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To Tip or not to Tip! That is the QuestionFollow

#1 Sep 03 2008 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
I am a level 55 Frost spec’ed Human mage. I have played a Hunter as a main for a while, but have decided that the mage is the much better class and so have made the mage my main and the hunter relegated to farming, tour guide and body-guard duties for Guild mates.

My question is, should I expect a tip when asked for conjured food and water? I give freely (on pun intended) when in a group, but what about when someone completely unknown to me and ungrouped asks for free stuff?

In my research, and there have been many sources that I have looked at (and think this is the best), I have read a mage suggesting that a tip be given for the free stuff. His reasoning puzzled me a bit as he said that the prices of the high end water posted on AH were too high (250g +). Can someone enlighten me on this? I thought we got our conjure water spells from trainers?

The last “beggar” (well they are asking you to give something for nothing in return) stated that I was the first to even suggest a tip as all the mages she has asked never expected a tip. She was a level 60 beggar I think.

I would like to see what you mages think of this. If the consensus is to spend time giving others free stuff instead of doing the things I want to do, then that’s what I’ll do. Please, if you can, provide an explanation as to how you feel on this subject. Constructive is way more helpful than abusive!

Thanks and Good Conjuring!

#2 Sep 03 2008 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
185 posts
To learn the highest levels of conjuring water, you need a tome, which is a drop often sold on the AH. (Once you have the highest level of conjuring, you can then learn the refreshment table from the trainer). Sometimes these tomes can sell for quite the tidy sum of gold, depending on your server. So yes, there is a cost associated with being able to produce the highest levels of food/water.

Personally, if some random person begs me for food/water (or a run-thru, etc.), I tend to ignore them (although "Could I bother you for x?" is a better approach than "kan i plz have sum water????!!!"). Obviously, I wouldn't expect party of raid members to tip (or BG), but if it were some random person, it sure would be nice. In the end, a tip is a tip - if I'm feeling nice, I'll give said person food/water, and if they tip me, I'd probably be more inclined to return the favor someday.
#3 Sep 03 2008 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
I have never asked for tip since the product actually is free. I'm only losing my time there. However 98% of people who ask for some water (normally in org) get totally ignored cos I just can't stand that "plz plz plz" mentality. And even worse is when they open a trade and then ask. I hardly ever have any water on my mage cos I rather use cookies.

If someone ask for water and is being polity and mature I almost always give'em all they want for free cos being friendly to someone you ask for something goes high in my book. Same goes with portals, I dont need more tip but if you say you will provide rune or money for that it's enough for me. If you just ask for portal I propably ignore and continue my own business.

Some classes might find these thoughs rude but for mages it's so normal every day that unless someone is being polite ---> ignore totally. It's almost like asking lock for a HS =) (shards are free anyway)
#4 Sep 04 2008 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I'm a bit of a freak that way, I like handing out water... But as for your situation; I suggest you let it depend on how people ask you. If they go "Water plz" I would feel free to charge them. If they go "Excuse me, but would you mind if I asked you for a stack of water?" they're showing enough good will for me to say "I'll make you two".
#5 Sep 04 2008 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Why do people ask for water unless they are grouped with you?

The answer - they are too lazy to go buy some. There is no difference between this and begging for money (since water costs them money).

And there is no such thing as high end water that costs 250g on the AH (unless someone just put regular water up there for that price). You can buy the highest end water from a vendor for less than 1g.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 10:58am by YJMark
#6 Sep 04 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Excellent
185 posts
YJMark wrote:

And there is no such thing as high end water that costs 250g on the AH

I think they meant these:
Tome of Conjure Food VII/VIII
Tome of Conjure Water IX

Food VII is a static drop in Strat, but you don't even need it, since you can just learn VIII, which is is a world drop. Water IX is also a world drop. Sometimes people put them on the AH for stupid amounts of gold, and mages buy them.
#7 Sep 04 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
I may be the oddball here, but I rarely do anything without a tip. I don't make portals/food/water for people without them tipping (unless we are grouped in some fashion). I normally charge 2g for a port anywhere (but if they are spamming trade with 1g or more than 2g I will do it for their value). Food/water I generally expect to be tipped a couple gold for taking the time to conjure them a few stacks of each.

I mean when I have to buy my reagents, pay for my repair bills (unless we are spending the night in Sunwell), etc, it gets pretty expensive to raid and getting tipped by the average joes in org or wherev makes it a little easier on myself.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 11:16am by Anobix
#8 Sep 04 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Why do people ask for water unless they are grouped with you?

The answer - they are too lazy to go buy some. There is no difference between this and begging for money (since water costs them money).

And there is no such thing as high end water that costs 250g on the AH (unless someone just put regular water up there for that price). You can buy the highest end water from a vendor for less than 1g.

Have to reply to that... We're not all like that. I've had a priest for years and I've always loved mages for their water. I know it sounds odd, but I've got some kind of obsession with the stuff; when I've got 40 mage water it really *feels* like I can easily spill a water to drink up ~10% of my mana if needed. Or even throw a shield on myself and drink that 400 mana back when enemies are approaching. The thing with mage water is that it's free, and it really feels that way to me. When I'm using ordinary water I'm way more hesitant to use any, due to the simple fact that "well hey, it costs gold" and the horror of running out in the middle of a battle.

I realize it sounds odd, but it's just some kind of obsession that slipped into me after recieving my first stack of 40 water on my first priest. Kind of like the idea that every DOT in the game should be without a cast time. I find warlocks for example really strange and sometimes even odd to play, and naturally I'm speccing affliction to get corruption instant.

On the other hand, I never bother random mages in a capital city for water, I realize it simply wouldn't be fair to ask them to waste their time on me for nothing. And I usually give mages who throw up a table in a BG a really polite thanks in /bg for everyone to see, aside from throwing them all my buffs.
#9 Sep 04 2008 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
When I'm using ordinary water I'm way more hesitant to use any, due to the simple fact that "well hey, it costs gold" and the horror of running out in the middle of a battle.

This statement right here indicates that you are exactly like what I was describing. If you are worried about running out, then you didn't buy enough. I always have 2+ stacks on me at all times.

But, the rest of your post indicates that you have some weird obsession with conjured water.

I'm not sure about

In all seriousness, if you have some obsession with mage water because it's conjured, then you should pay the mage for it. If you have some obsession with mage water because it's free and you can waste it, then you are a cheapskate.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 1:49pm by YJMark
#10 Sep 04 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
239 posts

YJMark wrote:
The answer - they are too lazy to go buy some. There is no difference between this and begging for money (since water costs them money).

I don't think that's the case in the vast majority of cases.

I've found myself out in the middle of nowhere before and realized that I'd forgotten to stack up on some important consumable before. I'm pretty sure nearly everyone has.

It doesn't matter if it's a hunter who forgot to buy bullets or a priest who forgot to buy water, it happens. Laziness has nothing to do with it, it's the sort of honest mistake that just happens.

And it is not the same as begging for money (especially for those who have every intention of tipping). Conjured items cost nothing but the few seconds the mage would take to summon the item -- which is often significantly less time than the player takes to compose some nasty remark or to complain in their guild chat about the person begging from them.

As for me and my mage, I will summon whatever is needed for whoever needs it. It's a social game, and so long as people are nice to me, I'm going to be nice to them.
#11 Sep 04 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
This statement right here indicates that you are exactly like what I was describing. If you are worried about running out, then you didn't buy enough. I always have 2+ stacks on me at all times.

But, the rest of your post indicates that you have some weird obsession with conjured water.

I'm not sure about

In all seriousness, if you have some obsession with mage water because it's conjured, then you should pay the mage for it. If you have some obsession with mage water because it's free and you can waste it, then you are a cheapskate.

Mage water fetish ftw.

But seriously, it's something that just make me feel... agitated is the right word I think. Whenever I'm carrying mage water with me I turn into a "Don't worry, be happy" mood. When it's normal water I need to watch the amount of drinks I take and doing so is probably what gnaws on me.

Or well, technically I don't *need* to watch how much I drink since I can easily buy more water, but it's just something that's slipped in. I'm weird that way, I tend to have it with reagents and poisons (on my rogue) as well; I really wait until there I simply háve to use something (rogue poisons for example) before actually using it. Even though that's starting to ease out on poisons now... I just made myself a stack of ~50 of each rather than stacks of 20 (and having to 'refill' them every weekend).
#12 Sep 04 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
I've found myself out in the middle of nowhere before and realized that I'd forgotten to stack up on some important consumable before. I'm pretty sure nearly everyone has.

It doesn't matter if it's a hunter who forgot to buy bullets or a priest who forgot to buy water, it happens. Laziness has nothing to do with it, it's the sort of honest mistake that just happens.

This does not reflect the situation the OP was discussing.

If you forgot to grab water, and happen to run across a mage. Then, you ask them to make you some water and tip them (or at least offer to tip them). All is good. However, I can only assume this happens rarely since there are food & drink vendors at multiple locations in practically every zone.

If you purposefully don't buy water, and expect a mage to give it to you for free. That is the same thing as begging. And that is what I was talking about.

If you have an obsession with conjured water....heh heh. I still have to laugh, and I'd give you water for free :)
#13 Sep 04 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I'd have a hard time explaining it, so for now I usually hope some gallant mages wastes his money on a table in AV =)

But to reply to the way you're putting it; it's definitely not that I'm purposefully not buying water, that would be very cheapskate indeed. Just don't like using normal water. Mages ftw *grins*
#14 Sep 04 2008 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
131 posts
In any group situation food, water, or mana biscuits are free, as are requests from guild members. Strangers are different. On numerous occasions I have had strangers whisper me asking for water and food. If they are close by, asked politely, and come to me I will make them a few stacks of each place them in the trade window and wait to click. If they offer a tip I complete the trade and generally buff them with a 1 hour buff. If no tip appears I whisper them "2g?". This is where it gets interesting. If they tip I complete the trade and buff them. However sometime I get a response like "Why? Its free for you" To responses like that I cancel trade and leave. Sometimes I get a response like "I never tip for this" or "I never charge on my mage". Sometime the response is much ruder. In those cases I usually say something like "Find a different vending machine" and leave. The pleasure is when they buff me while I'm making their stuff and open the trade window with the tip already there.

#15 Sep 04 2008 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
In my mind, the only difference between giving out food/water and throwing random buffs around is that food and water take a while to make up. If my paladin's Blessing of Kings took 5 seconds to cast, plus the time to trade, I probably wouldn't be giving it to everyone I see either..

This is why my paladin carries around 5 stacks of water, and my hunter keeps two stacks of both water and pet food. Maybe the mage is in a bad mood. I'll take some if he offers, but I never ask. Unless it's a guildy mage in a raid and he hasn't casted a table yet, then I mention the INSANELY OVERPRICED ARCANE POWDER!
#16 Sep 04 2008 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
I have never had anyone outside of a group ask me for water/food, but the people who group with me more than once know that all they have to do is open a trade window to get what they want. I am the mage; I am the fountain!@# :)

I'd give anyone free water/food if they ask nicely, even once I learn my tome of water, which is waiting for me in the bank. If someone demanded it or something, I might mess around with them for a bit, but they won't get anything from me. My tome didn't cost anything (as a matter of fact, I dunno how it ended up in my bags, yay beer, and I almost destroyed it), but even if it did, I'd still give it for free to whoever asked nicely, as long as they're nearby and can grab it quick, cuz I have **** I have to do. :)
#17 Sep 08 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
126 posts
I don't often get asked for water or food, outside of groups or BGs, and there I usually just drop a table. Once in a while, I'll get a request for a table, or the odd guy who runs into me in the middle of nowhere and needs food/drink. As long as they ask politely, I'll generally do it without asking for coin. Fortunately, on my realm, people generally tip out of habit anyway.

I get a lot more requests for portals. Same rule applies. I'll generally do it as long as folks are nice about it. If they are low level and don't look twinked, I often refuse to accept payment. I'll ask them instead to help somebody else out when they can, and send them off with whatever they wanted for free.
#18 Sep 09 2008 at 5:27 AM Rating: Good
1,259 posts
In reply to your subject: One thing I can't stand is people asking for ports for free. If I'm in town for any long amount of time I always get tells asking for a port.

The last one I did was my own fault. The guy offered 2g to which I said ok. I cast the port and he disappeared without paying. Next time I will open trade first..

About the water, food, biscuits: Depending on my mood I will be generous, ask for tips, or completely blow people off. If someone is willing to cover the cost of the mats to cast the table, sure what the hell.

It's just polite to tip.
#19 Sep 09 2008 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
I make them pay for ports first, i never set a price, anything over 1g and i have no issues, ive had people throw me 10-12g for a port.

As far as food/water/biscuits, if in the tell the person says, "can i please have some water, ill tip" then i say sure! if they don't mention a tip i just don't respond. if they keep naggin, i just say "just because i can make water doesn't mean im obligated to give you some." they usually get all pissy but that makes me happy inside so it's fine. It's like when a homeless person begs me for change "just because your poor doesn't mean im obligated to give you money"
#20 Sep 30 2008 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
Guess I'm in the minority here. I don't expect a tip for food or water. It's free to us mages! Yes, I paid a few gold for the Tomes to max out my abilities, but I bought them so I could conjure water/food for myself and my group. Being able to supply others for free was a nice side effect (maybe you will get a buff in exchange). Do I always stop and give some to anyone who asks? No, sometimes I don't feel like it, but I never ask for a tip for something I didn't pay for.
#21 Oct 03 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
OK, first my stupid n00b question... coming from my last MMORPG where you could simply tip someone by putting /tip $$$ in the chat bar and it would send the tip to their bag, is there such a way to do this in WoW or must you open a trade window? Just wondering on that.

As for tipping, I believe in tipping. Though having said that, (prepare for the double sided arguing with myself) it isn't like any 70 couldn't take 15 minutes run a few dailies in QD and have more than enough $$$ to buy mats - just the same to tip someone doing a service for you. I've tanked some stuff and never gotten a tip. Granted tanks fall into that role (usually) voluntarily, they are providing a service so they can help other generally get good loot. They take the most damage and will usually have the highest repair bills. Though they are in a group and need the DPS roles and CC roles to make things go smooth. How about on BGs, I see people always asking for tables in the BGs and 50% of the time there is no issue, the other part it might be because the mage ignores everyone or says they don't have the regs. Then people ***** and whine about how cheap mages are. Ungrateful, unprepared turds (the whiners not the mages). Point is I guess in a group you do things without expecting a tip - it is for the mutual benefit of everyone so everyone just does their job.

So imo, if I am running up to someone unknown and asking for a port or a summon, I say yes I should offer a tip. For food or water offer it, for a table or something requiring regs offer. If you are a mage and aren't doing anything and someone comes and asks politely for water the few seconds of conjuring and trading won't kill you, so refuse the tip. If you are going out of your way to stop doing something and help then, take it for your inconvenience.

My mage is only 19 and has been put on hold as my main approached 70. But now I am starting to work on it him again. So, as I get into the higher levels, maybe I will feel different. But I think at least offering a tip, even if only a few gold is the way to go. If you were not inconvenienced then refuse it, it isn't like a few gold is tough to make at the higher levels. On terms of being constantly asked to do something, I understand where you come from. Being a feral druid in the OL iI couldn't log on without having 5 whispers coming at me asking to tank this or that within a minute of logging on.

Now if you look at other classes, like a rogue leveling lockpicking and needed your chest to do it, I do not think they should expect a tip as you are helping them out, not the other way. An enchanter that is doing enchants to get their skill higher with your mats... maybe a small tip as some enchant spells are expensive, but realistically you are helping them out. The conjuring of food or water doesn't do anything for a mage in terms of XP (that I'm aware of) so yes a tip should at least be offered.

This is all imho - if you feel differently, then you are entitled to do so.
#22 Oct 04 2008 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
i guess im in the minority too. if anyone asks me reasonably for food/water/ect. i will usually cave and give it to them. it is free to me after all. also during group quests, i will offer a free table as an incentive for people to help. nothing says "help me out" like 80 mana biscuits. ports are a different story, 2g is the standard for me, more if im traveling to do it. for me its about karma.
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