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Crit for holy priest?Follow

#1 Aug 05 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Having loot drama over this here... since a priest was forced to 'bid' on an item, and he's been complaining that said item 'isn't really an upgrade', etc.

So How good is +crit for a holy priest? My understanding is that the new item increase his healing/mp5 at the cost of some crit.
#2 Aug 05 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
My understanding is that healing and spirit are king and queen for holy priests. Crit is much farther down on the priority list. There may be a special circumstance at your level of play that I'm unaware of, however.

As far as math goes, Elitist Jerks says WRT spell crit:

it makes perfect sense to set yourself at a hard cap of 14%, and not bother stacking past that point
#3 Aug 05 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Unlike paladins, priests actually gain very little from spell crit. The only talent that it affects is Inspiration which does not scale in a manner that warrants stacking spell crit. However, spirit affects +healing as well as mana regeneration and scales very well with Spiritual Guidance. Teacake and EJ are right on that a hard cap of 12-15% is the maximum that you should gear for. If you happen to gain spell crit through an upgrade that is an upgrade in +heal as well as spirit fine but it should never be budgeted above them.
#4 Aug 05 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
Well my first thought is that I (holy priest +1820) would gladly give up +crit for +healing and mp5 any day. Perhaps I just havent seen content that required me to stack +crit? Although, personally, I would rather have big consistent heals with lots of +healing rather than unreliable burst like heals as a result of stacking +crit.

Perhaps I am missing something else. Whats was he wearing and what was he forced to replace it with? I am curious, presuming that I understood you right, your guild actually forced him to roll/use dkp on the "upgrade".

#5 Aug 05 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
As a healing priest, I'd trade spellcrit for an equal budget of +healing anyday. I'd be less excited about trading spellcrit for MP5--I'd much rather have spirit--but I'd still call that an upgrade.

You should let us know the two items, though. If it's a ton of spellcrit for a just a little +healing and MP5, I could understand why a Circle of Healing priest might be miffed.
#6 Aug 05 2008 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Personally I'd like a bit more information on what his stats are like before rushing to judgement, but I'll suppose he's got Holy Specialization anyway, but as the others have said MP5/healing is much preferred over crit for holy priests.

Can we at least know what he'd currently got equipped (and what the new item is) that losing was worth any drama over? If the spell crit-mp5/+healing tradeoff was the only difference I'd have to say he's just being an **** as it's obviously an upgrade of some sort to him.

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 4:46pm by cococj
#7 Aug 05 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Our guild's system is a modified suicide king dkp.

When an item drop, first we ask for 'Need'. People who need pay half their dkp total for the upgrade, the highest total always gets it. DKP hoarding hurts you in the long run, since it's half your point when you win something... the more points you have, the more 'expensive' the upgrade is.

If nobody needs it, the item can is then going for 'Min', which means 0 points. People roll for it and the highest roll win. The purpose of this has always been so that people could get item for off-spec and such.

The Priest did not Need on the item, but he did Min on it, beating our shadow priests for it.

In other word, it sure as hell looks like he tried to get an upgrade 'for free' and got it, because next raid he had it enchanted up and was wearing it over his old piece. This cause quite a ruckus and several people demanded he gets his point cut as per a 'Need'.

The item is a minor upgrade... possibly even a sidegrade (I believe he gets +2heal, 3mp5 -.72% crit from the trade). The priest is my friend, and I feel bad for charging him such a huge amount for what's a peddly upgrade... but at the same time, he got greedy, and he got caught.

Right now he's saying the bracers aren't an upgrade and that we're charging him wrongfully out of ignorance for the priest class. But then, why did he enchant them and wear them to a raid? :(

The item he won are the Bracer from Shade of Akama, the Wristbands of Divine Influence. I'm not exactly sure what he used to be wearing however.

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 5:38pm by Tyrandor
#8 Aug 05 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Excellent
So Tyr just to clarify, once you saw that he was wearing it you deducted half his DKP as if he'd bid on it rather than min it? I assume that's what the reference to "forced to 'bid'" meant and what the drama is!?

Edit: Sorry just saw your edit. I'd say it's a tough call, I can see both sides here. He was losing quite a bit of crit for not much +healing/mp5 so from that perspective he felt it wasn't an upgrade thus he didn't "need" it using your system. On the other hand his behaviour tells a different story, he obviously prefers this item over the original and regardless of the stats involved I think his own behaviour - that he's made it part of his raid healing set - should be what any judgement is based on.

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 5:49pm by cococj
#9 Aug 05 2008 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
Here is my take on it with the additional information that you have given us.

He obviously didn't want to use his points on something that wasnt a "real" upgrade so he decided that he would take his chances "Min" rolling on it (Greed rolling). This is something I sometimes do in Heroics. If the item isn't a real upgrade I will just greed on it and see if I win. If i win, great, the gear gets equiped. If not, then I roll with the gear I previously had.

Perhaps, your Priestly friend was thinking the same thing. He took his chances and it worked out for him. Then since he recieved the item he equiped it and tricked it out with enchants and gems as anyone would do. Yes it is now part of his main healing set, yet, he probably would have been just as happy with what he had before.

I really can't see any fault in him using the system that your guild currently has set up. He didnt really need the item, so he "Min'ed it" taking a chance on the roll without risking the points as he really didn't need it. Now you say that the reason your guild has this "Min" option is for off spec gearing. Is there a guild rule stating that someone can't "Min" something for their main spec? If not then I can see no fault in his action.

Plus in all honesty, I doubt he was trying to swindle anyone over such a minimal amount of an upgrade. Just my take on it.
#10 Aug 05 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I agree with alot VomicatheFaithful has said on this and ultimately this might come down to what your current rules say on this and whether his actions were in the spirit of those rules.

I would like to say that this is a little different than Heroic drops as you're not potentially losing your DKP by rolling Need over Greed.

DKP systems exist to ensure that loot is distributed fairly, by acquiring this item in such a way he maintains his DKP while getting an [albeit minor] upgrade without risking any of his DKP in the process - allowing him to bid on something later with full DKP and I can see why that might feel a little unfair to the other people involved. Now while not strictly against any rules you have in place perhaps, I'd say that this is behaviour that should not be encouraged, he obviously didn't think the tradeoff of DKP for a few points here and there was worth it so again I can see why he's feeling alittle upset by this, but I think some balance here is needed, at the least his actions looked disingenuous to everyone else.

Whether you already have this in your rules or not now, I guess you will do so in the future ;)

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 6:29pm by cococj
#11 Aug 05 2008 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
So let me get this straight...he gave everyone else a chance to win the item, but the others are still baying for you to subtract as much DKP as if he had seized it outright?

Tell those ******* to get lost. He played within the system, they had as much of a chance to walk away with it as he did, and he won the roll fair and square.
#12 Aug 05 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
Here is another way to look at it.

The afore mentioned gear is something that is going to make the said priest, in the end, a better priest, no? Well if this is the case and I was a Tank in your guild being constantly healed by such a priest, I would much rather him have the upgraded gear than giving it to your Spriest who would rarely if ever put it to as much good use as one of your guilds main healers.

In the end the entire guild is better off with your healer having that gear. Giving it to the Spriest helps noone and may even slow the guilds progression slightly.

Maybe looking at it this way would help?
#13 Aug 05 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Okay I wasn't going to post again but I'll bite despite being slowly won over to the other side of this argument :p

VomicatheFaithful wrote:
Here is another way to look at it.

The afore mentioned gear is something that is going to make the said priest, in the end, a better priest, no? Well if this is the case and I was a Tank in your guild being constantly healed by such a priest, I would much rather him have the upgraded gear than giving it to your Spriest who would rarely if ever put it to as much good use as one of your guilds main healers.

In the end the entire guild is better off with your healer having that gear. Giving it to the Spriest helps noone and may even slow the guilds progression slightly.

Maybe looking at it this way would help?

But imagine if you were another healer, you've just seen him get one upgrade - despite it only being minor - and now a few bosses later an item drops that you both want, you're now competing against someone who has had an upgrade, without loss of DKP, who you're now competing against for this one from his stronger than would have been the case DKP position.
#14 Aug 05 2008 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
But imagine if you were another healer, you've just seen him get one upgrade - despite it only being minor - and now a few bosses later an item drops that you both want, you're now competing against someone who has had an upgrade, without loss of DKP, who you're now competing against for this one from his stronger than would have been the case DKP position.

I hadn't considered this senario. Thinking more on it, though, I still feel that he did nothing wrong.

Putting myself in the senario that you just decribed I think I would have to take it like this.

I just had the same oportunity to "Min" the previous drop but I didn't. Why not? Maybe because last week I got the same drop or my gear is better than the drop. Regardless, I chose not to "Min" it. Now when the real upgrades start to drop I decide its worth the dkp and roll need. I am beat by the priest who just got the last drop. I can't get angry he won fair and square. Plus know I have the upper hand with dkp so the next leet drop will be mine.

Maybe the solution is to change the "Min" roll you have going on to only being able to roll "Min" on something if its off suit. If you want if for main spec then you are forced to use your points or else DE the thing.
#15 Aug 05 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
VomicatheFaithful wrote:

Maybe the solution is to change the "Min" roll you have going on to only being able to roll "Min" on something if its off suit. If you want if for main spec then you are forced to use your points or else DE the thing.

I said in my second post it's a tough call and I'm still in two minds on it myself as alot depends on what is in Tyr's guild's rules. Some guilds use a "council" to decide if something is an upgrade for any given person in that slot and thus determine how they're going to be treated when rolling, takes too much time in my opinion but certainly in this case something needs to be done. DKP exists to ensure that one person doesn't get a monopoly on gear, even though he may have acted within the rules I feel his actions could well have created some resentment with other players that needn't have been the case.

One solution would be to perhaps say that anything that is to replace any other item in that persons main set is an upgrade, regardless of the size of that upgrade and thus apply a "need" 50% reduction to rolling anyway. Then comes the question as no one else "needed" that item is this such a big deal? He didn't take it off someone else who needed it, but he did maintain his DKP while being upgraded which really gives room for future manipulation and problems. Maybe a more minor penalty for minning an item? Say 10% of DKP? Maybe that will discourage those after a free upgrade.

Either way Tyr let us know what happens especially if he emoplodes :P

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 7:30pm by cococj
#16 Aug 05 2008 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
It's obviously not the first time something similar to this happen... and in fact, not the first time this particular priest pulls it off. This caused grumbling and disent among many of our raiders, who felt they were getting hosed because they weren't trying to manipulate the system and were essentially being 'good citizens'.

We do not want an item to drop and 'everybody' passing on it, to then try and nab it for free - this goes against the spirit of the system. We've made that clear before and warned people we might ask for 'full' price on a min if it was felt the system was being abused.

This is basically the first time it's being noticed by so many people, so we (the officers) have to do something about it, or lose face essentially.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the idea that the item is better off on the H Priest's set then as a piece of a shadow priest's offset... but the player should realise that as well, and should willingly spend the points for the upgrade - and so should the other healer that decided to not even roll min because they were afraid they'd get a dkp reduction Smiley: rolleyes.

Trying to wiggle out of an upgrade is greedy, and it opens at least three sizable can of worm;

1- Where do you draw the line? What's a 'minor' upgrade? A side grade? A 'real' upgrade?

The Cloak of the Shadowmoon Destroyer was only a 20dps upgrade out of 1800+ on my rogue... does that count as 'real' upgrade? What about a necklace which give +10? Or a Sword that gives +50? I mean, even +50 out of 1800 in't much. I could use this mentality to never Need on anything in all of BT/Hyjal until the Warglaives drop, and end up a T4/T5 geared liability to my entire raid... because ultimately, there's vert few 'big upgrade' in the game - it's all about a 1% upgrade here, a .7% upgrade there, etc.

2- It gives a value to dkp when really, it doesn't have value.

Hell, if the guildies are going to be greedy and try to weasel advantage out the system, we'll simply switch to loot council, at which point that priest would have been forced to take the Bracer and been put in the back anyway.

3 - It promote dishonesty, trickery, and guile.

If when a Blade of Infamy drops, none of the rogue 'need' and they all 'min', they're essentially in a cahoot to try and milk the system so to be in a better shape for T6 or other cross class drop. End result, the wealth doesn't get seperated based on effort and attendance, but rather on who is clever enough to manipulate the system - at the expense of those who are not clever enough, or who are honest and understand that the guild, and not the individual come first or those who raid for fun rather then for loot and don't even look at the dkp table.

In other words, it encourage all the flaws we don't want in our raiders, while discouraging the qualities we want.

It may sound draconic, and maybe it is, and maybe it's not the kind of guild you'd want to be in... but my guild's been around for well over 2 years and is now in BT, so we must be doing something right ;p.

This might end up in a total reshaping of our system - It's worked fine for years, but apparently some people are being a bit too greedy, and considerin that the system always needed a good measure of D.B.A.D. in order to work, it's a shame to say it seems to be coming to the end of a long run.

And honestly, that is not what the OP is about - merely about trying to see if his claim that it wasn't an upgrade was true.

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 8:32pm by Tyrandor

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 8:35pm by Tyrandor
#17 Aug 05 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:

And honestly, that is not what the OP is about - merely about trying to see if his claim that it wasn't an upgrade was true.

It wasn't much of an upgrade but given what you've now said I'm sticking with:

cococj wrote:

On the other hand his behaviour tells a different story, he obviously prefers this item over the original and regardless of the stats involved I think his own behaviour - that he's made it part of his raid healing set - should be what any judgement is based on.
#18 Aug 06 2008 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
349 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
If nobody needs it, the item can is then going for 'Min', which means 0 points. People roll for it and the highest roll win. The purpose of this has always been so that people could get item for off-spec

The Priest did not Need on the item, but he did Min on it, beating our shadow priests for it.

By not "needing" it, the holy priest decided the item wasn't an upgrade for him. It would have been legitmate to roll for "Min" if he could use the item for any offspec. If it is an upgrade for any offspec and a "sidegrade" for his main gear, you can't blame him for getting it and using it as main gear too.

So the question is, did he need the item for any offspec?

If not, I'd say, let him pay and give him a clear warning not to do this %$#! again.
#19 Aug 06 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Its bad of me to assume, but I guess he had the wristguards of tranquil thought, badge bracers, as I can't think of any other epic healing bracers with +crit (except the T6 ones, but it can't possibly be those) and if he had blues or dps bracers he wouldn't have thought twice about spending his dkp. I can appreciate why anyone would think twice about spending dkp on the bracers from shade of Akama - the bracers from Rage Winterchill are better, but yes, they are an upgrade, just a small one.
#20 Aug 06 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
this is exactly why we used a modified bidding system instead of suicide kings or zero sum or any of that crap

#21 Aug 06 2008 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
Ok, now I am going to do a U-Turn.

It's obviously not the first time something similar to this happen... and in fact, not the first time this particular priest pulls it off. This caused grumbling and disent among many of our raiders, who felt they were getting hosed because they weren't trying to manipulate the system and were essentially being 'good citizens'.

If the priest has done this exact thing before then I would have to think that he figured he could do it again. First time occurance is one thing; forgive, forget, and move on. Second time, discplinary actions must be taken. I think you handled it correctly by docing his points.

Now if it happens a third time..............

I would consider fireing your priest =(.
#22 Aug 06 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
67 posts
Maybe I'm missing something here...

Your DKP system works like this:

If you need the item you pay your DKP for it
But if noone wants it too badly, its basically a free for all roll for off-specs and what-not

Why on earth would you care then? It was a minor upgrade that he could have lived without, so he didn't warrant spending his points on it over something he really needed, but it was still slightly better than what he was using so he threw his roll into the ring

If someone else wanted it they could have taken it fair and square

Personally I would be rather pissed if I was the priest
#23 Aug 06 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
The good thing about gear is that's it's usually very clear-cut as to whether or not something is an upgrade or not. Rarely will you come into a situation where you can't decide if it was an upgrade or a side grade. You claim the Gorefiend cape was "only" 20dps; that's massive. Most DPS upgrades are in the range of 5-8dps per piece.

I'd say it's definitely a sidegrade for him, no questions. How would you feel about dropping half your DKP for a .5dps upgrade? Because that's basically what he did. If someone had really wanted it, they could have bid as well. As long as it's a sidegrade and not an upgrade, my opinion would be "min" upgrades work fine.

(Of course, I'm very biased against a suicide-kings of any type. Zero-sum silent bidding with a minimum main-spec bid and a clear option for sidegrades/offspec is the way to go for a fair system, suicide kings simply punishes people for getting ****** drops).
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