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Official Beta Changes and Discussion [updated 9/19/08]Follow

#27 Sep 04 2008 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Theophany wrote:
Couple thing in the last few posts that I'm too lazy to go through and quote, but I'll still reply to:

1) Combat isn't weak. Some people have been whining about it, but they don't understand how powerful of a talent Prey on the Weak is. If a RED metagem is worth approximately ~100+ DPS for the 3% crit damage, how much do you think 25% crit damage is worth? Mutilate still has a fair distance to gain ground against combat.

2) CttC is a far better talent than both CCC and Precision. It basically gives you free damage and an opportunity to use a 5e/5r rotation, or something like that. You will never have to use SnD again unless it falls off, after the first 1pt SnD. That's how powerful the talent is now.

3) Eviscerate scaling is huge in WotLK. People have been getting 6k (i.e. 6000 damage) crits in PvE. That's easily double what I'm normally getting with 2000+ AP at 70, and I'm pretty sure that these guys have either less AP than me, or about the same.

Well if Eviscerate is that good, I'll definitely get CttC. I just didn't want to get fewer Mutilates (because Eviscerate is 10 more energy than SnD) for less damage (because of removing Mutilate boosting talents) to use it, if it was still garbage like it is now. I also realized something, it refreshes SnD to 5pts even if you only use a 1 combo point Eviscerate, so you really should -never- let SnD fall down (I will probably take the points out of Improved SnD and CQC).

I guess I'll also take Improved Eviscerate instead of Blood Spatter if it really scales better than Rupture now O_o
#28 Sep 04 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
It's about even, at the moment, if not a little in favor of Rupture.

With 2000 AP, here are the calculations at 80 (of course rogues are going to far exceed 2000 AP at 80 once they get past Naxx, but this is pretty much baseline introduction raiding numbers):


5pt: AP * 0.24 + 2263
2743 = 2000 *0.24 + 2263


5 pt: [1977 + AP * 0.15]-[2231 + AP * 0.35]
2277-2931 = [1977 + 2000 * 0.15]-[2231 + 2000 * 0.35]

Keep in mind, I don't really trust wotlkwiki's formulas, but that's the link you posted so I'm going with their math.

Given the crit rate we're probably going to start out with at 80 (i.e. 15-20%--probably 25% raid buffed), rupture scales better.
#29 Sep 04 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
As far as I can tell so far, isn't Crit going to become much more sought after for raiding rogues? The new deep combat talents almost demand at least a small shift from AP to Crit (after getting or nearing hit cap). Or am I all dumb about it?

And if Crit does become more stacked, that would push the numbers to favor Evis, even if slightly?
#30 Sep 04 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Why is crit going to start so low at 80? I've got something like 24% unbuffed crit in my PVE gear as it is now. Is this b/c of the new talent structures? I'm assuming badge/t6 gear is going to be sufficient at least to 75, if not further. Or am I just nubby?
#31 Sep 04 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It might be to bring some crit and with that chance back into raiding?

Like Theo just pointed out, at the moment the formulas are 'perhaps a little in favor of rupture'. Why? Because in an avarage raid, you'd rather do a fixed amount of X damage rather than throw an evis which can crit for X+300 damage or hit for X-500 damage.

By buffing up crit numbers it might become a bit more worthwhile to take a couple of 'gambles', so to say. Especially in regards to CttC.

Either that, or some other inscrutible reason I have no idea of *Grins*
#32 Sep 04 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
T6 gear will be valid till 80 I would presume due to the current gear, maybe some 78 Blues or something will be better but so far no quest greens are.
#33 Sep 04 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
imanohealu wrote:
T6 gear will be valid till 80 I would presume due to the current gear, maybe some 78 Blues or something will be better but so far no quest greens are.

T6 gear will be, like T3, valid into the first raiding content, with maybe a piece or two of non-set gear getting replaced by blues and epics found in level 80 instances.

Which is why crit% will be reduced: level 80 Agi:crit% ratio is different from 70.

As far as rogues focusing on crit, I can't really see that happening, Therion. Our white damage is the vast majority of our damage, and even with Prey on the Weak, not much will change from that.

Crit damage increase will have a larger effect on damage with more crit, that's correct, but it's not big enough to completely change the way we gear.
#34 Sep 04 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
What about Hit Rating... with so much focus on the AP:Eviscerate improvements... will we see improved yellow strikes as hit ratings get higher? Will they get higher(as in, will the cap rise)? Will the hit rating numbers still be as important as they are now?

I'll be honest, if I didn't have to worry about hit rating, I'd have almost 2200 AP all the time, with only about 120 hit. I ruin lots of gem slots in an effort get more hit for the higher raids. I realize this is not a "problem", but as the new gear comes out, will we still see so much focus on hit in raiding?

#35 Sep 04 2008 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Are you retarded? Have you not paid attention to class mechanics?

Of course we'll have to focus on hit rating. We're the only class who has a majority of our damage coming from white damage.

With 28% hit rating needed to not miss on bosses with white attacks, it doesn't make sense to then go and gem and gear for Agi.

It'd be like saying, "oh, hey, I need water, but I'm gonna go ahead and drink salt water instead."

And how would hit improve yellow hits? Yellow hits are capped against bosses by the time you hit 63 hit (4%). What would hit have an effect on?

Do me a favor and go read the sitcky I put up, specifically the part about hit rating and expertise, because you're obviously too ignorant to post about mechanics currently.
#36 Sep 04 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Thanks for the kind reply.

I was asking for changes, if any. AP is changing the way Evis works, so I thought hit might be changing something too.

I'm aware of CURRENT mechanics, and posts, and stickies... was asking if they are CHANGING.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 6:12pm by Stillpist
#37 Sep 04 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
I wouldn't say focus on crit as much as lean toward it a bit more (if that makes sense). Right now after hit cap, raiding rogues start stacking agi and or AP, ignoring +crit almost completely. What sticks in my head (rightly or wrongly) is this question: At what point tossing in a few +crit gems to the mix (for example) might be worth it. I'm really curious as to where the new comparative crit to AP ratios will be with those new combat talents taken into account. But until we have a decent sample set from the new raids (dear WWS, I heart you!), and final mechanics are worked out, I guess there can't really be any hard analysis.

Let me put it this way: I'm curious to figure out at what point crit becomes more useful to stack than AP (after hit cap) if at all.

Probably never, now that I think about it. I guess I'm just dreaming of a day where I can actually use green gems in my raiding gear.

And for the record: I'm not advocating anyone bail on +hit in favor of anything else until near or at the cap of course. Just trying to figure out where the new tipping point between two stats is, and if it's at all attainable or advisable.

Thanks all.
#38 Sep 04 2008 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
And for the record: I'm not advocating anyone bail on +hit in favor of anything else until near or at the cap of course. Just trying to figure out where the new tipping point between two stats is, and if it's at all attainable or advisable.

Therion... well said.

That's more or less what I MEANT to say... once we're at that cap or close, what becomes more important?
#39 Sep 04 2008 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Stillpist wrote:
Thanks for the kind reply.

I was asking for changes, if any. AP is changing the way Evis works, so I thought hit might be changing something too.

I'm aware of CURRENT mechanics, and posts, and stickies... was asking if they are CHANGING.

No, you don't seem to get it.

AP is changing nothing.

The Eviscerate formula is changing.

The reason I was calling you an idiot is because all of your posts in this forum have been ignorant of game mechanics, lest we forget this thread, in which you asked a basic question that was obvious is you had any common sense and hadn't ebayed your character.

And edit: crit gems will never be viable. EVER.

Agi has been and will always be the primary stat of choice after the hit cap is attained.

It's simple game mechanics. Crit is a very poor itemization stat due to game mechanics. Check my sticky if you want to know why.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 6:02pm by Theophany
#40 Sep 04 2008 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond +42 Attack Power & Regenerate 2% of your Total Health when Crit Earthsiege Diamond
Persistent Earthsiege Diamond +42 Attack Power & Stun Duration reduced by 15% Earthsiege Diamond Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond +21 Critical Strike Rating & Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 15% Skyflare Diamond
Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond +21 Critical Strike Rating & Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 15% Skyflare Diamond
Impassive Skyflare Diamond +21 Critical Strike Rating & Fear Duration Reduced by 15% Skyflare Diamond

New metas that will most likely be the most effective for PvE/PvP

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 9:21pm by imanohealu
#41 Sep 04 2008 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond +42 Attack Power & Regenerate 2% of your Total Health when Crit Earthsiege Diamond
Persistent Earthsiege Diamond +42 Attack Power & Stun Duration reduced by 15% Earthsiege Diamond Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond +21 Critical Strike Rating & Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 15% Skyflare Diamond
Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond +21 Critical Strike Rating & Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 15% Skyflare Diamond
Impassive Skyflare Diamond +21 Critical Strike Rating & Fear Duration Reduced by 15% Skyflare Diamond

New metas that will most likely be the most effective for PvE/PvP

Why the hell would you ever want to use any of those for a meta slot in PvE?

Relentless Earthsiege Diamond... 21 agi 3% increased crit dmg
Would still be better by a long shot for PvE

PvP, the two Earthsiege ones listed might be better than Swift Skyflare (42 ap increased running speed) for the added survivability
#42 Sep 04 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts

The reason I was calling you an idiot is because all of your posts in this forum have been ignorant of game mechanics, lest we forget this thread, in which you asked a basic question that was obvious is you had any common sense and hadn't ebayed your character.


I asked a question to (the forum in general) to learn about something that was confusing to me. At least I'm asking questions to learn and gain more knowledge of the game. I've not been playing the game for 4 years (or however long you have). And by no means did I "ebay" my character, lol. Hell, I didn't even know that could be done.

Damn dude... this is all you had to say, "Still, go back and read through the hit rating stickies more, that should answer your question". There was no need for the rage and insults.

You know more than prolly any rogue on earth and your threads are extremely helpful. I don't have your knowledge, but I'm here trying to learn how to play better... why be such an a-hole to me for asking simple (even dumb) questions?


#43 Sep 04 2008 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Because it's been answered over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?
#44 Sep 04 2008 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
That's cool man... I'm an idiot. I got it.

/bow's down to the Almighty Theo

I'll stop asking questions... lol.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 11:07pm by Stillpist
#45 Sep 04 2008 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Just did some quick number crunching (mostly guesstimations based on current formulas) and even with some small benefits from the new end-tree combat talents, Theo's right: Crit is basically still pointless to stack for PvE. ;( Damn you Theo and your "logic"!!! Guess my hopes were up a bit too much for some new stat choices.

Oh well, anyone interested in a stack of green gems? Smiley: grin
#46 Sep 05 2008 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
876 posts
Jeez Stillpist don't get so butthurt.

It definitely looks like there will be a minor (or major) paradigm shift in terms of raiding norms. But I think that I will have to wait until some more theorycrafting comes out at 80 to see the itemization before I make my final decision at least.
#47 Sep 05 2008 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Wow, Blood Splatter has been moved to Tier2 (where Murder used to be), and gives 15-30% more Rupture instead of 10-20%

Pretty awesome for any Raiding spec.
#48 Sep 05 2008 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
So is a lvl 70 raiding spec after the next patch going to be like 15/41/5?
#49 Sep 06 2008 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Nifty little buff to Imp. SnD as well, now only 2 points for +50% duration.

Early assassination feels fixed as a supplement to the other trees now, if only tier 3 and 4 of combat didn't have you rolling points in Endurance, Imp. Sprint, and Lightning Reflexes...WTB RS tier 1 combat.../sigh

Edit: Lethality's text changed to +6% crit damage for all combo moves. May still be useful, if what they said before about lock's dots "sorta being able to crit" applies to Rupture's bleed as well. If not, could abandon the assassination tree after Ruthlessness and use the remaining 6 points to grab one talent of Serrated Blades.

Prey on the Weak also dropped to 20% total, 4% per talent.

Edited, Sep 6th 2008 5:32am by Malithar

Edited, Sep 6th 2008 5:38am by Malithar
#50 Sep 06 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Wow, the Lethality change is a hefty Mutilate nerf =/
I guess it will still be good for Eviscerates with Cut to the Chase... but Mutilate had a much nicer crit chance.

Edited, Sep 6th 2008 8:58am by angryempath
#51 Sep 06 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I've updated my talent calculator, the one at Wowhead seems a bit messed up (specifically the icons).

Mine is now updated to include the changes mentioned
And here:

Furthermore, it seems lethality has not been nerfed, rather buffed. The post at MMO-champion states the following about the skill:

-Lethality now increases the critical strike damage of all combo moves by 6/12/18/24/30%. (Old - Didn't affect all skills)

So from not affecting all skills it has been changed to "all combo moves". Logically this means that

Combo moves = Moves that either generate or use combo points.
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