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I hope the talents are changed, or the whole class.Follow

#1 May 26 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Count me as a whiner, pessimisst, ******** and so on.

But it seems Blizzard is just trying to f*ck with paladins. I mean they give them our top Talents in blood. The more health they have, the more damage they do, the less they have, the more defensive the class becomes. The talents seem like some of the most OP things I can imagine. I never thought there would be a class that would get everything paladins wanted.

The biggest kick to the face would have to be Impurity in Unholy Tree (center, sixth tier)

this is what we have been begging to be : Holy Warriors, using SPELL DAMAGE!

I haven't elaborated enough, I know, but DL Goulgags new Rerti PvP video, get the bonus file section and listen to the interview, Mobywan (called the hero of european Retri paladins) lays down the facts much better than I can. It seems that all our feedback went straight to fuel the death knight.
#2 May 26 2008 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
155 posts
I can understand why you would be angry about the Death Knight class and the abilities that they will be getting in the expansion. The thing is that the Paladin class was not meant to do serious damage using melee attacks or spell damage, at least not to me.

I know how out dated this must be but I'll put it up anyways, as stated by Blizzard under the class description, Paladins are:

Guardians of the Holy Light, paladins bolster their allies with holy auras and blessing to protect their friends from harm and enhance their powers.

Paladins are a defensive class designed to outlast their opponents.

The Paladin is a mix of a melee fighter and a secondary spell caster.

I know the class description are not at all accurate any longer. Like the shaman being a "secondary tank" is LOL to all of us. Sure shamans can put on a shield and hopefully take an extra hit than say a cloth char or something like that, like that would really save the day.

From my perspective, Paladins are the defender of all that is good/holy in the world, pretty much like a Holy Defender.

As I see it, the Blood Gorged and Will of the Necropolis talent that you are talking about doesn't seem to fit the Paladin class. It seems more like a "haha I have nothing to fear since my health is in top condition" and a last resort/desperate situation where it is "oh noes I'm about to die" type of thing.

Paladins doesn't seem to be the type to a)Laugh at enemies when they are in top condition, and b)Go into a defensive mode in desperate situations. Of course, when the players controlling the Paladin is being considered that's a whole other story.

While looking at the lore of the WoW universe, it seems that the Paladin (at least in WC3) was more of a defensive tank character and the Death Knight was more of a offensive tank.

Even though the abilities and talents that the Death Knight classes are going to get, you can take out your rage on them as it seems Paladins are going to be the natural anti-Death Knight class.
#3 May 27 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
4,717 posts
Ryu, that "outlasting" thing died in Pre-TBC. Forbearence was a nerf that we needed. But that also killed our survivability versus Melee, we could never out last casters, ever. Our Retribution tree was a joke up to a patch ago.

And for instance: Think Scarlet Crusaders.

These guys have big 2h maces and got some serious vengence to dish out.

Paladins doesn't seem to be the type to a)Laugh at enemies when they are in top condition, and b)Go into a defensive mode in desperate situations. Of course, when the players controlling the Paladin is being considered that's a whole other story.

In defense of my Arena Partner what makes you think my Paladin isn't ready to smash faces. Avenging Wrath anyone? I mean, I know it's not all that accurate but watch the cinematic again, the Paladin just smashes everything in his path.

But as to the defender of "good". Not exactly, the scarlet crusaders are unknowingly spearheaded by the scourage, but they have complete acsess to the "light". One could argue that the scarlet crusade doesn't know what they are doing. But on the otherhand, the "light" would.

And waht part of us makes us a secondary spell caster? I mean, spellcaster in the sense of mages, 'locks, druids are. We have a two heals. Thats the only "cast" we really do. Our Captain America Sheild? A 41 point talent?

I mean the thing reallly pisses me off right now is the convictions and vengence they get. That was one of the most original thing about us. All in all, I'll probably roll a DK, because only the light knows what Blizzard is going to do paladins.
#4 May 27 2008 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
To be honest, Impurity has me worried as hell Distaint.

Ret pld tried to make the whole melee + spelldmg thing work, and it failed. The last few patch have buffed Ret PLD by removing their dependency on spell damage.

Seeing the unholy tree focus on it, doesn't make me happy. It's like Blizzard didn't learn from it's mistake.

Hell, look at Blood - There's nothing about spell damage there, and it's obviously the dps tree (As well as the most solid one on paper).

I can see how Blood work. I can see how Frost work... but unholy seem clunky.

So I guess we'll see.
#5 May 27 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
I'm very much into the idea of tanking with this class, but after seeing the talent trees I must say there is a lot left to be desired.

Blood? Frost? Unholy? - Which tree is the tanking tree? There are a few hints at tanking abilities/help in each tree, even unholy has a sort of DoT/AE at the last tier that I can see being similar to a Pally's crate.

I would have assumed that because the Frost Presence seems to be the tanking presence that the frost tree would then be the tanking tree, but it mostly looks like a CC/DPS tree to me. Freeze duration increase? Knockbacks? Slowing-effect duration increased? These have nothing to do with tanking... If frost is the tanking tree, talents like Merciless Combat have no business being there imo. At least not that far down into the tree.

So I ask - for a class that "will have it's place alongside the other tanking classes" - where is my damned tanking tree?
#6 May 27 2008 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Your tanking tree is right here

It's pretty simple in concept. Spam Runes as fast as possible to get Blade Barrier up.

I'm fairly certain one of the ice ability will have a high threat component.

I too was kinda puzzled at first by the frost tree, since it doesn't really feel like a tanking tree at all... and it isn't really. It's a deep control tree with some tanking abilities, the other half of the tanking abilities are in blood.
#7 May 27 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I have a bigger worry, how do we push crits and crushing blows off a DK's hit table? I dont see any talents to offer large defense bonuses except Toughness (be still my beating heart), no talents to increase mitigation. Blade Barrier would seem to be the only one and it requires some seriously rapid Frost Rune spamming to keep it up constantly, especially considering several Frost talents centre around regenerating, replacing or just plain not consuming Runes...

Seriously, without a source of Block or a Druid's naturally high mitigation I don't see how tanking Heroics would be possible... I think the tanking abilities in particular will be very different by release.

Edited, May 27th 2008 6:12pm by Sinstralis
#8 May 27 2008 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Tyrandor wrote:
Your tanking tree is right here

It's pretty simple in concept. Spam Runes as fast as possible to get Blade Barrier up.

I'm fairly certain one of the ice ability will have a high threat component.

I too was kinda puzzled at first by the frost tree, since it doesn't really feel like a tanking tree at all... and it isn't really. It's a deep control tree with some tanking abilities, the other half of the tanking abilities are in blood.

It's like I've taken off my noob-colored glasses. I do see it now, and I agree, it's not much of a tanking spec. Either way, I want change, the tanking aspect of this class is hidden and that's not a good thing.

Sinstralis wrote:
Seriously, without a source of Block or a Druid's naturally high mitigation I don't see how tanking Heroics would be possible... I think the tanking abilities in particular will be very different by release.

On the same note, I noticed this too. Any bosses like Prince are just not going to happen. Any boss that can parry you is going to cut you right in half - ontop of the being crushable as Sinstralis already mentioned.
#9 May 27 2008 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
I think that the Frost tree is meant to give the DK the Ability to be a viable tank but also not be completely useless in PvP like the warrior and pally. And possibly their tanking is going to be more gear than talant spec dependant, they might for DK armor and weapons put on some powerfull +dodge & + parry stats in place of the Defence stat maybe thats how they are meant to tank.... Just a thought.
#10 May 27 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a bigger worry, how do we push crits and crushing blows off a DK's hit table? I dont see any talents to offer large defense bonuses except Toughness (be still my beating heart), no talents to increase mitigation. Blade Barrier would seem to be the only one and it requires some seriously rapid Frost Rune spamming to keep it up constantly, especially considering several Frost talents centre around regenerating, replacing or just plain not consuming Runes...

Seriously, without a source of Block or a Druid's naturally high mitigation I don't see how tanking Heroics would be possible... I think the tanking abilities in particular will be very different by release.

I'm not quite sure I see the problem.

Frost Presence gives +45% Armor, which is equal to a shield.

+30% Parry from Blade Barrier more or less takes care of the lack of block, making the DK capable of reaching Uncrushable. In fact, parry is better then block in every way.

Blade Barrier has a 15 second duration, so all you need to do is find a 'rotation' of ability that will deplete all your rune every 15 seconds. Having played a rogue before, I don't really see how that's a problem.

GCD included, you'll be able to use 10 ability during that 15 seconds...

To give you an idea, a Rogue who starts at 100 Energy and get 20 Energy back every tick, gets to use 6.5 Sinister Strike per 15 seconds... or more Realistically speaking, 1 SS, 1 S&D and then 4 more SS, so a total of 6 abilities.

Do you honestly think the DK will be inputting 130% more command then rogues, the most twitch class in the game? No... so there's no way Runes are going up faster than Energy is - which is the only way not being able to hit 0 every 15 seconds could happen.

If the talent that increase your frost rune regeneration is an issue, then it will simply be skipped.

Edited, May 28th 2008 1:44am by Tyrandor
#11 May 27 2008 at 7:43 PM Rating: Default
4,717 posts
For the "OP Talents" statement, I was talking about Impurity from a design standpoint they took what would make us original and threw it away.

Its like a mage giving Ideas about how to better increase their Viability as a DDs and then giving it all to Warlocks.

Maybe its just me, but ugh. I hate this class already. And aren't parries somewhat detrimental? Parry = faster next attack?

#12 May 27 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
That's when the mob parries you.
#13 May 27 2008 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
That's when the mob parries you.

But when you parry, you strike faster yes? Thus allowing the boss/mob/whatever more chances to parry back. I know this is why at a certain point a Paladin tank wants to drop Reckoning: it procs less, and it allows for more opponent parries.

Granted this isn't Reckoning, but the same idea can apply. On the flip side, DKs using a 2H probably makes this a little less of an issue then if they were using a quick 1H. And also the way the DK plays in actual practice could be enough to make getting parried a non-issue.
#14 May 27 2008 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not sure the parry speed buff applies to Character... but even if it does, considering most of the best tanking weapon in the game are fast weapon, I don't see how it's a big deal...

The parry haste, if it applies, won't make your 2 hander hit at 1.6 speed...

Although I guess DK might end up DW'ing to +Def weapons instead.

#15 May 27 2008 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
But when you parry, you strike faster yes? Thus allowing the boss/mob/whatever more chances to parry back. I know this is why at a certain point a Paladin tank wants to drop Reckoning: it procs less, and it allows for more opponent parries.

this is part of why i think orc/human DK's will be the best tanks. expertise eliminating parries removes this entire issue from play, and an expertise capped DK can stack as much parry as they want. thats probably why blizzard said tanking DK's will be able to do respectable DPS; stack enough parry, use a pair of slow 1h tanking weapons with capped expertise and defense and watch the damage roll in.

as for the viability of capping expertise, DK's will essentially be replacing the space occupied by the shield block stat with expertise. i wouldnt be surprised if we find more tanking pieces with expertise and def on them in the xpac, even more so than we have in recent months. id also expect a number of slow 1h tank weapons to make their debut, as that would synergize with DK tanking quite nicely.
#16 May 29 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
either way it seems the tanking DK to be is going to have and beat down on the target a little longer to get his runes up but once he is started there will be near no stoping him

allthough the frost "Aura" (dont remeber what its called) seems like a GREAT way to hold agro and not die at the same time

although i have to agree i really wish they would make the pallys a little more offencive allthough i love my bubble/heal =)

Edited, May 29th 2008 10:54am by twizkid
#17 May 31 2008 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Hmm. I'm skeptical about any talent tree with 'war-tools' in the URL.

It doesn't make sense that there would be so many "exp/honor kill" talents in the "DPS not PvP" tree...

Edited, May 31st 2008 9:54am by angryempath
#18 May 31 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
From the latest Alpha Build (8391) Patch notes

Death Knight

  • Icy Talons - You leech heat from targets of your Icy Touch, so that when their melee, ranged and casting speed are reduced, yours speed up by 3%/6%/9%/12%/15% for the next 20 sec
  • Killing Machine - After landing a melee critical strike, there is a 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% chance your next Icy Touch, Mind Freeze or Howling Blast spell will be a critical strike.
  • Empowered Blood Presence - Strengthens the Death Knight and party members within 30 yards with the presence of blood, increasing damage and healing by 15%. Only one Presence may be active at a time.
  • Ebon Plaguebringer - Whenever an enemy is infected by a stack of 3 of your diseases, they also become infected by Ebon Plague, which increases their vulnerability to magic damage by 3%/6%/9%/12%/15% for 15 sec.
  • Heart Strike - Level 55 Skill - "A debilitating attack that lowers the target's total health by 20%, up to 3000, for 30sec."
  • Arcane Torrent (BE Racial) - Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 10 Runic Power for each Mana Tap charge currently affecting you.
  • #19 Jun 02 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
    Tyr, there's no way Blizzard would purposefully design a class that would take no damage at all. That's the only way they'd reach uncrushable - by never being hit because they parry and dodge so much.

    It seems logical to assume that either they will be crushable or that crushing blows are out.
    #20 Jun 02 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
    I wouldn't worry that much. It's a long time before WotLK comes out and I'm sure theres a lot that Blizz hasn't told us.
    #21 Jun 05 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
    3,909 posts
    I have a question:

    Lichborne says that it turns the caster into an "undead." Does that mean we can cast Turn Evil on them?

    No, seriously. The way that's worded makes it sound like it's actually a temporary change in the DK's creature type. They tried that in WoW's early development and it made Paladins and Priests vastly overpowered when put against Forsaken. If that ability actually makes you undead for thirty seconds it basically opens the DK up to being wtfpwnt by a paladin.
    #22 Jun 05 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
    Or shackled by a priest.

    Or WTF pwned by Excorcism using Ret Paladin after he gets a white hit crit, a crusader strike crit and a WF crit.

    #23 Jun 05 2008 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
    16 posts
    It seems logical to assume that either they will be crushable or that crushing blows are out.

    From everything I've seen so far I'm willing to believe it. I think they'll be increasing chance to be crit and moving crushing blows away, which is why they're disabling resillience inside instances/raids.
    #24 Jun 05 2008 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
    3,114 posts
    zepoodle wrote:
    I have a question:

    Lichborne says that it turns the caster into an "undead." Does that mean we can cast Turn Evil on them?

    No, seriously. The way that's worded makes it sound like it's actually a temporary change in the DK's creature type. They tried that in WoW's early development and it made Paladins and Priests vastly overpowered when put against Forsaken. If that ability actually makes you undead for thirty seconds it basically opens the DK up to being wtfpwnt by a paladin.

    It would also mean it becomes immune to polymorph and other effects that target 'humanoids'
    #25 Jun 05 2008 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
    2,183 posts
    spacerglegends wrote:
    It seems logical to assume that either they will be crushable or that crushing blows are out.

    From everything I've seen so far I'm willing to believe it. I think they'll be increasing chance to be crit and moving crushing blows away, which is why they're disabling resillience inside instances/raids.

    I'm curious where this idea that crushing blows are going bye bye is coming from. Currently Druids are crushable so why would having the DK be crushable make Blizzard remove crushing blows?
    #26 Jun 05 2008 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
    8,779 posts
    because druids can soak crushes with insane armor and hp. DK's, from what we have seen, will not be able to do that.

    however, blizzard has stated on more than one occasion that they are "re-evaluating" crushing blows and how they work in raid content. what that means exactly remains to be seen, but we'll find out eventually.
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