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Come WotLK content patch, what spec'll you all go?Follow

#27 Sep 06 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
@Inoperante - From all I've seen, from the lack of stacking debuffs (Malediction CoEl vs. Ebon Plaguebringer) to the poor scaling with Haste for affliction to the buff/nerf to the utility of Shadow Embrace, all I can really see is them pushing Demo/Ruin specs and Fire Destro w/Imp. Affliction is going to be the leveling spec, as always, but I see it with less and less viability in raiding.
#28 Sep 06 2008 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
you obviously haven't seen the recent changes to afliction...

" * Everlasting Affliction (Tier 10) changed to: Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Unstable Affliction spells gain an additional 1/2/3/4/5% of your bonus spell damage effects each time they inflict damage, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a 20% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.
* Eradication moved from Tier 9 to Tier 7
* Shadow Embrace (Tier 5) changed to: Your Shadow Bolt and Haunt spells apply the Shadow Embrace effect, increasing all periodic damage dealt to the target by you by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces all periodic healing done to the target by 3/6/9/12/15%. Lasts for 12 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.
* *New Talent* Pandemic - Each time you deal damage with Corruption or Unstable Affliction, you have a chance equal to your spell critical strike chance to deal 33/66/100% additional damage.


everlasting afflicion is being nerfed slightly (the bonus damage to dots, the reset duration is a bug, think it's meant to be 20/40/60/80/100%) but the changes to everything else is a pretty massive buff. 'tis making me reconsider my choice of being dest come wotlk
#29 Sep 06 2008 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Shadow Embrace is a huge nerf to Aff locks' utility for raiding, especially since Malediction will be outdated with Ebon Plaguebringer.
Eradication, Pandemic and Death's Embrace - You can't get all three of these, even with a 54/0/17 build.

Even if Affliction locks AREN'T using Curse of Recklessness, there's no reason to use CoElements due to Ebon Plaguebringer, and CoD and CoA don't get any additional benefit other than Amp. Curse and iCoA.

Improved Shadow Bolt is no longer raidwide, but for the lock only, and is also down to 15% from 20%.

When we get Unholy DK's to 80 and raiding, Affliction loses its raid spot, since Fel Intelligence (Felhunter) is overwritten by Arc. Int. and Divine Spirit.

They are also nerfing Blood Pact, so Destruction may also be losing its raid utility.
#30 Sep 07 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
Both you guys are talking real end game DPS-squeezing. And for all I know, you're both right.

I'm talkingenjoying the content and finding playing the 70-80 'lock fun. Affliction will do me nicely and if I can drain tank with it still, then I'm in. NOT finding Demo attractive at all and as Destro is gonna be fire...well, I've covered that!
#31 Sep 07 2008 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
shadow embrace ISN'T a huge nerf to the locks utility. for starters with basically the exception of MAYBE brutalus... no guild should need the old shadow embrace effect. secondly you're presuming that afliction HAS to remain THE buffing/debuffing spec for warlocks... I don't know if you've noticed it or not.. but blizzard is changing the way EVERY class works and from the looks of what they're chucking at us in afliction, they want it to be a powerful dps spec. also the new shadow embrace effect is a RAID WIDE 20% bonus to dot damage.
anyways, the new shadow embrace will give us a near perminant 20% bonus to that lock's damage, which is very powerful for an afliction dps. seeing as CoE will be basically outdated by the druids "earth n' moon" talent, this leaves more room for afliction dps by using either CoA or CoD (not sure which is the better choice currently... probably CoA though)
if you look at the damage bonuses..
20% to raid wide dot damage
10% chance for 20% haste on corruption ticks, and you only ever have to cast corruption once
20% bonus to our own dot damage from haunt
15% crit bonus to SB when target is below 20%
10% from shadow mastery
etc.... (got bored... about half way.. there's just to many to list)
also afliction could use a pet. could be the imp if you take improved imp (mainly it's a choice due to imba mana regen) or could be felhound due to the talent.

simply put, afliction is looking to be very viable.
#32 Sep 08 2008 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
Affliction was all about Shadow Embrace and Malediction.

They're also changing it so that tanks can't make avoidance cap, so the removal of the damage reduction is a nerf to utility, as well as the Earth and Moon talent and Ebon Plaguebringer (which does the same thing). As far as I'm concerned with that sort of information, any damage reduction would be a huge boon to the raid. Add in that ISB is a self-only thing in Wrath, Affliction has zero utility for a raid. Shadow Embrace is also a self-only DoT boost, check your tooltips again.

Also, no reason to bring up Brutallus, as Brutallus will be far and away outdated by the time level 80 comes about.

Lastly, all those talents you talk about are totally self-improvement, and do not provide raid utility, which is what Affliction does now. All it is is the attempt to bring Affliction in line with other specs'/classes' DPS. I'm surprised you didn't mention Pandemic, though. Affliction still isn't scaling with haste, either, so all the improved damage talents are for naught without proper scaling with haste, as well as crit (which they're adding in the form of Pandemic, as far as crit goes, but still may prove lackluster in the end).
#33 Sep 08 2008 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
you don't seem to be getting the point I'm trying to make... WHY should afliction STAY our utility spec? there is no reason other than that's what it has been up until now and this patch is changing the way every class works. also 'tanks not reaching the avoidance cap'... well the cap, last I remember, was 100% avoidance and other than rogues/hunters... no 'tank' could reach that. if what you meant is the defence cap, well tanks HAVE to beable to reach that to beable to tank, and i'm 100% certain they still cap (just that current gear may not have enough defence for a lvl.80 character currently, similar to the start of tbc when it was hard to get the cap then too) and finally if what you meant was the 85% damage reduction from armor.. well simply put even at 70, it's almost impossible for even a druid to get to that much armor and you never find a warrior with that much.

and there is reason to bring up brutalus, because come wotlk, IF blizzard makes another fight with a boss that hits, in lvl.80 terms, as hard as brutalus does at 70, then there would be 1 reason for the old shadow embrace version (but my guild doesn't even use it anymore... it actually isn't even needed here and this is the hardest hitting boss in the game)

lastly, all those talents ARN'T purely self improvement... you even bother properly looking at the new shadow embrace effect? it AFFECTS THE WHOLE RAID. seeing that almost every dps class has dot mechanics.... that's a pretty powerful raid buff
#34 Sep 10 2008 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
Read the Shadow Embrace tooltip one more time. It affects only you. Go look at the mmo-champion talent calculators, since they're actually up to date, and read the tooltips. Read it twice or three times if you have to. It says that it improves DoT damage done by you, not by your party/raid.

You are missing what I'm saying: Why should Affliction lose all its utility in one fell swoop? Divine Spirit + Arcane Intellect > Fel Intelligence. Blood Pact is going to be an hp increase rather than a flat stam increase, and all other stam buffs overwrite it.

Also, "fairly sure" that they can hit avoidance cap is not the same as "I read a post by blue saying that they won't," period. Now you're making asinine assumptions based on current game mechanics that are in no way similar to the stated mechanics of Wrath, which are vastly different. Currently, warrior and paladin tanks can get avoidance cap from dodge, parry and block (though druids have to rely pretty much solely on dodge, armor and hp - but their gear is itemized for it).

Regarding your point on Brutallus, it's a bit sketchy to base a premise on an "if," isn't it? After all, the only real raiding instances they've put into beta are Naxx-10 and -25.

So, now that you've made grandiose statements about Affliction's "utility" come Wrath, I'd like you to go find a source backing up what you've said. Because I'm sure I can go find the Blue post about tank avoidance cap again. Never mind I've already pointed out that you're dead wrong about Shadow Embrace anyway. Just in case you need further clarification on the whole Shadow Embrace thing: Read and weep. It's not a raid buff.

Btw, if you don't believe me, you can take a look at WoW's lock forums.

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 4:13am by wingsofscion
#35 Sep 10 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
hmmm... i managed to miss that everytime I looked at the talent. lol, my mistake.. but that's my only mistake.

the comment about avoidance cap isn't a guess, it's a 100% for certain. simply put, as bosses get harder (lets say oh... by the time they give us ilidan or any of the titans for a kind of 'absolute endgame limit' for lvl.80.. with sargeras being probably added with the lvl.90 expansion... lol) avoidance caps will be a must... as will probably 30-40k health. the game mechanics may be changing but the only ways they can make encounters harder still stands by primarily increasing the gear level required, and to do that would require heading towards (and reaching) the avoidance cap. I'm 100% certain that a tank geared in naxx-25 man and equivilant gear will be at least border-line for the cap, with the variation being due to the life long question of "heath or avoidance".

my point about brutalus also states that even for brutalus, the talent isn't needed. my guild downs him every week, no issues and we don't have the talent. my statements about afliction utility is that there's no reason it has to be our utility spec. blizzard has never stated "afliction HAS to be the warlocks utility spec", what they have stated though is that they want to limit specs less by giving utility to more specs and more classes. simply put if your guild NEEDS the old shadow embrace then you've got a bigger issue than just talent changes.. you might want to upgrade gear/skill or just quit the game. I've checked your armory and there's ALOT of content you've yet to try.. trust me, afliction utility is over-rated currently (even the benefit of having a malediction warlock is dwarfed by the insane damage increase of going destruction instead... the overall raid dps of malediction is minimal at best)

for the past... 2-3 years, mid to heavy use of demo and destruction talents has been the requirement for a dps spec, now with the upcoming change demo is looking to become our utility spec (off tank, spell damage debuff, improved healthstones) while destruction and afliction are meant to be brought close in line together for damage, afliction being given more than destruction while dest is being given a greater pvp viability.

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 8:51am by Jenovaomega

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 8:55am by Jenovaomega
#36 Sep 10 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
From Ghostcrawler, here:

- Are we supposed to be hitting the Armor Cap? Or an Avoidance cap? Because right now i do not see that happening either way and leaving us kind of… lacking mitigation.

No class should be close to either in Lich King. That was actually a problem in Burning Crusade -- witness bears being unable to improve their tanking gear because of the armor cap and the introduction of "Sunwell Radiance" to work around excessively high avoidance values. We think it's fine for tanks to reach the uncrittable mark, and being uncrushable is no longer an issue. Beyond that, we want you to always have a reason to improve your gear... and always be a little scared of those bosses.

Again, you're wrong about the avoidance cap for tanks.

Also, my reasoning about Affliction in Wrath is that there is no reason it shouldn't have any utility. Currently, Affliction loses out on all utility, and Destruction and Demonology take over. A lot of raids take what is useful over what isn't. Now, explain to me why there shouldn't be any utility in affliction, whatsoever? Because to me, that seems to be what you're implying.

Edited, Sep 10th 2008 11:55am by wingsofscion
#37 Sep 10 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I'm not suggesting that at all, and if you read what I said, it is simply paraphrasing what blizzard said about avoidance/armor caps. I said that by the end of lvl.80, you'll be capping it and that they'll be getting you closer to that point as the content comes out(and 85% avoidance cap is still 'little scared' when it comes to stuff like arthas)

in terms of utility, we have the option of utility. if we go for the felhound int/spirit thing, that leaves spare raid slots for other classes/specs. blizzard already said they don't want to limit raids to much. granted yes, the likely hood is that we'll have 1 mage, 1 disp priest, 1 moonkin, but the option is open for different combinations so that IF ever someone isn't online, we can be backup. the OPTION to be utility is there, whether or not it's 'raid optimal' is a different matter and personnaly, I don't mind afliction not giving anything but good damage, the fact is.. the less utility a class has, the highier they're ment to be in damage ability.

for the 'usefulness raid'

simply put, it'll be 2-3 of most classes. when it comes to warlocks people will always want only 3 locks in the raid for 1 of each healthstone. that is probably our main utility and the one thing blizzard will probably never take from us (and with the potion limit, they'll be even more important... presuming there's no limit on conjured consumables either... which if there was would ***** over mages.. so there won't be). currently, yes, CoE and CoRec are 2 more primary utilities of us, also CoT when needed. well personnaly I relish in the idea that any spec I go, I can use a dps curse instead AND that the people replacing my curses are doing it through procs/pet abilities rather than having to use up their own gcd's and decrease their personal dps for the bonus.

personnally I don't see why you're complaining. you get to do more damage AND have a more complicated class to play (so needing more skill to be played to its best, and a 24-60sec curse use requires more timing skill than a 5minute debuff that probably only needs refreshing once in the entire fight.
#38 Sep 10 2008 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Re: Felhunter buff. Overridden by Mage/Priest buffs (Arc Int and Div. Spirit, respectively). Guaranteed - not likely, guaranteed - there will be a mage in your 25-man raid. Whether there's a DS priest... we shall see.

As for healthstones, they have been made unique so you can only carry one, last I checked. They completely overhauled mana gem mechanics, so that's not even comparable anyway.

I'm complaining because I want a spec that will be viable at all areas of play, and not one that can or will be sat out because someone else can do it better.
#39 Sep 10 2008 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
last I checked, unique means only 1 of each item type. again last I checked... each talented version of a HS was counted as a different version (2000,2200,2400... i forget exact numbers, to drunk). so even being unique you should still, in theory, beable to have 1 of each type... though this could change for all i know. and I wasn't saying we WOULD be using our buffs.. just that they're available.. simply put, in 5-10mans we'll be invaluable (and ALOT of 10 mans in next patch), 25man, we're there for damage.

the idea of the 'multi-spec' no-longer exists. yeah we can pvp a bit easier in each spec now... but still like today, there will be a dominant spec for each and people will inevitably, all spec that spec due to this. if you want a spec that 'others can't do better', ***** afliction and go demo. we can off-tank and do pretty amazing damage and buff the raid.

if you're worried about the cost of respec.. well.. wtf.. my respec cost is stuck at 50g, and i can litereally spend like 10-15minutes a day doing dailies/herbing/something like that to earn over 50g.. heck the last time i went below like 2k gold was due to buying loads of 22slot bags @ 1200g each and still within 2 weeks I was back above 2k gold. if I bothered to try to make gold, I'd easily have 5k per week without getting in the way with usual real life activities and if I neglected some, then 10k a week is more than doable. (or 10k's worth of items to sell, depends how much the market is flooded, current prices/ events etc...)
#40 Sep 10 2008 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Last I checked, each person will only be able to carry one healthstone of any kind. However, Soulwells are getting a buff to have 25 charges.

Also, Demo blows. Demo is a bad, inconsistent, boring spec that will be there for ONE THING - Demonic Pact. And that's it. I plan on raiding as Destruction not only because I love the tree, but because it doesn't fail at utility (at least THEY can spec both Imp. Imp and Frailty and get away with it, Fire or Shadow). That, and Destro locks will be the best ones to tank gimmick encounters anyway (go go Imp. Searing Pain).

So finally, once again, I'm going to leave this post at one thing: If Warlocks (specifically Affliction and Demonology) continue to scale as badly with gear as they do now, then I'm going to move on to my Resto Shaman as my main.

Oh, and posting while drunk is probably not a wise idea.
#41 Sep 11 2008 at 4:39 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
warlocks scaling badly with gear? wtf on you about. the only thing that CURRENTLY doesn't scale well is crit with dots (haste affects cast/gcd, which IS a sizable dps increase regardless of what idiots say otherwise), and this has been addressed with the dot 'crit' talent. so scaling of all specs is fine now. and the 'gimic tanking' of dest is likely to be replaced by the deathknight, the only tanking thing that's left for us random "zomg tank is dead, i'll go demon form and take over for 45seconds" tanking with 600% increased armor o.0
pet scaling is being addressed a bit too, they're getting our hit and crit now to i believe (but still no haste scaling...). I've never understood why people complain about warlocks... we are OP, have been for a long time and probably always will be. the fact that blizzard is bringing us down in-line with other classes is a good thing (means that people will now be seperated more by skill rather than who can press 1 button the fastest...).

and nothing wrong about posting while drunk. spelling may get a bit screwed but my knowledge is still the same.
#42 Sep 11 2008 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
Actually, dots scaling with haste is exactly what I'm on about. And Demonology dots still don't scale with anything for that matter, since Pandemic is a deep Affliction talent. Shadow Priests benefit more from haste than Affliction locks do since channeled spelled (Mind Flay) benefit from haste.

Blizzard also stated that there will be encounters that cannot be tanked by melee, so Destro tanking is still going to happen.

Warlocks aren't exactly "OP," either, but rather scale rather oddly in comparison to other classes (which is why they are nerfind DS and bringing pets into the equation, as well as pulling every other DPS class to the best of their ability to the same scaling). Also realize that warlocks still have to stack spell hit whereas no other class will have to in order to achieve hit cap.
#43 Sep 11 2008 at 10:01 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
DOT DO SCALE. their cast time/the global cd created from casting the dot is decreased by haste, this in turn increases the dpsc of the dot and increases the time available between having to recast the dot, so allowing for you to keep a tighter dot cycle and cast more SBs in between. THIS is why blizzard won't ever make the dot ticks scale with haste because doing so would either 1. be very OP, or 2. require a massively increased amount of haste rating required for 1% decreased duration in a dot and sacrifice the decrease in dot cast time/gcd generated.

warlocks are OP, 'rather odd scaling' which leads to topping damage meters with the minimal amount of effort required is kind of the definition of 'OP' just a more elaborate wording. the fact that I can push out 2.6k dps with 2 buttons (CoD and SB) is OP and the fact that I'm not even one of the best geared DPSers in the guild, but yet I still top the meters due to the simplicity of the class, is OP.

every class needs to stack hit, yeah we need 40 more than most other caster dps classes, but then there's melee which currently need like 350 for hit cap, around 300 with talents usually (but then melee's are wierd and for some, capping hit isn't even beneficial... fury warriors being the prime example who only need about 80-90 hit supposedly and that stacking crit instead makes up for the lack in remaining hit.. 'tis wierd but true). come the content patch, like the rest of the classes, we get talented hit, so we'll only need 172 hit (as the 1% base chance to resist will be removed), then take into account the 3% hit from some other class's buff/debuff that'll help, so we'll only need about 138 hit, 126 if draenai aura stacks. come lvl.80, we'll be back up to needing 200 hit to reach the cap. nice and easy.

yes demonology dots don't scale as much, due to no pandemic. they still scale from haste (TRY to realise this... PLEASE) but their pets scale better than ours and deal more damage, so making up for the loss. also they have a much larger +dmg than the other two specs which makes up for some of the loss of deep afliciton/dest talents.
#44 Sep 11 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
No, DoTs don't scale with haste. Oooo, we can cast our instants a whole 0.5s faster, but the damage still is not affected by Haste, and we're still going to have to resort to shadow bolt spamming between DoT applications. It only increases the DPCT of an instant cast by a marginal amount, since all the damage still has to run a course of 15 seconds (UA, Immolate), 18 seconds (Corruption, without talents), 24 seconds (Curse of Agony), 30 seconds (Siphon Life) or 1 minute (Curse of Doom).

Warlocks are OP versus ... what? Mages? Laughable. Shamans? Only because Blue refuses to properly scale them or give them decent cc escapes (much like warlocks vs. melee). So Warlocks top damage meters now - Mages do in Beta. Times are changing, and when I speak of scaling in the expansion, I mean scaling in the expansion, not scaling now. As it stands, it's currently only Sac/Destro locks that top DPS charts, NOT affliction locks, NOT demo locks, and you know it. THAT is the scaling that needs to be fixed, and until the next Beta build, we won't have any results on how Affliction and Demo scale. I defy you to tell me how warlocks are OP in Wrath ... Oh wait, you can't.

As for talented hit, I'm stacking hit so my Soulshatter doesn't get resisted - any other warlock would be wise to do the same, since we don't get an across-the-board +hit talent like, I dunno, every other caster (except Smite priests, but that on its own is kind of a joke - though I think Holy DPS should be viable, that's another subject entirely). There aren't enough points available to make Suppression/Cataclysm available, much less worthwhile. If I do end up spending points on Cataclysm, it'll be to min/max my mana consumption, not to get any additional benefit from +hit.
#45 Sep 11 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts

Since you seem to be watching this post actively, check your PM's, got something important in there for you.
#46 Sep 11 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
DOTS DO SCALE. the fact that you cast the casted ones quicker, and with instants that you can cast your next spell faster means they DO scale. their dpsc is increased (the most important damage stat). what you're saying is that their DURATION isn't affected by haste... which it isn't needed. you complain about shadow priests channeled dots benefiting... well ours do too, just we don't use channeled dots for dps, we use SB (though with the number of talents, procs and abilities we're getting that increase the damage of our periodic damage.. who knows, drain life could be the afliction dps spell... i'll have to crunch the numbers soon to find out.

lets take CoA for example. mine as afliction, outside of a raid, does 3353 damage, which is 2235 dpsc for a 1.5sec gcd. now with my haste, my gcd is 1.26 seconds which is a dpsc of 2661. 400 increase in dpsc for 18% haste is not a small amount, and it's a definate sign of scaling.

in terms of stacking hit, it's beneficial for all classes to reach hitcap, not because of soulshatter (though it is a good reason) but because every spell resisted is X mana spent for 0 damage spent for X period of wasted time and reaching the hit cap won't be hard at all. including talents, including other classes abilities that affect us, as i said we'll only need 200 hit at lvl.80 (it might be +/- 2-3... in one of the topics on here I done the maths for it, but effort to find) which is easy as hell to get once you take into account sockets, enchants and simply the natural hit from gear. come the start of wotlk, for the people not running around in sunwell gear, yeah it may be hard to get hit capped... but by the time you've got T7 and equivilant gear.. getting and staying hit capped will be easy. suppression and catacylsm are there for the people who can't cap their hit, same with almost all talented hit. once you're hit capped, yeah the decreased mana cost is nice.. but with the way mana-regen is currently working in wotlk, it's not needed.
#47 Sep 11 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
Spec Amp Curse. Fail to scale with haste. End of story.

I'll be back later, have to go do RL things now. >.<
#48 Sep 11 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
that version of amp.curse doesn't exist yet, and when it does, that's ONE dot which doesn't scale with haste... ZOMGWTF, must complain about that.... LOL the others still scale.. IMM, UA, COR, SL.. so 4/5 of our dots scale, which is fine.

now if you were a melee class, you'd be complaining ALOT more. haste only properly affects their white damage, which is at best 60% of their damage, yes it decreases gcd for them too, but seeing how most melee classes are limited by the gain rate of rage/recharge rate of runes or energy, they can't even spam abilities enough to make the most of a decreased gcd while for us though haste scales with 100% of our damage. you've chosen the wrong class type to moan about haste with tbh...
#49 Sep 11 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
That version of Amp. Curse doesn't yet exist, but it will. I also assume that you'll be using Curse of Doom rather than Curse of Agony in a raid (unless Pandemic affects CoA, which would give it a better DPS and DPCT than CoD by far). Corruption, after Everlasting Affliction, won't be recast by an Affliction lock, and also therefore does not scale with haste. Immolate and UA cast times are all that are affected by haste. Oooo, a whole 0.5s off SL. Whoopdedoo. Wrath of Air along with haste implemented on gear will already probably lower the GCD to 1s anyway, so your point is not particularly valid.

So the DPCT goes up, but that doesn't change that the DPS goes up if DoTs ticked faster than they do now. Currently, your Curse of Agony does 139.708333~ DPS (3353/24). With any amount of haste, your Curse of Agony still does 139.7083~ DPS. If haste affected DoTs, say your CoA duration goes down to 21 seconds. Your DPS from CoA would go UP to 159.6~. That's an increase of almost 20 DPS, in addition to being flat 3353 DPCT from a 1s GCD on curses. Realistically, though, you would be casting CoD over CoA. And speccing 21/40 in Sunwell. But that's aside from the point. The fact of the matter is, DoT duration scaling with haste is ultimately a DPS increase, and in order for Affliction warlocks, Demonology warlocks, Shadow priests, Moonkin druids (Insect Swarm, Moonfire) and Fire mages (Ignite, Fireball, Pyroblast) to benefit to the best possible ability, DoT durations need to scale with haste. Now, tell my why you wouldn't actually take an increase in DPS. Tell me exactly why DoT duration shouldn't scale with haste. And give me reasons to back it up, because right now, I think you're full of ****.

As far as hit, the math has been done that we'll need 236 +hit to reach hit cap (since they are removing the 1% unmitigatable hit), or 9% hit. Suppression and Cataclysm are a crutch, and anyone who can't reach hit cap before raiding is lazy. Blizzard made it possible with Heroics gear in TBC, and there's no foreseeable reason why it shouldn't be possible in Wrath. Still, Soulshatter isn't a "good" reason to stack hit, it is THE reason to stack hit. It's the same reason that Survival Hunters usually take a point in Improved Feign Death, because of its resist mechanics.

In terms of mana regen, they nerfed Fel Armor and made it 2% hp5 instead of spirit based mp5.
#50 Sep 11 2008 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I'd take it, if it was needed. but dots duration being affected by haste simply isn't needed. we're getting 40% bonus to dot damage in the afliction tree that'll be up perminantly for us. other specs though benefit from other massive 'all round' damage or heavy direct damage. hey I've got a good idea, seeing how you want haste to affect dot duration, lets also make haste decrease the duration of ability/spell/item cd's, +spell power / attack power affect healing done by consumables and well... every other possible scaling that's been suggested. in the end, it's not a needed buff and one that if done, would be rediculously OP and would require rescaling all classes due to them all having a massive dps increase.
#51 Sep 11 2008 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
How would it be "ridiculously OP"? You continue to make this claim, but you have yet to show any evidence to back up how it would be OP.
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