement in their performance; the overall percentage of hunters remained within 2% of what it was before the buff.

in short, wantonly tacking on abilities to skills they dont belong on is a short-sighted and ultimately fruitless method of addressing concerns.

as to addressing shaman concerns, the EB totem buff is a step in the right direction but probably not enough. good suggestions ive seen on the beta forums involved adding the shamans name to the totem (e.g. Gaudrion's Earthbind totem) thereby removing the usage of totem stomping macros and addons, as well as taking stoneclaw totem and reworking it to not be an earth totem. instead, it would be a "neutral" totem with its own cooldown and no actual elemental preference. hence, you could have four totems down plus your stoneclaw, and your other four totems would be protected by the stoneclaw, and thus still have a strong effect on events (but not be uncounterable).

and no, the stoneclaw totem wouldnt need its own "neutral" totem. it would just be a skill you get that protects your other totems, but doesnt take up a totem school like it does now (all other abilities are retained, such as the taunt and stun mechanic).

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 10:16pm by Quor
#16 Sep 10 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Quor wrote:
but druids *are* unique snowflakes. every class is. druids are unique in the sense that they can dip into aspects of each class at a cost; they sacrifice the raw ability to do things not inherent to that class (and, of course, the mana cost of shifting forms).

If Druids are a unique and beautiful snowflake then they need to lose Feral Charge and every other ability they have (there are a lot of them) that are copy/pasted carbon-copies of other class' abilities. According to your argument, they should be able to do whatever the hell it is they need to do within exclusively unique means.

I'd also like to know what exactly it is Druids are sacrificing to do things not inherent to the class. It's certainly not the mana cost of shifting forms. We went over this a long time ago. The cost of shifting is not even remotely prohibitive for them now, and I doubt it ever will be again. That time is long gone.

no matter how many points you spend in enh, no matter how much straight melee DPS gear you stack an enh shammy can still heal and nuke. a druid in bear or cat form can do neither, and they have to (in the case of bear) literally take off their armor in order to heal. every shaman is still in mail when they heal, just like every pally is in plate (and hence, part of the logic behind the switching of sanc. seals with sheath of light, the other part being ridonkulus spell damage bonus for prot pallies).

And here we're privy to your entirely Druid-centric point of view. No. A thousand times no. An Enhancement Shaman can not nuke any more than a Feral Druid can. That would be like asking a Mage to melee. Yeah, they can do it, it's within their mechanical means, but how much DPS is it going to generate? There is a reason Enhancement Shaman don't stop meleeing and start nuking when opponents escape their melee range at present. It doesn't work at all if you're not oriented towards it.

as you mentioned, the "iconic" ability of shaman is not ghost wolf, but totems. working thru that medium to give the shaman class an ability is better than trying to half-*** it with an upgraded knockoff of a druid ability

Now we're just splitting hairs. You're placing too much emphasis on the word "iconic". Is anyone really going to think any less of Druid shapeshifting or think of Shaman as a second shapeshifting class because GW is instant and breaks snares for one spec after four talent points? The answer is an emphatic, "No."

Also, working the ability through the totem is only "better" depending on your definition of "better". If by "better" you mean "unique to the Shaman class", then yes, it is "better". However, if by "better" you mean "more effective" than no, it is most certainly not "better". Totems are too much gimmick and not enough effect in PvP right now. They have been for a long time. They probably always will be. That is why Shaman go out of their way to only drop the truly necessary totems--the "function" totems. Of those, Earthbind and Tremor are still gimpy abilities due to their unreliable, infrequent pulses. My Tremor still frequently gets destroyed before it can free me and my Earthbind regularly gets destroyed or passed by altogether without snaring an intended target.

(and it *was* an upgrade over druid shapeshifting, and if you cant tell why, then ill be happy to explain it)

Oh, by all means. I'd love to hear it.

given that theyve rolled the dispel mechanic into tranq shot, thus removing it from arcane shot, i think we can agree that the changes did not, in fact, "work". that, and hunters did not see an immediate and/or drastic improvement in their performance; the overall percentage of hunters remained within 2% of what it was before the buff.

in short, wantonly tacking on abilities to skills they dont belong on is a short-sighted and ultimately fruitless method of addressing concerns.

Moving the dispel from Arcane Shot to Tranq Shot is a nerf. Dispels that hit for over 1k attatched to Arcane Shot was ridiculously OP, and even most Hunters admit that. They also mysteriously left the MS debuff on Aimed Shot even though according to you that's "not working".

When you consider the "average" representation for a class should be 11.11%, a 2% increase (not to mention the individual feats of rating achievements that you usually love to bring up) is pretty substantial. There's really nothing that can be done about Druids, Rogues, Warriors, and Warlocks devouring the overall arena statistics since they synergize with more partners in more brackets, but suffice it to say that Hunters did see an improvement. I'm sure we could argue over the degree of said improvement for three pages, but let's just... not.

as to addressing shaman concerns, the EB totem buff is a step in the right direction but probably not enough. good suggestions ive seen on the beta forums involved adding the shamans name to the totem (e.g. Gaudrion's Earthbind totem) thereby removing the usage of totem stomping macros and addons, as well as taking stoneclaw totem and reworking it to not be an earth totem. instead, it would be a "neutral" totem with its own cooldown and no actual elemental preference. hence, you could have four totems down plus your stoneclaw, and your other four totems would be protected by the stoneclaw, and thus still have a strong effect on events (but not be uncounterable).

and no, the stoneclaw totem wouldnt need its own "neutral" totem. it would just be a skill you get that protects your other totems, but doesnt take up a totem school like it does now (all other abilities are retained, such as the taunt and stun mechanic).

Or we could just scratch the retarded Stoneclaw issue altogether and gives totems health.

This is yet another (in a long list of) problem(s) with the Blizzard devs relative to Shaman. They try too hard and think too hard to keep the Shaman class restricted to being Shaman. And everyone who doesn't play a Shaman--people like you--see no problem with us having to work overly hard to make use and ultimately justify almost all of our very basic, core, "iconic" abilities. Much less our talents.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 11:51am by Gaudion
#17 Sep 10 2008 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
but druids *are* unique snowflakes. every class is. druids are unique in the sense that they can dip into aspects of each class at a cost; they sacrifice the raw ability to do things not inherent to that class (and, of course, the mana cost of shifting forms).

no matter how many points you spend in enh, no matter how much straight melee DPS gear you stack an enh shammy can still heal and nuke. a druid in bear or cat form can do neither, and they have to (in the case of bear) literally take off their armor in order to heal. every shaman is still in mail when they heal, just like every pally is in plate (and hence, part of the logic behind the switching of sanc. seals with sheath of light, the other part being ridonkulus spell damage bonus for prot pallies).

as you mentioned, the "iconic" ability of shaman is not ghost wolf, but totems. working thru that medium to give the shaman class an ability is better than trying to half-*** it with an upgraded knockoff of a druid ability (and it *was* an upgrade over druid shapeshifting, and if you cant tell why, then ill be happy to explain it).


you are dumb.

First of all, if you are shifting as a druid to unroot yourself (which is the key point being discussed), you DO NOT USE bear or cat form to break snares. They cost more mana and you move slower in cat/bear vs travel form. You use TRAVEL FORM to break snares either to run away or to close the gap. Period. It's what DRUIDS DO. Travel form doesn't have special abilities. It has nothing to do with the "druid class" aside from moving faster. Guess what... THE SAME IS TRUE OF GHOST WOLF except it doesn't break snares.

Why doesn't it break snares? Hell, you have to spec into it for it to be instant. I think it should AUTOMATICALLY break snares for this reason. You can't even have it instant without putting points into Ghost Wolf. To make it fair, either ghost wolf should break snares... OR travel form shouldn't.

Keep in mind, I have a 70 druid. I have a 70 shaman. At this rate, if things don't change dramatically between what's going on now in Beta and when 3.0 comes out, I won't touch my shaman again.

And as for Totems being "iconic," yes they are. But the sh*tty thing is, I don't even put them down in Arenas. They are gone by the time my global cooldown is finished. For something so ICONIC to the class, thenwhy can't I even use them? It'd be like being able to dispel a druid's shapeshift (ROFL GHOST WOLF) or one shotting a hunter/warlock pet. But guess what.... YOU CAN DO ALL THOSE to a shaman! Totems should AT LEAST have 5 health per level of the shaman ... minimum. Honestly, that's not enough. That would be 350 health at 70 (a vast improvement over 5 health though). I think something like 10 health per level is more in line. The other option I thought about was having negative side effects to destroying totems.

Destruction of Earth = Stun effect
Destruction of Fire = Instant aoe damage (less than nova, but decently significant)
Destruction of Water = Poison?
Destruction of Wind = Slowing Effect

Sure, destroy the shaman totems, but there is an elemental price to pay. At least then I feel that even though I wasted mana on a buff, at least the fact I can't keep buffs up is having some negative effect on the other team.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 3:29am by Jiade
#18 Sep 11 2008 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
782 posts
Just an FYI - We're going to be dumping Spectral Transformation. We decided we weren't cool with the Shaman's Ghost Wolf being too close to a core Druid iconic ability. What will replace it is a deep Enhancement Talent that will cause your Earthbind totem to clear all snares each time it pulses on you and all nearby friendly targets.

Not that I should be shocked any....but this is "B" to the M.F. "S"!

So let me get this straight now...

So let me get this straight blizz...We(Enh) got more dmg thru abilitys and talents (on paper anyhow) a "moderately" long CC CD and no CC breaker, and no hate dump!

Wow...right back to square 1 again just about! Nice class overhaul devs!

Not to mention the distance keeper abilities got axed/nerfed on Elem too, so they basically didn't really get anything to help their glaring problems either...
#19 Sep 11 2008 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Its a real shame about the GW buff getting chucked I know blizard wants shaman to really make use of our totems (sometimes I wish they didn't exist).

So totems is suppose to be one of our main class defining skills ok I can buy that, and generally with totems down our abilities in pvp are a bit stronger (its great fighting rogues and warlocks that ignore totems although this is rare in arena). The problem is our core class defining ability is just as easy or easier to deal with in comparison to us dropping them. With 5 hp its not to hard for just about anyone to melee them down or just use macros to make your pet deal with it, and basically waste shaman's mana or for a druid lets say to rank one moonfire it down with ease.

With no way to protect our totems or no counter to the enemy destroying our totems then shaman will always be behind other classes in pvp.

Now I don't think this change to Earth Bind Totem is bad (if I read it right it affects our allies also which is nice) but it is another spell in our nature tree, it now forces shaman to chose between the use of tremor totem in pvp or Earth Bind, and Earth Bind totem if I recall has a cooldown meaning we can not spam it so if destroyed we have to wait (i know its only 10 seconds and if it had no cooldown it could be very OP but this is still a con to the spell).

Totems need some kind of defense mechanism, either make them more resilient or give the enemy some kind of bad affect to make my opponent think twice about killing my totem. Giving shaman a totem UI to set up different groups of 4 totems to drop them all at once or reducing mana cost of our main PvP totems. Eliminating HP on totems and making them require to be attacked 2-3 times before they are destroyed or give totems a stun or a chance to stun affect on destruction or maybe forcing a pulse on some of our totems on destruction. These are all reasonable ideas that would help shaman in pvp that so far blizzard has ignored that has been suggested many times by the shaman community.

Totems are the core of the shaman class and as long as blizzard wants the class to be totem dependent without giving us some way of defending them shaman will always be behind the other classes when it comes to PvP.
#20 Sep 11 2008 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
Now I don't think this change to Earth Bind Totem is bad (if I read it right it affects our allies also which is nice) but it is another spell in our nature tree, it now forces shaman to chose between the use of tremor totem in pvp or Earth Bind, and Earth Bind totem if I recall has a cooldown meaning we can not spam it so if destroyed we have to wait (i know its only 10 seconds and if it had no cooldown it could be very OP but this is still a con to the spell).

You know, with everything else that's so completely wrong with the change I had completely forgotten about Earthbind's cooldown. That makes it even worse. In fact, at this point I'm not even sure it's worth taking. One snare removal every 10 seconds for (what I assume will be) two talent points? You're better off just letting Toughness do its thing.
#21 Sep 11 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
And here we're privy to your entirely Druid-centric point of view. No. A thousand times no. An Enhancement Shaman can not nuke any more than a Feral Druid can. That would be like asking a Mage to melee. Yeah, they can do it, it's within their mechanical means, but how much DPS is it going to generate? There is a reason Enhancement Shaman don't stop meleeing and start nuking when opponents escape their melee range at present. It doesn't work at all if you're not oriented towards it.

so all that shocking you do counts for nothing? the ap/spell damage conversion and int/ap conversion talents are useless for enh? i dont see any of those in the feral tree. in fact, theres only one talent in the feral tree that has anything to do with int and it has no effect on spell damage, whereas the enh tree has two talents that take established stats and convert them at some ratio into spell power. sounds like a much more hybrid style of play than anything a feral druid does. and its for a good reason; a large part of your damage comes from spells. theres even a new talent at the bottom to aid this by stacking a buff to get instant cast LB's or CL's. clearly the infrastructure to utilize spells regularly is there.

now, granted, an enh shammy isnt designed to stand at a distance and nuke something to death, but compared to a feral druid, they have a stronger base to do so. a mage or other casting class will definetely outdo an enh shammy in nuking, but an enh shammy will trump a feral druid without even trying (and be rewarded for stacking int no less!).

Oh, by all means. I'd love to hear it.

you asked for it.

travel form and ghost wolf may seem analogous, and in the hands of a resto shammy and an elemental shammy, they are. they serve the purpose of moving from point A to point B faster than normal running speed while in combat.

in the hands of an enh shammy however, ghost wolf becomes something more. you see, enh shaman derive a lot of their power from their ability to stay close to someone (duh). however, ghost wolf was never really used as a means of closing distance because of the cast time. with the change to instant, it allowed an enh shammy to use it as a maneuvering tool in pvp. this is where any similarity to travel form ends, as travel form, even for a feral druid, is merely a way of breaking snares and roots. ghost wolf that could break snares and roots puts the power of an enh shammy right next to their enemy almost full time with few counters to it.

whats more is that the very playstyle of an enh shammy supports this kind of behavior. as an enh shammy, you tend to use your skills in bursts of 1-3 skills every 5-10s or so. for example, you close the distance on a mage and he novas and backs away. you purge once, drop grounding totem, hit ghost wolf (break nova) and are back on top of him again. he tries to poly as you stormstrike him, but your GT is down, and you know to expect it now, so you get ready on your ES button, and when it does come, you stop the cast, hitting him for a nice big hunk of damage (insert air shock instead of ES if necessary). all the while this is going on youre auto-attacking, proccing windfury, and generally tearing sh*t up. if frostbite happens to proc on one of your attacks, no biggie, you just ghost wolf and get back on top of him again. when the need to SS or ES comes up, you just hit your button (dropping GW) and go about your business.

contrast this with feral druids, who use travel form merely for snare breaking. only, travel form uses the same damage as caster form does, and theres no windfury to think of, and shifting into another combat form (cat, bear) has the cost of more mana than ghost wolf was (25% base for cat/bear vs 17% base for GW) as well as incurring a GCD (dropping GW doesnt incur a GCD, since its cancelling a buff, but shifting into another form does incur a GCD, since youre gaining something).

in sum, shaman who could break snares coming into and out of ghost wolf were higher-armored, more mobile druids who could put out more damage and had stronger anti-CC measures. iconic or not, you cant let that kind of power stay where it is. it was no better than the 10k scourge strike crits DK's were getting, or the 2k+ instant poison procs rogues had.

This is yet another (in a long list of) problem(s) with the Blizzard devs relative to Shaman. They try too hard and think too hard to keep the Shaman class restricted to being Shaman. And everyone who doesn't play a Shaman--people like you--see no problem with us having to work overly hard to make use and ultimately justify almost all of our very basic, core, "iconic" abilities. Much less our talents.

you dont work any harder than anyone else does. get over yourself.

First of all, if you are shifting as a druid to unroot yourself (which is the key point being discussed), you DO NOT USE bear or cat form to break snares. They cost more mana and you move slower in cat/bear vs travel form. You use TRAVEL FORM to break snares either to run away or to close the gap. Period. It's what DRUIDS DO. Travel form doesn't have special abilities. It has nothing to do with the "druid class" aside from moving faster. Guess what... THE SAME IS TRUE OF GHOST WOLF except it doesn't break snares.

Why doesn't it break snares? Hell, you have to spec into it for it to be instant. I think it should AUTOMATICALLY break snares for this reason. You can't even have it instant without putting points into Ghost Wolf. To make it fair, either ghost wolf should break snares... OR travel form shouldn't.

see above. enh shaman DPS in ghost wolf was >>>>> feral druid DPS in travel form. or really, feral druid DPS in any form. in a pvp situation, spectral ghost wolf gave shaman such a huge advantage over any class with a snare or root effect that it trivialized those effects. when a class just shrugs and says "well, i cant use this key skill against shaman" then you have a problem. this is part of why it was changed.

And as for Totems being "iconic," yes they are. But the sh*tty thing is, I don't even put them down in Arenas. They are gone by the time my global cooldown is finished. For something so ICONIC to the class, thenwhy can't I even use them? It'd be like being able to dispel a druid's shapeshift (ROFL GHOST WOLF) or one shotting a hunter/warlock pet. But guess what.... YOU CAN DO ALL THOSE to a shaman! Totems should AT LEAST have 5 health per level of the shaman ... minimum. Honestly, that's not enough. That would be 350 health at 70 (a vast improvement over 5 health though). I think something like 10 health per level is more in line. The other option I thought about was having negative side effects to destroying totems.

no totems in arena? then you are missing out my friend. totems being static is both a blessing and a curse. being static means, of course, that they dont move. but this also means you can abuse LoS and still get the buff. in essence, they can be the easiest buffs to dispel, or the hardest, depending on placement. adding the stoneclaw idea I suggested would be an interesting way to change the mechanics of this element, as you could drop the stoneclaw in an isolated area, away from combat, and then drop your totems in the middle of the fight. the enemy would be forced to travel a considerable distance, wasting time and resources killing a protector totem before they could get at your main totems. forcing the other team to waste 5-10s doing something like that is huge in arenas.

and no, 800 health at 80 for totems isnt a good thing, even for shaman. thered be a cost, and after seeing the complaints about how much spectral GW cost, i dont think the shaman community wants that.

but hey, on the bright side, GW will probably go back down to a 120 mana cost now! theres a silver lining in everything.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 2:45pm by Quor
#22 Sep 11 2008 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
You never cease to amaze me, Quor... Truly.
#23 Sep 11 2008 at 10:58 PM Rating: Excellent
2,079 posts
no totems in arena? then you are missing out my friend. totems being static is both a blessing and a curse. being static means, of course, that they dont move. but this also means you can abuse LoS and still get the buff. in essence, they can be the easiest buffs to dispel, or the hardest, depending on placement. adding the stoneclaw idea I suggested would be an interesting way to change the mechanics of this element, as you could drop the stoneclaw in an isolated area, away from combat, and then drop your totems in the middle of the fight. the enemy would be forced to travel a considerable distance, wasting time and resources killing a protector totem before they could get at your main totems. forcing the other team to waste 5-10s doing something like that is huge in arenas.

What non-earth element-based totems are terribly important to destroy? Searing Totem? lolHealing Stream? Poison Cleansing... maybe if it ticked more than once every 5s. Windfury Totem.... would be in THIS expansion, but not in WotLK. Grounding totem is destroyed instantly after 1 cast anyways, so it won't be protected.

The answer you are looking for is that THE TWO totems you would want to protect most are improved Earthbind Totem and Tremor Totem. Hi to you earth-based totems that CAN'T be protected. Of course, if you aren't enhancement, there's no such thing as improved earthbind... so the other two trees are still screwed over anyways (and were before the changes).

Have you played Arena as a shaman? I mean like... above 1500? A GOOD warlock or hunter will insure that your totems don't live beyond 2s and all for no cost to them. No GCD use. No mana use. No wasted time. For something so "iconic" to the class, you can't even have buffs from them in arenas. I can waste all my mana and GCD trying to buff my group (watching everyone die).... or I can give up on totems and try to keep my team alive long enough to kill the hunter/lock destroying my totems. So in essence, I'm a terrible pally with no self protection, no buffs, worse mana efficiency, with a dispelable aoe haste (heroism) and dispelable earth shield. SWEET. Sign me up.

Totems should either INNATELY scale in health as you level (Say 10 health per level, ie 800 health at 80) or a negative consequence should result from the destruction of the totems. 800 health for a totem would just make sure it took a hunter's pet a few hits to kill it, same for a warlock. If there's a negative consequence to killing totems, it would make the other team decide whether it is worth it. Is the totem powerful enough to warrant the side-effect from destroying it? I'm not saying I personally have the solution, but I do know the current state of totems is not functional for pvp when discussing "balance."
#24 Sep 12 2008 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Jiade wrote:
Have you played Arena as a shaman? I mean like... above 1500? A GOOD warlock or hunter will insure that your totems don't live beyond 2s and all for no cost to them. No GCD use. No mana use. No wasted time. For something so "iconic" to the class, you can't even have buffs from them in arenas. I can waste all my mana and GCD trying to buff my group (watching everyone die).... or I can give up on totems and try to keep my team alive long enough to kill the hunter/lock destroying my totems.

Just to pre-empt this before anyone comes back with, "Well, that's only two classes..." It's not. Dispatching totems is a trivial matter for every every class in the game, and any player worth his salt will immediately get rid of totems inconvenient to him.

Jiade is quite right, and it's not something I haven't said a couple dozen times before. The only totems even worth the GCD to lay in the arena are the function totems (Grounding, Earthbind, Tremor). Poison Cleansing Totem shifts in and out of usefulness. It's really only worth using in the first place if you have the cost-reduction talent (making it cheaper than Cure Poison), and even then it's only worth using if you know your opponent isn't going to destroy it. When a Hunter is Viper Stinging you, for instance, you can not afford to run around in circles waiting for Poison Cleansing Totem to pulse, especially since all arena Hunters have the Imp. Sting talent. Whether you've got the totem down or not, you have to jam on Cure Poison to get rid of Viper Sting ASAP.
#25 Sep 12 2008 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Just to jump on this one (why the hell not?) comparing shifting to totems as some kind of mystical 'iconic' ability set is pure lore-fappage. Every class has abilities that overlap in some way or another with other classes. Giving Shaman the precise same transformation as a Druid would have been an iconic crossover, giving them their own visually and mechanically distinct transformation that requires talent investment is not a problem. Both classes are also 'Nature' classes, so I don't see why you'd object on 'icon' grounds unless you're a basement-dwelling nelf Druid called 'Fuurion' and are desperate to get a 3D Print of your masterpiece toon.

Oh, and you cyber in Darnassus too.

Mechanically, Snares are no less trivial against a Spectral-specced Enhance than a Feral Druid, both rely upon a spammable transform to clear spammable snares, it's the same basic premise. By the way Quor, please stop making such stupid comments as "Ghost Wolf DPS > Travel DPS", you're proving nothing but your own desperation to make incontrovertible statements. I don't believe GW (or Travel Form) DPS has ever decided an Arena match, so let's just move along.

Druids are of course blessed with Feral Charge, which levels the field somewhat in their favour. They are able to repeatedly and instantly close distance after breaking a snare. Shamans can't. The positions are in no way equivalent, stop arguing that they are. Shamans have Frost Shock yes, dispellable though and takes other shocks out of action. Again, I am pointing out that Druid and Shaman positions are not equivalent.

Quor wrote:
he tries to poly as you stormstrike him, but your GT is down, and you know to expect it now, so you get ready on your ES button, and when it does come, you stop the cast, hitting him for a nice big hunk of damage

Of course, in this entire strange analogy you have, the Feral Druid is immune to bloody Polymorph. So a Shaman needs three abilities to the Druid's one, and of course the Mage can't possible just Wand the totem, oh no, nor can he Iceblock to escape your Stormstrike/ES, nah.

Now you can argue your own opinion about Shamans not deserving a Snare break even with talent requirements, that's fine, but the 'iconic' reason given by Koraa is basically bullsh*t. DKs and locks both have 'Death Coil' that look totally different and have different mechanics; Warlocks also get Demon Form, traditionally for (yet unseen) Demon Hunters. Blizz don't give a crap about icon crossovers in the pursuit of game balance.

Fortunately the new Feral Spirits talents break snares and give you a Windwalk-like increased run ability, so it simply seems that Blizz DO want Enhance Shamans to break Snares, just invest a full 51pt talents to do what Druids can for free.

Edited, Sep 12th 2008 10:41am by Sinstralis
#26 Sep 12 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
I think Chicken Little must play a Shammy, because nearly every change is greated with sentimints akin to "The sky is falling!" while positive ones are completly forgotten.

Honestly, on the balance since TBC has come out, changes to enhance (and shaman in general) have been positive. Not to mention, we have to remember that there is far far more to this game than arena "balance" (including, but not limited to soloing/farming, 5mans dungeons/heroics, 10/25man raids, battlegrounds, arena, "fun factor", ect) Now, let's look back at things we've gotten, as enhance since the start of TBC...

1. Watershield. Anyone else remember when this costed mana to apply and didn't grant mp5?

2. Decreased totem GCD from 1.5 to 1 seconds. Pretty huge buff actually when totems generally need to be reapplied pretty darn often.

3. -1 sec on Ghost Wolf cast (making talented instant). Granted, the ability should have been like this to begin with, but at least we finally did get it.

4. Reduced tick time on Tremor, and increased range. Again, a pretty huge buff considering how easy it was to destroy the totem before it could tick when it was 5secs/tick, or how easily one could run out of tick range.

5. Damage reduction added to Shamanistic Rage, and changing from magic to physical effect. Again, these changes made the talent into what it should have been from the start, but is generally far better than the original 30 secs of mana return.

6. Replacement of 2hand spec with shamanistic focus. Goodbye full mana cost shocks forever!

7. 30%ap-->spell damage on Mental Quickness. Thank you sir may I have another!

8. Toughness reduced duration of movement slowing effects. Not necessarily huge, but still welcome.

9. Threat reduction added to spirit weapons. Ever try to run a 5man without salv before this? It was painfull.

10. Stun added to stoneclaw. A minor improvement to a soloing ability, but still a welcome one.

11. Am I missing anything?

The biggest loss that enhance had was when wf5/wf4 was fixed (meaning that was an unintended workaround to the 3sec cd). The change to grounding totem was a nerf yes, but one that restored the ability to work as probably originally intended (meaning it catches one spell and disappears).

Adding a snare removal to earthbind is still a buff! Granted, I would prefer the previous talent, but what we're (possibly) getting is still a buff nonetheless. Besides, chances are that whatever target that you're going to be targeting will also be snared.

Totems remain dirt cheap to cast (mana wise at least), even if you have to spend the occasional (ok, pretty darn often) GCD to keep them down. That said, I whole heartedly agree that pet stomping macro's should not be allowed to continue, as it is basically automating a part of the game for you (in my humble opinion at least). Increased health on totems would be nice yes, but would probably have to be accompanied by an increase to mana cost, or possibly making them vulnerable to aoe or some other nerf.

And remember, as things currently stand, we're getting more things that look to be pretty darn nice for WOTLK, and our playstyle will not be the same as TBC. Maelstrom weapon affecting heals, feral spirits (and their accompaning abilities), disarm reduction, intellect->ap, weapon mastery from 5->3 talent points, stormstrike CD reduction, physical school totems, easy access to 9% crit from elemental devestation, another instant attack that won't be affected by armor, ability to remove all snares (even if it is on a CD), and more.

Basically, I think we'll be fine once we actually get into it and see what happens.
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