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First few talent pointsFollow

#1 Aug 04 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Greetings warrior people. First time in this part of the Alla forums but anyway. I've read the stickies and I think I am going to go with the 17/44/0 dual fury build. However, how would you suggest I fill out the tree(s). In other words, should I go all out fury through all 44 points before moving over to the Arms tree or are there some great arms talents that would make delaying the latter part of the Fury tree worth it.

I'm only a level 14 right now and my first 5 points I threw into Cruelty for the crit chance increase (but I'm very willing to respec early and often as I have 2 70's to fund whatever I want)
#2 Aug 04 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Cruelty is a good start. The quicker your opponents go down, the less they are beating on you. For the next five points, I would consider: are you rage-starved at all? If so, grab unbridled wrath to 5/5 ... if not grab deflection 5/5 for better survivability.
#3 Aug 04 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
right now at level 14, yes I am rage starved but I think it is because I am using a big slow 2-hander (those times I miss means its like 73 years between attacks that give me rage). I haven't played with the sword and board yet but I did just get a decent green shield to drop last night. Should I cruise the AH to start things off or is it ok to use a 2 hander for now?
#4 Aug 04 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Default
63 posts
At level 14, I would go for as much DPS as possible. Unless you think you're dying too frequently. I used a shield until level 20 when I started double wielding, but that's mostly because I never found a really good two hander.

Are you rage-starved, or is your rage just "spikey"? My lowbie warrior for example with board and sword generally can use 3 moves before a fight ends - charge, thunderclap, HS. Her rage never climbs above 20.

As long as you can get a couple of good moves off in a fight at level 14, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Soon enough you'll get into rage-intensive fighting.
#5 Aug 04 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
ahhhh I see, ya its spikey. I charge in and get one or two HS's in during the fight. I haven't been using thunderclap unless I pull more than one thus far.

lol I am dieing more than I ever have before (but I leveled a lock and hunter to 70 and mage and pally to 47ish...they just NEVER die, this one day as a pally I almost died, but then I remembered I was a pally). All of my other toons have ways to escape if I got in over my head. I must say though, that so far its been fun being a warrior. Thanks Daymer.

Any advice on filling out all of one tree before going arms? For instance, for a hunter, it is generally better to go 41 into Beast Mastery before going into Marksman. Though in the warrior trees, that 50% crit chance to overpower in arms looks tasty.

Edited, Aug 4th 2008 2:04pm by zebug
#6 Aug 04 2008 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Generally you'll get more bang for your buck, going straight down the fury tree tell you get flurry. Then picking up imp slam. From their I've always had smooth sailing leveling with my points in arms.
#7 Aug 04 2008 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
I'd recommend going arm first and repeccing fury at 35 or 40 when imp slam and bloodthirst come into play. Personally I found imp HS/TC/charge/overpower more helpful at lower levels than 5% crit and slightly better shouts.
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#8 Aug 05 2008 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
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Personally I found imp HS/TC/charge/overpower more helpful at lower levels than 5% crit and slightly better shouts.

That's what I'm currently doing. On my (level 17) warrior I've picked up 3/3 improved rend, 3/5 deflection and 2/2 improved charge. Most of my damage seems to come from wooping 2-hander hits (dealing easily 30% of an avarage mob's hp), and imp charge lets me trow in an improved rend and heroic strike just as I've charged a mob. Going splendid so far.
#9 Aug 05 2008 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
ok a little confused. The FAQ show the 17/44/0 build without Imp Slam yet Slam is talked about often:

Is this basically a raid spec and not as useful for leveling?

That said, I found a leveling spec posted by Xordon and he suggested to go 2H fury from 10-29 and then you should choose what tree you want to follow from there on out. Its found here:;mid=1185227961213535385;page=1#m118918486020429811
#10 Aug 05 2008 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Improved Slam is available at an early level, and doesn't require any hit rating or higher end enchants (2x Crusader) that make a DW fury build viable early on. You also have a few nice weapons (WW Axe, whatever that 40 SM axe is) at really help you plow through mobs with that sort of build.

17/44/0 is a great spec, but it's a final spec -- improved Slam is a good mid-level leveling build ... if that makes any sense.
#11 Aug 05 2008 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
makes perfect sense, and kind of what I was beginning to assume I just wanted someone in the know, to say it. Thanks.
#12 Aug 05 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Go ahead and flame me if I'm asking a really noobish question, but...

Wouldn't slam make more sense with a big fat 2-hander than with two 1-handers? I thought the talent did MH damage + something?
#13 Aug 05 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
Well theres a slight flaw in your idea of what a good LEVELING spec is. Its entirely understandable however many new warriors make this mistake.

DW is an excellent spec but extremely gear dependant. You need loads of hitrate to really make it work but the DPS will be higher *generally*.

However this need for hitrate makes it an unfavorable leveling spec. a mixture of Arms/Fury with a 2h is generally the preferedleveling spec.

something like this:

You should work down the fury tree first till Flurry then switch to arms. Those last 3 points can go where ever. BT or MS are both good abilities but i tend to avoid them while leveling in favor of a good slam rotation. (I never seem to have enough rage to use them well)

Now Slam this is the bread and butter of a good warrior leveling spec.
I can really not explain slam very well. Everythign I know I've gotten from the sticky really so I shall quote it from there:
RPZip wrote:
Slam - A Few Words

Okay, maybe many more than a few. This is a paraphrased copy of a guide I wrote explaining how to use Slam. Enjoy!

In order to understand slam, let's first take a look at the ability itself;

All Stances - 15 Rage
Max Rank Tooltip: Slams the opponent, causing weapon damage plus 140.
Talent References: Focused Rage, Improved Slam

Slam is the only true Warrior spell, barring oddities such as racials (Warstomp and Escape Artist come to mind). It functions in the same way as a spell, although it is no longer effected by pushback effects (which is to say, incoming damage does not increase the cast time).

Because it is a spell, using the ability will reset your weapon swing timer as of the end of the channel... which is to say, if you Slam and have a 3.8 speed weapon, your next autoattack will occur 3.8 seconds after the Slam ends. This occurs no matter what point in your normal swing timer you used the ability, which means that if you Slam at the wrong point - say, 3.7 seconds after your previous autoattack - you'll gain nothing and will in fact _lose_ damage. Consider: 3.7 plus .5 means your weapon swing timer became 4.2, instead of the 3.8 it would have been if you did nothing, and that doesn't even factor in the lost Rage. This means that proper use of Slam requires _very good timing_.

Slam also triggers the global cooldown, which for Warriors is 1.5s. This means that even with 2/2 Imp. Slam, you cannot "spam" Slam more than once every 1.5s. So one might ask, what in the hell is the point of the ability?

I'm glad you asked.

With use of a swing timer mod (I heavily recommend Quartz, an Ace2 mod with a customizable swing timer) and good reactions and planning, you can Slam directly after your normal autoattack swing... which means that you're using 15 Rage in order to deal your autoattack damage over .5 seconds, plus the crit modifier. It essentially allows you to get a free "double swing" after attacks at a relatively small Rage cost.

A brief summary, before we continue:
Slam requires _very good_ timing, preferably aided by a Swing Timer mod.
Slam resets your swing timer when used.
Slam, when used improperly, is worse than doing nothing at all.

I'm going to assume a 3.6 speed weapon for these numbers, as that is the current 'default' weapon speed - barring Smithing weapons, there are few epics that are slower than this. If you're using a Smithing weapon (that's not Sword) or a Worldbreaker, these numbers are still accurate... just more so.

You will never have perfectly precise timing, even with a swing timer modm but you can get _very good_ timing. Human reaction speed being what it is, I'm going to assume that even with the swing timer mod you're not hitting Slam until .25s after a swing. Personally, using the spell metrics mod I wrote, I'm activating Slam about .1-.2s after the swing but that's due to a good connection and a lot of practice, to the point where it's become second nature.

You're attacking the mob, and get a weapon swing. .25s later, the server gets your "omgslam" message and you start the channel... giving you a .75s "swing", at which point the swing timer resets. However, because Slam does activate the GCD you have one second before you can perform any other actions. After the GCD goes away, you hit Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst or Whirlwind. And then... you wait. To summarize;

Swing - .75 Slam (Reset) - 3.6 - 2.6 (Mortal Strike) - 1.1 (Nothing) - Swing - .75 Slam (Reset)... repeat.

Why do nothing? Simple. If you hit all of these abilities with _perfect_ timing, you will have .4s of GCD after your next ability when your Swing Timer goes up - and believe me, you will not have perfect timing. If you have Flurry, the problem becomes significantly worse as well.

One of the purposes behind using MS/BT/WW is additionally rage generation, as they are somewhat more Rage efficient than Slam is when used every 1.5s due to not interfering with the swing timer. If Slam had no GCD associated with it, Mortal Strike and Whirlwind would be obsolete in situations where you did not need the MS debuff or the AE damage on whirlwind... but you do, and a .5s Slam with no GCD trigger would be more than slightly overpowered (consider that with a full Rage bar, that's 6 Slams in 3 seconds. In PvP if nothing else, you could throw a Stun up and absolutely drop someone with nothing they could do about it at all.)

I haven’t mentioned one of the primary aspects that does make this strategy work, and that is the mighty Windfury Totem. Without Windfury, your damage as 2H is going to be lacking in the extreme - it provides such a massive boost to damage and Rage Generation it allows us to easily forgo Endless Rage and actually get talents like Death Wish and Imp. Slam, which provide the huge boost in damage that we need in order to compete.

To summarize: GCD is your enemy and your friend... but mostly your enemy. Learn to manage them - GCD's are to you what Combo Points would be to a Rogue, one of your most valuable resources. Use it wisely. Keeping track of GCD and your swing timer and anything else the boss might do and keeping an eye on your threat meter is why playing a Slam warrior is far from easy. Luckily, it's extremely rewarding... but it requires considerably more concentration and attention than DW DPS ever will.

Slam after every autoattack if possible. The only time when it's advisable to spam Slam over and over is during your Death Wish/Trinket cycle if you have the rage available, and even then you should skimp on one Slam cycle every 10s to lob off a MS and Whirlwind, then go back to Slams after the next autoattack.

So basicly when leveling strap on a big heavy 2h and slam in circles. It is difficult to pull a full slam rotation (eg white hit slam WW white hit slam MS) while leveling due to low rage generation unless you have a shammy strapped to your side. Any other questions feel free to PM me or post on here

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 1:33pm by Zokudu
#14 Aug 05 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
That post was mostly about end game warrior slam usage, not leveling...

Slam is perfectly usable after most hits leveling, if you keep your gear somewhat up to date. Specifically if you stay to the quested, ie. easily attainable 2h weapons that wow provides for warriors.
#15 Aug 05 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Thanks a lot Zokudu, I've read all about slam in the stickie, but until I actually get the ability I will hold off on any questions regarding it.

Regarding shields, when do you equip a shield? I assume in any instance. Do you also throw it on for caster mobs or do you just say ***** it and bash them over the head with the big 2-hander.

Warrior is interesting thus far for me as it seems like there is many ways to play. I'm use to my hunter which for DPS is BM, great to level with and great for raids/instances. Lock, affliction is generally considered the faster spec to level. Warrior it looks like there isn't a clear cut way to do things yet.

#16 Aug 05 2008 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Regarding shields, when do you equip a shield? I assume in any instance. Do you also throw it on for caster mobs or do you just say ***** it and bash them over the head with the big 2-hander.

You equip a shield when tanking. That's it. In any other situation I can think of it's better to just keep DPSing. The additional survivability you get from is shield is nothing compared to the loss of DPS. You're not a druid who can sit there and try to out last the enemy. You have to kill it before it kills you, period.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
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#17 Aug 06 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Lady Karlina wrote:
You have to kill it before it kills you, period.

This is what has taken me 16 levels to figure out and your statement hits the nail on the head. I've always thought of the warrior as a the dude that can just take a beating until the cows come home, but my many many deaths thus far has taught me otherwise. Thanks to all who posted, I think I have an idea of how to go about things for now.

Let me tell you, I've had a freaking blast so far with the human punching bag. I can't wait to go tank deadmines for my first instance.

Edited, Aug 6th 2008 9:23am by zebug
#18 Aug 06 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
Yes shield is generally a tanking only item. its ARGUABLY decent to use a sword/board for casters when you have shield Bash but no Pummel but really the extra damage you will be doing on a caster with a 2h will well outdo any interrupt chances you have.

And basicly about slam: Use it after every auto-attack.

Also couple tips for soloing well: Use Demoralizing Shout and Thunderclap the slow and lower attack power really makes a difference in the distance you can get out of a full rest. A lot of warriors dont use these and wonder why they have to eat so much.
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