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How do/did you level your lockFollow

#1 Jul 16 2008 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
I'm just wondering how everyone leveled their locks. I don't hear about many people leveling like me so I want to see everyone's preference.

Personally, I like leveling destruction with the improved imp. Something about the lock and the fact that most people don't seem to use their imp (not to mention they don't eat shards) that makes me want to use one. I am level 25 as of now, just fooling around with all the toys the warlock class gets (the eye of krillog has passive slow fall, and i had fun chasing people around in orgrimmar after getting it.

Anyway, back on topic. This is my talent build. Playing a lock like a mage is fun stuff indeed (even though I don't like mages hmmm...). This is my typical battle:
Shadowbolt+Pet firebolt (autocast duh..) > Immolate > Searing Pain > Sering pain (if needed) > Shadowburn (fun spell really, great to use with shadowbolt for a nice burst.)

Well enough about me, what did you do?

#2 Jul 17 2008 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
i lvl'd my lock demo all the way, tho i'm pretty sure affliction is a bit faster, cause with that imp.drain life you really can't get oom, meaning you dont have to stop
#3 Jul 17 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
Interesting, fun and ultimately dangerous way to level! Good on ya, I say. You'll end up very well skilled for instances and raids I reckon.

I drain hunted. Seeing as you asked.
#4 Jul 17 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Excellent
I like drain hunting, so I am working on a demo build with an eye towards getting my felguard. I've thrown a few points into affl and destro based on a 7/43/11 build I read about on WoWHead. So far I'm pretty happy with it, although as Stallob said it is probably not the fastest leveling build.

A typical fight for me is send in VW --> Corruption --> CoA (or CoT if going against a caster) --> Shadow Bolt --> Life Tap --> Drain Health, stopping to drink and eat every 5-10 mobs. The downtime is really pretty minimal.
#5 Jul 17 2008 at 8:47 PM Rating: Excellent
I leveled with a destro build up to L58 (before TBC). I had intimate and sometimes carnal knowledge of every graveyard in every zone. Since then, every 'lock I've leveled has gone Afflic - none of them even know what a graveyard is...
... well, OK, they do, but their knowledge of graveyards is much more theoretical and less hands-on.
#6 Jul 22 2008 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
10-64 as affliction with the voidwalker. At around that time, my spell damage was beginning to outperform what my voidwalker could produce in threat. From there, I learned how to drain tank, and used an extensive Aff build, subbing in demo (Imp. HS, Imp. Imp and Demonic Embrace).

When I happen to play around with Destruction, it becomes a lot more situational as to which pet I'm going to use. Felhunter for Spell Lock suddenly becomes a lot more appealing vs. non-humanoid caster mobs, succubus for the extra cc in tight areas, imp when you just crit everything to death, voidwalker for AoE spam.
#7 Jul 22 2008 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
I started off with a Demon spec until around 25 when i got kinda bored with it and switched to Affliction. Leveling has been much faster and I don't remember the last time I died while soloing.

My style for a single target is to have my Imp out, I CoA, Corruption, and Life Siphon, fear and then immolate. If it is just that mob I will drain mana if I can or just blast away with my wand.

Multiple targets, I hit one with fear then fear any other and just start a dot/fear rotation. If they have mana I'll be sucking them dry while they're running around.

Works for me. I don't die very often at all. I also have the bonus of being an engineer so I have my handy Cloaking Device if things get too far out of control.

Whether this is a good way to do things, I dunno. I like not getting hit and not dieing. Though with multi Mob pulls I do tend to get a little low on mana sometimes. Usually because I'm trying to do too much I think.
#8 Jul 22 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
I did affliction until lvl 58, then went feln00b to 70.
#9 Jul 22 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I'm currently leveling affliction and loving every second of it. :) I was so glad to get rid of my VW when I got Dark Pact. Too bad it's not the best raiding spec. =/
#10 Jul 22 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Going Demo the entire way, lvl 63 now and loving it.
#11 Jul 23 2008 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
No. Destro is a high end build, -extremely- gear-dependant (you can't get gear to support destro until 70), viable for pve endgame raids -and- viable for pvp to those who are skilled and quick with their keys. Leveling, affliction until 50, draintanking is awesome and the imp is a pimp, but as soon as you can get the felguard (50) you should spec to it. is what you want to end up with before you go into afflic, demo needs more than 41 pts to support it because our pets suck. But it is definitely the spec you want to just run into an area and wipe it out immediately.

Edit: Alternately, you can skip the mana feed and resummon your pet when he gets low on mana, feeding off of improved drain soul to stay topped off on mana, regularly healthstoning with all that extra mana and those extra shards. I would advise getting an addon to manage shards, deleting extras that overflow your shard bag.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2008 10:59am by Philomel
#12 Jul 29 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
Destruction all the way, I didnt see much of an increase in leveling until I got shadoweave, now I can kill faster then my friend and he has a 55 lock (aff spec), might be because he is a noob or what ever you wanna use as an excuse. But once you start getting all the +dmg gear you start to see a massive difference in how fast those mobs die.

Need to drink every 3-4 mobs (without life tap 5-6 with) healing is 7+ because of Soul Leach (Rank 3).

Lets watch the name calling against me now lol XD
#13 Jul 30 2008 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
189 posts
Just started a lock recently (now lvl22) Affliction specced and most of the time I use VW or Suc to tank and just DoT up the enemy, sometimes throwing in a shadowbolt every now and then. Health funnel and drain life if either me or my minion get low on health. So far I'm loving warlocks and don't know why I haven't tried one out before now.
#14 Jul 30 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,211 posts
I likes me drain tanking. Tried felguard at 66 didn't like it as much. Afflic 1-70.
#15 Aug 02 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
I was Affl/Dest until I realised I was spreading myself thin in both areas then speced to full demo 14/46/0 I don't have to much trouble with anything unless I forget to health funnel and the Felguard dies. But then thats what Fel Dom is for...get back a fully healed pet in 0.5 sec then soulshatter to dump agro back on pet then drain life/soul to get my health/shard back. Up to 50 I just tanked with VW and never really had to use health funnel but was essentially the same style. I never like the Imp cos of its low health, the Stamina boost is awesome but I found I was dying a lot cos Imp can't hold agro and take the beating the VW and FG can
#16 Aug 03 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
I started my lock a few weeks after vanilla WoW came out, and managed to level him to 40 with a god aweful spec. It only took me forever to get there. Then I took a career mandated break from WoW (Navy ships have horrible internet access for gaming), when I came back my lock sat dormant while I leveled my BE Hunter(guild issues). When I came back to my lock I decided to do it right and started doing alot of research on what I should be doing with my lock, and after a quick change to Affliction, 40-70 just flew by. It didn't hurt that I had learned how to level(apparently this is very important if you want to level fast).
#17 Aug 04 2008 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
I leveled as demonology, back in ye olden days under 60-cap. I would either DS my void for the health regen, or I'd use my succubus for the DPS, and I'd dot up an enemy and then melee them down. Yes, melee. I had a fire-proccing dagger enchanted with Fiery Weapon, I had a firestone in the offhand (this was a long time ago, remember), and I'd eat Dragonbreath Chili for the extra fire proc. I'd dot, Curse of Elements, then melee. My white damage was pitiful, but all the extra procs were enough to equal an added dot spell, and it had the advantage over a wand that I could be mobile while still dealing damage. It was also fun in PvP, most people saw me coming with my little knife and they'd ignore me, until I'd chipped away at them enough to finish them off with a quick burst. Mind you, it suffers downtime more than a cookie-cutter method, but I had fun and I was still very effective DPS, so... =)
#18 Aug 06 2008 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
I leveled pre-bc as affliction til 60. Then went SM/Ruin. When BC came out I leveled again as affliction and it was awesomely easy. No down time and the ability to chain pull mobs. Killing 3-4 mobs at a time was easy. 5-6 only a little challenging. I have tried all the builds at 70 and cant imagine leveling up in the expansion as anything other than 51/0/10+ With haunt you wont ever even need to drain life while leveling. Just pull 2-3 mobs, DoT, Haunt, LifeTap, Laugh, move on at full mana and health.
#19 Aug 06 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
My lock was my first character past 10, so I had no idea what to do with talents.

By 20, I found I could respec from the 3/3/4 I think I was and ended up leveling as full destro, with the voidwalker tanking. In instances I had Imp Firebolt and Imp Lash of Pain and had either or those demons out attacking with me.

I ended up somewhere around 0/15/46 with shadowfury.
#20 Aug 11 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
I am now lvl 65 and have been and will be Affliction until the very end, and beyond probably. I have been using the Instant Howl of Terror, multimob grinding method since I obtained it, and wouldn't lvl any other way really. For anyone not familiar with the method what you do is slap an enemy with all your instant cast dots while running to the next mob, slap that one with all your instant casts dots while running to the next one (use your maximum range and run away from the enemy while dotting, heading towards one hopefully behind you), do this until you have 4 to 5 enemies, then cast howl of terror. I normally only manage to get 4 enemies before the first enemy is nearly dead. After Howl of Terror, Drain Life mobs as needed to regain lost health. I normally Life Tap between each mob while en route to the next. This works best when the enemies are not so far away from each other that you outrange enemies, because then it's a waste, but after getting a little practice with it you can grind thru lvls so fast it is ridiculous. Also note that you will need Siphon Life and a good amount of +spell dmg gear for this to work, and to be honest I did this as soon as I got Howl of Terror, not even with it as instant, 1.5 cast time isn't really that long. Experimentation will show you where the best places this work are located.

Up until then I did Fear/dot kiting, which is simply amazing for lvling in my opinion, I went from 0 to 40 in about 50 hours of gameplay, which was about 3 weeks of playing the game. Personally I was fearing 3 enemies at a time while keeping dots on them, I would generally get an add at some point and start the fear/dot process on them as well, a couple seconds later the first target I had would die and I would start another mob. Generally keeping 4 targets up at any point and time is great, life tapping between dot rotations and fears helps to even out the mana flow, and draining soul on the target with the lowest health to keep your mana up is great too. Once you have Dark Pact and Howl of Terror you can switch to Howl of Terror grinding, but you will need to regear. Use high Sta/Int gear while slowly building up some +spell dmg gear, a good balance of the three works best in my opinion.

As for my pet... I never really payed much attention to them, Imp runs out of mana too fast, but is good until you get Succubus. Once you have Succubus you are set, turn off all her auto abilitys except Lash of Pain and go to town, send her in if she pulls more enemies along the way expand your fear dot rotation.

- Del

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 3:03pm by Delofasht
#21 Aug 12 2008 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
1,030 posts
I started off leveling my 'lock Demo, until the mid-20's. Then, I switched to Affliction, and haven't looked back. I've gotten to where I only carry a stack of food/water around to give to other players in groups. :) No downtime whatsoever. Still kill fairly quickly, too. Pattern of sending in the VW on the target with UA -> CoA (CoT if a caster) -> Siphon Life -> Corruption then life tap until full mana (usually only need 1 if I started at full, or near full mana) and then Drain Life 'til dead. Rinse and repeat. If I need Shards, I switch to a Drain Soul at about the 1k health mark. Any later than that and it dies before the drain soul debuff appears on it and I miss the shard. :P

And the only time I've seen a graveyard with him is when I'm in an instance with folks. And if I'm making the run back they better hope the jumper cables work. :)
#22 Aug 13 2008 at 2:43 AM Rating: Excellent
81 posts
My lock (my main) was my first character also. I leveled as affliction... i guess i was lucky that time because i didnt read anywhere if affliction is better or faster... i just found it more interesting. So, from 1 to 60 i went affliction.
preTBC when the new talents were added i respec Demo (like most of locks back then). I even raided as Demo then :P

So i went Demo/Aff till 70. After that i specced deep affliction till i caped my Hit and i was able to take some crit gear from T5 raids. I after that i went Destro and i'm still specced that way atm.
#23 Aug 13 2008 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
Affliction 10-70,also didn't know it's usual spec to lvl ,but it was more like it suited warlock style ,you know ,curses ,dots ,slow painful death etc ...

ot- Gz on sage luciferul !(love your calculator)
#24 Aug 13 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Excellent
53 posts
From 1-60, I specced deep affliction for drain hunting...I really didn't use my pet very much since drain life and the mana bonus from improved drain soul would keep me pretty topped off. For tougher fights, I would use the Blueberry for initial aggro or the Succy for extra takedown power.

I switched to the demo tree (FG) at 60 and leveled with him straight to 70. I still miss the ol' reliable Flatoom...These days, I am pretty much in cookie cutter SL/SL or destro specs.
#25 Aug 16 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I just hit 58 on my lock. I've been affliction all the way. I just decided to give Felguard a chance, but that build was just so ridiculously difficult and inefficient compared to affliction. I couldn't even take on a pack of 3 green mobs, because that thing was just too squishy (I'm used to my hunter pet).

I went back to Affliction after only 1 level of Demo. I just like having my gImp out for a mana battery while I drain tank.
#26 Jan 17 2009 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
Just started WoW at Xmas time, made a gnome warlock and by 16 Jan he is 77. Went with Demon build with a few points in affliction and destruction for the talents that seemed most useful. 98% of that leveling was solo, just doing quests and the xp gained killing mobs doing those quests. Using Voidwalker almost exclusively I've had few problems killing even elites with 40khps, though they have to be solo kills. Any mob of equal level up to 3 levels higher is no issue, 2 and even 3 mobs aren't much of a worry. Typical encounter is...send Void and wait a few seconds, CoA, Corruption, Immolate, wait til mob is between 75 and 50% and open up with the wand...if that's a bit short I'll add another Corruption and resume the wand, swapping with Life Tap if needed.

On an elite or named with high hps I'll CoA and Corruption and use health funnel to keep VW alive, recasting as necessary and keep an eye on threat levels, may be a slow way to kill, but the mob dies and I live. Near the end I'll re-cast all dots and use Life Tap and wand to hasten the end.

If I'm careful then aggro is simply not an issue. I've no doubt I'll need to change my play style when moving to groups and raids but Demon was one hell of a fun way to level my 'lock.

I don't know Armory or other ways to link my build, went to Meta in Demon and then added points in Destruction and Affliction that seemed most beneficial. Dunno if I did this in any way similar to those before me but it worked for me so /shrug.

Barbacin 77 Gnome Warlock
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