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Are you happy with the Shaman race that you chose?Follow

#1 Sep 10 2008 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
616 posts
So one of, if not the, most asked questions on WoW class forums "Which race is the best!?".

Well, I'm not asking that, I already know about the racials and their practical applications. What I want to know is if you could change your Shamans race, would you and why? Is it the looks? ("Orcs to have some badass casting animations!") Or the Racials*? ("Sure, stun resist is great, but I want to stun!")

I admit it, I am asking because I am rolling a shaman for PvP. Yeah yeah, I know, they're low on the totem pole for PvP, but I already have a rogue and am looking to play a totally different class and play style (Also Shammy are so stylish! Who doesn't like having various elemental enhancements rotating around them and their weapons?)

I was all ready to roll a Tauren when a couple of my Tauren Shammy buddies both said how they wish they'd have chosen Orc instead, just because they love how they look when they cast so much more. So, I really can't decide between rolling a Orc or Tauren now; I love 'em both! Their racials are both nice, but I'm more concerned at what I'll be staring at for so long. I've already leveled both races up a bit, but I'm afraid that it won't be until I'm long 70 (or 80) that I get sick of the way my Orc/Tauren looks... So I ask you people, those of you who stare at the back of your Shaman day after day, are you happy with the race you chose? Do you wish you chose different, and why?

Now, I'm not asking any one of you to tell me which to roll, I want to know how each of you feel about your shaman, and that would help me a bit in finally choosing a race.

*Though I understand Shaman races racials, without playing with them for an extended period of time I don't know if it really becomes such a huge factor for certain players later on. So if they're that big a deal for you, let me know, but otherwise this is mostly a aesthetics discussion.

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 1:08am by ACEJester
#2 Sep 10 2008 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
I took a Tauren simply due to looks originally, I didn't know game mechanics or wow stats yet, so my logic was based just on personal preferance...I like picking the "Biggest" guy I can find.

After than, I learned what racials which case I took the opertunity to use warstomp whenever I could. Its "ok", way back when it was a insta was pretty dang good! Now, even tho its a .5 cast, it makes use use much more situational. For PvP any type of interupt is a very good thing to have, and this does a "not bad" job of it! Personally I think its better for PvP than the other racials from the other 2 races that have shaman as a option (tho I might say troll can be a respectable 2nd place...maybe).

Things I HATE about Taurens are their "hit box". Its the largest in the game, which as far as the game calculates you as a "target"...we're the biggest, and thats not good. Especially against gnomes which have the smallest "hit box", which they can basically "jump" inside you (a fav tactic of gnome rogues I find), and all your going to see is "Target must be infront of you to do that", while they ripe you to shreds uncontested!

Also, being this big also gets me stuck in UC when I'm mounted...can't get thru the arches upstairs, especially when trying to get in the elevator. And in PvP...they see you coming a mile away when mounted...or not mounted for that matter. Which I tend to just run around in ghost wolf to kinda solver this problem...which isn't too bad :p

Looking back, I kinda wish I picked a Orc, since I like my enh party dps, orc's lean alittle bit more in that spec's favor due to axe specialization and bloodrage.

Maybe if I played elem more often I might have gone with a troll, but troll isn't one of my fav race models in the game, granted I love their stance and attacking animation.

Frankly looks wise....I'm still happy with my tauren. Its only when I ponder the "tad" better I might hit as a orc, that makes me wish I picked orc. Course my buddy that is a enh orc sham, we're pretty neck and neck on the dps charts, kinda makes me think...maybe its not that big of a difference.

If warstomp was insta cast...then yea for me I'd be 100% sold on tauren period! I'm more like 90% still sold on my tauren...I don't ponder on the other 10% for long tho.
#3 Sep 10 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
I love my tauren! I have look at the other Shaman races and even though i do like the troll emotes, i prefer my Cow :)

I also love choosing just the BIGGEST RACE. Its fun to tower over other players. I often forget how big i actually am until i group with people and stand next to them. The only thing I dont like is how helmets look on him, so... i just turn them off.

The racial is awesome, esp since I'm resto, the warstomp has saved my life countless times. The stun is just long enough to get a Healing Wave off, or if you use it offensivly, its enough time to get a Lightening bolt off.


Edited, Sep 10th 2008 10:52am by NicadimosA
#4 Sep 10 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
I like my squid-faced Shammy, or blueberries for the laymens.
#5 Sep 10 2008 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
I love my orc, he's a monster at PvE dps with his racial and the stun resistance is nice. But sometimes when I PvP I do wish I'd rolled Tauren. No question that is the ideal horde race. But I hadn't rolled an orc and wanted to have one, and am pretty happy having done so 70 levels later. So, as with most racials, go with what you like unless you are shooting for a top arena rating.
#6 Sep 10 2008 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
yes... i love my orc, does as well as a shaman can in pvp, but with a little more edge in pvp, with blood fury, and the stun resist...

wouldn't have him any other way...
#7 Sep 12 2008 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Just rolled a Dranei shaman. I really like her! I wanted to play alliance so that left me but one choice. Howerver, if i could chose 1 race i would prefer, it would have been troll shaman. They look so cool and I love their dance!

The racial on Dranei is ok, not great, but ok. In early leveling Gift of the Naru has saved my butt from ending up at a GY several times when oom. They female dranei also pleases my eyes. Used to play a buttugly dwarf warrior, so it's a change indeed =D
#8 Sep 13 2008 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Draenei shaman just seem horrible to me, the combination is just... ugh. Tauren shamans look alright, but something in me is saying Taurens will simply nééd to spec resto, since elemental and enhancement just feel very odd to me.

Orc would be the ultimate shaman race, though I went for Troll. My main reason is simple; Troll shamans look a bit better in the starting gear than Orc shamans.

If you'd ask me, Orc would hands down be the best race for an enhancement shaman. Troll for elemental or restoration.
#9 Sep 14 2008 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I liked Tauren at first but really wished I played an orc now. If I was still enhancement I am sure I wouldn't mind as much but Orc's racials just seem to be a better pick for my play style as elemental. Then again and I have said this before it could be a case of me just thinking the grass is greener.
#10 Sep 15 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
Since I play alliance, female draenei (sp?). But I love her and she is awesome as enhancement. Nothing better than a female kicking butt. Just got her to Outland this weekend. She is now 59 and my 5th character to Outland.
#11 Sep 15 2008 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I play a ele Troll and love him. His racial can be a nice bonus in both pve, and pvp plus his animations are awesome.

If I was going to reroll another shaman I would choose either a Troll again, or go Tauren.

Anyway you slice it, a Shaman is a fun class to play!
#12 Sep 15 2008 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
I would change my male Draenei into a female if I had the option now, but it's a little too late for that.

They gave us hair saloons in the expansion, why not sex change hospitals?
#13 Sep 15 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I went troll. While I'm not too particularly happy with it, I don't see shamans as being that affected by racials:
My orcs are my warrior and hunter, the warrior for the expertise while tanking and the hunter for the pet damage.
My undead are my priest and warlock, the priest for the extra drain and the lock just because I can get that extra bit of health after life tapping.
My BE's are my rogue, paladin, and mage - mage for mana tap, rogue for silence, and paladin for the only race available.
My tauren is my druid, because it's the only race available.
Thus, that leaves me with only one class and one race I don't have, so I went with that. I'm not a big a fan of trolls because I think their racials are much better on paper than they are in practice (e.g. regeneration may regenerate a bit of health, but that just likely means a troll will recieve more overheals).
#14 Sep 16 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
616 posts
Thanks for all of the replies everyone. I've chosen Orc :)

I played both races up to 20, and decided I really dig how orc looks when casting, meleeing and pretty much doing everything else. Don't get me wrong, I love Tauren too (My 70 warrior is tauren and I wouldn't have it any other way), but damn orcs just look so nasty! (In a totally good way)

After I hit 20 on both I took my orc up to 30 (which is where it's at now) and I have to say that I am loving the class. It's such a different and challanging playstyle in leveling compared to my rogue, but I enjoy it a great bit.

Thanks again for the replies everyone, I'm sure you'll see me around these boards more as I keep playing the class.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 12:10pm by ACEJester
#15 Nov 11 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I have a female blood elf pally shes my main and i couldn't be happier with the choice,limited as it was.I chose an orc 4 my hunter and wished i had chosen a troll. To compensate i rolled a troll shaman only lvl 7 but just cant seem to ajust to his look ,gonna delete him and roll an orc shaman though i'd rather not have two orcs,i want a shaman and i just dont like tauren very much.
#16 Nov 17 2008 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts

just wondering if during the time you levelled your orc to 30, did you ever find yourself saying, 'damn, if only I had warstomp i wouldn't have died then' or something similar?

I am also trying to decide between orc and tauren.
#17 Nov 18 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
I Love my draenei shaman.
After playing countless classes, it's now my main (=
#18 Nov 18 2008 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
I absolutely love my female troll shaman. She is amazing. I love her animations, the way she dances, she is down right amazing to feel like Im a part of her.

That sounds gross, but seriously Im a female, its cool. :)
#19 Nov 18 2008 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
616 posts
apothik wrote:

just wondering if during the time you levelled your orc to 30, did you ever find yourself saying, 'damn, if only I had warstomp i wouldn't have died then' or something similar?

I am also trying to decide between orc and tauren.

There was a time or two where I would have loved to pop it before a ghost wolf, and I'm sure when I start arenas with the class that there will be times like that as well. However, I stand by my choice. Orc doesn't feel as sluggish as Tauren (especially in a PvP situation, or at least that's how I feel on my tauren warrior when gnomes run through my ankles). Orc are very pleasent to look at while casting/meleeing, and bloodfury is pretty awesome as well. I won't deny how awesome some tauren shammies look while idling in the cities, but when it comes to actually playing the class, Orc feels great.

Orc FTW :)
#20 Nov 19 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I had a choice?!

Dry knees FTA!
#21 Nov 19 2008 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I won't deny how awesome some tauren shammies look while idling in the cities, but when it comes to actually playing the class, Orc feels great.

OK thanks mate, good advice. Guess I'm going orc.
#22 Nov 23 2008 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I regret choosing a Tauren for my Shaman. I was blinded by the intro movie (the first one) back when I created it (yeah, I'm that old) and before I realized the error of my ways, I was level 50ish.

Just can't get myself to level him up anymore and I don't feel like leveling up a new character.

Wish I'd taken an Orc or a Troll.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 Nov 23 2008 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
thanks guys.

well.... i levelled both an orc and a tauren to 20, and I am finding the orc is more fun + dies less.

i made an "oh crap" macro that would pop bloodyfury (yay no GCD) and drop a strength of earth totem, if I get in a tight spot I can just burn down all the mobs around me real quick... It seemed to be more effective at keeping me alive than trying to warstomp then heal through it all.

So yeah, LOVE the way taurens look, but orcs are an honest-to-goodness, lean mean fighting machine.
#24 Nov 23 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
My original sham is Tauren. My other two are troll and Draeno. I love my original toon and she will always be my favorite. And If I coudl go back and change her race - I might.

I might just give up my long-time nickname (healyCow) in favor of being able to ride from the FM to the trhone room in UC without having to dismount because the stupid Tauren scaling makes my mount and me too tall to fit through the %&$* elevator doors.

There are other places this happens, but that one is classic. Been that way since I started playing (release of BC), and yet, nobody will drop that calculation by 1% to make it not a PITA.

Other than that, my shammies are all created equal, and the only thing the recial differences have impacted significantly is looks and professions. (They all look good in their own ways <s>)

#25 Nov 24 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
Alliance I have well the only race you can be draenai. Male and looks pretty mean. Horde I am Tauren. Nice being big. Only thing I can't get over is how the mob just dissapears by shear girth from the taurens size. If I had a fav race on horde for melee it would be orc, for caster it would be BE. Can't stand the look of trolls. Can't stand there voice. There dance. Hate trolls. Orcs are better and taurens are bigger. I like having the health boost.
#26 Nov 28 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
So yeah, LOVE the way taurens look, but orcs are an honest-to-goodness, lean mean fighting machine.

So, for anyone who's interested, I eventually went back to my tauren :)

My head gave way to my heart... I know orc are better dps, but tauren just look so much cooler, and to be honest warstomp HAS proved to be a lifesaver so many times.... woot for taurens!!

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