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Hunters have too many buttons!Follow

#1 Jun 10 2008 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Seriously.. I'm only Lv.63 and my 4 bars are full! I still have to find a spot for my coming Viper Sting and Misdirect ; ;

Does anyone know of an UI addon where you can customize/add/remove bars?
#2 Jun 10 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Zhuntermod takes care of all the trapping and aspect buttons as well as petbuttons
Bartender3 allows you to customize your bars.
Though there are a lot more barmods :)

#3 Jun 10 2008 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
You dont have to use all abilities..some of them are really useless.And in combat you used only 6 or 7 buttons as lvl 63 hunter.
Besides many ppl still whine about hunters because we use only 1 macro shoot rotation in raids.So relax and dont search yet for any addon to customize you bar.Not worth it yet!
#4 Jun 10 2008 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
One of the first things I did was double up button usage to free up space on my button bars. Left click would lay a frost trap and right click lays a freezing trap. Here's an example:
#showtooltip Frost Trap
/cast [button:1] Frost Trap; Freezing Trap
(This macro might be not quite right. I'll edit this if necessary when I get home and check it.)

I also compressed pet control down to two buttons. One mends my pet in battle and feeds him when not in battle. The other button calls my pet if dismissed, rezes him if dead. Right clicking on the button will dismiss him. Those are shown in the first macro web page below.

I found these macro creation pages useful:

Edited, Jun 10th 2008 12:02pm by ItsaGaAs
#5 Jun 10 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
And for those who don't feel like clicking much (heavy PvPers or former FPS-Gods like me) you can add modifiers to buttonbindings. Just hitting E on my keyboard will fire Arcane Shot. If I hold Shift, it fires Multishot. Ctrl, it fires Concussive. Can't remember the macro commands though since I don't have in-game access until next month.
#6 Jun 10 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts

All of those hours that I spent trying to get high APM in BW chart, and it barely helps in WoW.

Edited, Jun 10th 2008 3:21pm by Yuppley
#7 Jun 10 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
Using the 'alt' key to add another option to buttons is covered in the macros page I linked above also. Generally one adds [modifier:alt] in the cast line of the macro. I've done that for a few buttons also. I'm trying to be careful and doubling or tripling up only when its logical. With too many options in one button, it can be hard to remember what is where.
#8 Jun 10 2008 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
RTS is enormously fun, but not my main choice of game when I go shoppin'. I have a knack for multiplayer FPS games (came fifth in a Europe-wide Q3A tournament a few years ago) and can honestly say that those skills have carried over into some parts of WoW. I can identify my PvP enemy's playstyle within three skills used. Clicker or efficient macrouser. The former is /yawn and run on while the latter is a challenge.

Seriously guys, the mouse is there for maneuvering and a couple of button-binds. The rest of your relevant skills should be centered around AWSD.
#9 Jun 10 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Some guys in WoW think that not being a clicker means being a keyboard turner. Poor guys never do too good in arena.
#10 Jun 10 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I use Bongos2 as my bar mod. It's easy to use, and I have never even come close to using up all of my bars.
#11 Jun 10 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,644 posts
ProjectMidnight wrote:
I use Bongos2 as my bar mod. It's easy to use, and I have never even come close to using up all of my bars.

I use Bongos3. Super easy to set up and use.
#12 Jun 10 2008 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Bongos has more key bind capability than Bartender iirc.
#13 Jun 10 2008 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
797 posts
Not having used either of those I gotta ask . . . What's wrong with the keybinds Blizz provides? I've bound as many as I can comfortably reach already.
#14 Jun 10 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Eredarsushi wrote:
Seriously.. I'm only Lv.63 and my 4 bars are full! I still have to find a spot for my coming Viper Sting and Misdirect ; ;

Does anyone know of an UI addon where you can customize/add/remove bars?

Wait until you hit 70 and start raiding and need to manage swapping a dozen situational macros in and out of your hotbars, and then complain. :)

Aside from some of the stuff listed above, I've also got a mod which I think is called flexbar which adds an extra row of buttons which are highly customizable and will dynamically expand like ZHunter to include all options within them. So, if you've got food in one of the buttons and you loot or buy another type, when you mouse over the button it'll expand to show you both food types. It's quite handy and is very modular.
#15 Jun 11 2008 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Kompera wrote:
Wait until you hit 70 and start raiding and need to manage swapping a dozen situational macros in and out of your hotbars, and then complain. :)

You have a dozen situational macros? Wow.
I have exactly 6 macros that I use:
- 1 for my shot rotation (steady spam at the moment)
- 3 for terron gorefiend (/cast spiritlance; /cast ...; just got used to using my action bar instead of the pet bar)
- 1 misdirection macro
- 1 macro that posts the teamspeak connection info into the raid chat :)

What else do you need?
#16 Jun 11 2008 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
ItsaGaAs wrote:
Not having used either of those I gotta ask . . . What's wrong with the keybinds Blizz provides? I've bound as many as I can comfortably reach already.

Well... The thing about the default UI is that it's... Not very functional for raiding. It takes up a lot of room, and just isn't as intuitive as custom UIs.
#17 Jun 11 2008 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Mulgrin wrote:
Kompera wrote:
Wait until you hit 70 and start raiding and need to manage swapping a dozen situational macros in and out of your hotbars, and then complain. :)

You have a dozen situational macros? Wow.
I have exactly 6 macros that I use:
- 1 for my shot rotation (steady spam at the moment)
- 3 for terron gorefiend (/cast spiritlance; /cast ...; just got used to using my action bar instead of the pet bar)
- 1 misdirection macro
- 1 macro that posts the teamspeak connection info into the raid chat :)

What else do you need?

Targeting macros for:
Astral Flares;
Demonic Chains;
Pure Energy;

Equipping/using macros for:
Kael bow;
Kael sword and dagger;
Naj'entus spine (plus 2 for raid warnings, etc);

Those are what I can remember. So at least 8, and I've probably forgotten a few.

Other macros are perma-residents of my hotkeys, so I can't count them as ones I have to swap in and out. I have 0 open "Hunter character specific" macro spots, and have a few others in the general macros area which no other character of mine will ever need to use.
#18 Jun 11 2008 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Mulgrin wrote:
What else do you need?
A macro for Vashj, and 1 with all the targetting stuff and other randoms.
(like /use naj'entus spine, /target spitfire totem etc)
#19 Jun 11 2008 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
All targeting macros can be compressed into one single macro. You just adjust the name depending on the raid/boss you are on. There's only so many macro buttons available...
#20 Jun 11 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
All targeting macros can be compressed into one single macro. You just adjust the name depending on the raid/boss you are on. There's only so many macro buttons available...
not even that.

Just make a macro with
/target demon chains
/target spitfire totem
/use naj'entus spine

It'll work the same as 90869076 different macros.
#21 Jun 11 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
... why didn't I think of that. It's so simple it's ingenious. One single macro named "Special" or something. Whenever the boss-specific targeting/activating whatever happens, you got one single button to hit without having to make sure you have the right name/macro there.
#22 Jun 11 2008 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
Aethien wrote:
Mulgrin wrote:
What else do you need?
A macro for Vashj, and 1 with all the targetting stuff and other randoms.
(like /use naj'entus spine, /target spitfire totem etc)

Damn, I really forgot about those fights. For Vashj I had a core macro too; and I even used a macro for the Kael bow (it just saved you 2 seconds, no big deal).

I somehow never use target macros (I had one for the demon chains in Kara, but I'm to lazy to pull that out again when doing Kara)
Najentus does need a macro? I just let a bag space in my first bag empty and rightclick on the spine if everyone is above 9k health.
#23 Jun 11 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
having a bag open during combat annoys me. :P
#24 Jun 11 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
Aethien wrote:
having a bag open during combat annoys me. :P
Smiley: nod

For targeting macros, I'll use /target [exists] whatever

That lets you spam it without detargeting the boss. you could even put it into your steady macro and go to sleep.

For bars I used bartender, however I recommend you keybind everything and hide all the bars anyway. I keep one bar for quest items/stuff that I almost never use, so I can click on it.

Edited, Jun 11th 2008 1:23pm by Xsarus
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#25 Jun 11 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
658 posts
Forgive the long post, but thought I'd share:

Hunter specific:

Opener - This macro sets Hunter's Mark and controls your pet's attack.
Click : set the mark, cast your pet's speed boost, send in pet
Alt-click : abort your pet's attack in case you mark the wrong mob,
or are conducting a pet pull

/cast Hunter's Mark
/cast Dash
/cast Dive
/cast Charge
/cast Warp
/petfollow [mod:alt]
One Stop Pet Care Shop - This macro will cast the pet spells needed according to the situation
Click - Pet is alive but dismissed: Call Pet
- Pet is dead : Revive Pet
- Pet is active : Mend Pet
Alt-click : Dismiss Pet
Control-click : Revive Pet (in case you are unable to target your pet's

/cast [mod:ctrl] Revive Pet;
/cast [mod:alt] Dismiss Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; [nomodifier] Mend Pet;

Variation - This macro includes only Feed Pet and Mend Pet. It will display the number of food items currently in your bag
Click : Feed Pet
Alt-click : Mend Pet

#show [nomod] Smoked Talbuk Venison; Mend Pet;
/cast [nomod] Feed Pet;
/use [nomod] Smoked Talbuk Venison;
/cast [mod:alt] Mend Pet;
DPS Shot Rotation - This macro fires steady shots and does a low threat pull. It will automatically target your pet's target if you are solo-grinding. It also casts Kill Command whenever it is available.
Click : cast Kill Command
- no group : target your pet's target
- out of combat : casts lowest Arcane and stops firing
- in combat : casts Steady Shot
Alt-Click : casts Intimidation

/target [nogroup] pettarget
/cast [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command
/cast [nocombat] Arcane Shot(Rank 1)
/stopcasting [nocombat]
/cast [nomod:alt, combat] Steady Shot;
/cast [mod:alt] Intimidation
Oh No! - This macro cycles through all of my defensive abilities.
Click : cast Feign Death if the cooldown is up
use a Fel Blossom
spam Disengage
Alt-click : Scare Beast

/castsequence [nomod:alt] reset=30 Feign Death, Fel Blossom, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage; [mod:alt] Scare Beast;
Stings - All of the useful Stings
Click : Scorpid Sting
Alt-click : Serpent Sting
Control-click : Tranq Shot

/target [nogroup] pettarget
/cast [mod:alt] Serpent Sting; [mod:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot; Scorpid Sting;
Misdirect - This macro will set up and use Misdirect on a pre-specified tank. If there is cc present, allow the third attack to be an autoshot. I have my mount in slot 1 1, so this icon is visible until 10 seconds before MD is available again
Right-click : set focus on target (the tank)
Alt-click : cast Misdirect on your focus
Click : cycle your highest threat attacks

/cast [button:1, mod:alt, target=focus] Misdirection
/castsequence [button:1, nomod] reset=110 Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, 1 1
/focus [button:2] target
Regen - This will cast Prowl and Shadowmeld if you have the abilities, give you your choice of normal food or any of the useful buff-foods, and drink.

/use [nomod] Telaari Grapes
/use [mod:alt] Warp Burger
/use [mod:ctrl] Ravager Dog
/use [mod:shift] Spicy Hot Talbuk
/use Purified Draenic Water
/cast Prowl
/cast Shadowmeld
Chain Trapping - This macro combines the freezing trap with threat spike attacks. The main weakness is that although Distracting is useful because it does not break traps, it does not in fact generate much threat (less than a white damage shot). It is best to pull the mob at an angle to avoid it running through any aoe effects of the tank's. For solo use, this casts Multi-shot to pull a couple of mobs off your pet.
Right-click : set focus
Click : lay a Freezing Trap
Alt-click - grouped : cast Distracting Shot
- solo : cast Multi-Shot

/focus [button:2] target
/cast [button:1, nomod] Freezing Trap
/cast [button:1, mod:alt, target=focus, group] Distracting Shot
/cast [button:1, mod:alt, nogroup] Multi-Shot;


Fishing - This macro handles all your fishing needs
Click - carrying weapon : equip your Fishing Pole
- carrying Pole : cast Fishing
Alt-click : apply a fishing lure
Right-click : re-equip your weapon

#show [nomod:alt] Fishing; [modifier:alt] Bright Baubles
/equip [noequipped: Fishing Pole, button:1] Seth's
/equip [button:2] Sonic
/use [mod:alt] Bright Baubles
/use [mod:alt] 16
/cast [nomod, button:1, equipped:Fishing Pole] Fishing
Mount - This macro covers mounting and hearthing
Click : use a random flying mount
Right-click : use a random ground mount
Alt-click : Hearth

/use [mod:alt] Hearthstone
/userandom [nomounted, button:1] Purple Riding Nether Ray, Swift Purple Gryphon
/userandom [button:2] Swift White Steed, Reins of the Swift Stormsaber, Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk, Great Purple Elekk
/dismount [mounted]
Mage Munchies - Similar to Regen, except with Mage Conjured food. If you are running with a mage that is handing out food and drink separately, alt-click will use only the drink. If I have no mage food, I use this as a one-click Prowl/Shadowmeld

/use Conjured Manna Biscuit
/use [mod:alt] Conjured Glacier Water
/use [nomod] Conjured Glacier Water
/use [nomod] Conjured Croissant
/cast Prowl
/cast Shadowmeld
Food and Drink - These macros will use a potion if you are in combat or food/drink if you are not. This is a nice visual cue for whether or not you are in combat. It also prevents you from using your potions when it is not necessary to do so. They will use the quest reward (skettis escort) if you have them, if not, it will use a crafted/dropped potion. The food one will also use a Healthstone on alt-click, but I generally put those in their own hotbar slot anyway.

/use [combat] Unstable Mana Potion;
/use [combat] Super Mana Potion;
/use [nocombat] Purified Draenic Water;
/cast Prowl
/cast [nocombat] Shadowmeld;

/use [combat, nomodifier] Volatile Healing Potion;
/use [combat, nomodifier] Super Healing Potion;
/use [nocombat, nomodifier] Telaari Grapes
/use [combat, modifier:alt] Master Healthstone;
/cast Prowl
/cast [nocombat] Shadowmeld

-I use the (?) icon almost all the time, along with the #showtooltip command, you can see what your macros will be doing under any given circumstances.
-It can be useful to use bag/slot numbers rather than names to specify an item in your macro. I recently replaced all of my mount names with 1 1, 1 2, etc. This frees up quite a few characters in your macros if you start running over the allotted length. The only hang up is to be sure that if your macro removes anything or replaces anything in your bags (an equip trinket or equip fishing pole for example) it will place it back in the original slot.
#26 Jun 12 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
so you should be editing Hunter Macros (WoW)? Good post.

do you use all these macros? I didn't think you could add modifiers onto castsequences like you have with your defensive one.

Edited, Jun 12th 2008 9:00am by Xsarus
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