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Theo's Death Knight Beta thread.Follow

#27 Jul 24 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
You'd want on a pale horse, too, for PvP.

Edited, Jul 24th 2008 4:50pm by Kavekk
#28 Jul 24 2008 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Rune Tap and Imp Rune tap suck

How d'you work that one out? It's an instant 55% of your hp heal with a 1 minute cooldown... I can't say I know the DK mechanics but I can hardly see that sucking. It sounds like paladin bubble 2.0 to me. Does the rune get removed until you go OOC or something?
#29 Jul 24 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
Rune Tap and Imp Rune tap suck

How d'you work that one out? It's an instant 55% of your hp heal with a 1 minute cooldown... I can't say I know the DK mechanics but I can hardly see that sucking. It sounds like paladin bubble 2.0 to me. Does the rune get removed until you go OOC or something?

Yeah, I'm not quite sure I understand that one either. Maybe if the ability is not quite up to the tooltip you could explain it to us? I can see how maybe with the rest of the DK's abilities it might be rather superfluous for leveling, but it looks damn near broken for PvP.
#30 Jul 24 2008 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
imp rune tap doesnt increase the healing done by rune tap by an additional 45%; it increases it by 45% of the 10%, for a net gain of 14.5% of your max health.

in short, there are better things to spend your blood runes on.
#31 Jul 24 2008 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Quor wrote:
imp rune tap doesnt increase the healing done by rune tap by an additional 45%; it increases it by 45% of the 10%, for a net gain of 14.5% of your max health.

in short, there are better things to spend your blood runes on.

Yeah, pretty much. I can see spending a point in Rune Tap, since most of the other talents that low kinda blow, but Imp Rune Tap actually is pretty much made of suck.

This is probably the only PvP build I could see Rune Tap working in. It's not really worth going into Blood if you're Unholy or Frost main spec. Mainly because as Frost you'll be using one blood/unholy set of runes to put up Plague Strike, another blood with a frost to use Obliterate, and your other frost on Frost Strike/Icy Touch, and your other unholy on Degeneration.

You also might just use Degen in PvP and forget Plague, but you'd miss out on a bit of damage.

My own personal feeling on PvP will be that DWing with this build will be the best, though it's entirely possible that you move those three points in Nerves of Cold Steel to Blood for a build like this. I personally think the second will be better, though my brother argues with blood-caked blade, the amount of diseases put up will allow for insane damage with Blood Strike.

I think I'll be trying a deep Unholy build tonight, as I've had little opportunity to do so.

Another PvP build I just came up with is this. Similar to the last build, but much more anti-caster. I also changed the frost talents a bit more for a better setup.
#32 Jul 25 2008 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
That kind of explains then... another case where blizz should clean up their tooltips.

I do hope 2-handed swords are going to be the way to go for DK's, we finally might see a build work that actually doesn't make somebody look like a ninja-wannabe huge *** sword vampire.

Speaking of casters Theo... not sure if you've had any chance to try out PvP yet, but... how do you fair against casters in general? Do kiting mages turn you into minced meat or do you have enough CC/interruption to hand their *** to them? Or is it heavily spec dependant?
#33 Jul 25 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
imp rune tap may not be worth it... but 10% heal for 1 rune seems like a good deal... especially since i got blood rune mastery

if imp rune tap is that bad, ill just move those points into death rune mastery... those 2 were a tossup for me

also, what are your thought on blade barrier?

with the reduced spell damage thing equal to parry chance, seems like it could be useful (rune tap helping me burn runes for it... like a mark of blood, rune tap, some strikes = easy rune burning for extra parry chance.. kinda thought)
#34 Jul 25 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Though I know it's not what you're focusing on at all Theo, what do you think would be the best tanking spec? With a VERY rough understanding of the DK, I put together THIS.

Using self-heals, major threat from the Blood Aura talent and Ghouls/Ghoul Explosions and avoidance being based around Parry, Bone Armor and Lichborne.

I know Frost has the Toughness talent, but using 5 points you won't use to spend another 5 to get 15% more armor doesn't seem as worth it to me as 10 points in Unholy or Blood.

If I could get your take on this it would be appreciated, thanks.
#35 Jul 25 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I haven't had a chance to PvP on my DK.

Mongoose, Blade Barrier is an awful talent.

Rage, I don't really know anything about tanking. From what I've heard deep blood will not be a tanking tree; that's more frost's schtick.
#36 Jul 25 2008 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Frost was originally, but with recent talent changes there's less "tanking" talents in frost than any other tree. I'm not sure if Blizzard is wanting to pull away from tanking with the DK, but I'm a stubborn fool. =P

With the removal of Crushing blows(which I dislike), things should be easier for Druids and DK's tanking.
#37 Jul 26 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
I haven't had a chance to PvP on my DK.

Mongoose, Blade Barrier is an awful talent.

Rage, I don't really know anything about tanking. From what I've heard deep blood will not be a tanking tree; that's more frost's schtick.

Excuse my DK noobness, but would you mind explaining why Blade Barrier sucks? Is it hard to keep it up most of the time?

I had originally thought Blade Barrier would be decent for a tank spec, but then again I also thought that I would be able to spam 6 Frost runes to proc Unbreakable Armor(Frost) most of the time =/

Well, with the removal of Blade Barrier this is what I'm looking at as a tanking spec.

Hungering Cold seems to be more of a PvP talent to me. I don't know how quickly Runic Power generates, but it seems that by the time you have 100, freezing all your enemies in an instance-pull for 10 sec may not be very useful anymore (since damage breaks the effect). Then again, I haven't fought any WotLK bosses yet, it may be useful for minion control.
#38 Jul 26 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
angryempath wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
I haven't had a chance to PvP on my DK.

Mongoose, Blade Barrier is an awful talent.

Rage, I don't really know anything about tanking. From what I've heard deep blood will not be a tanking tree; that's more frost's schtick.

Excuse my DK noobness, but would you mind explaining why Blade Barrier sucks? Is it hard to keep it up most of the time?

Yeah, it's hard to keep up. Since runes regen on a 10s cycle, with GCD it's near impossible to have all of them gone at once.
#39 Jul 26 2008 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
edit, nvm nvm

Edited, Jul 27th 2008 1:58am by mongoosexcore
#40 Jul 27 2008 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Theo

I have no idea about whether the top talents are implemented yet, but if you could throw some points down into Dancing Rune Weapon for the Blood tree and try out Unholy that would be great. I'm curious to see if the gargoyle in Unholy will be like the Mage's water elemental in terms of effectiveness. Also, Unholy blight seems kind of blah on paper, I'm wondering if it holds its own in PvP and PvE. I can see the use for it in AoE tanking, but the ability seems kind of lackluster. Thanks.
#41 Jul 27 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, it's hard to keep up. Since runes regen on a 10s cycle, with GCD it's near impossible to have all of them gone at once.


1.5 second GCD.

0 Rune 1
1.5 Rune 2
3 Rune 3
4.5 Rune 4
6 Rune 5
7.5 Rune 6
- Trigger Blade Barrier

Or am I missing something here?

Even easier if there's move that use more then 1 rune.

Might be a pain in the *** when grinding/pvping, but in a pve situation, I'm not sure how that's much harder then keeping 5 S&D and a 5 Rupture up...

#42 Jul 27 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Actually, that was my mistake, Tyr. It's relatively easy to put up.

I may put points into it instead of Infested Corpse until they buff it.
#43 Jul 27 2008 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
920 posts
Hey Theo, Glad to see you spreading your knowledge on other forums. Anyways, maybe this is covered somewhere, but I don't have time to look it up atm. How does the rune power work? Is like mana/rage/energy? I've been trying to look from the videos, but can't tell.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#44 Jul 27 2008 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Feyras wrote:
Hey Theo, Glad to see you spreading your knowledge on other forums. Anyways, maybe this is covered somewhere, but I don't have time to look it up atm. How does the rune power work? Is like mana/rage/energy? I've been trying to look from the videos, but can't tell.

Rage, though it's only generated through use of abilities that use runes.

Basically for a DK, there are abilities that use runes and abilities/spells that use RP.

Almost everything uses runes, and really the only things I can think of that use RP are:

1) Death Coil. Used as an RP dump.
2) Dancing Rune Weapon (51 pt talent)
3) Summon Gargoyle (41 pt talent)
4) Unholy Blight (51 pt talent)
5) Deathchill (21 pt talent)
6) Hungering Cold (51 pt talent)
7) Corpse Explosion (21 pt talent)
8) Death Grip. 35 sec cooldown, 8 yard "deadzone".
9) Death Pact. Used to sac your ghoul for 20% HP.
10) Blood Boil. Used in tanking. Throw down DND, wait til the end, Blood Boil it off. Instahuge-AoE threat.

So 4 abilities that aren't talents. This is every ability to level 80.
#45 Jul 27 2008 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
RP makes me think of a more 'fluid' finisher system... since it seems all RP ability are affect by slice of 10. So it's like a '10 point' combo system.
#46 Jul 27 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
So Runic Power is like a combo point system using a Bar instead of dots (realitivly speaking) and it affects your charecter (not the enemy as in the CP system) so switching targets won't drop you back down to zero. Also how fast does this generate in comparison to A)Warriors Rage and B)Rogues (and cat druids (may god smite them all.. just messin)) Combo points?

~~>Edited note- Going back to your first post and the theroy about race. How well do you think this holds up after playing the Death Knight? I'm curious espeacily when it comes to the Gnomes because I imagined the ranged moves that the Death Knight has as being more on the panic button side... similar to Cloak of Shadows, Vanish, or Evasion on a Rogue. I am mostly debating between a Gnome and a Human for Death Knight. The reasoning behind Gnome is escape artist is a nifty lil' racial and i realy wana add another Gnome to my slowly growing collection of Gnomish pride (being one of the few Gnomes players on my server is fun) and human because of Expertese and Diplomacy so i dont have to work so bloody hard at rep. (Oh, I dearly hate rep grinding.) I'll probably end up as a Gnome but I'm still realy curious as to how well your origanol thoughts held out.

Edited, Jul 28th 2008 12:50am by areeuh
#47 Jul 28 2008 at 12:17 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
areeuh wrote:
So Runic Power is like a combo point system using a Bar instead of dots (realitivly speaking) and it affects your charecter (not the enemy as in the CP system) so switching targets won't drop you back down to zero. Also how fast does this generate in comparison to A)Warriors Rage and B)Rogues (and cat druids (may god smite them all.. just messin)) Combo points?

~~>Edited note- Going back to your first post and the theroy about race. How well do you think this holds up after playing the Death Knight? I'm curious espeacily when it comes to the Gnomes because I imagined the ranged moves that the Death Knight has as being more on the panic button side... similar to Cloak of Shadows, Vanish, or Evasion on a Rogue. I am mostly debating between a Gnome and a Human for Death Knight. The reasoning behind Gnome is escape artist is a nifty lil' racial and i realy wana add another Gnome to my slowly growing collection of Gnomish pride (being one of the few Gnomes players on my server is fun) and human because of Expertese and Diplomacy so i dont have to work so bloody hard at rep. (Oh, I dearly hate rep grinding.) I'll probably end up as a Gnome but I'm still realy curious as to how well your origanol thoughts held out.

Escape Artist, at the moment, seems lackluster for the frost DK, which most are going to at least have 3 points in frost to give Icy Touch a freeze chance. With Death Grip as well as Icy Touch and Death Coil, DKs are still quite powerful from range.

Expertise and Diplomacy, for PvP, aren't as big of a deal as Perception is. Druids are the natural prey of this class, with Degeneration, and rogues look to be pretty nasty when going up against a DK, as they'll simply kite you and bleed you down. You can try and Death Grip them, they'll just ShS it and use their speed boost to get away. You can try to Icy Touch freeze them, but they'll CloS it.

So yeah, Perception at the moment is the biggest racial a DK can get.

Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
RP makes me think of a more 'fluid' finisher system... since it seems all RP ability are affect by slice of 10. So it's like a '10 point' combo system.

Your main RP abilites, Tyr, aren't based on how much RP they use. Death Coil is the main thing you use RP for, and it's 40 always, except with the talent in blood. But yes, the talents seem to rely heavily on this "finisher system" of RP.

I wish they'd put more abilities on RP; I usually spam Death Coil because I generate too much.
#48 Jul 28 2008 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
Theo, have you been to any battlegrounds yet? So far, I haven't seen a whole lot of sub-70 classes other than DK (IF is a city populated by DKs on the Beta realm). I don't really know if you can test your DK vs Rogue theories when only DKs will show up to fight.
#49 Jul 28 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
I'd probably agree for leveling there are better ways to spend your points rather than Blade Barrier. But with tanking I'd still think it's worth it. Based off of the basic table Tyr set up, I see having no runes available as very feasible.

And the ability doesn't last "while you have no runes active", that's just to activate it. Once it's been activated you get the effect for 8 secs after that.
#50 Jul 28 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
So yeah, Perception at the moment is the biggest racial a DK can get.


All the methods you used for Rogues evading Death Knights were out of stealth abilities, why would being better able to spot them help if kiting will be so easy? Perception seems like the least helpful of the active Racials, Warstomp or Arcane Torrent seem considerably more potent than finding a Rogue two seconds early.

I personally think you overestimate the ability Rogues will have against Death Knights, yes Rogues can kite but DK diseases cannot be cleansed off by CloS and are not resistable by it either iirc. The Rogue will constantly take damage, as will the Death Knight, but the DK will almost certainly have more health. And of course, kiting a DK means his Runes keep recharging so he can use his abilities without interruption, Death and Decay being a nice way to interfere with kiters, Death Coil will permit self-healing once or twice, and although you can CloS out of Icy Touch you might not be so lucky with Chains of Ice as well.

DKs are among the least kiteable classes in the game with their numerous snares, roots and DoTs, as well as Death Grip and ranged damage. Not exactly Retadin territory.
#51 Jul 28 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
920 posts

All the methods you used for Rogues evading Death Knights were out of stealth abilities, why would being better able to spot them help if kiting will be so easy? Perception seems like the least helpful of the active Racials, Warstomp or Arcane Torrent seem considerably more potent than finding a Rogue two seconds early.

I personally think you overestimate the ability Rogues will have against Death Knights, yes Rogues can kite but DK diseases cannot be cleansed off by CloS and are not resistable by it either iirc. The Rogue will constantly take damage, as will the Death Knight, but the DK will almost certainly have more health. And of course, kiting a DK means his Runes keep recharging so he can use his abilities without interruption, Death and Decay being a nice way to interfere with kiters, Death Coil will permit self-healing once or twice, and although you can CloS out of Icy Touch you might not be so lucky with Chains of Ice as well.

DKs are among the least kiteable classes in the game with their numerous snares, roots and DoTs, as well as Death Grip and ranged damage. Not exactly Retadin territory.

Being able to spot a rogue in stealth before he gets the opener on you is key. Rogues are one of the most dominating classes in the game in PvP. Why? Because they can pick their fights with whomever they want, whenever they want. In the kiting situation Theo was describing if a rogue finds you in stealth he can garrote you and that is a silence/dot. A good rogue can win almost every battle all the time if they get the jump on someone. A great rogue can do the same even if they don't get the jump on someone via stealth. We all know how many great rogues there are out there. Not many. Perception is the single best PvP ability for any race. Followed closely by Will of the Forsaken.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
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