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Disc. != DPS in PvEFollow

#1 Sep 02 2008 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
10,755 posts
Nor does it equal healer. Disc is a PvP spec. Please don't waste people's time putting DPS in your comments when you are clearly Disc spec'ed.

#2 Sep 02 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Disagree, statement flaws on specifically these points;

1) Being disc specced doesn't mean you have never been specced something else.
1B) Regardless if you were, it still doesn't mean you cannot have DPS knowledge. I'm not a pro on shadow rotations but I do know my deal of it, ever though I've never played shadow.

2) I as a disc priest myself occasionaly fill a DPS role in instances. When there's somebody who'se specced primarily for healing, I usually play an all-round supportive style where I buff, use PoM and PW:S, and spend the rest of my time DPS'ing trough holy fire, SW:P, SW:D and mind blast.

3) I'm sure people could come up with disc-DPS specs. Sure, they'd be far from as effective as full shadow, but if somebody wants to do minor healing and likes some DPS to go hand in hand with his disc spec, why not go for example 41/0/20?
#3 Sep 02 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
1. What? Who said that and why does it matter?
2. Maybe I should have been more specific. Just because you technically can do some damage does not mean that you can fill the role of a DPS spot. Especially when it's MgT.
3. Possibly, but they are a detriment to the group and will have to be carried.

Jsut because it's possible doesn't make it a good idea.
#4 Sep 02 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
But that doesn't necissarily make it a bad idea either.

1. What? Who said that and why does it matter?

You said
Please don't waste people's time putting DPS in your comments when you are clearly Disc spec'ed.

I'm saying that sentence is nonsense. You can be disc specced and comment about a shadow rotation. For all we know you might've played spriest for 3 years?

2. Maybe I should have been more specific. Just because you technically can do some damage does not mean that you can fill the role of a DPS spot. Especially when it's MgT.

I'm not sure to be honest. I'm fairly positive I could do the supportive DPS/healing role in a heroic. Maybe not heroic MgT, I wouldn't know, never tried that, but everything else would probably work. While I agree with you that it's generally more helpful to just get a full DPS player for the slot, ruling out the posibility of a 'supportive' role just because you think it won't work is wrong. Granted, you probably dó need some gear to play your worth and this isn't going to work for 'real' content (post-Karazhan, or in this case even Karazhan).

3. Possibly, but they are a detriment to the group and will have to be carried.

Whille it seems likely, even that is discussable. If you're running a normal version of the Shadow Labs and your gear is superior to the rest of the party... There's always an exception and that's why you shouldn't say 'never' or 'always' (even though you only insinuated one of the words).

For min/maxing your initial comment is about 50% right... It's just that people tend to forget min/maxing isn't a necissity until (post-)Karazhan.
#5 Sep 02 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
I meant comments as in your LFG channel comments where you give your spec, info. Putting "DPS" as your spec is not the same thing as Disc.
#6 Sep 02 2008 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
To that I'll have to agree *grins*
#7 Sep 04 2008 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
The only thing I want to invite a Disc priest for is Pain Suppression. That thing's awesome.

I'd prefer even a smite priest over a disc in a DPS slot, but, eh, an off-healer with a castable shield wall who can do at least passable damage? I'll take it if I have to. At least I know he won't die much. Or pull aggro.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 5:57pm by Ehcks
#8 Sep 04 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
That's raid-wise though. And even in heroic I could find myself agreeing with you, but if you'd refuse me as a DPS/support/off-healer in a regular 5-man I'd be annoyed and probably find you elitist and boring. Alright, MgT probably being an exception.
#9 Sep 05 2008 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
2. Maybe I should have been more specific. Just because you technically can do some damage does not mean that you can fill the role of a DPS spot. Especially when it's MgT.

are you kidding? if there ever was a time to bring a Disc priest as dps it would be MgT. pain supp and imp shield for all the aoe spots, bubbles and instants for Vex and Kael, raw survivability for the arena-like Priestess fight. you get all this and almost par dmg.

chances were you did not say "LF1M need an uber support that can make the run smooth while doing decent dmg, pst". more like "LF1M dps"...which in my experience usually means we'll take anyone.
#10 Sep 05 2008 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
I played as holy/disc DPS in Mechanar back when BT/HJ were not even patched in. I would assume disc/holy is not much different. Renew helps, PoM helps, shield helps, PoH helps. And I would do it again if the occasion comes.

The only problem will be mana, but then, for shadow you have almost the same problem.
#11 Sep 05 2008 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The only problem will be mana, but then, for shadow you have almost the same problem.

You're referring to holy/disc, right? Since for disc/holy, mana really is my last problem... My biggest 'problem' while healing is the size of my heals. I'm stuck at about +1000 healing and lack holy +healing talents...
#12 Sep 05 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
tommyguns wrote:
2. Maybe I should have been more specific. Just because you technically can do some damage does not mean that you can fill the role of a DPS spot. Especially when it's MgT.

are you kidding? if there ever was a time to bring a Disc priest as dps it would be MgT. pain supp and imp shield for all the aoe spots, bubbles and instants for Vex and Kael, raw survivability for the arena-like Priestess fight. you get all this and almost par dmg.

chances were you did not say "LF1M need an uber support that can make the run smooth while doing decent dmg, pst". more like "LF1M dps"...which in my experience usually means we'll take anyone.

Hell no. Almost par dmg? The tank was out-damaging him. We couldn't even get past the first boss because they couldn't DPS the orbs fast enough. I kept everyone up through 3 of his "I am God" temper tantrums before saying ***** it. He was at half health.

In my experience, "LF1M DPS" does not say we'll take anyone. It implies we will take anyone who is spec'ed to do damage.

It was his comment in the LFG list that he was "DPS". DPS as a PvE priest is shadow.
#13 Sep 05 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
Hell no. Almost par dmg? The tank was out-damaging him. We couldn't even get past the first boss because they couldn't DPS the orbs fast enough. I kept everyone up through 3 of his "I am God" temper tantrums before saying ***** it. He was at half health.

In my experience, "LF1M DPS" does not say we'll take anyone. It implies we will take anyone who is spec'ed to do damage.

It was his comment in the LFG list that he was "DPS". DPS as a PvE priest is shadow.

eureka! we get to the real issue. your problem was NOT a disc priest. your problem was a bad player.

thus brings me back to "LF1M DPS". this does imply we'll take anyone. most people that answer the call to a LFG PUG MgT are gonna be what you might call...less than ideal. we have all been fortunate to group with 200dps Huntards(all specs are dmg) or 1-handed Ret pallies. a lvl 70 disc priest can do 150 dps wanding alone, add in SW:P and you can get up to almost 300dps with moderate gear. dont blame the spec, blame the player.

my next issue is this: i have 4-manned reg MgT(twice!) in Kara gear. my point is why couldn't the other dps pick up the slack? the argument you could not get the 1st boss down because of the orbs shows 1)incompetence of other dps and/or 2)lack of can ignore the orbs if the healer is worth his salt.
#14 Sep 06 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
i actually have some screenshots somewhere of me as a disc/holy priest in all s2 and some s4 being number 1 in heals and in damage on an arathi basin. it was a solid match too. i regularly come in around top healing and around top dps as a disc holy priest.. its not uncommon.

Also i did do alota dps as disc/holy for fun when my guild did heroics and kara and such.. while i was below the great dps players.. they and myself were amazed at how much damage you actually can do as a disc holy priest. however i would not reccomend them for any serious raiding. i just did it for fun.

i will look through my discs for my screenies and will load em up for ya.. im sure eventually some s4 disc/holy priest will come here and post with like 10 screenies of being number 1 in healing and number 1 in dps in some instance and bg lol
#15 Sep 07 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
tommyguns wrote:

my next issue is this: i have 4-manned reg MgT(twice!) in Kara gear. my point is why couldn't the other dps pick up the slack? the argument you could not get the 1st boss down because of the orbs shows 1)incompetence of other dps and/or 2)lack of can ignore the orbs if the healer is worth his salt.

I've soloed ST in Kara gear? Your point has no relevance to this conversation. I'm sure you could 3 man it in T6.

No healer can keep up a group up forever. With enough DPS you can ignore the orbs, but it's not a reflection of the healer if you can't. After 3 orbs, any healer is going to start going oom. By then, the boss was down to 50%.

Sure, the other DPS could pick up the slack, but they shouldn't have to. And BG's are way different from PvE. Reflective Damage is moot (or should be) in an instance.

And no, LF1M DPS does NOT imply we will take anyone. Implication is subjective.
#16 Sep 08 2008 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
No healer can keep up a group up forever. With enough DPS you can ignore the orbs, but it's not a reflection of the healer if you can't. After 3 orbs, any healer is going to start going oom. By then, the boss was down to 50%.

any competent DPS ready for a full MgT run should be able to pump out a minimum 500dps. so 2 DPS and a tank should be able to do 1200dps on that boss and take down the boss in less than 2mins since its a relative tank n spank. a 3rd DPS(your crappy disc player) should add an additional 200dps minimum. if the boss could not go down in less than 3 orbs that means your whole team was undergeared, your tank couldn't hold aggro, your healer couldn't keep up with the aoe dmg(which causes your DPS to use dmg time as survival time).

The moment Selin begins draining a crystal, everyone not engaged in trying to regain aggro should immediately switch targets to the crystal and destroy it. Alternatively, with sufficient healing one may ignore the crystals and maintain damage on Selin; 1800 +heal should be sufficient for this
#17 Sep 08 2008 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
+1800? Pah. I healed through the explosions with 1300 because the DPS was good. We went through only part of one explosion thing..

But ever since then I get stuck with a 250 DPS hunter, a 300 DPS rogue, a 150 DPS ret paladin (with mostly S2 no less, my ret is in blues and greens and hits 500). Also a resto druid who almost never healed anyone but the tank, and didn't even do that well.

A disc priest could do just fine DPS for a normal instance. A bad player can't DPS anything. My hunter, a guild tank, and a tolerable healer effectively 3-manned MgT last I went because of two bad players. I'd have taken a good Disc priest over either of them.
#18 Sep 08 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
No healer can keep up a group up forever. With enough DPS you can ignore the orbs, but it's not a reflection of the healer if you can't. After 3 orbs, any healer is going to start going oom. By then, the boss was down to 50%.

Yes, but that was exactly my point. Disc priests asked to go 'DPS' should imo go 'supportive' and not pure DPS; if your disc priest is throwing out renew (and an occasional shield or flash heal), it'll take your healer a lot longer to run OOM. Power infusion on a caster class could also increase global DPS by quite a bit, just not the priest's personal DPS.
#19 Sep 09 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Where are all those sub-300 low DPS numbers coming from?

One run our group broke our normal composition and brought along a Resto druid to heal while I DPS'ed. I was -holy- (in COH raid spec) and still put out over 550DPS during our lowely shattered halls run just by spamming infinite smites and SPW

With some actual spell damage gear and disc (providing at least power infusion) and maybe some actual DPS talents in the holy tree (probably not but if he intended on DPSing he may have them) 650 dps should be about right, maybe more if your wearing spell damage gear instead of only kara healing gear

Gear < Player :-/
#20 Sep 09 2008 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Where are all those sub-300 low DPS numbers coming from?

I wish I knew! I am actually excited to go through a day of PuGing and not find that:
1. My prot pally out-DPSed someone on an AoE-light heroic.
2. My hunter's pet out DPS-ed someone other than the tank or healer.
3. My ret paladin in blues out DPS-ed a ret paladin in S2 by over 150%.
4. My ret paladin did more CC than a hunter.

Those all happened last week. I need to stop running PuGs.

If you have a Disc Priest on Gorgonnash, FIND ME! I need you! These people depress me, and destroy my remaining hopes for humanity.

Edited, Sep 9th 2008 11:51am by Ehcks
#21 Sep 13 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Ran reg BM last night as lvl 69 priest specced 27/28/5(1100 healing, 13% holy crit) and easily did 300 dps while healing everyone. One of the biggest issues i had was threat even with salv(kara geared pally tank who kept SotC up most of time). I'm sure i could push 600 dps in my spell dam/lvling gear(700 spell dam/22% crit) and not wasting mana healing, throw in a ret pally and 700 dps as a fresh 70 should be fairly attainable.

*So after hitting 70 late Saturday night, i healed a heroic Shattered Halls with a ZA geared pally tank with no cc, was a little tricky here and there, but no wipes due to healing. Then got into a h Slave Pens as dps with a ret pally:) Previous estimate of 700 dps as a fresh 70 would require a few a more buffs(boomkin or elemental shaman), but i maintained over 600 dps for the entire run, including helping aoe heal on the last boss.

Used the same spec to heal as dps, just swapped gear(almost +700 spell dam and 28% holy crit in dps gear, +1300 healing in healing gear, both #s buffed).

Again threat was an issue even with BoSalv, might spec out of imp shield for more threat reduction as my spell dam increases after kara run this week.

Edited, Sep 15th 2008 11:22am by mahlerite
#22 Nov 11 2008 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
Quoted Text
Nor does it equal healer. Disc is a PvP spec. Please don't waste people's time putting DPS in your comments when you are clearly Disc spec'ed.

I leveled my priest from lvl 1-65 as holy, yeah very boring, I hit 65 and decided to dip into the disc tree and discovered soloing was so much easier and I was still good at healing. At 70 I respeced to 41,20,0 this speced worked great for pve and pvp. I was able to heal raids and dps and do arenas. There maybe little chance that a disc priest is going to top dps but if you are in a raid such as Kara you are great cc and if you need an off healer there you go. I never spammed as a dps when I was looking for 5 man groups for regular and heroic instances, plus I carried 3 sets of gear, pvp, dps and heals. In my healing gear I had 1900+ heals, pre 3.0 patch. Disc priests, imo, can pretty much play any role and seriously cut down on the gold spent for respecs because you are needed in different areas of the game.
#23 Nov 12 2008 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Disc priests, imo, can pretty much play any role and seriously cut down on the gold spent for respecs because you are needed in different areas of the game.

That is impossible if you're serious about your game, though. PvP and PvE specs will *always* differ in some way, and eventually you'll reach the point (in both PvE and PvP) where you need to start min/maxing to keep going.
#24 Nov 12 2008 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Except now Disc is a valid PvE tank healing spec.

Disc has the efficiency and power to be an strong single target healer.

Disc is still a lame PvE DPS spec. Can do damage more than holy but not a respectable amount to justify bringing a disc DPS.

Maybe on a non-progression raid where the number of healers needed may change it could do more DPS than holy but still that is an edge case and not the norm.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#25 Nov 12 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
Like Mozared says, at some point you are going to have to specialize on one task only. Well, until dualspeccs come, anyway. But even then you will have to specc for one task. I won't mind a Priest speccing Disc, Holy or Shadow in raids. All three speccs have their uses. But you'd better be prepared to fill your role in the raid, not try to dps as Disc or Holy, not raid-heal as Disc or just tank-heal as Holy. Fill the role your specc is best for, and I will welcome any specc.

In Normals and easier Heroics, or encounters you outgear heavily, yes you can dps as Disc or Holy. Or heal as Shadow. But that's not your speccs intention, nor what you are best at with said specc. The principle is similar to Fury Warriors tanking or Prot Warriors dpsing, the latter being more unlikely but I've seen it happen. It is possible, but not really the best option if you can do what you are specced for instead.
#26 Nov 12 2008 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
I see disc as more of a support role. The DPS isn't impressive, but its there. If the healer is in trouble or gets killed, you have the ability to step up as main healer to prevent a wipe. I just ran kara as a dual role healer/DPS. And we steamrolled right through it. There were often times I had to start throwing out group heals but for the most part I'd say I was somewhere in the middle as far as DPS goes. Anyone who knocks discipline spec obviously has never had a good one on their side when it mattered.
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