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Questions about partiesFollow

#1 Aug 10 2008 at 1:26 AM Rating: Excellent
I have been around wow for almost a year now, and have never really gotten into any outland parties. It hasn't happened thanks to some RL issues which kept me from the game for a few months, and also trying to get some of my friends to join my guild. My question to the hunters is this.

Based on my equipment and spec build, what dungeons would I be able to successfully run?

Based on the fact I have no BM talents does my pet really matter? I have currently tamed a Dragonhawk (68) (loyalty: 1) and a Wind Serpent (70) (loyalty: 6)

My goals on the talent build was to go for high dps, and at the same time building up my crits.

On the note of factions I currently have the keys for Hellfire, Coilfang (I think), and I want to say I have the key for Auchidon (sp) but I don't think so.

On the note of addons. I have Omen installed and I use trinity bars vs. Zhunter because I get a better layout IMO.

Thanks for all of the help and advice that you guys can offer me in advance, just in case I forget to acknowledge everyone later on.
#2 Aug 10 2008 at 1:44 AM Rating: Excellent
278 posts
Your spec for Marksman is good, though if you want to top charts, I'd suggest the generic 41/20 BM spec.

Your gear needs some help. Your rings and neck are absolute crap. Strength is NOT a Hunter stat. Yes, the Agi and Stam are nice, but you're better off with a "of the Bandit" item. I'd suggest taking a look at the Sticky, especially the "Pre-Kara gear guide." (Link is in my sig)

As for what instances you can do, I'd say all of the 70 instances on normal. As for Heroics, I don't think your gear is quite up to par yet. I'd suggest replacing your neck and rings with more "suitable" gear, enchant whatever you can, and use the guide to gear up.

Good luck!
#3 Aug 10 2008 at 1:58 AM Rating: Excellent
lol awesome your sticky is where I got that talent build from. Yeah I know that str is not for hunters, it was a quest reward somewhere and I was actually on the AH looking for a replacement. I just added the Surestrike goggles tonight, and went bankrupt at the same time lol... damn meta gem. Is the generic build listed in your sticky? Also I will get started on building up my gear tonight, if the memory holds out.

I am wondering if I should get into some standard 70 parties and build up there? I will be honest and say that aside from the BG's I have rarely partied 1-70. Now I am 70 and I have little understanding of hunters in the party, but I am willing to learn.
#4 Aug 10 2008 at 2:06 AM Rating: Excellent
278 posts
Ack, not *my* sticky! I just saw it and thought it'd be good for people so I stuck it in my sig.

Anyways, you have a few options here: Right now, running *normal* instances will give you upgrades, albeit slowly. There's really not a large demand for normal instances anymore, seeing as how you can easily just spend the time PVPing for equivalent, if not better, gear. So, you can either pvp for a set of Merciless Gear, which *will* last you through Kara and up into SSC/TK.

The problem here is that you won't really learn how to play your class all that well. Running instances, while time consuming and hair-pullingly painful, will teach you how to party. Although, to be real honest, you *can* learn to play a Hunter quite fine solo.

Most things in a party are common sense: Don't agro, don't pull too many, fire = bad, etc. The only real tricky thing you'll need to learn is how to chain trap. This; however, can be practiced solo.

To conclude my ramblings, try and find parties for normal instances. The first few times you may ***** up, but it's all good. Just learn from your mistakes. I'd reccomend working on your Kara key, just because you need to run a couple of instances to do it, so it kinda wets your feet, while also acomplishing something.

Once you feel you've mastered Huntering and decide to start seriously gearing up, I'd suggest PVPing for a full Merciless set.

Anything else, feel free to post. We won't bite!
#5 Aug 10 2008 at 2:12 AM Rating: Good
that set is the arena set right? I do some battlegrounds, but being alliance it tends to get boring rather quick when you constantly lose lol. I got some friends who are way up in gear progression, I will see if they want to run some normal instances and help me catch up lol. I have done chain traping before. I am okay at it, but there is always room to improve on it.
#6 Aug 10 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
I wouldn't say that you should PvP for the S2 gear but if you really enjoy doing that you can. It is pretty good.

If you're searching for max DPS go 41/20 BM.

It would help a lot if you mastered trapping. You would need to be able to maneuver and trap efficiently is small enclosed spaces as well.

ALWAYS gem for AGILITY. Nothing else, ever. Agility is the flat out best thing you can gem for, it will give you dodge, armor, crit, and AP.

Always chant for AGILITY as well. Look for these stats on gear: Agility, AP, stamina, crit rating, haste, and Mp5. (mana per 5 seconds)

refer to Aethien's Pre-Raid sticky as well. As said above.

Your pet does matter, a lot. If you want the best pet for flat out DPS your can either get a cat, ravager, or a windserpent. If you plan on getting a windserpent though make sure that it is the non-caster variety.

Do the daily heroic instances if you have the keys for them, they have better loot for you and you get badges as well. Badges are great because you can exchange them for some nice gear.

See if you can also tag along in some badge run of Kara. This way you can pickup some extra badges and possibly some gear upgrades that drop as well.

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 1:29pm by BlackRevolution
#7 Aug 10 2008 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
Maybe I'm missing something, but your meta isn't working yet. You need at least one more gem slot to get it up unless you put in voidspheres or whatever they're called.

Further, I think very few people here would disagree that you'd be better served enchanting/gemming AP now rather than AGI. Get cheeky's spreadsheet though and check. Check it a lot. Use it everyday in fact.
#8 Aug 10 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
#9 Aug 10 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
At higher gear levels, yes, but at 1K AP and 20% to crit?

I don't have cheeky's on this computer or I'd check it, but I'm willing to bet he'd get better results from AP for a good little while.
#10 Aug 10 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Ieatrocks wrote:
At higher gear levels, yes, but at 1K AP and 20% to crit?

I don't have cheeky's on this computer or I'd check it, but I'm willing to bet he'd get better results from AP for a good little while.

I still say that agi is better than Ap to gem.
#11 Aug 10 2008 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
sorry it has taken me all day to reply.. I rolled out of bed into my uniform and drove to work lol.

At one time I was told as a hunter to focus on these stats:

I was also under the assumption that Attack Power added into ranged damage, maybe I was wrong lol. Thanks again for all the advice so far, and I have downloaded cheeky, but I seem to have misplaced my office xp disk in my room.

What about pets? Like I said in my first posting I have a dragonhawk and a windserpent. I had a ravager at one time, but I dumped it for a stalker.
#12 Aug 10 2008 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
The SimpleMajority of Doom wrote:
sorry it has taken me all day to reply.. I rolled out of bed into my uniform and drove to work lol.

At one time I was told as a hunter to focus on these stats:

I was also under the assumption that Attack Power added into ranged damage, maybe I was wrong lol. Thanks again for all the advice so far, and I have downloaded cheeky, but I seem to have misplaced my office xp disk in my room.

What about pets? Like I said in my first posting I have a dragonhawk and a windserpent. I had a ravager at one time, but I dumped it for a stalker.

Those are the stats that you should focus on mainly. AP does tap into your ranged damage. One agility is one AP.

For your pet question. A pet matters no matter what your spec is. As BM it is roughly 15% of your damage, if I am not wrong.
#13 Aug 10 2008 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
ah okay. I was afraid I was going to have to get that ravager back again... but from what I am reading in some other threads it might not be such a bad idea.
#14 Aug 10 2008 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
The stats my hunter gears for are, in order:

Hit Rating Cap (95, SV at the moment)
Attack Power
Crit Rating
blah else

All of my gems are +10 AGI, except for 3 to get my meta to work.

And yes, AP does go to ranged damage, but Agi is just a better gem stat.

And as for pet, ravagers are just ugly. I skipped them and got a windserpent before it was optimal. Now my crit is high enough to support him. Just don't get a blue one from netherstorm. Everyone has one.

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 10:10pm by Ehcks
#15 Aug 10 2008 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
I have the windserpent from Netherstorm. Just because I don't want to have to level one more than one level or two. I was also too lazy to go inside an instance to tame one.
#16 Aug 10 2008 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, when you gem agi. Unless you have an overflow of cash, just get the +8 or +6 agi gems. The +10 are about 300g on my server. Just my server though. I don't know about yours.
#17 Aug 10 2008 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
man everything on my server is expensive... even linen cloth

The meta I currently have ran me 250g
#18 Aug 10 2008 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, Wool cloth runs for about 2-3g a stack. Linen cloth is 75s a stack as well.

Heavy Clefthoof is 100g a stack.
#19 Aug 10 2008 at 8:01 PM Rating: Excellent
278 posts
As for a pet, it's up to you what you want to use. If you're a hardcore min/maxer, I'd suggest getting a Ravager as they will do the most damage. However, they'll only do like 10 more DPS than another pet, so it's really up to you. All pets perform around the same. Your Windserpent and Dragonhawk are fine. :P

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 5:38am by Zeromatter
#20 Aug 10 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
Pet subject = Smiley: deadhorse
#21 Aug 11 2008 at 2:44 AM Rating: Good
lol. I think I am going to stick with the dragonhawk. The wind serpent just doesn't look right lol.

I recently picked this up Stalker's Chain Spaulders. Looks like a decent alternative to the list on the sticky, and I am still trying to figure out cheeky's spreadsheet.
#22 Aug 11 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
People who say AP is better than Agi are fools.

People who say Agi is better than AP are somewhat correct but still fools.

AP is more desirable than Agi because it 'costs' half as much.

10 Agi > 10 AP yes, but what about 10 Agi vs 20 AP?
#23 Aug 11 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Default
10 Agi > 10 AP yes, but what about 10 Agi vs 20 AP?
1 agi =/= 2 ap, however when buffed by kings, 10 agi becomes 11 agi, so 11 agi> 20 ap
#24 Aug 11 2008 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
What you want to gear for depends on what you are fighting.

Getting your Hit Cap up is very important, but only when you are fighting Bosses. Against trash mobs, Hit Cap really does not help you as much. I suggest you keep your "Hit Gear" in your bags until it is time to fight bosses. Otherwise, wear the gear that gives you the best DPS.

This was mentioned before, but to emphasize - whatever you do, practice, practice, practice your trapping. Pull some NPC solo, and see how long you can keep it trapped. Rinse and repeat until you can trap in your sleep. If you feel you need to, spec up the Survival tree to improve the power of your traps.

Groups in instances usually could care less how much DPS the Hunter does, but they sure do care if you cannot control your CC target. Master the art of trapping (regardless of what spec you are) and you will be welcome in any instance group. Learn about the CC of other classes, so you can avoid breaking those targets loose early.

#25 Aug 11 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
Kelnoen the Malevolent wrote:
People who say AP is better than Agi are fools.

People who say Agi is better than AP are somewhat correct but still fools.

AP is more desirable than Agi because it 'costs' half as much.

10 Agi > 10 AP yes, but what about 10 Agi vs 20 AP?

Agi is better because it gives you both crit and AP. AP is only AP, you can't get crit from AP.
#26 Aug 11 2008 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
Finally stopped being lazy and ran him through cheeky's. Full raid buffs there is almost 0 difference between AP and AGI for him right now. full buffs slightly favors agi, no buffs favors AP, but the difference was less than .1 DPS per point of agi/2 points of AP.

What's amusing is he offered more evidence of 300 TTDPS being the switchover point, given how close he is to 300 (and when you add in the AP from the Don Santos' proc, almost exactly at 300 if I recall the AP average of it), and how tightly close the two are in terms of DPS.
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