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Preliminary Cookie-Cutter BuildsFollow

#1 Jul 18 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
Well looking at the talents, these are going to be my initial Cookie-Cutter talent builds that I think would work best in these settings:

PvE (47/0/24)

PvP (51/20/0)

Main Tanking (0/58/13)

PvE (0/7/64)

PvP (0/20/51)

Just my first initial thoughts, input is welcome and encouraged, as I'd like to have a good amount of info ready in the FAQ for when the expansion comes out.

Edited, Jul 18th 2008 10:26am by CapJack
#2 Jul 18 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
I just don't see holy pallies specing 24 points into ret. So much of this game is FoL spam, it just isn't worth it. I do agree that prot is offering MUCH less to holy pallies, but 24 points in ret seems usless. Everything you have there is pointless for a holy pally. Sure its a nice raid buff but leave that for the Ret pallies.

Divine guardian is insane! All you have to is bubble and every tank, OT, melee dps takes 30% less damage for 10 secs? When that wears off you can cast Hand of Sac and keep the tank taking 20% until you die. Sounds great for keeping the raid alive.

I even bet you could keep yourself alive and make the tank take 20% less damage. Sure you could be spamming the tank to keep him up, but look at gruuls. With high stacks he hits very hard. Knocking 20% off of even a few hits could offset his incoming damage enough for the other raid healers to keep him standing.

I think this offers better utility for a raid. (RF no longer effects healing spells, only holy damage. This means you can always have it up now)

Edited, Jul 18th 2008 1:49pm by ramera
#3 Jul 18 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
Everything there is useless now...

Benediction/Imp. and Heart of the Crusader, now your judgements will give you the Haste from the Holy tree, and 3% crit for everyone else.

Conviction, another 5% spell crit.

Pursuit of Justice is useless, that can be put elsewhere in Ret, I just couldn't find a spot (Maybe Imp. BoM)

Improved Ret Aura/Sanctified Retribution, might as well, you got 40 yards on your aura and with all the spell power you'll have, you'll be able to boost your Retribution Aura up enough to help out the tank even more with threat.

Divine Guardian, yeah it's pretty good, I'm not saying it isn't. I just don't like the idea for speccing for "OHsh*t" moments in PvE. Maybe at first when your guild is learning the encounter, but when you get it on farm and everyone knows what they are doing, this wouldn't be so necessary.

Edited, Jul 18th 2008 10:48am by CapJack
#4 Jul 18 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
I think more information on beacon of light will offer a better understanding. Look at the spell ranks compared to Holy light:

Beacon of Light (80) - The target becomes a Beacon of Light, healing all party or raid members within 10 yards for 2000 over 15 sec.

(2330 mana, 1.5 sec Cast)

Holy Light (80) - Heals a friendly target for 3799 to 4231.

(1880 Mana, 2.5 sec Cast)

Depending on the coefficients, Beacon may actually become usefull. Even if it does 3 targets, it will heal for more than Holy light. Will it become a raid heal? No. But will it come in handy for Tanks and OTs? I think so. Look at the ZA boss with the swipe. You could be healing 4000+spell power to two targets over 15s. I know it cant crit, but if the coefficients are high enough it wont be a wasted spell.


Benediction/Imp. and Heart of the Crusader, now your judgements will give you the Haste from the Holy tree, and 3% crit for everyone else.

Oh and no one ever said they had to be max rank spells =D. Sure max rank wis will be better than rank 1 but its cheap. And 3% crit and haste is worth the dinky mana it costs.

Edited, Jul 18th 2008 2:00pm by ramera
#5 Jul 18 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
Beacon of Light I think is better used in Parties to offset our ability to AoE heal when everyone is taking damage. In a raid, however, leave the AoE healing and spot healing to the other classes with the Shaman changes and Druid and Priest, they will be more than able to do it. We have fortified our niche as the best single-target, Main tank healer, and I believe we should do what we can to keep that up.
#6 Jul 18 2008 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent

Just think of how easier it will be to heal those demons in Arc! Those damn 10k meteors will be cake even for lowies.
#7 Jul 18 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
I really hope they move that Sheath of Light spell (either higher in Ret tree, or healing part into Holy tree). You have to go through so many useless talents to get to it.

The HoT on a crit is so awesome though..... That is a PERFECT Healadin spell for keeping the MT up.

Same with Touched by the Light.

They have healing spells set up that a Holy spec can't get access to.....hmmmm. I would gladly trade Beacon of Light for the "HoT from a crit" ability.

EDIT - OK, my rambling mind keeps going.....

Give Ret the Infusion of Light talent (since they are the most in need of mobile heals).

Give Prot Beacon of Light (gives them mass AoE aggro).

Give Holy a HoT from a crit.

Then, I think it would be a bit better balanced.

Edited, Jul 18th 2008 3:23pm by YJMark
#8 Jul 18 2008 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
Because bliz likes making things difficult.
#9 Jul 18 2008 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
134 posts
ret builds badly done. why would you take 50% more ret aura dmg over 6% increased weapon dmg? warrior tanks would generate such miniscule threat from ret aura anyway. For pvp, some points can be shifted here and there but that's what i'd roll with. pve wise, that seems about right.

incidentally, capjack, what's your main spec? better not be holy, cause if you're giving advice while in that gear i'd slap you.
#10 Jul 19 2008 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Edit: NVM

Edited, Jul 19th 2008 8:50am by Klark
#11 Jul 19 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
Above post was me on a friend's computer, forgot to log out. I think I edited it away, but if it's not still there, here's the text:

That weapon thing was a mistake, I caught it in the PvP build, but for some reason while I was filling out the PvE build I totally forgot about it, brain fart I guess.

First off, Ret's going to be running Ret Aura now anyway, and it will be modified by spell damage. With 30% of the AP going towards spell damage, Ret aura might be a decent source of threat for any tank, especially since it seems they are changing the threat mechanics a bit to make things easier to hold aggro.

Here's my changed build with a point left over, throw it where you want.

For the PvP build, the reason I went 2/3 Sanctified Seals is that so the seal spells can be a target for dispel mechanics. They will still resist 96% of the time, but now they can be targeted and help protect your other buffs through that. Some of the other talents yeah they can be shifted around.

And what's wrong with my healing set? It's perfectly fine for the progression I'm at.
#12 Jul 19 2008 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
296 posts
Will Divine sheild's redirection stack?

Also, the days of the shockadin appear to be over.

Edit: I don't know if I really want to give up fanaticism however 30 seconds off HoJ is just too good.
MY new talents (gear for pvp yes) when I stat WotLK.

I mean, the starting zones in northrend are going to be in an all out war...

Edited, Jul 19th 2008 4:08pm by Agest
#13 Jul 19 2008 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Nothing wrong with it... Just that it's fugly as hell.

Still though, i do feel the points in imp ret aura are rather wasted, UNLESS the spell damage coefficient for ret aura is significant enough that it deals a good chunk of damage. remains to be seen though, what wotlk brings. imo the healing pve spec isn't fantastic either. I don't know how much raiding you do but i wouldn't find it good to rely on crits to apply hots. speccing so deep into ret just to get sheath of light gimps you significantly. Beacon of light looks to be the be all end all melee group healing spell, so not getting it is a huge waste in my mind. Pally healers have always complained about a lack of group heals and a lack of HoTs, and Beacon of Light solves both problems. I don't see pallies being pigeonholed into maintank healing any more, especially not with Beacon of Light. Just look at malacrass, having a healer who can keep the tank alive while still doing great raid heals during spirit bolts is invaluable. to skip the spell would just be blasphemous.

Despite what you might imagine, i DO NOT see holy pallies becoming semi offensive support in raids. Perhaps they will judge every 30 seconds to refresh the haste buff, but speccing so many points into ret is simply not worth it. the crit bonus will not stack, that would just be lame, and most raids will bring along a ret pally, who'll definitely spec into 3% crit judgements. You don't need improved judgements, you only need to judge every 30 seconds. you don't need anything else in there.

@agest: if that's a pvp build then i'm afraid it's not working. for pvp missing out on PoJ isn't a good idea, and sheath of light looks to improve damage far more than crusade will. imp BoM worthless compared to benediction. pvp never gets fanaticism anyway, so if you wanted to then forget it. if that build is intended as pve it doesn't work either, no fanaticism, no raid utility. Best build imo you can check out the one i posted, but i'm thinking about losing the points in divine guardian and sticking it into divine purpose.

Edited, Jul 20th 2008 12:35am by iceravenVI
#14 Jul 19 2008 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
I don't see it as relying on crits to keep a HoT up, with FoL spamming and the high spell crit that Paladin healers have anyway, it would be almost a permanent HoT on the person at 0 mana cost. And I don't imagine any offensive support or going for it, however as you are moving down the tree, might as well get some. Looking at some of the other healer's changes, it looks to me like they will be able to handle group heals pretty well.

I just see an opportunity for a free almost constant HoT on the current target, and I feel like this other spell is trying to make us something we're not. You call it pidgeonholing, I call it niche.

However, you may be right. I don't know what the encounters will be like in WotLK. There could be way more aoe damage going on and every healer needs to be constantly group healing.
#15 Jul 20 2008 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
134 posts
Perhaps it's the fact that the reason i quit raiding as holy was because i got so tired of being a 1 trick pony. And i raided all the way to hyjal. For me the only thing i asked for was a group heal and beacon of light looks like a godsend to me. But upon further contemplation it seems to me that blizz intends for pallies to go the same route that priests have. Priests have deep holy, CoH builds and the not so deep holy utility builds. From the way the talents are structured, it looks like pallies will now have the choice of having Beacon of light, a decent group heal to bring more raid healing utility, or sheath of light, to compound pally's maintank healing god status.

i was puzzled by sheath of light, seeing as ret pallies never crit anyway. but upon further contemplation, i realised that with the changes to crit, now affecting both melee and spell, ret pallies will have actually pretty good crit rates, which is passable in short arena battles. the attack power to spell power thing is obviously godsend to retadins, but it isn't half bad for holy either, i suppose a lvl 80 healadin would have about 500 ap from the base str anyway, that's a decent amount of spellpower right there.
#16 Jul 21 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
As Main Tank I think I agree with the Protection build... There really are lots of talents that I *wish* there were enough points for now -- before the Protection tree was so bloated that there was only enough left for the token Ret points after getting the must-haves.

Most Paladin tanks at the moment are resigned to AoE/Trash/Heroic tanking though.. and for that role I can't see how they could justify taking Judgements of the Just. It would likely be replaced by either Divine Guardian, Stoicism, Spell Warding, Improved Judgements or Seals of the Pure. Heart of the Crusader might be excluded for a trash tank as well, depends on raid composition.

With the cooldown reduction on Holy Shield, it might not be neccessary to max out Imp. HS either. Hell, facing a possible redesign of tanking mechanics altogether -- it might be a detriment to take that talent. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
#17 Jul 21 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
Losie wrote:
As Main Tank I think I agree with the Protection build... There really are lots of talents that I *wish* there were enough points for now -- before the Protection tree was so bloated that there was only enough left for the token Ret points after getting the must-haves.

Most Paladin tanks at the moment are resigned to AoE/Trash/Heroic tanking though.. and for that role I can't see how they could justify taking Judgements of the Just. It would likely be replaced by either Divine Guardian, Stoicism, Spell Warding, Improved Judgements or Seals of the Pure. Heart of the Crusader might be excluded for a trash tank as well, depends on raid composition.

With the cooldown reduction on Holy Shield, it might not be neccessary to max out Imp. HS either. Hell, facing a possible redesign of tanking mechanics altogether -- it might be a detriment to take that talent. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

In our current setup, we have one warrior, one druid, and one prot pally for tanks. I think judgement of the just would be perfect. Every warrior MT would love for someone else to take care of imp. thunderclap. With the changes to the judgement system, it is even easier to keep it up.

For those that don't know or havent heard, judging doesn't consume your current seal. Also, the spell Judgement has been replaced with 3 other spells. Judgement of Light, wis, and Justice. When you cast any of these three, it gives the standard debuff but also judges the current seal.

For example: I cast Seal of Blood. I follow this by Judging Wisdom. The mob gains the standard Judgement of wisdom debuff but also takes the normal damage of Judgement of blood. Seal of blood is still active.

I think this change and the new spells will open doors unheard of for pally tanks. I feel that we will even be able to do more Main tanking and even some offtanking.

I think Heart of the crusader will be put on the back burner for Improved Judgements. Although, that really depends on our threat. Right now, AP is adding damage to SoR. SoR is also gaining more damage from spell power. Our threat should be as effective on single targets as most other tanks.
#18 Jul 21 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
So no more sanctity aura?

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 1:44am by LauBR
#19 Jul 21 2008 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
ramera wrote:
For those that don't know or havent heard, judging doesn't consume your current seal. Also, the spell Judgement has been replaced with 3 other spells. Judgement of Light, wis, and Justice. When you cast any of these three, it gives the standard debuff but also judges the current seal.

Do you have a source for this? I haven't heard it, and I don't want to flat out disbelieve you, but with all the fake information floating around I would like to be sure. How many others in the meantime have heard of this change?

@LauBR: no, Sanctity is gone and it's effect has been dispersed either into the spells it affected or another talent (the Improved version).

RE: Holy Shield. Don't forget that taking the Improved Holy Shield talent not only adds to the charges of Holy Shield, but it also increases the damage it deals, thus increasing it's threat as well. I think it will still be plenty necessary to take 2/2 Improved Holy Shield.
#20 Jul 21 2008 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
Ive been reading the Beta forums.

Cool think is that all 3 are introduced early on. I think light and wis are before 15 even. Justice is like 24?

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 2:16am by ramera
#21 Jul 22 2008 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
i don't know. those specs you have for pve holy and ret (the only 2 i really care about) aren't bad capjack, but i think for me i'd prefer a few differences. I think the spec my ret will go with at 80 will be:

this spec pretty much takes every talent that will add to my dps/utility and puts the 1 extra point in reduced blessing of protection (or hand or protection or whatever it will be called). i beleive this spec would be the most dps from talents. the only reason i would change anything would be if the fights in WotLK require some different talents.

as far as pve healing i think what i'll go w/ at 80 is:

this has everything essential in the holy tree and 15 points in ret for imp BoM, benediction, and conviction (now that it increases the crit% of spells in addition to melee). the only thing i might want to rearange is to find another point for reduced fear or to improve cleansing depending on what WotLK brings to the table.
#22 Jul 22 2008 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
this has everything essential in the holy tree and 15 points in ret for imp BoM, benediction, and conviction (now that it increases the crit% of spells in addition to melee). the only thing i might want to rearange is to find another point for reduced fear or to improve cleansing depending on what WotLK brings to the table

I agreed with you for a while.. but I think cap jack is on the right direction. People REALLY are specing further in ret for sheath of light. Think about it. 30% of AP converted into spell damage, My friend has 436 AP as a holy pally. Thats 130 spell power. Now that isnt +130 to healing.... thats much higher. Remember that 130 spellpower will go much further to healing spells.

Not to mention that sheath of light is amazing for 5 mans. Its passive. You have to cast beacon of light, and not everyone is within 10 yards of eachother.

Think about this: Pop Divine favor > Followed by an Instant Holy Shock crit > Your next HoL is now instant cast for 12 secs.

Over the course of 1.5 seconds, people have been tossing out over 12k in heals to multiple targets.

I do see a lot of raiders going for a deeper holy tree, but not because of Beacon of light. I see them going for the 30 yard judgement with a 20% increase in casting speed.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 10:54am by ramera
#23 Jul 22 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
Well it's a 10% increase in casting speed, my spec covers 4% of that and it does grab the 30 yard Judgements. So all you really lose is 6% casting speed and Beacon of Light.
#24 Jul 22 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
It really pains me that you can't get Beacon of Light AND Sheath of Light. I'd like my cake, and to eat it :)

Sheath of Light will be amazing for 5-mans and raids. That is really the super single-target healing spell. If you are MT healing, you'll be spec'ing into Ret for Sheath of Light. If you are raid healing, then you'll probably go for Beacon.

I think Cap's buld will be just about right for MT healing.
#25 Jul 22 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Well it's a 10% increase in casting speed, my spec covers 4% of that and it does grab the 30 yard Judgements. So all you really lose is 6% casting speed and Beacon of Light.

I know. I cant seem to remember it is 10% and NOT 20%. I just don't really seeing you in charge of ret aura tho. Its gonna con unless there is another pally with it. You could dump Sanctified Retribution for one more point in spell haste.

YJMark wrote:
It really pains me that you can't get Beacon of Light AND Sheath of Light. I'd like my cake, and to eat it :)

Sheath of Light will be amazing for 5-mans and raids. That is really the super single-target healing spell. If you are MT healing, you'll be spec'ing into Ret for Sheath of Light. If you are raid healing, then you'll probably go for Beacon.

I think Cap's buld will be just about right for MT healing.

Sheath of light isn't really that amazing of a single target healing spell. It isn't very predictable. You might get a huge HoT from a holy light crit, but any flash of light crit will overwrite it. You can go from a 300h/s spell down to 30 in the blink of an eye. Not to mention that overhealing right now doesn't count towards it. If you crit on a FoL and overheal half of it, the buff is wasted. The talent is better for multi person healing.

Sheath of light is more of a raid heal talent than beacon anyday.

Beacon has a 10 yard range. Do have any idea how hard it will be to get 4 or 5 people in a 10 yard cicle?

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 2:18pm by ramera
#26 Jul 22 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
ramera wrote:
Sheath of light isn't really that amazing of a single target healing spell. It isn't very predictable. You might get a huge HoT from a holy light crit, but any flash of light crit will overwrite it. You can go from a 300h/s spell down to 30 in the blink of an eye.

ooo....I didn't even think of that. I just assumed you could stack it like a druid HoT. Well, there go my delusions of grandeur. /cry Your numbers are exaggerated, but the point is still valid. However, either HoT is better than no HoT. You will basically always have an HoT going on the MT, which will give you a chance to help out of off-targets, or cast a Cleanse, or whatever. One thing I hate is that if I have to get rid of 3 debuffs from the tank, that is 4.5 seconds without healing. On a hard hitting mob, that is a LOT of time with no healing.

ramera wrote:
Not to mention that overhealing right now doesn't count towards it. If you crit on a FoL and overheal half of it, the buff is wasted. The talent is better for multi person healing.

As for the overhealing part - I wouldn't be too worried about that. You won't need a huge HoT if you are overhealing.

In reality, without those 2 limitations, this would be seriously OP. No other healers would even come close to Healadin in terms of single target healing. At least, that is my current view...if I understand the talent properly.

ramera wrote:
Beacon has a 10 yard range. Do have any idea how hard it will be to get 4 or 5 people in a 10 yard cicle?

Everytime you have melee DPS and a tank :)

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 2:43pm by YJMark
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