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no more downranking?Follow

#1 Aug 14 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
(i know, beta isnt official... but they seem pretty set on this, and well.... i like thinking towards the future lol)

who else is pissed as hell about this?

ive been downranking while i heal instances like crazy (only 40.9 atm, but still lol) and it gives me incentive to heal dps

when i have 3 heals that heal a good amount, but i just like keepin dps topped off, well thats overheal =\ no fun

not even considering mana cost issues and overheal.... youd hafta wait until greater heal is worth casting at max rank before you would.... what happens if you get silenced or stunned because you waited so long?

i can understand it not being intended =\ but considering most healing classes have 3-4 healing spells spec's not included... its gonna make (what most consider) a boring job even worse (exactly the reason i want a priest and not a paladin... i dont care for just flash of/holy light and thats it)

maybe theyll rank lesser and regular heal all the way to 80 along side of greater and flash?

what do you guys think?

Edited, Aug 14th 2008 2:53pm by mongoosexcore
#2 Aug 14 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
I guess some may say Im noobcakes for saying what I'm about to say, but here goes.

I don't downrank. Never have, and I doubt I ever will. As a priest I have spells that enable me to forgo downranking. If you just need a bit I'll hit you with a renew. PoM works for anything getting hit in the face. Then there is CoH and PoH for group wide healing/raid wide healing. Last but not least I have Greater heal and Flash heal. I treat my flash as a downranked Gheal, i guess, but i don't truely "downrank" any of my heals.

With +1800 healing and 250 buffed mana while casting this tactic has worked well for me throughout my adventures in WOW.
#3 Aug 14 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I suspect there will be a lot more overhealing. Which doesn't particularly bother me so much as the cast time of a full rank greater heal. I don't use Flash Heal much because it's not particularly efficient but I guess I'll have to make it my friend. And spec for CoH as well.

I think it's kind of a pain but I wouldn't say pissed, exactly. We'll adjust.
#4 Aug 14 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
VomicatheFaithful wrote:
I guess some may say Im noobcakes for saying what I'm about to say, but here goes.

I don't downrank. Never have, and I doubt I ever will. As a priest I have spells that enable me to forgo downranking. If you just need a bit I'll hit you with a renew. PoM works for anything getting hit in the face. Then there is CoH and PoH for group wide healing/raid wide healing. Last but not least I have Greater heal and Flash heal. I treat my flash as a downranked Gheal, i guess, but i don't truely "downrank" any of my heals.

With +1800 healing and 250 buffed mana while casting this tactic has worked well for me throughout my adventures in WOW.

I do exactly the same thing. I check the recount graph and find a lot of times that 80% of the healing I do comes from renew and PoM.
#5 Aug 15 2008 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Only thing I downrank is Gheal, mainly because flash is so mana-inefficient. Guess I'd like to see how mana efficiencies change in wotlk before having an opinion on this, if flash is made more efficient it might not matter too much. Also there's serendipity (mana back when you overheal talent), which could compensate a little.
#6 Aug 15 2008 at 4:43 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I don't downrank on the tank all that often. I try to cancel-cast GH7 as much as possible. And TBH overhealing doesn't bother me all that much (and with this change becomes meaningless). But downranking is a nice quick way to heal up DPS who've taken enough hits that you don't want to just toss a Renew, and then get back to the tank. Especially clothies - GH7 is kind of wasted on them. Obviously Blizzard meant for me to be using Flash Heal for this purpose, so I guess I will now.

I don't love this change because change frightens me I don't love anything that gives me less tools in the toolbox. But I don't think it'll turn out to be game-changing, at least for me. The Shaman on the main forum are pretty upset, but they heal differently.
#7 Aug 15 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Quick look at the new ranks in wotlk, there's no new ranks of lesser heal or heal, and flash heal looks to be just as mana-inefficient as it always was.

As a priest I don't have too much of a problem with the change, I guess if I were healing on a pally or shaman I might feel differently, but with the variety of heals we have anyway healing as a priest will continue to be interesting. With this change and others, I'll just have to adapt to slightly new ways of doing things like teacake said, thats fine.

Edited, Aug 15th 2008 9:25am by Helluna

Edited, Aug 15th 2008 9:26am by Helluna
#8 Aug 15 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
As I posted in the general wow forum, most priests dont have to downrank. It wont affect them in the slighest. Priests are well equipped with lesser heals that are mana efficient.

The only healing class that is truely affected by downranking is Shamans. I know one thing, I came to this board because after seeing how wronged shaman healers are getting from this, I am very likely switching my shadow priest to healing and switching my resto shaman to elemental. I have been healing on my shaman for what feels like an eternity and its going to be a difficult switch in my mind, but honestly there is no other way around it, I know for a fact, I can not heal with my shaman unless I use downranked spells. Its a broken mechanic according to blizzard, but it is the only way that a shaman can be a main healer in a raid/group. If they do go through with this, shamans are basically going to either be a raid healer or useless because their mana effiency is going to plummet.

I guess in the end, I look forward to contributing to your healing threads on the priest board. :)
#9 Aug 15 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
I am very likely switching my shadow priest to healing and switching my resto shaman to elemental

Just remember that Beta is only Beta and it all could be changed when WoTLK is officially released. Plus if this does ***** up shammy healz that bad, there will hopefully be a patch to fix the problem. With the introduction of the DK class, our world of warcraft communities will need all the healerz they can get not the other way around.

I can only see Blizzard fixting this somehow. Maybe your next ranks of Water Sheild will give you back such a significant more amount of mana that you will be able to handle the mana inefficientcy of not being able to downrank.

Have faith, thats coming from me VomicatheFaithful =D.
#10 Aug 15 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Shamandin most excellently pointed out that I'm getting my classes confused and GH is not Healing Touch. So, like, forget all my st00pid comments about cast time, k? I've got a cold, I'm out of it, what can I say. Blame the DayQuil.
#11 Aug 15 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
I am very likely switching my shadow priest to healing and switching my resto shaman to elemental

Just remember that Beta is only Beta and it all could be changed when WoTLK is officially released. Plus if this does ***** up shammy healz that bad, there will hopefully be a patch to fix the problem. With the introduction of the DK class, our world of warcraft communities will need all the healerz they can get not the other way around.

I can only see Blizzard fixting this somehow. Maybe your next ranks of Water Sheild will give you back such a significant more amount of mana that you will be able to handle the mana inefficientcy of not being able to downrank.

Have faith, thats coming from me VomicatheFaithful =D.

Oh I know im getting worked up about it, more than I shouldnt at this point. Generally, I prepare for the worst, and honestly, at least I have another toon that switch like that. Most people dont, kinda sad for them.

BTW improving water shield would not help, water shield only procs if your getting hit, and it also has a built in timer where it doesnt always proc each time your hit. If im getting hit and I have to heal myself that makes the problem 10 times worse even if they improve it. Certainly bliz can NOT count as that as a fixer.
#12 Aug 15 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
just gonna hafta wait n see i guess

but it scares me since i plan on being a pve disc priest, so i wont have coh or serendipity :(

wheres my rank 1 flash heal spam just to ensure i dont drop grace :(
#13 Aug 15 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
117 posts

BTW improving water shield would not help, water shield only procs if your getting hit, and it also has a built in timer where it doesnt always proc each time your hit. If im getting hit and I have to heal myself that makes the problem 10 times worse even if they improve it. Certainly bliz can NOT count as that as a fixer.

I thought, along with the mana awarded from bing physically beat on, water sheild also gives you a set MP5? Am I mistaken here?

I'm assuming that I'm not mistaken. So lets say that watersheild gave you 250 mp5 at lvl 80, or something like this, would this be able to solve a shammies mana issues enough to frogo having to downrank? If it did then that could be the solution to your worries.

Im hopeing and praying along with you. I like haveing a shammy healer standing by my side. (Not that I dont like having all you trees around either =D. Now those damn pallies, well thats another story. Im still not over them being able to wear plate.)
#14 Aug 18 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
121 posts

BTW improving water shield would not help, water shield only procs if your getting hit, and it also has a built in timer where it doesnt always proc each time your hit. If im getting hit and I have to heal myself that makes the problem 10 times worse even if they improve it. Certainly bliz can NOT count as that as a fixer.

but what about the new talent Improved water shield - a water shield orb is consumed when you get a crit from healing wave or lesser healing wave?
#15 Aug 21 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
BTW improving water shield would not help, water shield only procs if your getting hit, and it also has a built in timer where it doesnt always proc each time your hit. If im getting hit and I have to heal myself that makes the problem 10 times worse even if they improve it. Certainly bliz can NOT count as that as a fixer.

but what about the new talent Improved water shield - a water shield orb is consumed when you get a crit from healing wave or lesser healing wave?

I just saw this - not realizing they improved shields with talents. It does appear to be a big improvement on shields that I didnt see coming! :)

It still doesnt help the fact that overheal is still going to be a HUGE problem, that downranking spells solved to help keep mana effiency at its highest. I cant wait to see how spell haste affects everything as well. Lets cast 10 big heals in 20 seconds and be OOM for the rest of the fight! Yay!

BTW, This is topic for the shaman board really! Sorry for sidetracking the priest board. Either way, I love healing, and I have honestly thought about making both of my toons healers (priest/shaman) just for the sake that I enjoy it, and why not? Any guild could use 2 well geared healers for the sake of making more raid groups.
#16 Sep 02 2008 at 12:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
It will take me some getting used to as I often use downranked heals on my priest and druid. I'll probably switch to more renews as I don't like the mana inefficiency of flash heal (which is great if you need a quick heal, but otherwise is fairly sucky compared to GH1).

Hopefully they won't put any more bosses like the last one in OHB (never remember his name). Dispelling everyones buffs regularly is not friendly to HoTs and makes mana more of an issue as you miss other buffs on yourself (BoW, DS, etc).

Also will have an impact on helping lower levels in instances as now any heal will cost the full amount, but in the case of HoTs still be downranked.
#17 Sep 02 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
As for healing, I couldn't give a rats ***. I've never needed to downrank and never have.

What Ãs bad about this it is that they're removing rank 1 AOE against rogues. And not just for priests. This basically means mages, priests, paladins, etc will all be FORCED to eat a rogue opener. Granted, rogues will get an opener off on pretty much every one if they really desire (in the worst case you just ShS), but taking away a casters' *only* ability to counter it?

Edit: Grammar was horrible

Edited, Sep 2nd 2008 4:17pm by Mozared
#18 Sep 13 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
I can only see Blizzard fixting this somehow. Maybe your next ranks of Water Sheild will give you back such a significant more amount of mana that you will be able to handle the mana inefficientcy of not being able to downrank.

Basically, consider water shield vs spell cost. There is a gap between mana-gain and mana-expenditure for shaman and the gap between the two widens with the expansion. It's causing raiding shamans at 80 to go oom in about 2-3 min (and that's with using a pot AND mana-tide). >.> Shamans have always been THE WORST single target healers in the game. Worst mana-efficiency and worst HPS on a single target. With the expansion it is becoming worse.

but what about the new talent Improved water shield - a water shield orb is consumed when you get a crit from healing wave or lesser healing wave?

The problem is relying on RNG. Even with roughly 20-25% crit on Brutallus (I ended up with a moonkin in my group) I healed the main tank 10 times with no crit. I was trying to get the armor buff on him using rank 1 healing wave. If I was using max rank, I'd have been oom in 10 casts. Moreover, relying on crits from a max rank means you are going to overheal (except maybe on a crazy fight like Brutallus). So, really this is a talent a BIT like Serendipity but relying on RNG in addition to overhealing.

The other huge problem with this talent is that you are using up your passive MP5 buff. So after X number of crits from these spells you have to waste another GCD to buff yourself. Often, you can't afford to use a GCD to buff yourself meaning you lose BOTH the passive MP5 and the chance to pop an orb. Keeping a tank alive is priority. Keeping DPS alive is second priority. Buffing yourself for mana regen is LAST priority. All this adds up to shamans with no mana and tanks dying anyways (or relying on other healers to actually do the healing which is what is going to happen).

The worst part is that dev's are nerfing our talents and none of them have even worked properly yet. :( Ancestral Awakening heals the person with the lowest max health (ie a mage with 7k health [100% health] instead of a warrior with 10k health [70%]). Tidal Waves has a "cast delay" before you get the buff, so the increase in cast speed is basically negated by having to wait for the buff. Spirit Link is still bugged and links to low health pets and casters, nearly killing people along with breaking early as a waste of mana.

Basically, I'm leveling my priest to heal too. lol Well, unless they fix a LOT of stuff with Shaman. :(
#19 Sep 16 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
I have a draenei priest and I downrank my heals all the time. I use GH2,4 and 7 depending on need. My current mana regen is around 189. I also use CoH, Holy nova (for the fun factor). Plus renew and all the rest of the cool stuff. It's fun to mess around with the different spells.

Neat that we are getting more.
#20 Sep 17 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
121 posts

Keeping a tank alive is priority. Keeping DPS alive is second priority. Buffing yourself for mana regen is LAST priority. All this adds up to shamans with no mana and tanks dying anyways (or relying on other healers to actually do the healing which is what is going to happen).

...then taking 1.5 seconds out to make sure you have the mana to last the fight is priority?

Basically, I'm leveling my priest to heal too. lol Well, unless they fix a LOT of stuff with Shaman. :(

Looks like the aim is to make shamans, druids and priests fairly balanced as hybrid healers all having a different smart group heal (while pallys get to heal 2 at once people instead of just 1!). I'm feeling quite happy with the priest changes (with holy PVE in mind), though other holy priests are moaning that resto druids will be so OP. Admittedly I don't know how I'd feel as a resto shaman which will have more reliance on crits and procs. Its going to take some time and big changes will continue to be made after the expansion pack is released, I'm sure resto shamans will be sorted out sooner or later.
#21 Sep 17 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Well, my healer is a pally not a priest, but same issue applies. This will significantly change the way I heal on my pally since my most used heal was rank 6 Holy Light so that I could always keep Lights Grace proced for that unexpected moment when you had to fire off a rank 11 Holy Light.

Now I'm not saying that this will kill pallys as healers, but it will change the way I heal on the pally.

For me it won't really matter though because I'm taking my Spriest up to 80 1st, not the pally.
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