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Theo's Death Knight Beta thread.Follow

#77 Jul 30 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Depending on the power of their burst damage however, I can see a team of War/DK/Shaman or Rogue/DK/Druid being rather impressive... since the DK brings a lot of control to any team he joins.

Oh and Theo, how strong/weak is the Gargoyle?

The Unholy Tree seems extremely gimmicky to me.

Is Mind Freeze still around, if it is, is it still a ranged spell interuptor?

I can see those comps, but not really the DK/Rogue/Druid. Rogues, as you know, don't have a very dependable MS effect, unlike warriors. With hamstring and MS up, the DK will be glued to their target. Also being able to toss down a DND for a druid humping a pillar will make druid/DK comps interesting in 3v3.

I could also see a druid/DK/hunter comp working pretty well.

As far as Mind Freeze, it's melee range. Strangulate is a 30 yard 5 sec silence on a 30 sec cooldown, though. That make me inclined to believe that a spriest/DK/??? would be fairly powerful, though I don't know if Strangulate and priest silence have DRs (I expect they do/will).
#78 Jul 30 2008 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I still think Rogue/DK + Healer might work. Granted, Wound Poison isn't that awesome, but with the new Assassination talents, it might work a lot better then it used to. Doubling up on poison/disease + EA + big DK burst damage might be all you need. Not having Shadowstep might not be that big of a deal with a snare happy DK + that 'get over here!' move they have.

Too much conjucture at this point.

So how is the Unholy tree? That gargoyle? etc :P
#79 Jul 30 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
To be honest, I haven't played Unholy much. It's godawfully boring and gimmicky.

Were I to get Gargoyle early on (i.e. pre-70+), I'd have no blood talents, making downtime unbearable.

But that's just my preferences; it seems like a ton of people like unholy. Sin probably has a different perspective though.
#80 Jul 30 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Obviously I'm not in the beta like most people, and I'm not as strong in theorycraft numbers and math (most of my ideas come from my own messed up logic :P), but I have noticed a lot of people mentioning the lack of a MS effect. To my knowledge, this shouldn't be a make or break ability, seeing as only hunters and warriors have it (maybe rouges, my main is a druid so I dont know that much), and that doesn't make any other class less viable in an arena situation. Also, as per my odd brand of non-logic, I've been treating the blood tree like an arms warrior tree. I know it's not the same, obviously, but it is a tree focusing on swinging a two hander and not as much on range, and also with a constant life stealing effect. I've also noticed the 41 point talent, Heart Strike, works a lot like a bizzaro MS, not decreasing the healing done, but decreasing the life available to be healed. Also, it kinda looks like it could work like an execute, if you see a target with 20% or less health, Heart Strike, and it takes away that 20%, wouldn't they die? Or does it take 20% off the top?

Regardless of my ramblings, I've noticed another thing that's bugging me, people treat Blood like a leveling spec only, but I think it will be rather useful in PvP and endgame as well. Like I said, Arms warrior with constant lifesteal (if blood presence is up), plus if you nab blood aura farther in the tree, all your party members (and maybe even raid?) get healed for the same amount you do. Yea, there is a kiting issue, but if you have at least a little skill, that shouldn't stop you, especially with all the self healing you get in the blood tree.

Anyway, essay time, laters.
#81 Jul 30 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Will DK's be more controllable than Warriors? Hmm..

Intercept is a 30 sec cooldown with a 3 sec stun attached to it, Death Grip is a 35 sec cooldown with a 3 sec Taunt attached to it (Deathgrip also has 5 more yards of range). Obviously I think the Stun effect sets Charge/Intercept ahead of Death Grip, especially since the duration of the Stun is upgradable in WotLK.

Warrior gets a 30% Stun/Charm duration reduction from talents, DK get 20% Stun/Fear duration reduction from talents, but Warrior also gets talents to get health/rage when they DO get stunned. DK also gets a skill to become immune to Fear (Lichborne) and one to become immune to Stun (Icebound Fortitude).

Hamstring is a 50% speed reduction for 15 sec with no cooldown, Chains of Ice is on a 15 sec cooldown and "Chains the target in place for 3 sec, during which time the target is considered Frozen. The target regains 10% of their movement speed each second after breaking free of the chains." I'd have to play around with Chains of Ice to really understand how well it works in PvP, but the cooldown probably leaves it far behind Hamstring and Rogue's Crippling-Shivs (etc).

Warriors have a 50% healing Debuff, DK's are only able to corrupt HoT spells. Mortal Strike wins hands down.
Heart Strike is a 41 pt Blood Talent, whether it will see PvP play is yet to be determined, since Unholy and Frost seem to be more PvP oriented trees at the moment.

DK's have a spell interrupt on a 10 sec cooldown, Warriors have a spell interrupt on a 10 sec cooldown. Whether 20 Runic Power is "cheaper" than 10 Rage is debatable.

Edited, Jul 30th 2008 6:53pm by angryempath
#82 Jul 30 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Obviously I'm not in the beta like most people, and I'm not as strong in theorycraft numbers and math (most of my ideas come from my own messed up logic :P), but I have noticed a lot of people mentioning the lack of a MS effect. To my knowledge, this shouldn't be a make or break ability, seeing as only hunters and warriors have it (maybe rouges, my main is a druid so I dont know that much), and that doesn't make any other class less viable in an arena situation.

Oh my, where to start?

The only viable dpser in Arena are Rogue, Warrior, Warlock and to a certain degree hunter. Pretty much every team composition out there is based around the idea of supporting one of those 4 classes.

Yes, I know they are exceptions, but for the most part, that's how it goes.

Why? Because in order to beat someone, you essentially need to outdamage their healing. The problem with that is that the Healing:Mana ratio is a lot better then the Damage:Mana ratio. So in otherword, it's mathematically extremely unlikely. Yes, team that rely on locking down on target and bursting down another (2 dps teams) can work, but they do not dominate the field.

This is where MS/Wound Poison/Aimed Shot come in... it isn't so much that it reduce healing (and thus allow you to burst the target down)... as much as it forces the healer to heal twice as much, burning through his mana and making his Healing:Mana ratio like crap.

So what about Warlock?

Warlocks are (Much like Warrior and Rogue) essentially playing with endless mana thanks to lifetap. They can also drain mana. That's why Warlock are able to stick around in Arena, because they never run out of mana and make you run out of mana (Except, in different way).

Hunters are a mix of both... they have a MS effect (But it's hard to setup), however with Viper Sting and the Aspect of Viper, they are pretty mana efficient while in turn draining your mana.

That's why Ret Pld + Healer sucks in 2v2 - the Pld has more burst damage then pretty much any other class out there, but the lack of a 'MS effect' mean his side will run out of mana first. That's further compounded by the fact that ret pld are pretty mana innefficient themselves.

So yes, the lack of a MS or mana drain of somekind is pretty damn worrisome from an Arena point of view - at least tho, he's mana less. That is also why Blood is not being considered a pvp tree - Frost and Unholy are giving control to the DK, which he's going to need plenty of if he wants to make up for his lack of a MS debuff.

Will DK's be more controllable than Warriors? Hmm..

The point of that quote tho, is that I think Theo is comparing the DK to the Rogue and going 'He's too easy to control'... when a Rogue, short of a Frost Mage, is the most slippery class in the game. The DK sound much harder to control then say... Paladin, Shaman or even Warlock (who can be totally shut down by 1 rogue). Weither he's actually easier or harder to control then a Warrior doesn't really matter, I was just tossing the class as an example.

Intercept is a 30 sec cooldown with a 3 sec stun attached to it, Death Grip is a 35 sec cooldown with a 3 sec Taunt attached to it (Deathgrip also has 5 more yards of range). Obviously I think the Stun effect sets Charge/Intercept ahead of Death Grip, especially since the duration of the Stun is upgradable in WotLK.

You forget the tactical use of Death Grip. Gripping a healer that's pillar humping in Nagrand for example and thus bringing him in the middle of the area (and right beside your other melee partner maybe?) is a hell of a lot more powerful then Intercepting said Druid.

I also wonder how it works with different level of elevation... it might be interesting to see if you can drag people up/down the bridge in Blade's Edge Arena.

Hamstring is a 50% speed reduction for 15 sec with no cooldown, Chains of Ice is on a 15 sec cooldown and "Chains the target in place for 3 sec, during which time the target is considered Frozen. The target regains 10% of their movement speed each second after breaking free of the chains." I'd have to play around with Chains of Ice to really understand how well it works in PvP, but the cooldown probably leaves it far behind Hamstring and Rogue's Crippling-Shivs (etc).

I'm more refering to Icy Touch, which is a 15% snare (weak, I admit, but it can be increase to 30% if you go Frost) but that can proc Frostbite (And we all know how annoying that is)... considering it's 3 point in Frost to get Frosbite, it's a no brainer for any pvp build.

Icy Chain also has a 20 yard range, which also increase its tactical value, despite the cooldown.
#83 Jul 30 2008 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
You rock Tyr, Mr. answer man.

And I can see where you are coming from on your evaluation of my rant (too lazy to quote here), but I think you, and truly most people out there, are limiting your view on abilities applied to PvP. When I say PvP, a lot of people assume I'm talking about 2v2 or 3v3, where I can say with as much certainty as you that DKs aren't going to be king. However, in say, a 5v5, which allows for more flexibility as far as group makeup goes, no classes are really worthless in any regards (I need to find that all Retadin 5v5 now that I think of it...).

But, when I say PvP, I'm more talking battlegrounds and world PvP, since I think we'll be seeing more of that in the expansion. And in most BGs, there isn't much setup/srategy time from the time you see a group coming towards yours to the time you engage, at least not as much time as there is in arenas. I think we can all agree that BGs and arenas are vastly different playstyle-widse, though both fun. In BGs tho, the tactic is more find the class you counter best and burst them down, or just burst down anything, or just plain stay alive. I personally think Blood will be very viable in BGs, though it is true that Frost will probably be superior in Arena for its control.

In fact, I think all specs will be viable in BGs, world PvP and endgame, they all seem to have useful but different abilities that can work in all types of situations. I see a lot of people trying to pinpoint which is the leveling, tanking and PvP spec right away (usually blood, frost and unholy respectively), but I don't think the trees will be pigeonholed like that with this class.
#84 Jul 30 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Granted, they don't have intercept, but they have the 'reverse' version of it.

The Frost tree seems that they'd actually be pretty good at controlling the other side. Unholy seems to greatly increase your survability (on top of already wearing plate).

They're easier to control then a rogue, granted - but who isn't? Warlock are doing okay in Arena, and the only out they have is Death Coil. >_>

The reverse version on a 35 secodn CD. Now, I haven't got a PhD in mathematics (yet, anyway) but I'm fairly sure that 35 is 233.33~ % of 15. This is quite a large difference.

P.S Warriors are harder to control than Rogues in several comps.
#85 Jul 30 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
The reverse version on a 35 secodn CD. Now, I haven't got a PhD in mathematics (yet, anyway) but I'm fairly sure that 35 is 233.33~ % of 15. This is quite a large difference.

I can't believe nobody has commented that there is a talent to reduce death grip's CD by 10 seconds. Not a big difference, maybe even a useless talent considering all the other ones in the unholy tree, but worth mentioning I think.

So 166.666~%

#86 Jul 30 2008 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent

Can we get over the Warrior comparaison or do I need to go back and edit it so it says Shaman or something? :P

As I mentionned, yeah, it is on longer cooldown then Intercept. It doesn't stun. But it has great tactical application nonetheless.

But, when I say PvP, I'm more talking battlegrounds and world PvP, since I think we'll be seeing more of that in the expansion.

You can play BG with green gear, no talent points spent, smashing your keyboard with your fist and get 10k honor a day...

Hell, with a bot, you can get 10k honor a day without ever engaging anybody in pvp.

A spec being good for BG is largely irrelevant.

Edited, Jul 30th 2008 9:34pm by Tyrandor
#87 Jul 30 2008 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Yeah, I actually had talked a little bit about how tactically different Death Grip and Intercept were, but I deleted it before posting =S
(thought it sounded like I was rambling)

I'm wondering if Death Grip might make non-ShS Rogue specs more viable in PvP. Well, we'll see.
#88 Jul 30 2008 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Will DK's be more controllable than Warriors? Hmm..

The point of that quote tho, is that I think Theo is comparing the DK to the Rogue and going 'He's too easy to control'... when a Rogue, short of a Frost Mage, is the most slippery class in the game. The DK sound much harder to control then say... Paladin, Shaman or even Warlock (who can be totally shut down by 1 rogue). Weither he's actually easier or harder to control then a Warrior doesn't really matter, I was just tossing the class as an example.

Paladins are actually a lot harder to control than DKs will be. They don't have BoF, they don't have BoSac, they don't have a bubble getting them out of most CC that they can get into. Ret paladins have a hard time staying on target, even with a rogue and BoF; how hard do you think it will be for a DK?

And all of a DKs damage comes from melee range--you can't generate enough RP from range for it to make a difference. Yes, Death Grip is neat. Yes, it is on an extremely long cooldown for a reconnect. ShS is long enough given how much mobility rogues have and how well we can apply snares (no other class has a 70% snare). With a DK, you have Death Grip, then nothing. While yes, it'll work well to pull a druid back to a rogue (and actually, rogue/DK will be nasty Tyr, thinking about how well they'll shut down a fleeing druid), without that snare from their teammate, they're basically worthless unless they can follow up with an Icy Touch or a Chains of Ice.
#89 Jul 30 2008 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Paladins are actually a lot harder to control than DKs will be. They don't have BoF, they don't have BoSac, they don't have a bubble getting them out of most CC that they can get into. Ret paladins have a hard time staying on target, even with a rogue and BoF; how hard do you think it will be for a DK?

With Icy Chain, Death Grip, and the increased speed from Unholy Aura (that stacks with other effect) and the possibility for Frostbite on Icy Touch? I honestly don't know. Guess I'd need to play one.

It just doesn't looks as grim as you make it sound. But then again, Experience > Theory, so I guess I might have to reconsider making a DK my main.
#90 Jul 30 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Is it possible for ghouls/DK pets to cause daze on the target? I assume not but it could make a pretty noticable difference if it's really such an 'on the edge' situation.
#91 Jul 30 2008 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Paladins are actually a lot harder to control than DKs will be. They don't have BoF, they don't have BoSac, they don't have a bubble getting them out of most CC that they can get into. Ret paladins have a hard time staying on target, even with a rogue and BoF; how hard do you think it will be for a DK?

With Icy Chain, Death Grip, and the increased speed from Unholy Aura (that stacks with other effect) and the possibility for Frostbite on Icy Touch? I honestly don't know. Guess I'd need to play one.

It just doesn't looks as grim as you make it sound. But then again, Experience > Theory, so I guess I might have to reconsider making a DK my main.

Like I said, we're not doing any organized PvP on beta at the moment, so I've got about as much insight as you do.

I seriously doubt Unholy will be the PvP spec for DKs. There's not enough good control stuff down the Unholy tree to make it worthwhile, as badass as the Unholy Aura talent is.

With the right synergies, DKs will be a decent class in PvP, I have no doubt of that. It just remains to be seen what those synergies are.

Hell, we don't even really know how hunter PvP is going to be with all the crazy changes that are happening in their talents right now. Who knows, SV looks like it'll win out over both MM and BM.
#92 Jul 31 2008 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
so I've got about as much insight as you do.

Glad we agree.

My DK was Unholy btw Tyr with about 800AP (not much :S) and Gargoyle doesnt do that much to be honest. It's basically an uncleansable DoT that will keep running if you keep using Rune abilities to recharge it, so in theory it's very powerful, but it doesnt seem to win any battles and just encourages you to burn up all your Runes.

In essence and execution, it's a Shadow damage version of Dancing Runeblade but doing less overall damage but not requiring you to be actively meleeing. Good for (ironically) use against Rogues as it is a substantial ranged damage source that they cant just get rid of with CloS.
#93 Jul 31 2008 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Quick question: is Vendetta really that good? I notice you mentioned that 17 points in Blood would be a staple for any levelling build, and I can only imagine this is due to Vendetta, but a 4% heal after every kill seems insignificant.
#94 Jul 31 2008 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Dirichlet wrote:
Quick question: is Vendetta really that good? I notice you mentioned that 17 points in Blood would be a staple for any levelling build, and I can only imagine this is due to Vendetta, but a 4% heal after every kill seems insignificant.

It was 6% at the time I wrote that.

That said, yes, it's still very good.
#95 Jul 31 2008 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
Leaving aside some of the later stupidity to get to older stupidity;


Because nearly every snare or root can be instantly reapplied at max duration (i.e. no DRs).

But that's just my opinion, IMO Escape Artist is pretty much crap.

Roots have DRs, unless they changed this in the beta. Snares admittedly do not, but roots certainly do, plus most (frost nova et al) have cooldowns as well. Take it from someone who ends up sitting in them quite a bit.
#96 Aug 02 2008 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
new DK talents have been implemtented:

ghostcrawler (or was it koraa? one of those two) stated how they wanted one good tanking talent at the top of each tree, and another at the bottom, thus giving each tree its own unique tanking power while also giving DKs a lot of necessary tank-oriented boosts. the changes specifically in mind in this build are:

blade barrier to tier 1 blood, functionality unchanged.
toughness to tier 1 frost, also unchanged.
anticipation added to tier 1 unholy.

frost strike was buffed significantly being made instant, full weapon damage + some extra, and costing 50 runic power. heart strike was changed to be a higher-damage replacement to blood strike for a deep blood DK, and the -health debuff was replaced with a haste negation debuff, meaning any haste effects on the target (flurry, SnD, hero/blood, icy veins etc.) are rendered ineffective.

degeneration was apparently removed and turned into a deep unholy talent called scourge strike, and gargoyle was moved to a 21-pt talent and modified slightly (initial cost added, but upkeep cost reduced i think).

overall, blood is looking very sexy. negating haste effects on a target is pretty sweet, and at the cost of one blood rune and with a 10s duration a blood DK could potentially keep two heart strikes up on separate targets at the same time (helped along by the odd death rune proc). deep frost is looking way better too, and unholy....doesnt look too bad either, altho not nearly as nice as frost or blood.

also, lichborne was moved out of unholy into frost (same position) and the rune masteries were improved some too.
#97 Aug 02 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
Theo, have you (or anyone else in this thread) spent any time playing a deep Frost build? Frost is definitely the tree I'm most interested in right now based on potential PvP application, and I'm curious to know how well it levels.

Also, Quor: that link is still showing old talents.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2008 11:39am by Gaudion
#98 Aug 02 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Theo, have you (or anyone else in this thread) spent any time playing a deep Frost build? Frost is definitely the tree I'm most interested in right now based on potential PvP application, and I'm curious to know how well it levels.

Also, Quor: that link is still showing old talents.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2008 11:39am by Gaudion

Those are the next planned changes to DK talents.

With the change to Frost Strike, but build is getting a lot more power. It felt wimpy before with all your frost runes being eaten by Frost Strike and Icy Touch (with none left for Oblit), but I think the changes to the frost tree are very interesting. Should be fun to try.
#99 Aug 02 2008 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
try clearing your internet browser cache and refreshing the page gaudion. i had the same problem and that worked for me when i first loaded the page.
#100 Aug 02 2008 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Hmm... I can get the talents to come up now, but it won't let me sink points into Icy Talons. Ah, well...
#101 Aug 03 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
the page is still kinda bugged. theres a long thread discussing the possible ramifications of all these changes on the beta forums:

ghost makes a few posts noting how some talents arent listing things properly (heart strike basically being an upgrade to blood strike, ditto for plague/scourge), and some are bugged like icy talons is (requiring 5 points of a 3-pt max talent).

current discussion is kinda centered around the counter-intuitivity of blade barrier and the deep blood/frost tank talents (vampiric blood and unbreakable armor). specifically, its hard to hold VB and UA "for a bad situation" when blade barrier requires that you proc all your runes to keep it up (and thus, proc UA and VB).
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