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Since the talents are coming out early.Follow

#27 Sep 01 2008 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Tynuv wrote:
Raid Spec:

Dropping Arcane Concentration because I don't have many mana issues atm, also dropping some aoe boosts from frost to focus on single target boosts (shatter to wrok with FoF for example). Also not sure how good Brain Freeze is (do I need to use FiB as my next spell and will the gcd be worth it?), so I may drop some points in arcane to pick that up.

Probable Levelling Spec:

Though I may be tempted by:

Lolz, so you're raiding frost with your mage, levelling shadow with your priest, but could go demo with you lock instead >:-\
#28 Sep 01 2008 at 4:00 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Yep, I've nearly always raided as frost and will probably level as that in Wrath (though arcane might be nice for a change). I just might not make my mage my 'main' character.

I may stick with mage (really haven't decided yet), but I can't say there's anything really drawing me to the class at the moment (initially I liked the 'glass cannon' and aoe capabilities of the class, which haven't really been realised in BC). WE elemental is now less desirable and the change to scorch (whilst good in some ways) reduces synergy between mages.

A lot will depend on what my friends and guildies decide to level. Priest is a good choice because it leaves the option open for dpsing or healing at level 80. Warlock gets demon form, which has fun factor, plus my lock is a gnome (like my mage) and I have a soft spot for them.

I'll admit to being somewhat jaded with mage at the moment, but on a plus point at least I'm not playing my feral druid anymore :)
#29 Sep 02 2008 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
at first i was pissed they removed improved flamestrike, but then i saw they added a talent that adds +6% to 4 different spells i use, so thats +24% in a way, but still, it makes flamestrike a lot less potent, and that is how you aoe with fire, unless of course you are one of those people who use ARCANE explosion as a fire mage (AE is nice, but only used a few times as a finisher, not as your main aoe spell, which will make you go oom real quick).. here is my build:
#30 Sep 02 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
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SilentBobBMFJ wrote:
at first i was pissed they removed improved flamestrike, but then i saw they added a talent that adds +6% to 4 different spells i use, so thats +24% in a way, but still, it makes flamestrike a lot less potent, and that is how you aoe with fire, unless of course you are one of those people who use ARCANE explosion as a fire mage (AE is nice, but only used a few times as a finisher, not as your main aoe spell, which will make you go oom real quick).. here is my build:

Firestarter and World in Flames are much better than Imp Flamestrike ever was. They're actually worth putting talent points into.
#31 Sep 05 2008 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
I tend to let things run at me with ignite on and watch as they die right before they touch me. It's the ****** in me, I think.

Look, I know frost is great for soloing. I've been saying it for years. Doesn't mean fire isn't extremely good as well.

Once in a while we agree 100% and this is one of those times!
#32 Sep 07 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
I have a frost mage now and will most likely stay frost and was looking at a 13/0/58 build. This is based on the current talents as of today.
#33 Sep 07 2008 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
i couldn't possibly level as fire. my instinct as a caster is to avoid taking damage, and control the fight. fire is little more than a puddle of potential damage. it's a given that fire is more dps if you can stand there and convert your mana into health for minutes on end, but that's not at all what leveling is.

i'd much rather watch my target scream with rent flesh and sag weakly into a crawl before a spear of frozen hate impales his frigid corpse. >=D

besides, you can't pvp fire. and, while doable either way, it's far easier to do elite quests solo when you can kite. if i can hit 1k dps in my gear as a frosty, i'm happy enough to raid kara with the spec too.

i'll always be frost.
#34 Sep 07 2008 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
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LaFey wrote:
and, while doable either way, it's far easier to do elite quests solo when you can kite.

In TBC, many of the elite quest folks were made unsnareable, so this was much moot.

LaFey wrote:
besides, you can't pvp fire.

You shouldn't arena as fire, this is true. But as a fire mage, you do alright in BGs and decent in world situations.

But since Blizz is trying to make all specs capable of PvP, I think we'll see more in the way of fire PvP in Wrath.
#35 Sep 08 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
the elite quest targets that were designed to require a full group to complete were unsnareable, but they also had more health than a mage could take down with their own mana pool anyway. there are still more elite quests that are designed for two or three players that can be solo'd because their targets are still snareable. there are a few case even where the target is not snareable, but frosties have an easier time with it because of various survival mechanisms like frost barrier, or even the extra buffer of your water elemental's health!

right now, the most profitable way to make money as an herbalist is to farm the elite trees in skettis. it's doable if you're fire, but dangerous and more time consuming. so of course it's better if you're frost. my opinion is that fire is not conducive to solo play -- it's designed to be pure artillery in group situations. and so it's better at that role.

you *could* pvp as anything you want... but doing well in pvp? you can't walk into pvp combat with pve gear and a pve spec and then do poorly and claim that you do alright. everyone gets kills and honor points even if they're the worst player in the fight. that's "alright" in some people's books, but it's not actually contributing, and no one can seriously claim that players who don't contribute are worth anything in any aspect of gameplay.

blizzard already did make all specs "capable" of pvp in purely technical terms. you hit a player and voila: you're engaged in pvp. what blizzard is now accomplishing is a dilution of the strengths of individual talent trees. dps is cheap, and mages aren't the only ones who can bring it. the pure dps classes now require expanded utility and endurance to compete with hybrids who have the same dps output and yet can heal themselves. pvp balance is mutually exclusive to pve balance. wow is my favorite example of this lesson.

Edited, Sep 8th 2008 3:38pm by LaFey
#36 Sep 08 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
I think if I am just raiding BT/Sunwell w/o Hyjal (and little to no need for a lot of AoE) here is what I would go with: 0/50/11:
#37 Sep 08 2008 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
LaFey wrote:
right now, the most profitable way to make money as an herbalist is to farm the elite trees in skettis. it's doable if you're fire, but dangerous and more time consuming. so of course it's better if you're frost. my opinion is that fire is not conducive to solo play -- it's designed to be pure artillery in group situations. and so it's better at that role.

Perhaps fire doesn't fit your solo play style, but I have extensively played most fire/frost variants and would say exactly the opposite. Fire and frost have been designed to be played differently. Frosts play style has more benefits in PvP than fire and fire has more in PvE than frost.

While we may disagree on fire vs frost in solo play this:

LaFey wrote:
pvp balance is mutually exclusive to pve balance. wow is my favorite example of this lesson.

Is about as well said as I have ever seen it. I dearly wish that blizzard would create two forms of each tree, one set for arena/BGs and on set for PvE and spare us the constant tension between the two mutually exclusive goals.

Edited, Sep 8th 2008 6:09pm by MrFredII
#38 Sep 08 2008 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
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LaFey wrote:
you *could* pvp as anything you want... but doing well in pvp? you can't walk into pvp combat with pve gear and a pve spec and then do poorly and claim that you do alright. everyone gets kills and honor points even if they're the worst player in the fight. that's "alright" in some people's books, but it's not actually contributing, and no one can seriously claim that players who don't contribute are worth anything in any aspect of gameplay.

The playstyle has to be different, but the fire mage still has tools at their disposal to make things difficult for enemies. And I never said you'd go in wearing PvE gear. Smiley: rolleyes

Sub-optimal? Yes. Still helpful? Also yes. Some of the most important things you can do as a mage can be done as fire: Sheep, CS, Nova; none are tree exclusive. And if you spec your fire build for PvP, you have other things to add(hey, some people just don't like frost). Blastwave and dragon's breath give you just two more control options, for instance. And there is something to be said for having a procced stun on a 1.5s cast spell.
#39 Sep 09 2008 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Especially with the upcoming changes to the talents, a heavy arcane/fire build that has been looked at before may, "MAY" (before i get flamed) be usable in an arena setting. I mean the burst that would be there used on the correct class at the correct time (lotta ifs I know) could be game changing and almost unpreventable.

Forgive me if I miss something, but save a paladin healer and a grounding totem, unleashing Arcane power, trinket, fireblast, arcane barrage, PoM Pyro (that will be close to 60% crit from talents/gear im guessing) another arcane barrage when 3 sec CD is over, and another fireblast, all without exposing a school and having another arcane barrage soon will be a force to be reckoned with. Throw in a slow at the start or time your CS silence correctly and theres nothing a healer can do but die. Not to mention if they are stun locked by your rogue partner. Ooh, dont forget impact.

Less forgiving spec? yes but i think it will take the whole 3 minute mage to a new level (namely the 2 minute mage)
#40 Sep 09 2008 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
^^^ I have been planning on giving deep arcane a shot in pvp ever since i saw that video that got posted. Especially against a class that cant purge magic, talented, leaving PoM up you get what, a 30% crit chance increase? yes please. Think about fighting locks, gotta watch for that annoying little dog thing but you never expose a school to get locked, if the little **** isnt on top of you he cant remove PoM, and when he gets close insta pyro the lock before he even gets a chance to remove it.
AP/trink/PoM, Barrage, fireblast,icelance if cd isnt up, Barrage, pyro, fireblast, if anythings still alive then they cheated. Now things may change as we get closer to 80 and people start having more ridiculous amounts of HP but for now im definitely gonna give it a shot

***EDIT, sadly just realized to get barrage and pyro you need to be lvl 71, have to figure something else out until wotlk hits, maybe just an insta fireball

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 12:05am by Kuresta
#41 Sep 11 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
as much as i like the idea of barrage, since it's instant, it won't scale worth crap. so, despite its relative efficiency (for an arcane spell certainly) and low cooldown, it won't be in a pve mage's rotation.

as for

Not to mention if they are stun locked by your rogue partner. Ooh, dont forget impact.

if you have a rogue stunlocking your victim, how is that a strength of the mage class? =P rogues do enough damage easily to kill anyone during the ten seconds or so of cheapshot/kidneyshot. it's one of the most complained about traits of the class =P

as for all this talk of 3minute mages... it sounds like it's time for a history lesson. there was a lot of moaning and groaning way back when one shotting someone was actually possible -- provided you outgeared their greens with all your tiered epics, and before resilience existed. this moaning and groaning -- and the cheering -- was done by people who don't know crap about mages and how they work. especially since arenas have changed so many things. mages are CC in arenas and they really can't afford to spend time trying to burst down someone while there's a healer pumping health at far more efficient rates than you. and higher rates at that. you see, when you list off this lovely page long list of spells you *could* chain together... there's the global cooldown to consider. six instant spells? no problem. that's 6 * 1.5seconds required to do them all. and in that time, someone's already locked down your healer and has killed your squishy butt. 3minute builds suffer from an obvious lack of understanding about timing and the purpose of such cooldowns. eating your cooldown as soon as you can means you've just wasted it: because pom and ap are only useful after someone is already weak.

ironically, mages aren't dps in arenas. they're just CC.

i have a question concerning the patch notes now. it says that instead of decreasing the cast time of arcane blast, it now increases the damage. anyone care to post some theorycraft about the relative mana efficiency of a spam'd arcane blast? how about with +1k spellpower? if arcane is getting a spammable workhorse spell, does this mean we could possibly see a really viable arcane raiding spec? the kind of gear such a build might go for -- i hear caster gear is being divided roughly into spirit stuff and crit/hit stuff. but that's just heresay, cause i can't prove it. but many kinds of mages might see a reason to go for spirit in wotlk...

Edited, Sep 11th 2008 6:30pm by LaFey
#42 Sep 13 2008 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
As to the above poster stating "rogues do enough damage easily to kill anyone during the ten seconds or so of cheapshot/kidneyshot. it's one of the most complained about traits of the class =P"

You must have not played a rogue. Unless you grab a mage in your stunlock who doesn't trinket or iceblock, you wont burst someone down without a fight. I wont go into it but every class has some way of getting out of or surviving a stun lock. Playing a rogue at a decent level in arena (im no pro, only hovering around 16-1650 rating) i can tell you its a GIFT if i get to wail on someone for 10 seconds without interruption. It just does not happen. Its complained about, yes, but to people who know what their doing and have that HP/resil its not that big of a deal anymore.

And I believe the point about "ironically, mages aren't dps in arenas. they're just CC" is very true in TBC. We are speculating as to new builds in WOTLK (which im assuming you gathered) and hoping with such burst ability and a bit of teamwork if necessary, we can start moving out of that CC only role and do a bit of both. At least I am. Sitting with my 70 rogue and 70 mage and just cant decide which to go to 80 with. If 51/20/0 is a force to be reckoned with, I'll be very happy. I enjoy my frost and do well with it, its just not that "glass cannon" that most of us are looking for.
#43 Sep 14 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
you must have never played a druid
#44 Sep 15 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
there is a reason why Rogue Mage Priest is one of the most effective compositions in 3v3. Sure 5v5 mage is not a lot but in the RMP team the mage is a important teammate. The rogue locks one target down and the mage piles on the damage quickly while the target is still.

mirror image is going to be very very helpful in the coming months for mages. I feel upbeat enough about the new spells and the new talents.

Looking forward to expac.
#45 Sep 16 2008 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
playing on the PTR... Deep arc is sweet. i dont remember the exact spec I am but in arcane down to Barrage and in fire to Ignite. If I loose it's a very close fight, and only because i didnt pop AP. Quick not though. Arcane potency(30% while PoM is up) doesnt always show for some reason. sometimes it says i have 60% crit, other times it stays at 30%, i hope im still getting the benefit even though it doesnt show but im not sure, i do seem to crit ALOT though.)
#46 Sep 16 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Has anybody tried fire yet? I figured the lack of CC made it a bit weak, but when I saw a mage blast a 11K hp retardin to 1K in at most 10 seconds I had a feeling fire might become more viable then I thought.
#47 Sep 16 2008 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
608 posts
Damn, I had pretty much settled on going deep frost 0/0/61 as a first pass, with the intention to stay frost and tweak the build based on some playing around.

Then I logged on with my mage (10/48/3) this evening to run a few dailies ... and it's ridiculous how thing just get purely and simply blown to smitherines with fire.

Half of the time it's 2x fireball and a fire blast, fight over. The other half is when one of the fireballs crit .. the fire blast is not needed then.

Now I'm totally confused again, I had convinced myself that frost is what I should be because it's a safer bet for levelling, and it has a nice little array of new toys. But if (new) fire is even the same or better (it has to be better) than it is now .. I'm going to have so much fun with it.
#48 Sep 17 2008 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
Well I'm definetly gonna stick to Frost, right now i have 17/0/44 and am thinking of doing kinda the same in woltk: . Or Possibly a 0/18/53...Since u can get an instant and no mana cost on fireball, would like to spec some pyroblast and kinda elemental: . What do you think would be best?

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 9:09am by Escalis
#49 Sep 17 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
An Elemental build will probably work very well once you get FFB, but that's only at level 75. I will 100% definitely be trying that out ... there's just too much potential there to be ignored.
#50 Sep 17 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
K :) Probably gonna try with arcane too but in that case not until 80.
#51 Oct 19 2008 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
So i just started to think about what build i should go with for frost pvp. Does anyone think this is viable?

I've given up empowered fb for improved because i barely find my self casting fb in arena. Is this a good idea?
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