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Off TankingFollow

#1 Jun 07 2008 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Once I get my warrior to 70 I'm really interested in making him an offtank of sorts. I got the idea from the MT of my last raiding guild. When tactical mastery was changed to also increase MS/BT's threat he asked one of the other warriors to spec something like 41/0/20 I think (not sure on the actual spec as they discussed it mostly privately) but the main idea of it was that he could tank the "small" stuff (like one of the Moroes/Maulgar adds, Mag's channelers, etc.) and when he wasn't assigned to tank or after his target was killed he could effectively DPS. I also see it as being rather effective at soloing and PvP, at least a hell of alot more effective than prot..

The only problem is I haven't seen too much about offtanking with MS/BT. I'm sure other people have though of this but I haven't seen any cookie-cutter like builds for it or skill rotations etc. although I may have just been looking in the wrong place.

I have come up with a build that I will post

The main thing to note is that some of the talents are not set in stone and are undecided, namely the weapon spec. I threw the points in poleaxe just to complete the talent build, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it like that or use mace or sword spec instead. I do plan to go weaponsmithing and imo the best all around weapon looks to be the mace. The axe has the best DPS stats but no stam which won't help me much in PvP (I do want to PvP more with this guy then alot of my past characters), and the fear resist on the sword just seems a bit overkill with all of warrior's fear immunes. With the mace you still get str/agi for PvE DPS but you also get stamina and stun for PvP although it might be in my best interest to go armorsmithing and just grab a S2 weapon, but I foresee by the time I get to 70 WotLK won't be too far away. I know mace spec is pretty much **** poor for PvE dps, although the chance for 7 rage could be somewhat helpful (extra Heroic Strikes maybe..) but I'm sure that hardly compares to an extra attack or 5% more crit like sword/axe spec gives. Not to mention my weapon for tanking when the need arises will most likely be a sword, as I don't see myself getting the mace off of lurker and probably not the axe off of Zul'jin, so more than likely I wouldn't be getting my weapon spec effect for my tanking weapon unless I go sword spec (which seems weird to do since I'm a dwarf, they seem way more axey/macey :P).

Other things that I'm unsure of are:

Cruetly-- You can't really ever go wrong with 5% crit but I'm just not sure if those 5 points are better spent elsewhere. For instance I could move them to Imp. HS/Imp. Charge, or into Imp. MS. I know alot of PvP warriors only go about 35 into arms and consider Imp. MS to be garbage, but the increased damage and lowered cooldown might be necessary for tanking since MS would virtually be replacing Shield Slam for threat gen.

Prot Tree-- I'm not sure if the points I placed here are optimal. Maxing out the first tier talents seemed obvious. So did taking last stand/defiance. I didn't take shield spec or Imp. shield block because I figured I'd be DPSing more often than tanking so those points would end up being wasted more times than being useful. Not to mention since as an offtank I don't ever plan on having to tank anything too extreme. Imp. Revenge would be useful for 5 mans/heroics/some raid trash I suppose. It might be better to take one point out of toughness and get at least 1 point in Imp. revenge (15% chance is nothing to sneeze at imo). None of the tier 3 talents really caught my eye. Since I don't have Devastate I'd probably use Sunder in place of it, but I don't think it's justifiable to move any points into Imp. Sunder. Imp. Disarm seems more like a PvP talent as the only boss I can think of where it's really useful is Huntsmen, but I'm sure there are more. Finally, Imp. taunt doesn't seem worth it. 2 second reduction on an ability that will most likely be used for "oh crap I lost aggro" moments, and 2 seconds doesn't seem like it would make or break the situation.

Iron Will vs. Imp. HS/Imp. Charge-- Iron Will always seems a bit mandatory for PvP, probably moreso since I'm not an orc with an innate stun resist (and even for them it's almost mandatory I'd imagine, 30% resist is just crazy :P). I know with pretty much any roll you play in PvE as a warrior after you get a certain amount of rage you spam HS alot, and 3 less rage would let you spam it more for more damage/threat, but on the other hand 3 rage never really seemed like alot to me. In PvE I usually see warriors pull with ranged weapons instead of charging which makes Imp. Charge look alot more like a PvP talent. If it came down to it though the 15% stun resist of Iron Will seems much more useful than starting a fight with 6 extra rage.

I really didn't mean for this post to be this long :P Sorry if I rambled on a bit there..

For a quick summary about my character:

Race: Dwarf
Purpose: ~60-70% PvE, ~30-40% PvP
Roll: DPS/Offtank
Profession: Weaponsmith more than likely

Thanks for any feedback :)

Edit: Btw I realize while reading this I probably seem like a total noob, and as far as the warrior class I pretty much am :P. At this point I should probably worry more about lvling to 70 than what I do when I get there but meh, I've always been one to plan ahead XD

Edited, Jun 7th 2008 7:35am by Azzahn

Edited, Jun 7th 2008 7:44am by Azzahn
#2 Jun 07 2008 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
56 views and no replies? :(
#3 Jun 08 2008 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
well, this more of less depends on one thing.. are you planning to tank instances or dps in them. the build you have made is very viable for a dps build where you can tank normal instances (heroics possible but will have trubble) but it is not a build if you wanna be pure dps and just offtank for raids. the defensive skills is not what is gonna keep you alive while offtanking in raids, go full dps spec for it and just equip tanking gear for those situations. that way you will do more good for yourself and your raid in the long run.

#4 Jun 09 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Well spec'ed prot off-tanks can do decent DPS. Oh, they can't keep pace with a pure DPS class, but you can do enough that when you're dps'ing instead of off-tanking you aren't a waste of a raid slot.

Is a pretty solid off-tank build. It allows you to stand up to a raid level bad guy for as long as you need to. It gives you the tools to keep TC and Demo Shout up (which is the off-tanks' role as on raid content it can be hard to get those to stick).

But what about DPS you whine .. well, put on your dps set. You know, the armor you've been collecting that has an attack rating of 1800 or so, and stick your dual wielding weapons on and go to town. Mid-kara I do this and I easily hit 300 dps on most mobs. It's not great, but it doesn't suck either.

Off-tanking means that you should be #2 on the threat list and ready to tank if need be. So you're going to be spamming shouts, taunting now and again, and doing everything you can to stay at #2 on the ol Omen meter. So if, when the MT goes down all you have to do is hit your gear change mod (a necessary as an off-tank) and you're MT'ing just fine.

But it is not a raid MT build. It's doesn't have the crit chances to generate additional threat, it doesn't have improved defensive stance, etc. You'll want to have a shield spike, an auto-blocker trinket, and +2% threat on your gloves in this build to make sure your threat stays high enough.

But you'll be able to tank 5 man heroics without respec'ing just fine.

If you want to PvP then Arms is the way to go. If you want to PvE then it isn't. if you want to be a DPS machine, then go fury. In a good fury build, you can tank regular instances in outlands no problem. If you want to off-tank -- that is you wish to be the second tank on a raid, then you need the prot tree, you need to increase your shout range, you need improved TC, and you need devestate. None of those are optional if you want to be great at your raid roll.
#5 Jun 10 2008 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Ok kingpatzer let me rephrase myself. I want to be mainly DPSing with the ability to throw on a sword and board and tank when the need arises. Not as in I'm the OT and I've got to be #2 all the time. I mean for fights like Maulgar where I'm tank #4 and assigned to tanking the priest or warlock and after that I just beat the crap out of stuff.

And why the hell would blizzard add a +threat component to TM for MS and BT if they didn't mean for it to be used in the exact situations I'm describing? They wouldn't change it just for the people who only want to run normal 5-mans the rest of their lives, that wouldn't be worth it..

Now if I went about 21 points into prot what would I be missing? Going by Warrior FAQ sticky's 35/5/21 build (wow the build I was looking for right in the FAQ..guess I should have read it more closely) I'd get TM, 2/5 anticipation, toughness, shield spec, imp. shield block, defiance, last stand, and concussion blow. The main survival talents I'm missing are shield mastery, which blocks seem mostly for threat components (warriors use revenge, paladins get holy shield procs, etc.), imp. defensive stance which if you took 2000 spell dmg it would reduce it by 120 which might make a difference once in a blue moon, and vitality which if you have 1000 stam would give you about 500 more health which is decent.

For threat I'd miss 1h spec which sword spec from the arms tree should offset or close the gap at least, shield slam which the added threat to MS from TM should close that gap as well, vitality which 10% str is nice, and devastate which the added dmg to sundering is nice but I can still sunder, and warriors had to tank without devastate at 60 so I could get by..

So the main things it looks like I'm missing are vitality and devastate. And honestly gear is going to make or break my tanking ability a hell of alot more than spec, and I know this because I was in a raiding guild for 6 months (I've been playing this game for 2 years and have a 70 rogue and prot pally and have been a raid leader in 2 different guilds) with a warrior who raided as full arms/fury and had a very good tank set and we used him to tank alot of stuff. He could easily off tank in kara, maulgar's adds, take the bear/lynx boss's cleaves in ZA, tank channelers for Mag, and he couldn't have had more than 15 points in prot.

So yeah king your whole black and white view of specs is a load of crap. But hey I understand. You're just one of those players that min/max's and has to be the absolute best at every single thing you do. I'm much more happy being the "jack of all trades master of none" type, makes things alot more interesting.

Edited, Jun 10th 2008 7:33am by Azzahn
#6 Jun 10 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts

Ok kingpatzer let me rephrase myself. I want to be mainly DPSing with the ability to throw on a sword and board and tank when the need arises. Not as in I'm the OT and I've got to be #2 all the time. I mean for fights like Maulgar where I'm tank #4 and assigned to tanking the priest or warlock and after that I just beat the crap out of stuff.

Then I misunderstood what you were looking for. My read of your initial post was that you were looking for a build that would allow you to fill the off-tank role in a typical raid situation, not fill a dps role that could stand toe-to-toe for a mob and get kept alive while the real tanks stood up the bigger guys.


For threat I'd miss 1h spec which sword spec from the arms tree should offset or close the gap at least, shield slam which the added threat to MS from TM should close that gap as well, vitality which 10% str is nice, and devastate which the added dmg to sundering is nice but I can still sunder, and warriors had to tank without devastate at 60 so I could get by..

I doubt very much you'd be able to generate much threat on the target to compete with even fairly restrained dps'ers. But you should be able to hold threat over a healer keeping you standing while the raid takes on something else, I agree.


So the main things it looks like I'm missing are vitality and devastate. And honestly gear is going to make or break my tanking ability a hell of alot more than spec

Yes and no. If you're taking content that for which you are minimally geared (for example, starting T5 content in T4 level gear) then spec will matter quite a bit. If you're over-geared for the content, then yes, gear will cover weaknesses in your talent tree.


So yeah king your whole black and white view of specs is a load of crap. But hey I understand. You're just one of those players that min/max's and has to be the absolute best at every single thing you do. I'm much more happy being the "jack of all trades master of none" type, makes things alot more interesting.

No, I merely mis-understood what you were asking. Yeah, I'm a believer in min/max'ing. Not because I "have to be the absolute best at every single thing you do," but because I like efficiency in raiding. I'd rather clear a raid in 3 hours than in 3 nights. I'm sorry I mis-understood your question, but thanks for the insult.

Edited, Jun 10th 2008 9:41am by kingpatzer

Edited, Jun 10th 2008 9:42am by kingpatzer
#7 Jun 10 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry, I made that post early in the morning and I was still a bit drowsy/grumpy, forgive my rudeness. I was just a bit annoyed because I read the other offtanking thread and your comment about having to go 41+ into prot to tank anything outside of 5man/heroics kind of irked me. Sorry again.

And I'm obviously not going to be speccing arms/prot hybrid right at 70. My plan is to spec a typical arms/fury pvp build and get most of my gladiator set/pvp epics, and spec full prot to run 5mans/heroics for tanking gear, and then after I have a decent DPS and tanking set I can spec my arms/prot hybrid.

I realize it's going to be a bit more challenging for me in terms of gear, as with this spec I pretty much have to have good upkeep on 2 separate sets, instead of being pure DPS or tank and keeping up with one well and building on the other as I can, but imo that makes it more fun :)

The main thing that worries me though is threat. I've always attributed a tank's survivability to be mostly involved with gear, and threat with talents. The main threat talent I'm missing is devastate as I said. I can still stack sunders but the extra damage from devastate seems like it would make a significant difference. Add to that that as a "minor" tank my target would probably go down first (most raids I've been in the MT's target goes down last, since his spec/gear usually allows him to last longer) that doesn't give me much time to build threat.

Another thing is my threat while DPSing. With TM increasing MS's threat it seems like I'd have to hold off alot thus decreasing my overall DPS. Although since arms is not the premiere DPS spec for raids it may not matter as much.

Sorry again king, I'll try not to post in the mornings as much :P
#8 Jun 10 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Sorry again king, I'll try not to post in the mornings as much :P

No sweat, it happens. Thanks for the apology, it's appreciated!

The main thing that worries me though is threat. I've always attributed a tank's survivability to be mostly involved with gear, and threat with talents. The main threat talent I'm missing is devastate as I said. I can still stack sunders but the extra damage from devastate seems like it would make a significant difference. Add to that that as a "minor" tank my target would probably go down first (most raids I've been in the MT's target goes down last, since his spec/gear usually allows him to last longer) that doesn't give me much time to build threat.

I've always sort of looked at it the other way. If I have the very minimum level gear to be survivable in a zone, what will keep me alive is threat generation. If I keep the stuff on me that should be on me, then the rest of the raid can do their thing. If I can't keep threat on me, then the raid wipes. And threat is about both gear and specialization.

You'll want to get a really high block value shield, something that would be above the zone expecatation. The extra block value will help with threat on shield slams, and the auto-blocker trinket is a handy tool for extra threat. Get the 2% threat chant on your gloves. One area where you'll actually be up on a prot spec is you'll probably have plenty of +hit and +expertise, and that will help.

I've seen arms warriors do a great job of holding threat in regular instances, and even some of the lower end heroics. But they were always way over-geared for the content. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that you'll get threat easy with the burst damage you can do, but I wonder if you can hold it?

I really would be suprised if you could hold threat over dps'ers really letting lose. Arms talents seem to me to be more about burst damage, and threat generation is going to need sustained damage. I bet it'll be exciting to play, but I'm not sure I'm the kind of player who likes "exciting." I want a nice orderly pull with no surprises, thanks! :)

#9 Jun 10 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
So if, when the MT goes down all you have to do is hit your gear change mod (a necessary as an off-tank) and you're MT'ing just fine.

how do you change gear while in combat?
all i know is that you can change weapons
#10 Jun 11 2008 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
I was in your situation not too long ago. I was OT for a Kara guild who was breaking into Gruul's and Maggy's.

Similar to what you believe I found my spec to be 'relatively' unimportant as I became an incredibly situationaly dependant character.

1. I could be OTing for a paladin MT
2. I could be OTing for a warrior MT
3. I could be DPSing on 1 tank fights
4. I could be MTing on warrior tank fights (Nightbane when no shammies or enough fear wards are available)
5. I could be the #3 or #4 tank on Maulgar
6. I could be the last option for an MT in a heroic

So finding the perfect spec for all of these potential situations was a daunting task to say the least.

I can't link builds from this computer. I built what I consider to be really good builds for all of the above situations, but your view on talent specs is pretty spot on and I think you have a good grasp of where you should be speccing.

Here's a few tips on some of the talent questions you asked though and on the posted build:

For a lot of the above situations (1,2,3) you'll find yourself lacking Rage. As a hybrid Protection build it's just generally difficult to keep up enough rage to do a significant amount of damage without getting beat on. As a result your DPS will be lackluster and the point of your hybrid build is lost.

1. Cruelty is a good rage builder. More damage, more threat, more rage.
2. Moving points into Improved Charge is a great idea as being an OT, you can generally stand back and charge into battle once the MT pulls

As an OT, you'll also find the most difficult situations are the situations where you have to pick up multiple adds to OT or pick up the first target or the boss if the MT bites it. These situations really suck because you're generally low on health because the healers have been mashing buttons to futily keep the MT up and you're too low on the threat meter to gain aggro on the boss or main target before he one shots a few healers healers.

1. 21 points in Prot should be sufficient for picking up adds if the MT goes down (If it's a boss you're probably screwed)
2. A fury spec might be your best option here. Sustained DPS will give you a better chance at staying near the top of your Omen.
3. Depend on your MT you can pick up improved shouts as well to help him out (Imp Demo Shout and Commanding Presence or both)

The build you posted is good, but in my experience I would drop a few talents in favor of others.

1. Unless you plan on PvPing with this build I would drop Iron Will in favor of Improved Charge and Improved Heroic Strike. Iron Will has almost no use in PvE (especially considering it is in direct contradiction to the points you put in Second Wind)
2. Anger Management would be a good pickup. Anything to gain rage as an OT is extremeley helpful.
3. Poleaxe vs. Sword Specialization is give and take. Sword Spec actually out DPSes Poleaxe so you may wish to switch for threat generation.
4. I would actually get rid of Second Wind as well. In raids the mobs deal way too much damage to heal with anything other than spells.
5. Unless you hit 490 defense with Anticipation you can probably drop that as well unless it boosts your dodge/parry/block enough to matter.

With extra points i'd look at things like

1. Unbridled Wrath for extra rage
2. Improved Demo Shout and Commanding Presence for raid utility
3. Piercing Howl for add pickups and oh sh*t moments
4. Improved Taunt for add pickups
5. Improved Sunder Armor for extra rage and hate

So as you can see finding the one perfect spec for OTing is kind of like finding Shangrelah but finding out who you'll be OTing for and what your job will be concerning your utility skills you can come up with a decent build i'm sure with some of these thoughts to help.


Edited, Jun 11th 2008 9:19am by OyeShiner
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