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2h or dual weild, that is the question.Follow

#1 Jun 02 2008 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
I have been testing the 2h weapon thing. I add Windfury onto my 2h weapon, and I do amazingly high ammounts of burst damage. But with dual weild, I do much, much less, and it happens more often. Here's what I say to it, In the ammount of time, with a 3 speed+ weapon it takes to attack, you have a less chance for windfury to proc, correct? With dual weild, it happens much more ofton, but you have to wait for that 3 second global cooldown. Within that time, you could simpily attack and stormwind and a windfury had a 50% chance to proc then, With the 100% chance with dual weild stormstrike (both windfury buffed). I still find 2h weapons much, much more effective in the long run when grinding or PVPing, or even instancing. Dual weild is great for DPS, but it will never match up to the powerful burst crits of the 2 hander. amirite?
#2 Jun 02 2008 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
Ravenousness wrote:

No, you're not. You're completely wrong. DW is better for both PvE DPS and for PvP. That is all.
#3 Jun 02 2008 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
Dual wield provides a higher rate of damage than the 2hander. Some of theri benefits is the use and proc of windfury and the fire enhancement to a weapon to really kick some butt.

As far as your conclusion to which you believe that a 2 hander is better than dual wielding; I have noticed that obtaining good main and off hand weapons takes some time to come by, and only recently have I acquired two pvp weapons, and have noticed the huge difference in damage. Before I feel that my weapons weren't as good as they could be, and getting drops that I would want to use were difficult due to Rogues and sometimes Warriors (Usually Rare) would win the items I wanted to use. Once you get some nicer one handers, you should be able to see the difference between 2handers and dual wielding.

Hope that helps!
#4 Jun 02 2008 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
In my humble opinion 2handers are for burst damage , which may come handy in PvP sometimes , but DW is better for farming and PvE.Also it may depend on your weapons if your 2hander is good and your DW weapons aren't.
#5 Jun 03 2008 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
In all honesty and its just a personal opinion i am giving... I prefer my 2h any day. I had 2 1 handers and yea they were fast and proc'd with windfury quite often but with my 2 hander I mean DAM!! The damage is just amazing, sure u swing slower, make up a missed or low hit or 2 with an earth shock! I regularly have windfury go off on my 2h and see #'s like 1500-2200 3 times at once. the highest windfury hit i got with my 1 handers was MAYBE 850-950
#6 Jun 03 2008 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
This issue has been discussed to death. There is no question that DW has the best dps, ergo, is the most effective for grinding. It has been tested and proven again and again. Just go to Elitist Jerks if you want the math. Some people argue that the higher burst crits of two-handers make them superior for PvP but that is quite debatable.

That's not to say you shouldn't use the two-hander. If you enjoy it, use it. It's not the most effective way to level but if it's the most fun you should stick with it.
#7 Jun 03 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good

Do you notice how there are no 2h buffing talents in enhancement any more? Maybe that would be a clue...

Resiliance = killed 2h effectiveness...
#8 Jun 04 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
already a thread on this.

dual wield is your answer.

don't think about anything else, that is the answer no matter what you think ;)
#9 Jun 05 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
Duel weild is the way to get higher consistant dps. Sure it feels good to see those higher windfury numbers with the gear you have. My gear allows me to get 2k and 2k windfury hits with a one hander off my main hand and 1k white crits off the main hand. If your 2hander dps number is greater than the sum of your main hand and your off hand (off hand dps /2) then you definately need to upgrade your duel weild weapons because you will do more damage over the length of time you play with duel weild then with a 2 hander even IF they suck. Especially if you have low plus hit you will wiff and lose out dps and then hopefully a windfury proc happens soon to sorta bring you back up to your substandard 2 hander sustained dps. Go to like they told ya before. It will make more sense if you read it there i suppose.
#10 Jun 05 2008 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
158 posts
Enhancement shammys rely heavily on gear to do strong dps. If you have crappy 1H weapons, WF will obviously hit for much less and drop your overall dps by quite a lot. Your 2H is probably a much bigger upgrade than your DW weapons or you really shouldn't be seeing a dps increase.

Also for everyone saying your 2H is giving you a dps increase, please link your gear and a s/s of your damage meters because I don't see how thats possible unless your using green 1H and a purple 2H.

Edited, Jun 6th 2008 12:30am by Tugnus
#11 Jun 23 2008 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
only time you MIGHT want to use a 2hand wep would be in arena... against rogues/mages/locks when they have to stunlocked or are kiting you and you're lucky to get off one hit... but i mean. that's still based on luck.. that wf procs off that one hit. but trust me on this one. good dw weps will produce some amazing wf procs (mine hit 2.2k? from mh) you just have to realize that shamans are based on luck in arena (burst wise) cause if we get wf with all crits. some clothies go down in one hit regardless of whether you're dw or 2hand. but dw will produce more dps in the end.. so dw ftw.
#12 Jun 23 2008 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
In all honesty and its just a personal opinion i am giving... I prefer my 2h any day. I had 2 1 handers and yea they were fast and proc'd with windfury quite often but with my 2 hander I mean DAM!! The damage is just amazing, sure u swing slower, make up a missed or low hit or 2 with an earth shock! I regularly have windfury go off on my 2h and see #'s like 1500-2200 3 times at once. the highest windfury hit i got with my 1 handers was MAYBE 850-950

Whatever the hell you are doing, you are doing it wrong.

Edited to add: My personal opinion is that your opinion sucks.

Edited, Jun 24th 2008 2:46am by DarkRein
#13 Jun 25 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
Okay, so I have to admit, I haven't taken the time to do the math. But simply put (for all those like me who just don't want to take the time to do the math or decipher some of the long posts) DW with WF, tends to kill things faster. Perhaps not by much without maxed crit% and other buffs, but over all, I find it to be faster. I did the simple test. Relatively similarly DPS'ed weapons killing groups of the same mobs over 30 minutes.
#14 Jul 07 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
I agree that DW is better pve and does better DPS than a 2H. But... just for the fun of it i got the S2 2H mace this weekend just to play around with it. I normally use 2 slow S1 maces. And I do very well in BG and so so in arena. Now with the 2h i was doing just as well but also had alot of those magic momments where i would 2 shot clothies and actually manages to kill a few rogues and wars simply because of the massive WF crits. So I dont know but PVP seems alot more fun with a big old 2H.
#15 Jul 07 2008 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
Read a FAQ sometime...DW better for PvE, DW better for PvP. Hell, the only time you should not DW is in PvP when you equip a shield...

See all those nice talents in the enhancement tree geared towards DW? Try to put 2+2 together and maybe realize that the 2h enhance shammy builds are a thing of the past.

Edited, Jul 7th 2008 9:06pm by Taurrus
#16 Jul 08 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
You seem angry.
#17 Jul 08 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
Taurrus you should take a break off the forums I think they are stressing you out bud. Also there are only 2 talents in our talent tree that only benefit Dual Wield, Dual Wield and Dual Wield Specialization.

Yes I agree Dual Wield is superior for shaman but you can not force it on people.

I know people like to come here and ask questions over and over again and it is a bit annoying but point them in the right direction without so much anger or tell them your opinion right there backed with facts.

You have to understand not everyone reads these forums as often as some of us so if they are repeating a question they may just not know, and even those that check the faq may get discouraged by the walls of text, they just want to ask one question.

It is also not like we get free access to search for subjects in the forum unless you have premium member ship so it can be a pain looking for a thread with the info.

cut people some slack, if you don't really want to help them then don't.
#18 Jul 08 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
Come on man, it's been asked and answered how many hundreds of times now? Hell there are 2 threads on the same topic on the forum page right now if you scroll down. There are legitimate questions, then there is just laziness. It's covered in the FAQ, it's covered on the forum, even if you google 2h vs. DW a plethora of web pages come up all saying the same thing.
#19 Jul 09 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
1,450 posts
It is sort of scary how many people post that same exact question in the forums each week.

While I certainly can understand why they do it, their inability to read any other threads on the board is probably tiresome to some.

Personaly I LOVE it when people ask the same questions over and over. It just gets me waiting for someone to come in and explode on them about posting the same stuff.

I liken it to feeding Tigers at the Zoo, but instead of random pieces of meat you use live animals.

The entertainment is awesome. As soon as the post hits the forums I can practically hear the hungry growling of the trollers as they descend into the reply screen with vicious words and verbal gullets varily quaking with anticipation of the kill. The Shaman forums should be featured on Animal Planet...
#20 Jul 09 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
lol taurrus is catching the same thing gaudion has is all i think he needs a hug before it was too late, i offered gaudion a hug but then he bit me...
#21 Jul 10 2008 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
Gaudion Bit You!


...does Gaudion have all his shots?
#22 Jul 10 2008 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
jmfmb wrote:
lol taurrus is catching the same thing gaudion has is all i think he needs a hug before it was too late, i offered gaudion a hug but then he bit me...

I think he is pretty informative, but whatever.
Get off my case, because I shot down some 4 post noob who asked a question that has been asked countless times, who cares?
#23 Jul 10 2008 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I never said guadion wasn't informative lol, he gives out some of the most respectable information on these threads, but even he will admit to being a prick, to be honest I really like reading his stuff even though I use to openly hate his guts.
#24 Jul 10 2008 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
I've only ever seen him being a prick to jagoff noobs who ask the same stupid questions, or sometimes Theo and Quor when they go fishing for an argument.

#25 Aug 09 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
Dual wield will help for things like instances and PvE while wielding a 2H can really help because in PvP you have to kill you opponet as fast as possible so that they have no chance to react.

Dual-wielding doseant quite give the same burst as a 2H but is still viable for PvP because you cant count on a WF proc every fight especially with a slower wep My advice don't use a 2H slower than 3.5 if it is slower you chances per fight of a WF proc go down the drain. but if you do find something slower than that and it has amazing stats then go for it.

there are also things like stats to take in. Also stormstrike benefits for from a slower 2H than lower end damage 1Handers

Bottom line Dual wield if you want consistent damage. 2H for when you would like to see realy big numbers above you enemy.

#26 Aug 10 2008 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
bamninja wrote:
Dual wield will help for things like instances and PvE while wielding a 2H can really help because in PvP you have to kill you opponet as fast as possible so that they have no chance to react.

Dual-wielding doseant quite give the same burst as a 2H but is still viable for PvP because you cant count on a WF proc every fight especially with a slower wep My advice don't use a 2H slower than 3.5 if it is slower you chances per fight of a WF proc go down the drain. but if you do find something slower than that and it has amazing stats then go for it.

there are also things like stats to take in. Also stormstrike benefits for from a slower 2H than lower end damage 1Handers

Bottom line Dual wield if you want consistent damage. 2H for when you would like to see realy big numbers above you enemy.


If you are weilding a 2Handed weapon as a level 70 Shaman, you are fail. DW with Dual-Windfury wep buffs. Stop making my class look like a gimped MS Warrior.

And if your burst damage Dual weilding isn't higher than with a 2Hander, go reroll a mage.

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