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Official Beta Changes and Discussion [updated 9/19/08]Follow

#77 Sep 08 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
To be completely honest, WotF did get a pretty huge nerf. Not having 5 secs of immunity from fear after using WotF just means that a lock is going to chain cast fear. You WotF the first, then immediately the second lands.

Yeah you get out of a fear and start DRs, but that hardly matters in any sort of long arena match (which if you're a healer/DPS setup in arena, the match will be long against a lock team, unless it's lock/rogue).
#78 Sep 08 2008 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, but it's still a clutch fear breaker. Also breaks the priest sleep.

#79 Sep 08 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
Holy double post batman.

Edited, Sep 8th 2008 12:24pm by Kavekk
#80 Sep 08 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
644 posts
Agreed, WOTF did get nerf. Maybe it's even a big nerf. But WOTF is still like having a second trinket. And this makes it, to me at least, THE most powerfull racial ability, by far.

In comparison, the new "perception" is a total joke. Even the night elf shadowmeld is now better since it gives a passive which is equivalent (stealth/detection boost) but also gives an active ability (to actually hide in the shadows). To say that the human racial abilities have gone... below that of night elf is a nice demonstration of the magnitude of the nerf.

#81 Sep 08 2008 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
128 posts
I may be partial, I am a gnome rogue (failed at the log in screen i suppose but maybe not anymore=)) but the nerf to WOTF seems to take it from a great, game breaking racial to a good one. In comparison to escape artist, they both get you out of set CC ability and can start DR. So in that respect Undead are more like Gnomes on the racial front. A good, solid ability that if used right basically gives you another trinket. I find it a fair nerf.

As for perception, wowowowoww (had to noob it up there). 1 effective stealth detection may be a bit harsh but I cant say I will complain, nor will I be bothered by those who do. Not sure the best course of action here, I assume Blizzard is trying to make Alliance vs Horde on somewhat equal grounds via these changes for arena. If thats the case, a nerf to WOTF and perception can be obvious, but i think percept may have been hit a bit too hard.

Instead of QQing, what would be a decent nerf to perception since its obviously getting hit that is not as extreme as it is now?
#82 Sep 08 2008 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
Zisikpus wrote:
Instead of QQing, what would be a decent nerf to perception since its obviously getting hit that is not as extreme as it is now?

At least more than one level of detection. I can't find the post right now, but there was an explination of exactly how much stealth you can stack through items, enchants, MoD and such, and I know its a lot more than one level. I don't think we should be able to see you from across the field, but I would like to see you for more than a split second before I get hit.
#83 Sep 09 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
I was wondering about that myself... But I've come to the conclusion that it either needs to be like ~3 effective levels (which is pretty OP) or remain an activated ability. If it remains an activated ability, the effect needs to remain large or it'll suck anyway. Basically, following my own theory, I end up with the current perception.

Perhaps a compromise between the two would be an idea? As in... make is an activated ability, give it 2 (or 3) levels stealth detection, and lower the CD to say, a minute. That should make sure Human Rogues do not always automatically get the opener anymore, but it does give them a pretty fair chance to do so. On a sidenote (yes, I love sidenotes), isn't 2 or 3 levels about the same as a Warlock's paranoia?
#84 Sep 09 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
perception should be passive 2 levels imo but thats not why im posting


can someone elaborate a lil clearer then what i hope is just a mistake/upcoming spec change they didnt implement yet?
#85 Sep 09 2008 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
704 posts
mongoosexcore wrote:


can someone elaborate a lil clearer then what i hope is just a mistake/upcoming spec change they didnt implement yet?

It is in the notes regarding all the major changes to the trees. They are combining Fist and Dagger spec and calling it Close Quarters Combat. It will still give the 5% crit.
#86 Sep 09 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
o, musta missed that

thanks for the info ^_^
#87 Sep 11 2008 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
So, Fleet Footed now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects on you by 50%. Anybody has a clue how this will work in combination with
Master Poisoner, versus specifically an enemy rogues' Crippling Poison? Will they 'stack' and end up being 75%, or will they stack and end up being (50+50=)100%?? Or will they not stack at all? And what about a Troll's Voodoo Shuffle in combination with either of the too?

Also, I've updated my calculator, though it doesn't seem to be needed much anymore right now. Changes listed here;
are now included. Some icon changes applied as well, only one that is now off is (I believe) the one for Close Quarters Combat.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 2:16pm by Mozared

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 2:16pm by Mozared
#88 Sep 11 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
So, Fleet Footed now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects on you by 50%. Anybody has a clue how this will work in combination with
Master Poisoner, versus specifically an enemy rogues' Crippling Poison? Will they 'stack' and end up being 75%, or will they stack and end up being (50+50=)100%?? Or will they not stack at all? And what about a Troll's Voodoo Shuffle in combination with either of the too?

Also, I've updated my calculator, though it doesn't seem to be needed much anymore right now. Changes listed here;
are now included. Some icon changes applied as well, only one that is now off is (I believe) the one for Close Quarters Combat.

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 2:16pm by Mozared

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 2:16pm by Mozared

They will end up being multiplicative.

Fleet Footed is also 30%, not 50%.
#89 Sep 11 2008 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Less QQ humans, more...nearly identical undead racial, cept for the shared CD.

#90 Sep 11 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
In other words, not much like the UD racial at all. It's a PvP trinet without the resil for free, basically. Another Ap trinket / passive trinket is good, I dunno if it's better than WoTF though - it depends how games play out (if 20 sec long, wotf is better) an how popular priests and warlocks are.

I'm happy with this racial, though.
#91 Sep 11 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
So basically if the game is under 20 seconds WotF is better, and if not, the human racial is better?

Yeah, humans are still the dominant race. Cry more. Maybe they'll take if off cooldown with the PvP trinket so you really can roll your face in PvP.
#92 Sep 11 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
So basically if the game is under 20 seconds WotF is better, and if not, the human racial is better?

Yeah, humans are still the dominant race. Cry more. Maybe they'll take if off cooldown with the PvP trinket so you really can roll your face in PvP.

Haha, I never said that. It's just obvious that WotF will be better in very short fights, beyond that I'm uncertain.
#93 Sep 11 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Fleet Footed is also 30%, not 50%.

Well, that's what I thought, until I noticed the following line in the patch notes;

Fleet Footed (Assassination) now reduces duration of movement impairing effects by 25/50% rather than increasing resist chance.

So assuming you missed that line; what is it? Still 30% and a typo or did the ability actually got changed?
#94 Sep 11 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Those are the part 1 patch notes.

Cuz, uh, I'm kinda in beta and it says 30% at 2 talents points. Smiley: wink
#95 Sep 11 2008 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
The background dl is up.
#96 Sep 11 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Alright, fair enough... small let-down though, 65% reduction ftw =P

I heard about the background dl... I ought to get it running too...
#97 Sep 15 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
I few questions from an interested non-rogue. Most of them have to do with Mut, since I pretty much know combat from BC raiding.

I've heard mixed things about Muti rotations in PvE. I've heard numerous people talk about 5s/5r, but considering how "close" 5s/5r/5e are right now, isn't a 5r/5e (or something similar) possible with CttC? My guess would be that they just can't read CttC, but wanted to make sure.

Standard build: I'm not sure on how important a few talents are. I assume 7 in Sub and 10 in Combat, but beyond that I'm not 100% sure. This is what I came up with. I boosted poisons a lot, not sure if that's me showing how ignorant I am or not. I'd assume dual Instant with Deadly Brew, Vile, Infectious and Imp Poisons to try and turn poison into a significant chunk of damage. Problem areas that I'm not sure about:
- Vigor. I'm kind of doubtful that it's worth it, but at first glance it just seems so good. Probably because I'm not used to having an energy bar.
- Blood Splatter/Imp Evisc. Being that finishers don't make up an incredibly large amount of total damage output (well, as BC Combat >.>) I'm reluctant to put points into these, but again, not knowledgeable enough to know for sure. One of the poison-improving talents seems like the first place to take from in order to get one/both of these.
- Turn the Tables. 6% crit on Mut only doesn't seem that outstanding to me, but again it feels like I have to be missing something.
- ImpSnD. Assuming a 5r/5e rotation, I would *think* 21 seconds is enough to keep SnD from dropping, but don't know well enough.

On Eviscerate versus Rupture versus Envenom:
I threw together some Naxx10 gear from WoWhead. Using gear alone, it's at 760-ish agility, 1520 raw AP, and 370 crit rating. I'm not including the base stats that a level 80 rogue has, which I assume will even out with people still having a few blues in their gear (hopefully that's not a huge mistake). Throw in buffs, and we get roughly:
1120 agility (760 base + 178 SoE + 30 scroll + 52 MotW, Kings)
35.5% crit (agility + 8% rating + 1% SoE + 5% LotP/Rampage + 8% talents)
3880 AP (agility + base + 196 SoE + 688 Might/BS, Unleashed Rage)
Using that, and then mutiplying in a BM hunter and EW:
Eviscerate: 6275dmg pre-armor (7240 with Glyph, 7533 talented, 8690 glyph/talented)
Rupture: 3255 base, 4230 Mangle (5550 mangle + glyph, 5500 mangle + talent, 7215 mangle + glyph + talent)
Envenom: 3900 base, 4410 Eclipse/CoE, 5645 Eclipse + Stormstrike (Can anyone tell me if Envenom is counted as a "spell" for Winter's Chill?)

Fully glyphed and talented, Eviscerate needs a boss to have 16% or less damage reduction to beat Rupture; untalented but Glyphed is anything below about 25%. Envenom increasing the likelihood of Instant Poison going off for 6 seconds shouldn't be discounted, but the loss of a stack of Deadly might hurt it a lot, but I don't have the rogue knowledge to figure out if Envenom is viable.
As in BC, Rupture scales better with raw AP than Eviscerate (30% of AP instead of Eviscerate's 25%, up to almost 40% Glyph'ed).

Now to throw a weird spec out there: What about a 53/5/13 or something similar, boosting Rupture by a further 30% and giving some armor penetration in the process? I highly doubt it would make up for the loss of 5% hit from Combat, but thought is was interesting anywho. (Side note: Sub rogues getting an extra 30% to Rupture will be awesome for chewing through warriors).
~~~~~~~End Finisher Theory

I assume slow/fast for a Mutilate build, considering Focused Attacks and that mut rogues will be using Instant/Instant (I assume, at least). That a correct assumption? I would assume more poison procs and more energy would outweigh the damage boost of Mut.

Finally, a weird question: would the increased Instant Poison procs of using fast/fast (say, 1.5/1.4 or similar) make up for Mutilate damage loss? I wouldn't think so, but I like asking weird questions. (Apology in advance for just creating 10-15 threads in the next 2 years where Theo has to yell at people for using fast/fast as Mut).

... my few short questions turned into walloftext D:

EDIT: 2000th post? :O

Edited, Sep 15th 2008 3:41pm by lsfreak
#98 Sep 15 2008 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Check the 3.0.2 thread; I posted the current best Mut build for PvE in there.
#99 Sep 18 2008 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
MMO-Champion wrote:

* Ambush damage increased. (Check skill list for details)
* Envenom now gives you an additional 15% chance to apply Instant and Deadly Poison to targets for 1 sec plus an additional 1 sec per combo point. (Previously 25% chance)


* Focused Attacks (Tier 8 ) gives your melee critical strikes 100% chance to generate 1/2/3 Energy. (Previously 30% chance)
* Infectious Poisons removed.
* Improved Poisons (Tier 4) now increases the chance to apply Instant and Deadly Poison to your target by 3/6/9/12/15%. (Previously increased the chance to apply all poisons by 5/10/15/20/25%)


* Backstab damage increased. (Check skill list for details)


* Unfair Advantage (Tier 9) now states that the effect cannot occur more then once per second.


* Enveloping Shadows (Tier 7) reduces the damage taken by area of effect attacks by 5/10/15%. (Previously increased your chance to avoid them)


* Glyph of Sinister Strike -- Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point.

#100 Sep 18 2008 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Updated that into the talent calculator...

Ambush and backstab love, interesting. And the SS glyph sounds... likeable.
#101 Sep 18 2008 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
Updated that into the talent calculator...

Ambush and backstab love, interesting. And the SS glyph sounds... likeable.

Yeah except with the buff to Focused Attacks, Muti is definitely the raid spec for WotLK, so it doesn't matter. Smiley: tongue

But now I have to change my Mut raid spec in the sticky again (though I guess I'll wait for the wowhead calculator to change since I don't want people being like, "HAY THEO Y IS DIS").
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