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So what do you think of the changes to tanking so far?Follow

#27 Jul 29 2008 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
tommyguns wrote:
Huge Edit: turns out, as of latest test version, AP and Str will play a big roll in tanking stats. not just raw hitting power but also in blocking power and seal/judgement power. this will make itemization a little more clear.

Latest blacksmithing recipes have only stam, str and defence. I take that as a clear hint of what to expect from tanking gear, and what we have in line for conversions.

And wow, the full set (head, chest, waist, legs, feet, shoulder and SHIELD!) gives 526 stam, 289 str, 319 def and 15274 armour. Crafted at 75, base stats, all unenchanted. No sockets tho.

This WILL be fun to check out when the new expansion comes out...
#28 Aug 01 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
From what I've read we will be getting a big buff to threat (blizz said they wanted tanks to do more dps, and more dps = more threat generally), but this is counter balanced by the removal of salvation, so expect the threat gap between tanks and dps to remain roughly the same. We don't seem to be getting ANY new mitigation talents or abilities so when raiding the guild is still always gonna ask the warrior to step up and tank the big bosses :\

Also, with the melding of gear between warriors and paladins, are we all gonna run around looking exactly the same?
#29 Aug 01 2008 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
We don't seem to be getting ANY new mitigation talents or abilities so when raiding the guild is still always gonna ask the warrior to step up and tank the big bosses :\


A debuff causing 20% decrease in attack speed

10 Charges on Holy shield every 8 seconds.

+50% Armor on Devo aural

Yeah those aren't mitigation abilities.
#30 Aug 01 2008 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
ramera wrote:
We don't seem to be getting ANY new mitigation talents or abilities so when raiding the guild is still always gonna ask the warrior to step up and tank the big bosses :\


A debuff causing 20% decrease in attack speed

10 Charges on Holy shield every 8 seconds.

+50% Armor on Devo aural

Yeah those aren't mitigation abilities.

And our own version of shield wall every 5 minutes.

#31 Aug 02 2008 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
You also forgot 10 holy shield charges over 10 seconds (up from 8). You factor in that warriors shield block ability got nerfed back more, we'll be getting in TONS more blocks than warriors. Additionally since we'll be stacking block value now for holy shield slam, we'll be blocking useful amounts of damage on each hit.

As it stands now, even though warriors have a base 4% more mitigation (def stance vs. imp RF):

1. That 4% is calculated before armor, so it's even less after armor
2. We'll be blocking way way more hits, mitigating more damage
3. Assuming no leapfrog hits, Ardent Defender kicks in more damage reduction
4. We have shield wall on a FIVE MINUTE COOLDOWN!
5. We have our version of thunderclap now (i.e. thunderjudge)
6. We're still going to have more hp than warriors due to superior stamina scaling with talents

As it stands now (and beta could still change from now till launch day), Paladins are on equal, and possibly superior, mitigation terms vs warriors once you factor in all variables.

In other words, we've been handed everything we've wanted in a silver platter, and people are STILL QQ'ing! Go cry in the corner emo kid.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2008 10:40am by hcddog

Edited, Aug 2nd 2008 10:42am by hcddog
#32 Aug 03 2008 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
ALL classes get a bump in dmg output. sure most classes will get specific threat reduction talents. but what about your mages, shammies, pallies, and SPs that were already riding the line with BoSalv on em? now they have more dmg and more threat with no Salv.

This is very important to remember. One thing that I've been saying for a long time now is that as damage dealers are able to generate more DPS, the amount of threat that they put out scales MUCH better than the amount of threat that we can put out using the same rusty old abilities we always have. If DPS Class A can expect 1000 DPS (nice round number, not meant to be accurate) right now and TANK Class A can expect 400 DPS (Same deal) now -- and both can expect a 20% increase in damage output for Wrath (again, a round number for demonstration purposes and not indicitive of actual changes) -- That's a 200 DPS increase for the DPS class and an 80 DPS increase for the tank class. The difference becomes even more apparent when you consider that "threat only" abilities (that dont generate threat by translating it from raw damage, like a Warrior's Sunder Armor) scale even WORSE.

The net effect is that every tanking class needs a large boost in threat generating abilities. We get out through a modest increase to the mechanics that are already in place (poor scaling), new levels of abilities that already exist (moderate at best scaling), and brand new abilities.

Even with the beta out, we cant really make judgements yet. There's a level cap, and even when it's lifted we'll have to theorycraft for a while to get the precise numbers for the new combat/avoidence system first (for level 80) which will be liable to change before Wrath goes live. Only AFTER that does it really make sense to start looking into how our threat output has scaled (again, for level 80) so we're a ways a way from getting real answers about the changes to tanking. I havn't spent a single moment of my time in the beta fussing about either issue yet. I've concerned myself more with story/world/game-play issues than mechanical issues. I'm sure that won't change until level 80.

The one thing that I will say about the changes to the Protection tree (and Paladin "tanking" in general) so far based on my experience is: you have more options when solo-questing now. Previously, it was a repetition of "round up an entire area, kill entire area, go about business in the area" because killing 1 mob at a time was a complete waste of time (and mana). It is far more viable to pretend you're a DPS when soloing now, but it's still slower.
#33 Aug 04 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
To be honest, I'm quite happy indeed with the changes. When tanking on my Paladin all I seemed to do was cycle four buttons endlessly, SealJudgeShieldConc over and over and over. Since Judgements no longer consume Seals Paladins have that extra command time to play with, and a more pro-active frontload Strike ability, and the Shield Slam-like ability is exactly what was needed...although personally I would have preferred it to be less obvious than 'Holy Shield Slam'. Consuming a charge of Holy Shield, causing Holy Shield damage + SBV would have been my thought, giving you a way to use all those charges against slow-hitting single bosses while maintaining viability against swarms.

The changes to Divine Protection are, to be honest, the biggest buff I can see. Comments about base mitigation vs Warriors are fair enough, but I can't see a more screwup-friendly combination than Ardent Defender + Divine Protection. When the healers are somehow unable to do their job fast enough, having that much pure mitigation available for those tough few seconds is the difference between a corpserun and a victory dance.

Awesome, in my opinion. I loved Paladin tanking before and I love it even more looking at these talents. Warriors still have a solid place in tanking, but Paladins I believe have gained a strong showing as well. Also don't forget that the removal of Crushing Blows totally changes the stat landscape and the balance of boss battles in general, and should eliminate that horrible gear-hump Paladins face between blue and epic tanking.

Seriously, don't panic. The future holds many more hours of listening to that satisfying 'THUNKTHUNKTHUNK' on your shield :)
#34 Aug 05 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
Looks to me that Blizzard has changed their mind once again about how paladin works: For a while there, they were moving away from itemizing paladins with spellpower and instead using strength for everything so they could share dps gear and tanking gear with warriors. However, now that there's going to be death knights, they're reversing and making paladins run on spellpower like death knights will, and consiquently giving paladins talents to convert stamina to spellpower if you're stacking stamina for tanking, or strength if you're stacking strength for dps.

Smart fellers, these blizzardies.
#35 Aug 05 2008 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
digitalcraft wrote:
Looks to me that Blizzard has changed their mind once again about how paladin works: For a while there, they were moving away from itemizing paladins with spellpower and instead using strength for everything so they could share dps gear and tanking gear with warriors. However, now that there's going to be death knights, they're reversing and making paladins run on spellpower like death knights will, and consiquently giving paladins talents to convert stamina to spellpower if you're stacking stamina for tanking, or strength if you're stacking strength for dps.

Smart fellers, these blizzardies.

Where have you heard this? From the looks of everything Ive seen, its all about regular melee stats. Every deathknight spell is scaled with AP and NOT spell damage.

From WotlkWiki:

Blood Boil- Causes all disease effects on targets within 30 yards to painfully erupt, consuming the diseases, dealing 104 to 126 damage modified by attack power, and forcing the target to attack the Death Knight for 3 sec.

Strangulate- Strangulates an enemy, silencing them for a maximum of 5 sec, and deals up to 360 Shadow damage modified by attack power at the end of the effect.

And those are just a few. They have openly said that they wish to merge everyones gear. Shamans are getting AP from AGI now, thus making Hunter mail viable.
#36 Aug 06 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't seen anyone say this yet (but then again, I don't know if it's common knowledge yet), but Blizz is changing the +block value you get from strength to 2 Str = 1 BV (at least that's how it is in the beta at the moment). So in other words, we won't have to stack +block value items, we just need lots of strength for block value. Also, Blizz moved Divine Strength into the Prot tree... +15% strength just went from laughable to a staple talent (I know I'm going to pick it up =D).

Edited, Aug 6th 2008 12:10pm by Iosepha
#37 Aug 09 2008 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
277 posts
ramera wrote:
We don't seem to be getting ANY new mitigation talents or abilities so when raiding the guild is still always gonna ask the warrior to step up and tank the big bosses :\


ramera wrote:
[quote]A debuff causing 20% decrease in attack speed

Isn't that a ret talent? (i might be wrong here)

ramera wrote:
[quote]10 Charges on Holy shield every 8 seconds.

That's just more Holy Shield, and when tanking a single mob Holy Shield rarely runs out as it is, you will only use up those charges when AoE tanking or the odd really fast hitting boss.

ramera wrote:
[quote]+50% Armor on Devo aural

Um, show me a tankadin that runs with Devotion aura on and I'll show you a tankadin that fails....... That new aura is gonna be used by Holy Paladins and affects everyone not just the Paladin tanks so it's not like it's extra mitigation we are getting over Warriors...

ramera wrote:
[quote]Yeah those aren't mitigation abilities.

I still don't see anything that boosts us up to the mitigation of a warrior when tanking a single target (boss).

Edited, Aug 9th 2008 10:32pm by Chamual

Also, no one has answered my main question, are we gonna be running around looking exactly the same as warriors now!?! We need our flowery gear (crystal shoulders ftw!!!!)

Edited, Aug 9th 2008 10:34pm by Chamual
#38 Aug 11 2008 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
ramera wrote:
A debuff causing 20% decrease in attack speed

Isn't that a ret talent? (i might be wrong here)

You ARE wrong.

ramera wrote:
10 Charges on Holy shield every 8 seconds.

That's just more Holy Shield, and when tanking a single mob Holy Shield rarely runs out as it is, you will only use up those charges when AoE tanking or the odd really fast hitting boss.

perhaps, but now you have a 2 second over lap incase you accedently have GCD. stop trying to trivialize our buffs. this makes it far easier to keep up our block.

ramera wrote:
+50% Armor on Devo aural

Um, show me a tankadin that runs with Devotion aura on and I'll show you a tankadin that fails....... That new aura is gonna be used by Holy Paladins and affects everyone not just the Paladin tanks so it's not like it's extra mitigation we are getting over Warriors...

show me a Chamual who doesnt keep up with the new information and i'll show you some fail.

Holy will be rolling with Consentration, now with that talent in the holy tree.
Ret will now be in charge of the Ret aura, now that all the aura buffs Ret origanally had, are not only rolled into it, but Ret has easy access to imp ret aura telent.
Prot will have no other aura to use other then Devotion, which is easilly improved with a talent in their tree.
All auras are now Raid wide.

Edit: And for more mitagation, how about our own Shield Wall on a 5min CD, which if you look at the recent notes, will be speced down to 4 minute. 50% oh **** mitigation every 4 minutes, to stack with ardent defender . . . thats just off the top of my head, as im giveing most if not all my attention to the Ret changes.

maybe you should lurk more before you run off at the mouth.

to answer your question, we are only going to look like warriors prolly in 5 mans. once you get into raids that will change, unless however, blizz sucks so bad at stating our Tier pieces that we have no choice. ideally, everyone will wear "mostly" tier gear which is class specific.

Edit: i suck at quotes.

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 10:10am by RuenBahamut

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 10:12am by RuenBahamut

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 10:17am by RuenBahamut
#39 Aug 11 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
dont forget that death knights will be after the exact same gear also, so all three plate tanks will more then likely look the same untill Tier.
#40 Aug 11 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Don't you worry your pretty little head about Death Knights, Ruen. Whereas Blizzard seems to be engineering Warriors to be the best single-target tanks, Paladins to be the best AoE tanks, and Druids to be the in-between tanks, Death Knights are currently looking to be the game's first specifically-crafted off-tanks.

In fact, a lot of what's happening with them is what was going on with Paladins pre-TBC. Blizzard has said, "Ok, you're a tank class... Go tank!" but they haven't really given junior any toys to play with on the playground. They appear to have decent threat output (AoE in particular) but they have no stamina-increasing talents and only high armor and parry for mitigation which makes them more similiar to Druids than anything. There were rumors circulating pre-beta that Death Knights were intended to fill the "magic tank" role, but looking at their abilities and talents... they really don't.

They make ideal off-tanks due to the fact that they look like they can crank out more damage than any of the other potential tanking classes can with their base abilities, but I wouldn't expect to see them main-tanking very much raid content.
#41 Aug 11 2008 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
While it may look like that right now, it would go against Blizzard's tanking credo for this expansion of making everyone a viable choice in every role.

That aside, I did read a Blue post not too long ago in which is was said that the DK was conceptualized to add to the pool of 5-man and "not-entirely-guild-run-group" tanks. Further on they mentioned that, while the final product DK should have all the abilities that they need to Main Tank suitable raid encounters (not all encounters will be suitable for all tanks of course), they expect MOST DKs will take just enough to be viable 5 man/early raid OTs and tailor the rest of the spec to dealing damage.

And while tanking plate gear is being tailored to work well for all of the tanking classes, it doesn't mean that there's only 1 option for gear at the varying gearing levels. This is demonstrated in the beta right now in that there are similar plate pieces, some slightly better suited to different classes (and then even more that are better suited to different specs of different classes). Right now you have a choice at 70 of Jade-Skull Breastplate or Vindicator's Hauberk for example, each itemized a little different but neither of them CLEARLY for one class or another. So far (and I know that we can't really see what level 80 looks like yet) itemization in the beta reinforces this and continues the trend of having choices, each strong in a different regard. Even with normalization, it makes some pieces better suited to one class than another. Even so, I agree that most plate-tanks will look very similar until they get into Tier gear.

Also... saying we havn't gotten any buffs to single-target mitigation is just sad. The two most visible: The changes to our baby bubble (akin to shield wall, no?) and our ability to slow the attack speed of our target. BOTH of which were mentioned above by other posters. The class isn't even finished yet and we already have that. Complaining about the lack of changes before they're even done making their planned changes is the business of the O-Boards.
#42 Aug 11 2008 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
Poor Kid.

chamual wrote:

ramera wrote:
10 Charges on Holy shield every 8 seconds.

That's just more Holy Shield, and when tanking a single mob Holy Shield rarely runs out as it is, you will only use up those charges when AoE tanking or the odd really fast hitting boss.

Never running out of charges on holy shield is dumb. With the boost, I'll be able to time better time my cooldowns to keep holy shield up constantly. You're right, no boost to single target tanking.

chamual wrote:

ramera wrote:
+50% Armor on Devo aural

Um, show me a tankadin that runs with Devotion aura on and I'll show you a tankadin that fails....... That new aura is gonna be used by Holy Paladins and affects everyone not just the Paladin tanks so it's not like it's extra mitigation we are getting over Warriors...

Yeah, you're right. I mean an aura that increases healing to the whole tank group is stupid. Nobody is gonna want the extra armor anyways.

chamual wrote:

ramera wrote:
Yeah those aren't mitigation abilities.

I still don't see anything that boosts us up to the mitigation of a warrior when tanking a single target (boss).

Again you're right. I mean what am I going to do if I'm blocking constantly. Blocking doesn't mitigate any damage at all. I should just take off my shield.

chamual wrote:

Also, no one has answered my main question, are we gonna be running around looking exactly the same as warriors now!?! We need our flowery gear (crystal shoulders ftw!!!!)

We are still going to have Tier gear. Everyone wore the same crap before T4 anyway. The stats will be the same as warriors, but we are getting much needed fixes. We shouldn't be required to use a 41 dps weapon. We might use standard tank weapons. Strength will add more BV per point, and we will get threat from both AP and spell damage. I really don't see what you're complaining about.

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 10:45pm by ramera
#43 Aug 11 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
The major buff Paladins have received to single-target (or indeed any target) threat is the Stam->SP conversion, seriously that is all a Prot Paladin needs. Spellpower converts directly and efficiently into threat, and it converts better against the target you're currently hitting/Judging.

I havent seen a Paladin tank so far that had a genuine issue with threat if he were able to load spelldmg onto his gear; unfortunately in the past that has cost them itemisation points, leaving an equivalently geared Paladin behind a Warrior in Avoidance/Mitigation because of talent differences and the need to burn item points on spelldmg and spellhit to tank effectively.

By converting your Stamina to SP, any Paladin should see their spelldmg increase by at least 80-100%, with a commensurate threat increase of around 20%/30% without any worries at all. This also frees the Paladin to spec more heavily into Avoidance enchants and gear, essentially an indirect buff to survivability.

Finally, we have our Holy damage Shield Bash move on a nice short cooldown, which is a huge boost to single-target threat; I'd like to hear an detailing argument how this is not so.

Frankly, having seen the Warrior talents I'd expect Paladins to come out slightly ahead with all their new tools; single-target threat is solved, AoE threat is being buffed again, and Divine Protection as an o-crap button synergises with Ardent Defender to produce a truly unbreakable mitigation advantage in a tight spot. If a Protadin had that ability today, Gruul would hit him for... around 1.2k even after 10 Grows. That's pretty damn good survivability.
#44 Aug 12 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
Divine Protection as an o-crap button synergises with Ardent Defender to produce a truly unbreakable mitigation advantage in a tight spot

Lets get greedy and ask for last stand too. I mean druids got it. =D
#45 Aug 12 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i would seem to me that the tank gaps created in tBC are trying to be filled in WotLK. all of the tank classes(DK not incl) recieved at least one buff/talent/spell in the area they seriously lacked. this will create more of a balance and add more dynamic to every raid group. this sentiment seems to be repeated in just about every class-type. where once there was a lack of CC, dps, utility, survivability, etc throughout individual specs and class...nearly gone.

this is great! with so much of the tBC content unseen to the greater WoW population, it would seem that Blizz made some changes to grant access to those. when i was a Ret pally in pre-BC my guild did all raids from MC to AQ40(never did see Naxx). these raids centered around a warrior tank, handful of healers, and a mishmosh of damage types. as tBC grew and classes got more specific, the fights too became very specific. you could no longer raid with what you had to raid with what you NEEDED. if you dont have the right group make up, you will not prosper.

*more on this later*
#46 Aug 12 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Losie wrote:
While it may look like that right now, it would go against Blizzard's tanking credo for this expansion of making everyone a viable choice in every role.

Blizzard has always done a lot of talking. As with most of their promises, I'll believe it when I see it.
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