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Bear-ing aroundFollow

#1 Jun 02 2008 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
right off the bat, my armory page would go here if didn't have it's head up its rear, but you could search for me, Zenithal on thunderhorn, but don't get your hopes up.

Alright, some of you may remember me from a while back when I first hit 70 and asked what to do. I've been kinda messing around admittedly, but I've gotten 2 of the blue honor PvP peices, the Arena S1 shoulders, and gloves of dextrous manipulation and edgewalker longboots out of kara, and an array of blues and greens from elsewhere, feeling that I can now dps at least some instances efficiently, and even off tank from time to time. But, the way my guild is going, it seems that all of our tanks are leaving, and I have been considering making the switch from cat dps to bear tanking, having tried it a few times and enjoying it when I wasn't being killed instantly for being in crappy gear. I've been researching what gear to go after, looking mainly at Emmeralds list of pre-raid bear gear, and found myself wondering about the consequenses of my actions.

Mainly this: do I need to keep a seperate cat gear set for soloing/PvP/dpsing if I'm a bear? Or should I go into BG's with my enormous amount of dodge and laugh at people trying to hit me? My spec could work with dps and tanking, give or take a few points, so thats not really my concern, but is it worth keeping two sets, or can I dps and tank efficiently with one set of armor?

Anyway, sorry about the wall of text.

tl;dr version : no, go back and read it ya ****.

This is a lot funnier if you read it like yhatzee from zero punctuation.
#2 Jun 02 2008 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Ok, here's the deal...Sometimes your cat gear and your tanking gear will overlap, other times you will have two totally separate sets of gear (get Outfitter, totally helps managing what you are wearing with what form you are in).

If you get an upgrade to one set, take it. If it helps out both forms, so much the better.

But follow Emmeralds, that site is spot on.
#3 Jun 02 2008 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
A good starting tanking set that you can get crafted is the Heavy Clefthoof Set, it's a great set with tons of defence that can help you get uncrittable pretty easily. You can Gem it with +12 stams or mix in some +4hit +4agil to get the socket bonuses (which are dodge).

But basically some of your gear will be the same (like shoulders and maybe gloves) but you want way more stam and defence out of your bear set and more agil and strength out of your cat gear.
#4 Jun 02 2008 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
First, the feral spec IS a dps & tank spec at the same time. Sure you might have a few talents that lean a little harder in one direction over the other. But if you're feral at all, you should be able to do both to some decent degree.

If you're wanting to solo things quickly, consider keeping the DPS set on you at all times.

If you're expecting to not have to tank, there's no real reason to stay in bear gear while you dps. There is always the potential to be in a group with strict intentions of being a dps cat.

If you're expecting that you might have to pick up a target now and again and tank/off-tank, then consider a mix/match of dps and tank gear or whatever you think is best for the situation.

If you're tanking and you know there's not a lot of room for you to dps, then just stay in tank gear and shift to cat to dps in tank gear assumming the opportunity ever arises.

Assumming you're wanting to maximize yourself, there's no point not to have two completely different sets. That's not to say that you can't use a few pieces for both your dps and tank sets.

Anyone who plays Feral Druid with strict intentions of only dpsing or only tanking really need to wake up a little bit and be prepared for both.

Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#5 Jun 02 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
This is a lot funnier if you read it like yhatzee from zero punctuation.


In our very hybrid essence we need 3 sets of gear regardless of spec. Tanking, DPS, Healing. So the meat of the matter..

Mainly this: do I need to keep a separate cat gear set for soloing/PvP/dpsing if I'm a bear? Or should I go into BG's with my enormous amount of dodge and laugh at people trying to hit me? My spec could work with dps and tanking, give or take a few points, so thats not really my concern, but is it worth keeping two sets, or can I dps and tank efficiently with one set of armor?

You will need separate gear. One for Cat focused on your DPS. One for Bear focused on survivability. With one set of gear you'll never be as good as you could with two because either your damage will suffer or your repair bill will.

As for PvP, with resilience now. You basically need a separate set for PvP/Arena. Luckily with the lastest patch they have some blue gear available from each outland faction (Need to be Honored, if I recall), that is consider 0.5. It's a few gold, but is a great starting point for a PvP set until you can cash in some honor and tokens!
#6 Jun 03 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
All are a feral druid not a "cat druid" or a "bear druid." Build distinct DPS and Tanking sets and be ready to play either role even though it sounds like more tanking than DPS is on your horizon.

Torzak wrote:
If you're expecting that you might have to pick up a target now and again and tank/off-tank, then consider a mix/match of dps and tank gear or whatever you think is best for the situation.

For this kind of situation where I want to have respectable DPS with the ability to tank in a pinch, and also for solo'ing in situations where multiple mobs come into play, I throw on my PvP set because it's a good mix of relevant stats. Gives me a lot more survivability/HP than my dps set and a lot more dps/AP than my tank set. Most of the pieces are used in my tanking set anyway, so it's not like a whole third set...just swaps in a few high-value pieces from my DPS set. Just my two copper there...try throwin your's on and see where it puts your stats.
#7 Jun 03 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
I'm probably gonna be saving up for S2 once it becomes honor available, but on my server, horde never wins BGs and it gets infuriating after a while. Anybody know when 2.4.whatever is coming out with Arena season 4?
#8 Jun 03 2008 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Zenithal wrote:
I'm probably gonna be saving up for S2 once it becomes honor available, but on my server, horde never wins BGs and it gets infuriating after a while. Anybody know when 2.4.whatever is coming out with Arena season 4?

Oh man, I gotta transfer to YOUR battlegroup! And you should consider a transfer to a server in the Shadowburn battlegroup. I fight the "ally sux you guys sux hord alwayz winz" (sorry that's my best attempt at leetspeak or whatever the kids/idiots do) ******** and moaning that kicks off in every BG about 30 seconds in, but for some reason we do seem to lose 75% of all BGs.

I'm in the same boat of saving for S2 gear. Here is the most well-thought out analysis I've seen of when S4 will hit.

It's from April but has a ton more thought put into it than anything I've seen sooner so I tend to trust it still. Maybe that's because it arrives at the answer of "early June."
#9 Jun 03 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for all the input.

One more thing, sorry, if I decide to offtank, should my gear be cat oriented with pieces swapped out for fights where there needs to be more than one tank? Or should I get a PvP set and stick with that?
#10 Jun 03 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
If you're off-tanking, it depends on the fight. You may just be tanking for the first part of the encounter, then switching to DPS (Mag and HKM, for example). You'll probably be tanking in your DPS gear w/ your tanking weapon, then swapping weapons and shifting to cat when your target is dead. For other fights, you may be tanking for the full duration, so you'll be in full tanking gear w/ a tanking weapon.

Others have already said, you need a dedicated DPS set and a dedicated tanking set. One PvP set will not work.
#11 Jun 03 2008 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Or should I get a PvP set and stick with that?

While ferals do get screwed a bit with itemization, and can wear a little of PvP gear for PvE. You *really* do not want to go tanking Kara in full PvP gear. A full PvP set is best for PvP. ...If I've miss your point please correct me. ^^
#12 Jun 03 2008 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
GryphonStalker, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
While ferals do get screwed a bit with itemization, and can wear a little of PvP gear for PvE. You *really* do not want to go tanking Kara in full PvP gear. A full PvP set is best for PvP.

Can you explain why you *really* do not want to go tanking Kara in PvP gear? What's the logic and where's the line?

I'm still in heavy clefthoof set and the PvE stuff from the pre-raid gearing guides (the SMV quest rewards etc.) except for the S1 dragonhide shoulders that everybody agrees outclass anything for a while, the S1 dragonhide helm that is a huge upgrade over the Stylin Purple Hat I was wearing (477->678 in Emerald's points), and the Vindicator's Bracers as an upgrade from my Umberhowls' Collar (270->396). I'm currently grinding honor to save up for S2 pieces to round out the set for PvP and some, like the chest, are upgrades over what I have and am likely to get.

So all of these pieces are serious upgrades in terms of pure tanking value (armor, stam, and/or agility), and even more kickasser in terms of DPS/TPS, ability to swap to DPS role mid-fight, and of course PvP. I drool over lots of other PvP gear relative to the drops I've NOT been getting, and could see myself ending up in a LOT of PvP gear as I'm learning to dislike the BG scene less and less, and am on a guild arena team I like.

I'm past uncrittable with like 420-something defense rating plus like 80 resilience on top of that. Are you just making the "don't get to uncrittable entirely with resilience" case? Or getting at something else?

Edited, Jun 3rd 2008 6:44pm by JeeBar

Edited, Jun 3rd 2008 6:47pm by JeeBar
#13 Jun 03 2008 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I'm past uncrittable with like 420-something defense rating plus like 80 resilience on top of that. Are you just making the "don't get to uncrittable entirely with resilience" case?

On the nose. ^^

In the same vein as the argument made before about; an item gets X points. (I'm getting a little foggy so lets hope I've remembered this straight.) Lets say a pair of shoulders gets 100 points; in a PvE environment it would look like +50 STA, 25 AGI, and 25 STR. While lets say there is a PvP equivalent, it would be +50 STA, 25 AGI, and 25 resilience. So in essence while it's a upgrade over either areas green. It still takes a bit away if used outside it's environment. I forgot whom I saw originally post it, but it's always made a lot of sense to me. That of course doesn't also take into account blizzards poor itemization for feral in our current state of the game. Where many need to incorporate PvP gear to stay uncrittable. S1 offers some great upgrades (Vindicator's Bracers and Belt, Dragonhide Helm; which I admittedly got because it had antlers... ^^;) but I wouldn't show up to raid Kara in my "Dragonhide Robe" any more then I'd run AV in my "Heavy Clefthoof Vest". Strategic upgrades are one thing, full gorilla is another.

#14 Jun 03 2008 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
Cool stuff everyone, especially gryphon. I'm using emmerald's guide for gear, seeing what is reasonable for me to get outside of raids or high end arena (our 2v2 isnt that great...), and looking at that guide on his forum for tanking stuff, but it might take some time to get 3 complete sets (PvP, tank, dps). Any suggestions on what to get first?

Armory page is finally up, btw.
#15 Jun 04 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Zenithal wrote:
Cool stuff everyone, especially gryphon. I'm using emmerald's guide for gear, seeing what is reasonable for me to get outside of raids or high end arena (our 2v2 isnt that great...), and looking at that guide on his forum for tanking stuff, but it might take some time to get 3 complete sets (PvP, tank, dps). Any suggestions on what to get first?

Armory page is finally up, btw.

Based on personal experience and the comment "have been considering making the switch from cat dps to bear tanking, having tried it a few times and enjoying it when I wasn't being killed instantly for being in crappy gear." I'd say you should focus on your tanking set first.

When you're DPS, subpar gear keeps you at the bottom of the damagemeter(and from having to worry about threat, lol) and can slow down fights a bit if your other DPS isn't pickin up the slack, but when tanking crappy gear will cause you to die which leads to costly and time-consuming wipes and/or require your healer to heal the bejesus out of you which is likely to draw aggro from secondary mobs.

And there's a really well-defined set of pre-raid-available gear for tanking, whereas DPS gear is more "grab it where ya get it." You seem to be wearing your DPS gear atm so I can't point out the specific pieces you'd benefit from.

An important note on your gemming in what appears to be your dps set: you're gemmed for a lot of +hit, +crit, +ap, and +strength. Generally speaking it's "Agility FTW" as it boosts attack power and crit, plus dodge and a negligible amount of armor. Gem for agility whenever possible, sacrificing a bit only when you need to go for a socket bonus.

Weapon-wise, too, you can do a lot better than Staff of Beasts, by the way. If you're rich buy Staff of Natural Fury, if not consider going for Dreamer's Dragonstaff off Thorgrin the Tender in Botanica, or just do the quest chains for either Fleshling Simulation Staff or Wildcaller. Both are soloable except for a final step that takes a 5-man party, but with a 100% drop rate quest rewards rule. : ) I assume you have Braxxis Staff of Slumber for your tanking set.
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