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#1 Jul 29 2008 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I've been practicing this lately (in 5-mans, not raiding) to try to help get out of the five-second rule. I'm not great at it yet (I sometimes accidentally let the heal go off) but that's what practice is for.

The WoWWiki page that talks about stopcasting says this:

It is not proper to jump or move to interrupt casting. The Priest should always have a heal casting and cancel it by using a heal with the /stopcasting command.

Um. Why? Why is pressing ESC any harder than pressing a hotkey for a macro? What am I missing?

I don't use mouseover macros to heal, is that why? I use a combination of Healbot (when standing still) and bound keys (when moving).
#2 Jul 29 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
266 posts
teacake wrote:
I've been practicing this lately (in 5-mans, not raiding) to try to help get out of the five-second rule. I'm not great at it yet (I sometimes accidentally let the heal go off) but that's what practice is for.

The WoWWiki page that talks about stopcasting says this:

It is not proper to jump or move to interrupt casting. The Priest should always have a heal casting and cancel it by using a heal with the /stopcasting command.

Um. Why? Why is pressing ESC any harder than pressing a hotkey for a macro? What am I missing?

I don't use mouseover macros to heal, is that why? I use a combination of Healbot (when standing still) and bound keys (when moving).

It is not proper to jump or move to interrupt casting.

Does not say anything about not hitting esc. says don't jump or move (i.e Q, W, E, A, S, D, Up, Right, Left, Down, Space.)

I myself use the esc button, 1. Because the GCD affects the macro and if it's a faster heal or hasted it might go off before the GCD does. And I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they got rid of the /stopcasting command... again, I could be very wrong.
#3 Jul 29 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
A /stopcasting macro is simply the fastest way to manage things. Hitting escape means you’re wasting a split second pressing your hotkey/clicking your target to queue up a heal afterwards, whereas with a /stopcasting macro you’re done after one push. Hey, that tiny fraction of a second makes as much difference as a few points of spell haste, so don’t write it off!

I have to confess that I use a strafe twitch to cancel casting myself. I’m strafing pretty much nonstop in PVP, so the habit’s ingrained. It's as wasteful as hitting escape. But at least I don’t jump. Jumping to cancel casting is a horrible habit that prevents you from starting your next cast until you touch ground. It’s like a self-imposed Curse of Tongues.

I don’t believe the /stopcasting command is gone. It’s just unnecessary for a lot of its former applications in trinket macros or with Quartz latency bars.

Edited to add: Oooh, look, I offended a jumper! He rated me down! :)

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 5:31pm by emmitsvenson
#4 Jul 29 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
679 posts
Confirmed, stopcasting is still there, I use it in my healing macros. for example:

#showtooltip Greater Heal(Rank 7)
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Greater Heal(Rank 7)

Its quicker than pressing esc or moving as all you have to do is hit the heal button and it cancels your previous heal whilst simultaneously beginning your next heal.
#5 Jul 29 2008 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The difference in result is pretty nihil but after trying such a macro myself; damn this is hellalot easier to play.
#6 Jul 29 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
thegreatmothra wrote:
Confirmed, stopcasting is still there, I use it in my healing macros. for example:

#showtooltip Greater Heal(Rank 7)
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Greater Heal(Rank 7)

Its quicker than pressing esc or moving as all you have to do is hit the heal button and it cancels your previous heal whilst simultaneously beginning your next heal.

So you're using your mouse to target and then pressing a button to heal? That's two hands. How do you move at the same time if you need to?

The whole idea of mouseover macros confuses me. It seems like mouseover targeting would lead to a lot of mistakes in a big pig-pile of peeps. Or is it their portrait you're mousing over, not the actual character? I think I must misunderstand the concept but the Wiki page etc. isn't basic enough for dunces like me. Smiley: clown
#7 Jul 29 2008 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
teacake wrote:
So you're using your mouse to target and then pressing a button to heal? That's two hands. How do you move at the same time if you need to?
Very Carefully. Smiley: grin Or use the OTHER set of macros/buttons on the action bars.

teacake wrote:
The whole idea of mouseover macros confuses me. It seems like mouseover targeting would lead to a lot of mistakes in a big pig-pile of peeps. Or is it their portrait you're mousing over, not the actual character? I think I must misunderstand the concept but the Wiki page etc. isn't basic enough for dunces like me. Smiley: clown

It's much easier to use mouseover macros on the portraits or pullout raid frames. Like you said, it leads to a lot of mistakes (or delays) trying to hit the right person in the "big pig-pile of peeps". Smiley: jester

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 1:59pm by Shamandin
#8 Jul 29 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Shamandin the Eccentric wrote:

It's much easier to use mouseover macros on the portraits or pullout raid frames.

See, I didn't realize that's what it was referring to. That makes much more sense. See, you never learn anything unless you're willing to ask the stupid question. Smiley: grin

Hm. Maybe I'll try this as an alternative to Healbot.
#9 Jul 29 2008 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
The biggest thing about a /stopcasting macro is that it's ONE press. Hitting esc->hotkey means two presses, and in raids you can't afford to accidentally hit the hotkey first and not get the spell off, and often can't afford the .2-sec delay of pressing one and then the other. /stopcasting puts it in one button so that you only have to hit it once.
#10 Jul 29 2008 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Alright, well, I've downloaded x-perl and set up a bunch of mouseover macros to work with it. I'm not deleting Healbot until I get a chance to test this with a real group. :)

Mothra, I used your macro above - nice touch that you've got the tooltip in there too. Smiley: nod Thank you very much for sharing.

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 7:03pm by teacake
#11 Jul 30 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
teacake wrote:
Alright, well, I've downloaded x-perl and set up a bunch of mouseover macros to work with it. I'm not deleting Healbot until I get a chance to test this with a real group. :)

Mothra, I used your macro above - nice touch that you've got the tooltip in there too. Smiley: nod Thank you very much for sharing.

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 7:03pm by teacake

One thing to keep in mind, these mouseover/stopcasting macros can be used in addition to HealBot. Using one method does not automatically preclude the other. Just because HealBot allows me to setup/cast Dispel Magic and Cure Disease (and I've got mouseover macros for both), does that mean I have to stop using Decursive? Smiley: jester It's just tool in your box of tricks that you have to pull things out of when it all falls in the pot.

What I'm saying is - under normal, predictive circumstances I use my focus and mouseover macros to do my healing (and in cooperative 5-mans, most of it's done using the focus macros 'cause the tanks the only one taking damage). Several times, when it all falls apart, HealBot makes it much more CONVENIENT to do the healing. For example, in last nights Attumen fight where the tank was cursed, the mage was slow on decursing and he took several strong hits and went down ... and the other 2 healers were the next to go. So I went from being the group healer w/ a little bit of DPS'ing to being the ONLY healer in a situation where the DPS had to stand around getting hit while the offtank got control (took a moment and we lost a DPS or two doing it). HealBot here helped ME (and like always, YMMV) adjust to the sudden change in the tactical situation.

So, IMO, keep it around. You might find a mixture of the different techniques works best for YOU.
#12 Jul 30 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
All true, Shamandin. I healed with the macros last night and afterward immediately replaced X-Perl with Pitbull for the cleaner, simpler look, but apart from that I found it faster and more efficient. It's also for whatever reason way easier for me to remember and use key bindings than mouse combos.

But I'm bothered that it's not as easy to immediately see when somebody needs a Dispel Magic or Abolish Disease, so unless I can figure out a way to make Pitbull do that better, I'll either get another add-on just for that or keep Healbot around to do it.
#13 Jul 30 2008 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
teacake wrote:
All true, Shamandin. I healed with the macros last night and afterward immediately replaced X-Perl with Pitbull for the cleaner, simpler look, but apart from that I found it faster and more efficient. It's also for whatever reason way easier for me to remember and use key bindings than mouse combos.

But I'm bothered that it's not as easy to immediately see when somebody needs a Dispel Magic or Abolish Disease, so unless I can figure out a way to make Pitbull do that better, I'll either get another add-on just for that or keep Healbot around to do it.

I've not played with Pitbull enough to do that. Unfortunately for me, I experimented with Pitbull right around patch time. When the patch hit, it got broke and took a little while to get updated. ag_UnitFrames (which I used before Pitbull) was patched and ready so I went back. All that to say, I wish I could help ya with that one, but ... Smiley: grin

As for another AddOn - One I used in the past (before Blizzard deliberately broke it) was Decursive. Since they broke it, I was doing everything manually (with the mouseover macros). Recently, I went back to using Decursive. Even though HealBot has similar functionality, I like how Decursive gives you a small "hotbar" with color codings (including range info) and automatically sets your cleansers for left/right/middle click. And for the mage, in addition to Remove Lesser Curse, it sets up Polymorph. It's unobtrusive enough that it fits into my UI right below HealBot and I rarely notice it 'til it 'Bong's at me and the player's (or pet's) box changes. It's not the "just mash the button at the top of the list and it all goes away magically" addon it used to be (and yes, it used to automatically choose which spell to cast for you). You still have to click appropriately for the right cleanser.

Again, it's personal preference and ymmv. It's worth checking out, even if it's just for notifications.
#14 Jul 30 2008 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I tried Decursive, but the unit frames are in a totally stupid place and there doesn't seem to be any way to move them (only the live list). I'm picky enough for that to be a dealbreaker right there. :)

Actually what I ended up doing was just making Healbot's frames really really small and setting it up only to do buffs/debuffs. All the functionality I need in something I'm already used to. Probably a waste in terms of how much memory it uses but I don't have that many add-ons (I don't think, although the list is growing) so I doubt I'll have much in the way of performance issues.

Almost halfway through level 69 and I've spent the last 2 days messing with my interface. Smiley: disappointed

Edited, Jul 30th 2008 4:27pm by teacake
#15 Jul 30 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
There is a small, invisible box just to he upper-left of the first box (bottom-left-most box in group by default) that you can mouse over and move.

While we're on Decursive, anyone know of a Desurive-like tool that I could overlay perfectly with Grid? I don't think you can go that with Decursive, and it's annoying the hell out of me :/ Decursive doesn't group the same way as Grid or something, and I like Grid putting groups top-to-bottom rather than left-to-right.
#16 Jul 30 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
lsfreak wrote:
There is a small, invisible box just to he upper-left of the first box (bottom-left-most box in group by default) that you can mouse over and move.

Oh. Hee. Smiley: bah

I'm sticking with Healbot anyway unless I find some reason not to. I like having debuffs AND buffs together in one thing, and you can customize it so it's pretty darn small.
#17 Jul 31 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Get grid. You can set it up so that the icon representing the magic/disease debuff appears in the middle of someones grid box. I have this set up and have a click casting macro set up so that I can ctrl-leftclick for dispell magic on the unit frame and ctrl-rightclick for abolish disease.
Best thing about it is that it still shows all the incoming heals to raid targets while keeping its size small, makes overhealing much easier to avoid.

here's an example of how it looks in my UI. I'm shadow in this picture, but my layout remains the same for healing purposes

also, check out
and look under 'setting up grid to be useful as a priest'. Its by far the best list of optional grid modules I've come across so far
#18 Jul 31 2008 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
Yeah, but I'm sick of messing with my UI now. Especially since it exploded for some reason and I lost all my macros, keybindings, add-on settings, etc. and had to redo it all. I will check out Grid at some point though.

I healed last night with Pitbull and the Macros and Healbot just managing Buffs/Debuffs. SO much easier and faster than straight Healbot. I couldn't have been happier.
#19 Jul 31 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
1,030 posts
teacake wrote:
Yeah, but I'm sick of messing with my UI now. Especially since it exploded for some reason and I lost all my macros, keybindings, add-on settings, etc. and had to redo it all. I will check out Grid at some point though.

I healed last night with Pitbull and the Macros and Healbot just managing Buffs/Debuffs. SO much easier and faster than straight Healbot. I couldn't have been happier.

Sweet. Sounds like you've found your setup. Smiley: yippee

I know most people look at mine and go "How can do stand all that?" Easy. It's what I've found fits my setup the best. Their big complaint is being able to see things. All I can say is - I can see more here than I could with 40 health/mana bars cluttering my screen trying to heal MC. Once I get home from work, I might go through the trouble of getting a screen shot of my current setup and posting it somewhere.
#20 Jul 31 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
lsfreak wrote:
There is a small, invisible box just to he upper-left of the first box (bottom-left-most box in group by default) that you can mouse over and move.

While we're on Decursive, anyone know of a Desurive-like tool that I could overlay perfectly with Grid? I don't think you can go that with Decursive, and it's annoying the hell out of me :/ Decursive doesn't group the same way as Grid or something, and I like Grid putting groups top-to-bottom rather than left-to-right.

I've found using clique with grid is quite nice. Clique just lets you map your spells to any buttons you like. I have my abolish poison to alt+right click on my mouse, and decurse to alt+left click. It's pretty handy as I don't have to do much with it.
#21 Aug 01 2008 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
Um. Why? Why is pressing ESC any harder than pressing a hotkey for a macro? What am I missing?

I briefly read through the responses, and from what I can see no one addressed this.

The reason why you dont use esc is because if you press it twice by accident then you loose your target. I have done it not realizing that my tank is not my target anymore and caused a wipe.

The stopcasting macro should avoid this happening. :) Just a heads up, like i said I skimmed the post and didnt see someone bring it up.
#22 Aug 03 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Jumping sucks for cancel-casting because you can't start the next cast while falling down.
#23 Aug 23 2008 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Jumping sucks for cancel-casting because you can't start the next cast while falling down.

You silly priests :P

*cat form and dashes back to the druid forum*


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#24 Aug 25 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
thegreatmothra wrote:
Confirmed, stopcasting is still there, I use it in my healing macros. for example:

#showtooltip Greater Heal(Rank 7)
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Greater Heal(Rank 7)

Its quicker than pressing esc or moving as all you have to do is hit the heal button and it cancels your previous heal whilst simultaneously beginning your next heal.

Holy crap, you can make mouseover macros? Smiley: jawdrop

This will make it so much easier healing.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Aug 25 2008 at 6:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mazra wrote:
This will make it so much easier healing.

I've been using them since whenever this post was ("Hi, my name is Teacake, and it's been four weeks since I last used Healbot") and I can tell you I'm a much speedier and better healer now.
#26 Aug 27 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Wow, ty so much for bumping this thread so I could see that glorious macro!

I cant wait to give it a whirl this evening! Happy Happy Joy Joy!
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