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Official Beta Changes and Discussion [updated 9/19/08]Follow

#127 Sep 21 2008 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The thing with placing PvP talents in a PvE tree is that nobody will ever take them. Real PvPers will simply want subtlety and/or assassination. The idea to give hardcore PvE'ers some PvP viability is nice, but then again; hardcore PvE'ers will not want to offer points for PvP talents.

As for the glove nerf... It's just awful. I'm not sure if it's a neccessary nerf, but yeah, I hate it. -10 energy on kick... That's just "meh", but nothing more than that. As for interruption I now have kick, gouge, kidney shot, or even blind. Normally, that's enough. But it's not uncommon to have kidney shot and gouge on CD when I need to block a cast. That's when I'd take some distance and use deadly throw. But no more, then.
#128 Sep 21 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
With the nerf to shadowstep, the nerf to hfb and now the nerf of the glove, we will probably be kitted like hell in pvp even when muti/sub.
#129 Sep 21 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
spdr wrote:
Did they decide not to make sap good?

How is sap not better? You can still sap beasts, demons, dragonkin, and maybe some others at level 71, when you get the new rank.

Edit: and this is how I'd spend 51 points in Assassination. I don't really see how you could want anything different, as these will put out the highest DPS.

I doubt we'll see Envenom as a finisher anymore, though who knows right now.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 11:32pm by Theophany

Didn't realize its a 71 talent my bad, I thought they were changing sap from the beginning. I was dueling a frost mage last night though, and they're not nearly as easy to kill anymore. The stun is ridiculous.
Has anybody been able to get a double mongoose proc on the ptr? So far I've only gotten one at a time.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 2:25pm by spdr
#130 Sep 21 2008 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Yeah Sedat i agree. Its not so much interrupting people in mele range but interrupting things out of mele range and now this will lead to massive kiting issues. Its almost as if Blizz are building the new talents based around arena and less on individual pvp. Our burst damage potential in both ssasin and subt. is massive theres no debate there (although others i am sure will debate it) In arena i think people will start trinketing out of KS more rather than blind. With assasination this could ruin it for us, because i was a big fan of doing a 5 point KS followed by a 5 point Evis + coldblood therefore taking 9% more damaage due to imp. KS.

Idk i am a little bit worried rogues could drop off the pvp scene, sure in BG's we can still have some fun but thats very situational and BG's isn't what people care about. Arena could see a lot less rogues.
#131 Sep 21 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
Yankytoon wrote:
Idk i am a little bit worried rogues could drop off the pvp scene, sure in BG's we can still have some fun but thats very situational and BG's isn't what people care about. Arena could see a lot less rogues.

I don't think rogues will ever "drop off" of the pvp scene. Rogues are made to pvp. Point. Blank. Period. We are great at PvE also, but stealth alone tells me that a rogue is meant to PvP.

I just feel like this will expose more rogues for being crappy than what they seem now. It will be harder to be carried in arena now.

I see a lot of people discussing mages being able to kite us easier. I personally on my mage would never use anything but instant cast spells anyways. When you get 2-3k Ice Lance crits why stop and cast. Although, this will make life a lot worse if we Frost Nova'd.

Edit: Edited for errors.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2008 12:29am by Feyras
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
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#132 Sep 21 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Sedat wrote:
With the nerf to shadowstep, the nerf to hfb and now the nerf of the glove, we will probably be kitted like hell in pvp even when muti/sub.

You're a moron, and bad at rogue.
#133 Sep 21 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Idk i am a little bit worried rogues could drop off the pvp scene,

#134 Sep 21 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
134 posts
Ok no it wasn't sarcasm but i wasn't detailed enough. In 2v2 this time around there A LOT of teams with a rogue, i don't know the exact % but i am sure it is high. I really think with all these changes that we could lose our ability to kill mages easily and have it go from easy to damn nearly impossible. Hunters could also turn out to be very very hard to kill, it seems like Blizz have gone about giving us opposition that is hard to kill. Right now we struggle against a good druid but realistically thats it. I know i am being to quick to judge how things will turn out and have clearly ruffled some important feathers with my comments but i just don't want to go into an arena match and say "Oh **** they have an <insert class here>, ok lets kill the other guy" I like the option to be open.
#135 Sep 21 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Sedat wrote:
With the nerf to shadowstep, the nerf to hfb and now the nerf of the glove, we will probably be kitted like hell in pvp even when muti/sub.

You're a moron, and bad at rogue.

It's a valid concern. While Warriors don't have Mace stun anymore, they'll still be able to peel a Rogue off pretty much anything. I mean, they can peel a ShS rogue now, but the vast amjority are too stupid.
#136 Sep 21 2008 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Sedat wrote:
With the nerf to shadowstep, the nerf to hfb and now the nerf of the glove, we will probably be kitted like hell in pvp even when muti/sub.

You're a moron, and bad at rogue.

It's a valid concern. While Warriors don't have Mace stun anymore, they'll still be able to peel a Rogue off pretty much anything. I mean, they can peel a ShS rogue now, but the vast amjority are too stupid.

I don't think so, based on my playing on beta.

I realize that I haven't played arena on beta, but at the same time the rogue nerfs aren't so substantial that we won't be viable in arena.

And don't think that Blizzard won't be paying attention to arena in S5. I'd expect to see changes (minor fixes, if not substantial overhauls to talents) in the first few weeks of S5.
#137 Sep 21 2008 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
When do you think you will get into the arena? I have been reading other forums and know about your potential main char. switch so if you do arena will you be doing it on hunter / DK first. Aside from a good partner and how the new talents pan out in true pvp i really want to know how the new arenas play because from the sounds of them they sounds manic
#138 Sep 21 2008 at 5:25 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Personally my mobility is insane on beta, because I'm playing a 0/17/53 spec. With there really being no point to Vile Poisons anymore (yes, it's easy to dispel, but also easy to reapply both Wound and Crip), I've grabbed Imp Sprint, Endurance, DW Spec, and Precision.

It's a pretty epic spec, and 1v1 I haven't lost at all yet because my cooldowns are absolutely ridiculous. I can 100-0 a warrior, pretty much.

Basically between Dismantle and Evasion being on a 2 min cooldown (and Prep on 5 mins; I haven't had a change to glyph Prep yet), warriors, ret pallies, and hunters can't touch me, and I chew through mages ridiculously fast with 30 energy Hemos.

Shadowdance is icing on the cake, TBH. It's hard to get used to adding in essentially 4 new key bindings, but once you get used to it it brings in some pretty epic CC chains that you can pull off.

I've done a 1v2 (warrior/druid) where I started with a sap on the druid, followed with a Blind, then did CS -> KS while the warrior had Crip/Dismantle up, and I switched back to the warrior on KS, Sapped the druid twice at the end of the KS using ShD.

If you really look at that, there was really nothing the druid could have done to counter that; he could have trinketed early, but that wouldn't have prevented me from getting three saps off or him eating a full duration Sap/Blind.

ShD is pretty damn powerful, TBH. After using it a lot, I'm liking the new form a lot.
#139 Sep 21 2008 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
134 posts
ok thats awesome news tbh ^^ But how long does the "shadow dance" last because on the talent i see no tooltip saying you enter the shadow dance for X amount of seconds?

Just checked the spec and you have obviously resisted the dagger temptation, have you tired out ShD with Ambush. The spec you have seems solid but if i was gonna grab imp. sprint would it not be for a assasination hybrid where you don't have ShS or is this to help counter the ShS nerf and saying "@#%^ you" to a mages frost nova / druids root. Also this might sound like a dumb question but how does duel wiled actually effect a mutilate damage is it just how it sounds? Your off-hand damage in mutilate will do 50% more damage or is it only 25% due to the off-hand damage reduction anyway?

sorry second edit: Is there no way to get imp. kick into that build i could see that being nice since you can kick even when they're not casting or when they are casting instant casts and it still silences. Could potentially combo well with another silencing class. Mage / Lock / SP. But then again i am usre the 2 talent points lost from the Subt tree would not be worth it

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 10:50pm by yankytoon

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 10:53pm by yankytoon
#140 Sep 21 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
yankytoon wrote:
ok thats awesome news tbh ^^ But how long does the "shadow dance" last because on the talent i see no tooltip saying you enter the shadow dance for X amount of seconds?

Just checked the spec and you have obviously resisted the dagger temptation, have you tired out ShD with Ambush. The spec you have seems solid but if i was gonna grab imp. sprint would it not be for a assasination hybrid where you don't have ShS or is this to help counter the ShS nerf and saying "@#%^ you" to a mages frost nova / druids root. Also this might sound like a dumb question but how does duel wiled actually effect a mutilate damage is it just how it sounds? Your off-hand damage in mutilate will do 50% more damage or is it only 25% due to the off-hand damage reduction anyway?

sorry second edit: Is there no way to get imp. kick into that build i could see that being nice since you can kick even when they're not casting or when they are casting instant casts and it still silences. Could potentially combo well with another silencing class. Mage / Lock / SP. But then again i am usre the 2 talent points lost from the Subt tree would not be worth it

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 10:50pm by yankytoon

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 10:53pm by yankytoon

Mutilate still lacks mobility.

And no, Imp Kick is not something you take for random use; it locks out ALL schools for 2 secs while you lock out one specific school for 5 secs. Imp Sprint is far more useful, as you can Vanish-Garrote if you really want 2 secs of silence.

As far as offhand damage goes, do some research. It's pretty obvious what DW Spec does, and every rogue should know that by the time they hit 70.
#141 Sep 22 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
So here are some findings after playing with glyphs on beta:

Sprint glyph (-60s on cooldown) + Endurance (-60s cooldown) + Imp Sprint + Prep + Filthy Tricks (-5 mins cooldown on Prep) + Prep glyph (-2 mins cooldown) = ridiculous (Imp Sprint on 60 sec cooldown, Prep on 3 min cooldown, Evasion on 2 min cooldown, Vanish on 2 min cooldown, Blind on 1.5 min cooldown, etc).

See my sig for the spec I'm talking about in that "math equation".

Sap glyph, as of right now, works in PvP, giving you 20 second no DR saps (i.e. #1 is 20 secs, #2 is 10 secs, #3 is 5 secs).

If nothing changes, Sap glyph/Sprint glyph/Prep glyph will be completely OP in arena. If Sap Glyph is bugged--as I currently think--then Hemo glyph/Sprint glyph/Prep glyph will be the way to go.

Of course as any other spec you're going to change your glyphs. PvE you'll use Rupture/SnD/Evis glyphs (as mutilate).

I really, really like the build linked in my sig for PvP. It's pretty much ridiculous after playing with it and getting some glyphs.

Oh, and Dismantle is incredibly sexy.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2008 3:13pm by Theophany
#142 Sep 22 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
the nerf or fix to sap glyph sounds inevitable unless ofcourse other cc's in pvp are getting possible extensions. I scrolled through all of the glyphs and i don't recall seeing an increase to polymorph, but i do remember increased fear durations for lock and SP so maybe this is the angle. Do you "glyph" for reduced CD's, imp dmg or increased cc. they seem like the 3 options. But yeah preparation a 3min CD is sweet and the nerf to ShS doesn't seem to bad with a 60 second imp. sprint. Not sure if this would be OP but it would nice to be immune to roots / snares while sprinting especially if the immunity was combined into the talent
#143 Sep 22 2008 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
So every time we respec we need to buy new glyphs?
#144 Sep 22 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
yes, and based on your realm economy this could be very very expensive. One of 2 things could happen loads of people could go "ZOMG new profession gimme gimme" and glyps will be cheap. or people will say "meh will let someone else do it" and they could be very expensive mats don't seem outrageous so lets just hope its not to bad.
#145 Sep 22 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
That's one option.

Or you could glyph for either PvE or PvP and respec as needed while sacrificing a bit of effectiveness. But if you want to be as effective as possible in PvP/PvE you will need to reglyph every time you respec. Thats my understanding at least.
#146 Sep 22 2008 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
If the sap glyph adds more than 1 - 2 secs on pvp sap then I'll eat my tongue.
#147 Sep 22 2008 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Kavekk wrote:
If the sap glyph adds more than 1 - 2 secs on pvp sap then I'll eat my tongue.

Yeah, pretty much what I was thinking, except I'd eat my hat.

Because I kinda need my tongue. It's helpful for eating ice cream.

And talking.
#148 Sep 23 2008 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
Sadly, I don't have a hat to hand. my tongue is always near my teeth, though. Conveinience is everything in our modern society.

^ That's the build I was thinking of, BTW. Well, it needs tweaking, i just filled it in fast, but that's the basic idea. It's either that or prep mut for me.

I don't want to play shs hemo anymore =(

#149 Sep 23 2008 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
see imo and this could be horribly wrong but with the changes to wound poison i'm not sure vile poisons is as needed as it is now... Imp. gouge could be a nice addition now that it adds a combo point it would be nice possibly over the snd points and the dagger crit point.

I mean not sure, i want to go a deep assasin build and if your not fussed about being top notch in arena it will be a fun build. However mobility is my number 1 concern and as theo has pointed out his current build 0-17-54 along with prioritising glyphs allows for solid mobility in the shadow of the ShS nerf. However in a 5v5 where u wouldn't be the immediate target you could do well with a mutilate build and push out some solid burst dmg.
#150 Sep 23 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
889 posts
I think the Glyph of Sap currently adds 8-10 sec in PvP in Beta (what they're saying on the beta forums at least).

As far as Mutilate in PvP, I would recommend this spec:
MoD could be swapped for Camouflage, up to you (CQC points could also be put in Deflection). Main idea is that with a Glyph of Sprint, Endurance and Improved Sprint, Sprint = 1 min cd snare remover.
You also still have Elusiveness to bring Vanish/Blind/CoS CD down =)

Edited, Sep 23rd 2008 11:51am by angryempath
#151 Sep 23 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I'm curious, does anyone know if all the Rogue Glyphs announced thus far are Major Glyphs? I looked around MMO Champions and elsewhere but I saw no mention of any minor glyphs.

So is it possible that some of the CD glyphs could be minor ones?
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