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#1 Sep 05 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Hi! I've been reading up on WoW rogues for a while now. While I don't currently play WoW, I'm planning on starting it up just after I get back from my honeymoon (One week from now), and I'm planning on starting off playing a dwarf Rogue.

To that end, I had a couple of questions I'd like to ask. I'll mainly be doing PvE, although I'll be playing on a PvP server, and am definitely interested in doing a bit of PvP as well. While I don't plan on ever being some super-powered mutant, I would like to be able to hold my own against others of similar levels.

So, I know that Combat Swords, as of right now, is the PvE build to use. However, I'm a lot more interested in using Daggers than swords... it fits in better with my idea of a rogue, and interests me more. The question I have is this; if I go Combat Daggers, how MUCH of a difference is that going to make in my ability to PvE? Am I going to be severely gimping myself in PvE, and also PvP by using that build?
How about if I use a Mut build? Would that be a better build for what I'm looking to do?

Also, keep in mind, that with an extremely busy lifestyle, I probably won't have a TON of time to dedicate to playing... meaning that getting to 70 is probably going to be an extremely long process for me. Does this fact change the build that I'd potentially want to use?

The other question I have is regarding profession. I know that most people advocated either taking two gathering professions to make money, taking Skinning/LW, or waiting until 70 and then picking up a proffesion. Obviously the waiting till 70 option is out for me. The profession I'm planning on taking is Herb/Alch; the reason being, I'm hoping that being able to make my own potions will help me to get along quicker without needing help from others. Being able to make my own healing pots seems like it would be EXTREMELY useful. I do have a friend that plays currently that can probably help me some with gold, so I'm not totally concerned about making money.

However, it seems like nobody ever even considers taking Herb/Alch as a rogue, so my other question is this. Is taking Herb/Alch a stupid idea, or will it work for what I'm hoping for?

Whew! That got a little long. Sorry if you think these questions are retarded and that I should read the rogue compendium (again). Thanks for any help/advice you can give!
#2 Sep 05 2008 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
142 posts
if you wish to get to level 70 fast, I'd first recommend getting a friend who plays to send you a invite, as you can receive triple exp when playing with him.

level as combat sword, it by far the easiest way to go. once you hit 70 spec mutilate if you want to use daggers, its not the best for pvp or pve, but if you really insist on using daggers its better than shs or combat daggers. if you want to be the best you can be, get 2 swords and just spec between shs and combat depending on what your doing

#3 Sep 05 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
704 posts
Using daggers because they are more roguish is kind of a moot point. As combat Daggers what are the differences?

You use backstab instead of sinister strike (positional requirement).
You get 5% crit instead of a free swing (free swing is better since it is with your main hand).
You can open with ub3r 1337 ambush crits (ambush is obsolete as soon as you get cheap shot, if not sooner).

More than anything the damage you get out of a dagger backstab is probably going to be a lot less than with a SS sword because for two reasons, daggers don't hit as hard in terms of damage numbers and your gonna spend a lot of your time gouging and kidney shotting just to get into position to use backstab. SS + Daggers = phail. Plus, in the 50s, there is a huge dry spell of viable daggers.

Do yourself a favor and make your leveling experience much less painful and go with combat swords, atleast until you hit around 55. At 55 you can mutilate (41 in assasination) and get Oppurtunity (increase to mutilate damage). I leveled through Outlands as Mutilate and only just respeced after I had enough badges to get the SSO fists. The first couple quests in outlands get you some nice daggers to use and there are two nice ones in Kara, although you can grind out rep for some better swords.

If you plan on PvE mostly, humans are the better rogues (on alliance) becuase of sword and mace spec and the rep bonus is nice too. Perception is considered one of the most OP racials too and helps in those rogue on rogue/druid fights. Dwarfs are good too because they get stoneform. Gun spec is close to worthless for rogues. Gnomes are good too for escape artist, and the enigineer spec can be useful if you pick up that prof. NELF shadowmeld is an extra level of stealth and they get an extra bit of agi. NELF is the weakest choice of the alliance races.

For Proffessions herb/alch is a viable choice for any class. It is one of the few that really can work with anyone (JC and engi being the others). Making your own raid elixers/flasks can save you a ton of money (Relentless flasks go for like 50~60g on my server). I wouldn't worry about health pots though. As a rogue you should have a pick pocket macro that will net you a ton of junkboxes and other goodies as you level, and help you keep your lockpicking capped. You will get health pots from the mobs and inside the junkboxes thoughout your career and really shouldn't run low if you are playing a rogue right. ;-)

As mentioned by python, if you have a freind who is already playing and willing to get you some gold, have them send you an invite through the recruit a freind program. If they roll an equal level toon and you guys quest and kill together you both get triple xp. In addition, you can give a level to any one of his toons that are lower than you at a rate of one per every two you get, and once you pay your first two months subscription, he gets a cool Zebra mount. Its a great way for you to level faster and get ready for the expansion and him to bring up a couple extra alts.

Good luck to you and welcome to the World...of Warcraft. And congratulations on the wedding.
#4 Sep 05 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
Sweet. Thanks for the tip on the invite. I didn't know about that.

Sorry if I didn't explain myself quite right... level 70 is something that is a long, long ways in the future for me. I'm not really interested in just powerlevelling through the game the first time, since I'd like to experience everything it offers. With the limited time I'll be able to play, getting to 70 isn't really that much of a priority for me. So I'm trying to pick a spec that interestes me, but I'm not SO attached to daggers that if I find out it's going to severely gimp me, I'm willing to look at the more common build (combat swords).

Basically, I want to use daggers, but I also want to be able to hold my own in PvE and PvP against folks that are similarly leveled. Are the two mutually exclusive?


Must have been posting as the same time as you Atrophy. So basically, what you're saying is the difference between combat swords and some sort of dagger build is enough to make a noticeable difference in damage output and ability to level, especially through the earlier (up to 55) levels? If so, that's really all the answer I need! If it's going to be a significant difference, I'll stick with Combat Swords.

Also, I appreciate the heads up that I'm not being a complete idiot picking herb/alch.

Thanks a bunch for your tips, and for your congratulations on my wedding!

Edited, Sep 5th 2008 12:31pm by sevrdhed
#5 Sep 05 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
sevrdhed wrote:
Basically, I want to use daggers, but I also want to be able to hold my own in PvE and PvP against folks that are similarly leveled. Are the two mutually exclusive?

Mutilate will be the most viable. Combat daggers will be a joke in PvP unless you are going against some scrub. Since Mut really isn't viable until 55 as I mentioned above, combat swords will serve the purpose for you until then. Most of your PvP until 70 is going to be World PvP (read: ganking and getting ganked). If you are on the recieving end, its probably a person who is much higher level than you or a group, in which case your spec has little to nothing to do with your survival.

Also, they have buffed the 20-60 xp rates quite a bit. I have a very casual game schedule (Friday nights, Saturdays, some times a couple hours on Sunday and a raid during the week) and I have leveled a shadow priest from 1-40 in about a month. If you get your pal to do R-a-F with you it will be even faster. Hell, Theo and MyTeddy were at 52 in less than two days played (granted they both have extensive knowledge of the game, quests, and have higher levels to run them through stuff.
#6 Sep 05 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
Wow. That triple XP bonus does sound pretty awesome. Does that end at a specific level?

And based off your info, I think I'll just stick with combat swords and when I get up to level 55 or so, respec for mutilate. I mean heck, I'm not playing on an RP server.
#7 Sep 05 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
To earn the triple xp, you have to be partied with your friend who invited you, and you have to be questing together. As long as you stay within 4 levels of each other, you will both earn triple xp for kills and quest turn ins. At level 60, you must grant your freind all your saved levels or you will lose them.

All the details can be found here:
#8 Sep 05 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
rogues can level to 70 without any talent points period... being daggers isnt optimal, but its doable

if your not worrying about blasting to 70, play what youll enjoy (you wouldnt believe some of the silly **** i did when i was leveling my rogue and just first started asin questions on alla lol)

the game isnt so hard that wrong talents will make you THAT bad in a 5 man group or soloing

and leveling with what you like > leveling a smidge faster imo

just ask my priest, currently 53 and specced mediation, mind flay, and the rest is dumped into holy

ill go something serious at 70, until then... who cares, amirightorwut

you sound like you want to be mutilate when you get that high.... go for it sevr
#9 Sep 05 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Mutilate sounds right for you, yes. You can probably mutilate your way trough Karazhan (the first raiding instance) and do alright. By the time you reach the content where you'll really need PvE swords to prevent your raid from 'carrying' you, WOTLK will probably be out. As for the difference, I'm not too sure anymore these days, but if I recall correctly you lose 8% of your personal damage as opposed to combat swords.

I do however suggest you spec combat (daggers if you must) until you reach level 50 where you can respec and take mutilate. Doing so will probably speed up your leveling by quite a bit.

Oh, and you might find it worthwhile to pick up master of deception and some points in camouflage while levelling if you're playing on a PvP server. While combat increases your uptime, deaths significantly lower it... And vanish probably won't save you from somebody 4-8 levels higher than you if you don't have a speed or stealth boost on it.
#10 Sep 05 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
19,369 posts
mongoosexcore wrote:
rogues can level to 70 without any talent points period...

Anyone who does that is a moron.
#11 Sep 05 2008 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
704 posts
mongoosexcore wrote:
if your not worrying about blasting to 70, play what youll enjoy (you wouldnt believe some of the silly sh*t i did when i was leveling my rogue and just first started asin questions on alla lol)

I leveled to my mid 30s with dagger MH and Sword OH, specced deep assassination before I found these boards...
#12 Sep 05 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Mongoosesexcore wrote:
if your not worrying about blasting to 70, play what youll [sic] enjoy.

Actually, not bad advice for casual players. I had a lot of fun experimenting here and there while leveling. But most often I just wanted to "get on with it" and combat swords has no equal for higher XP per hour or performance in 5-toon instances. Period.

Herb/Alch is fine if you don't mind being a bit poorer than you would be with herb/mining or herb/skinning (my favorite). If you're playing your rogue well, you won't often need health pots and the elixirs you can make while leveling aren't all that great. But it can be fun to level a crafting prof while leveling your toon. Again, a more casual player approach, but not completely out of line. At 70 you can reevaluate your goals and decide from there if keeping them or changing is right for you. I might mention that there are ton of helpful PvP items in Engineering.
#13 Sep 07 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
I leveled as sub till around 60 and switched to mutilate. It was really fun, and the boosted stealth and speed was nice while leveling.

I might mention that there are ton of helpful PvP items in Engineering.

I agree, but leveling Engineering is quite hard with only one character. My gf was an alchy/herb, and I found those troll blood potions quite useful while questing.
#14 Sep 07 2008 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
1,419 posts
I read until:

Hi! I've been reading up on WoW rogues for a while now. While I don't currently play WoW,

Welcome to the game. Read the sticky, I'm gonna venture to guess that it will answer all your questions.
#15 Sep 07 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
mongoosexcore wrote:
rogues can level to 70 without any talent points period...

Anyone who does that is a moron.

I think the point was that it is incredibly easy to level to 70 and talent spec makes no massive difference.

I mean...duh.
#16 Sep 07 2008 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
I may not know as much about the game as some, but I leveled to 70 and was raiding kara before I ever started reading these posts. I was a complete hybrid I had points in every tree. and even when it came to grouping I was good. I didn't top the meter, but no one had to carry me. It's a fun experience. just go with whatever you think will be the funnest. I was a Skin/LW until 70 where it got too expensive and time consuming to farm the materials. So I dropped that and picked up Mine/Eng. And I love it. Engineering is really a fun profession. not much money in it, but you can get a decent amount from mining. But its all up to you. The people on these posts can give you all the advice in the world, but if it ruins the game then don't take it. Cause after all it is just a game. Probably the best game ever, but still just a game. I enjoy my rogue todya at 70 as much as I did when I first started questing. and thats what its all about for me. Is enjoying it. Now once you get to 70 I highly suggest reading the posts on here. They have a lot of great advice. From everything I have read on these posts I went from being just another rogue in my guild to a rogue everyone will group with. but like I said just have fun with it.
#17 Sep 17 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Hey guys! I'm back!

Thanks again for all the info. I decided to stick with combat swords to help make levelling as easy as possible. When I actually get to the 50's or 60's, I'll look at changing specs then. I appreciate all your advice.

Now, I've got one more question. I hit 11 last night, and there's two quests in my starting zone, both of which give nice daggers which have the same DPS. One of them is slower, but has +2 agility, and one of them is faster, but only has +1 agility. I've already got a mainhand that I'm buying, and so I'm going to be using this for my offhand.

So, if I read everything right, the reason that everyone says to have a slow mainhand and a fast offhand is because with a slow mainhand, you have a better chance of doing bigger damage with SS, and with a fast offhand, you have a better chance of proccing poison. Is this correct? If so, then obviously I'll take the one with +2 agility.
#18 Sep 17 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Mostly correct. I'm very picky about this "slow main hand" business so let me just say this and be done: Highest Average Damage weapon for main-hand, fastest available for off-hand. The speed of the main-hand is an artifact of the itemization system Bliz uses and can be misleading. It's 99% true that slower weapons will tend to have higher averages, but not always. Personally, I prefer knowing exactly how things work. But that's just me. ;)

And you're right, the reasoning is based on how some attacks calculate damage from your main-hand weapons and for procs on the off (poison and Combat Potency).

Good luck!
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