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How did you do it, 2k Shammies?Follow

#1 Sep 09 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
Seriously? How?

I am a nut when it comes to numbers. If I have 1999 healing, it would literally bug the heck out of me. Currently, I am at 1972 and all I am focusing on now is getting over that 2k mark. I need about a 100 more badges to get the nice mace from the island lady and bust me over that barrier, but it led me to wonder, how the heck did Shammy's break that mark before badge gear came out (or even the Island badge gear came out)? Was it only a T5/T6 stat? Did I miss something totally with my gear selection? Do other Shammy's just gem the +18 heals and pass on intel and mp5? Or, is 2k just more difficult for Shammy's to obtain?


#2 Sep 09 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
I would re-gem to all plus would only lose 8 mp5 and you have 144 unbuffed, which is plenty. You could also pick up the trinket from lower city rep which is +70 healing. You also have 87 healing that is unseen from totem (chain heal only but that's our most used spell). It also might help to know that shamans don't need as high of bonus healing as other healing classes due to the chain jumps. You should be good for most of the raid content in the game (all of T4 and T5 and some of T6).

Edit: Also there is a nice trinket in Kara that drops from the opera event. And you could drop jewelcrafting for alchemy for the shattered sun trinket (best in the game). Though that would be really expensive and kind of a waste of the time and money you spent on leveling jewelcrafting.

Edited, Sep 9th 2008 10:10am by Ailitardif

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May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#3 Sep 09 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
I thought about some quick things I can do with what I have now, such as buying the Battlemaster's trinket (30k honor) and upgrading my bracers to the badge one, but that would put me at exactly 1999 bonus healing (and that would bother the hell out of me).

I stacked up on Mp5, because I was going OOM often (before I found out the wonders of downranking your chainheal Smiley: banghead) Maybe doing these and replacing one of my gems to the +18 one will put me at ease.
#4 Sep 09 2008 at 7:01 AM Rating: Excellent
2,079 posts
Well, AT THE MOMENT.... (lolWotLK) you can downrank, making stacking heavy healing sometimes preferable. Chain Heal (Rank 4) gets all of the +healing that Rank 5 gets. Mine heals for roughly 3.1k whereas rank 5 is 3.3k. The mana difference is quite large though. So, by gemming straight +healing (or mostly +healing) and using rank 4 I can use less mana to do the same heal and end up saving more mana in the end.

Generally red sockets I put +22 healing. Blue Sockets I put 11 healing/2MP5 unless the bonus is retarded. Yellow sockets.... lol. Well, if the bonus is good, spell haste is good once you are in T6 content. I don't think healers hit the 2000 mark pre sunwell unless they did T6 or gemmed heavy heavy +healing.

PS: Chain Heal Rank 4 is actually our most mana efficient spell and still fairly high ranked when it comes to hps.
#5 Sep 09 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
I agree with the above. I mean, a lot of your gear is similar to mine, and I'm at 2023 bh with 178 mp5 casting.

I'd try to replace the Vial of the Sunwell trinket. You can also get the Gleaming Earthen Bracers (as you mentioned). If you've got the gold, you can regem a few things with more plus heals, and if your guild runs ZA, you can also hope for the Enamelled Disc of Mojo to drop.

I was in the 1900s for the longest time until I was recently able to save up 100 badges for the chestpiece. That pushed me over big time to 2023. Next stop for me are the leggings.

But try doing what you mentioned with replacing the trinket and wrists and see if that pushes you over.
#6 Sep 11 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
My +heal is currently at 1913 - Its low, but honestly I perfer overall stats over +heal.

But just looking at your toon you could cross 2000 by just getting the badge tinket, Essence of the Martyr, 41 badges well spent. But I guess thats only an upgrade if you dont use the vial.

And just for the heck of saying it, why the +15 stam on boots? You should get vitality.

PLUS - you only have +6 mp5 on your chest - You should get stats. You are honored from honor hold, if you dont already have it, go pick it up! :)

- Best advice for you, get the trinket to replace the vial (which already puts you over 2000), and upgrade those two chants, your well over 2000 then.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 12:18pm by lauisifer
#7 Sep 11 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent
lauisifer wrote:

PLUS - you only have +6 mp5 on your chest - You should get stats. You are honored from honor hold, if you dont already have it, go pick it up! :)

Perhaps the reason there's Restore Mana Prime on the chest is due to what the whole ElitistJerks thing shows on "How to Heal like a Pro." Never said anything about stats for the chestpiece. So if you happen to have a source that shows that's the best enchant to get, that'd be great! I have Mana Prime as well, but was always thinking about whether or not Stats would be better.
#8 Sep 11 2008 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
lauisifer wrote:
My +heal is currently at 1913 - Its low, but honestly I perfer overall stats over +heal.

But just looking at your toon you could cross 2000 by just getting the badge tinket, Essence of the Martyr, 41 badges well spent. But I guess thats only an upgrade if you dont use the vial.

And just for the heck of saying it, why the +15 stam on boots? You should get vitality.

PLUS - you only have +6 mp5 on your chest - You should get stats. You are honored from honor hold, if you dont already have it, go pick it up! :)

- Best advice for you, get the trinket to replace the vial (which already puts you over 2000), and upgrade those two chants, your well over 2000 then.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 12:18pm by lauisifer

After playing around with some ideas, I decided I do not want to sac my mana regen over just a few +heals. I am going to upgrade my Scarab of the Infinite Cycle to the Battlemaster's Perseverance. The scarab rarely procs and a little temporary HP boost during those "oh crap" moments would come in better use for me. I have about 20k honor just wasting away, so that doesnt leave me far to go to get it. I am also upgrading my Whirlwind Bracers to the badge ones (Gleaming Earthen Bracers). I already bought an epic gem to replace one of my blue ones, so I believe, that will put me at +2001 bonus heals without taking away (actually gaining a few from the bracer upgrade) MP5.

That is alot of freaking work to get me over that hump, I just do not know how Shammy's did that pre-Sunwell.

Vitality is just a four letter to me right now. For the last few weeks (since I got my badge boots), I have been spamming in /2 WTB Vitality, have mats +20g tip. No takers, just some redicule from the /2 trolls. The +12 stam is a throw-away enchant I have on there until I get Vitality. Now with the mana prime/+6 stats debate, I have always been under the assumption that mana prime was our best one. Have I been lead astray?

One last point I do want to say is Vial of the Sunwell has been one of the best items I have ever gotten for my Shaman. It has been invaluale in several occations, especially when I have been locked out of my nature Spells for 6 seconds or so. It is like having an instant LHW on standby. I also have a use-on-self macro set up for when I take damage. Its like a second healing pot/health stone that doesn't share a cooldown and I can keep healing the tank/raid uninterupted. The +15 MP5 is just gravy IMO.

I do want to thank everyone for their time and your great suggestions.

Edit: Fixed a broken link

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 2:08pm by calindc
#9 Sep 11 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
calindc wrote:
Now with the mana prime/+6 stats debate, I have always been under the assumption that mana prime was our best one. Have I been lead astray?

That's what I thought (as from my post above yours).
#10 Sep 11 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
2,079 posts
6 MP5 > 6 stats for PVE. 6 INT is only +1.8 or so healing. 6 INT is only max mana whereas 6 MP5 extends your mana pool. The longer the fight, the more MP5 (or +healing) is important. You can either downrank with max +healing or stack MP5 and use higher ranks.

6 agi, 6 str, and 6 spirit are all wasted. 6 Stam is just survivability which is generally ok for shaman anyways. Now, for PVP... 6 stats wins every time. Short fights means that 6 int is better than 6 MP5. It also equates to a slight increase in survivability. It raises the threshold where Nature's Guardian kicks in. Increased Armor.
#11 Sep 12 2008 at 3:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Thanks Jiade. That makes sense.
#12 Sep 12 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
Perhaps the reason there's Restore Mana Prime on the chest is due to what the whole ElitistJerks thing shows on "How to Heal like a Pro." Never said anything about stats for the chestpiece. So if you happen to have a source that shows that's the best enchant to get, that'd be great! I have Mana Prime as well, but was always thinking about whether or not Stats would be better.

You know I never really thought about it. Everyone just always told me that you should get stats not 6mp5. I am very likely wrong as I have never researched it. :)

I was under the impression since it is called +6 all stats that it gave you +6 to everything, including +heals +crit +mp5 - but now im seeing that It doesnt! Im shocked! And tonight I will be switching to +6mp5 on my shaman. :) Very much more useful for an enhancement shaman but not resto.

One last point I do want to say is Vial of the Sunwell has been one of the best items I have ever gotten for my Shaman. It has been invaluale in several occations, especially when I have been locked out of my nature Spells for 6 seconds or so. It is like having an instant LHW on standby. I also have a use-on-self macro set up for when I take damage. Its like a second healing pot/health stone that doesn't share a cooldown and I can keep healing the tank/raid uninterupted. The +15 MP5 is just gravy IMO.

Dont get me wrong, I think the vial is very nice for the MP5, I just perfer the essence over it.

Another trinket I have in my bank, Pendant of the Violet Eye, I had this one on a macro to use it every time I could because of the Mp5 But stopped using it.

If you have a choice between, Pendant of the Violet Eye Ribbon of Sacrifice Essence of the Martyr and Vial of the Sunwell, which do you use?

Remind you, I always forget to use my trinkets, so I always set up a macro to use them when cooldowns are up.
#13 Sep 12 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
lauisifer wrote:
If you have a choice between, Pendant of the Violet Eye Ribbon of Sacrifice Essence of the Martyr and Vial of the Sunwell, which do you use?

Remind you, I always forget to use my trinkets, so I always set up a macro to use them when cooldowns are up.

Vial of the Sunwell. In raid fights that last 8-10 minutes, I can use this as an instant self heal 3-4 times. It's almost like a stack of the untalented (2k) warlock health stones. It has only a 2 minute cooldown and does not share a cooldown with any health pots/stones. I can top myself off (with my nifty macro) and go back to chain heals, uninterupted (read: no waiting on the global cool down). And, to top it off, it can crit like a pot too.

oh yeah, the 15 mp5.....gravy.
#14 Sep 16 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
just fyi, can not down rank in the ptr. Down ranking spells actually costs MORE mana than top rank spells
#15 Sep 29 2008 at 5:37 AM Rating: Excellent
I have had no luck with the healing trinket from the Brewfest boss (seriously I am like 0 for 50), but thanks to a very nice guild and Rage Winterchill himself I am now the proud owner of the Howling Wind Bracers which puts me at exactly 2001 +healing.

Now I can put my shammy on the shelf for 6 weeks and start over. Smiley: glare
#16 Sep 29 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Woot! Go you! ... Yeah I haven't had luck with the Brewfest healing trinket for my shammy either... but I did manage to get it on my (at the time) 66 mage, along with the Pipe... Darn my mage!!! Darn her to heck!

Update on my status as well (since we're all being awesome and whatnot), I'm about 25 badges from the pants... It's amazing how fast I got these badges in comparison to my chest badges... Anywho, Hopefully within the next week I'll have it soon.
#17 Sep 29 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
Calindc I enjoy the vial also but I always considered it more of a boss fight trinket, or if chain pulling was going on for the mana.

Trinket is great for Hijal waves and boss fights, or anytime you need to heal yourself like all the splash damage in Zulaman.

But for general trash I always preferred a nice +healing trinket. Reason for this is to increase the power of Earthen Shield on a tank, and with a trinket like essence of the martyr you can super charge an earthen shield to have an additional 300 healing which is great.

Back when Earthen Shield had 10 charges I use to even use Shiffar's Nexus-Horn so I could really super charge my Earthen Shields (Only trinket I could stack with Martyr that gave this much healing)
#18 Oct 04 2008 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
I dunno, I have 2070+heals and 212 mp5 (with water shield) with a mix of T4, T5/TK, ZA, and badge gear. Also I'm using the tome of diabolic remedy off of Hex Lord. I have another +healing trinket if I need the boost for short, hard hitting fights. My gear is in need of a lot of upgrade (IMO) till I'm seriously geared for T6, not that it matters much anymore.

My first suggestion would be getting a new ring to replace the Grand Restorers ring, as it kinda sucks for shaman, no mp5 but spirit bonus. Other upgrades I'd suggest is shooting for the T4 set bonus, either through the pants or hands if you have to. The Hands off of Maiden in kara are really good for healing, better than the badge ones ;) For shoulders, I'd suggest doing Void Reaver for the easy T5 shoulders. Really looking good though :)
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