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Since the talents are coming out early.Follow

#1 Aug 25 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
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Time to work on your pre-WotLK builds!

There's mine. I like the way Burnout is now. 5% of spell cost isn't all that much, and makes the talent much more useable.
#2 Aug 25 2008 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent

I'm sticking with frost. Can't wait for the nova, shatter combo, fingers of frost proc, deep freeze, shatter combo, shatter combo with pet nova SUPER COMBO :)
#3 Aug 26 2008 at 2:34 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Edit: Never mind

Edited, Aug 26th 2008 12:31pm by Mozared
#4 Aug 26 2008 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
Still learning about trying to give myself the max amount of damage, so here's my first try at it.

I tried to incorporate it in a way to the fire build (2/48/11) that I'm going for right now on my 60 mage.
#5 Aug 26 2008 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
I still don't exactly know what will be good until it goes to final. If the new main nuke for pve is going to be ffb, i'll prolly go elemental spec. blah.I shouldn't speak very soon :P we are still up for more changes.
#6 Aug 28 2008 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
Poldaran, I presume you posted your raiding spec until WotLK hits, not your leveling spec.

I'd get Living Bomb. If you can sustain the mana, it's a great single-target DPS boost, at least for Molten Fury range. Take a point out of firestarter for it. Now that Arcane Focus is only 1% per point, I't put 2 in there. Since you can't get IV with LB at 70, my build would look like this:

I will probably level as frost. Tried it on beta and it works like a charm. Shatter combos + reduced mana cost = fast killing. Water Elemental + Ice Barrier to get you out of trouble.
#7 Aug 28 2008 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
Btw, if you use arcane missles with Master of Elements would you get 30% of the full mana cost back for each missle crit? or just 30/5=6%?
That would be the best grinding spec combined with Arcane Potency.
#8 Aug 28 2008 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Professor Turicus wrote:
Poldaran, I presume you posted your raiding spec until WotLK hits, not your leveling spec.

I'd get Living Bomb. If you can sustain the mana, it's a great single-target DPS boost, at least for Molten Fury range. Take a point out of firestarter for it. Now that Arcane Focus is only 1% per point, I't put 2 in there. Since you can't get IV with LB at 70, my build would look like this:

I will probably level as frost. Tried it on beta and it works like a charm. Shatter combos + reduced mana cost = fast killing. Water Elemental + Ice Barrier to get you out of trouble.

Yup, that's what I was thinking .. Pol's spec is a raid spec .. fair enough.

I'll probably also try frost again, but only as soon as my spellfire gear becomes unusable ... no point doing it before that.

From a fire levelling perspective though ... is Hot Streak really all that worth it .. I mean, if I string TWO crits in a row together, let alone 3, the mob's dead.

I was thinking more in terms of maxing out instant crit chance, maybe through World in Flames or Incineration (or both maybe)

Burnout also seems a lot more worthwhile in raids than it does for levelling, and I'd rather see impact in my spec than that .. maxing out Playing with fire and firestarter would also be a consideration.

I haven't given it any thought at all, beyond the last 5 mins, but here's my levelling / Dailiy farming spec come 3.0.2.

Another soloing build which could be worthwhile is a frostfire build ... haven't given THAT much though either, but it could be interesting.
#9 Aug 28 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
[quote=Professor Turicus]

Another soloing build which could be worthwhile is a frostfire build ... haven't given THAT much though either, but it could be interesting.

I would drop Elemental Precision for leveling. You won't be fighting against +3 mobs much, it's inefficient to level.

The problem with fire for leveling (similar for trash mobs in raids) is twofold:
1. Without 5x Scorch, damage is 10% lower, but casting it 5 times means using a low DPS spell and the mob is probably dead before you get to cast your first fireball. So you're kind of stuck with bad or bad.

2. Loads of Ignite damage will not tick. You crit twice, the mob dies, Ignite is wasted. So I'd rather have a bit lower front-loaded damage (Frost) than higher sustained DPS that never ticks (Ignite).

A Frostfire elementalist build will only be possible after 75, when you actually get FFB. It could be an option because it has a snare, a good coefficient, high DPM and you can get all the efficiency talents from both trees. But again, Ignite is not very trash mob friendly.
#10 Aug 28 2008 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Speaking of which, is there some kind of 'cookie cutter leveling build' for mages? I'm curious as to what people think work best. I just went straight for pyro, then filled up frost until cold snap, and then continued in fire. Liked it a lot; before 60 pyro won't need +damage to be a damn good spell (or so it seems), and the bits I got in frost give me nice survivaling capabilities. I'm actually using pyro in instances; combined with frost nova/shatter, fireball and target switching/aggro managing I've managed to come out on top of damage done in pretty much every instance I've done so far (level 43).

Edit: I agree with Turicus on Elemental Profession. I've found all those statboosters to be pretty useless before 70. As for the imp Scorch story; that is exactly the problem I'm facing. I fixed it by simply not picking imp scorch. Then again, like I've pointed out before; if that glyph makes it to life that allows me to get 5 applications of the debuff with 1 scorch cast, it becomes quire alluring.

Edited, Aug 28th 2008 3:19pm by Mozared
#11 Aug 28 2008 at 5:59 AM Rating: Excellent
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Professor Turicus wrote:
The problem with fire for leveling (similar for trash mobs in raids) is twofold:
1. Without 5x Scorch, damage is 10% lower, but casting it 5 times means using a low DPS spell and the mob is probably dead before you get to cast your first fireball. So you're kind of stuck with bad or bad.

Glyph of Improved Scorch ftw. Smiley: nod

Yeah, you list the cons of fire, but I only need the one pro:
Professor Turicus wrote:
You crit twice, the mob dies,

Smiley: yippee
#12 Aug 28 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
It's all about the Arcane. At least for leveling. I really want to try out arcane barrage. I also want to see how Arcane Shielding does with Incanters absortion.

I still expect to go frost for raiding, but that's along way away.

#13 Aug 28 2008 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Glyph of Improved Scorch ftw. Smiley: nod

Not sure when this will be available. Certainly an option if it's obtainable at 70 with moderate Inscription skill. If it's an 80 instance drop, no dice.

The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Professor Turicus wrote:
You crit twice, the mob dies,

Smiley: yippee

True. But if the mob dies without most of the Ignite ever ticking, then it would certainly have died from the two Frostbolt crits from a Frost Mage with the same gear. It's not like there is a 30% damage gap between frost and fire anyway.

Edited, Aug 28th 2008 4:46pm by Turicus
#14 Aug 28 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Professor Turicus wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
[quote=Professor Turicus]

Another soloing build which could be worthwhile is a frostfire build ... haven't given THAT much though either, but it could be interesting.

I would drop Elemental Precision for leveling. You won't be fighting against +3 mobs much, it's inefficient to level.

The problem with fire for leveling (similar for trash mobs in raids) is twofold:
1. Without 5x Scorch, damage is 10% lower, but casting it 5 times means using a low DPS spell and the mob is probably dead before you get to cast your first fireball. So you're kind of stuck with bad or bad.

2. Loads of Ignite damage will not tick. You crit twice, the mob dies, Ignite is wasted. So I'd rather have a bit lower front-loaded damage (Frost) than higher sustained DPS that never ticks (Ignite).

A Frostfire elementalist build will only be possible after 75, when you actually get FFB. It could be an option because it has a snare, a good coefficient, high DPM and you can get all the efficiency talents from both trees. But again, Ignite is not very trash mob friendly.

Good point about elemental precision, may open up some options on the arcane side then.

As for fire levelling ... I levelled fire to 70, with a brief jaunt into frost from 64-67, and both are just as good for levelling. I did, however, find frost a tad slower, albeit with a lot more control. The thing is that "2 crits and it's dead" can generally be converted into ... "1 big crit and it's dead". Ignite doing the work there.

This allows you to fire off a pyro, get a big crit, then ignore the mob and start on the next one. By the time the first mob gets to you - he dies from the ignite. 1-shotting mobs ftw. Yes, you need to understand what damage your spells do, and have a good feeling for how your ticks perform, but that should be second nature after 70 levels. I can crit with a ~4600 k pyro on the blood elves on quel'danas (I've done 5500 with stolen fel armour), the ignite tick there is ~1000 each. Those mobs only have around 6k health, so right there, a good opening crit, fire ward up (for the warlock-type BEs), and you're good.

As for 2 forstbolts doing the same job ... maybe they could, maybe they couldn't (depending on your gear) - I always found the mob dieing before he got to me in both situations, with fire, it's 2-3 spells, with frost it's 3-4, sometimes 5 spells, its the chill effect that does the work there. End result ... mob dies before you're hit in both situations, win both ways.

FFB is really going to be interesting, cos it's got the DoT and the slow. Perhaps I'll have replaced my spellfire set by then with general spell power gear, and I can really play with it properly.
#15 Aug 28 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
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Professor Turicus wrote:
True. But if the mob dies without most of the Ignite ever ticking, then it would certainly have died from the two Frostbolt crits from a Frost Mage with the same gear. It's not like there is a 30% damage gap between frost and fire anyway.

I tend to let things run at me with ignite on and watch as they die right before they touch me. It's the ****** in me, I think.

Look, I know frost is great for soloing. I've been saying it for years. Doesn't mean fire isn't extremely good as well.
#16 Aug 28 2008 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
See? This is why I like Poldaran.

I'm staying fire as well. No reason a raid spec can't be used for leveling. Half of raiding is trash and that's all xping is. It's not rocket science.

Anyways, I like that spec, Pol, might try it out or work up my own spec.
#17 Aug 28 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
I am going with an arcane build I think...I started leveling as a fire mage till about 50, then I switched to arcane and I kinda fell in love with it. I got tired of killing slow and I really didnt like ice. And by slow I mean casting time on pyroblast and Fireball. My arcane spec is 47/11/3. PoM - Pyroblast is a fun alittle surprise too. In the expansion I think I am going a full arcane build...still debating of I go for pyroblast. Spell power and pom are nice and teh timers in the expansion will be lower. I guess I like arcane cause pre BC its kinda like a happy medium between pvp and pve . and its always fun to surprise your prey with a pyroblast, PoM Pyroblast, then finish them off with a fireblast or arcane missle.
#18 Aug 28 2008 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
Princess Kyrin wrote:

ZOMG. You spelled my name correctly. Smiley: inlove

You'd be surprised how often people mispell it. Smiley: frown

No reason a raid spec can't be used for leveling

Actually, I'll probably do a little minor reworking on my build for leveling. Something more like this. Why? Because I REALLY like Impact. I always have.

Edited, Aug 29th 2008 1:55am by Poldaran
#19 Aug 29 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
I havent choosen between frost and fire yet:
Frost would be something like this (full frost):

and fire like this:
#20 Aug 29 2008 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Princess Kyrin wrote:

ZOMG. You spelled my name correctly. Smiley: inlove

You'd be surprised how often people mispell it. Smiley: frown

No reason a raid spec can't be used for leveling

Actually, I'll probably do a little minor reworking on my build for leveling. Something more like this. Why? Because I REALLY like Impact. I always have.

Edited, Aug 29th 2008 1:55am by Poldaran

Agreed there - impact is as awesome as frostbit .. to not take either depending on whether you go fire or frost is a shame, but why not put the 10 points in frost into Arcane instead to get clearcasting. I would seriously remove points from hot streak to make up the 10 required for 5/5 Arcane Concentration - HS it doesn't seem to have any synergy with the short fights you'll be doing while solo.

Or am I missing something?
#21 Aug 29 2008 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
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robertlofthouse wrote:
I would seriously remove points from hot streak to make up the 10 required for 5/5 Arcane Concentration - HS it doesn't seem to have any synergy with the short fights you'll be doing while solo.

Or am I missing something?

It's still useful if you're chain pulling, I think. Though I wouldn't quote me on that as I'm in serious need of sugar and caffeine(well, mostly the sugar) right now. Either way, getting Arcane Concentration would indeed make some sense.
#22 Aug 30 2008 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
Pold, as usual, I love your build that you linked at the first post as the standard fire build. I wonder what the dps increase/decrease will be compared to having icy veins somewhere in there.

Which leads me to consider this:
#23 Aug 30 2008 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
Isn't she Polgara's sister?

Taking a break from Eddings to read Gypsy Morph.
#24 Aug 31 2008 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
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Princess Kyrin wrote:
Isn't she Polgara's sister?

The name is a combination of Polgara and Beldaran(her sister) that I came up with on one hour of sleep a long time ago to name a character in another MMO. When I went to WoW, I kept it.
#25 Sep 01 2008 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
Deleted cause I need to read better.

Edited, Sep 1st 2008 4:25am by Ieatrocks
#26 Sep 01 2008 at 1:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Raid Spec:

Dropping Arcane Concentration because I don't have many mana issues atm, also dropping some aoe boosts from frost to focus on single target boosts (shatter to wrok with FoF for example). Also not sure how good Brain Freeze is (do I need to use FiB as my next spell and will the gcd be worth it?), so I may drop some points in arcane to pick that up.

Probable Levelling Spec:

Though I may be tempted by:
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